Newspaper Page Text
Firing Line
Author of “Fighting Chance," etc.
The characters of the novel are society people of
New York and Florida. The book brings into startling
relief the perils which exotic society of the very rich
offers to young men and women.
It is intensely interesting and odds another triumph
to the author’s popular list of writings. • '
We Rent You Any New'Book for 25c -j
McEVOY’S 572 Cherry St.
first, last and always. Mr. Quinlan
is a quick and close observer, and thay
can't fool him. When he says things
look bright for 'Bryan, it looks that
way to him tor a fact.
Mrs. L. E. Dupln, of Atlanta, is
spending a few days with her father.
Uncle BIT* " * “
Ml present tlie pl.y 'of "The Little Fll- Uncle Bllll <> Joriian ’ ot Ule
Brims and the Book Beloved** * FrMny tuem.
evening in the chapel In the rear of the -
church. . , I Mr. Aaron Isaacs, one of the former
The scene Is a cross by the Wayside. well known citizens of Macon, but
52?aJm -".STS?, rtf now of Aahburn, has been in the city
Darkness P Thev ask* tor Holy ^Church* "overal days. H* came to attend the
Md^he*brings her to*u£m. ’ • - -- *- ‘ "
At their re-' funeral of hla kinsman, the late E.
resented by a child.
: rep-
First kittle Pilgrim, Mlse Emma Pow-
Mother Church. Miss Flewellyn Plant.
Matins, Miss Margaretta Wrlglfey.
Even Bong. Miss Elizabeth Matthews.
Llmny, Master Klbbee Crump.
Baptism. Master. Wallace McCaw.
Lady Catechism. Miss Lila Palmer
Confirmation. Miss Fannie Robert.
Eucharist. Master Hollenger Andrews.
Psalter. Master Louie Anderson..
Matrimony. Miss Catherine Bowdre.
Visitation of the 8lck, Miss Mary Me-
Requiem. Mlsa Freda May.
Thanksgiving. Miss Annie Townsend
Marls Stella. Miss Marlon Conner.
Visitation of Prisoners. M'ss Anr.c Page
State Drug Inspector T. A. Cheat
ham spent Sunday in the city, and left
yesterday morning for a trip through
Southwest Georgia where he will visit
every place where drugs are sold.
Thdro is happiness In the household
of Mr. J. Clay Murphey. There la a
certain wee young lady there who has
the right of way, and already has en
twined her little fingers around the
hearts of all. For one so young, she
is the most powerful of little queens,
for today she rules the entire Murphey
The numerous friends of Mr. E. W.
IClatt will learn with sincere regret
that he Is still confined to his home on
Second street by the stroke of para
lysis that prostrated him some days
Harvest Home—Mias Iola His entire left side la paralysed.
There are few men In the city who
have more friends than Mr. Klatt.
Articles of Religion, Master Billy
The Book Binder. Master Roland Ellis.
Lectionary. Master James Budd.
Calendar, Master Harvey Coleman.
Preface. Master John Hudson.
Reification. M*as Helen Crnndau.
Child of Christ Church, Miss Susan
A small admission fee will be charged
Mrs. W. H. McCrnr^Mra. H. W. IV
Tills Thrilling Story of En
counter With. Negro
MTHONIA, Oct. 19—Deputy Sheriff
Charles 8. Elliott who barely escaped
death yesterday at the hands of the ne
gro desperado. Charlie Mitchell, re
ceived eighteen wounds on his head,
his right ear is gone and he is other
wise wounded on his body. He Is be
ing cared for at the hotel. He gave
the following story of the tragedy this
• Bailiff T. L. Peek. Special Deputy
C. F. Argo, Geo. W. Brooks and ;ny
self, acting upon a warrant sworn ou
against tho negro by Mr. Brooks for
making an assault upon him Saturday
afternoon went to Mitchell's home yes
terday to arrest him. Mr. Brooks, who
then had a badly crippled and band
aged hand, accompanied us to Identify
the negro. When we reached the house
I went to the rear door and Peek went
to the front.
"Upon entering, two negro men were
found lying on thd floor and two negro
women alttlng near, ‘Which one is
Mitchell?* I asked. a\id then took bold
of the arm of the one who said he was
the man. The negro atarted to break
away and there was a scuffle as Argo
entered the house from the other aide.
"The negro had got me down to tho
floor almost when a shot rang out and
I saw Argo stagger. Ho had been shot
In the center of tho breast Just under
the chin. Argo seized the negro as he
fell and gave me a chance to get to
my feet. I scuffled toward the front
door with the negro, beating him over
the head with a pair of handcuffs.
"Mr. Peek rushed in and seized the
negro by ono arm. Tho negro Jerked
away from Peek, with his pistol in his
hand, and at .the lame time broke away
from me; Peek whirled and atarted to
run, when the negro ran after him a
few stops and fired two shots, one tak-
iifg effect in the shoulder and the
other In the center of the back, and
he fell dead.
"The negro turned and returned fire
at mo. I shot again, when we again
clinched and fell to tho ground. Tho
negro seized my right ear In his mouth
and bit It off. I got my pistol Into play
ngaln nnd shot the negro in the mouth
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wright Compll-
mented With Box Party and Supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Min ter Wimberly enter-
Merry Widow last evening In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wright The
^wvrty ImMuded besides Mr. and Mrs.
right Dr. and Mrs. Henry McHatton,
-• Tracy Baxter. Mr. Von Johnston.
