Newspaper Page Text
Tha Bartlstf Campaign Committee Is
Alteady Hard at Work Prepar
ing for the Coming Fray.
He Paid Police Captain Westervelt
$500 of What Looks Like
Jacksonville Gefs the Battle Between
Fitzsimmons and Corbett
After July h '
"Snwanee River Route to Florida." ■
St tht C<iri Hoasi, Whaa All Commit*
toes and Every Democrat later*
cited re Expected to Be Freeent
—Pre.ldent IVlibet Moving.
V Patrolman Who Made Extra Money
Telle Ihe Lexeev Committee o( the
Greedtneee or Hie Superior
omeere on tha Foret.
Already tha headquarters of tho
Bartlett Campaign Club present a
business-like appearance.
Chairman Niabet has engaged a
stenographer, who Is kept busy keeping
up the correspondence of the dub, and
' tho indication? are that before the end
L ofnne week all of tlio committees will
bo uioroughly organizod and the work
of’ organizing the district nud ward
clubs will hnve commenbed.-
President Nlsbet has gone into tho
campaign with this whole heart and
soul and is getting everything In shape.
The headquarters of the' club are lu
tho Exchange Bank building adjoining
the luw offices of Bacon & Miller,
where some one can be found at all
hours Of the day.
Yesterday President Misbetwns busy
sending out Instructions to die commit
tees, prevtoody appointed, 'these in
structions gave* them full ’directions
how to proceed about the'work of or
ganizing tie district nnil'.witrd chibs,
and If earrlcil ant as I’rijillttccrt ..Xlsbot
Intends them-to bo Bibli-equiity will
have tho most thorough amt perfect
Democratic organization' of nnj‘ county
tu the state. Every Democratic voter
WlU be appealed to person ally to pre
pare himself to vote, as it is Ihe'totalF'
l tion of the campaign central connnttteo
| to make a personal canvass of the oily
1 and county.
I . President Nlsbefroquesta every Dem-
locint-m the county who is willing to
E enlist his services in tlio cause of Upm-
Iccracy to either hand or send'him. Ills
I name. f t- ■*- - -~
On Monday night a meeting -qf all'
ttimnlttees and every one interested
fin the campaign will bo hold at tho
court House, and eve|y Dciuocmt wlio
| is interested in the success of Dem-
Bccrncy in the f-iisih congressional dis
trict and Is willing to pull off bis coat
and go to work for it is also res pies ted
. to be present.
2Kss Pauline Burden, Formerly of Ma
con, Married to Mr. Murphey,
It win be of much interest to tho
many friends of Miss Pinline Burden,
daugiiler of Mr, and Mia. W. II. Bur
den. formerly of .this city, to learn of
her marriage to Sir. Peter.B. Murphy
in frtsrqta ott Wednesday evening.
In speaking of the marriage, tho At
lanta Journal of yesterday has tho fol
lowing to' say:
‘•The marriage of Miss Pauline Bur
den of Atlanta with Mr. Petor 13. Mur-
phey of Newnnn was solemnized last
evening at tho elegant home of tho
brldo's mother on Penchtrce, witnessed
only by ihe intimate friends of the uni groom. Dr. Bobbins per
formed tuo cerplnony promptly at 8
‘Tho young couple Rtooil Immediately
before the mantel In tlnyrecepyou hnll-
jj| way, from which tho-different down
stairs apartments opened on nit sides
brilliant with - decorations and. flowers.
“Behind the brldo n nil groom nroso
n rich background of palms, and Iho
pillow upon which they knelt , to. re
ceive the benediction was covered with
a wiiito fur rug. Miss. Bunleai.was
very lovely in lior bridaj robe, rtf while
satin with over-draping' or -T-biffon.
Blio was attended by severin' coupes,
"An elegant supper .was served after
tho ceremony aha Mr. and Mrs. Mur-
i plioy left during tho evening on lheir
bridal tMp, fallowed by tho good wishes
of hosts of friends. . i . i
“.Miss Burden is the daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. H. Burden.. Mr. Murphey
1' is cashier of tho Notvyian bang, and a
young man of position- and, 'promi
nence.” , ‘ .■ . i
U Willie Williams Waged OJose
Green’s Free and Easy.
Willie Williams, tt .chocolate colored
youth, was lined $20 or forty days on the
ehalnrang by Recorder Free.mam yester
day monfinw for flRhtlng, atul committed
■ to the city court for -carrying concealed
weapons and’ polnttrtg a pistol at.another.
Williams Is one of tho habltures of Mow
. Green‘s free and eaey In Greenwood's flat'
on Fourth street, and while thyre Wednei-
;• day night became Involved In-* r*— with
■George Colbert, Tom Daniel; Mick Dan
iel and Lillie Daniel, and With a pistol,
threatened to annihilate the entire crowd.
