Newspaper Page Text
Columbus discovered America. Speaking of discov
eries, you can run upon a very profitable find by visiting
our store. It’s chuck full of good things to meet j our
wont for Fall wear 1894.
Fine Dress Suits artistically finished, good Business
. Suits of durable material mingle here nt prices to suit the
stringent money market.
Our line of Children Suits, Rats and Caps is capital,
a stock complete with novelties.
We urc here to serve yon; lend us your aid.
In all our Shoes you find not
only Style and Appearance, but
Genuine, Sterling Value.
They are better this fall than
ever before.
Professor Grenade, the Greatest Tight
Wire Walker on Earth, Has
Been Engaged
ISvrrrlluilniiilliit Uracil to Drcuret*
Ills Place of Unilaaic SVItl>|Uan*
u.ri, Hunting and Flimi—A
Price fur Hues Uonnur.
' And ntlll an.ittier great attraction' lux
been edited to thu long tint already an-
ChR-xl for the ffrimt Dixie Fair, anil
there la no tel Una when t he end will be,
CM it already touko like every attraction
of any rcvutaUun lion been engagcil-
The IteUwl aMraotlon ta I'rof. Grenada,
the mot fiunoun tight wire walker In
Amt-rlca today, JUontlln and nil the Otti
lia ,to itho oontrary notwIUaimndlnR.
Thi* attraction, together with the Plats-
once. HlilUun. Da at Daya of PninprU the
B infont tikHera. tho'Montana atlltuo, the
more, tho aojmty display*, lbs Hide
sftniwa, and #lie thauaiwl and one other
lUitTuclkMie form a Uet tho like of wlitch
baa never before been oeen at a South
ern oxhoellkm.
Prof. Unnudn will walk a tight wire
MCtl day and might during the fair.
The wtro will be one thuuanral feet
lung, a'ld, tKattka from kleklna up nil
kinua of dkloea on the wire, tie will
iruud on tile head In midair while at
lomuusu from below eet off till klmU of
lire.vuraa UeiKuili Imiii. uuikIiir Him the
center of a perfect enower wi lire. Me
Will ulau curry uny mun or wonua who
Would like to take aueli a trip uui hla
back uvor the wire. provlUed they
welsh h... than 500 pounds.
Ivor, tirenuda w now living in Au-
itua:j, Oil., a ml bring* cei'IHtcaiMi of In-
uonk-ment tram lion. Patrick Walah
and other immilnent cltlxena of Au
gusta end other plaoea throughout too
Tne fair management urge* every
buemcae man to tUcanMe .'its Knee of
buaiimu lor the fair, anti MuJ. W liners.
buai.iUM for tne fotr. utkI (Mjj. Winters
lUfets a urixc of SdO for the bust and
•mat appropmato banner dtaKnyod nny-
itt’htNV in the etty advertising the fair.
Every huslnns bouse In Maoon should
iltsKay naira and bn intern advertising
the lulr to vlsltoni who came to tho
city. The c*ly ahould begin today to
put on holiday attire, an the opening
day of Ihv fatr ta Juat eleven ilaya on.
and II will take nome time «o tltvwrale
A petition will, in all probability, be
pretiofMed to rouiK-ll next Tuhulay night
rcquaMIng that the ordlnnnre prohibit.
ina the ruanenalon of banner* and
Bine, mena sent** the otreeta and ohle-
W J*. '■*?*•* ri,y b< ' suspandsd unfit
afUv the fair ta over, eo that every
body may advertin' the fair with ban-
SASfr“?A3* Mm, ‘ * ,lm “ «dv»r*
1 5,**£.'>*• ^uetneta. If they want to.
w,n ** lhl> NfS&t thing
Oooi0a war saw. and 01 aeon mint
make an big eh,living aa poaalblr.
jMf 1 *"" «re t*aUly deceive*
will show the Vtaltnra the city la en-
jhnTnity* ° Vtr <1u ' r * Jr- L,t everybody
* Br *5® of the
fftlr 'trawM iww and nevuvr St iMce
fX'hitiiU wrvnv* ncarorr a ml tfcaivcr
"tin lOK+ML * aV •*
Johnaon'* MtiguoUc Oil kills nil pai ni
whether Internal cr external sou „t
F.toJwyn A Small'* drug store.
