Newspaper Page Text
H. 0. A. NASH,' Pr'tid.nt.
H. G. A. Nash Audit Co.,
203*204 National Bank Building.' Savannah. Ga.
Expert Accounting in All Its Branches.
Perhaps you have an idea that in order to havo a
bank account you must have a large sum to deposit;
that a'bank'doesn’t care to bother with small accounts.
This is not true of the “Fourth.” This bank wel
comes new accounts, no matter how small, and extends
the same courtesy aud service to small depositors as to
large ones.
Let us provo it to you.
are not circumscribed to apparel, and
how to behave. There are other things
equally as Important.
comes In for a share of what "fashion"
says Is "the thing." It can be had
here. The repairing of carriages Is
a very Important part of our busim
We do It so well that every person
Is satisfied.
218-220 Third Street.
Phone 2S45.
Refrigerated Bottling
The word sounds good, doesn’t it?. Just try'a
i Bottle of Coca-Cola
Bottled by our process. There’s nothing to compare with It We*
want to show you our pipit —“ * * ~ w *
If you want n perfect di
LIVERPOOL spots closed
NEW YORK spots oleaed....i....,.9.20 ;
NEW ORLEANS spots closed 815-16
The Macon cotton market yesterday!
dosed dull at’the following quotations;
Range of Prices.
Good Middling t\
Strict Middling 6%
Middling fffc
Btrlct Low Middling 1%
Low Middling 7*
Spot Cotton Movement.
Beets. Ship. Sales.
Oct. 17. 1168 918 607 <11
OcL 19. 1908...i 482 80S 840
Stock on H*nd.
NEW YORK. OcL 19.—The cotton mar
ket had a sharp reaction today and
closed steady at a net decline of Talt
E lnts. Bales were estimated at 200.000
The market opened easy at a decline
of Call points and rtt the lowest level
of the day showed a net' loss’ of, 14al8
J oints on the active months under liqul-
ation by recent buyers, local bear press-
— .c— — —- -Withdrawal
ure, southern selling and a wli—
of tho demand for winter positions from
K e largo trade Interests who were no
ble buyers toward the close of last
eat on covering. The declining tendency
was promoted by lower cables, the fallurs
of yesterday’s conference In Lancashire
to result In progress toward a settlement
of the labor trout les. tho big receipts
and the good weather over the week*
Thera was a little buying In the late
aeeslon on the fear of unsettled weather
In the southwcsL wires from Fbrt
Worth suggested the approach of a
"norther,” but there wns no nggreMlve
hull support and sentiment appeared to
be more or lesa unsettled. Southern spot
markets, officially reported, were un
changed to He. lower;
Receipts of cotton at the ports today
were 70,791 balsa against <7,178 bales lait
week and <5.828 bales last year. For the
week (estimated)) 400.000 bales against
871.000 bales last weak and 814,820 balsa
Today's receipts at New Orleans were
1,729 bales against 10.865 bales last year.
nd at Houston 12,160 bales against 8,961
lies Uut year.
Spot Cotton and Futures.
NEW YORK. Oct. 19.—Spot cotton
closed quiet. 10 points decline: middling
uplands 9.20; middling gulf 8.45; sales
200 bales.
Futures opened easy and closed steady
as follows:
t CHICAGO, Oct. 18.-A liberal Increase
In the visible supply of wheat In the
United States and Canada caused ft weak
close In the local wheat market today,
final quotations showing net losses of %
to %e.
Oats wore also weak, but earn and pro
visions were firm.
Open. High. Low. Close.
* * m
si 8
May . .
CtJnl- ‘
Deo. . .
May . .
July . .
Dee. . . . 4814 4914
Sly* * * 4*3 45%
May . • 44.80 18.00
May ! * ‘ 8*97% 9.10
Short RU,.-.^
. . 1.06 8.1*16
‘AS *81
May *
4716 48
60 50
45% 45%
14,90 18.06
14.80 14.95
i:S?H ?:o7i6
V# V.1216
Cash quoUtlons were as follows:
Flour steady. . _l
No. S spring wheat 81.0S; No. 2 98a
1.02; No.*Srsd 99%ail.01. „
No. 2 corn 72a7216i No. 2 yellow 72a
”51;. 3 oat, white. 49KaA; No. 3 whit.
noixl* twain. 7 b»rlcy M.I4U: fair ti
Ch SiS , &lYff&.3. i No. 1 North
western 21.2214.
lYIrae timothy eecd 83.Ha3.80.