Before he could carry out his threat, how-
| ever, Of fleers Clerk and Dumas walked
. in and escorted him to the police station. meeting.
[ A Splendid Programme Has Been Ar
ranged tor This Evening.
The meeting of the -Athenaeum at the
residence of Mr. C. B. Willingham, on
College itreet, this evening promises to bo
iteckletty Interesting for, aside from Its
being the flrst meeting In several months,
a splendid programme hoe been arranged.
A full attendance of the members Is es
pecially desired.
The programme for the evening will be
as follows: _ . _ „
Essays-Rev. Mr. Taylor. Dr. Moore, Mr.
Bridges Smith. . ....
Recitation—Miss Robs Taylor, Miss Liz-
lie Brown. * *
Music—Mrs Clifford Williams. Sirs.
Shlnholser, lire, Ed. Bchofleld, Mrs. H5»-
ard TlnCey.
tovr of inspection.
Receiver Comer anl Other Officials Pass
Through the city.
Receiver Comer of the Central railroad,
aocompaolod by MaJ. Shellman and Mr.
W. A. Wlnburn, also of the Central, came
up from Savannah yesterday oa a tour
of Inspection of the rood In Receiver Co-
tm.r'i private car. No. ».
The party remained In the tflt7 only a
few hour* and went down the South
western. Ther will inspect the enure
ry::tem before returning to Savannah.
aidjudged Insane.
Jake Bower* la a Fit Subject For Iho
State Lunatic Asylum.
Jake Bowers, a negro, was adjudged
Insane by a Jury empanelled to try
him on a writ of lunacy yesterday.
Bowers' is a harmless negro but is
unquestionably Insane, and it was
thought best to con One him In the
He Rssdtly accepted Any Terms That
Charaploa Jim Impoaed In Order
to Oct on a Match With 11 tin
—Heavy Slakes Put Up.
Is the only di
rect line from
(New York, Oot. 11.—Mr. Ftarget,
agent of the French steamship line,
gave direct testimony today that ft
police captain bad unlawfully accept
ed money from him.
Forget was a witness before the
Lexow committee on Tuesday, but at
this -time bla memory wus so defective
that Chief Counsel Goff gave him un
til today to refresh bis recollections of
Ms dealings .with the police.
“Now, Forget," said Mft Goff, when
the proceedings began to day, "have
you remembered whu't became of that
1500 paid to the police by you on De
cember 31, 1891?"
"I Wave. I paM It to Capt. Max
Bdhmlttbergor," was Whe reply.
'Mr. Forget continued: 'The ward
detective told me that ns wo had
ceased to pay Officer Began 810 for
a year, the captain wanted 8500, WhJoh
sum the weekty payments we bad net
made would aggregate."
“DM Cat. Schm*Mberger call for the
money?" .
"I ibeHeve he did. Yes, I remember
paying niton In bltis."
Officer Martin C. Riley, for twenty-
six years on the fore*, and a member
of the steamboat, aquod for fifteen
years, testified that he made 815 a
week for >xtra services on the Cunard
line pier, but that C-ipt. Schmfttberger
wanted every cent of it. Riley, how
ever, objected. He was already pay
ing the ward detective 85 n week. His
evidence was strongly corroborative of
Officer Deag&n’s. He eald he was taken
from the Cunard pier and placed in a
less pleasant post.
The next witness was Gustav Wolff,
wham Mr. Forget, the manager of tho
French Line Steamship Company;
satd had approached him In Capt.
SoWmlttbergcr's behalf. He Is mana
ger of the Milliard Oan’dy factory, on
West Twenty-sixth street. He said he
knew Capt. SWmnHtbertgor for years.
The captain asked him if he would
intercede With Mr. Forget in his be
half. Tho witness dM see Mr. Forget
and asked him not to testify against
the oaptlaht.
Leon Buck was not tv profitable wit
ness. He fold the committee, with
seeming reluctance and professedly
with the fear that owing to Ms evi
dence he would be assassinated by tho
Hoeksttm gang, that he had been* dis
charged from the. force because it be
came known that he would bo a wit
ness before the committee.
He admitted under > cross examina
tion. however, that tncompotency had
b*en alleged ns the reuson for his dis
Lawrence Turney, who, him been en
gaged in the policy business ■ for nomo
yeans, whs the flrst witness called af
ter .the recess. The witness produced
a list of 600 policy shops. Which he
said were running tn this city up to a
few days ago. The witness explained
how the game of policy was played,
gave the names of the principal back
ers in this city nnd said all Classes of
persons played the game.
