About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1894)
HI w l “ i P 7 i.l II ■■HBjJIlUUIJ II ■ III—W—I J I 1, , IIIJH1.J.JL) - THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1891. SOUTH MACON AND WEST END Short Items of. Interest Picked Up in the Suburbs by the Telegraph's Suburban Reporter. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS Entertainment by South Macon Baptist Clinrcli—South Macon Jolly llub- Btirial of Robert Ittmbrcll— Some Sickness. The Shuth Majcon Jolly Club will have their first nwetlnR since the day of \mealinic was changed on this (Thunt- day) evening:. Cure has been taken by the officials to arrange a programme of more than uaual ndtsreat. arid the attractions th.it they show will please Jiiioviritoni. Several names, including Ihe best el> cull on lets, are on -the programme, and It will be a pleasantly splint evening to till who attend. A ~MvfQmaxv Knows ajjood tUVna wUen sKe sees it Th&\ is v/hu sne vises ** IV works Sold in 4 lb. packages. Price 25 cents. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. Owing ito the many reshearaals and bJAs-r incidents connect'd with the Mouth Macon B.vptlck en*a tainroem on Thursday night, bu; a snort programme was offored ait the Jast meeting on Fri day evemng. u\a the opendng feature, Miss Qora lay favored the company wJtih the benuiti- ful vocal and Instrumental sob “My Nellie's Blue'Byes.? .which was followed by the recittuicion. “Somebody’s Dar ling,” by onia of the most gifted elocu- tli.jLvlsts of the club.'' In eerMnteiiit and tender feeling, which was strictly carried out by voice umd action, »the pathetic ■ ©election, “Gran'dnuj’their’s 'Armiah.*jr,“ • was reci ted by Miss .Bleaiior Jay. during which r ami ntocenpes.of similar iirpidunts ctijne up in the Minds of mafny other admir ing listen-era,', . . . 1 .Miss Claude StiiUpy. 'whoe& hame was next on thfij programme, had for her elecutin-ary Belecitiijn. “Atmt'’Melissa on I»'.»ys,” for Whom she had rtever a good v/ord, and declared that she would con tend, in preference, with half dozen girls than ome boy, winding up a humor ous tirade agulnst them by an account how her nephews made the turkeys all dead drunk with com soaked in rum. “The Deer Scene from The Two Run aways.’ " woo read with dearness and distinction by Mr. W. D. Barhes, ns the concluding feature of the evening..This It will be remembered, la a portion of one of the- ./best of Mr. 'H. .3. Edwards* short stories. and was received, with great favor. “Guess Who (Data” wus read by Mlsa AnmJe WyChe, During* the 'twenty minutes intermis sion <the company listened to some beau tiful rau9lc.il selections from Mlsjes Barnney artd Cook, (fin mamdolIs, assisted by 'Mr? Edwin Brown on the auitohorp. The remains of Mr.Robert Klmbrell, who met his death on the radlroad bridge over the river in this city on Monday night, were taken to Dole’s churchyard, on the Columbus road, on Wednesday morning by relatives, for intermemit. Mr. Kl/mbrei was a highly respected man. omd for many years he nap gone out and in ammg his fellow- firemen on the South western, rood, and no one could say aught of his character for integrity and industry He leaves a brother and jsloter... - * W.LDOODY CO. Specials For Tlmrsday, Oct. 11 Tho same complaint mentioned la Tuesday's pa-per In regard to bad serv ice In the electric light department. TMs'Mmo It is the tx>te tlgh't at the In tersection of O.iIc and New streets; also ‘Hunt on Fifth and Pine. Very of ten .they are never lighted much of the nhrht 'Mrs. S. Goodrum. who his been quite 111-at her residence on Ellis street In South Macon, is somewhat better this week. ■ There seems to be some little amount of sickness jurevaKlmr In .the southern podtlon of 'the city, but ntme to cause uny uneasiness. -CHEWED BY HIS BIG MASTIFF. George Sulster. the Elgin Florist, Is Se verely Wounded. Biffin. Ill,. Oet. ; 10.