About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1894)
THE MAC02J TELEGRAPH: SUITDAY MORHIHG, DECEMBER 80, 1894. YOU NAY LOOK FOR BARGAINS! BEGINNING WITH THE NEW YEAR WE ARE GOING TO CLOSE OUT A SPECIAL LINE OF CHAMBER SUITS AND SIDE BOARD AT PRICES THAT WILL BE CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS CAN BE MADE. These Goode are in the newest designs, and we guarantee the workmanship and finish to be the best. If you will take the time to compare these goods with others in the city you will sec the truth of this statement. ' % ALL GOODS PURCHASED NOT PROYING SATISFACTORY WILL BE EXCHANGED OR MONEY REFUNDED THE WOOD-PEATY FURNITURE COMPANY 558 AND 560 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. WATCH THAT GOOK1BG STOVE i five or Six Explosions Which Occnrrcd in Macon Coring Yesterday Morning, CAI’SED IiY ICE IS TIIK PIPE8 Sir,. >1. C. nalkrom Badly Scalded Karly \i eurday Morning try an Bipleiloa of (he Water Tank on a Cook ing *toT«—Other IsaMaal*. <rt,» cold mm vostontav mused a number of explosions in e»aves and ranrii in Macon, Than am on.liln.ry ooor.tog dlovr or comae can blow u;> jiim like a strain onartae baa iu>t been Jen,. v:i t»> ovemhodv In fad. cotnoam- Mvciy ftw octuple would think H tore- ensary to guar.1 agatnflt rut luvlihci' of the kind. But thure nr.r at leust live or fix famfiHos Hi Macon -win will hurt- Eifti r taka putas to find out t*w much ■wa'.iT. If ta ton "lvea'tem" of (heir stoves when tlic thirmoineter la lidow the Ireczirur tx»Wt. f iiiuroduy morning tho range in tl» trill v-ti of Mr. Sol WaxfWxuim ex- Moiled,. inuv&k’ll'.'lv demolMhtoff Che aim mrl IMMflMhg illmnal ovarviltlbia in iiie kin-hen, The glam in the three klUUon wliKtUwn iwna MntHkred. and the r ipoll wan hoard fur it Work •round. At the time of the explosion. Mrs WnxeiUturn iuimI MUh Bertha ta'ii x-'dbauth ante lust enWrtng live k lit.,mn, where the ec/.ik «nd IruMtlr Mcr • itrcaaed In a rvllgjaue <f.mtro verThe ladles lind h irrtlv mitered •wh’.i idle move flew Into a Hundred nlec-'x ant the butler nnd cook fell to itlxe floor stud began yelling. Mrs. Wux- olli mi .likI her daughter were unbuilt, but the butler received a wound on tWe l'lgh’ arm. While u living piece of ilho move aim ok the eonk on the thigh. Tho duns'of elie exnloalon vat toe frozen wat v in the pipex. .whii-h t»revonste<! the w.i, from flowing into the hoalnr. At about, the wnno tlnvn of itwv. Iho kinif.i oinking mow in Mr*. UlirieUivn's home v:t Him, street irtaw on from the •am* eaute. At the time of rills explo sion ilhere wu* tui one In the kitchen oxc .nl the cook, who escaped llinbuilt, (hut aim rfltdrii Lined almost to, tlwwl., •Rw, wlndcnvi* wvro nui niiiic 1 ait'UI tho Stove itbfjv itn iMeeea anti the tire ecalt- tered ova” the Moor. Mr. M. C. Rzlkeiwn's range la also it eauvileto wreck. lira. Siitloconv .and her Vivo lit01, children were tho only •Kounante of the Mtuthon alt toe time of till* *M>low un." Tltln wtu* nrOhttblv Hit in at terrific of all! ttho exnloslan*. The large rangu n ad ikervUv bl.