He said in one ward, Capt. Siebert's
preoinct, be had seen school children
playing. Turney testified 'that the po
licemen were paid tor protection and
mentioned a number of oa-ptalns to
Whom he said money was paid.
In describing Ihe game Ihe witness
mentioned the names of various glg3.
He wus asked It they had a "Lexow
gig," and replied In the negative. He
stated amid great laughter that there
was a “HfKanf gig.” and thought It
was -McKUne's age. tho number of his
cell and the number of hi* The
gig won a few days after McKane was
locked up.
lAfter other testimony an adtiourn-
ment was taken until next Tuesday.
A Battery of Thlrty-elx Bolters Ex
ploded In Rapid Succession, Killing
Six Mod.
Sliamomn, Pa., Oef. It.—Six men
weto killed and several others were
painfully burned by a disastrous Itoiler
explosion that occurred at tho Henry
Clay colliery early t>Klay. The enure
steam supplying plant of the mine, con
sisting of thirty-six hollers, was totally
Jemollsliefl, and lu addition to tho
monetary loss, which' will aggregate
8:1(1,iVk), Ihe Henry Clay, lllg Mountain,
Sterling and Peerless collieries will ho
unahto to resume operations for ut
least a month.
It was a cold morulug and tho; In
jured men were gathered lu tho lxfilc-r
room to get warm. Tho bailor on tho
western" end of the house Is supposed
to HnvtTbeen tho flrst to explode ami
then tlio adjoining boilers went up in
quick, succession, the repeated explo
sions resembling the roar of heavy ar
tillery. -■ r '
Only nine of flic thirty-six. hollers
escaped destruction, nud mg these
were so badly damaged that they ate
useless. Many of tho boilers tyero torn
apart near tho centre by the? torrlMo
force, and tho t’wo sections would lire a
take different directions. One-half: of
a boiler was hurled a full quarter
< f a mile and lodged lu the ,slfl>h
hank northwest of whero’tho holler
bouse formerly stood. Another that
took a similar direction crushed
through the top of a iiousfe and came
near killing Several eutptbyes. The
safety lamp house, that stood near the
top of the shaft, was' reduced to splin
ters. Four collieries trilOo thrown'
tnto Idleness by the accident for a
month or six weeks, so that the total
loss will nggrega te $1110,000.
The boilers furnished steam for tho
breakers for the four'collieries named.
Now York, Oct 1L—James J. Corbett
and Robert Fitzsimmons mot in tho New
York Herald office this morning for tho
purpose of arranging a match.
Oaph Glori, who appeared for FlTislin.
mono, when asked by Corbett to show
the’ color of his money, displayed 81,MM
to bind the match.
Corbett then Showed $10,000, and told
Glori to cover it .when he plcaeed, but
there would bo no fight until after July l,
ns he would not cancel his profitable
theatrical engagements.
This was a. disappointment, but Fitutm-
mono and Glori agreed, and the work of
drawing up the articles began.
In answer to the question if wilting to
light after July 1, Fitzsimmons replied;
"I will light him any time."
It was Anally agreed to battle some
time after July 1 next, at the Florida ath
letic club, Jacksonville, the nx the
date of the light.
Having yielded on the question of the
date, then the club was the next problem.
The flrst offer was $»,000, by Scholl, of
the Olympic of Now Orleans, which was
increased to 830,000 by 'Williams, of the
Auditorium club of the same city.
This was raised to 811.000 by "Circular
Joo" VentHg, for the Florida Athletic club
of Jacksonville. ' '
Williams said $15,000 was bis limit.
Scholl mentioned $50,000, which called forth
smiles. Corbett said the bid was wild,
and the money must ba shown. Scholl
produced 85.000, which Cotbett said was
not enough to post for 850,000.
Fitzsimmons evidently wanted to light
befors the Olympic; -while Cotbett pre
ferred Florida.
Fitzsimmons finally said: Well, I will
yield every point In order to make a
match. I will sign with the Florida Atlu
letlc club.”
Corbett sneered at Fitzsimmons alleged
complaisance. "I am tho champion," ho
said, .''and will say when and whore 1
will light. I havo been roasted right and
left on the charge of being afraid of you.
Now, I am hero to moke a match. I
have my money to put up, and 1 will not
leave tho room untU the agreement Is
The sporting editor of the Herald said
the articles could net be signed In that
building, and the men agreed to meet at
C o'clock und complete the match,
Capt. Glori produced no money whatever
In addition to the 81.100 he has already on
deposit with tho sporting editor of the
Herald, although he agreed to put up $2,000
tomorrow morning, but afterwards got
Corbett's consent to wait until Monday,
when he would bo showing In Brooklyn,
before putting It up.