-i-Gedrjre Sulster. a well known florist, was today attacked by his large mastiff and badly lacerated. Ills Injuries were at flint feared to be fatal, but a thorough examination has proven them less serious. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS t' MOTHERS I Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect ‘success. ■-It soothes the child, softens the sums.. allays all pain: cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea.. Sold by druggists in every part of the world.. Be eure and ask for •'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other-kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. WHAT’S, CAFES A1ND JACKETS. Everything new, fre-rh and up to tl'T'tO. Highland Capes. Bell-sh'aped Knicker bocker, Golf Capes, Cheviot aind Broad cloth Capos, Satin-Lined Plush Capes. Extra value In Double-Breasted Cheviot Jackets. _ Wo have a lot of Misses' and Chil dren’s Wraps made up and finished In extm-good style for samples, bought nit 60 cents on the dollar and to be sold likewise. COLORED IA1ND BLACK SILKS. 21-lnch All Silk Black Gros Grain, worth ft, our price 75c. Wo Wave never belore displayed such a collection of Fancy Taffetas and "Brocade Silks, and the ladles of Macon uirtd vicinity know well what this statement signifies. Treat yourself ito a visit to our store and an Inspection of the Silk Depart ment, whether you wish to purohase or not. You will find It os entertaining as a walk through an art museum. ‘ COLORED DRESS GOODS. Both foreign and domestic, brought from all parts of the globe, wherever the Choicest could he found. Figured and Dlagontli Worsteds, 36 inches wide, worth 35c„ our price, 19c. 40-lnch Covert Cloths, worth 6Sc., our price, 39c. 30-lneh Illuminated MoWatr Suiting, worth 05c., our .price 39c. 40-tnch Silk and Wool Mixtures, two- toned blending of colters, woitth 76c., our price 49c. ' 54-1 neb Suitings, Berkshire Checks, Scotch Ttweeds, French Checks and Stripes, Changealble diagonals, Bouolc plaids, Camel's Hair Melanges, worth Mi-ottr price-76c■. ->• <•■■■• * r . '40-lnch All Wool English Sergos, worth 76c., our price, 45c. 54-inch Broadcloth* in every desira ble shade, worth 51.60, our price 95c. French Flannels, worth 05c, our price 35c. Double Width Tricots, .worth 20c., our proeo, 12 l-2c. Very wide Wtaol Outing Cloth, worth 40c., our price 25c. See Stir Imported Novelty Suits on ooatre counter, exclusive dress special ties, from 58.50 to 515. New Patterns In Eiderdown, extra values. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Giving this branch of our business the attention wo do enables us to offer tho very choicest things In Black Dress Fabrics at exceedingly low fig ures. $3 and $4, Phillips’ Derbies Watches repaired at 1 I.nzanis’. BROUGHT WRECKED MEN HOME. Norfolk,.Oot. 10—-The schooner Redwing, which ran Into and sank the schooner Henry Llppott, near Old Point-last night, has arrived here with her bow smished and her head-gea* gone. ' Four of the five missing men of the Llppett 'have/arrived here. The engi neer Is supposed to be lost as he was not In the yawl. ‘ SPECIMEN. CASES. S. II. Clifford, New Camel, Wls„ was troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism. his stomach was ‘ disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured k*Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill.. Jiad a running sore on his leg of eight vein' standing. Used throe bottles of Electric Bittern and seven boxes of Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve and his leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba, 0-. had five large fever sores on his leg, dootors sold he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitter* and one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Son’s drug store. HEAVY FROST IN MISSISSIPPI Columbus, >r,w., Oct. 10.—This sec tion had a heavy frost last night, the earliest ever known. Tho damage to the cotton crop will be very groat, as tlia upper crop was killed. LADIES DO YOU KNOW OR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL SKO PElWHOm PILLS are the original and only FEEJiCII. tide end re. liable cere on the market, nsnlUa MS Df I Wit Genuine eald only by GOODWYN’S DRUG STORE! I i Bole Agents, Macon. Ga. S6-1nch Storm-Proof Sergo, worth 36c. our price 19c. 38-lnch Black Bengallne, worth 35c., our price 19e. 36dnch Wool Henriettas, former price, 40c., now 23c. 52-1 mill All Wool Granite Cloths, everywhere 85c., our price 61c. 48-lndh All Wool Cheviot, worth 75c., our price 45c. 40-lnch All Wool French Sergo and 40-lnch All Wool Henriettas, worth 65c, our price 45c. 46-lnch All Wool Storm Proof Serge, worth 75c., our prlco 49c. 46-lradh Silk-Finish Henriettas, worth 9So., our price 65c. Special offerings In Silk Warp Henri ettas. 38-lnch Silk WaTp Henriettas, worth 51.35, our price 98c. 40-lnch Silk Warp Henriettas, worth 51.75, our price 51,25. HOUSEHOLD LINENS. All Linen Damask, red etrlpo bbrder, 25c. All Linen Damask, two yards wide, worth 75c., our price 48c. Turkey Red! Damask, guaranteed fast colors, 23c. 60-dnch Turkey Red Damask, worth 65c., our price 39c. All Linen Fringed Doylies 29 cents dozen, worth 60c. White Sattiln Finished Fringed Doylies 60c. dozen, worth 85c. Extra. Largo All Linen Table Nap kins 73c. dozen. Ndw and Beautiful Table Covers, fringed and hemstitched, prices 75c. to 52. Extra Large All Linen Huckaback. Towel, hemstitched, 12 l-2c. 42x21-lnch AH Linen Huckaback Towel, six for 51. Extra Largo Satin Damask Towel, drawn work and -hemst/tineU, 23c. 10- 4 Honeycomb Spreads, 60c. 11- 4 Crochet Quilt, Marseilles Pat terns, worth 51.60, our price 95o. LADIES' AND CHILDREN’S UN DERWEAR. . We are sole agents for the best 50c. Corset ever manufactured. Beaded Laces In New Net Top and Van Dyke effects. BLANKET BARGAINS. 125 Sffghltiy soiled Soft Wool Blan kets, worth 54.60, this week. 52.75. We have during the past week added new colorings and -extra hall widths In Portiere* to our already large stock of these goods.- Y. A. Doody; Co. 514 CHERRY STREET. rr Marvelous Curas Sr in Blood Poison gn Rheumatism and Scrofula p. p. p. purlflos tbe blood, bulldatip the weak «n4 • debilitate/), Kive* strength to weakened nerve*, expels dy•**««*,girlnjc tho patient health and - happtnosa wh?re sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude flrst prevailed. •70' rial biffs, for^V ..woondary and tertiary for blood poisoning, incrcn* >n, malarl*. dyspepsia, and In aTl blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald bead, bolls, ery»ip«la.i, s^icu*o"«“fe r£°.te.sl blood purifier In tbe world,and makes positive, speedy oad permanent cure* In all caeee. Ladles whose syatema are poisoned ’ and w&oee blood lain ea Impure cnn.:l- tloa. doe to menstrual Irregularities, are pecsilsrly benefited by tbe won* ' derf qI toidc and bloou cleansing prop* . erefesef p. P. P.