-wn ftf.o tiriiinn-iii*. Tho wlmtiw. ixmm. fs»!' and blind*. wore eomnlatwlv ouit of i ntilr loUiece, tund everything in the kUriion toad. cotrtil bo lantunM bv fin car.. uiuiJte aulYored. The two ttttlu rtlllid'l li-irumulolv eweliaal unhurt, but '[rx. Ualkuwn vras badlv neoUled on alio tbruufi, •irm« ami ihruillx bv wjtHerCro.'ii a Mi'll* which ant on the front of the su*\v The tiro from lit® mote Wait KMiDtrred over tho kltcUvu. mid but for the ui'initl work anti rnol- he.n 'ednnva of u bengtUtr ttUiu buitmctted to bn In the house the dwelling would httrv.i been burned tin, Mr. mlkc.un had butt gone to nmiu. bug w-eit lm- ineft'J.'elv homo on httinng of the un- Ion untiUo neoidenf. To a Tt<i imimh rtwofllcr Mr. Iltik- com atettol that the condition of hte «mtf. vw mot mriiuB but ext'eodlnilv tml: iFul. II: will be eoe dnvn, tn hie nrtr on. bttl.ire She cam nult her bed. Other tt.losloiw due i!> the a true cuu*e ow Hired at the hou».w at Mr. Kd. O'fl'nnell, Mm. John Ingalls, end Mr. J. C". Van Svckle, but the damage done .wut\ igvlv aUBltu llctuiekrercnt would do wetl to nee to it rf'01 there t> nb too In the ntae* end tailere of their atovew or rttiurra during tmk" Mimvt When the flow of writer la on.* hicteil hv lee hr men nnv idher uitior. Ui« water in the plooe la noon ronvoivod ttho stottn. end when :hn otrovlv of water ta oxhaumml In Hue w\M an exoloafcn la eltnaet sure tn oa- our. DIAnrES AND BLANK BOOKS. K dl Hn* «t bottom tuioes. Me-Bvoy Bxiu’Qre Co. “A TKIP TO CHINATOWN." Hoyt’a Mrrrlrat Farte the Attraction for Saturday Night. Hoyt't mrrrlrat fare*. "A Trip to Chi natown,” Is announced for Saturday at the Academy, and all lovara of lloytlan humor will tint! much Joy thereat. Of all the reunited farre-comedlca which have drill. Med New York for a decode, "A Trip to Chinatown" eaptwred the prla* of tnetr lolttan lndor»< uient oaay and auc- r«ed.d tn tacking Mr. Moyt'a Ixstutirul the..'re nit lit ly for over •» ntshta. Af- ter H>H m'l'iM.hreaktng run. the ptee* waa tonaferrod to Chicago and enjoyad a peotraetad atay at tho Urand Opera Ilnu r. The great popularity of this lively llttto skit may ha attributed to tie exuber ant wit, captivating altuallonst pretty tmie.c and kaltdloacoplc array of rot. timva It la full of pretty stria and they dlaport In habtla of riebaat coloring nud natlirat make, while frisking through ■nine novel dance or warbling some eatchy air. Thera Isn't a moment for reflection •are tatweea the aria, so rapidly do the erems change and no constantly does the lutareat prevail The company remains pencil, ally Intact and Ineludee all the Now York favorites. A NOVRIVTY IN MKC1IANIC8 AND AHT. A moat rtemiksble arena ta Introduced In the "Neersat Uevtt'a Auction." It le peew nted In the Orst id and U called "The OouncU Chamber of Mephlato. - It wan designed by Manager Yale and relat ed I :• the famous aconk artist. John It. Wm --s or California. Its roncepttoQ ta worthy of n Dante, and Me exrcutlen of the Lrush of a Dora No one scene aver contained w> many original and novel me. char -el effect*. It pies eras a vast cav ern. weird nnd gloomy, flllr l with hideous flracrawling gnomes and Naatng- tied r.i-llle* Mephtsto, the Prince of Ilvll, alls enthroned In the ,/mbrace of a monster rainidre, eurrounded by hta coun- clilors, sprite* and Imps of darkness. Hs ta chagrined at tho failure of the mortals to whom he has granted the privilege of eternal life to da hta bidding among tho pcoplo of earth, and condemns to destruc tion alt who have enjoyed his awful fn. vor. J'our hideous witches go through an awe-lnrplrlng Iricuatatlon while the hatoJ mortals are thrust into the flaming mouth of a hideous, ravenous reptile. Mephtsto then announces that ho has de termined to crealo a mortal to he hta emissary on