Effle Hill. Mr. Prentice Edwards
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wimberly nnd several
other friends who joined them after
the show.
After the play the party were enter
tained at an elegant late supper at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wimberly where
the decorations were exquisite cut flow
ers. In the dining room big handsome
chrysanthemums filled vases about the
apartments, and on the tnble. and In the
parlor meteor roses and Easter lilies
carried out a charming motif. «
The menu served included a number
of delicious courses.
a number of friends at n spend-the-day
party on tho 18th, In honor of the list
birthday of their son. Mr. William Con
rad Dorsett Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Jones. Mr. 8. Jones, Miss Sadie
Jones. Mrs. L. A. Holloman. Miss Lena
Holleman. of Dunbar. Mr. L. B. Holle-
“* *, and Mrs. C. B. Holleman. Mr.
— Mr. Arthur Causey.
man, 1
Plant CltyTand~Mr.' Vernon Thomson.
Morning Party for Miss Burnett, of
Mrs. Henry Lamar, Jr., entertained
her house guest Mrs. La
A pretty chiffon ruff was awarded as
the prize for top score at an Interesting
-- •—•-— —- - J -”-'—juni" —
Miss Edna Middleton,
city. Miss Ethel Jones. Miss Annie Plt-
ner. of Athens. Miss Marcella Griffith.
Mlsa Mary Winchester, Miss Rosalind
Davis and Miss Lillian Griffith. •
At the Grand Last Night
The Grand last evening was thronged
with a brilliant audience to see "The
Merry Widow."
theater parties, one of the largest of
these being thst composed of the Wll-
llngham-Norfleet bridal party. In which
‘there was OUlte a bevy of beautiful
home and visiting girls, the gentlemen
of the party Including a number of out-
of-town men also.
The box party given by Mr. and Mrs.
Mlnter Wlmherlv In honor of Mr. nnd
Mrs. James T. Wright was one of the
Seen In another box were Mr. nnd Mra
George Duncan and Judge nnd Mrs.
William H. Felton. Mr. and Mrs. Benja
min L. Jones. Miss Josenhlno Jones and
Mr. Henry Jones occupied another box.
- !l n Quelle McCrarw. and Mr. j and unbreached my pistol as the negro
vPlfo ^formed a Peasant party' at the ' gabbed it. The negro then broke away
Grand last night at tiic performance of took the platol p* Peel's body, ran
"Tho Merry Widow." and climbed down Into a well near by
. I whore he concealed himself till hla
. Miss Henrietta Robertson, of Augusta, j wlfe could take him ammunition. Ho
who Is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Bore- , h „ n A
man. goes down to Hawklnsvllle soor “ thPn
t Mrs. Pope Brown and will later
turn and be with Mrs. Bozeman again
Mrs. Nclaqn Benton, of Augusta, Is
i time In Macon with her
spending s ...
father, Mr. Bob Brown, at the resldenco
of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Massec, during
then fled.
"In the meantime Brooks, who had
been wounded by the negro Saturday,
ran to a telephone station and notified
others In the community.**
Mr. and Mrs. George Dole Wadley and
Miss Sara Wadley came down from Bo-
llngbroke In their automobile yesterday
"Tho Slerry Widow” at the Grand
They are guesis of Mr. W. A. Crutch
field and Miss Rose Crutchfield, who wll
return' with them to Bollngbroke •: or
Wednesday for a few days* stay.
Mils Lurlde Turner returned to Cox
College yesterday after • - spending the
week-end in Macon with her mother,
Mra. C.-- A. Turner.
Among Out-of-town people who were
seen last right at the p#rf<
"The Merry Widow" were L .......
‘ ■ n. Miss Evelyn -Rutherford. Mra
Reuben Black. Mr. A.
*“*, H. N. G ** •
. Butler. Mr.
Maxwell and Mr.
Gullaher. of
Mlsa Kate Crump will be hostess at
the meeting of the ?*
Bridge Club this week.
Miss Leila Plant has returned home
after a charming vlsU to Florida friends,
stopping at several places In that state.
In Jacksonville she was tho guest of
Mlsa Mildred Adams, who will visit her
later on, arriving In Macon about No-
Miss Helena Thomas, oi Bristol,
enn., arrived In the city yesterday to
..sit Miss Katherine Bunting. She Is a
beautiful and charming young woman
tlve home was made additionally lovely and her visit will occasion somo pleas-
wlth vases of roses, and chrysanths- ‘ ~ "
mums arranged In big Jardinieres.
ant entertaining in her honor.
game of bridge and a delicious luncheon lesm thst she has returned home after
was served afterward..
Invited to meet Mias Burnett were.
• UlAAl.tra Wa.hlnMtAn
The Macon friends of Miss Elizabeth
Kyle, of Columbus, wl'.l be Interested to
learn that she has returnr* w
spending almost the entire
early autumn with relatives and friends
north and east, where she was the reci
pient of cliarmlng social attention.
arrived In tfv
the guest of Mra Hondiette Oliver for i
Mr. and Mrs. Mlnter Wimberly. The
many Macon friends of this cliarmlng
nnd talented young woman are delighted
that ahe la to be In the city some time.
