About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1894)
1 S* THE MACOH TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1894. ’$ METIS. A Wonderful Record of a Wonderful Man. A Revolution in Medicine That Will Increase the Average Life to Three Score Years and Ten. Xearly three years have passed away splice Professor >Munyon startled the country by hts declaration that ho bad made a discovery whereby he could cure 06 per cent, of all discuses and positively reduce the death rate 30 per cent. That h!s prediction has been verified Is amply attested and proven by the thousands of people who have been cured. The-professor says: “Life and death are serious subjects, and rhe greatest cr:me man can begnllcy of Is to deceive or trifle with human afflictions." The professor believes that the average hu man life should be three noons years end ten, and that by the,use of his lit tle sugar pellets people can ward off disease and die only of old age. In order that every one .may Hive an opportunity to test hi@ remedies. Pro fessor Slunyon has placed them at the remarkably low price of 25 cents per vial, thus putting them within, the reach of all. The remedies oan be pro cured at any drug store. They are pre ps red on new and scientific principles, are pleasant to take, absolutely harm less, relieve almost instantly and speed ily cure the most obstinate cases. A valuable bock, “Guide to Health," oan be had of any druggist free, which Intelligently sets forth in plain, simple language how any one may cure them selves. Munyon’s Rheumatism Cure never fails to relieve in one to three hours and cure In a few days. Price 25c. Munyon’s Dyspepsia Cure Is guaran teed .to cure nil forms of Indigestion and stomach troubles. Price 25c. Munyon’s OatarrH Cure soothes and heals the afflicted parts and restores them to health. No failure; a cure guaranteed. Price 23c. Munyon’s I/.vor Cure corrects kead- aohe, biliousness, Jaundice, constipation and all liver diseases. Price 25c. Munyon’s Kidney Cure speedily cures pains In the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Munyon’s Blood Cure eradicated all impurities of the blood. Price 25c. Munyon’s Cathartio insures a free and natural movement of the bowels without the least pain or discomfort. Munyon’s PSle Ointment positively cures nil forms of psCes. Munyon’s Asthma Herbs are guaran teed to relieve asthma in two m.nutes. Muuyon’s Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold In a few hours. Price 25c. Munyon’s Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, alleys soreness and speed ily heals, the lungs. Price 25c. Munyon’s Nervo Cure restores over worked and overstrained nerves to a healthy condition. Price 25c. Munyon’s Headache Cure 6tops head aches in three minutes. Price 25c. . ■Munyon’s Vitnllzar Imparts new life, restores lost powers to weak and de bilitated men. Price $1. No matter what the disease or how many doctors have failed to cure you, ask your druggist for a 25-ceni vial of one of Munyon’s Oures, and if you arc not benefited your money will be re funded. A PLJjSTAmON REVIVAL. Scenes at a ProuUdted! Moating of South Carolina Negroes. Jamisons, S. C., Dec. 20.—“Do spirit am movin’ strong to St. John, Five more come can do fol* (fold) has* night and do mourneou’ bench jam full ob sinners,” and Maum TlMa turned her wattle-iron with more than usual alac rity, so Jubllunlt wus riho over the good time th»y were having ait the church. •DM was purtio’ihr fine shoutin' dey had dere long the last ob do meetin',” sa d Unole Jupiter, who had come into the kitchen for his milk palls. "You betfter bleeve It,” agreed Maum Tilda. “Dem niggers from ober do crick Is ail starred up. I wus mas’ a mind to git up and shout myself, all ’ewas l’s had de rhcumotlz’ so bud. PM ilia Baker’s Bm’Jlne wus fair faint down wld de good sight she seo when she was coinin'- t’rougb, and dey teds It dat March Brawn’s second gal, Jo- olla, ain’t Game t’rough yett, Du-t nim bly useuto b’iong to aie Jake Zetgler, and dey was awful wicked white peo- pEo. I don’t btome Joetlu. for