Newspaper Page Text
y-'-' m 1 ■
Since the Wilson Tariff Bill
has gone into effect.
We will sell you a better
Suit for
Than any so-called Wreck or
other fake sale.
Buy from an established, re
liable house and get your
money’s worth.
Money refunded if not satis
Everything in- the Clothing-
Furnishing line.
Corner Second & Cherry •
rirniSTkKiH and EMn/w.Mrcrt.
511 Mulberry St. - Blncon, Ga.
Telephone*—Office, 467* Realdenee, 469
Day Telephone
Night Telephone
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Day Telephone 436
Night Telephones... .435, 178
The President had Nothing to Say
About HisTndorsement
of hill.
»« Arrival of tUa President Created
Very LI file Mir In the Metropolis
Except Among Sightseers at
tlie Hallway 9iatIon>
New York, Oct. 2-1.—Accompanied by
Mvs. Cleveland, Air. and Airs. Benedict
aud daughter, Miss Lonigo Benedict,
President Cleveland arrived hero at
0:35 o’clock today. The party came
from Greenwich, Conn., on the Stam
ford express, which left Greenwich fit ,
Odtt o’clock. The party traveled In .mo/f street,
of the regular day coaches of the tram,
no special car having boon provided
for It The train was crowded and Mr.
and Mrs.. Cleveland attracted not a
little attention during tlio Journey.
Mr.OlevcIaud appeared a little irri
tated when he was asked if lie would
Indorse Senator Hill’s candidacy for
the governorship. He refused to talk
and turned his attention to AIlss Ben
edict, who was at his side The party
walked down ihe public platform to
Forty-sccoad street, followed by a
large crowd of passengers and railroad
employes. The, male porUon of the
crowd raised their hats as the president
Almost Opposite Post OfTice.
Sign and^quare on Window.
Airs. Cleveland had gained the presi
dent's side by tho time tho street was
readied. When the curb was reached
two public coaches were haded aud tho
party entered them. Mr. and Mrs.
Cleveland drove iff toward Fifth ave
nue with AIlss Benedict, whllo Air. and
Mrs. Benedict drove down Park ave
nue In a hansom.
Mr. Benedict suid to a reporter: “The
president and Airs. Cleveland are iu
the best of health. They stopped at
my house in Greenwich last night and
iiro going to take a few days to visit
friends in tills city. J do not (mow
how long they will remain.”
To the question as to tho president a
views upon the Democratic situation
In New l’ork state, ho said Mr. Clevn.
land had expressed none Airs. Cleve
land left both of her children at Green
wich In care of tho nurse and will prob
ably spend a few days In shopping In
Now York stores.
New York, Oct. 2-1.—John Boyd
Thntoher, chairman of the executive
committee of the Democratic stato
committee, sold after h'e had returned
from luncheon today that be had not
seen President Cleveland, and, so far
as he knew, uo member or representa
tive of the stato committee bad seen
him since nts arrival la the city Ui!b
morning. Ho added that lio had no In
tention of calling on the president.
Whether or -lot Air. Cleveland would
write n letter Indorsing Sunator Hill
was a subject upon vvhloh Mr. Thatcher
was not Informed. • , ■
Atlanta, Oct. 24.—At ft meeting of the
Fulton county Young Men's Democratic
oLague, held In this city tonight, resolu.
J. D. Overstreet of Summit. Ga., Is
hero to attend 'the fair.
J. H. Daniels of Gainesville arrived In
the city yesterday.
W. c. Burden of Atlanta Is among the
visitors in the city.
TV. U. Benson, a prominent citizen of
Buena Vista, mis among the arrivals
Dr. Whitney Rcnwick, a promlnemt
Atlanta phyi-Idam Is In the city.
W. B. Atoore. p, prominent citizen of
Brunsklck .is here.
Col. O. K. Jelks. of was
among the visitors In Macon yesterday.
Me.=«rs. R. V. Hardv and W. T. Paulk
of Winnie, Go., are here.
C .1. T. J. UI.K-k of elivan-uah wvus reg
istered a-t the Brown house yesterday.
R. V. Smith, a Dromlnertt merchant ot
FlovJlln, was -among the visitors to the
fair yesterday.