VMVPVPHilllPVRIHH prior to the
coming of Rev. 'Jno. 8. Bunting, nnd
who endeared himself to so many during
ihls temporary residence. Is In the city,
the guest of Mr. J. Ross BuWdre. lie
will deliver sn address before the Wo-1
interdenominational Mlsslonry
CHICAGO, Oct. 19—Waltnr Well
man, writing In tho Record-Herald,
says Bryan is sure to win Indiana. Ho
points out how tho republicans are di
vided on local issues and are luke
warm toward Taft.
"Unless something like a miracle
'happens within tho next fortnight." he
writes, "Indiana will give her electoral
vote to 'Bryan this year. As the caso
now stands the only doubt is aa to the
size of his plurality. Thin is not likely
to be Jarge—frojn 10,000 to 30,000—and
on that account the republicans havo
not entirely abandoned hope. They
will, of course. * continue tho brave
struggle which they have made against
heavy odds since the beginning of the
campaigns. . Even now. with all the
facts against them, the republican
leaders do not openly admit defeat.
They still try to hope that aome lucky
turn of events, somo accident, may
enable Taft to squeeze through."
men nnd others seen In the audience
were Mr. Henrv Nlshet and Miss Mary
Troy, of New York. Ml?* Edna
ton. of Washington. D. C.. Miss
Jones. Miss Msrv L/ni AnsW. Mr, John I
Held. Mr. ?"d Mrs Walter Grice. Misses
Para Tinsley. Martha Miner. Harriotts
.....V..—Loutae ..........
Crutchfield. Bam Wsdlev Anne Rhaw.
Miss Rrhofleld. Miss Burnett, of Athens.
Miss PI*tier, of Athens. Mlsa Flewellyn
Plant. Miss .Tnlla TTuxnentn. Mr. Charles
Orwlg. Mr Ed Hallman. Mr. Pete Stet
son. Mr. Randolnh Jamies, Mr. Eden
Taylor. Mr. George Gantt. Mr. Merritt
Thurmond. Messrs. .Howard Smith.
Stewart Jones. Harrold Mumhey. Dumr
Malone. Pr. and Mr* EPowell Frazer.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick CalhOun. Mr. and
Mrs. Wnlter Lamar. Mrs. James H.
Blount. Miss Fannie Blount Mias Roaa.-
Hnd Dsvls. Miss Camille Lamar. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Henry Lamar. Jr.
Time Will Tell.
For 11 year* Blua Ribbon has been
growing more nnd more popular until
!t Is the leading brand of extracts In
the south.
Mr. John Quinlan, of the Macon
Railway A- Light Co, who has been
spending his vacation at the north, has
returned home, and if looks count for
onvthlng. he must have had a good
time at ho is looking better than he
hes In years. While In New Torkh*
attended several ward meetings and
rallies and talked with lots of peonle.
He says Its Bryan here and Bpvan
there* tnd Brvan everywhere. The
working people, he says, are for Bryan
DON'T MIBB the hot cam* this afternoon
Horn# on Arlington Heights Purchased
By Mr. W. R. Dawson—Part of
Welchselbaum Estate Sold.
Three real estate deals of general
JOl i
terest, which have occurred within tho
,ew "*"• * r * ** - ROOSEVELT TO BECOME
Through the agency of Mlnton-Morgan
Company, Mr. J. F. Minton sold his horns
on Arlington Heights to Mr. W. R. Daw
son. a popular conductor of the Central
i of $4,500.
Senator A. O Baron disposed of a lot
on Huguenln Weights to Mr. P. L. Hay
for the consideration of S',060.
I A farm, consisting one hundred acres,|
with Improvements, located on the For
syth toad, was sold by the executors of
■illiMtfilMlMito the Wild
i iu»u, was sold by t
. late Sam Welchselbat... ....
Ilngham Loan ft Trust Company for tho
sum of S1.C25.
Hunted for Houra for Supposed 6tll| on
Certain Creek In Certain Part of a
Certain County.
Rift,, Mart ntvnM from ,n“»xiVni»'j
oum£ k to * Mruln «*« of
The searching party went to the vicin
ity of the auimoeed otUl In the wee srra’
hours of yesterday morning nnd for iulf
a day conduct** sn exhaustive hent un
and'down'the creek. _
tree and Inch of the
returned all of them wars tnuddj
head to f— —“ - •
— 7 .," r h«
u<liiy :
I —„—-et .besides.
■HMdet*rm?ne<] to Catch tho
(Weyer, provided It efl*ts.
Itlrey say* that there have
■ few more captures f t in-it
stills this year than there we r »» inn
FORSYTH, Go., Oct. 19—News has
reached here of the death of Mr. Robt.
C. Menough, of Seattle. Washington.
Mr. McGough was born nnd reared
near here. He repreaented this coun
ty In the legislature, and perhaps there
was never * more popular citizen. He
leaves two sons and three daughters—
Messrs. Tom and Bob McGough, of
Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Cato, of Amerl
cus, Oa., Misses Maud and Nellie Me
Gough, of Seattle. About four years
ago he moved to Washington. Since
going there he had been In good health.
His death resulted from a fall and quite
a shock to his friends and relatives.
Personal Notes.
Mra. C. H. 8. Jackson entertain
ed this afternoon about one hundred
ladles, complimentary to Bessie Tift
Mr. and Mra. C. W, Hill have re
turned from Florida.
Misses Stella Center, of Mllledge-
vllle, and Martha Porch, of Hkrncs-
vlllc, were, visitors to rolatlvca hece
Saturday and Monday.