-Prickljr Ash, Poke Boot and Potesslom. , ' Praia a nano. He.. .mg. 14tb, 1893. —J can apeak In the highest terms of { o-ir medicine from my own personal new ledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rhenmatlsv- roe * 85years, was treated by the vervbeit physicians aaa spent hundreds of dol* ’ lam, tried every known remedy with* » out hading relief. I have only taken one bottle of 7oar P. P. P.» «nd can cheerfully say It baa done me more , good than anything I have ever taken. I een recommend 7oar medicine to all ’ aufferera of the above dlseasee. , MB*. H. M. YKAIVT, Springfield. Green Ooautj, Mo* Are entirely remevea by P.PJP* m —Prickly Ash. Poke Book and Potaa* ■iam, the greatest blood parlflur on ~ earth. m 1 AnaaDantf, O., Jaly2l,1891. *■ Ifniu LirpMAN Bros., Hsvannan. Os. t I)KAK Him-I bought a bottle of ^ your P.P. P. at Hot Springs,Ark.,aud - It has done me moro good than three months’ tri-itmcutat th«-- Uotbpriaga. Bend three bolt loo C. O. O. m Aberdeen, Brown County, Ou m CapL. J. D. Jobnstso. • w 5*0 all 1thorn U may concernt t here* m by testify to tho wonderful propei’tlea m of P, P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for seversl years with an un sightly %nd dlaagreeaole eruption on 0 my face. I tried every known reme dy hot In vain,until P. P. P. was used, * and am now entirely cured. * tsiaaoa to) 1. D.. Shin Cancer Cared* * TuHinonyfrom Vie Mayor e/Uc'ju/n^rea, 0 fiEQtrm, Tkx., January 14,1803. Hess an. Lippmaiv Hroc., Bsvanoah, * On. j Utntltmtn—l have tried your P. 0 P. P. fore disease of the skin, usually known aa akin cancer.of thirty years* • atanding, and found great relief: 1C purifies the blood sod removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease * and prevents any spreading of r-e sores. I have taken dv* oral* bottlea and feel oonfldent that another course 0 will effect a core. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and etomaco * tr0 ° W M. RTT8T, • Attorney at Lair* 4 Book 0! Blood nsecses Ml free. • ALL DBUOOIBT8 SELL XT. LIPPMAN BRQ8. PBOPBIETOR8. Uppmsa’s UlnekAsvaaaahvfia ‘ gm!llllHiUllimi!4(Mlim!!imtti!IIIKIri I Joyous j Ithrobbing | I life , ) offered to the chronic 5i invalid would be regarded § with distrust! Long suffer-1 ing leaves the patient g hopeless—he believes nog | more in any cure. Would 3 £ that such hopeless ones could 3 g read tlie testimonials of Brown’s Iron Bitters g- They point a way to relic! and j| b health, anil they arc genuine! rj ? ^ . . Swbbt Water, Texas, K 5 For twelve long years I was a great m sufferer from kidney and other trouble*. S and »t times was confined to my bed. I g tried a number of medicines recom- S mended by sympatblxlng friend* and pre* I B scribed by physicians without receiving g the least benefit. Then I gave Drown’d 5 B Iron pltters a trial, and tvro bottles 2 S brought me off my back. Today I am S Q well and hearty. W. T. COOK. 2 S and then this: g . , Tkh Brook*, Tknn. S3 . Aftei being undet the care of a physic* a S Ian for eight years, I commenced