Newspaper Page Text
go up
the Flue
You receive intense, direct heat
from every ounce ol fuel burned—
there are no damp chimneys or long
pipes to wale the heat from a
PERFECTION Oil fleater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Carry if from room fo room. Turn the vrick high
or low—no bolher—no smoke—no amelJ—automatic
■mokelm device prevent*. Brass font holds 4 quarts,
burns 9 hours. Beautifully finished in nickel or
japan. Every haater warranted,
jR&yb Lamp ^“'o 1 ‘bv-
jus! whal you wan! lor the Jong
evanings. .Made ol brass, ntotal plated" latest im
proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted.
If your dealer cannot supply the Perfection Oil
Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency.
H. 0. A. NA8H, President.
CHAS. NEVILLE. Vico President
H. G. A. Nash Audit Co.,
203-204 National Bank Building. Savannah, Qa.
Expert Accounting in All Its Branches,
-A Mistaken-
Perhaps you have an idea that in ordor ta have a
bank account yon must have a largo sum to deposit;
that a bank doesn’t bolher with small accounts.
This is not true of tho “Fourth.” This bank wel
comes new accounts, no mntter how small, and extends
the some courtesy and service to Small depositors as to
large ones.
Let ns prove it to you.
Mutes Run Away and Have a E\
Tim# of It All By Themselves—
What They 8ay About IL
If you ask the poUpeman on your
boat tonight Want was tho funniest
thing he has seen In a < Jong time, he
wilt tell you that ft waa;the runaway
of the water wagon the other night.
Friday night the street sprinkling
wagon, belonging to tho street aweep-
lng department, was taking water
from a hydrant opposite the city halL
The driver had gotten down to ar
range tho section of fcosp that feeds
tho big tank with water, when the
mules took a sudden notion to go
down the atreet Being down grade,
the notion was no sooner started than
the weight of the wagon lent its aid,
and In short order the mules and the
wagon were going down Poplar street
at a new automobile speed. There
being no pulling to do, because of tho
down grade, the muled saw that they
had a picnic all to themselvea. with
a clear right-of-way, nothing being
on the street at that time of night,
and on they went.
It may be that the cool night air
added to the exuberance of their spir
its, and t.;e mules may have said to
eac iiother, in their mulish way, "ain't
wo having a time of it." Then they
made a stop, and singularly enough,
that atop wus right In front of where
there was once, In the days gone by,
you might aay In the far past, a place
known as ft bar-room. It was ■>
Iced, however, that fliey lingered only
long enough for the Imaginary driver
to gat down from hla perch and go
lit and take an Imaginary drink and
come out wiping an Imaginary mouth
and yell out "git tup there, you aid
The Imaginary driver having
sumed his perch on the wagon, off
started the mules, still on tho down
grade, and bless goodness. If they
didn't stop again In front of another
c-saloon. Joe's a Dutd'iman!
Here the team halted. If mules
talk, or If they could talk, they would
have said this:
Did you notice, my dear comrade,
that wo have made tho entire trip
from the city hall to Fourth street
without anybody trying to get on the
water wagon! Times have certainly
efinngod. Either there Is no one who
wants to get on tho wagon any more,
or there la no one to get on. Once
ihnd an occasional passenger who
would stay on for a while at least,
but 1 'ro we are with Just as much
room a« ever, and not a man attempts
to get on. How do you account for
this change, my dear comrade?"
“"‘.'a this near-beer. They tell
that It Is neither beer nor booxc. buf
a cross between the two. It seems to
be a satlsfler. The water wagon pas-
songer went out with prohibition."
"Maybe so. Well, let's be mosey
ing along. It la our duty to lay the
dust, and they will be hunting around
town for us."
Then the driver found them, gave
a Jerk, and the frolic was over. \
Letter to Juliette Milling Co.,
Mncon. Qa.
Dear Sirs: The test of truth Is evi
dence. Words In themselvea prove
When we say Devoe takes less gal
lons for s Job we prove It by the fol
lowing offer: 4
Paint half you Job Devoe; paint half
with any other paint. If Devoe half
don't take less gallons and cost less
money, no pay.
Here’s an Instance:
Judge I D Fairchild owns two houses,
exactly alike. In Lufkin. Texas. J M
Torrence painted both houses, one De
voe, 15% gallons* the other with an
other paint aold at same price; 25
gallons. That 25 gallon paint Is weak
and 15 per cent whiting; that's why
It took OH gallons more.