The Mvstlc Circle, a club of thirty
ladles, havo a weekly meeting, whero
games are enjoyed and light refresh
ments are served, giving somo life to
the young matrons of the city.
Quite a crowd went down to Ma-
NEW YORK, Oct. 19—President
Roosevelt has signed a contract with
the Outlook to act as an associate edi
tor after his retirement from the pres
idency In March next.
This was made nubject to tho exist
ing contract tv write tin story of his
African travels for Charles Scribner's
His work in connection with the Out
ing Is to covsr political and economic
BUFFALO, N. Y.. Oct. 19.—The
problem of financing the work of the
National Woman's Suffrage associa
tion cropped out today and for a time
dogged the smooth running ma
chinery of their convention. The ques
tion first came up in executive ses
sion where it is suld President Anna
H. Shaw talked to tho' delegates in
no uncertain way us to tftelr failure
to provide, tfte national organization
with the means to carry on its v/ork.
It was finally decided to make on ef
fort to raise at least $5,000 by volun
tary subscription. The contribution;
Mrs. Catherlno B. Lewis, cf Buffalo,
enclosing a check for $10,000. Presi
dent Shaw announced the contents of
the letter In a few happy words.
Tho afternoon session opened with
a symposium on "Stock objections to
woman suffrage."
Answering ttoo oft-repeated state-
nt fiat women do not want to vote,
Mrs. Mary T. L. Gannett, of Roches
ter, said in part:
"Women not only want the ballot
but would use It Intelligently. Wo
man's sphere embraces every spot on
earth; every law and regulation that
Influences in any way home or child
or woman's labor. Not lass, but'more
womanly, is site -who seeks a share In
the control of the common life as shall
give her equally full end direct influ
ence with,man In choosing who la to
care for the cleanliness of cities, man
agement of schools nnd factories and
In the making of tenement laws."
Miss Laura Gregg, of Kansas, a
suffragist organizer, related somo of
tho struggles for enfranchisement In
western states, especially In Oregon
and Oklahoma, where It was found
that "the real enemy to woman suf
frage Is the saloon and brewery In
Buckhead’s Marshal With
Two Citizens Are the
nnCKJlEAD, On., Oct, 19.—W. C. CM
a marshal, and J. D. NVagii
were (mot and nerloualv Worn * *
Walter Wright badly cut, hero . .
Terrell Dorsny, a negro, whom tho trio
Marshal Chlvera returned the lire ntal
• shooting took place in tho i
ouehed the pegro. telling him
Without a word tho negro took fr<
hla pocket a both a revolver and n I
knife. Hu opened tire, shooting twice,
one bullet entering tho nose of Marubai
..... w i,o stood In front, ami tho
*. Wag-
other entering the thumb of Mr.
8tll| holding the smoking weapon In Ids
hand, tho negro advanced toward the
with hla knife. He succeeded
he wn* tired upon by
his body. It is not thought he
mnke tho urrest.
tho officer started to
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 19—Twenty-
eight counties have applied to the pris
on commission for their misdemeanor
convicts, and the indications aro that
the demand will far exceed ths sup
ply. The short-term pien will bo put
the public roads.
All prlvato misdemeanor convict
camps in tho state will go out of bus
iness on November 1st, and this will
give the prison commission between
600 and 700 misdemeanor men to place
with the counties. V
The following counties have applied
for the number of men credited opp
site their names:
Bulloch ,
Brooks ..
Sumter ..
Walton ..
Jones ...
Early ...
. .1:
Spalding 25
Pulaski ....
DeKutb ....
Terrell .....
Emanuel ...
Columbia ...
Jenkins ....
Newton ....
Not only tho local forecaster and coal-
dealers, but scores of others are anxious
ly noting the progress of the rold wave
which is rapidly advancing from the
Ice-throttled weat In tills direction. l.ul«
yesterday afternoon the storm coptercd
above Kansas and Nebraska, and It Is
expected to reach the Mississippi valley
by this morning.
Observer Mitchell states that It la ft
certainty that the cold spell will arrive
In Macon within the next two or three
daya. Others say that eml prices, which
have been Indifferent of late, will assume
larger proportions. It Is feared that
the ’wave of frost and chills will reach
this section too late to dlsslonte entirely
The weather
regular summer
yesterday was again Ideal,
ir temperature prevailing,
ter registered 14 degreea
Cutting Scrape That Occurred Some
Time During Month of August.
A negro named Emmett Carrion .was
fined 130. by tho recorder , yesterday
morning for fighting, end committed to
the city court on the charge of stabbing.
Somo time In the month of August
"■ “i bad a difficulty at the Central
‘ hunt up Krrini’ tt was In a bad h
In his arms cut Clifford severely in the
“ mm ran away and wumft
WANTED—C*uple or two geatlemen to but that they bars been harder to lo- at the ice wi
board at 742 Walnut at, Phone 247$. pate. % ‘ ' Jculty.
side. He then re.. —
night until Saturday night
Emmett claims that he did not cut
ttll he had been struck over the head
r ensortf with a big Mk, and that he
~|M iway. hut has been working
orks over since the dlffi-
Doctor Said Mrs. Luoleris 8tomachwaa
Worn Out, but Mi-o-na Cured Her.
Why, oh why will people of Intelli
gence continue to suffer with dyspepsia
distressing stomach troubles, when
-o-na. the only scientific remedy, has
a record of thousands of Just such
cures n« the following:
„ "I was near, to
death’s door. The
loctor said he had
lone all ho could:
that my stomach
wafc old and worn
nut. I was fto weak
I could not walk.