troublin' and wrestin', now dtit de spirit talk to her." ♦ "Dem Zeiglera was Dad, sure,” chimed In her companion. “Dey usen to play cards ecn de oberseor house ebery time Sunday come round, and hnb de wine tote In regMttr. All do Zelgler n ggers Is got loose ways." "Why don't you come out some night and see do shoutin’, Mies Juba?" asked Mtum Tilda, turning to me. “We’d be powerful proud to have de buckra people 'tend our mectlu’, 'lowin’ d»y’d like to come.” “What will be a good night to come, Maumee?" I asked, tbdukiog It would please the good soul to take on Inter est in -her'revlval. ■•Friday might, ma/ara, bain’ as dat de breakin’-up mealin' (’sousin' Sun day, when dey goitre tok de penlttnts eei de church), de Shoutin’ ’ll be more d ci common. YOU Klssemuakl" (rail ing to the email black girl who as sisted her in her work); ’’you better Bit yere an’ help tote eeo din brealrtua! Ain’t you know dr buckra, people la a-waltln' fur it?” And rtoHaing tram her threatening voice that Maum Hilda was in the rapids of preparation for our morning meal. I left the kitchen. hhe Friday night in question found us duly Installed on a bench outside the church, through the open windows of which we could command full view of rhe pro v. dings. The congregation w>s largo. The women's side was gay with bright-colored head-handkerchiefs, ribbons a id strramens, and there wus quite a display of white shirt-fronts, collars and cuffs among the now so berly garbed masculine element. The whole. a«*embty presrated no neat and orderly air. The sermon over, rhe exporter had carcely taken his seat when a slim brown gfl in the "amen corner" sung out, iff’a high key, some unintelligible words. Several Allied in, keeping time with rbeir feet. In an instant the whole assembly was singing a sort of chant, the refrain of which waa aHernstely, "Down by the River," “Down by the r-i-v-e-r-slde." the voice in the high key ringing out the argument, as it were, the whole body of worshipers vo ciferating the chorus, to the rythmic pattmg of ratinrless f?et, swaying of bodies, a«id-noddhig of heads, all lo per fect ' time. The effect was thrilling, magical. After keeping this up for name time, the very air seemed to pul- fate with emotion. "Down by the T-l-v-e-r-side,” they sang. Suddenly, with -am unearthly shriek, an eJtlerly woman seabed on the front bench, car one SMe of the chancel, sprang into tile clear space .before the altar, and bettan ixs shout .with the ut most excitement and vitoar. Her stout, tbick-eot form was encased in some Ooarae-Iooklng white stuff and she wore a rather broad-brlmun-ed dairk-s.iraw hat on top of the white kerchief with r.vhlcii her bead wus .tied The ruoftaj’ shuffle of her slices On the wooden floor was in perfect unison with the music. On she danced, flinging her arms iwiidly over her head the while, and screaming, Otary! Hallelujah!” ait frequent inter vals as loud as her violent bodily move- mon o would tpermll.t, bending backward nod forwards, swaying this why and tMat, )n aot utter abandon ctf frer.zy. All the while -the weird chanting chorus won: on, swelling louder, deeper, as the excitement increased. Finally, when lit appeared that human endurance could siand tire strain no longer, gsenlntr. stuttering, ejaculating uninteliglble words, (the Bank exhausted Inin the out stretched arms of two "sisters," who had risen* and stood ready for the emer gency. "God be -bruised.’ Intoned the exporter, in some inscrutable way, white this convert was “shouting." the tune had changed, tuid Oh, sinner, will you let the harvest pass. And die and go to hell at last?” was .the burden, of the song which rolled tip among -the rafters of the rudely built ohuroh, and floated out 'among the pines. A young girl bounds up from the mourners' benoh, and with wrapt gaze and arms extended' iin supplication, or palced akimbo, dips vtj and down, whirls round and round, sways back ward almost to the verge of losing her balance, and again skims lightly forward, always with that intent assent look on her young face. Another Jains