Tours truly
S. Birch Hardwaro Co. sell our
Refrigerated Bottling
The word sounds good, doesn’t it?. Just try a
Bottle of Coca-Cola
nom.a by our rroc,.,. Then', nothin, to comptr, with It. TV.
mint to thow you our plant C»l| and liuiwct You will b. dollshted.
U you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED
Ship Me Your Cotton and
Got the Beat Returns .
As Manufacturers of
*• dartre to call particular attsn Uon to the High Grade Engines wo are
turning out and to say that we guarantee without heal tat ton that there
■ ho better engine of Its clase put oo the market today ta the United
•tote#. The peifevt r balanced vaivs makes tt of high value, and the
workmanship King first clasa. and a substantially put up* engine,
adapts it particularly te work requiring hard service. We are fur-
ntshtsr tV.em • o almost all k nde power Plant# and particularly la
In few mill, planing mill, oil mill cotton mill and
ginning plant*. Wo are pr> i \red te derasnatrfttt to prospective customer*
ca® tike u* t caF. that it has ue equal. Write tor full information
Those people In the city who are
striving to bring about a city beau
tiful out of Macon, experienced a chill
yesterday morning when their eyea
beheld the parka on Poplar atreet.
They were two Inches deep In tho
leavings of fodder and luty with which
the country teams had been fed on for
tha week or so past. Fortunately,
yesterday was a still day, otherwise
this fodder and hay and pieces of pa
per and other traah would have been
strewn all over the sidewalks, as It
was on a previous Sunday.
The street sweeping force knocks
off work now at 12 o'clock on Satur
day nights, and this accounts for the
unkempt condition of the streets on
8undsy mornings.
Inspector Nottingham says that he
! want# to Inaugurate another system
of peeping the streets clean. He
j thinks that If he has two squads of
I five men each. Working In the day and'
night time, he will be able to keep the
ance. especially where the two en
trances to th# city from the railroad
depots, so that strangers may receive
an early Immrerslon of the appearance
of the city, but he Is not quite certain
as to the best way to do this.
Outside of the Poplar street parka
the other streets of the city were look-
, lng spruce and neat yesterday morn
ing. Only those peeks were In bad
shape. Just what la to be done about
them la a problem.
•o today.
Schofield’s Iron
Macon, Georgia.
+t i.
So Tired
It rosy be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an In
active LIVER. —.
>Vlth at well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
• It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
It-Js reported that another deal is
on in connection with the Macon Rail
way & Light Co.
Those connected with th® company
say they ar® not yet in a position to
tell Of any transaction pending or that
has been consummat' d, but enough has
been learned to warrant the statement
that some day this week the stock in
the Mncon Railway & Light Co. held
in Macon will be transferred to the
Electric Securities Company. This Is
the company that Is financiering the
Central Georgia Power Co.
The transfer of this stock, which
is only that held by Macon parties,
does not in any way affect the com
pany except to give It additional
strength. When the transfer is made,
which Is expected to be done in a day
or two. there Will probably be a re
organisation. meaning a new board of
directors, but not necessarily new of
Eventually, so It Is understood, the
Central Georgia Power Co. will xbsorb
all, the railway, and light and power
plants, In which Macon people havo
Invested much. This company hss W.
J. Massre for Its president and among
Its stockholders are a number of Ma
con men.
Don’t think the plies can't be cured.
Thousands of obstinate cases have
been cured by Doan's Ointment
cents at any drug store. .
Southern RaHway Schedule Changes.
Effective 1:00 p. m. Sunday, Octo
ber 18th, the following changes will be
made In arrival and departure of pas
senger trains at Macon: North-bound
trtln No. 13 will arrive 2:57 a
m.. and depart 3:02 a. m. South-
bound train No. 14 will arrive 2:05 a.
m. and depart 2:08 a. m. Taese trains
will ■ stop on signal at McDonough,
Flovllla, Scotland, Hazlohurat. Gra
ham and Baxley only to receive or
discharge passengers to and from
points beyond Chattanooga and Jesup.
North-hound train No. 7 from Lum
ber City will arrive 9:25 a. m. All
other schedules remain unchanged. On
same date Colorado Sprlngn-Bruns-
wlek sleeping car line, operated on
trains 13 and 14 will be altered and
made a Colorado Sprlngs-Jacksonvllle
sleeping car line, and local Atlanta-
Brunswick sleeping car line will be
Inaugurated on these trains.