Prepared by
I Dr». minis ta Macon. Dentists,
65d Mulberry 61 root.
It cures bleeding gum... ulcere, sore
mouth, sore throw, cleans the troth nnd
r-uralea the breath. Tor sale by ull
Before the Baptist Young People's
Union Opened Up at the First
Bapfiat Church,
This Able Baptist Divine Held a I.arge
Congregation npall-Ueang with
Ilia* beat Klgln_
A Social Itouutan.
.It was n large and Intelligent congre
gation of Baptists that Mled the lecture
room of tho PI rat Uaptiat church Inal
night,to hear the llrst of a serlea of lect
ures before the Bsptlst Young I*eoplos
lliUon of Mncon. After the locrure
delightful social reunion was held, „
which nearly all who were present partlc
The lecture of tho evening wna delivered
In a masterly maimer by Dr. J. Danalng
llurroughi of Auguatn. In tho absence
of tho provident of the union, M. J. (j,
Daughtry, Rev. George Braxton Taylor
II Is not too much to any that Dr. Bur-
rougha' lecture waa one of tho nnoet that
haa ever been listened to by the Baptlata
of Macon. It was eloquent, logical, ap
pealing and carried with It un Impression
that will not be lost by hla hoarcra. Tho
speaker had no fixed theme, but dealt with
the subject of church work among young
Christiana In a general way. One of his
strongest themes was that "no truth la
now." which he elaborated to the valuable
Inrtructlon of hla hearers and the edmea-
lion of all.
These lectures, which will be carried on
throughout the wlntrr, wars planned for
about six weeks ago by Dr. George Brax-
tun Taylor. There will bo one lecture each
month from this until April, during which
IVme some of the most distinguished nup
tial lecturers In the slate will speak.
Among them will be Dr. J. R. Hawthorne
of Atlanta and Dr. J. U. Gambrel), prest.
deni of Mercer University. A complete
course In Blbte atudy win be maimed out
next Monday night. Every Monday night
thereafter the union will meet and tike
up one of the lesaone.
These lectures will prove Instructive and
helpful to the work of the Baptist loung
People's Union, which la a valuable aux
iliary to Rie church. It la a concentration
of religious thoughts that rannot Pall of
greater development In Ml departments of
the church.
Hitb«*t hooors—World's Fair,
A pu.c Gtape Crcimof TirtuPowdtt. Free
rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
Tho Central Says Die Savannah und
Western Did la.
Receivers Comer nnd Hay* of the
Central RMlnxnt nnd Banking Com
pany. through -Iheir attorneys, Lawton
A- Cunningham of tavtantth, Wave tiled
their ilounurror to the Intervention of
Wright A- Co. tn the Untied mates
court. dh-iVj otttcO.
WrtgVit A Co. arc large peach aftlp.
pers Of Fort Valley. Some time back
they flliM an Intervention In ' the
United Slates court against the Cen
tral and HawinPih tvnd Western for
several cars of fruit claimed to have
been ruinously Gaunuge.l -while In the
Iranda of these ronda fbr transports,
tton, IMr. II. A. IMntkhewa .-f Fort
\ alley Is the attorney for the Inlcr-
Now. Che Central demurs to the tnter-
vriitng petltkm on the ground eWat by
the petlUoners' own showing the fruit
nil damaged on the Savanna'll und
Western nnd taht-it entitled to relief us
against t;hc Central railroad.