her; -they wear no Shoes—ttheir move ments are the personification of grace. They Shout but little, and, where the gyrations ok the older woman were awkward and ludicrous, these girls, who both happen to wear calico waists, bright red in color, end who are very like in uppaaramce, fascinate the be holder with their splnniln-to-llke mo tions. "Oh! you better git to prayin’!' Do My Lord) n’ you hotter git to shoutin’1 Do my Lomdl” dhamt the clapping, swaying audience, in even, staccato note*, and panting, breathless, but sustained by no com mon emotion ,the mad dancers go on. A third young girl wearing a light dress Joins the other two, shouting that "Jesus’ hand Svas i»uohed her.” A young woman gives her baby to the ono sitting next to her. and, coming forward between the dancres, flings herself prostrate, in front of the ultair, shouting “Solve me. Lord!" at the very top of her voice, her Whole frame con vulsed with emotion. A young man, tall and stalwart, comes out from the men’s side of the church and Joins the Shoutcrs, his heavy shoes making a deafening din as he yields 'himself with wonderful energy to tho rhythm of the dance. -vine are whirling in title middle of title church when the command Is giv en to knatO. The thhuting ceases and •the vast audience is prostrated tn si lence, while one of the tenders puts up a disjointed petl'.ton for those who are oeknig 'the Lord. In 'those tranquil moments A woman’s votes is heard from the hush ctf tthe woods without, oipparen'&ly at some distance; the voice in ploln'.lve, end Is singing a funeral hymn 'that sounds weirdly sweet and mournful. Inquiry afterwards dis closed that this woman Is an unhappy "seeker," who. has been fasting and praying and wrestling wl’h the spirit for several days, and who has gone out in'.o tlho wilderness with some friend, to see if she cannot there gain th.i victory den-led her at Idle altar. Soon the voice omsCde Is drowed In the law, monotonous , chanted cnllcit- aitions of tho knetdltig congregation, eaah one saying something different, all in ovSdontt eonmstiness, with ener getic vootfcrutlion, the voice of the leader how and again shouting out some encouraging sentence. The pe culiar sounds wnloh then. Ailed tho chrardh cannot be likened to anything •tthe writer ever hoard. Soon all are In tMr seats once more, Binging with enjoyment to a quick, rebounding measure: •Tve a mother In glory, she outshines tho sun, Outshines the sun, butnhlnea the sun; I’ve a mother In glory, she outshines tho sun, ’Way up beyond the moon.” And with th« Inspiring strains the Shoutcrs ore again on their feet, whirl ing, bounding and swaying with fresh vigor, screaming out: "If you wants to go to heaven -wld me, ’Den put on your trablln’ shoes." Tho sermon which preceded -this ex citement was at flrst n rather quiet ad dress, .the meaning of eoune of the phrases being somewhat obscure -to the average listener; but as the discourse progressed the ipreafeher warmed with his theme, and adopted a series of quick intonations, which, produc'd fl. remarkable effeot. He executed short sentences In rapid succession, after eaah one’ uttering a prolonged “Ah—rrr!" rounding it off in musical stylo somewhat ntfter this fashion (speaking In the most Impassioned manner, and bending and twisting his body ito "every conceivable shape "ail the whfle): "You want to go to glory, ah—rrr! You ’opccts to sec de judgment, ah—rrl You must git down een <le dust, ah—rr! You must copy oxter Daniel, ah—rrl You mrua’ ketch arter de garment, ah—rrl And 'be wash een do blood ob de Iamb." His mode of address can better be Wmaarlnal tWui described, bur. lx In voked from tho audBence responses total and deep. It was long pest mid- •right when we left the scene. All were singing with undlmlnlrihed. ardor: one male voice delivering the lines, atid all Joining In rise chorus. Which iwea really beautiful: Voice—■'He's n cornin’in de moonlight; ■All-Jesus a Domin': Voice—He’s a cornin’ In do dark night: 'Alt—Jesua a cornin’; Voice—Left your hearts be reedy." Then, after singing thl* again and