O. R. PETTIT, Trav. Pass. Aft
of strength and confidence was manifest
last week in the financial markets' but
Its active expression was restrained by
watting for fulfillment of some of the
factors which would reaffirm the pros
tive causes for the hopeful sentiment,
the stock market itself a sentiment
of reserve towards any great extension
of commitments was distinguished after
tho almost Instantaneous restoration of
the price level on Monday, with the ces
sation of the foreign liquidation. Un
doubtedly . this reserve was Induced by
tho contemplation of the enormour
credit expansion, of the New Tork banki
which had accompanied the acceptance
of the foreign sales of American securi
ties, while the war ecaro was In force
It was an Impressive demonstration of
absorptive power Indhe New York mar
ket that It should have taken over $20, •
000,000 to $25,000,000 of foreign holdings
of American securities and then on
Monday restored the Impairment of
price# which had resulted In a f^w min
utes, but there stood the- $25^000,000
loan increase Of New York banking in
stitutions- for the same period. This
and other factors at work gave Intima
tion that the extreme redundancy which
has prevailed in the New Yortc money
^ ‘ was to be modified, although no
ro felt of any danger of strln-
Call Money Rate Higher.
A rise in rates for the use of money,
both on call and on time, during tho
week testified to the reality of these
factors. Even without ft. recurrence of
tho strain or political crisis ir
eastern Europe the expanding
menta for banking resources ....
pected to make for firmer money condi
tions. A reopening of the labor comro-
versy In the English cotton mills was
responsible for some scarcity of cotton
bills in the foreign e*cbanae market,
where the firmness of rates kept discus
sion open of possible gold axoorta The
heavy grain movement and the expan
sion. moderate as yet. of commercial
activity keens the flow of currency away
from New York. This flow vas restrain
ed by the firmer New York money mar
ket last week. New York exchange at
Chicago being lifted to a small premium.
Government Finances.
Finally, due consideration must be
riven to the peculiarities of. the state of
late, what had to be done in the silver
campaign, when, in one summer, we had
to convince a great many good people
that what they had been laboriously
taught for several years previous was
Under such circumstances you would
be the best posslWo leader, and with
your leadership we could rest assured
that only good methods would prevail.
In such a contest you could do very
much if you were on the bench; you
could do very much If you were In active
political life outside. I think you could
do most as president; but you could do
fry much as chief Justice, and you
luld do less, but still very much, os as
sociate Justice. 'Where you can light
.best I cannot say. for you know what
|your soul turns to better than I can.
As 7 see the situation it is this: There
are strong arguments against your hik
ing this justiceship. In the first place
my belief Is that of oil the men that
have appeared so far you are tho man
who Is most likely to receive tho repub
lican nomination, and who is. I think,
the best man to receive It. It la not a
light thing to cast aside the chance of
of course.
»• • ;
y b a s^ot 'msde 'effective addt-
lion I U du ring” ftfi* autumn months ta tha
money supply by one device or another.
— manifestly larking for
The pot si-
deficit in the government revenue* Keens
nulling down the treasure department's
wortdng cash balance. On November 20
the one-year notes rut out hr the treas
ury to help relieve the panic will mature.
An Issue of Panama canal bond, also Is
in contemplation. Prospect or any relief
for the autumn money markets from the
United States treasury, therefore. Is lert
out of the reckoning of the bankers.
Improvements In 8u&!ness.
Of tha actual proarc** of the improve
ment In business there are many Indi
cations. The prosperity of the faming
community Is much dwelt upon, plenti
ful? crops ®«d good prices conducing to
this showing. Future ex pan*, on In de
mand for commodities and growth of
mercantile business are looked for as a
KsSlt. Diminishing surplus of idle
freight care testifies to the tendency ef
mil road traffic, and gtm of imUrond
earnings ere beginning to . show more
satisfactory results. Consumer* of cop
per are reported more active buyers
intimations, but Iron trod*
agree In reporting a loll te that trade
for October. Much .of hesitation and
reserve it* that and In alt business quar
ts expo-led to disappear with the
ng of the national elections.
rived. steamer Apache, Staples, New
York. No sailing.
SAVANNAH. Qa.. Oct. 11—Arrived,
steamers Chattahoochee. Diehl. New
York: Chatham. Hudgtn*. Baltimore.