"TON Y0.N90N7”
A Comctly-Drama ThuK Pleases Every-
b»ly at the Adidemy of Music
The Athens Football Team Spoiling
for a Bout With Mercer's
Herd Kickers.
I’otltica Ml Ifetcrr Xi Gatling Drclilcdly
Interesting—I'amlldatra Ar* Thloksr
Than Ullly Gouts In Dublin nud
Moro Aoltvc—Foumlsrs' Day.
255 Yon»«m, M n utrtklnff nnd ptc-
turo^uo pioturo of life In the pteey
« I h0 .s2i i r rt ‘ w '* 1 ' " ll! > « to-
msaHo tmd tiullKng ,t or> - to! d With
dnamtcte offejf, wilt ln> seen ot the
Academy of Music on Thura.lay even-
iP* It Is u story of n typical
sncd...h emigrant ond how he ratildly
acquire,! the customs and coin of this
through hta inventive
j - ~'r >» the hands
f - J.e tottior, Mr. Gus lleege. and to
given the credit of
P*y"« tutreduced to the «ttge this
552? dramatic art. Heege Is pos.
to'llfe’-£ U<? KlRgrther t'len
n, »l' f and ftttcnrst-
PtK. The play la backed with verv
Wjhg.y»njy equipment nod K-rarak
oiftvis arc intmdiiMit
Ubly rhe breaking a Jam. ’“Yon
SSM X—M tt'V be wnflmndcd
. ? hnMMkOa. it u tleserib^d
* a •ttrrm^. And thoruugrhtv credwa hi*
i '"'** n **'
Japanese Uver Pellets are -mall n„,
treat In their effects! no grlSSg- nf?y
(Now. you (Mercer boys, ntmw your
lighting colors and go straightway to
talking football. Those follows yonder
In Athens are nftor your scalps with a
long sharp knife, and you must loilt
well test they gdt 'them.
The Telegraph t.iet night rccolvsd the
Mlowing letter from the manager of
the football (team of the University of
Georgiri: 1 ..
Athewt. On., Oat. 9.—Editors Tek
graph: We' would 'be glad to give you 10
par cant, nf -the raceloa If you can work
up a football gamst bet wean 'ua and
Mercer, to be played at JLtcon v>n No
vember 3. Pertrips-It Would be'tsOs: for
the game to be played under the au
spices of the Dixie Inters late Fair, nnd
perhaps name arrangement 1 Cddiltl be
monte by which wo could get. our ex-
porwes or a porkon of the gate receipt*.
In any cnee. If there Is a prosp-ct of the
game, ws would be glad to eecure your
assistance on Che terms ubcve'mcnilin-
ed, and we would be glad 'to hear from
you at oue>. Youra. T. C. Moteno,
Manager Football Team.
The Mercer HlutUstls could not be con-
nulled about the mailer Inst ntehit, but
us they are known -to have been got
Ung on their war paint ever tlliK-c col
lege opttned and adcklng sebotrl among
the old nad new men Tor a .leant, ft ta
artured the ’VarMitv boys before hand
that thel|i' chullenga will be taken up;
If not upon the cundtUoiM named tn
Manager iMorcno'n totter, upon groun-Io
that cun be aiutafacgorily arranged. It
ounnot ; be sold now. either, wbemer the
Fair Asoooiation would have the game
oome off under Its ausplceu; but .to pull
It off during .the big exposition.',would,
beyond doubt, bo un excellenit time. Alt
exulting game of ball between these two
rival colleges. Kayed In the Baoeball
park, woukl give special Interest und
importunco «t> tho auy of the lair on
wiiictt« cams off.
In the Clccruntan Society, Mr. J. W.
Bcunet. one of tne candtuuleu for de
bater. hj« come down on isocount of III
nealtn. There are now tour cnncltdatai
In the Add for debater.-.' pkoca from
rnls emcknv: iMcaors. Jordan Sanrord.
Linton IXm 1 . H. J. Lawrence and E. K.