earth, and under his direc tion a head,'body, arms and legs are tak en from a seething caldron. Into this Inanimate form ho breathes life and Intel ligence and names him Count Fortune." It requires several trained men tooper- nte the various mechanical contrivances used In producing the. effects In this scene. The "Devil's Auction" Is hooked at the Academy of Music for Monday, January 7. HOLIDAY EXTENDED. Public Schools Will Not Op n Until Wednesday. Owing do the liumtlnf,' of steam pipes In two at tits schools during the freeze of Friday night the board of education at a. speclat meeting held yesterday afternoon decided to postpone the opening of the schools until Wednes day, hhs 2d. It will take several weeks to get the furnaces lu good repair again, but .yes terday Superintendent Abbott, acting under Ineiruclloliu from the beard of education, purchased stoves for the schools where 'flu furnaces und pipes had been Injured uo that the schools cun be opened by Wcdmsday morulug, uuil the children kept comfortable. •Superintendent AJiholt has received circular No. 21 Issued by Commisaloner lirudwell, giving the school fund tor ljllj.c anil full .ttfeasmstlou concerning iln upportlonmeut, eollootlon and dis tribution under thu nnv law. Former ly liVbb got eg of its own poll tax, but under t'he new law tills county only got* u pro rata, which takes a fetv hundred dollars from the state appro priation. The following extract is tuken from the circular und will be uf Inter est to the public: The poll tux Is no longer a county fund, but Is hereafter to b- paid into Iht- geiu'rtal school fund, subject to ap portionment us the spocltlc taxes and direct appropriations have beta. The quarterly ujutoruonments ure to be mad) .is heretofore, on the last day of til) calendar quarter, but the coun ty school commlMloneiw ure aMowcd one month lunger tn which to itcmd in their Itemized statemotitB under ap proval of the county hoards of educa tion. The expens'd of administration for each quarter are to be paid In full, and such Item* nro not BUblect to pro rating, should the quarterly appropria tion bo insutllcieut to pay th ‘ various Itoiiie In full. The school year Is Changed so n* to be coincident with the calendar year. The lllwl day at January next |i the beginning of a now school year. The first Tuesday In December, or a* soon thereafter us pructlcaMo, the stnto school' eommlBsloner, me comptroller- general nnd tho treasurer are required to make mi catlmnfe of the entie com mon school fund mf the atate for the next Succeeding school year. Hi* liivt Tuesday In January, or as soon thereafter as practicable, oounty bourds are to meet tend moke the neces* wary arrangements to piece th) schools In operation. County D.xvrd« have full authority to adopt the ni.ary pkm or pay the ia.ehx'ra nceordlng to enrollment or atteivdanmv The time of operating the school* la tort entirely to the county board*. the school fund for each calendar 2* 10 * '* “fd spedfle sum, and ta to he divided Into four equal part*, one of which shall bo avaWile and 1,1 l!, ° event that the m«seWe taxe» foil *b..rt of the cm- tlninte ttaid.i by Hie state Kffux>| com- mstvlkncr, a-mpirollerqpn.rjl auri treasurer, then the Inlauoe necenatry '* P«fd jrom any fund In tho treasury mu otherwise ticiproprini.'d. BLANK BOOKd! ■Full line of blank books, diaries, cmmnercM stationery. We are head quarter* for dheae. McEvoy-Sundant