taking S B Brown a Iron Bitters with the result C g that I am entirely cured. It Is the best fl B remedy I have ever taken, and I certainly S E wish that every woman suffering as I did 5 ± could know its value. . a Mrs. Rosa Rkrcrr. b I Does the above knock [ I at your door? rt The Genuine has the Crossed f Red Lines on the wrapper. ■ Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md RmiMINf HU JII11111111111II11111H ill! IQ to get a million of Circulars to distribute at $4.00 per 1,000. How to become a first* ] class Mossmorlst, Hypnotist, Mind Reader and Clnirvoyant,' a large book only 10c. Address at once, O. H. ROWAN, Milwaukee. Via. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND POSTON. riBSiOK FROM SAVARMAS TO NEW YORK) Cabin, S20; Excursion $32; Steer,,«, *10. TO BOSTON; Cabin $22; Excursion, $3), 8t«ertgt. m.75. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA REW YORKS Cabin, I2SU50, Excursion, $331 Stesrar, $12.50. Atluoti and Kew Ditas Short Line. ATLANTA and IVI ST POINT H. is. <;ili43ltCal ajl$l lU'M Uor.igomcry, Melma. Mobilr. .New nrWuu* .v Tcxiui and jSoutliutaL . Southbound. ** .NoVsm. No. sto. No. »i. Lv. Macon ...I 4 SO pm ,t> um{ & "i dm Lv. Atlanta i 35 vim 4 W pnij 1 iW pm' Ar Montgomery.,|U 05 am 8 io pru| b Ja put Ar l'etmcoia. ...j ti 55 p,n S Si) am| 6 W am At Mobile..,....] 3 IX) piu - o5 urui 3 a:d Ar New Orleans.|10 a pm 7 85 am] 7 15 am Ar Houston ...,| 10 6U pmjlO 5*1 pm TO fiELMA. U$N B mery,„, ...I $ SO pml 8 l'i am Arrive Selma (U 15 pmjll 15 am Train 'M carries Pullman vtnUbule •Iccper New York to New Orleans, aiul dining car to Montgomery. Train W catrles Pullnnn vestibule aieoper N«w Or. U*ns to New York and amiug car to Atlanta. Trains 81 and Cl Pullman Duffel Sleep ing Cars between Atlanta aud Mont gomery, EDMUND I*. yTLER. Oanl. Mgr* JOHN. A. GEE. Oml. Pass. Act. CEO. W. AI*L15N. T. P. A.. Atlanta MACON, I) U DUN AND 6 A V AN N*U1 MAiLtiOAU Time Table No. 13, Taking Effect Sunday, September », i83i* Read Down. xteaa up. Sun."| | j" |«un. t* . ,i ..«4....„ jfcfoIjiTal A M|A M ~8qa\, 3 15 B “sronoNST SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY- WESTERN r.*fSTEM, ’ SOUTHBOUND. ~ ~ ' i .no. u:Tno.ul I-cave Mncon lio 43pm!U CO .Vox Arrive Cochran., jia UamliS 48pm Arriyo nnwlJn«vHIe,..i 7 40arn 3 40 pns AnIvo Kastman 113 64 urn '* Arfjve Jeeup t 15 am Arrive Drunk wick I 6 15 am Arrive Juek*onvlllt M ..j 8 25 am Arrive SavannahG 05 am NORTHBOUND. .. I No. 13. I No, 11 | No. 18. Ly. Macon,.,«,j4 30am| 4 25 pml'8 25 am 7 *5arn 7 60 pm 11 45 am Lv. Atlanta...| g oo aralu oopml 2 Ou pm Ar* Dulton., ..11* 00 n | 3 20am| 6 81 pm *H* t ? w * 1 47 P m l 4 10nm| G 37 pn* Ar. Chatnoga.j 120 pm| 4 45'am| 7 10 pm A .r. Chntnoga.j “ — »r. Cincinnati! 7 10 ami 7 20 pm 7 45 pm) 7 30 am 7 00 am) 7 45 pm 0 10 pm) 7 00 am 9 00 am 5 55 pm 3 35 am 6 37 pm 12 45 pm) 10 15 pm 3 001 Macon ........110 J0|2» 15 * * A N. Junctlon....ilO 20,w t*5 ■ “ ' }10 00 a do $ 4u 9 30 9 25 9 45 9 «J 8 65 »*mi 0 Swift Creek lio 10 4 20)3 30 Dry Branch 9 60 4 35 3 40| Pikes Peak 9 35 4 45 ) 3 50) FI taps risk j 9-0 ... Ripley. .. .Jeffersaaviila 5 16) 4 35l Golllmore 5 26| 5 00 Danville .. 512 ....... Allentown « 5 32 Montrose «, 5 60 Dudley ... 6 02) G 07 Mooro .... Dublin .... 8 15 8 25 ■ 812 7 00 8 UQ JAB. T. WRIGHT, General Manager. D. B. DUNN. Superintendent. OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TIME CARD NO. >, Xo Talc, USsct Monday, April 1991. No, I .ad i will run dally exespt Sun day. All oth.ra irregular. Ilcad Down. Hoad Un. ‘No. L |MUe,j Lv, ChatnUKn.j Ar. Momiilfia..