Osborne. Meswtis. *w,on tUU'her and
OhilrUo Parker nre having tc ull to
bhemselveo In the race for nnttlversa-
nun from tho Ulceioman Society. -Mr.
Denier Brown has no uppuiltlon for
Founder'll Day Oi'atoc.
"Founder." ,ia Mercer Is always
one of the moMt notable events ot tho
year with the •itraenis. It 4s always an
occualan of big cdcfiraUon wltli tho
boys, nnd one of tnelr mast, enjoyable
holidays. It comes 'off on December 10.
An orator la sdtoetted from each literary
society, end the college orchestra gives
one ot Its brilliant mus'.c.d o.»tertaln-
in 'ats. This orchestra Is composcxt of
about twenty mo, who gi tnto regular
training undor nroftclant music teach
ers every year when they reassemble.
Borne of the best singers of lost year
are not bora now, Alsop has gone to
eonlrlbute bin good boss voice to tho
IMvomlly at VlrginU Glee Club, nad
MeElmurmy, the siveet tenon has got
rite and retired 4mto bu5ln«es
J5fr T'hY're ii.iv. iw doubt, plenty moro
tahJDteil. Mtows ,to <UU their places,
clortJon . b-hk-h comes off
next tteturduy. will he succeeded by a
tbo suoocaaful. candidates w«l make
•IXQLheo, tund oil hive a good tme.
The Advertising and Information Bu
' rcau Is Reaching Out and
Gathoring People
The People of Hie West Are Put Oelo;
Attracted by the Advantage* of
(be South, and Especially
of This Section.
^“E^^ourosJ ha. this to say
TTw rrKnJaof die lltxi. Nut llarrU of
Macon have cncn^l him In lho wee for
prvwkW or the ©.mate. There
men In Georgia bo*.ter equipped for that
3Skt£sS^?T mo<R * nyb ^ y 'tn
Y° un « JVonle's Endeavor Sarietv
of tits Clxistinn chutvlt wilt msec here
after at 7:30 o'clock Friday evlrainST^
"trad of 7 o'ckvk Sun,1,y^ v ^ h 'l ns ' Uh
Tho friends lit Dr. and \tr* iZL. .
™ »e* i 4tXJ£%£5 , i£t
hive ratunted frvxn their *>ZT.«a C . ^
visit So xVcheraile. J?C. PMpJC!<4
Am .off tltq visitors to Uic Wirvn-iss
<gr a^jKtttartu. yeatcnlnjr "was
Park hotel Ilen,,rl:t ' chlof ll "rk at tlto
n n , R Gunl V a Prominent cldiett
of L« \ Itti. in the cUy
Qtra. Miller Gordon, on of MaomV
Mwx I-1 .ranee Adams, one ..f put-
name most rhnrtnlng bcOra, u visit.
Ing Mcs Mantle Wiley. 1 “
Dr. II. IV. Walker, DctlUst, 3fft 8«o- i — -
ond stra, l (over Bole mob's Jewelry I r-». . , ,
Mora.!, Maevu. Ga. BlttCfSl
dSSSJSSR- K«c little
-racMo“vs Mre n ^T2f r ‘V. y <0 vl *-<
ion s parents ta Moetlcello,
There is Just ikj use talking about
its limited rraoh, cite Advertising and
Informatiob Bureau Is raaciilog out
its enterprising arm Into highways and
byways of every section of this great
country und arresting all kinds of
good, enterprising people, who are from
time to time to be found wandering
around over the country In search of
something and somewhere ■worlt the
investment of capital. Indeed, It Is a
matter of surprise to some who are
not so well off In this world's goods
to Itnd people with suoh pockotsful ot
money and so anxious to put it out. It
woukl seem tiiut 'there have been good
and nut hard times somewhere.