Hhort ribs, sides (loose) 9J.MeM*!4.
Mess pork per barrel 2l8.2716el2.60.
ard per 100. pounds 29.2
t clear sides (boxed)
Receipts. Shipment-
Oats, bushels. 840,000 ■ 187.000
On the Produce Exchange today the
butter market was steady: creameries.
28*76: dairies 18a28. . .
Fees steady: at mark, cases. Included.
17a20; firsts 22; prime firsts 24.
Cheese steady: 12%al3%.
NEW YORK. OcL 19.—The dry goods
market wns moderately active In the pri
mary cotton goods division and in the
direction of spot inquiry. American shirt
ings have been reduced half of a cent a
yard to 414c. Some lines of dress good*
for spot shipment are in active demand.
Raw silk Is taniataflifttfiiiiitarffiiMAi
mand for
bers are doing a moderate business for
quick shipments,
. 9.97 8.69 8.69 8.63
February — *.M
March 8-5* 8.61 8.68
May 8.45 8.51 8.47 8.45
July 8.46 8.46 8.38 8.41
October. 8.‘98 9.08 8.96 9.02
November — —— 8.78
December 8.77 8.79 8.67 8.73
Receipts and Exports.
Receipts and Exports. Today. Week.
Consolidated net receipts.. 70,796 124,180
Exports to Great Britain.. 6.750 12.418
1* arr i- «v?
Exports to Fmnce 12.957 12.957
Exports to continent 26 740 “
Stock on hand all ports....608,802
Bine* September 1. 1901-
Exports to France...
Price, Receipts, Sales, 8toek.
Tbm Ports:
Oalvetton . .
New Orleans
Mobile . . .
Savannah . .
Charleston .
Wilmington .
Norfolk . . .
Baltimore . ,
New York ..
Boston . .
Texas Clt;
Brunswick .
Jacksonville .
Iphla ..1.45
1600 12OR25
I 42970
Houston . •
Augusta . .
Memphis . .
St Louis ...
Cincinnati ..
Louisville . .
Llttlo Rock..
Interior Movement.
I Price. Recta. I Bales. I Stifle.
1MI0 fcSIl 82689
loMi r
J 12255
I’.*. \V,[ 22640
Dry Goods—Wholesale
SHEETING—-6 to go.
City Bonds.
K “& n n MilV V M ”
fcssssu l ;»{
Augusts IV*. 4. 4H. 5 & pc.. M ill
The ladies especially are cor-
dially invited to come out to
the Auditorium tonight to hear
State of Georgia Bonds
ni. 4*6. 1922..........7........107 108
Oa. 4Vi. 1916 104 106
Qa. 4. 1926...... 104 105
Ga. 816. 1921 to 1916 99 100
; Lumber Quotations
(Corrected by Massce-Felton Lumber Co.)
1 mu . , r , <i> ■ ’ i~*fi Piz-d.lM <»1
Common framing (long leaf) slsed. 11.60
Common framing (long leaf) 12-lnch
(Corrected br Dunlap Hardware Co.)
WRI T, BUCKETS—84.25 to 24.80 dot.
ROPE—Manila, lie; 8eaeU 9c: cotton.
WIRE—Barb, Litpar pound. •
PLOW STOCkI— Ijarman. 95o.: Fergu*
v OW BLADES. Be. per Jb
IRON—IHcc per lb. base:
Gov. Iloke Smith. You will bo
_ , bass.
|» • bar. VMM. pou__.
.9—Wire, 12.80 ks«.
delightfully entertained and ^
deeply interested. !.7 H . 01 '- ,4M k# * : mu!, ‘
GEORGIA, Bibb SCounty—WlE be sold
.before the courthouse door In Macon.
Bibb county, during the legal hours of
sale, on the flrst.Tuyday In November,
nineteen hundred and eight, to the high-,
sat bidder for cash, two hundred shares
of the capital stock of The Realty Com-
« V. .a corporation under the laws of
rgla with I u principal .office
of business in the said c ^bnty^and stats,
certificates numbered respectively 13. 20,
21. and 22. each of the said certifies tea
being for 60 shares. The same levied on
cf Macon. Bibb county, to favor of the
American National Rank against North
Highlands Iab-1 Company and _W. B
8S52? RonEKT,
BUCKETS—Plain. $2.00 do*; white ee
dor, three hope, 14.00.
CHJDXS—Tree-. >4 to || dps.
r.Tjv rntper —per keg. Dupont crack
shot 86 M kesr.