| Lv. Cbntnoga. Lv. Ooltowh J Ar Knoxvllla.. Til HOUGH OAn ARHANGEM13NT3. SoutlibouncL N0.11.-SO1W vestlbuled train to Jaolt- sor.vllle. W|U> Pullman buffet drawing room oar, attached lor JacltabuvlU, anl Brunswick. No. 13.—Solid train lor Brun.wicle, .. „ Northbound. No. 12.—Solid vestibule train to At- htnta. connecting with ibeal train lor ChnttanooKfl and way ot.itiona Carrie. Pullman sleeping car. between Macon and Chattanooga. No. 1«.—Solid train to Chattanooga, o i?ra 1C< ;?Sw l "? he<1 from Atlanta, com “V?/* ,r, " na tor Cincinnati. Memphis and Knoxville. troa oh!1,r car ‘o Chat- /If 0 J ,llc| ted to .olid vea- tlbule train for ClncInnaU. with Pullman steeping cara attached. Connections at Chattanoogi with fast train, in all dl< r lotions. For full Information a. to routes, rates, etc., apply to _ , , JIM TV. CARR. Passenger and Ticket Agent. Macon, aa. , C. H. Rudaon. General Manager, Knoxville, Tenn. i W, A, Turk, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. J, J. Farnsworth, Division Passenger Agent, At'*nta, Gn. C. A. Benscoter. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Knoxville. Tenn. A. M. 9 60 0 Lv. Dublin .Ar 83 9 16 8 .. Hutchings .. 48 - » JO 10 .Spring Haven. 43 9 45 IS .... Dexter .... 40 10 oo 18 .... Alcorns ... 37 10 2C 19 .... Chester ... M 10 40 23 ... Yonkers ... 30 ar.ll oo 30 .... Empirs .... Well 10 .... Emplra .... f4 11 25 86 .... Cypress ... 18 tr.U « 40 . lUwklnsvlfi* 13 47 6 63 ... GrovanU ... 0 TtemsgnMosnestearainlpeot tne» lines -J ppolnteO to sail as folios*, standard tlmat SAVANNAH TO NEW iORK, (Central or -toth Meridian Time.) Nacoocbee .Frl. Oct. 12 3:00 am Uty of Macon,. Sat. Oct. 13, 4:30 pm City of Augusta. Mon. Oct 15. 5:30 i«m City of Birmingham.Wed. Oct. 17. 7:00 am ICanaaa Gity Fri. Oct. 19 8:30 am Gate City ...., Sat. Oct. 2.. B:30 am NacoochM Mon. Oct. 22, 12 noon City of Macon: Wed. Oct 24, 2KX) pm Ctt y of Augusta Fri. Oct. 26, a®) am City of Birmingham..Sat. Oct. 27, 4:30 pm Kansas City Mon. Oct. 29, 6:00 pm Cate City '.......Wed. Oct. 31, 7:00 am SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. Tallahassee Tluirs. Oct. U, 8:00 pm Chattahoochee Thurs. Oct. IS. 7:30 am Thllahassee Thure. Oct. 25, 3:00 pm SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not carry passengers) Dcssoug Tue. Oct. 9. 1:30 pm Dessoug Fri. OcL 19. 8:30 nm Dcssoug Mon. Oct. 29, 6:00 pm J. P. BECKWITH, a A., lacksonvIUe. Fla. Walter Hawkins. F.P.A.. Jacltnonvllls, Fla. W. E. Arnold. O.T.P.A. Jacksonville, Fla. C. G. Anderson, Agent. Savannah, Ga. ^uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc GEORGIA SOUTHERN & FLORIDA RAILROAD TIME CARD. Tralno leavo Union depot, Macon, aa follows: For Palatka nt 11^0 a.m. For Pnlaika at 10:33 p.m. For Jaclwonville at 10:33 p.m. Fr Montgomery at 11:10 a.m. Tho Suwanee River route to Florida typeratea Pullman buffet and local nlecp- ern. Direct line to all points In Florida, O. A. MACDONALD. General Passenger Agent, Macon, Go, J. LANE. General Manager. P. 5L 5 00 4 4S 4 25 4 15 IK I 40 820 8 001v, 8 soar. 215 200 Close connections mads at Dublin with .Wrightsvllls and Tsnnills railroad in both directions. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia trains pass Empire aa follows: Going South. ...15 58 pm Going North 2 48 pm J. W. HIGHTOWER, a AC H. V, MAHONEY. Q. F.AP.L GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF JL XU A Quick, Safa and Comfortable Route, The Only Route to Warm Springs and Oak Mountain, Ga. Sohedulo In Effect September 1G, 1834. NORTH BOUND. IHoMTTIoIi ill Ills I ITalltf Lv. Columbus. Lv. Waverly Hall....... Lv. Oak Mountain Lv. Warm Springs Lv. Woodbury Lv. Concord Lv. Williamson Ar. Griffin Ar. Macon, C. R. It.... Ar. Atlanta, C. R. R... Lv. Griffin Ar. McDonough L ilU.W I 1TU.W ally I Dally 7US ami s:Wpm 8:00 am 4:94 pm :19 I am 4:15 pm ...,| 8:40 am 4:54 pni ,..|9:U0am| 6:13 pm .... Mam 5:41pm 9:20 am 9:44 am 10:90 am 7:35 pm 11:30 am 6:02 pm 0:» pra 10:23 pm ids pm 6:23 pm Ifio pm SOUTH BOUND. [NO. 03 | NO, 60 . Middle Georgia and A tlantio Railroad. Tim. T'nblo No. 14. Effective S.ptember 2.- 0 O'clock, A- M., 1891. Read Down Road Up. 11 00 pi 7 15|Lv. Augusta .Ar.| Ga. R .K. | 9 00 |Lv. Macon ,.Ar.| | 4 45p NoTlW|Nal03| jNo.l02|fjo.l01 * ** ** Ip, M.IA. M. Lv Mlll'g'vlll Aril *7 bO I loo' Lv Datonton Ar. 7 <5 | 12 55 Ar Eatonton Lv| 6 SO | 11 is p Lv Eatonton Arl 0 15 I 11 45 As A llsnln T «■ I AD*. ST », A. M. 6 50 G 55 3 10 515 P. M 1 15 1 20 220 221 6 15 650 12 15 6 15 Ar. Atlanta Lv.l 3 00p| 7 23a 6 60 Ar.. Alocon Lv.| 9J0ft| 1 20 |Ar. Athens .Lv.) 2 40 p( Broughtonvlllo' meoting point for trains Nos. 101 and 104. Covington Junction meeting point for trains Nos. 102 and 103. W. B. THOMAS, General Manager. BQUVHUOUND. coiumbiu soatnera Railway company, Tims Table No. 18, Effective Feb. 19, 1SH. Daily*'!’"Sunday except I 8unday.|_Only. ‘ 2 00 pml 7 0(Tara 5 40 pn»| 8 47 am 7 63 j.in 10 00 arn 9 18 f mill 00 am 8 10 am 8 30 pm 8 40 am 8 iO pm 6 35 am] 6 35 prn "Dally ( Sunday except) Sunday.) Only. ~~f 00 pin]”7 ix/ urn 7 00 pm 6 20 am 3 00 pin 8 00 am C 00 anil 8 00 pm 6 40 an) 4 00 pm 8 45 am G 13 pm 11 00 am| 7 00 pm Lv Columbu Lv Richland Lv Dawson... Ar Albany Ar Brunswick...., Ar Jacksonville.., Ar Thomas villa.., NORTH DOUND. tv Jacksonville..^.. Lv Brunswick ...... Lv Thomasvllle..,.,., Lv Albany Lv Dawson «... Lv Richland Ar Columbus All schedules shown between Albany and Brunswick and Jacksonville are daily. No train Albany to rhomasvllle on Sat* urdays after 3:55 p. in. All trains arrive and depart from the Onion Depot at Columbus and Albany. C. HILL. Superintendent. in rtiorrltor a I without Incoiirenlenco, w. I Dally Dally , Lv. McDorough 8:15 am Ar. Griffin 8:67 am Lv. Macon. C. R. H 4:15am 4:25pm Lv. Atlanta, C. it. R 7:30 am 4:25pm Lv. Griffin 9:05 am <1:35 pm Lv. Wlll'amren...., 9:23am 0:62pm Lv. Concord 9:45 am 7:11 pm Lv. Woodbury 10:16 am 7:39 nm Lv. Warm Spring. 10-30 am 7*9 pm Lv. Oak Mountain 11:10 am 8:29 pin Lv. Waverly Hall 11:20 am 6:30 pm Ar. Columbus 12:15 pm 9:30 pm All trains arrive nnd depart Union Do, pots at Columbu. nnd Orlffin. Auk for tlckot. and nco that they road via "Tno Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad- C. W. CHEARS. . CLIFTON JONKH, itencrnl Monag.r, Oon. l’aw. AgL Culumbus Ga. MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD- TIME TABLE, SEPT. 50, 1891. Road Down. Read tJp. AM.|AM|'~ 9 001 Lv Macon 10 60 LV Mnclien 11(6 Lv.... llodlKin 2 03|LV Athens 2 m| i 12 12|A M. 91142 P.M 9 3S 123 ....Ar ....Ar 8m'iLV.... Abhevtlio ....Lv 1 ( 23 LV...* Greenwood ..Lvl 0 23 Lv.... Chiwtnr Lv ■ OoILv.... Monro. Lv AM. 13 26|LV.... Mal.lgh Lv 4(5 Ar.. Washington ..Lv 7 30 ItOo|,\r... Raltlmnr. ...Lv 63 P "'Wl'lite.'