Y'es, rhe attention of the people, out
West partfculaify, Is turned toward
Macon and middle Georgia, and it has
been directed here .through that
hustling agency, the Maoon Advertis
ing and Information Bureau. Within
the last four or months very little has
appeared lu the public prints about the
bureau. This has been because of un
perfect'd plans and pending negs^a
tlons. But <t great deal of wood has
been sawed ill tne Interim. Mr. George
A. Smith, the enterprising, has never
lost any of than seat with which he
started out to build up Macon a year
ago. nnd the directors of the bureau
are right at his back, "slcttng" him
on to even bigger game .than anything
he has yet captured. He haa done a
wonderful amount of correspondence
within the past few month* awl still
has ills nesk overrun with letters
of anxious Inquiry every day. He it.13
on his weekly file letters from utmost
overy Western state and many Nlirl'n-
ern states, to say nothing of the flood
of correspondence that has come In
from neighboring states. The people at
a distance are beginning to learn
somdth'lng about Miaeon'. Mr. Smith
Oius his literature lying nbout the
Streets and public places of every city
of consequence North of the Ohio
river, aiml it thas been heard from
through letters of inquiry even as far
out ns Colorado.
Some idea ns to the character of
these letters of Inquiry, and rho gen
uine interest being enlisted In this sec
tion, one of tan of them are given be
low. One from Pueblo, Colo., of re
cent date, says:
"Mr. George A. Smith.—Dear Sir;
Yours of August 31 Just to hand, so
you may understand 'the cause of my
not answering yours before the middle
of this month. It may bo I shall run
dawn to Macon and see the chances of
starting a shop In lithographing. I
know the result of the s»me -bein’S' up-
hill iwork for a couple of yoare, but
wtth the surroundings and Macon Itself
will surely be self-supporting. So far
os my faith In the city 4a concerned, I
feel confident of succc.w. Hoping in uhe
meantime you will see your enterpris
ing merchants us to this, I beg to re
mains. your* truly, Rlchtard Wurtl.
'715 West Third street, Pueblo, Col.”
Another from a man in Cambridge.
O.. reads like this:
Mttcon Advertising and Information
Bureau. Macon. Ga.-Get,tl«mon: In a
circular Issued some Ume since by your
buroiu I notice a very flmo description
“' r Y 1 **• surroundings. While
L lhl J k _H KU 1 wou!<1 1 ‘ k * a Brest deal of
the South, your eky. on ncootuitt bf Its
educational and other advantages, at
tracts my attention. I have foutvchil-
uren (tw« mm and two daughters) who
must complete trhclr educatln. In this
rospeot you doubtless have nil the ad
vantages omo PiuM desire.
Primarily, I have for years wanted a
milder climate. Our vhrtem are too cold
and too tong. Next. I want a change
from Indoors to outdora. 1n some kind
of InArtth-promoUmr exercise. I like to
be on the move. Dut to the point: You
of'“ mb »'r. fruit und farming
lands. Whait can your timber lands bo
?.°. UE " t . ror—1>rlce Per acre, say for loo.
.00 or 300 aereB? When you speak of
rrult land". I presume you 'refer to land
i 5 ••etneudy cleared. Arc your fralt
anda more elevated than your farm
lands, or nre they the i-arno? pj oaft .
give me price per a ere-(that J s. about
erase of each. You can see pretty
1v tlL wh ? < L™ t0 know, nad without
asking further questions, will be glad
ntow-iy 0 v ny lnfarmal,on sou can fur
nish me. Very renpeotfully yours.
J. Byron Taylor,
no-,, Cambridge, O.
, p -, S.—Please give mo size and price
desirable nsklence lots in. or^onc
mile from center of city.
leot , cra eurae into President
SmithsI offlee ulmceii dally. Mr. D. W
Standi ah. Mich., dropped
Into h!« offlee tho oihtv dav ami
that he had got hold of some of the bu-
reau a adwrtfalne matter. He hid for-
omnia bcc ! 1 In entreePonlenoe wkh Mr.
omun, ana invnn comlnjr South mado it
re«^ lnt 10 Gideon, llewas'jdiown
n-.nni com-tredeq bv -Mr.*Smith and oth-
**t 10 B “re.m of Informa-
’"“ted to kmw aomohtlng
'; n i 5 In this section, and wiS
_ w * y—iad and tvith the ex-
preesol tn_.en.lon of coming again.