BIK5T—J2.00 seek.
tubs—fainted. 12.10: cedar, 86.00.
SHOVELS—17.00 tn 811 per dot.
/•ARDS—Cotton. 24 S« per dos.
tick candy In barn
OH - __
ndb - In palls, lOe.
Grocers. Mlsed. pall 7V6
Cream mixed ~
Barer.a sodas, sc.
Barona«. 7H«.
Bsrens oyrt^r eraekesR 9%
K. ®. u poJaa.
Olnrr snaps (S. B. C.). 7a
Assorted caksp, 19c
LIVERPOOL? * ^ri^Sman business
done In spot cotton, prices 4 pc.'nts low
er: American middling fair 6,53; good
middling 6.17: middling 4.99; low mid
dling 4.75; good ordinary 4.19; ordinary
8.T9. The sales of the day wero 4.000
hales, of which 400 bales were for specu
lation and export, and Included 8.80o bales
American. Receipts wore 6.000 bales, ina
eluding 4,800 bales American.
Futures opened sturdy and closed easy
American middling G. O. C.:
.HBW ORLEANS, o^t. irt.-.Hpnt rn1t„n
was easy tmlay at unchanged quotations
middling 811-18. Pales on the spot wen
l.Ono bales, and KOO bales to arrive.
Cotton futures opened steady at a de
cline of 6 to 9 points on disappointing
cables and good weather. Further press
ure on the msrket from the bear side
during the morning resulted In more
losses bv the active options until they
were selling 12 or 18 points lower than
tbo dosing of Saturday. Much of the
selling was Induced hr very pessimistic
cable messages from Liverpool regarding
the speculation among the spjnners In the
Lancashire district who were said to be
reselling their supplies. The shorts were
also eneoursgsd bv the growing belief
that the msrket Is facing the largest gin-
nors' report to tho census bureau on reo-
ord up to October 18. Toward the close
pront-tsklng by shorts caused a reaction,
the market closing quiet and steady at
a decline for the dav of from 8 to 10
points. Futures dosed as follows:
Ootohsr, bid ...»,»» S.72
November, bid 9.66
December, bid 8.56
January, hid 8.49
February, bid 8.47
March, bid 8.48
-Huhtiserf Bros. A Co.'s Cotton Letter.
NEW YORK. OcL 19.—The weakness
in Liverpool was a depressing Influsnn
tmon the market, which showed little ral
lying power during the day. Rome notice
nble baying of D^carnhcr agslnrt sales of
January and later deliveries wa* a feat-
\ir*. but the ep*nt force of the recent
effort toward higher prices u followed
by a rwlnr In the other direction and
buyers are ss row at sellers were scarce.
The local Interest quickly seems to cover
and the lack of any decided interest re
sult* In quick movement* In either direc
tion. At the moment the greater ten-
dency 1* bearish, as trsde reports, while
somewhat batter, are not safflolently
better to create a very favorable opinion
of price* for the quickly coming heavy
receipts of the crop.
W«a stefidy to frtrt bn demand fronrsltbri*
and tight offerings. Prime crude fn her-
rsts fob. mm* S8Ua29; prime summer
yellow. 8741 sit 14: off summer yellow ft
to 2H6: good off summer yellow 87*22:
prlnai summer whits 8IV4a40V6» prime
wlnigr yellow 42al4>/*.
Governor Smith will demon-
stmte to you that evefy think-
ing white man in Georgia
should cast hi* note for Wil
liam Jennings Bryan
wnJUNOTON.'jn .t. 39.—Spirit, tur
p.nllno .tr.dy at ItU: nc.l-ta » casks
Itosin utraily at *3.30; r.ctlpta J1J. Tal
Arm at *1.30; racolpta loo. Crude tur
pentine firm at 11.60, *2.10 and *2.60:
rt CHArtLESTON. Oct 13.—Turpantln.
steady at 25Ue. Ur.In steady. Quote;
A. n, c. * D, 32.57H: K.; P.
K,'k’lt.M; sV. 5.,Vi»;
■mnts 524. Rosin firm; sales 3.828: r - —
All Democrat* of Bibb coun
ty should hear Gov. Hoke
Smith at the Auditorium to
Grain and Provisions.
These prices are at wholesale and not
to consumers. . ■-
Correoted by S. R. Jaquea A Tlnilcy Co.
CORN—Sacked whits 11.00
Sacked, mixed 99
Carload lots, either sacked
or bulk, mads on applies-
tlon. , .
