About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1894)
8 THE MACOH TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORHIJTG, DECEMBER 30. 1884 E. C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., AlACON, GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of • Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. L-imb-r, rough nnd dressed. zhlnrle*, lath*. and dealer* In mixed paint* lead. Blit, lime, plaatcr, cement and builder*’ hardware. eu to ta v hi an street. 1 ” WHERE PEOPLE WORSHIP. Sunday Services and Sermons Today in the Various Churches of Macon. A SPECIAL SERVICE OP SOXG. Dr. MonU Will Preach Anoth.r On* of Ills characteristic arrmoni This Morning ana Kvanlng—Com plete Church Directory. These who heard the excellent mualo at Chrlet Episcopal church Christmas morning will fce delighted to know that the programme will be repeated this morning and thla evening and Is as fol. lot.*. r , MORNING—11 A. M. , rroceaslonal hymn. ‘Venice.” (Holden). I •'Gloria Petri." (Mosenthal). “To Drum." Dudley Buck'* Fcatlvol In E Hat ('Jubilate.' 1 (Mozenthol). , * Hymn. Hymn. Off artery—"And There Were Shop- lie? is.” (William*). Recessional hymn. EVENING—7 JO P. M. J'roeesslonal hymn. •Gloria Patrl." (Norris). "I'iintate." (Holden). "Ucndlc." (Norris). llymn. Ctfertory—"For Unto U» Is Born." Rceealonal hymn. At Mulberry Street Methodist ehurch (his merging Rev. A. Monk will prench cm the aubject "Reflection, or 1891—What or II?" At the night aervlce he will continue the nemo subject. Another one of Dr. Monk's characteristic sermon* may t» expected. ° n Monday night the con gregation of Mulberry Street church will hoi?) a watch night aervlce, beginning at p o'clock, the object being lo watch the old year out anti the New Year In, Thla will bo a very Intereating 1 service and mi ny members will remain up until otter ml.nlght. All of the churches will bo made warm an : comfortable for their congregations. CHURCH DIRECTORY. A full directory of services In all of thu Churches today will bo found below: • BAPTIST. Mrst—No parlor. Preaching at II a. m. am! s p. m. Iiy Rev. J. R. aambrell. Sun day school nt MO a, m., Hugh M. Willed, r.uivertntendent. Prayer meeting Wnlnea. dev nt 3:5) nn>l 1:30 p. m. The public: la cordially Invited. f'until Macon—Rev. J. C. Solomon, pas tor. Pri«ichlng nt II a. in. and 7:30 p. in. by Ilia pastor. Prayer meeting Wedms- asy at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m., J. W. Nichols, lupcrlnlandent. Karl Macon—Kav. E. J. Coates, pastor. Pr-schlng at 1 a. m. trad 7:30 p. m. Sun day hcIiooI at 3:M a. m. Prayer meeting nt thla church on Thursday night. Tottnall Square—Rev. A. B. Campbell, jnu'tor. Preaching at U a. m. and 7:30 p. HI. Sunday school at MO a. m„ L. T. StiUlngs. superintendent. Vlnsvlllo—Rsv. E. U. Carroll, paator. Punching at 11 a. m. and 7JO p. in. by thu pastor. CATHOLIC. Pt, Joscph's-Fatber Wtnklerold, S. J., pastor: Father lloydhousr, B. J., aaslat- ar... First moss at 7 si. m. Second mass and Sunday school at 8:C> a. m. High nv” and *ermon nt 10JO n. m. Father Hi ydhouse, 8. J., will preach. Vsapera. fo lowed by tha benediction of ths Holy Sacrament at 1J0 p. m. llshera will (eat visitors. CH1USTIAN. Walnut alreet. hotwern First and Pee- ona—Rev, H. C. Combs, pnstor. Sunday school ot 9 Jo *. in., L. M. Erwin, super intendent. Preaching nt 11 n. in. by tho pastor. Young People's Society Chrtstrin Endeavor at *'4i p. in. Evening sermon nt 7:30 o'clock. l*r«yer service Wednesday cv.nlng at 7:30. Public cmlcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, - Blblo class MO r. m. Sunday. Meeting at 3 p. m. Tuesday. Hlble study 10:30 a. m. Friday, at ths Christian Helenes room, next In Young Mon's Christian Associa tion, First *treet. It EPISCOPAL. Christ Church—Walnut, between Second and Third streets, ltov. F. F. Reese, ree- munlon at 7J0 o'clock a. in. Morning prayer and sermon at II a. m. Sunday tor. Sunday after Christmas. Holy com- srhool si MO a. in. Evening prayer nnd oor.non nt 7JA Friday prayer ( o'clock p. in. Strangers and vlsltora will be wcl. eonwd. ' Ht. Puul-Comer