Still later on, his burden was made
lighter by William A. Brady arranging the
deposits as follows: Monday, October 16.
81.500; making the first deposit of ftCOO;
December 1, $2£00; February 1, 82,500, and
May 1, the Anal $2,500. It met with the
approbation of tho captain and Fitzsim
mons and was expected to be embodied
In the articles of agreement
Capt Glori suggested that tho fight be
held at an earlier date, but Corbett was
very firm in h1s refusal not to fight until
July 1, but sold he would be ready to
battle any day after that day, that the
cCub saw fit to select
Tho nexe question that aroso was tha
selection of a stakeholder ns the sporting
editor of the Herald announced that the
HeraJd would not hold the money. Dave
Bluntihaxd and Phil Dwyer were both
mentioned and Capt. Glori selected Mr.
Dwyer as he did not have any acqualn.
tance with Mr. Blanchard.
Tho 810.000 deposited by Corbett was then
handed to A1 Smith to be turned over to
Dwyyr. The articles will be precisely tho
same os those signed by Corbett and Sul
livan, except the dates of the fight and
the time of the deposits. The articles
will be signed outside of this state. It Is
a misdemeanor to slgrt articles of agree
ment for a prize fight tn this state.
Covington Councllmen Brought Up
With a Short Turn by the Grand
Cincinnati. Oet 10.—Owing to the pro-
hibKln laws, the pool rooms have for
yours operated in Covington, Ky. All
the pool rooms across the river are
closed -today. The court fined
Sharp & Co. 82,004; (Mark Slinonton,
Pftj-we & Co.. C. Bollinger, Bennett Sc
Co., 81.500 each.
The grand jury arraigned all the
councilman and Informed them they
would be Indicted unlem the ordinance
fining pool room men only $2 per day
was repealed. (Mayor Rhlnock thereup
on ordered ithe polios to close all pool
Jacksonville, Palatka,
,,,Q St. Augustine, Ocala, >
u Sanford, Titusville,
Bartow, Tampa,
Toll--^. ln,a ,n Florida and Cuba. Our trains arrive and depart from Macon
Union Depot as per schedules shown be- low:
No. 1 for Amerlcus, Mont'g and
Falatka 11.10 a.m.
No- s For Palatka end Jack'v'U’ 10.33 a.m.
No. 5 For Tlf ton 4.60 p.m,
No. 31 For Lagrange,.........4.00p.m.
No. 51 For LnUrangc 8.ft)a.nt.
Note.—Trains Nos. 5 and 31 arc run
Saturdays only: train No. 51, dally, ex
cept Sunday.
The "DIXIE FLYER," leaving Maetm at 10:53 p. m., carries through Pullman
Buffet Sleepers to Jacksonville and Valatkn: arriving In Jacksonville at 8:30 a.
m.. and Palatka at 9:00 a. m. Tlio rakitka Bleeper Is tn Union Depot open for pas
sengers at 9:15 p. m. Cloae connection la .made at Pafcuka with the J. T. and K.
W. Railway, Florida San and J. St. A. and I. R. Railway, for oil Interior Florida
.points south of Palatka. West India Fast Mall Train leaving Macon at 11:10 a. in.,
makes close connection St Conlele with the S. A. nn.l M. Railway Ainerl.uie.
Montgomery and all points on their lines; also for New Orleans, and ail Texas
points. Sleeping car accommodations reserved from Montgomery to Now, Or-
loans upon application. Passengers for Amerlcus. Montgomery. Now Orleans or
points in Texas will And It to their advantage to travel this route, -is It la a
short nnd quick route, r.nd save several hours on tho road. Tills train
also mokes connection at Palatka for Interior Florida points.
The only line from Macon with Its own track Into Florida operating doublo
dally train* between Macon and Palatka with sleepers on night trains. Wo will
take pleasure In reserving sleeping car accommodations In Jacksonville or J’a-
latka sleepers upon application.
Further Information cheerfully and promptly furnished upon application.
southern Railway company—
. WESTERN nYSiTjSM. * ft '.
-■-•j.-- : ~ r I’Hornr
lio 15 pm;tl A-aifi
A fro! I ( j ocl, r in |« (;p„,
‘“J® Hawklnsvllle...l 7 10am J »o pnt
112 54am laspm
I 4 15 am 5 15 i-m
?H»*wlok".,.. 6 15am 7 IS pm
Jacksonville...-.I g j 3 „ m a -; pm
Arrive Savannah—... | g £5 am 9 47 pu
No. 2 From Palatka, Amerlcus
and Montgomery........ 4.20p.m.
No. 4 From Palatka and Jockv’l 4.06 a.m.