again, came the refrain: "May be he’ll come ‘fore day." Out under the forest trees Uit plain tive voice of the "seeScrr" In the wll- deimeas was still ntiertrwr Its sad aup- phcartions. arid the lusty chorus, "May be hell come 'fore day." sounded pe culiarly sweet in the staVncee of the night, ss we drove away from tho rhumb, through the open wtndowe of which we couMsee the fantastic fegms of the converts leaping end boundithg tn emotion of spirit and vigor of body The Clapping of hands and Che peittlng of feet, maklflit a tuneful accomoanl- «n"nt, could be hoard a ton* instance. This Church Is nine mlite from a town, and the protrarCed mooting had be«a in progress for ten days, or rath er nights, the oonerrogatioo seldom dS»- poising until the hour Just before >he dawn-—Olive F. Guntoy In New York Bvunlng Post. SACHFIE BALK OF MILLINERY. For the next thirty dare I wOl aide tremendous ’bargains in mffihtary, fan- cy goods, rih’-ons. Don't this opportunity if yoo seed snfdng in my line. Mrs. L. E. Mallary. % ONE CENT B SI ...A WORD... St ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING, FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE, TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN FIFTEEN CENTS. WANTED. WANTED—Boarders, at 769 Mulberry street, oorner New. Comfortable rooms arid pletu*mt surroundings. MEN, women, boys and glrla wanted, oew oubiucv*. j, any made easily. Samples and terms free. C. E. Mar shall, Lockporit, N. Y. WANTED FOR CASH-A farm of no teas than 200 to 600 acres, within ten to fifteen miles of Macon. MuBt have am ple and good Improvements and ha a desirable and comfortable home. Ad dress, giving full particulars, location, price, etc., os well as terms, ntc„ Ad vertiser, care Telegraph, Macon. Will aleo purchase stock and all necessary Implements and machinery. WANTED—12 or 16 nice young man to Join hospital corps. Second Regiment G. V. For further information call mu Dr. Howard J. Williams, N. I. Brunner, or W. T. Morgan. BOY WANTED—A gdod and bright office boy, IS or IS yoars old. Geo. A. .Smith, general manager, 4 Ex change Bank building. WANTED—Music pupils. Terms rea sonable. Best of references given If required. Apply at 655 Nowand Arch streets. WANTED—Board and room In select family by two young men. Must bo close In or on car line. References ex changed. Addrebs with terms and lo cation, S., care Telegraph. WANTED.—Two young men full of grit Good pay and sure promotion to the right parties. Address B, this , office. WANTED—Eight (8) flrst-dlass plow men to work on a plantation in Giynn county, Georgia. Wages 110 per month and rations, payable monthly. Address J. T. Dcn.t, Evelyn, Ga. WANTED—A position In drus store, to tan the pharmacist trade; age 17; good recommendajtlons; salary no ob ject. W. W. BUllngulea, Macro. Ga. WANTED.—Two good canvassers for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany. Apply before 8:30 u. m. John son & Manta buiMlnig. A. J. Nash, Assistant Superimmandont. FOR RENT. B. A. WISE, REAL ESTATE, NO. 868 Seoond Street. Nine-room residence in Vtnervllle; servants’ house, stable, etc., on premises; oonvenlcnt to olectrle line. No. 131 Academy rtreet, C-r., $18.00. No. 286 Orange street, 7-r., $22.60. No. 236 Hisht street, 6-4., $20.00. No. 208 Washinton Ave., 7-r.. $20.00. NO. 464 Orange Street, 6-4., $16.00. No. 620 Arch street, 0-r„ $12.60. No. 305 New street. 7-r., $20.00. No. 126 Cdo Street, 10-r„ $22.60. No. 917 walnut street 7-r., $12.50. No. 204 New street. 6-r., $15.00. No. 1324 Fourth street, 6-r., $15.00. No. 345 Oolumbus street, 4-r„ $8.00. Stores and offices desirably located. FOR RENT.—Office nnd gentlemen’s sleeping rooms, Apply at Macon Sav ings Bank. FOR RENT—(Residence.' 