Forsyth and Oollego streets, Rsv. R Ondn Judd, rector. Son teo at It a. m. and I p. m. Holy com munlon first Sunday In month it 11 a, m.; on ths third Bunday at 7JO a. m. Ushers to asat strangers. Beats free at night aervlce. F; Romabas Chapel—Rev. Martin Da rner In Charge. Sunday school at 9:«3 a. tn.' Morning prayer and sermon at It o'clock. Wednesday prayer and sermon at 'JO p. m. John's Chapel-Rev. Martin Homer In rharge. Sunday achool at 3 p. tn. Evening prayer and aermou at 7:93. day evening at 7:<5. East Macon—Rev. W. J. Robertson, pas tor. Experience meeting at 10-15 a m. Sermon at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by Rev. J. W .Weaton, the former paator. Sun- achoot at t p. m„ George W. Gantt, su perintendent. Grace Church—Rev. J. n. Owen, pastor. Preaching at U a. m. and 7J0 p. m. Sun day school at > p. m. AH person* cor dially Invited. PRESBYTERIAN. First—Rev. W. B. Jennings pastor. Service* ot 11 a. m. and 7JO p. m. Sun day achool at 9JO a. in., tbe paator eu. perlntendent. Prayer and aong service Wednesday at 7 JO p. m. Tattnall Square—Rev. S. L. Morris, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7J0 p. m. by tha pastor. Sabbath school 9J0 a. m. Prayer service at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. METHODIST. Mulberry Street—Rev. A. Monk, pastor. l’i-1 -hliis at U a. m. and 7J> p. m. by Dr. Monk. Sunday achool at 9 j) a. m.. Co:. Isaac Hardeman, superintendent. Kpvorth prayer meeting bv the yojng peuplo at *J5 p. tn. strangera cordially we'coined and seals srs free. I irst street—ltsv. H. R. Felder, pas tor. Preaching at 11 o'clock u. m. and 7Ji p. m. Class meeting at MO o'clock s. n.. J. R. Rice, Clara leader. Bunday schacl at t o'clock p. m., 8. R Chambllsa, au.'ertntcndsnt. SonU freo and everybody ln» tel Csnisnnry-Rev. O. B. Cheater, paator. Fr acking at 11 a. m. and 7J0 o. in. by tho pastor. Love feast at I o'clock a. m. Su: day school at 3 p. m.. T. Oobtv is. psr:oteodcnt. Beau free and everybody Ituinl South Macon—Expcrtenco meeting at 9 a. ns. and pnachlng at 11 a. m. by tho pna'.or. Rev. T. W. Ellis. Sunday school at i p m., W. T. Collins, superintendent. Pf“»chlne «t 7JO p. m. by tho pastor. Pr ycr meeting each Wednesday nlrhl nt 7*i o'clock, Lsdlen' Aid Socle tv meets on tire. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. To all these renrlcos the public Is In vited nnd strnngvn will be given a cor dial welcome. V wine—Rev. J. R. Wray, psalor. Per hire utUu.ra.iod 7J> p. m. by the ; utor. Prayer orating on Wednrs. Y. M. C. A. Men's meeting at 8:30 t>. m. and boys' meeting at 2J0. Young men cordially in vited. Cotton Avenue A. M. E. Church—Rev. L. H, Smith, pastor. Sunday school (re view lesson) at 930 a. m. Preaching at II a. m. by Rev. R. Graham, P. E. Preaching at 3 p. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Quar terly conference Monday night from 8 to 10 o'clock; ami from 10 to 13 o'clock watch meeting-thanking God for past holp and btcsetng* nnd oaklng hD continued favor and protection during the new year. All are cordially Invited. THEY "WOULDN’T FREEZE. How Two Men In n Wagon Kept Warm During a, Long Drive. The poor motorman Who stands with his hand upon the lover to front of Iho trolley car perhaps dreads more thorn any tune ftloq tine cold wo.Tttia** of days like (hoae Juat iwtaaed. Th- wind strikes him full In the face from early mom til' late at night Rato, enow, sleet, they nil pelt him mercilessly. As hi* car deHlte* along, he posae* by cozy homos, and hla eyes feaat upon the comfort* of tlio family fireside. T7)e sight I* beautiful, tiut It only makes him realize the more keenly hla own intense auffe-to*. Few poqpto con upprcclnte the motor- lusn'a lot hottret than he -who he* driven an open wagon for miles over an open country ro3d on the coldest night* ot winter. Buch mtperietrct* are not frequently kinged for by those nc- qiuilrvtvd with the agony of tha/wlng out. Lu«t nfght two nton were driving out Coltou avenue In a small wagon. The iii'i'c.ury was HUfllclonUy low to make o long drive exceedingly uncom- for table, bait these two men had learned a