ARCHDEACONRY OF M ACON. Important Gathering of Episcopal cler gymen on Tuesday, The archdeaconry of Macon, which Is composed of the clergy and Key dde- sauw from the pirtahea nud missions of the Episcopal chtnvh In Middle Oeorrie. wlH eseemhle In 8t. Bnnmbae ch.tpei on Third it reel, tatween Hnw- thorns aud Haael «lreels <>u Tuesday mxmlng. Jan. 1. at 7.J0 p. m. Btahop Nelson will preside at the various aer- vlero nnd meettiam. whlili will begin on Tuesilay evetilng at 7.W and eon- ilnue throughout Wednesday, oom- ^ with tiro Holy Canununton at In the afternoon at 3 o’clock there will be n meeting of the Womiui’a Aux iliary, und M 4 o'clock oevenu ttd. h r. ek nomien nnd others on •The Aotlvlllen at rhe Citrietlatt Ufa" At 7.34 p. m. on Wednesday a mission ary msstlug will be held. Amour the addro-ees to bo made wm b ' 0:10 by lilshep Nelson wHl be accompanied to Mu-vn by hta wlto and while here they will be the gurots of Rev. ». p. lteeae and wife. ;&Si V""* eordially invited to attend the meetings of the nrchden- conry. Fine sbvtkvnery, OR foxl* fancy dera CV> P OtUr ° McEvoy-San- HAUEIt WILL APPEAL, iviumv. O.. Dec. Andrew Sauer, charged with Molwing ehe na- tionM hanking laws, wus refused ■ now trial today nnd sentenced (o four yroro In he pemtengfary. Rawer ta one of <he beet kivnvn men In northern Ohio and hie sentence baa created a aensatien. An npp<ktl eriU be taken. FROZEN TO DE-kTli IN FLORIDA. Lake CHy Ft*., Dec. An' un- ktKWU whl:o mm toa* found by rCMudaltovn th2« tmx-n.n^ in a U>:uc coeUUlon (i\zm cold. Ii U altv> rrtMrled that ti jk'jto irox^n to dcuih about tea <nUe«s from town. SPRIG A BIG SURPRISE. Mr, C-1!, Mussenburg Announces Him self a Candidate for County Treasurer. IS AN UNKNOWN OFFICE IN HIDE The County Has Been Without s T^esi- artr Twjnlj-lly* Yean, Although, According to Mr* Mmnnburg, . It !■ KntUled to One* Considerable surprise was manifested yesterday over the appearance of a ticket for the county election to be tae’.d on January 2, containing^ tho names cf all the Democratic nominees for county offices, hut with nho pome of C. B. 'Mjsseuburg for county treas urer, County treasurer for Bibb county I* an unknown office 'to Jho people of the county, and everybody except a very four intimalte friends of Mr. Massen- berg 'Who saw tlie tlckat were at x loss to know iwhat such a ticket mettnt. Knowing that Bbb had not had a treasurer,^teioitvn -and rcoognized as Mich, for ithe-dM-st ttvedty yeurs, « Tel- egraiph w®orteff,-toto whose bands one of the tickets hatfbeen placed, Bought Mr. 'Mtifisenberg and .asked aim tout "Yes, I tan a candidate fo^oufrty treusufer,” said Mr. Msawmbrirgr- "as you will see by thl» ticket.” || ( - “But Is there such an office, and if so why lias not some one been filling It?" the reporter asked. “Yes, there is such on office, but I don’t suppose anybody has thought about running for It. or really knew of tt. You see,-about twenty yearn ago the legrslature. tn creating the board of county commissioners abolished the office of treasurer and made the coro- niiHBtoners treasurer. This wus dearly unconatlutlnal. as the legislature had no snore right to abolish the office of treasurer limn tt has to abolish the office of governor.’’ "I suppose you have taken legal ad vice," said the reporter. "Yes; 1 huvv consulted with tiyo-rif tho beslt lawyers to the etty, and Khvy way there la no .possible doubt about lil-.o unconsi:*tuttanaltey of tlln; amt of the legtaluUire tm mbolllshlng the office." Furolrar conversatlcu with Mr.'