Sailed, steamer Irmlngsrd (Ger.).
Kuhlmsnn. Bremen.
Arrived, steamers Arapahoe, Kemble,
Jacksonville (and proceeded for New
Y-wk): Katahdln. Maguire. Jackson
ville <an.l proceeded for Breton);
i Chippewa. QtopuMk Boras (and pro
ceeded for Jacksonville). •
Goes With Every Roll of Our
Congo Roofing
The Best Composition Roofing
On the Market Today
Three-Ply Guaranteed 10 Years
When Properly Applied
Prices Very Reasonable
Cheaper Than Shingles
Massee-Felton Lumber Co.
Telephone 1840
Macon, Ga.
in 1906
(Continued from Page one)
man must, tho Importance of the part to
bo played by tha supreme court in tho
next twenty-flvo years. I do not at all
like the social conditions at present The
dull, purblind folly of very rich men.
their greed and arrogance, and the way
in which they have unduly prospered by
the help of the ablest lawyers, and too
often through the weakness and short-
*nesa of the Judges or by their un-
ts possession of meticulous
minds; these facts and the corruption In
business sndSpolitics have tended to
produce a very unhealthy conditton of
excitement and IrrltaUon in the popular
mind, which shows itself In part in the
enormous Increase In the socialistic
Nothing effective, because nothing at
' intelligent, is being done
great amount or evil
which, miked with a little good, a little
truth, is contained in the outpourings of
• • • (public men and orators whoso
names are omitted by request.) Some
of these
merely lurid sensationalists; but they
ore all building up a revolutionary
lng which wIlC most probably, tnk
i socialists; some of them are
* * ' they
All We Ask
Is an opportunity to 'demonstrate that we can
handle your business satisfactorily and make it
to your interest to favor us.
Commercial National Bank
Under United States Supervision.
E. Y. Mallary, President. J. J. Cobb, Vice Pres.
W. P. Wheeler, Asst, to Pres. E. N. Lewis, Cashier,
Cecil Morgan, Vioe Pres.
form of a political i
tha presidency. .oven though.
It Is a chance, however good
would bo a very 'foolish thing
ilng for !
get It into vour thoughts
sweet and fine nature wouWWPRBI
and you would become bitter and
os Henry Clay became: and thank Hoav-
tliic iv H>'s,V,ut-'lv in.!",Tint if
.. .veil to remember that the shadow of
the presidency falls on no man twice.
—ive' In the most exceptional clrcum-
anoea • • •
Now. my dear Will, there Is the situa
tion ns I sco it It I* a hard choice to
make, and you yourself have to make Ik
You have two alternatives before you.
each with uncertain po«*lbllltles. and
you cannot be sure that whichever you
taka you will not afterward feel that It
comes In for a share of what "fashion"
says Is "the thing." It can be had
here. Tho repairing of carriages is
& very Important part of our business.
We do it so well that every person
Is satisfied.
would have been better If you had taken
tho But whichever you take I
know that you will render great and
*ro to the nation for many
| and I feel that you should
decide in accordance with tho prompt
ings of your own liking, of your own he
llo* as to where you can render the ser
vice which most appeal* to you. as well
as that which you feel is most beneficial
to tho nation. No ono can with wisdom
lviso you. Rlncerelr vour*
Taft to Roosevelt,
Secretary Taft took a long time to
consider the matter, says thrf magazine.
At Intervals there was further discus
sion of It with President Roosevelt, and
occasionally the subject was mentioned
in tho correspondence tliat went on con
tinually between tho two men. Finally
Mr. Taft wrote: , _ . _
Point au 'Pic. Province of Quebec. Can.
July *0, 1906.
My Dear Mr. ‘Roosevelt: You have
been good enough to offer to appoint me •
to the supreme bench to succeed Justice
Brown, and I havo not hesitated to ex
press to you, a number of tlm-», the
pleasure I would'in accepting the •
ment If I could do no. Tho chief;
for my hreltstion was tho condi-;
matters In th* war d * *
Including the Philippine and
canal bureaus. With respect t
matters. I have no doubt that Mr. Root.