I took Ml-o-na tab
lets, and havo been
eating hearty over
since, and I am
ablo to work like
a tiger. I wish I
could go and thank
••-■*** you miselr. I »©nd
you my picture, nnd ypu oa^i use my
word and my picture, and I thank you
angtn.”— Mrs. Nelson Lucier, 112 Flak
St., Athol, Mass.
Ml-o-na cures dyspepsia. There Isn’t
a particle of doubt about It: and If
any of the readers of The Telegraph
are suffering from atomach trouble
of any kind The Taylor-Bayna JJrug
Co. will sell you a box o fMl-o-na for
Police Doing All They Can to Check the
Speed of Those Who Let Their Ma<
chines and Vehicles Roll Too Fast.
first wan an automobile man wlioae ma
chine got the best of him. It was gear-
il up. screwed up. hitched up.
up. in such a way that he couldn't <
trol Its speed ftt the tlmo, and i
• of the beat citizens of Mncon, mid
nalderatlon nnd assessed only tho
.small fine of five dollars, and regretted
caught by Officer Smallwood.
- --- *- -- h a
i against
owned right up to It. and guve nn I
to Imprcas It upon him tluit It
nculnst tho law. ho paid five dollars
Tho next up '
Into a. smnll white boy
force and speed — .~
wheel of the little boy's .
of commission for
than burn the wind ho
lined ten dollars.
Commander Lamar .Williams It Quite
Sick, But Wants All to Go.
Cump Hardeman bona of Veterans will
Mr. Lamar Williams, .it tho head of Sons of Veterans, la now quite alck
lit his home In East Mncon and hoping
that he will bo ublo to accompany the
boys. He lins always attended the re
unions. but this tlmo Ills sickness may
prevent him. It will bo «
disappointments of hla life - —
no man whose heart Is so thoroughly en
listed In the organization os his. lie
asks that every son of veteran uttend.
Chief Miller of the fire department
K Besterday appointed Mr. Joe Harper to
HI tho position «»f engineer for No. 4
Bre company, made vacant by tho death
'of Engine, r Itnlney. Mr. Harper has
been tno stokor for this eaglno for years, I
and tho Hpnolntmrnt yegterduy comes In
ithe way of a promotion for long and
Ifalthful services. Mr. Jack Knox, an
experienced man, takes the
stoker made vacant by the promotlpn of
Mr. Harper.
The boy* were very much nttached to
the dead engineer. He waa their friend,
quiet, modest, unassuming, but always
reedy to lend aid when needed and bla
Shrlnera to Leave Tomorrow for 8o.
oial Intercourse In Atlanta,
on6 box wfll efrect a permanent cura;
In chronic conditions more Is ncen
much better and brighter, so much
more energetic, that you will not give
It up till cured.
Mi-o-na Is not a digester. Digesters
nevar cured dyspepsia, and never will,
Ml-o-na is a stomach atrenxthencr that
builds up the worn out, flabby inside
ef the stomach, and makes the stomach
strong enough to perfectly dlgr«t what
you eat.
Some twenty-live red fex-weararz,
known os Shriners, will pack grips
with evening suits, whlto stiff-bosomed
shirts, high collars and whlto ties,
and take either the Southern or the
Central train and leave for Atlanta to
Ynamb Temple, of w’hleh Forest
Adair Ih tho pot.-ntste, is to sallvats
thirty odd people tonight, and tho Ma
con Bhrlners want to be at tho sal
As Is usual on occasions of this kind,
the salivation exercises wind up with
a feed at which the best In the re
frigerator Is served und sem-zem flows
like camel's milk In tho desert.
Funeral of th# Negro Driver Whb
Dropped Dead Saturday,
Charlie Wright, the negro driver, em
ployed by Goo. 8. Riley Bone, and who
dropped dead on his carriage scat on
Hftturday afternoon, was burled yes
terday. •
The Rileys furnished the carriages
for the funeral, and the particular car
rlage that Charlie had been driving for
the pest four years, was draped with
crepe. The funeral was attended_by
many friends of the dead negro. The
Interment was made at tho Fort Hill
Will Be Met at Depot by Committee of
Receptlon~Lunch at Hotel Lanier.
To Be Introduced by Congress-
greaaman Bartlett.
All arrangements have been mode for
the reception and entertainment of Gov.
Hoke Smith while in Macon, and for the
tonight at the auditorium.
committee chosen by
committee on arrangemontB and a dele
S it Ion of cltlzenK ami escorted from the
>pot to the Hotel Lanier, where lunch
will bo had.
Accompanying the governor, in car
riages. will te Hon. Clias. L. Bartlett.
Hon. T. B. Folder, Chairman Jesse 11.
Hart of the county executive committee,
and Hon. Jos. H. ifall of the Democratic
flub, and others. Me. Hall may not be
able to attend because of sickness, being
confined to hla home yesterday.
After luncheon at the hotel, the gov
ernor will he escorted to the auditorium
and be introduced by linn. Charles L.
Bartlett. He will then address the voters
on the national Issues and In the interests
of tha democratic nominees for the presi
dency and vice presidency.
On the adjournment of the meeting, the
S overnor will be entertained at supper
y Prof. H. L Martin.