-AIas- HKVbmlg brought out the fact bhat lie intended Ito cun for treasurer t.vo y-viro ago, but decided to wait uiv.il this ytur. He s.itld ttaat the county was cltUriv ci,lulled Ito such an offlou and he might a* well till h as unybody, TEio ufltoe !s ono of fees, and ,«ie trdiisufer SKSam- j/eHod to igtoe u ibond. The duties of Iho .treasurer uine to pay out all county money* on orders from the cctmnibBlon- eix, or, to other words, Ito met os cash ier of nhi) ciaunty. The last Incumbent of the office was A. W, Gibson. After he went out of of fice the county commissioners took charge und since then have acted as treasurer. Whether tho county commissioners will aurrender the office to Mr. Massenburg tr h* Is elected is not yet known, and a complicated legal tight may grow out of tho matter. At any rsto, further develop ments will bo awaited with Interest. As Mr. Mossanburg was not tn the pri mary for County officers the Kars nre down fo a* many candidates os desire to enter tho rac* for treasure, but so far as known no one else has any Intention of unninc far tho office. Mr. Mussenburg was for n number of year* lax collector of the county and It was generally con ceded that ho had tho office as long as he wanted It. but about six yean ago ho declined to bo re-elected, lie is a man who has Iho respect and confidence of the people and served the county faithfully when In office. ROYAL ARCANUM. q , A Now Council Will Be Instituted on Tueedy Night. A new council lor hp Royal Arca num will bo Instituted to -Macon Tues day night nit Odd Fellows’ huH "by Deputy Grand Mk«« J. T. Rodgers. This popular order Is In * very flour ishing condltorn, she Increase in mem bership last month atone bring l.iop, nul the »o«al mmvborahlp now Is iso,- 000. The Royal Arcanum is the Wad ing social order at the Nbrtli. rts mem- benfhtp In NOW York alone Is over 35.000. Mon. Henry Cabot Lodge. United SU«es re natter, alt * recent Royal Arosnum public Tncdtltn: tu Ita lic Hall. BM«n, spoko of the Royal Areanurn os ’’SOS of 13to great engines of clvSteattan and progress. Thin- tire n.«w two councils located In .Macon. Anchor curd W. 31. Wadtoy councils, with a membership of about 300. compoeed of romeof Macon's best und most pror.itncnt cltixcns. The now (uuncll starts oat with a charter list of sixty-five names. HELD UP BARTOiNIDERS. Orih Saloon Keeper a nd One of the R, b- ta'i-s Wcrfl Killed. Chicago, Doc. 29.—Four robbeto. armed with re\Ml\ --rs, eatcretl -.he sa loon of N. J. ttlcwfu .at 23 Market alreiv, ut elnelOK ’Ime tonight jm.t or dered Che bartender, Nels Reck, to throw* U|> bis hands and keep them up till the money In ’he till fix'd been transferred. Beck tried fo rtgh tho gnns with his fists for want of a bot- terw-’i-ion. Oneeffthc robbers fired M bullet Into Reek's aMw-x and he was ttaken to the b-tspltal in a dying oetalVta-n. The robbers ran a short .!!-■ fence fo - he roloon -< Austin McGralY. at tS Huron «mt, ond tried to hoU blm up for all tho money to sight. Ths saloon keeper shsawisl fight, and Just os ono of act robbers levelled hi* gun to fir--. Morir.ull gras^- j cho woipin auj Che bulh’t passed barmlc»Mly by. The oth-'r :h!"c had .their guns eut ready, but McGrudi firet at the one who tried :) kl!’