No. 6 From Tlf ton
No. 32 From LaOrange 10.60 a.m.
No. 62 From LnOrange,. 148p.m.
Note-Trains Nob. 0 and 82 arc run 8at
urdsys onfly; train No. 62, dally, except
( Telephonu )
100. \
a. A. MACDONALD, G. P. A.,
J. LANE, Gen’l Manager, Macon, Qu.
Cabin, 820) Excursion $32; Steerage, $10.
Cabin |22j Extmraioiz $38, Steerage.
Cabin, 822.501 Excursion. 8)9) Steerage
Atlanta anil New Orleans
Short Line,
qtilckckt a aid Ileal Houle.
Montgomery. Salma. Mobil*. Naw OrUaaa,
T«u and Suutnwtat, J
Southbound. No.'m. no. w. No.’
Lv. Macon,
Lv. Atlanta
Ar Montgomery..
Ar Pensacola ...
At Mobile
Ar New Orleans.
Ar Houston ,...|
4 30 pm 8 26 ami 8 26 am
6 36 am 4 20 pm| 1 30 pm
U US dill 9 £0 pm| 8 80 pm
6 63 pm 6 £0 unt| 6 80 am
6 20 pm 3 05 urni 8 06 an)
10 35 pm 7 33 am 7 1-5 am
10 60 pm110 60 pm
Leavo Montgomery..,.,...I 8 SO pml 8 10 am
Arrive Selma..t. (1116 pm(U 16 am
Aver/ jura io atw uiicium, aau
flinln* car to Montgomery. Train 61
entries Pullnan .vestibule eicuper Nsw Or-
Msnn, to Now York nnd ainlng ca? to
Allan tn.
Trains 61 nnd 61 Pullman Buffet Bleep.
Ing Cara between Atlanta nnd Mont*
TYLER, Gent. Mgr*
JOHN. A. ORR, Oenl. Pose. Aft.
GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. Atlanta
.1 No. 12. 1 | No. 18.
a!' Aftwi"''! i 39 am ! 4 :: l ,m l *'35 am
Lv At iSt!’" I ! 5aln l 7 SOPmlU 15nm
aV w < >m a 00 I™
Ar Ooltewh ill- ,°, 0 n 3 29 am ’ 5 61 @
47 OU'I 4 10ami 0 37 pm
A?-J 3 hatnog».nj9p m | 4 4 3am) 7 10 p m
Ar ’ I 7 10timf?":0-pm
Ar. Clnclnnatil | 7 45pml 7 30 am
? r h e a ‘ n n ^!'| ! 7 00 ami 7 45 pm
Ar. Memphis..! I 0 10 pnt| 7 00 am
ft i 9 00 ami 5 53 pro
J ) 3 35 nml 0 37 pm
Ar knoxvtll.„| ju g pm|10 15 am
” | Bouthbound.
N3. lt.—Solid voitlbuled train to Jack,
sor.villo, with I-utlnian buffet .Irtwlnq
B 0 r 0 u'n»\v| r ck alUC, '°‘‘ fo1 ' JucksUa vIll. anji 1
N°. 13. Solid train for Bruniwlok.
No. 12.—Solid vaVubuj.. train tc At-
Sd cStfailS 01 ” bctWMn '' t!, , <,o °
with alatpar'auachatl’from Atfint!| 0 con- -
«S^*«5iTSoSffiS'* or clno,An » u *
No. IS—Carries free chair car to Chat*
uduic train for Cincinnati, with Pullman
Chsttanoo*- 8 A% c l>4 Connection a"
rectfonS. Uh fa,t tra,n> ,a ttU d!<
For full Information an to routen
ratM, etc., apply to routes,
Passenger and Ticket Agent, Macon. On.
O. H. Hudson. General Manager,
Knoxville, Tenn.
L Turk. General Passenger
Agent, Washington, D. C.
. l-J: Foraaworth, Division Pas.ongoi
Agant. Al.°nta. Ga.
C. A. Benscotor. Assistant acn.ral
Passenger Agent. Knoxville, Tenn.
A Quick, Sate and Comfortable Rout*.
The Only Route to Warm Spring* aud
Oak Mountain, Ga.
Sohcdulo In Effect September 18, 1894.