James At. Dickson of Greenville, S. C„
Is In tho slty,
T. M. Hunt, a prominent citizen ol
Sparta, Is visiting the city for a few
Mins Louise DuBose of Atlanta is the
guest of AIlss Alamie AVUey, on College
(Continued from page 1.)
Flno Individual Tea Setts 75c. sett.
Very fine China -Jups and Saucers
15 and 20c.
Flno China Plates 10 and 12a
Everything rock bottom. No ratall
store In America can beat my prices.
Solo and Only Proprietor.
Cosgrove & Grant's Comedians In
With Florrle West, Charles Wayne, Ma
son & Ralston, tJhe DeWltt Slaters, Will
West and sixteen others.
Elaborate Scenery,
Beautiful Electrical Effects,
All New Costumes,
All New Music.
Usual prices. Reserve seats ®,t Ludden
& Bates’ Music House.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 26 and 27.
Engagement ot Miss Lillian Lewis In
By William Shakespeare.
First time in this city.
Four ballets. Two Premiers. Fifteen
operatic choruses. The Big Storm. Liv
ing Pictures. The Barge. Magnificent
Scenery. Elegant Costumes. Strong Com
SATURDAY NIGHT—"L* Article 47."
Prices at night, 25 cents to Mati
nee, 25 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents. Seats
on sale at Ludden & Bates' Music House.
Monday, October 38th.
Engagement of tho Reprew'ntalve
American Player and Playwright,
With the assistance of
And his famous company In hfs great
est and rpost successful playt.
Monday lght—
For Revenue Only.
Tuesday night 1
Love and Laiar.
Wednesday night
From Sire to Son.
Regular prices. Reserve seats at Lud
den & Bates' Music House-
ut, ncm iu uwa viny iuuisui, icouiu-
tions were passed congratulating the
plucky Democrats of New York for their
brave and courageous fight now in
The meeting was held for the purpose
of taking some step to encourage the
Democracy of Now York state In the
coming contest, since so much depends
upon the election in that state. They re
"Resolved, That the courageous and un
selfish conduct of Senator David B. Hill
of New York In accepting the leadership
of his party In the field, when without
criticism he could have remained at ease
In his present office, evokes our unstinted
admiration, deserves the hearty approval
of every Democrat In the Union and seta
on example of devotion to tho party
worthy to be emulated."
Now York, Oct. 24.—Senator David B.
Hill this afternoon addressed a meeting
of Southerners In the St. James hotel.
The senator was asked to meet tho vice
president and the members of tho ex
ecutive committee 6f the Association of
Soubhem Democrats In their headquarters
at the St. James hotel before going to
the Carnegie Music Hall. No one but
the officers of the association and a few
of their friends knew anything about the
affair and consequently when Senator
Hill entered the place promptly at 1
o’clock there were less than a hundred
people present. Before he had finished his
speech the newspaper men heard he was
malting a speech and the large room was
quickly filled. The association embraces
nearly ail the Democratic Southern busi
ness men of the city. President Dickin
son Introduced the Democratic candidate
for governor to the audience. The sena
tor talked more In a conversational tone
than he usually does, and his speech, al
though It was evident he made no prep-"in, made a favorable impress'on.
Senator Hill addressed an Immense au
dience at Carnegie Hall.
Dr. H. W. Walker, Dentist, il(H Sec
ond street (over Solomon's Jewelry
stove). Macon, Ga.
Joe W. White, traveling passenger
a sent of tihe Georgia railroad, with
head quart ere cut Auguata, was here yes
iMr. Jacob Ball and Mrs, Jacob Rus
sell, of Ocata. Fla., are visiting die
latter’s daughter, (Mrs. Louis Vannucl.
Mr. Will Tim, AVlen, a prominent
young gefUftfOttst of Amorioue, is visit
ing the fair.
•Mark Vordery, treasurer of the
Brunswick and Western railroad, with
headquarters at Brunswick, is among
the visitors to the fair. .
Mayor Canraker of Milledgeville is
among the prominent Georgians who
are attending the fair.'
J. E. Barnett of Cra/wPordsvHle Is in
the city to attend .the flair.
Dr. W. C. Gibson went down to his
plantation on the Central railroad yes
terday afternoon for a day’s hunt.
G. W. Aycock of Monroe Is among tho
visitors -to 'the flair.