. htm and -.he ertodna! te l dead. Tho others ran wwxy and (■reaped. IN THE PAVILION. Quotations were received on but three of the races at New Orleans yesterday and consequently the talent In the a- vlllon had a very short play of It. How ever, they made the most of their oppor tunities, were down thick on the three winners and had no kick coming to them on that account. Attendance quite good. There afe some extra attractions for this week. Look out for them. AT NEW ORLEANS YESTERDAY. Second race—Six and one-half furlongs, 3-year-old selling. Time. 1:2214. Clara Bauer; 114; 1 to 3 l Long Brook; 105; 10 to 1 (Welsh) 2 Gleesomc; 102; 3 to 1 33 Third race—One mile and one-fourth. Time, 2.-00%. Wahatchee; 106; 6 to 5 (Clayton) 1 Melody; 97; 3 to 2 (Penn) 2 Woolsey; 97; 4 to 1 (MeCue) 3 Fourth race—Three-fourth8 of a mile, all ages. Time. 1:16. Noecedah; 92; 8 to 5 (H. Williams) 1 Coralllna; 92; 12 to 1 (Clayton) 2 Red Top; 95; 12 to 1 (Welsh) 3 Fifth race—Five-eighths iA a mile, fillies. Time, 1^2>i- Flush; 1(6; 4 to 1 (H. Williams) 1 Martha Griffin; 106; 6 to l....(Cossin) 2 Trixie; 106; 30 to 1 (Warren) 3 Track fust. AT NEW ORLEANS MONDAY. Boothroyd, 97; Pots. 97: Ruby R., 97; Red Veil, 97; Adah Foy, 99, Erstwhile. 99; Prin ces* Ross, 99; Nelch, 99; Sldcsn, 100; Coral- llna. 101; VanBrunt, 102; Occula, 103: Black Satin, 103; Leona’a Lost. ICC; Renaud, 100. Second race-Thrce-fourtha of a mile, selling. Dick White, 103; Brake-man, 103; O. B. Cox. 101; Buby Bill, 101; Dr. Parks. 101; B. F. Fly, Jr., lu; Darwin Wedge- wood, 1(6; • Elboron, 101; Governor Hogg, 107; Longbrook, 107. Third race—Thlrteen-slxteenths of a mile, maidens. Jugador, 99; Sir James. 99; Dick Tension, 99; Cooper, 99: Canaryvllle, 09; Grade A, 99; Norvtno, 99; Warwick shire, 122; Lewln, 123: Bust Up, 122; Mad den. 14; Nell Corns. 191; Annak, 104; Red Cloud. 101; Ben Hill. 107. Fourth race—Threo-fourths of o. mile, handicap. Rasper, 94; Readlna, 1(0; Gold Dust, 108; Centlnella, 108: Florecanna, 113; Eva L„ 93; Yemen, 121: Nellie Osborne, 90. Fifth race-Scvcn furlongs, selling. Eth el W„ 102; Alvoeate, 102; Jim Henry, 102; Lay On. 102; Bay Flower, 1(M; Lank. KM; Belle Stout, 1M: bmioh, 101; Alibi. KB; Royal Flush, 107; Silver Prince. 107; Ixlon, 108; Hot Spur, 110; Miss Knott. 110; Rota tion, J10. First quotations received In Putzel’s Pavilion 1:16 p. m. VIRGINIA'S OLD BONDS. Richmond, Va„ Dec. 29.—Monday Is tlhe tost day upon which old Virginia securities can be foundnd Into centuries ToUay -there were dhposHed for fund ing with tho second auditor $182,000 of old tax receivable coupons. This leaves outsfl'andlng only aboqt 3500,000 of bonds and $550,000 of coupons. 'CENSUS CLERKS DISMISSED. Wa-shimgB-on, Doc. 29.—About ninety employes of the census Office were to day notified of -lihelr dismissal, to sake effect tho Slst Inst., as work in fihnit do. pjirtmomt- Is well up. GRANDMA. My grandma sits by the fire and knits. Her shining needles say click, click, clack, Tho while sho hiur.t somo old, old tunes That from her childhood days come beck. Outside tho wind ta howling drear, While grandma sits with folded hands, Gracefully, peacefully passing away To brighter, to more beautiful lands. Bat grandma Is tired and sleepy now And wants to rest her dear old hosd. So cp tho stair* she slowly tolls To seek repeso upon her bed. —Grace Cochrane in Chricttan Intelligencer. THE WORLD OF SPORT. Asn Priest, Cornell's left handed pitcher, will again appear on tho diamond for Cornell