OATS—Whits clipped <6
No. 2 whits IS
No. 3 whits <2
Special quotations made on
car lots.
IIAY—Choice timothy 1.00
No. 1 timothy ...» 90
No. t timothy 1.00
No 1 clover I... 95
Timothy and clover mixed.. 16
Alfalfa hay
Bedding straw 85
BRAN—Pure wheat 1.50
Mixed bran 1.45
FLOUR—Private Stock, fancy pah.. 6.00
Royal Owl, best patant 5.25
Top Notch, first patent 6.10
MEAL—Water ground Juliette...... 9f
MEATS—Dry salt ribs 11
Extra half ribs 11
18-20-lb D. 8. bellies 13
Bulk plates 7
Smoked meats, tic. over
above. , ....
HAMB-Fancy sugar cured..........14)4
Standard sugar cured 18
Picnic hams 11
LARD—Pure tierces ll'i
Pure, in 20-lb tins IOC
Pure, fn 60-1b tins 11
Pure, In 60-lb tubs 10''
Purs, In 10-lb tins 1
l.. v 8«
Pure, in 60-lb tins ...
McCaw’s compound lard,
The same additions tor
other sizes as named
8YRUPj^gaorerla cane (new) 88
Black strap 12
SALT—100 lbs. white cotton rack... 60
Imported rock salt, lb 1U
CHEESE—Full cream ft
ORIT8—llndnuts, In bbls
Hudnuts. In sacks .......... 2.60
SUGAR—Oranulatsd. In bbls 684
New Orleans clarified 5
New York yellow 4)4
COFFEE—Choice Rio 12
Prims Rio it
Medium Rio 11
Common ...9 to 10
A (-buckle's roasted............ 18.94
RICE—Choice head 7V4
.Medium to 6
Governor Smith will devote
especial attention to Governor
Hughes, of New York, who, up
to date, has proved the strong
est speaker on the republican
Railroad Bonds
Central of Ga. 1st morL I per
cent. 1926 112
Central of <}a, collateral trust .
6 per esnt.. 1937. ...165
Central of Ga. consolidated, _
1948 109
Central deL 1st Inc.. 1941 54
Central Ga. tnd ins., 19u 45
Central Qa. 84 too.. 1948...... 25
Central Qa., Macon Jc North-
era, 1946 ...........104
Centra) Ga., Middle
Atlantic. ft47.. ......1A« 161
Southern R. 1L. 6 PC.. 1994....102 104
Georgia R It. A Ranking Co..
8 pc.. 1922 108 IN
Ga. R. R. A. Banking Cs., «
per esnt. 1910.. .......101 102.
Ga. Sou. A Fla. I PO.. 1946....10* IN
Seaboard R. R., 4 pc., 1N0.... <4 66
Seaboard R. R. 5 pc., llll..., 91 92
Southwestern R. R- atook......106 d06
Savannah & Augcata stock....104 105
Atlanta A Wert Point.r...... 140 142
Atlanta 4k W. P. deben........104 104
<la. Sou. 4k tfs . corn.......... 16 IS
Oft. Bos. A Qa. lat prot 76 J-0
Ga. Sou. A Fin. lat pref...... 69 si
Ut uthem It. It., pref 62 63
CouChem R* R*. com./....,.., 21 22
Cotton Seed
Market price of sound, dry cotton i
any quantity, 114 00 par ton at any i
road station In Georgia.
Gov. Hoke Smith will dis
cuss Judge Taft and the repub
lican national platform tonight.
NEW YORK. Oct. 19.—There was an
other demonstration today of the real-
y of stock prices from the depress-
_ Influence of the European political
outlook. Opening Prices were e-tsbllsh-
ed at a point which more than made up
I the decline of tho hast of the week
caused by Uio new threat of hostilities
l)n the Balkans. The level of prices be
ing restored the market beoamo virtual
ly stagnant. Foreign markets fall Into n
similar condition of neglect after the re
covery In prices there as here. The fact,
became obvious hers that the great
lilnoncial powers were resting on their
oars. This passive attitude - did not In
volve any wide drift from position as tho
current of the price movement wsa slug-
R sh to the point of stagnation. In coin-
Jg advices continue to show progress In
Ibuslness and undlmlnlslied confidence In
a mors active revival after the election.
The strength of iha present banking
position does not preclude tho paying o!
serious attention to the swift loan ex
pansion of the last few weeks, with con
traction of reserves and prospect of
further drain. There were inquiries to.
day for gold for export at the assay of-
flee and a shipment on Thursday is con
sidered likely. Neglect fiiadn prl>-os
vulnerable to some reaction from the
opening level, although thcro Wan noth
ing like activity at any time during the
JWf w>
value. 22,366,000.