, 'i tr ' 's n«w negtged tn work-
S5J*2 '•k’-ura fram the
ni ' tko Dixie Fair. Roll-
dttdntra!' by him
rive? " f «>* Ohio
about tht,^ 'urjtnv,! to Jut m-erwinguine
trt oonfliteo«ly expats a
MLteI? er w ^°m be nui communl-
4he bureau oeotfa are expertlag ..
ttkt” to ootna this
nrul s< ** on that ex-
outafon nrraneed for Decembm-
^.■Kokeb) wHI be sold with otin
Privtlrgea. aUowing the excursloi
Sin Y' 1 ‘, ca 'no teoeclUly to exa
fruit lands ti fftw- f ar ,h,\- w)llt !
much time a*khry want tooeoMic
At Cost or Less than Cost.
For Cash or on InsrallUient.
Easy payments have been authorized by tiie Court, and you
can save big money by calling on
JEa W. liURKEt Receiver for'J. W. Burke & Co.
diunk, disorderly otnd lighting.
Daisy Smith, an Inmi'.e of the same
house. wUs arraigned cm the charge of
Tho evidence before the court was to
the effect that the Harris woman wu3
drunk, and In looklpg around for some
one to raise a row tvith, sailed Into the
Smith woman, who was decidedly the
beet looking of the two, with the
avowaul In ten Von at spoiling her
beauty. The Smith woman was not:
altogether (averse to a little scrapping
herself and the two went together. In
another moment the Harris woman had
bitten a chunk as big as a silver dol
lar out of Daisy's rosy cheek, which
caused the unfortunate Daisy to
scream. This brought the police ond
both were arrested.
Recorder Freeman decided that
Daisy had suffered enough dnd dis
missed her,, but Bessie was asked to
pay 310 for her morsel of flesh. "She
could not produce the necessary
amount and this she will be
presented with a pair of steel brace
lets will not decorate her wrists
and be compelled to .wear them for
twenty days and nights.
To tlioso wlio liavo once seen Nelllo
MoHonry It Is needless to say that
both matlneo and night performance*
yesterday were satisfactory—yes, more
than satisfactory—they were highly
“A Night at the Circus” Is a good
play nntl N’clllo McHenry knows
to play tt. Tho company Is composed
of clever people, Nellie In thu
leading role, and tho spectator who
don’t loosen his teeth with laughter
ought to go Into seclusion. The play
Is funny .and tho people are funny,
while Nellie, in the language of the
Georgia cracker, is a whole team with
a yallor dorg under the wagon. Ma
con wants to see more of "A Night nt
tho Circus.”
little frock is easily adjusted and stays
where It is put Serge and flannel are
the popular materials; If a material
of contrasting color trimmed with rows
of braid be used for the collar, chem
isette tmd cuffs, the effect will i>e both
stylish aud pretty. The design ts
adapted to aU cotton fabrics, aud es- commended for duck, galatca
and linen. Our model is nude of navy
bine edged with soutache braid, and
tho colbr, chemisette and lower parts
of the sleeve are of the light blue,
A special Illustration and full direc
tions about the pattern will he found
on the envelope la which it Is enclosed.
ip romt hack aches.
Or yoa nro all worn out. really good lor
lug. it la general debility. Try
« imowips moir nittebs.
It wui euro you. cteanso your liver, end civ*
a good apjietitc.
itfood &
For the Best GOAL
at the Lowest Prices. We can
duplicate tho bestpricss on anv
kind of goods. Satisfaction
guaranteed in every instance,
Telephone No. 409.