Mrs. E. W. Fielder and children of
Atlanta are visiting ihcr grandmother,
Mrs.’ S. M. Arbope, on Tattnall
Mrs. Jacob Russell and son-in-law,
Charlie E. Ball of Ocala, Fla., are
visiting Mrs. Louis Vonnuccl.
Mfss Lillie Kramer of East Saginaw,
Mioh., whio has been visiting Mrs.
John R. Burnett, left for home yeoter
day -morning.
Mrs.# 8. C. Cooper of Americus is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Oliver, 821 Cherry street.
Dr. W. C. Kendrick of Dawson nnd
Dr. J. P. Walker otf Weeton, members
of the Grand Lodge finance oommJttee,
returned to their respective homes yes
Col. H. C. Wentworth won his way
into the hearts of many ladies the
other day, when he served elegant
luncheon at his place of business on
lower Cherry street. All the cooking
was beautifully done and the lunch
was admirably served. Doughnuts are
a specialty with Mr. Wentworth and
his beef 'tea. Is something to remember
about. The ladies are anxious for an
other of his popular spreads.
IHIS LIFE SAVED.—A1 Arnold, the
handsome and popular chief Clerk at
the Hotel Lanier, has Just recovered
from quite a severe spell of sickness.
His Illness doesn't uetem to have phased
Mm a bit, however, for he Is as smiling
as ever.
The examination of Capt. J. L. Harde
man foe. appointment es major of the
Second Georgia regiment was held yes
terday by Capt. O. T. Kenan of the Ma
con Hussars. As might be expected,
the examination was entirely satisfac
tory, and Capt. Hardeman’s commission
as major will probably arrive within
the next fetv days. undoubtedly made n hit, and nil
united In voting the exhibition a posi
tive attraeeion.
Th$ tight rope walking by Frofessor
Grenada and the mid-air bicycle riding
py tho Tacoma* or*} features that every
body enjoys. These sky-scraping artists
give dally performances, nnd each in his
indivdunl act is great.
The dally concerts by the Sanford Sis
ters and Cord’s orchestra entertain a
largo number of people, and either is
worth more than the price of admltision
to the grounds.
The Midway Is what attracts the at
tention of every visitor to the fair, nnd
there large crowds can be seen day and
night. At night It is brilliantly illumi
nated and the sights witnessed there nro
somawlmt of & revelaton in Macon.
Ladies as well <u men visit the Midway,
but there arc some of the attractions that
ladles do not care to see. Tho executive
committee of the fair association held a
meeting yesterday and took under con
sideration the advisability of stopping
three of these attractions. The matter
was referred to a committee and u. report
will be mode today. The report will gov
ern the action of the committee.
Considerable comment has been made
concerning two young girls employed as
waitresses In the German village. Those
girls uro not more than 12 or 14 years
of age and although they ore there by
authority of their father, much com
plaint is mode against the management
for employing auch young girls to sell
beer and be subjected to the rude remarks
of coarse people whom It Is Impossible to
keep out of such places. It waa reported
last night that some action was to be
taken on this matter, but nothing definite
could be learned,
The colored people’s department of the
fair promises to be a big success. Tills
department was first placed In charge of
Martin Logan, who resigned. The Tele
graph has received a communication from
a number of leading colored men raying
they Intended to help make their depart
ment a succes? nnd urging their race to
patronize the flair. Some handsome pre
miums are offered in this department,
particularly those for tho band contests.
Mr, E. D. Irvine, chairman of the music
committee, urges all bands interested In
this contest to call on him at his store
so that the contests may bo arranged.
By the time the crowd begins to ar
rive on tho grounds today everything
will be In readiness to be Been to the
beet advantage. Many of the displays
have not heretofore been In proper
condition to bo rfhown to the beet ad
vantage, partlcuUnrly the handsome
oounty displays.
This morning at 10:20 concert by
Sanford dieters.
At 2:30 p. m., of the famous Co
ney Inland concerto by Card’s well
known orchestra.
At 3 p. m. Professor Grenada will
walk the tight wire.
At 3:30 the Dacomns will give their
mld-alr bicycle performance.
tAt 4' p. m. Phlllon will perform on
the spiral railway.