Lv. Columbus
Lv. Wavorly Hall
Lv. Oak Moualnlu
Lv. Warm Springs
Dolly I Dally
7:10 anil 8:10pm
H 8:to :inil 4:04 pm
| 8.10 | oin 4:16 pm
| t:4uam |im
Lv. Woodbury | s:00ant| 5:18pm
IbematuIdoMt itearaihlpeac the.. Use. 1
appointed to mu u follow*, etendarJ tlaiec
(Central or «0tb Meridian Time.) FrL Oct. 12 3:00 am
City of Mapon Sat OcL 13. 4:30 nm
City of Augufta. Mon. Oct. 15, 6:30 [vm
KAnwi ^SgS^^'Wad. Oct. 17, 7:t)0 am
y V" •Vrt.Oet. w 1-49. tun
, YfV Sat. Oct.' 2„ 0:30 am
fmS?!!?’« ■•:-a.-....Mon. Oct. 23, 13 hoou
r ro ® , , M J uwn --"i—"Wed. Get. 24, 2:00 pm
City of Augus|a...a..FrJ. oot 28, 3.00 am
Hli'mlhifham..Sat. Oct 27, 4:50 pm
oH n rit5 y ", No"- Oct. 29, 6,-OO pm
Gato City Wed. Oct. 31. 7:00,am
Tallahoa-iee .........Thura OeL 11...s'-iin
Ohattahooche. '.....Thura, Oct. 1»! 7:80 am
Tallahassee Thurs. Oct. 55, 3:00 pm
(This ship does not carry Passengers)
P e ”»° u « Tue-'Oct. 9. 1:20 bm
Dessoug .m; Oct. 19, 8:30 am
Dcssaug ,..a..i..Mon.10ct.'2*. 8:00 pm
J. P. BECKWITH, a. a„
racksonvllls. Fig.
Walter Hawkins, F.P.A., Jackaonvill., yu
W. E. Arnold. G.T.P.A., JoclCHonvIlle, Fla.
C. O. Anderoon, Agent. Savanna ft. Ga.
columns soutoera Raliwaj Compaof.
Tima Table No. II, Effecllv* Feb. II, hr,
■OUTHBOUNDk' |I 8unil *»
■ , . , jfiunday.j Only.
Lv Columbus. 11 00 pmf 7 00'S;
Lv Richland - * « pm ,«S
L* Dawson 7 (5 pm 10 M am
Ar Albany.... • is r ,„ n 00
Ar Brunswick 110 am 11» pm
Ar Jackaonvill ( 40 am i 20 m
Ar Thomaivllle | e 31 a m | 4 85 pm
I Dally j Sunday
Jexcept |
l»unday.| Only.
Lv Jackaonvlile „„.| 7 00 p'm]To5ir5.
Lv Brunswick I 7 00 pm < to am
Lv Thomoavlll. I 8 00 pm I 00 sis
Lv Albany * 00 am I oo pm
Lv Dawson I 40 am 4 M pm
Lv RleltUnd 8 45 am 8 12 pm
Ar Columbus |ll 00 am| J Oe pm
All schedule, shows between Albene
and Brunswick and Jacksonville are dallr
No train Albany to ThomasviU* on r
urdays after 3Z5 p. m.
All trains orrlv. and dep*rt from the
XJnloa Depot at Columbus and Albany.
C. HILL, Sup.rintend.ot.
Time Bible No. 13, Taking Effect Sunday,
September 9, 1801.
Read Down. * t R.aa up,
Lv. Concord
Lv. Wllllamaon
Ar. Griffin
Ar. Macon, C. R. R
Ar. Atlanta, C. R. R
Lv. Griffin
Ar. McDonough
9:20 urn
9:44 am
10:00 am
745 pm
11:30 am
5:41 pm
0:tc pm
«:20 pm
10S3 pm
Stft pm
6:25 pm
1U0 pni
1 ibun.
—i* , A JI|A M
4 00| 3 00j Macon .110 50110 15
4 OS) 3 001..,.M. & N. Junction....110 SOlW 05
4 15] 3 15 Swift Crock
4 25| 3 301 Dry Branch
4 351 3 « 1-Ike* Peak
4 45 3 60 Fl-zparlnk.
4 60 4 00 Ripley. ..
5 03 4 20 Jeffersonville
6 15 4 35 Galllmuro
5 -fij 6 001. Danville -..
6 30 6 12 Alle’itoAn .
5 40| 5 32 Montrose ..
5 50! 5 60 Dudley ...
0 «| 0 07 Modro ....
6 15| 8 30; Dublin ....
JAS. T. WRIGHT, General Managor.
D. B. DUNN, Superintendent.
Lv. McDorough
Ar. Griffin
Lv. Macon, C. R. It.
Lv. Atlanta. C. it. R
Lv. Griffin
Lv. Williamson
Lv. Concord
Lv. Woodbury
Lv. Warm Springe
Lv. Oak Mountain
Lv. Wavorly Hall
Ar. Columbus
To Taka E3«at Monday, April 9, 1891,
Nos. 1 and 2 will run dally sxcept Sun
day. All olhtra Irregular. 4
Head Down. Hood Up.