The Second Regiment band will piny In
front of tho Hotel Lanier before going to
the depot, and In front of the auditorium
previous to tho speaking.
A large number of tho members of the
Bibb County Democratic Club will occu
py seata on the ntnge. It la urged that
there be a full attendance of tho mem
bers of the club.
Gov. Smith has Just roturned from a
tour of the western states, where he has
been speaking in the Interests of llryan
and Kern.and will resume his work for
the party n« soon as tho Macon engage
ment is filled.
The Merry Widow
At the Grand
PITTSBURG, Oct. IS.—After hearing
otlons und arguments today in tno
proceodlngs having for their ostensible
purpose tno bringing here of Hurry K
1 haw. slayer of Stanford White, to tes
tify In the voluntary bunkrup.c-y petition
filed several months ugo, Judge Y< '
of the United States district
today reserved until tomorrow Ills »la
clslon as to whetlu-r Judge Young shu'l
accept Jurisdiction or whether ,ho nmt-
Ibe presented to Judgu Arch-
of haheua corpus ad testificandum was
Gardner, special deputy attorney gem
for New York slate, came here today
oppose tho bringing of Thaw to Penn
sylvania, and moved f
of the writ.
Attorney Gardner said he would not
tuke his motion before Judge Archbald,
holding that jurisdiction retted with this
district und that Judge Archtmld lind
merely acted for Judge Young during
tho latter's absence. Ho argued tliut
Thaw Imd twice been ndbulged Insane In
the courts of New York and was held
until such adjudication In an Insane
asylum for the criminal Insane In
custody of that state: that being i
sane iierson he was Incompetent
a petition In bankruptcy und belt
J bankruptcy —_ ...
Incompetent to testify In bank-
uptcy proceedings.
Tho New Yoik attorney also charged
hat tho bankruptcy proceedings —i '
arts to have Thaw brought to
m \ testify * therein
subterfuge to remove Thaw from llm
jurisdiction of New York courts and ...
euro Ids lllierty. Attorney Chas. Mor-
Hchauser, one of Thaw's New' York at
torneys. accompanied Roger O'Maro.
trustee, hero today, nnd joined
By J. H. M.
•Tho Merry Widow" presented nt the
Grand lust night by Henry W. Savage's
* ~ record breaking
company, captured a
house, there being over 2.000 people In
the building, every sent and box being
taken and "the standing roam" in «v«rv
part of the houao occupl
who could not bu seated.
The performance waa well worthy of
the splendid audience, being In the stage
setting, tlm music, the dialogue, the
number and character of the people en
gaged. the costumes, the plot, the spirit
the grace, tho vivacity (Frenchy and
rleque to n degree) the handsomest,
most talented and smartest thing of the
sort ever seen In the south.
Marsovla, an Imaginary kingdom _..
the order of Xenda. Ic on the vorge of
bankruptcy and car only bo saved
financially by retaining within Its
bounds u twenty millionaire young
widow. Popoff. the Marsovlan ambas
sador at Paris, conceives tho scheme of
making a match between tho widow ami
Prince Danlto, a gay young blade and an
embassy attache. When the prince is
Introduced to the widow he Is confronted
by the farmer's daughter with whom he
had been Infatulated, but who he was
forced to glvo up for state reasons. She
taunts him with lielng like all the other
men, ready to make lovo to the millions
which she had married after he had de
serted her. He resents It and swears
never to mention love to her. The plot
through three magnificent and vivacious
spectacular acts rovolves around their
flirtations and Jealousies, Introducing tho
audience to tho voluptuous scenes of the
Marsovlan embassy ot Paris, the Oar
dens of the residence of Ronla, th<
young widow, nnd to the Cape Maxim, i
sort French ball. „ .
Rosemary Glass as flonla Illustrated to
tho highest degree all the witchery of
tho siren and enchantress In the vivacity
of her acting, her singing and dancing,
and George Dameral. .as Prince Dan 11 o.
was scarcely less pleasing In the fire and
grace with which ho supported her. Tho
audience beheld In thrilling breathless
ness In tho second act tho marvelous
grace and passion of the national dnnen
In which without words they breathed
their story of love In rhythmic motion,
and again and again railed for Its rope
The great number of people engaged In
tho performance were capable and In
keeping with the central figures and
went lo make up .. —- rv — —
sentatlon which waa satisfactory In the
lost degree.
spectacle and pre*
Speaking of the alto of the audience
id the opera of "The Merry Widow
f ir. Horne, who was connected for twen-
v years with the old Academy of Music,
plated after the performance last night
that, the audience and receipts were the
largest ever In the history of theatricals
In Macon, being nearly 2.500 In else and
tho recolptn exceeding by nearly $1,000
tluit of Booth and Barrett, who charged
<5 a sent for their Inst performance In
Macon, thus demonstrating tho growth
of Macon and Its Importance to sustolni
any meritorious performance In compar
ison with any city In the south. In de-l
signing the house Mr. IjeO ya never
SiMpght that at any time In Its history
J^d ths capacity bo taxed, but laat
night It was not only reached, but over
160 persons were unablo to obtain ad-
NEW YORK, Oct. 11.—Qua nogera,
one of the famous Hagers brothers, died
here late today of appendicitis. Rogers
had an attack of appendicitis In Clilcng.)
In 1902, but he deferred the operation.
Jle was taken sick In Utica, N. Y., three
vns one of the best known
the American stage. The
brothers, Max and Gus, started their
stage career In Boston In UJD. They did
a German dialect and Knockabout act.