A New Roof Ovor
Old Shingles
tear off the old shiagles-takes time, costa mono
both-put on *'Vulcanite*' right over the old shingl
Cheaper than shingles or tin—needs no aanasTre-l
_ -- -eepitin rersir;resists fire. acid.smoke, heat.cold.,
r dnr. Before vou build or repair you should get our \
s ana froo samples. You wept thebest roofing-weul give
ever si tests to prove which is best. Write today for nee
et, “tie r - fig
Dflpt. 43,628-28 S. Campbell Avo., Chloaga, III.
•r Fmaklln. Was
appointment if I could do
reason for my hssttstloo
tlon of matter* in th- war department. |
Including tha Philippine and Panama
canal bureau*. With respect to Panama
imatters. I have no doubt that Mr. Root,
to whom you propoeed to transfer super
vision cf the rannl commJsjlon. would
do the work better than I have done It
or could do It. Of course we will still
be the subject of attack for what has
been done.-and 1 could perhaps meat the
attack better than any one because of
my familiarity wtUi what , has beer,
done, but that consideration would not
be greet enough to require me to sacri
fice my ambition' to co on t the bench or
to risk the -chance for dntng eo.
I have been connected with the admin-
ilstmtfon of rlvll government tn the Phil
ippine Islands since February. 1*00.
Much of what hss been done In working
out the problem and carrying th# burden
thrust upon the United 8tat**. I am
more or le*s responsible for. Rightly or
wrongly, the people «^f the Islands, and
especially there who have been moat
anxious to make ocr government a rue-1
ceao there, have confidence in my earn
est desire to help the Filipino people
and my wililngr^* to do everything I
LaaMto secure Hi-m mcsperlty Ararawd
bsW—‘ ‘ n of self-i
and a gradual extension
It ts the necessity one I# under In ear-
.ing on such mublte buaineea cf secur
ing witness and establishing evidence In
- — *—**- ''tfcfcur deos'that— *“
J aujw k «mi.-
tive which rank** administrative vrotk,
EDWARD LOH, President.
Formerly of Macon, Ga.
Tlib names imply that everything bought here is
the highest grade of all standard whiskies, at lowest
Send us your orders which will receive prompt at
Write for Catalog
29 W. Forsyth St. P.O. Box 1098
Jacksonville, Florida
corrupt mo- i Sra
_rattve wo-*' ’
f partisan politics
under conditions __.
irkrome to nic. Hut cf course It Is part
of the burd<
cowardly to
* I know that few If any. n amoai
my friends, will credit me with anythin*
but a dreire. unconscious perhaps. t<
nm for the presidency, and that I mu*l
f.tce and bear th!* mixronstruction cf
do much. Yet the next session of
. congress may result In much for tho
' benefit of the Filipino, and it seems to
> It is my doty to be tn tne fight.
for the presidency, and that I
and bearthla
what I do. But I __
«•*» iv
Sincerely yours.
you and '
Where Bullets Flew.
*7 ' David Parker, of Fayette, N. T, a
on the l *u-1 v<t#r,ri clvl * w * 10 * oat a
> run for th# r foot at Gettysburg, says: -The good
nty year*, oif: Electric Blttere have done Is worth | l&t*
Germany's Growth.
In the German empire the records which
show the movements of emigrant and ire-
migrant* and those which register death
end birth are so complete that the gov
ernment can tell at any time what the
population i* almost as accurately as If
aj-eosus was taken. Therefore, when the
official estimates place the growth at
**** *“ * a b
In roun-l figures,
tha last
^ ^fe^ to say that
Now the go\emmeitt reports the popu-
•many at about 63.209,00®: or
ji^Sldal rervtre I could tr*ke myself more,than fivg hundred dollars to n
more useful to the country, than as i spent much money’ doctoring for a | *g°- The increase t
prestderhjmft u my should oaaa of stomach trouble, to little \+ !n T? *° like period, except when th<
land me to purpo **‘ I then tried Electric Bitter*. J3*ed£y ann««tff ,P,r# l$ l i?
•ome about
llesee do not mlsv
think th*t I am 1ml:«p-
world could not
If I were to d!*s
renew rtver. Rut
• that the and they cured i
u.rplus of births
all excess
: i
P# river, nut . "-star.-re reem to - Austria-Hungary. Ru«»u and other
Irtish te mo perrenally^hot* i 123 Phone, Birch Hardware Co. jV"
^ .tt’W.'.V’-i’n'Vi'.STr.'S^.S G.T Rice J B. Stewart, H. T. jKrijjj'S
«« insider. Sell most everything. nr ,low wlSS