lesaon e urn the school of experience. In addition to th- hot brMt and heavy Wnmkets, they lmd ado|ilcd another S ian for keeping off the add. This plan, 1 not trip-,liar, perhapw dc«erv«t to be. All who hi?w It smiled, but the amllo 'Wwh akin to one of admiration for the genius of the two Iravojens. A big wash pot had been placed down In front of the amt. Tills was filled with Tight wood knot*, which gave forth n hrUjiant and comfortable looking Are. Tho nwut wJio held tho tines peered through the dense volume of amoke, and ocoaskmally brushed the accumu lating mot from hie nostrils nnd whis kers, but he liad learned that anything was bettor than the Intolerable cold, THE WORLD OF SPORT. Tho Henley regatta of 1806 will be held on July n, 10 and 11. , Tho Canadians ate preparing for a bril liant season of tco trotting. Fitzsimmons lias (lone an unusually profitable theatrical liutlness since he acci dentally killed Hlnrdan. Cornell nnd rcnnijlvanln will both send crows to participate In the Henley regatta, England, tha coming aeniion. Tho members of Cornell's '03 erew have been presented with medals In commemo ration of their victory over Pennsylvania. ''Snapper" Garrison will do tho starting at the SL Until meeting noxt season. Ho has given up nil hope of riding, ns lio weighs nt present 188 pounds “I will agree to concede Mr. Vlgnaux I, 000 In n 0,000 point garoo nnd will play him for any sum botwoen 31,000 nnd 810,' 000,” said Dllllnrdlst Ives recently. Jack Kvcrlinrdt, who polished off Stan ton Abbott twleo in succession, appears to bo a llkejy candidate for lightweight lion ors. Ho Is a native of New Orleans, of Gorman pnmntngo and 88 years of age. It lias been suggested that Thorne, Yale's now football onptnln, provide feather mat tresses for opponGnts to fall on when ha tackles them. If ho wishes to avoid ncxjulr. lug n reputation tor being a rudo person, such as bis predecessor had. Knmmn-1 Leaker proposes to remain In Europoforsomo tlmocujoylng hlsprestlgo as chess champion of tho world. True sportsmanship would seem to Indicate that Isitker should promptly accept Stelnltz's challenge for n second match. lludd Hohle, John II. Wallace and John II. Rhulti am among tho prominent trot ting horsemen who havo declared that linrncss meetings can bo made to pay without belting, and that tho trotting turf will bo betteroff without pool idling, The Chinese Invented Football. According to Stewart Culto, tho curator ot the Museum ot Arcbtrology ot tho Uni verslly of Pennsylvania, football original ed with those beginners ot everything, the Chinese. Mr. Cutln Is making an exhaust ive study of games, ancient and modern, nnd lini n curious nnd nnclcnt drawing showing a personage In the dress of a prime minister playing football with a huge, or noble, nnd two of their chamber lains. Tho tlmo Is somewhere In tho tenth or cJorcnth century, but long befnro then the gnmo was cultivated as nn oxer- else suitable for tho training of soldiers. About Iho eighth century It was intro, ducod Into Japan, where It bccamo very popular. From these two countries It spread ovor thq entire world. Lasnb Chops Saute. Put a pieco of butter into a frying pan. nnd when hot lay in tho chops, rather highly seasoned with pepjicr nnd MIL Tty them until thoroughly done, but not too brown. Should gravy bo ro qulrad. pour off tho greater part of tha fat and then stir in half n tablespoon ful of flour. Stir until tho flour browns; then add a gill of broth or water, an onueo of fresh buttor ruid tho juice of half a lemon Stir until tho sauce bo- comes rather thick, pout near tho chop* and servo. DR. STAPLER. | • Specialist. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT- SB# Cherry Strict. Macon. Go. New appliance* lor iHlUxg gk*a»<s. MEN’S AND BOYS’ CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Braes Fire Setts, Brass Fenders, Make your wife happy by and ornamental. Full line at Brass Coal Vases, Brass Andirons. giving her somethin^ useful T. C. BUREv E»S. SUITS! OVERCOATS If anyone ever again sees Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats as low priced as now it will be because manufacturers blunder once more as woefully as they did a month ago, or so. One lesson like this is likely to last them for years. But burnt fingers do not put out a fire. The mistakes have been made—so have the garments IN THE BEST MANNER, IN THE NEWEST STYLES, OF SEASONABLE STUFFS And mostly within a month. Of course the pick and choice of them all are here—perhaps the only store in this section that is good and ready to take any lots that are tempting enough. That’s one cog that keeps such a torrent of trade rushing through each department. Every other cog is as effective accordingly. FURNISHING GOODS. What fastidious man’s Furnishing Goods long ings were ever correct? You may come here for them wic'n the surety that qualtities, styles and prices are right. r,U CZARINA’! The latest fad, at-GEO. T. BEELAND'S, Jsvyelsr, 320 Second Street. I IS! II That we are selling our Instru ments here cheaper than you can buy them in New York, and we pay tho freight HOW GAN WE DO THIS ? Because we contract for so many thousands every year for our ageuts and consequently get tho very lowest.price. Secauso wo buy 100 where they buy one. and of course can buy . *hcaper. Docnuse we pay cash and • dis count the market and handle cnly tho best goods sold over our guar antee withexchango privilege. Wo do not advertise to give away goods. We cannot afford to do it, as good goods cost money. But we can and do give you more for your money thnn any other bouse In tho business. Write us for catalogues and il lustrations and sco. Do not forget we Import our email goods direct and can save you money that way. LUDDEN : 5 : BATES Southern Music Goose, R.J. ANDERSON fir SDN Managers Macon Branch House, MACON, GEORGIA. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. Toths Knrroa—Please inform jour wad- tn that I havo a jvowtivo reracdj for tho al*or« named diseaae. By its timely use thousoiula of hopeless coi** hare been per. manentlr cured. I shall U glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will fond me their express and post offloe address. X* A. blocuiu, M.C.» lcJFoulSt., New York. l.ono. How to become a first* class Mesmerist. Hypnotist, **d«jr ati4 Clairvoyant, a lane ! aly lUc. a<l«l re as atones, L. 1L ROWAN, UlUauke* WU. Well Advor- BARGAIN Paves the Way to INCREASED BUSINESS. . Investigation of Brad street’s records shows that eighty per cent, of the con cerns thas fail do not advertise. The man who doesn’t advertise ought to paste this in his hat as a constant re minder of the re sults of not ad vertising. O. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. SASH. OOOBi LUMBER, M0ULDIK31 PJUBTi LIME UNO CEME1T, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. MACON SASH, DOQH & LUMBER C0 M INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, i —AND MANUK ACTURERS OF— Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster,' Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN BOTTLES ONLY.) On aocoun* of its absolute purity, to aid digestion It la a moat pleasant Incomparably strengthening to the in This beer is brewed from the best from Bohemia. It is brewed after the rei at Pilson, Bohemia. Barbarossa is taste and brilliancy, and on account the Imported Pilsner by oonnoieeurs. For tne dinner table and for a lun tie of Barbarossa. Delivered anywhere In the dty. wholesome ness, good taste and quality and refreshing beverage, an article valid and convalescent, selected malt and from hope Imported new existing method In the Hof Braue* a light, palatable beer, unexcelled in of its excellent quality Is preferred to ch there Is nothing better than a bot- TJLLMANN & WILLIAMS, •Phone 434. Sole Agents. MACON, GA. 351 10 353 - - - CHERRY STREET J ^lllUU) UVUV1VI SAW MILLS, Machinery All Kinds. HIGH GRADE SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES ACCURATELY FITTED. JOSEPH E. WELLS, 884 MULBERRY STREET. Pullman Car Line LOUISYILLE, Cincinnati or Indianapolis And Pullman Vewtibule Service oc Night Train*, parlor Choir Cara osx Day Traim. Make thp fbsteet time between the winter citiee ami summer rtsorto of the North west. W. H. McDOEL. Oem. Mgr. FRANK J. REED. <3. P. Agent. Fur further Information address R. W. GLADING. Gen, Agortt, Thomaavllle. Go. SPECULATION. HAMMOND & OO., STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds anil Grain Bought and Sold, or Carried on Margin. P. S.