Ten years ago. after becoming well-
known In vaudeville, they were signed
17 KftS
S tarted In the "Reign of Bitoi " "The
losers' Broe. in London," and other
Gus'Rogers was said to be worth $200.
000. most of which Is Invested In local
theater property.
* widow. Maude Raymond,
er, and two chlldrer
survive him.
Smith ot the auditorium the mayor
-ad council will meet #t S:J0 o'clock to
night Instead of at I os usual.
The mein business, as far os known.
tor the meeting la the report of the com
mittee on the conference between tho
committee and the, telephone people In
regard to the ordinance embracing a
franchise for tho company.
It Is probable also that a report by
the city attorney may ne made on the
transfer station at Mulberry and Fourth
streets. , ,
There will be a number of applications
to sell near-beer at wholesale.
Traveling Via Ctntral of Georgia Rail
The Central will sell tickets to At
lanta on October 21st In addition to
dates already arranged; that Is, Oc.
teber 22nd and for morning trains Oc
tober 22d. Train leaving 1:21 p. n».
reaches Atlanta 4:20 p. m. giving you
ample opportunity to get located be-
fore night. Special accommodations
will be provided on this train which
also carries Parlor Car. For further
information telephone 305 or call at
City Ticket Office, corner fTherry and
Second streets. Jno. W. Blount,
District Passenger Agent*
..... join
Stone and Stone and A. 1*. Moyer tn t
court proceedings.
BAY CITY. Mich.. Oct 19.—A dispatch
to the Bay City Tribune from a stuff
correepandent at Alpena eays:
Tho verified known death list result'
Ing from forest fires In Presque (alg and
Alpena counties, stands tonight ut for
ty-one. with several people still report
ed missing and a growing probability of
nevorn loss of life In Northern Puluwakl
and Krakow townships In Presque Isle
county, the first Indication of which
came yesterday with tho reporting of six
dead bodlca in Puluwntri. Including thoso
Mrs. Wm. D. Hose, living near Ocqueoo.
rounded by the foivst.
At least sixty families i
„ in
tho shore of Like Huron In the norlhc. _
half of PuhiwNkl and Krakow townships
and practically nothing has been heard
from them since tho fires. It Is difficult
to get into this district as tho country Ini
cut up by many streams und the bridges
have been burned, while fallen trees
Mode the ronds In every direction. It la
said that tho flames swept all through
rn tt
this 'district to the water's edge and It
la "feared ’that bodies wll* bo found!
t'hrlNt Criger, a fisherman, escaped In
V open tioat badly scorched
t Grand lAke, n farmer and wife and
four children are known to have taken
refuge In a boat, and nothing has be*
heard from them since. A doxt-u scho_.
children sent home by teachers have not
been heard from.
Ncur Posen, Mr. and Mrs. Hines are
still missing. Of those previously re
ported killed, the following wero found
In tho woods or at their friends home:
John Konlecsny. who was reported dead
with hie wife and children In the gon
dola car at Metz: three Nowlckl children
end Mary Nowlrkl. th«r aunt; Anthony
Wagner. Mra. Chae. Llehke. Mr. and
Mrs. Pachlnskl and five of the Dust
children, only one of the latter being
killed. The Dust children fled through
the woods while their parents were
fighting the flames,and one dropped be
hind and was overtaken by the /flames.
The others reached a farmer’s home in
the clearings.
While big fires are still burning
throughout the northern tier of coun
ties, not a slnglo village or town In now
known to be In danger and only tho
ilurst branch of tbe Detroit and Macki
nac Railroad Is out of commission.
There Is a big fire three miles from
lingers Ulty and a heavy line of fire wee;
of Alpena, but there la no Imminent
danger to either town.
Homo apprehension Is felt for Grace
Heritor, which Is located un the shore of
Lake ifuron, northwest of here. No
word has been received fVom there since
tho fires. Along tho right miles of ron.l
from Posen to Ifagensvllle. twenty-eight
wiped out. The total
Sheriff Robertson Receives Telegram
Asking Him to Watch Out for the
light u telegram
,y _ ....
look out for tho
isr him to
. ...s negro Charlie Mitchell,
Sunday sh</Tand killed two men
A full description of the negro waa
given In the telegram, and from recol
lection It very nearly i: not qulto fit tho
description of a negro by that mine who
.. gro l
confined In Bibb
year afo. It Is ovldent that
authorities had ~ reaeodVWH
Mitchell might come this way.
To Do Heard This Morning Before Or-
/ dlnary C. M. Wiley.
Tho trial of Cornelius O'Connell on
a writ of lunaev will take place this
morning before ordinary Wiley, begin
ning at 9 o'clock.
The etate will be represented by
Solicitor William Brunson, and At
torney W. I). McNeil will represent
O’Connell. A large number of wit
nesses has been summoned to testify
in this case, and the result will be
watched by many.
Will be Sergeant In Day Time, With
Sergeant Bryan on at Night.
The appointment of Officer Bryan ns
station sergeant causes a promotion for
Sergeant Arthur Jobeoft. Under the new
law. there Is no clerk of recorder s
courts An officer must be detailed to
S rforro that dutr. Mayor Miller has
tailed Sergeant Jobeon to perform »ho
duties of the position, and be has been
attending to them for the past two
ily' the present arrangement. Sergeant
Jobeon will act as. station sergeant and
duty at night.