United States bonds unchanged
call. Total sales today 314.000 share
New York Monsy Market.’
NEW YORK. Oct. 19.—Money on call
steady; ILnl v por cent; rqllng rate 1)6;
closing bid 1H; offered at 1)4.
Time loans a shade firmer: CO days 2%
to Sj^90 days 314 to 3)4; six months 2H
Prime mercantile paper 4 to 4)4 per
Sterling exchange steady with actual
business In tankers' bills at 4.84.80o4 56
for 60-day bills and at 4.M.50 for de
Commercial bills 4.14)4*4.14)4.
Bar silver 52.
Mexican dollars 45.
Amalgamated Copper 75%
American Car and Foundry 40*4
American Car and Foundry pr«f....i''i
American Cotton Oil 34)4
American Hldo and Leather pref... 23)4
American lee Securities ?R)4
American Linseed 10
American Locomotive 49
American Locomotive pref....; 104
American Smelting and Refining .. I4 T 4
Amer. Smelting and Refining pref.. 104'4
American Sugar Refining 121)4
American Tobacco pref. 92 H
American Woolen 22
Anaconda Mining Co 49%
Atchison JJOVs
Atchison pref. 95
Atlantic Coast' Line 89
Baltimore and Ohio 95)4
Baltimore and CMn pM. ........... 9*
Brooklyn' Rapid Transit 48)4
Canadian Pacific 175
Central Leather> 25*4
Central Leather pref. 95%
Central of New Jersey 200
Chesapeake and Ohio
Chicago Great Western
Chicago and North Western 1—..
Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul 121
C.. C.. b. .ml St. Lout.
Colorado Fuel end Iron 36
Colorado and Southern 4l r ‘
Colorado and Southern 1st pref.... 66
Colorado and Southern 2nd pref.... 68
Consolidated Gas 144
S nrn Products 17
elaware and Hudson 166
Denver and Rio Grands.. 28
Denver and Rio Grnnde pref 66
Distillers’ Securities .v 20
Erie 30'
Erie 1st pref. '. 42
Eric 2nd prof. 36 1
General Electric 143'
Great Northern prsf. .....183
Great Northern Ore Ctfs gh%
Illinois Central 138
Interborough Met 1<P
tnterborough Met. pref 29)4
International 1'aper "’*
International IMper pref. ...» 61
International Pump 28H
Iowa Central 26
Kansas City Southern 27)4
Kansas City Southern pref.... <1
ijoulsvllle and Nashville ...........IN
Minneapolis and St Ixmls 3A
Minn.. Kt. P. and Bault 8L M. 1*7)4
Missouri Pacific .................... 66
Missouri. Kansas and Texas 20V4
Missouri. Kansas and Texas pref.. 66%
Slil on v7 rt ®a-::::::-::::::::.S}|
New York. Ontnrlo and Western.. <0*
Norfolk and Western 7<J
North American
Northern Paclflo 112-
Pacific,Mall 24.
People’s Gas 96V
Pittsburg. C C. and St.
ITessed Htsel Car 32 4
Pullman Palacv Car 182»4
Railway Steel Spring J7 A
8S9K •<i« , v.v.v.v.v.v..;.7.v::: , !w
Republic Hteel pref. 78
Rock Island Co 19
Rock Island Co. pref............... 46
S L Louis and Ran Fran. 2nd pref.. 29
t. Louis Southwestern IJ;
8t Louis Southwestern pref 41'
Sloas-Rhcffleld Steel and Iron if
Southern Pacific J0|
Southern Pacific pref. ........118
Southern Railway. 21 1
Southern Railway pref *2
Tennessee Copper **
Texas and Pacific 25)4
Teleda. 0L Louis and West f«
Toledo, fit I>ouls and West. pref.. §7
Union Pacific Iff
Union Paclflo pref. 88
United States Rubber
United RUtes Rubber 1st pref 99
United SUtas Steel....... 46)4
United HUtes Steel pref .H{8*
VlrglnU^Barollna ‘chemYeaY
Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical prof,.... 108
Wabash pref. 26
Wcstlnghouse Electric 81
Western Union. v..»,. <»
Wheeling and I^ke Erl «
Wisconsin Central 86!