No, 1. |Mllos|
"A. M.
9 43
10 00
10 20
10 40
nr.ll 00
11 25
Lr. Dublin .Ar
Hutching* ..
.Spring llxv.n.
.... Dexter ....
.... Alcorn* ,„
.... Cheater
... Yonkers ...
.... Empire ....
.... Empire ....
.... Cyprca* ...
. HawklnsvUI,
... Orovanla ...
|Mlles| No. J." AM.
V. M.
4 48
4 25
4 16
8 66
I 20
8 OOly,
8 soar.
Close connections made at Dublin with
WrifhtsviJU and Tennllls railroad In boU
directions. •
Ksst Tennessee, Vtrglnta and deargln
trains pass Empire as follows!
Going 8outh M pm
Going North. S 48 pm
3. W. HIGHTOWER, a 6C.
B. V, MAHONEY, O. f.Sf.i
Mind Betdor end ClAlrroyanl, a largo
book only 10c. AddroM at onos,
C.II. BOWAX, M11« auk oo, Wit.
I No. VI I No. M
| Dally | Daily
8:16 ami
SA7 am |
4:16 ami 4:25 pm
7:3d nm 4:23 pm
9.*uoamI pm
tdfilamf 6*2 pm
9:45 am 7:11 pm
10:16 am 1:89 nm
lOteW ami 7*9 pm
11:10 am 8‘29 pm
11:20 mill S:3U pm
12:16 pm! 9:90 pg
All trains arrive and depart Union D*
pots at Columbus and Griffin. Ask for
tickets and see that they read via “Tho
Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad."
General Mnnager, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Culumbus Ga.
TIME TABLE. SEPT. 60, 1804.
Read Down. R*ad Up.
9 ooiLv..... Maccn Ar 8
10 50 LV Mlichen Ar '
n«lLv.... Mafilson ....Ar
2 ooiLv Athens Ar
3 661 LV.... Abbevllls ....Lv
4 23 Lv..*. Crconwoisl ..Lv
0 23 LV.— Chester Lv
8 00 LV.... Monroe Lg
12 201LV..,. Raleigh Lv
SOOLv...... Welfion ,...Lv
5-lOIAr.... Richmond ... Lv|U23|Att
9 48 Ar.. Wnahlngton ..L" 1 ’””
UOO Ar... Ilaltlmoro
PM. 1200),\r.. l’liilaOelphla
| 2 53|Ar... New York
Pasecngfr tralne will stop at Ocmulgas
street to take on and
Car on alectrle railway will connect with
No. 2 at 8:10 p.'m. from the North at Oc-
m Oomwc?ion» with acorgla Southern ana
Florlfia Rallraafi. t0a«tT« i nf»M.,Vlral-
la and Georgia railroad and Central ralL
read for all points in Florida and south*
west aeorgUi. ... . *
Second—No. 402 leaving Mmmb At • i}. m.
makes clone connection with Middle ucor*
gla' and Atlantic for lattnton.
Third—Wltti Oeorgla railroad at Madk
" Fourth—With solid train tar Withiav
ton and Pullman Parlor Buffet cars,
Washington to New York city.
Ticket office 1. temporarily located a»
J. W, Burke'* book store.
E. W. DURKF,, Ticket AstnL _____
~Goo<1wyn ft Rmflli. druggl.ta, roo-
I ommend Jolisoii'a Mngnctlo Oil, th#
gri'itt family pain killer, Internal nml
12 I2|A M.
I143II-. M
l 4 AM
a ,.LV| 7 30J
...LV 6 31 .
1 ..LV 8 41 ^
; j aorta.
■New York. Oct. 11.—Each of tlio
New York baseball players will re
ceive $7(13 ns Ills share of tho proliU
of the Temple cup scries of games.
Searcy's rock mill, situated on Tobe-
sofkee creek, thirteen miles from Ma
con, cm Tlwomaston road; first story
rock, second wood; 18 feet flail, two sets
of runners, gottl dwelling house
and iten acres of land. Titles perfect.
Well equipped ginnery. wMoh gins
800 to 700 bales of cotton each season.
This property Is offered at a bargain If
'bought now. Bee me nt once.
385 Second Street.
Middle Georgia &nd Atlantic taOroal
Time Tabla N9. 14.
Effective S* Member 2, 6 O’clock, A. if..
Read Down Read XJp.