462 College street; at present boeupiOd by Rev. W. B. Jennings. Possession Feb ruary 1st. Apply to W. It. Cox. FOR RENT—The brick house contain ing twelve rooms situated on Mercer campus; suitable for boarding house; possession 'ait once. E. D. Hugeunin, FOR RIBNT—Three or four Weil con nected rooms, sultlablo for CJlght housekeeping: ail conveniences. Ap ply sit 870 First street. FOR SALE—A new and beautiful boms on First street; modem Im provement."); splendid location: con venient to oar lines. Apply at 870 tFirst street. FOR RENT—Hesr of second floor, all of third floor and basement of American National Bank building. Constructed especially for printing office; after Oc tober 6. R. E. Park. FOR RENT—In the Immediate suburbs of Macon, two houoea and tots, with farming land In quantities to suit tenants. A. O. Bacon. FOR RENT—$30 par nranBh, seven- room house, 853 Orange; newly paint ed Inside nnd out; gas, water; oar line. W. B. Birch. FOR RENT—Office 463 Second street. Desk and other furniture go with office. FOR RENT.—Fourerocvn house, cheap; large gantan: healthy location: Hist Macon. Apply 125 Cotton avenue. THREE unfurnished rooms to rent Jhm. 1. Apply to T. D. Sheehan, Ludden A Bates. FOR RENT—Seven-room house, furnish ed, $35, or four rooms furnished }X. C17 Orange street. FOR RENT—Two large connecting rooms, gas and bathroom. References ex changed. Address Hill, Telpgraph. TO RENT—Store No. 269 Second street, next Plerpont house, and three rooms above; gas and water, will change to suit tenant. R. E. Park. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—The residence of Mrs. R. F. Lawton, on College street, which she now occupies. For terms apply at Willingham's warehouse. FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH-One '*4 model Densmore typewriter. Not hav ing time to attend to It, am going out of the business. This Is a rare oppor tunity to secure a good machine. J. E. Mlnter, 'phone 263. FOR SALE CHEAP—Oos second-hand Frazier road cart, almost good as grew. Apply to A, E. Vickers, at Sparks' 'Warehduse. FOR SALE CHEAP—Several osr loads dry lumber; one and two-inch oak, gum and ash. 'Address H. J. Ivey, (Beech Hill. Ga. FOR SALE—toe omnibus, $209. One corry-al). $100. Neariy new arid hi good order. H. R. Brown, care Hotel I Lanier. Up to a week ago one scarcely needed Blankets, consequently our sales were light and we are over stocked. Choicest of California Blankets and real Down Comforts at a reduction of 20 per cent, this week. 45c. Comforts a specialty. Now is the time to buy. ’ Good lino new stylo Black Coats, $3. ...All of our $15 Capes reduced to $8.00. Few fine Seal Plush Capes at New York cost. i SILK DRIVE.. 60 Cents. Twenty pieces Evening Silk at 60 cents, worth $1. 60 Cents. Lovely line Silk Crepes, 24 inches wide. $1.00. All the new weaves in Evening Silks at $1 per yard. Remnants. 200 remnants Wool Dress Goods from 2 to 8 yards, at half value. See them. JUHAN’S. Bolt good Crash, 26 yards for $1. Best 25 cents Rib VegFin the city. Children’s Camel’s Hair Shirts and Drewers a specialty. 20 cents for a good quality White Wool Flannel. All of our best Calicoes at 6 cents. Boy’s Kid Gloves, $1. Children’s Mittens 20c to 36c. Few sots ladies’ Furs loft. Bargains in Single and Double Shawls. JOHANS MISCELLANEOUS. PISH AND OYSTERS—All kind* received every morning and afternoon* Dopeon, Clarice A Daniel. GIVE your cook a holiday, and tako your meals at Choipmunn’s EuglMi Kltohien; the only restaurant to take a lady to In Maoon. WHO first involuted printing—Gutenberp, Koster or the hoathen Chinee? Send your orders to Smith & Watson, or tele phone 874. PLENTY of material and men to pu t t tn. No time lost if you send ti> Bennett, 663 Mrilberry rtreet. A PERMANENT perttion at 318 weekly Is DU'aranteed nnv lady who •will work for us qul-etSy n-t homo. All material tree. Roply. with stumped envelope. Woman’s Mutual Benefit Co., Joliet, Ill. FOR Heating Stoves and Cooking Stoves of all grades go ito Van Syck- el's. TELEPHONE) your oool orders to Ben C. Smith; good quallity. moderate prices; prompt delivery. Telephone numbers 3i and 464. PANTS IN A DAY—Goatte. the tailor, et 123 Cotton avenue, 1s -making a run on pants. He will take your measure today and deliver your pants tomorrow. This 1* somotMng now for Macon. Special reduction in all stylos Iter two weeks. YOUR CHOICE of twenty elegant im. ported novelty nultn on our front coun ter: lining*, trimmings, making and all delivered In Mine. Qorham’a beet atyle and -workmanship for 118. Burden, Bmlth Si Co. A NICE HOME FOR RENT—A splendid six-room house, In perfect order, with servants' house In yard, good bam and stable and other outbuildings, pretty flower yard and large garden. $15 per month. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Powers, 623 Jackson atreet. SCHOOL—Ml** Gl'bbes will resume tha excretes) of her edhool at 604 Walnut street, corner WUInut und Third streets, Monday, Dec. 81st. Terms rea sonable. Special rate bnstowed on younff dhdldren. Apply Jones Home," ‘Wdlnut utreot. WE guarantee the best oral In the mar ket $4.26 per ton. Roush ft Son. HOME SEEKERS—Don’t fall to consult us before you rent or buy. Jno. IK. ft Legate Walker. No. 461 Second atreet. VAN 6YCKEL, sole agent for Iron King Stoves and Range*. They are the beet eoM. NEAT and tasty printing 1* an aid to your business. Smith 4 Watson are the printers. Telephone 374. FELT hats from 25 cents up, at Mrs. L. E. Mallery’s. NO' explosions If Bennett put* tn your work. Wife, children arid cook safe. TELEPHONE your oool order* to Ben C. Smith: good quality, moderate prio-*, prompt delivery. Teftopbroe numbers 34 and '464, LINDEN BAKING POWDER always give* satisfaction. Tour grocer s*Ua It. WAITING FOR SOMETHING to turn up, eh? Why not spend a faw dollar# and turn something up. A few a da la this column this week will do the 6gains**. HHORFR'fi br—a railing la th« bistbraafi preparation madi. Try It SCHOOL—I wM reopen my private school Monday, Dec. 31st, corner For- eyth acd Modi eon xtreett. Mtos Came E. Holmes. IP YOU wwnt to fre«zo to death go without a Hanner OH HeaAer. GET Beorwi t to repair your burnt pipes, broken closets om-I basins. BUY your o4l from Consumers' Oil Company for your Oil boaJtftrs. Their oEs are ecfo and rettaMe. Cana loaned to cuartom/ers. 31! Second. (ESTABLISHED 1881.) ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Wholesale Dealers in Liouors. Wines and Cigars, 457 AND (69 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GEO. Th« best Liquor* for th* tout mousy. Bond for prior list. ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Agent*. I. O. O. F.—Installation of officers, nnd other important buslncsH for United Bros.’ Lodga No. c. Jan. 1, 1896, 0 p. m. Lot every member at tend. Franklin and Macon Lodges and via- IrinR brothers fraternally Invited. (Frank M. Jenkins, N. G,; L. S. Hill. Secretary. FIREWORKS— To otoso out our firework# wo offer tho following bargains: 4-ball Roman candles, 6c. doz. 6-ball Roman randies, 10c. doz. 8-bnll Roman candles, Fc. doz. 10-balN Itpnvan candles, 20c, doz. 12-bail Roman candles. 26c. doz. No. 2 cannon crackers, 10c. ruck. No. 3 cum-non oracltera, 16c. pack. No. 6 cannon crackors, 20c. pack, Othar fireworks nit proportionally low prices. W. C. TURPIN ft CO. COTTON and Truck Farmer*—Rend ndvcrtteefmoilf of tha Amerlran Per- illla.-r Company. •-office under Ex change Bank, city. NOTICE—After Dec. 3!st, we will not sell whlHky, wine* oj 1 anything of that dwraoter. Ploiee don’t a*k us to buy it for you: we oannot. Am iHIlne off wine aheap. Jno. C. liolsnni ft Oo. TELEPHONE your cofll ordoro to Bon C. Smith; ffood auallty, moderate prior*, pnornipt delivery. Tc'Ic^yh'one number* 34 and 464. CONSCIENTIOUS PLUMBING—’Wo don’t chargo any more than It’* worth, and we don’t keep folks wait ing. We do lla roofing and galvanized comice work. W« conduct a general Job khop. Our Mr. Jarratt has had 26 years’ experience in the bualnes*. R. P. Jarratt ft Co.. Poplar street, Ma con. BUSINESS men c*n save money by aildrewnln* Georgia Employment Bu« reau v/hen In neod of bookkeeper*, office help, fftanoirraphcrs or ealenmen. TO MAKE BIO MONEY selling our else, trie telephone. Best nailer on earth. Set ell complete ready to net up; lines of any distance. A practical electric tele phone. Our agents make IS to $16 a day easy. Everybody buy*. Big money without work. Prlcee low. Any one can make $73 per month. Addreaa W. P. Harrl.on ft Co., Clerk No. 11. Co lumbus, O. COMMENCE the New Year right and tend your printing to Smith ft Watson. Telephone 371. KINDLING CHIPS-A few barrel* left. Apply early. Oeorge A. Dure ft Bon. ACCIDENT INSURANCE—We eel! the fairest policy and the best company back of It. Jno. M. A Lecare Walker* 441 Second street. OETT a ilrs’.