.Lvl 3 20 r M. ' Pnsaenger train, will Hlroet to take on and lot 1 i'lih car on .l.etrio railway will No. 2 at 6:20 p. m. from th. North at oc m ^‘nnVtmn^wlthaeorria^*ra»n4 Florida Railroad, '^irnl ra£ la and Georgia railroad and Central rau- ron/l for nil iwlnt. in Florida «nd wulh W Bocond—Nm"(02 leaving Macon at 9 a m. makes close connection with Mlddl. Geor- aki atul Atlantic for Eatonton. r Thlra—With Georgia railroad at Madl- " Fourth—With solid train for Washlng- ton eni Pullman Parlor Buff.t care. Washington to Now York c ;ty. Ticket offleo in temporarily toeatod at J. W. Burko’s book store. ri T. HORN, General MnnMtri 13, c. MAHONEY. Act's O. P. < 15. W. BURKE, Ticket Agent. lYoodv.'j-n & Small, ilnugii.: >, rvr- ormnciul .IoIisod’h Mfl^n«tlo Oil. tno grint family pain killer, Internal anil external. CENTRAL R. R. of GEORGIA H. M. COMER AND R. 8. HAYES, RECEIVERS. Schedule In «f feet O,':. 4th, 1891, Hi in,lnr,l Time, 90th M.rldlv BETWEEN ,MACON, COLUMBUS. BIRMINGHAM, MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY. READ DOWN, -I, 1*7 lino 8 15 am I Ill 00 a in •••>(• 112 24 p m 1 6 15p m •8 10 p mi’ll 15 a m » II p m 10 49 p m 11 56 pm 2 44 s m 4U era 6 26 a m 7 00 a m -STATIONS— Leave Macon Arrive Arrive Fort Valley Leave Arrive......... Chlumbua Leave Arrve.. Opelika Leave Arrive,. Birmingham .......Leave Leave Macon ...........Arrive Arrive Fort Valley Leave Arrive Ainertcus ...Leave Arrive Aibir.y Leave Arrive Dawson Leave Arrive Fort Gnlnes Leave Arrive Eufaula Leave Arrive Ozark Leave Arrive Union Springs Leave Arrive Troy Leave Arrive Montgomery 7 43 pm. 6 35 pm. a 45 pm. 2 23 a m . MR *8 45 a ml 4 lv p in 8 00 p m 1 28 pm 11 59 a m 7 40 a m C 40 a m 6 20 a m 4 10 a 10 87 a m 10 17 p m 8 to a m ..... 9 10 a m 8 62 p m 7 15 a ml ....Leavo *7 45 a ml*7 80 p tn BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA.' CHATTANOOGA. M1LLEDOEVILLE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH, •4 15 a ml*4 25 p m 6 12 a ml 6 22 pm 7 45 n ml 8 05 pml 115 p ml 1 00 am 14 15 p m!*ll 11 pml 6 o» p mill 45 p m 1 * 10 p ml 1 IS am 0 I 6 30 a ml 0 50 p m 11 00 a ml 0 80 p m Leave Mncon Arrive Arrive Griffin ....Leave Arrive Atlanta Leavo Ar.... Chattanooga via Atlanta ....Lv 3 40 p m .. Macon ..Arrive ... Gordon ..Leave MllledgevlUo Leave ... Mlllen Leavo Auguota Leave Arrive Savannah Leave 10 23 p mill 00 a ml...., 8 25 p m19 02 a m . • 4 25 p m *6 65 P ml*7 81 a m . 7 25 - ~ “ * — ♦1 18 p ml»3 29 a m , 3 (5 a mllO 00 •8 30 a m *8 45 P Trains marked thus • dolly; thus I daily except Sunday. Trains marked thus t Sunday only. Solid trains are run to and from Macon and Montgomery via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, Uaooa end Albany vis Smlthvllls, Macon and Birmingham via Columbus. ..... Sleeping cars cn night trains betwen Savannah end Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Psrlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. _ , _ . ... passengers for Thomaaton take 7:65 a. m. or 4.-2S p. m. train. Passengers lor Carrollton on.l Cedartown take 7:55 - jn. train. Passengers for Perry tako 11:15 a. m. train: Fort Gaines, liuena Vlsla. Blakely and. Clayton should take MOS A m. train. Passengers for Sylvanla. Wrightsvllle and Hamlerevllle take 11:20 a. m. train. For further Information and for schedules for points beyond our line apply to W. F. 8HELLMAN, Trafflo Manager. W. V .DAWSON. Passenger Agent, I t 1. & HAILE. General Passenger Agent, . U J. HARRIS. Ticket Agb. Macon 79pp^j||mqHpnpp