11 00 p) 7 is;Lv. Augufta .Ar.| Qa. R
| 9 00 ;Lv. Macon ..Ar.l | 4 45 p
No. l0l|NoJ0^
A- M. P. M.|
6 56
8 10
8 IS
Schedule In «f feet Oct. 4th, 1804, Standard Time, 90th Meridian.
iibi.kJ i.i
i ,.<mu :ii i
"I.- 1*7 08 a m
—J SI 00 a ra
-" 12 24 p m
r -«--l 0 I* p m
•8 10 p mi'll 15 a m
* ’• - - 12 22 p n,
J M p ra
3 30 p in
ill p m
6 40 p rn
4 11 pm
9 60 p m
* 20 p nt
> 10 p m
7 55 p tn
,11 pm
.Ho 40 p m
,11 65 p m
ill in
I 4 10 s m
' ‘i’S »”m
7 00 a m
Macon Arrive
Arrive Fort Valley Lsava
Arrive., CUIumbu. Leave
Arrvs Opelika Leave
Arrlvs Birmingham Leave
V < * v » Macon Arrive
Arrive.,,,... Fort Valley Leave
Arrive Amerlcus Leave
Arrive Albany ..Leave
Arrive Dawson Leave
Arrive.."." Fort Gslnee Leave
Arrive Eufaula ..........Leave
Arrive Ozark ..1 Leave
Arrive Union Springs Leave
Arrive Troy Leave
Arrive Montgomery Leave
7 45 p m|...— ....
8 35 p
,,,*• •„,«
8 45 p ml
,l*.« «•••
2 25 '« ml
*3 45 a ml
•*••4 ••••*»
4 10 p ml 7 40 a m
3 00 t- ml C 40 a nl
1 2» p ml 5 » a m
11 50 n ml 4 10 a m
n 21 a mill 47 p m
» 20 a ml
10 37 * mllO 17 p m
8 03 a ml
H 10 a ml H 52 P m
7 15 a mi
•7 45 a ml'7 80 p m
|No.l£jNo.lta *
|P. M.|A. M.
1 Ar;i 7 tfl | l oo
i u jLv um'g'vm .
1 20 |Lv Eatonton Ar.j 7 <6 ) 12 55
2 20 |Ar Eatonton Lv] 6 36 J 11 M p
2 21 \Lv Eatonton Ar| 6 n | 11 46
6 16 |Af. Atlanta Lv.) 8 a>p; T 26a
<60 JAr.. llacon Lv.) 9ioa|
120 |Ar. Athens .Lv. 5J0 p;
BrousbtonvUle meeting point tor trains
Noe. 101 anl 1M. ...
Covington Junction meeting point for
trains Kea 102 and 108.
W, B. THOMAS, Gsneral Manager.
•4 16 S mi*4 25
P ml'7'45 a ra
7 55 p mllO 28 P m'll 0« a m
6 12 a m) 6 82
P ml 9 47 am
......... Griffin
6 49 p in
8 23 p m
9 0! 4 m
• r-**
7 45 a m| 1 06
P mill 30 a m
......... Atlanta
•4 25 p ml*6 t r > i» in 1*7 30 A m
„ .....
1 15 p ml 1 OO
* ml 7 55 pm
Chattanooga via Atlanta
7 2- r . a m
•1 It pm
•J 23 am
..... .....
14 16 p ml«n 00
p mill 10 a m
Z 4U p m
3 45 a mllO 00 a m
5 05 P mill 45
p m|l2 17 p m
2 66 p in
3 01 a m
9 10 am
8 10 p ml.....
ii'35 p'm
8 05 a m
..... 8 IB
a ml 3 40 pm
• L«*ve
ii 01 a Ill
1 6 30
a ml g 30 p in
7 M fl m
k 30 i> m
..... ...«.
... #••••
1 < 00
a ml € 30 pm
•1 20 a m
•8 45 pm
Train* marked thus • dally; tbua 1 daily sxcept Sunday. Trains marked thus 7 Sunday 00I7. \
Solid train:* are run to «nd from Mioon and Montgomery vU Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta v|a Macon, Macon
god Albany vl* Hmlthvllle. Macon and Birmingham vU Columbus.
Sleeping cars on night trains betwen Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta.
Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta.
Passengers for Tho.naaton take 7;W a. m. or 4.*25 p. m. train. PaM«ngors for Carrollton and Cedartown take 1A\
gu m. train, pasnenstra for Perry take 11:16 a. in. train; Fort Gaines, Buena Vlata, Blakely nnd Clayton should taks
HAS a. m. tnl‘.n. iMwiengers for 8ylvanla. Wrlghtsvlllo and Sanderavllie take 11:20 a. m. train.
For further information and for schedules for points beyolid our lino spply to
W. F. HHBLLMAN, Traffic Managtr. W. P .DAWSON. PaffOnger^Agent.
* j, C. HAILE. Gsneral Passenger Agent , Z* J, HARRIS. Ticket Agt.. Macotb