-chun jftumbor to <V> ytour -work and avoir! future trouble. Ben- mrnit, 663 MmCIbarry direct. YOU b»ve no Idea how ooirifortoblo a Banner Oil Heater will make your room. They cost very little. At Van Byckel’a. CAR LOAD fancy apple*, cor loud re lented Indian R[v«r orangea, Tange rines. grape*, 'doraaoiut*, cabbage, po tato.-*, etc. Strictly wholesale. Out side orders filled promptly. Georgia Produce Company, 660 Poplar street, Mum, Ga. PANTS IN A DAY—CWeWe. the bailor, at 123 Cotton avenue. Is making fi. run on pants. Ho will take your mramin) «olay and deliver your pant* -tomorrow. Thta la sjmething new for ICteon. SpecBt reduction in all styles for two weeks. TELEPHONE your coal orders to Ben C. Hmitri; good qusitty, moderate prices, ‘ prompt dell vary. Telephone cumbers 34 and 464, PRINTINO wus Introduced Into America at Mexico by the Vicoi-oy Mrndnsa In 1M6. In tho your 1801 Smith & Watson introduced (In* lob printing into the etty of Macon und havo since received th* pntronage of tn appreciative public. Tolcphono 871. BLUE RIBBON.—Tha Judge* awarded us the first premium tor our Rohrer’a Bread Raising, pronouncing Rohrer’a bettor than Hoiuford’s after a thor ough teat. W. S. Turpin A Co. BANNER Oil Heaters, best on th# market, sold lot Van Syckri’B. MItS. LOWRY will reopen her school at same location, 430 Washington avenue, Monday, Decomeber 81. HOLMES ft COUTT'S celebrated extra tout crackers retail at th* low prio* of 10c. a pound. HAVE you a picture you want framed? Bring It to Mlgrath'a. Cheapeat place In city. 125 Cotton avenue. W. P. BENNETT I* still In the hurt- neat uit 563 iMuJbvrry raree/t, and is ready to repair your burst g*po». IF YOU want to keop warm buy N Banner Oil Ibater from Van Byakdl. TAKE NOTICE—By request of five stockholders at the Southern Phos phate Works a meeting of tho stock holders of said company will be held at their ofllco Friday, January 1th, 1896, ot 10 o'clock a. m„ for tho purpose of Investigating' the affairs of the company, Thomas Henly, president. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Is entitled to the distinction of having the flrst printing press In North America- The first book issued was tho Boy Psalm book In K,|0. Printing was very dear at that time. It is cheaper now—a greet deal cheaper —and you can't do business without It. You will want the best. You can get nothing else from Smith ft Watson, Telephone 376. WHY do people complain of herd time* when any woman or man can make from $6 to 116 a day easily. All have heard ot the wonderful succeee ot the Climax Dish Washer; yet many are apt to think they can't make money selling It; but anyone ran make money, because every family wants one. One scent has made I47B.M In three months, after pay ing all expenses and attending to regu lar business besides. You don't have to canvass: as soon as people know you have It for sale they send for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Manufac turing Company, 46 Starr avenue, Co lumbus, O., for particulars. NOTICE. t have this day sold my renting and real estate business to Mr. EdwtirJ A. Home. FRANK M. OLIVER. EDWARD A. HORNE, Real Estate, f Fire luaunuwe. Rent Cotlecttan* a specialty. 434 Cherry Street GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—The ap praisers appointed to set sable a twelve months’ support to Mr*. Laura B. Johnson and ber two minor children out of tbs estate of Hardin T. John son, late of said county, deceased, hav ing filed their return la this office; tola !a therefore to notify all parties con cerned to Ills their Objections, If any they havo. on or before the first Mon day la January. 1395, why fold return Should not be mad* the Judgment ot thla court. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. |