Prompt nftcutlon to nil orders. Yard
near East Tennessee depot.
Send thU coupon and 10 ccntt to tho
Miaeon Tdcrjrarth and yon can get any ono
of Pattern jiaNWted. Xotico number and
name of Pattern, and write plainly tvg
forgetting to elate the.
Enclose 10c. for each pattern desired.
Bessie Harris’ Attempt to Wake a
Marsel of a Rival.
Resale Harris, a avJdte woman, re
siding with Deaf K.iUe on Tine mreee
was Arraigned before the recorder
yesterday moraine o.a the charge of
Children get rosv
and strong
Brown’s Iron
tM r *P* r Pattern. For Ivirr Lad*
Header or Til. Tal.grapb.
Jj* T » B»de arrangement*
Jra'Ch we are offering to the reader* of
Ute Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper
Patterns, which are worth from M to 6
mnt* each. thu. making every copy o
the paper worth from 10 to 40 cent*
Cut out the coupon below and mall so!
cordng to directions Bn It ind you win
rwwive by mail the pattern In th* sis.
C32—Wingate Dress—Sizes for S and
10 Years.
This Illustration shows one of th«
most popular designs for little girlV
dresses; and though haring the effect
Of a blouse ward, the fulness ta held
in place by a fitted lining, an.l tire
aklrt is sewed to the waist, so tho
653—FRANCHENE WAIST. Sizes fot
H and 16 Year*.
moclel . formed by thi
•thu Walst a «<l “Bell" skirt,
httta round waist has some lull-
whitai i b J >alc ond sdTPhce fronts
with tho full, triple caps on th«
f* e |Y e3 ' moke it especially becomln*
8 ' cndc r figures. Cashmeres. Cre-
Saint 8 . nd kght woolens, also all
kj, 1 ’* 3 b'ashablo fabrics, can be madt
after HU* model. It is also a good de-
t ? e alt ? ancy silks. Rows ot flat
tiimmlng', with serpentine effect, com
plete the sown. Any or all ot the
Bleevc-caps may be omitted; and foi
thin materials the caps edged with
L a< i! a /®\Very dainty and pretty. A
belt of ribbon of the material girdles
the waist. Our model represents fawn-
colored serge, trimmed with brown vel
vet ribbon.
A special illustration and full direc
tions about the pattern will be found
on tho envelope In which U is enclosed.
630 LE3BIA WAIST-SIres for 14 an
16 Years.
A charming little model, suitable fc
afternoon, or general wear, or for mor
dressy occasions, according to the mi
l c i‘ a selected. Tala corsage has th
effect of a guiinpc waist, and is th
same both back and front. The sloe
coflar and girdle are made of rlbbor
and by having two or three sets c
tnese n different colors, a pleasing va
W? “J*/ be made in the toilet, j
■wrt of four straight breadths can b
used with this model, or if preferred
it can be used with any style of gorei
skirt. Chambery, dimity, lawn, batiste
challle and China silk, with all-ove
embroidery or net for tho yoke, ar
very stylish and cool made In this style
It is an equsly good model for ligh
woolens, with silk for the yoke ant
sleeves. Our model is of pink cham
bery, with all-over embroidery for thi
yoke and sleeves, and the skirt is fln
ished with a flounce of the einbrlodery
A special Illustration and full direo
tlons about the pattern will bo fount
on the envelope in which it Is enclosed,
Imlnistratrix estate of j
Xuspbium. late of said county, decease
having applied to me for leave to sell Of
acres of land In Pinny's district and flf
acres in Towles* districts 11 being in Jon
county. OsL for the purpose of payt]
debts and d nnbutlon. this is therefo
•tlfy nil parties concerned to file o
ivuvni. |f< say they have, on or befo
the llrst Monday in November. l®i ,
— — sell wlU then be grantsd.
U. M. WILEY, Ordinary.