• Besides 'the regular programme there
will be other performances of every
king, nnd tonight Phlllon will give an
other performance amid a display of
Hundreds of people arrived In tho
... ,t.‘Li ,,,, ^...i m.. indlnnHnn<* nr«
King Lewis Arrested Vosterdny on
That Charge.
King Lewis Is tho h’gh-soundlng title
of a man who was arrested by Officer
Plunkett yesterday on a ciiargo of
horse stealing, which in this country
does not mean that be will ho strung
up to a tree. It Is charged that Lewis
stole one mouse-colored maro mule
from Mrs. L. A. Pr'.ntup, In Greene
county, n few days ago. It is under
stood that Lewis afterwards disposed
of the mouse-colored mule, bur tho an
imal has not yot seen located.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Moat Perfect Made.
25 cents will take you into
the Exposition Grounds after
6 p. m. during the remainder
of this week.
The farm ot Mr*. Nancy M. Burgay,
located In the western part ot Bibb coun
ty, fourteen mile, from Macon and two
miles from LlzeU*. on the Macon and
Birmingham railroad. Thl, is well known
to be one of tbe best farms In middle
Georgia and cannot be surpassed as a
stock farm. Oood improvement*; perfect
titles, HOWARD M. 8MirH. Trustee
KS Second street, Macon, On.
Notice la hereby given that the docket
will be called on Saturday. October 27,
at 9 a. m. for the purpose of setting case*
for November term. 18M.
By order J. L. Hardeman, Judge.
ROBT. A. NI8BET. Clerk.
Macon, Oct. 24, U8t
JtfkNT, a «pacific *or H/cUria, lAxxinmm, JTU, Net
ralffla. Headache, Nervous Prostration catued lr
• ic.ili .1 or i. WakefalneM, Hs*nt*l PepreanloL
Hofteninc at Brain, catuinff lnMolty, misery,
death, Premature OI<l Aye, Eerrtrm^M, Lom
Power In either mi, Ira potency, J^aroirhc** end ..
Female Weakn*e#»#, Involuntary Lo***», Hperure.
torrhcee rau*ed l>y f.ver-exfrtl.m of bratu, ft*;?
tbwfe over-Indolffnre. a month'* treatment, 91
C for 16. by mall. With each order for 0 box*#, wit
pi wlb wn<l written ruarantce I
Goa rant* ** ienz««! by a^-nt. WEfiT’K I.IVElt PILL.
cure* Hick Headache, BUlooftne#*, M##r Consul-.
SourHtomaafc, J/yapepMaand GmatipaUan.
The only. way to cure catarrh ia to
purify the blood. Howl's Sarsaparlllla
purifies the blood and tones up the
whole system.
New York, Oct. 24.—L. S. Stern, a mem
ber of the firm of Stem &, Co., dealers
In men’s furnishing goods, whose failure
was announced today, comm]ted suicide
this morning by Jumping Into a reservoir
in Central park.
Pimples, blackheads, moles, freckles,
tan and sunburn removed by John
son’s Oriental Soap. Medicinal. Sold
by Goodwyn & Small, druggists.
Now York, Oot. 23.—Judge Patrick Dlv-
ver this afternoon resigned his position
as a police Justice ot tills city.
Why do so many people wo see
around us «eeio to prefer to suffer and
be made miserable by Indigestion, con
stipation, dizziness, loos of appetite,
coming up of the food, ycjlow skin,
when for 75 cents we will sell them
Shiloh’s Vlt&lizcr .guaranteed to cui*
Sold by Goodwyn A Small Drug
Company, corner Cherry street and
Cotton avenue.
Special trains from Lumber City to
MUicon and return, via Southern rail
way. bn account of Dixie Intcrstat Fair.
Trains will run October 27 and 23, ulflo
November 1, 2. 3, 6, 6 and 7, on follow
ing schedule: Going, leave Lumber Ctty
6:30 a. m*: arrive Macon 10 a. m.; return
ing, Leave Muoon 7 V. m.; arrive Lum
ber City 10:30 p. m.
Stops made at all Intormerlate fta*
tions. Trains from and to Hawklnsvlllo
25 cents will take you into wll ‘ CCTinect at Cool,nin - wt . th ttiw,e
the Exposition Grounds after
6 p. m. during the remainder
ol this week.