next year. Miss Hodwlg Stclnlts, the adopted daughter -J William Stclnltz, recently made her debut as a chess player, draw ing a game against J. W. Sho.raltor. W. E. Potty, tho New York roundsman who Is champion pistol shot of America, shoots cards from his wlfo’s hands. A team composed of the respective In tercollegiate champions of America as the result of tho Mott Haven games may meet tlie winners of the Oxford-Cambrldge games In tho fall of 1895. Hand tennis, a combination of lawn tennis anil handball, is a new sport popu lar among members of tho Now York Ath- lotto club. Stripes In Poor Tut*. "What a beautiful animal that sebm 111” exclaimed the girl who was visiting the zoo. “Y-n-n-s,” replied the young man who Is always near her, "It It only had stripes running thoothah way, It would bo qulto a handsomo pattern, wouldn't itf”— Washington Star. He Knew. Mamma—Why did yon tell Mrs. Mug ger that the rake sho gate you at dinner was not Tery good! Charlie—'Cause If I'd said I liked it somebody would 's' said to wus bad for me. —Chicago Inter Ocean. Ths Meek Ltttls Woman. "I always mean to come to you for ad vice,” said the meek little woman. "You never tell me wrong.” "What Is it, dear!" asked the young husband, unconsciously straightening up with a proud sense of masculine superi ority. “Would you ad rise ms to get my new coat in brown or blue!" As It wss tho first he bod heard of ths proposed garment, he had to take time to consider.—Indianapolis Journal. American Apple* Going Abroad. Large shipments of apples are going abroad to European porta, Beaton lead ing the way in (ending about 45,000 to 50,000 barrels a week. The price on the continent ranges from $2.50 to $3.60 per barrel, while here the price is 11.40 to $1.S0 per barrel, which meant a clear profit of about 50 cents per barrel to the exporter; KNOWS NO LAW. This fits our case. We must clear our stock of Clothing and Underwear. No milder term than MUST will describe the situation. We have accepted the inevitable. During the remaining days of 1894 we propose to extend unprecedented opportunities to Bar gain Seekers. We expect to show our appre ciation of the people’s patronage by making it a mutual benefit now at the close of the year. You must buy now, to secure your share. B UY NOW. See our stylish $3.00 Derby Hats, reduced to $1.85. Wachtel, 515 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. WOLFF & HAP! Great Reductions From Former Prices. A Clearance Must Be Effected Regardiess of Cost or Value. "WOLFF & HAPP 'Btomkets thait sold for $1.25 oow 75c. Blankets that sold for $1.50 and $1.75 now $1. Blankets that sold for $3 and 31 nlj.v $2.50. All fine CalifornlU. wool Blamkdts at prices cult to half. Comforts that sold for $1 and 1.25 now 75c. Comforts thait sold ifor $1.50 to $2 now $1 and $1 25. Oamfbrte that sol'd for $3 und $2.50 now $1.50. CARPETS. RUGS. ART SQUARES. Clearance mmt be effected regardless of cost or value in toose linos of sootto. One lot of kunge-slze Brussels nnd Wilton Rugs, ware $1.50 to $2. closing out price $1. Ono lot Moauet Rugs and Smyrna Rugs, were 33 and $3.60. price $2.43. One lot c*tra large-size Smyrna Hearth Rugs, were $1.50 and $5; ctcolnc out prioe $3.43. Alt 25c. another lot cf thbse Bureau Rues eJvait wo Ihhd such a Ibis suite on. At 48c. one tot of Rugs. They are one and a half yards long, In a good assortaront of patterns. They are worth double, but