Standard Oil 8X>
U. 8. refunding 2s, registered ....192%
ft Y' V.“ nd rr K um.4
U. B. 4s, coupon J21,.
ft «"•
American'Tobacco 4s 4 77
American Tobacco 6s 106)4
Atchison general 4s 99%
Atchison adjustment 4s 94
AtchiMn cv. «
Auhlson cr.
Atlintlo Coast Lins 4s 95
Baltimore and Ohio 4s. 99%
Baltimore and Ohio 3%s 93%
Brooklyn R. Y. cv. 4
Central or Georgia f.s .,...109%
Central of Georgia 1st lnc.......«.. 63
Central of Georgia 2d Inc 46
Central of Georgia 2d Inc 3L
ChsNpcaks and Ohio 4%s 1JJ1V4
Chics go *and Alton 8%s 74
Chicago, a and Quincy pew 4s. d.. *8%
Chicago, IL I. and P. It. H. 4s....•• 73
Chicago, It. I. and P. It. tL coL to., Uh
Chicago, R. I. and P.Ry. rfdg 4s... 16%
C. era and BL I-ouls gen. 4s..... »<
Colorado Industrial 6s 76
Colorado Midland 4s .........
Colorado and Bouthern 4s ...
Delaware and Hudson cv. 4s.
Denver and Itlo Grands 4s...,
gfl: Ml. 4 *
Japan 4s #
PspsSi <&*, indL*'Mries‘.’.'.!*.’.*\V.88
I .out .villa and Nash. Unified 4s.... 9«
Manhattan consol gold
Mexican Central 4* \
Msxlcan Central 1st too 1»
The Boesd 9tt*kr m
A Few Cents a Day
will provldo you with a Boll Telephone and place you In constant
tonch with friends and relatives. A Boll Telephone will «ava you
time and trouble. Try it.
UOdnt SOTle..
Goes With Every Roll of Our
Congo Roofing
The Best Composition Roofing
On the Market Today .
Three-Ply Guaranteed 10 Years
When Properly Applied
Prices Very Reasonable
Cheaper Than Shingles
Massee-Felton Lumber Co.
Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga.
ling gs i ^ -.....-.i—*
....jbllc '.f Cub* i. --•-*■-.■ •}?i,
.st. Louis floothweatsm con. 4a.... T4%
seaboard Air Lin* 4s 56
Bouthern Panne 4s 91%
Huuthem Railway 6s 193%
T. xss and Paddc 1st*,... j-** 1 !?,,
Toledo. Ht. T»uls and western 4w. *6%
Union PivrtAe 4s
Union BacMfr cv. 4s IfTh
U. H. Stsel 2nd
Wabash lata A
western Mil. 4s ....yy-j lin
Wheeling and take Erl* U....... 78%
Wisconsin Central. 4s..........#.... *t'4
K. T.. N. H. and II, cv. 6s. ctfi...l*o i
I-ak« Sbor. O. cl H'A
Clarke’s'Pure Rye
4 Full Quarts, $ 5.00 Delivered
12 Full Quarts, 12.00 Delivered
Any one of the following dealers will supply yoer wantN t
K. H. BMtarto. * O..
Bsdlngflsld A Cs.
It. H. Cats A Co. (half'ta:; end <
A SoW C.„
Ualla«hsr A O’Qsrs.
E. B. Qlbson,
Julian Oistifiino Co.,
Chse. Slum A Co., Jacksonvlllo. Flo.
Hnnrt* Bros., Jacksonville, Fla,
H. Clsrke A Sona. Bailebury^ N. O.
Hsllsr Bros., Jaekeonvlll*. Fla. |
Haaslg-EJJia Drug C# a Memphla, Tsnn.
J. A- McCormack A Co., Mamohla. Tsnn.
N. Ooldrlnq, Pensacola, Fla.
D. F. A O. P, Lonq, Jacksonville, Flo.
Kentucky Wklsksy 0« 4
Will Lea.
M. Market eta, t
S, M, HOSS V».( _
•am A Ed. Wslshsslbasia,
William wies Company.
8. M. Wllaon.
Hanover Dlstllllire Co., Peoria. Ill
Holbera A Co., A 4p “-
to., H. smnn, _
i, 124 Csrondolst IL New O^
H. M *Auatin* A Co., Montgomory, AJA
Phoenix Hotel Co., Wln*ton-8ai*m. N. C
Solomon Shael, Jaekeonvlll#,
Thoa- M. Keating A Co., OcaL, .
J. Rieger A Co., Kansas City, Mo*.
Clarke Bros. & Co.
The Largest Distillers ht the World