Mr. Fred Miller of Irving, Ill., mfce.
that he had a severe kidney trouble
for many years, with severe palna i n
his back and also that his bladder was
affected, lie tried many *o-caii<-d kid
ney cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he began the use of
Elcctrio Bitters and fond relief at
once. Electric Bitters Is especially
adapted to cure of all kidney and liver
troubles and often give, almoet Instant
relief. One rtlal will prove our state
ment. Price only 60o for a Urge bote
tie At Lamer St Son's drug store.
26 cents will take you' into
thfj Exposition Grounds after
6 p. in. during the remainder
of this week.
Beat the World’s Mile Record for Bicycle
Buffalo, N. Oct. 24.—John S. Johnson
this afternoon rode a mile In the unpar
aJIeled time of, 1:35 2-5, almost fourteen
seconds faster than any single rider has
ever covered the distance in the world
and six seconds faster than any tandem
has ever negotiates, the distance and one-
tenth of a second faster than the world's
record for running hot see—l&H, made by
Salvator on a straight track at Mon
mouth Park, N. J., August 28, 1830.
Take it when '
“awfully tired”
Srown’s Iron
ol’ty IA«l night and the Indication* are
that today’s nMend'auco will double
that of yesterday.
Saturday la Labor Day and MnJ. J.
F. Hanson will address the working-
men and labor unions of the city. The
farmers arc also urged to be present
on this occasion, ns MaJ. Hanson s nd-
dress will be for 'Che benefit of tho
farmers as mucfli as the working
AM employers employing laboring
m'en have been requested to close up
on Saturday, so as 'to give Mielr em
ployes an opportunity to attend tho
fair and hear' the speaking. ’
(About one dozen people, black and
white, were hauled away trim tnt
grounds yesterday In the black Mario.
The police are del nr rubied to keep good
order on the grounds.
5Su ~Cray4, x4, /wtgxeie.
aLud*-. (Pcuur
i\4 £<d1At /uvay'
fa**# mlU
rSt tf**-**’} *
^■^tnroiL JuxiUeA, cr-jf
Gold Oust Washing Powder
la every wonflni’a friend. Ask your grocer for it. Sold in
four pound packages. Price 35 cents. Hade only by
Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Beaton, Philadelphia.
Ladles’ and Misses’ Capes, Coats and
Don’t buy your Wrap till you look
through our stuck.
Fifty dozen Ladles’ real Kid Glove*,
tan, brown and black, 69 cents. You
pay 11.00 for gloves no bettor.
Blankelts 11.00 to JO.00. ^
Comforts 26 oents to JO.OO. | < i
Sea tho Lace Curtains, polo and fix
tures wo sell, all for J1.00.
If you want line Brussels net, Tam-
bored Swiss or Nottingham Curtains
take a look through onr stock. You’ll
find what you wtiut and price to please.
See the new English mid French pat
tern suits wo show llils weok, J6.76 to
Our Shirt Waist Slfks are the finest
In tho city. i
Don’t forget that wo arc leading tho
state la Men’s und Boys’ Butts, llflts,
Underwear, Handkerchiefs and Over
coat*. i
The living ploturcs on «• WW#*###
form one of 'tho cleanest and pretuetft
attraction* on tho grounds.
At the meeting of the executive com-
ml'ttee yesterday It wn* agreed to re-
<1ucq Ihe price of idmlMlo® to fho
eroSnds after 6 o’clock in the evening
fjom 60 cents to 25 cents. This will put
the price of admission within the reach
of For C the°nrf<t time In tho blKtory of
Macon everybody to nprrced
ffisrira.. That the Mir 6.
greatest tiring ever seen 1n Ooorlga.
On and after this date there will be
Rimed at the Dixie Interstate Bair
ground six bales of o,.Won per dav. tree
of charge, farmer furnishing MM
and tle«. Two hands trill be admitted
free on each wagon bringing one bale
or seed cotton. W. O. WADLRY,
General Manuiger.
26 cents will take you into
the Exposition Grounds after
6 p. m. during the remainder
of thip week.
Tho brat ralve In the world for cuts,
brutara, uorci, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblain*,
corns, and all eruptions, and p04itlvely
Is guaranteed to give perfect Hatlafn-
tlon or money refunded. Price, 25
cets per box. For vale by H. J. Lamar
Sc Son*, druggist*.