This BiBn is permanently nttached
to tho front ot the main building ot
tho Lydia E. 1‘lnklmm Jledicino
Company, Iynn, Mans.
Whnt Docs Thin Sinn Mean ?
It menus that public inspection of
tho Laboratory nnd method), of doing
business ia honestlydesired. Itmeans
that there ia nothing about the bus
iness which is not “open und above
It moans that a permanent invita
tion is extended to anyone to como
and verify any and all statements
mudo in the advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Is it a purely vegetable compound
mado from roots and herbs—with
out drugs ?
Como and Seo.
Do the womonof America continu
ally use aa much of it as we are told?
Como nnd See.
Was there ever irach a person ns
Lydia E. l’inkham, and ia there any
lire. Pinkham now to whom nicK
woman aro asked to write V
Como and See*
Is tho vast private correspondence
with sick women conducted by
women only, and are tho letters kepi
Btrictly confidential?
Como and See.
Have they really got letters from
over ono million, ono hundred
thousand women correspondents?
Como nnd See.
Hnvo they proof that Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound hua
cured thousands of these women?
Come and Sec. * , a
.This advertisement is only for
doublers. The great army of women
who know from thoir own personal
experience that no medicine in the
world equals Lydia E Pinkham’s
Vrgf>tablo Compound for female ilia
will still go on using and being ben
efited by it; but tho poor doubting,
suffpring woman must, for her own taught confldence,forsheiil.«o
might just as well regain her health.
A young negro named Harry
./as committed to tho city court
recorder yesterday morning for
to animals.
Detective Tom Jones caught him boi
Ing his mule, end th« llc^s fell on a n
place, making tlm offence an nggravai
ono. Once fiororo this man waa bof<
the recorder for beating a mulo unmi
Deaths and Funerals
ycura connected with tho South*
prana offlco at Macon. .
whero Ills mother died yesterday.
Several days ago Mr. Maze- “
the sad news that his mothu
rlouxly sick, and like tho lovtmc and
dutiful son he was, h« left at oifca for
Chicago, nnd waa present at her d«at)i
which occurred yesterday.
friends will sympethu'. "i/cS
him In ^the loss of the beit friend hft
will have.
The funeral of Mr. Jesse "W. Rainey
who passed away Saturday night, weg
held yesterday morning at 11 o clock, at
ithe family residence, 561 Ash street.
Rev Mr. Brazleton, pantor of the Chrl*-*
tlan church, officiating.
Air. Rainey was ono of the nldent m«m*
hers of tho Macon llro department, hav
ing Joined the present y - * -
■ Mflrqt organized In Ihsk
survived by hi* wife and U
Mesera. John W. and J«*«o R*l .
two daughters. Aliases Flora and X^ouli
two oaugnrerp, rim
Rainey, all living In Afacon
The pall-beorers
i, Chas.
Jonas, Ch.., T. Brown, C. W. H ibbard,
L. A. Miller, 3*. F. Hutton and John
loickey. The Interment was at Roe*
Hill cemetery.
Miss Allee Sawyer, the 13-yesr-ol^
iiiiKhti'r of Mr. nnd Mra. H. 1C. Bell, died
'eeterday morning at 2 o’clock
was a devoted member of the C
church, and a good Christian
ends. She,
t’n’se Kerri
girl. gf.<|
le eurvlvod by two sisters and five broth S
^^MTho funeral took place yeeterda f
afternoon at Ji o'clock at Croje Kevn
church. Rev. T. E. Davenport officiating,
Tho Interment *
Fort Hill cemetaryn
hU residence
fool folk atreet In Best Miron.
Mr. Bull had been In feeble health fog
several months, and for the Io*t twi
weeks his death has been motnentarUtt
expected. He Is survived by a wif*. wh«
has the sympathy of the entire nornnme
Tty In her oad bereavement.
The funeral will take place this morn-*
In* at 10 o'elock at th^lr^resjder--
T. K. Davenport and E. c.
wfn* *wii?
erment will
conduct the service#. The Inten
be in Fort Hill cemetery. The fpllowlm
tlemen _wlll i fij
. ig
B tlemen Will , nci as pall-besrerel
isra. If. D. Phillips, Alf Melton. Ja/nea
Lessley. John Durden, Chas. Mu
James Liles.
The funeral of Mrs. M. F*. Stone. wh4
died yesterday afternoon ft h# redds nett
on Fourth street, will take place thld
afternoon at * o'clock, at tn* Hecontt
Street Methodist church. R
Stanford will officiate, and th.
Drinking Men
Not Reliable
Employers Want Sober Men.
Competition Is too kei
"■enuous for an emplo
his payroll whose nei
ad life
and whose brains are
Kvery lln<- of business is beginning t<S
close Its doors to drinking men.
Drunkenness Is a disease and Ilka
most diseases—has Its remedy. Orrln*
Is the reliable treatment and Is noli
under a positive- guarantee to envoi a
cure or your money will be refunded.
Orrine is In two f<*rms; No. J. whirls
—I be used without tho patient’*
- -ledge In tea. coffee or food: anti
No. t for those who wish to be cured.
The guarantee applies to both forms.
Mailed in plain seal* d package on re*
celpt of $ Write for fr«* booklet*
mailed In plain sealed envelope. Thft
Orrine Co . Washington, L>. C.. or H, L
Lamar A Co. *