—Send for explanatory circular on speculations ; also weekly market letter. (Free.) EXCHANGE BANK. OF MACON, GA. H. J. Lamar, Geo. B. Turpin, President. Vice President. J. W. Cabanlzs, Cashier. We aollclt the business of merchants, planters and banks, ottering them courte sy, promptness, safety and Uberalllty. The largest capital and surplus of any bank In middle Georgia. lhH UHION SAVINGS BANK & TRUSr fid H. J. Lamar, President; Geo. B. Turpin, Vice President; J. W. Cabanlss. Cashier; D. M. Nelllgan, Accountant. CAITAL $200,000. SURPLUS. $30,000. Interest paid on deposits 5 per cent, per annum. Economy Is the road to wealth. Deposit your savings and they will be increased by interest. Compounded semi annually. MACON SAVINGS BANK 570 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,000 Pays 6 per cent, on deposits of $1 and upward. Real estate loans on the month ly installment plan, and loans on good securities at low rates. Legal depository for trust funds. 'Will act as administra tor* executor, guardian, receiver and trus tee. H. T. POWELL President H. G. CUTTER Vico President J. W. CANNON Cashier NEW YEAR’S TRADE IS NOW OPENING UP. nothing 1b to bo T GAINED By delaying your advertisement tin the last minute, but, on the contrary, nil the advantage* accrue do the man who starts early. A. T. HOLT, F.eal Estate Agent. No. 365 Second Sa. Several nice suits of rooms, 481 Spring; a nice suit of rooms, 718 Pine; 6-room house, Lamar street, Vlneville, 315. 5-room house. Crump's avenue, Vlneville, $15. 7-room house, Rogers avenue, Vlneville, $20. 5-room house, 1071 Walnut street. $18. 8-room house. 753 Plum street. $25. Several small houses and nice stores. PROFESSIONAL oarng. DR. J. J. SUBERS. Permanently located. In th. »p*r daltles venereal. Lost energy re stored. Female Irregularities and polion oak. Cure guaranteed. Address In confidence, with stamp, 610 Fourth street. Mnrnn. Ga. DR. C H. PEETE, EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. 808 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. DR. I. H. SHORTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THT.OAT. Office 568 Cherry St, Macon, Ga. DR. GILMERS PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Office and residence, First street, near Cherry. • H. A. BROWN. M. D„ Residence corner Ohureh and Lee e trees. East Macfcn. Calls In the day tor the present will be answered from ilcCrearv drug store, Telephone 190. HOPE FOLHILL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 355 Third Street W.L.Douolas aasHOEniEsj®,. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH&D1AMZLLE0 GALT. [4.*3.sp Fine Calf sterna *3.5? POLICE, 3 SOLES. 32.*l. 7 -? BQYS'SCHOOLSHOEI •LADIES* BROCKTON,.MAS .3. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the beet value for the money. They equal custom ehoee in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. From $t to $3 saved ovtr other mekes. U your dealer cannot supply you wc can. Sold by ROCHESTER SHOE CO. . 1 618 CBERRY STREET. ' AN... ADVERTISEMENT placed in-the claeslfled columns of TV Telegraph la aura to bring RESULTS J JI, Johnston. Prratdmt J. D. SUtaon. Vlo* PruldonL L. P. Billyar. Cashier. The American national Bank, MAOON, GA. CAPITAL..*. ««.** *» ..33*0.000,03 BURFLUB., „ „ „ . „ ..IJS.OOO.OO Largrat capital «t any national bonk tn Ctntrol Ocorals. Account* at |..w. corporation* and IndJ ridual* wU 1 tiwln careful attention. -Jorrcapon. «mu* taTttad. M Si M, OF MACON. GA CAPITAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. plant; PRESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIER. L C. PLAITS SOM, BANKER liCOK, GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED 18BS Banking in all its branches Interest allowed on Time Deposit*. We handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London tor all European points.