Mercury and Potash remedies—more to
be dreaded than the disease—and in a
short while la in a far vrornc condition
than before. Tho moat common rcaull ia
for which H. S. S. la the moat reliable
cure. A few botUe* will afford relief
where all else has failed. *
I Buffered lrora a eevere attack of MerrarW
iilim.nif armaand leMitH-lns ewoilen
limn twice their natural at?o, canting
moetexcruclalloa peine. 1 epenthundred*
©C dollar* wtth’._.
■ iiur a few boulee ori
! 1 Improved rapid! j,and
. welt
lief, but after tah*
ompletclr cured, i j
« painful rilM*a«e.
heartily recoro
'afflicted wltb...
W. F. IML*Y, Brooklyn (derated R. R.
’ Our Treatise on Blood end fiktn Dleeaeea mailed
* any addreea.
\ SWIFT KPtXlFIC CO.T Atlanta, Ca«
^eveti per cent. I»ana negotiated oa
Improved city property and farma.
1U Second street, Macon, Ga*
We desire to say a word to those who, labor
ing under tho impression they can’t be fitted,
about this time of tho year run to the merchant
tailor and $35 to $40 for a suit of clothes which
wc arc selling at from $16 to $20.
There is no shape so largo or small, no size so
irregular, but we have provided for and can fit.
The tall and lanky man, tho stout and short-
legged man, will find no more trouble hero in finding some
thing to fit him than the most perfect shape.
A splendid stock to solect from, too, and no old stock.
Every garment wo exhibit is fresh from tho hands of skillful
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Wc have some capital offerings iu Business Suits,
Which we will sell at $8, $9.60 and $12. These goods pos
itively cannot bo duplicated elsewhere for anything like the
same money. You can serve your own interest when you buy
from us.
For two days only this visit. OCTOBER 21 *n<l 8. WEDNESDAY and THURS
DAY. All who coll on these eminent physicians tho above dat* will receive all
medical service* and surgical - treatment FREE UNTIL CURED.
Tho object of thl* FREE SERVICE I* lo become .quickly acquainted with the
alck; also to demonstrate the superior exoellence of their methods of treating all
diseases of a chronlo or long-standing nature. The doctor* feel assured that tho
grateful endorsement* of the many they relieve and cure will give them, during
their future vl*lt«. an extended practice that will amply repay for this great outlay
of time and money. Although they treat all <B»'ises of a chronic, long-standing,
obscure or difficult nature, and cure many Boom I led Incurable diseases, they wish It
thoroughly understood that If, after a. thorough examination, your mse I* found
to be Incurable we frankly tell you so and reserve the right to reject all such
CATARRH CURED—Consumption in the Incipient stage; Dronchltle. Aethma.
Rheumatism, all diseases of tbs nose, throat, lungs, stomach, liver and kldnoy*|
Scrofula, Sores, Ulcer* and ell chronic blood troubles; Eczema, P#JrtatUS, Pimple^
Blotches and all skin troubles treated and eure-1 If accepted.
NERVOUS DISEASES—Epilepsy positively *n l permanentlr cured. Nervous d*.
billty from any cause. Hysteria, Neurathenla, Chorea, Hi. Vitus' Dance, etc., post-
lively cured by the London Specific treatment If curnbl*.
DISEASES OF WOMEN.—We examine ladle* without exposure, and treat all
dlerases peculiar to their sex without the use of rings, pessaries, etc., by a new and
p&inlesa method
MEN—Weak, Dleeaeed, Deapondent—Men suffering from premature decay, ex
hausted end enfeebled powers, diseases causing losses, drains, w.-ak or lulling mem
ory, blotches, pimples. Impure blood, falling of hair, etc., should visit ihem at
once. By their Anglo-German methods and rernodlcs (hey guarantee au.-h suffer
ers Immediate relief and a permanent cure.
CANCERS and malignant tumors and growths, all enlargements and glandular
swellings removed and cured without the use of a knife. No pain. No matter what
disease you are suffering from, or how long standing: no matter haw many physb
clans have failed to cure you, oall on us. It will cost you nothing ami you may
profit by it. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
8« WeMttt B’.rcot, AUumtn, Ga,
IM -