will have to go In this sale. Special closing out sale to Art Squares In both grata and drugga:. Great saving tn these lines of goods from prices asked before the holidays. READY-MADE. MISFIT AND CARPETS LEFT ON OUR HANDS. By parties who oould not raise tlhe money they caludafiod having nt the time of purchase. We haive about Owelve of them, to both Ingrain and Brussels, to different sizes and patterns. Will be closed out at a targe Coat to us. This ts a rare chance to buy a Carpet for a very lltfile money. REMNANT CARPETS. From ithe tairge sales prior fo the hol idays have left us wdth a grew many remnant Carats and Matlttags, which will be closed out regardless of coat or value. .VII, without exception, half price or less. iF.-nedt and Go Ilf Copes, $10 and $1$; vnllue now. $4.98. Utah ilMusta capes, were $10 to $15: value new. $6.98. TriKPto doth Capes, handsomely trimmed. $5 to $8: value now $3.98. Ladles' $3 and $4 Jackets at $1.98. Ladies' $5 and $6 Jackets for $2.98. La dles $8 Bind $10 Jackets ftr $3.98. AVI Children's Cloaks to be etbsed out at 25 cents on tho dollar. This to a way down. There Is no lower depth. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S UN DERWEAR. Clearance muS he effected regardless of cost. 35 amd 40c. Ladles’ Vests to be dosed at 23c.; 50 amd 65c. Ladles’ Vests to bo closed a/t 38e.; Ladles’ wool ribbed Vests, 85c. und $1 value, So be dosed at 65c. One lot Children's Undersuits, 60 and 75c. value, to bo closed at 25c.: Chil dren’s merino ribbed Vests. us’m'Nd altos, 25. 33 nnd 40e.. reduced from 35. 45 omtl 60c. One lot Ladles’ merino robbed Veato. reduced from $1.25 to 79c. to dose. Closing out Men's Undenwcar regard less of coat or value. Men’s camel hair Suits, ah-wobl, were $2.50; now $1.48. Men’s camel hair suits, extra, fine, were $3; now $1.98. Mieo’a heavy Vests, tn plain and r;V>bod, at 23. 35. 48 and 6oc: all at closing out prices. BOYS’ SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We have oome left over from toe great sale we had an these goods during tho holidays. Our prices ithen were the tow- e»t of any ever quoted. Our closing out prices will be mudti lower than ot any time In toe history if the business. Broken lots of Men’s Suits and Ovyr- cori.s. It dlxi’4 take but very little mbney ito purchase a cootl wool Suit or Overcoat to fxvcect you from toe win try blames. We are willing to old you to every way posable If low prices will do It. FLAlNNELS IN WHITE AND COL ORS. Clearance must be effected to toese wltabut regard to cost or value. AX 19c, red and white shaker Flannels; were 15 arul 18c. heuvy red medicated Owned Flannids, wece 22 nnd 25c.; now 15 and 18c.; white Flannels ut 12. 15. 18. 20 and 25c.; all regotvlless of cost. Wool Dress Goods prices out away down. Now to your chance to got a cheap dress for ytoureelf or child for very lltfile money. REMNANTS JEANS AND CASSX- BTEIRES. A great many left on hand and are mairited very low to dose thorn out quick. 25 pieces Canton Flannel to put cn sale Monday, nil at excepdonaHv low prices, 4 3-4. 5. 6 1-4, 8. 10 und 12c. Direct all communications to W. C. LYONS, 653 Cherry street. WOLFF & HAPP. 663 Cherry Street. In, Buying' Beverage for your Sick People and for Your Table, Buy the FAUST BOTTLE BEER. ANHEUSER - RUSCH BREWING ASS’N., ST. LOUIS, MO. Brewers of FITFE BEER Exciucively, Highest Premium it fold's Fair, 1883, hr Absoluts Purity ud Quality. It: