Newspaper Page Text
....Pall Stitts....
Our line of stylish Fall, 1908, Suit* is without an
equal in all the eesential* which go to make up perfec
tion in men*8 wearing apparel. We want you to compare
the tailoring, material* and ont of these famon* Kuppen-
heimer Suits with the best tailored clothing you have
ever seen. Wo do not fear the result.
Prices are Right
Star Clothing Co.
Put Your Account With The
American National Bank
of Macon
The Largest Bank in Middle Georgia!
Capital $500,000.00
Surplus (earned) $300,000.00
Liberal Treatment and Courteous Attention to all.
R. J. TAYLOR. Preiident
R. W. JOHNSTON. V.-l*.
L, P. HILLYER, Viw-Prw.
The Welcome Glow of the
Electric Light
I* hospitality in itself. If your
residence is not wired let uh
show you how small tho ex
pense really is. Its conven
ience will repay you in short
timo, and when onco installed
yon will wonder how you over
niRnuged to do without it.
Governor Smith will devote
exhibit arrived YtkTBROAv. eS p C cia] attention to Governor
Hughes, of New York, who, up
to date, has proved the strong
est speaker on the republican
Fair Days*
Macon Day—Tuesday. Oct si.
Military Day—Wednesday. Oct 28.
Circus Day—Friday, Oct 80.
Football Day, Colley* Day and Labor
Day—Saturday. Oct. IL
Secret Order Day—Tuesday. No*, t.
Drown. Smith and Jones Day—Wed
nesday. Nov. «.
Negro Day—Saturday. Mar, T#
A special meeting of the fair associa
tion directors waa held yesterday at
“ It****'definitely decided to make tho
opening day of the fair "Macon Day,
when the general admission will be re
duced to 2l cents. A large number of
merchants have promised ta Mom their
doors at 2 o’clock on this day In order
to give th*»lr employes opportunity .to
attend the fair.
It was also decided to pay Mr, Ed
O'Connell for the use of his chicken
coops and to furnish coops free of '
to all exhibitors. *
ready In place a>
to hava reptared them wl
tall a large ana
These coop* are sl
at tho fair around*, and
n1 them with ns
large and
J ’h* second of the county agricultural
ilhlte arrived yesterday, It coming
from Bartow county. This display was
assigned spa '
day.* It Is
■•signed Space and It will ba put Up to-
* - ‘ * * ", White, of
It Is In charge of Mr,
The tfapp Pros, overall factory hava
(arranged a very pretty booth In the as-
rlrultural building at the fair around*
end ar«* busily decorating it. The Mal
lary Mill Hupply Company Is also In
stalling a lot or marhlntrr, while tha
Hummers Buggy Company, of Barnes-
villa, la working on Its exhibit
Georgia made automobiles will be ex-
iHilled at the fair hy the Hummers Bug-
y Company, which la having great suc-
ess in this field.
A»l persona who have pnld thalr i
cutes hy calling
Treasurer R. L.
Mckenney. and" other's can also secure
the same by paying their subscription.
Rases will begin on the first day of
tha fair in order to accommodate the
young working people of the city who
will .attend on account of "Macon Day,”
There will bo hath running and trotting
racea, but more of the former. Dr. H.
8. Clear will be on* of the judges.
An Innovation will ha made In the
method of operating the races. All
winners will be given a certified check
as soon as tho nice Is won.
be seen In
the grounds yestpr-
Macon Railway & Light Co.
Old Corn
4 Full Quart* $ 2.85
12 Full Quarts $ 7.05
tBBSEA 1 Gallon .Tug $ 2.00
5 Gallon Reg $11.20
4 'Full Quarts $ 3.35
12 Full Quarts $ 8.60
1 Gallon Jug $ 3.10
5 Gallon Keg $13.60
We guarantee the quality.
A trial will convince you.
Express on above good*
prepaid to any point on line*
of Southern Express Co.
D. F. & C. P. LONG
Sam and Ed. Weichselbaum
P. O. Box No. 55. 610 Market St. Chattanooga, Tenn
Phone No. 820.
Our stock is complete with the finest and best brands
of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, etc.
1 0*1 10*1 S Oal.
Old Virginia Com Whiskey ...ISM !*.?* |».00
Express Prepaid.
Bottled tn Bond (By* and Tourbon)
4 Hot. I Rot 11 Bot.
14.51 | I.C0
4 W «.f0
8.00 1.71
5.00 I.TI
ton (Kentucky** Best) 6.10 11.76
Per Cook
Itlhbon Per C**k
...Per ex* %
... Per Coek
...P*r Cask
P. O. II.Chattanooga.
prospective exhibitor* may
the building* examining tin
signed them. There were
hundred people
Col* Broc. Circus,
dm have nttendod on
ny recent exposition*
what h«s purported to h* geisha girls,
a product purely of Japan. However. In
not one Instance ha* tha real gstsha
J irl been exhibited. Ae a rut* they were
merteaitlted Japanese women whose
beauty and dances were entirely foreign
to the roa| geisha girl e* the flourishes
In 'her own oriental land.
n Brother*’ world famous shows dur*
is extended trip through forelgr
countries succeeded In obtaining permls-
alon from the government of Japan to
bring to this country a troop of real
retails arJrJa. enij they will be seen with
this show during |te visit to Central City
Park on Friday, (utober 10.
While dlsruaslng the get ah* girls a few
evenings since Otis Matlllo, who has
charge of the ethnological department
of the show, gave the following extremely
Interesting version of the geisha girls.
the problem of the geisha and her
fascination |s a deep one for Japntt. The
wives of many of the leaders of Japan
have come from this class of girls and
tha fact of a previously gsy butterfly life
leave* no stain tn the reputation of the
wife. Much has been written upon this
Institution, which resemble* the hetalm
of the ancient Greeks and occupies a
the •
HAVRE. Oct. 1»—Arrived: Steamers
•Birmingham, Savannah: Prleatfleld
SAVANNAH. On., Oct. II—Arrived
Steamer Merrimack, Pratt. Philadel
Sailed: Steamer City of Memphis
Dreyer. Boston; schooner Fred A. Dav
on port. Blake, Fernsndlna; Annls C
Clrnco. Steelman, Brunswick.
similar position
the society. **
«Mt*rn Ybltlnr it”}.nil Srit.nU,*. cVim. if lj_p«r o.nt In »h. t*n ye»r»
lamer, of beauty has twe^i thrown about
ard, Brunswick: Comanche. Watson
New York, and proceeded for Jack
Sailed: Steamers Bastry, (Br.. Puck-
ey. Havannah, Shawmut, Hansen, Jack
rived: Steamer* Chtrmewa Oonvln*.
Ronton: Clinton. Albury. Key West,
Sailed: Steamer Apache, Staples.
MOBILE. Ala- 'Oct. 16—Arrived
Steamer Askehall. <Br.>. Toll. Vera
Crua: Euston, (Br.), Underwood, Mon-
tlvldeo; ship Hermonoa, (Nor.), Hen*
driksen, Bueno# Ayres; schooners An
nie M Parker, (Br.). Duffy. Ltts Pal-
maa; Dorla M. Plckuo (Br.), Bcdden-
Havana: Hieronymus, (‘Br.), Somers-
vlllc. Havana: Addle and Beatrice,
(Br.), Walters. St. Lucia.
Would Mortqafli the Farm,
% A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire
Oa.. W A Flovil hy name, says:
’’Bucklen'e Arnica Salve cured the two
worst sores I ever saw: one on mv
hand an one on my leg. It !» worth
more than Its weight In gold. I would
not be without It If I had to mortgage
the farm to get If Only 25c at all
drug store. •
In every country where aclenilflc
observations have been niado the
fair eomolexlon proves to b* dying out.
skys a writer In tho Contemporary
Review. It will x
leas the decline —----- . ..
Everywhere the conoiimlon Is the
xame—a darker type supersedes the
This writer claims that the dark type
offers greater resistance to disease, and
has more tenacity to life, and gay»
that the constitution Indicated ,by light
hnlr and eyes Is not adapted to town
life. Yet towna grow .without ceasing
at the expanse of the country—77 per
cent of us have already deserted field
for street. •
He believes the blond must go. and
•if this complexion bo declining now
and vanishing those who fancy that
’the Aryan la played -out’ may find
there a striking confirmation of their
views. The fact In assured at any rate,
and the canoe of It ascertained: the
constitution Indicated by light hair and
eyes Is not adapted to the condition*
Of town life, and towns grow without
ceasing ut the expense of the country:
,1 21 lhe» last census demonstrated an In-
the slgnlfl*
Mil „...
th# geisha which has veiled tf
eanco of the Institution Ip th# degrade
lion of women. While the gel«ho* are
fascinating little beauties, elaboratels
trained Ip all th# arts of pleasing enter'
talnment, they are both fair and frail
end tn their srxtem of edueatlon manner#
take# a far precedence over morals.
Th# Japanese Idea of modesty Is In
striking contrast to the prevailing no
tion in the United States, and yet upon
analysis It frequently shows more com
mon sene# and real delicacy of feeling
than the American article. It U the
Japanese belief that the exposure of the
body Is Immodest only when it occurs
for ths coquettish purpose of attracting
the attention of the opposite sex. The
tlsht-flttlng gowns of American women,
the deeollete creations that set off an
expansion of gleaming shoulder*. Inex
pressibly shock the modesty of the Jap
anese. But the commingling of the sexes
nude In the bath hrlng* never a blush.
Men and wsmen. sartorial protection, pay
their oevollon to cleanliness In an utter
•lousnoaa of fmpro-
preceding. Seventy-seven per cent of
ua already have deserted th# whole*
some fields for the poisoned streets.
"The same fatal nroceas Is working
all over Europe, even In Russia and
th* Danublan principalities, always
accompanied by a multiplication of the
brunette type end a diminution of the
blond. Perhaps It Is on a calculation
of th* rate at which towna are in*
creasing that Professor Mason prophe
sies the absolute extinction* of the fair-
•'Before anyone, perhaps, had con
cerned himself with these questions,
Doctor Beddoes wrote: Tn my experi
ence as a physician It has appeared
that, on the whole, dark complextoned
ohl’dren ehow mor* tenacity of Ilf#
than fair ones under some of the un
favorable conditions of town Ufa,* Tint
observation Is echoed from all parts
of th# world now.
"Where the conditions are more fa
vorable. ’such as boroughs In which
H are large model dwellings, with plenty
esstan. Amusing tale# or*' told of Amur* of open space around, the blond* seem
lean missionaries who. while taking bsths nearly to hold their own and In the
In the open courtyaids of .Inns, as la the suburban areas do to with success.'
JgJ°S w*m*n # *\in a rIi!Vd* »7 JrAi! n thI Th ** conclusion 1# that the fair typs
TlEM mgrt -Jl. out If
rsesment reaches a climax when the r*. dark suffer* pompartlvely
little housemaid. In obedW* to esteh- little. It a striking example of na-
llthed traditions of hospitality. Insists'tural selection and the survival of the
upon aiding the blushing nnd r reteat In* ntteet under an unnatural atate of
bather to dry himself wit* tittle toy thins*
towels. Modesty, however. Is muoh a
question of longltud* and custom. The
•outh *sa Island girl, whose only ctothmf
Is * tiny string about hrr wstst f..
the keenest shame when discovered with*
..rd which has persisted In western civ-
Ulastlon. Alice M. Macon. In her "Jsp-
aneee Women.” eays th# Ideal Jaraness
female face mt»t be long and narrow,
the forehead high and narrow In th# mid
dle. but widening end lowering at the
;b’M. conforming to tho outlines of th#
beloved Fuji, the mountain that Japanese
art low# to picture. The hair should be
straight and glossy Mack and absolutely
smooth. Japanese ladies who hare any
wavs or ripple In tho hair, as many
them do. are at aa much Mins to
alghten It In th* dressing as American
- -JIM are to simulate natural curl when
nature has dented 1>#m that charm.
should b# leig and ban-ore,
— upward at the onter corners.
nnd th* eyebrows ehould be delicate line*.
‘ “ re Iteelf. The distinctly
nnd the t . . .—
htxh above the ev*
.Inoutline note •hould be low at the bride*.I
Tthe curve outward, then turning much
; tower down than the Caucasian face, « n d
the eve eochet ehould not be outlined at
ell either by the brow, the thcek or by
! the nose.
I PEjrta.Wtn he seen here w1*h
wld'ffioug shows
on Fridav October IS. when tho ctrmts
wilt he the big feature of the Macon
state F*tr. On Circus Par. a downtewn
ticket office will he opened at the Tay-
lor-Bayne Drug Company's store.
Sylvan Grove .......
White Mill* Bourbon
DeUe of Lexington....
"Professor Ripley aaaerts that In the
clone neighborhood of London the aver
age stature of the people Is even low
er than In the metropolis, and they are
darker mostly. This hs attribute* to
the constant migration of the taller
Indivldua’s who seek to better them
selves In town.
"But the tall, os a class, are the
fair; moreover, they are the mors en
terprising. And this rule applies to
emigrants generally: the fair go, the
dark, lese Inclined for adventure, re
main to propagate their Ilka In the
mother country.”
••Sunny"— Impress of Russia.
” Th* atoet ocwutlful queen oa any
throne’ eh* hat long been called." Kel
logg norland thug begin* hi# marvelous
Ilfs story of the Tsar Its* of Russia «n
the September Woman’* Home Compan
ion. "She Is tell and atatety; her hair Is
luxuriant nnd rich In rolor. Kyee that
eomc call blue and some call gray look
out through long, dark lashes, and In
tMm Meg a grant sadness, an appealing
wlstfulnees touched with resret. a etlcnt
melancholy. Yet ae a child she was
known as *gunny.*
m "The life story of ’Sunny* has never
m told tn Rnallsh. This Is curious.
cause there probahlv Is not a person
flp tho world who would not like to hpar
the wonderful romance oC how a poor lit
tle tlermsn princes* became a great
sovereign, the co-ruler of one of th#
vastest empires on earth, the mistress
of a fabu»ou#iv rich end bewIMerlngtv
extravagant court, and perhaps the most
powerful woman m europe. Tbinay* was
the childhood n'chuam* of this poor lit-
tie princes*, and after » quiet girlhood,
where there was a constant struggle to
maintain appearances, she was courted
hy a wayward gallant who eras h*tr to a
I mighty crown Funny* loot her heart to I
the revel wooer and he. raittlno "*td*
It hr loss noble hnrea of- his reckless,
I youthful days, plctged hl*'«elf to her—
persistently courted her against wide op-
naoltfon-turuml a deaf ear to the coun-
■ I'e rf r*nrcmra and queoae who tHed to
•hwourage the match, and eftec >vars of
(MttKttjr with (ttr.femsftc tntefgtte and r
I personal restraint Ite carried his purpose
CINCINNATI, Oct. 10—Tb* -fell
meeting of the Latonla Jockey Club
opmted todiy with a large attendanpe
and six rood races. Owing,to uncer
tainty as to the statu* oT’bdokmakers
only eleven books were in the ring.
It wa* reported at the'track today
that the illnexa of Col* E. W. Clay
and Milton Young, two members of
th# commission might stop any com
mission masting and allow Latonla to
run through for twenty-four day* un
molested. Three favorites won. Old
Honesty captured the feature evanc In
handy fashion, leading all the way.
Flrat race, 11-2 furlongs: Dr. Holx
berg, 8 to 5. won; Arionette, 8 to 6.
place second; Harriet Rowe, 1 to t
show, third. Time 1:07.
Second race. 0 furlongs: Friend Har
ry, f to 20. won; Burtons. 4 to 1, place
Jecond; T. M. Oreen, 7 to 10, show,
third.'Time 1:14.
Third race, 0 furlonga: Topty Rob
inson. 8 to 1, won; Honest. 2 to 6. place
second; Marbles, out, show, third.
Time 1:13 8*6.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth:
Old Honesty. 4 to 6. won; Lady Mar-
’ha, 2 to 6, place second; Handbrldge,
out. ahow, third. Time 1:48 8-5.
Fl/th race, male: Reverus, S to 1.
wonf* Hostile Hyphen. 4 to 5. place
x*c©nd; Robert ronper. t to 6, show,
third. Time 1:40 2-6.
Sixth race, mile and ti furlong: Ar-
’’ow Swift. 7 to 1. won: J. E. McMlI-
an, t to 1. place second: Beimere, out,
<how, third. Time 1:53 2-6.
Mrs.Wmslow’s Soothing Syrnp
'res been used for Over HI^TY-FrVE
nd Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA
told hy Druggists In every a^rt of the
aortd. Be euro and ask tar "Mrs. Wlns-
.ow*e Soothing 8ynm." and take no otli-
»r kind Twenty-rfvo cents a bottle,
auaranteed under the Food and Drugs
act, JiinelOth, 1000. Serial Number lMt
galling Gowns to Americans In Parle.
Grace Margaret Hould. the fashion ed-
•tor of Woman’s Home Companion, tells
in the September number some of the
says the Parisian dressmaking eatab-
Ishments sell their goods to American
VQffien. Here Is one ruse that she —
l# There was a sudden and evident corn-
notion etnong the employes. ’The Prin
ce**! The Princess! She has arrived!
♦hey cried.
"American eye* began to hulge.
•’Out fom a mognlflcent equipage step
ped a regally gowned grand lady, attend
ed by footmen and maid, and received
by tne whole bowing establishment, to
•he neglsot of all other customers. Bhe
was In a gracious mood this day, and
easy to be pleased, praising their past
efforts and selecting several of their new
oreatlons without regard to cost After
she had made her departuro amid like
ceremonies, there was no need of the
saleswoman bothering her head over sug
gestions. Every American woman prea-
ent wanted a gown mplcd from the one
th# Princess had bought, and she got It
after much pleading and at a price for
beyond the limit shn had set.
"And the point of this fable la this:
Tho princes# was no princess, but an
•emoloye 'of the house.
"Every Frenoh gown ha* two prices—
an American price and a French price.
It Is needless to say which Is the greater
"Along about April the cry goes • up.
•The American# are coming'/ and then
the prices go Up. too.
"Along about November, when the
Americans have left, you might almost
say they are giving away gowns, only
th* Ffenphman never does give sway
anything. : Then It Is that the French
woman lq general and the French ae.
tress ‘In particular selects their ward
robe.” . .
Nineteen of the Twenty-Two
Cars Stake 120 Miles an
SAVAJfNAH, Oct It.—Two n«v
entries in the Qrand Prlre race brings
the total number of cars that will
contest for a 35.000 gold cup over
Chatham -county on next
Thanksgiving day to twenty-two.
Another Itala car has been entered,
bringing that team up to throe and
the Italian representation up to six,
tfhe largest of any country except
America, and only thO announced en
try of a Walker car, said to have
made ten mile* 1n five minutes, baa
kept America from falling behind.
If the stories told about the Walker
car, a brand new make, are true, at
least nineteen out of the twenty-two
cars can make 120 mile* an hour, or
two miles a minute, at their top
speed. This will make an average of
at least seventy-five miles an hour a
possibility If the weather on Thanks
giving day I* “good for motoring.”
World's Champion In tha Race.
If this record Is attained tfhe record
of the world will have .been pushed
up another notch. Naxarro, the man
who holds the aroxld’a record, will be
In the running and of course will try
to better what he has done. With him,
Wagner. Bordlno. a supply driver of
the team, are now on the steamer
Koenlger Louise, out of Genoa three
day# and on their way to New York,
and then to Savannah. They will be
among the first to try out the new
course. The cars they will use and
the one for the other member of the
team, Ralph De Palma, are on board
the steamer. On Saturday the Frendh
and German teams nailed from Cher
bourg for New York. 8x1b* Is bring
ing over hla own and Leiwls Strang’s
Renault earn, while Duray has hi* Do
Dietrich Hnutvast and Rlgal their
Bayard-Clement*, and the German
cam of the Benx persuasion are In
charge of Hemery. a Vanderbilt cup
winner, Hanrlot and Erbe.
What Shall We Have for Des
Try JELT.-O. the dainty, appetising,
economical flos-ert. Can he prepared In
stantly—simply add boiling water and
serve when cool. Flavored Just right:
sweetened Juat right: perfect In every
way. A 10c. package makes enou^t des
sert for a large family. All SToeera aell
It. Don’t accept substitute*. JELL-O
compile* with all Pure Food Laws. 7
flavor*:—Lemon. Oran re. Raspberry,
Strawberry. Chocolate. Cherry. Peach.
As to Obeying.
Juat one thing tho average October
bride wishes to know la this: Why should
she promise to obey when neither the
brides of the Roman nor Greek commun
ions, Jewish brides, and Quaker brides
are compelled to mako this old-fashioned
Where Bullet* Flew.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.. a
veteran of the civil wor, who lost a
foot at Gettysburg, aaya: "The good
Electric Bitters have done Is worth
more than flv# hundred dollars to
I spent much money doctoring for a
bad c*sq of stomach tmuhle. to little
purpose.., I then tried Electric Bitters,
and they cured me. I now take them
as a tonic, ahd they keep me strong
and well.”' 50c at all drug store*.
Bat* at Pets.
A bat In it woman’s bed-room can
cause mere excitement than can one
lone burglar or even a dozen mice. As
the strange creature of the night comes
flipping and flapping against the walls
and ceilings such shriek* are elicited
from the terrified female as to rouse
the whole family and bring them
the rescue with brooms nnd canes.
All of which Is sheer foolishness, for
if eh# Wd|)td but give him a chance the
b*t could Move to her entire satisfac
tion that he Is an Intelligent nnd ami
able creature and not unworthy of a
permanent place In the household. Yes.
the detested bat make* a most agree
able household pet.
He I* a most affectionate creature
and will attach himself to a person an
dee* a kindly and Intelligent dog. A
college professor says: "When I was a
student at the university I had two
hats, which oame and went freely cf
their own accord. In th# evening they
were wont to rush through the win
dow Into the neighboring garden, hunt
Insects, and when their hunger was
appeased they would return to mv
room.. They alept on a bookshelf,
where they suspended themselves from
n dictionary. At the present time I
posses* a hat-that shows a touching at
tachment to my person and follows
me about .through the room* of my
house. If I called It.”
This last statement seems to be un
questionable testimony In favor of the
theory that the ear of the bat Is not
only susceptible to high and shrill
sound*, but also for the lower sounds
of the human voice. Recognising that
It la called, the creature evidently te
able to distinguish different shades
and accent*.
This advocate of bat* as pet* fur
ther state* that when he talk* pleas
antly to it his present favorite raises
and towero It* ears, much after the
mannet of a hprxe, blinks Its eyes In
a contented fashion, licks It* noxsle
with It* tongue, and. In general dla-
ports Itself In a manner that Indicates
It Is pleased and contented. When
harshly spoken to It lavs back It* ears,
shrink* away, and seek* to escape by
climbing up the curtain.
Ths proprietor of this bat add*:
When l alt by lamplight In the morn
ing working at mv desk. 1 can hardly-
get rid of It. If come* and goes, ram
bling about the desk or dlmbtng up
my leg* or else It alts on the curtain
and endeavor* by violent shakings of
the head end shrill twittering to excite
my attention and to obtain worms—
Its usual food—thereby. Its appetite
la Indeod something nncanny. Thirty
fat vtarm* are readily taken at one
meal.”—-Technical World Magaslne.
k Every Woman
* toiBimril »r.4 tUv-aietaSSW .
. ** sw«i ths •sr’trrlal
IMARVELVi hirlingSf ray
B TO* MW V.cU-1
oeablnce j indy tbe NrM* of m« heart, and raleed
A delightful, uon-lntexleatlng
.re for your.g end t'.d. BEYO cot
j the logic* properties « *
s>rtM Horn sad nau;
I or th* en»»t iMrier. it quenena* the i t» (•* '**•- J „r
I thirst, frrd* thp body and tone* tMi-Ow-. it made Ter
uervm ITtpared by An^ustr-Butch. | nU*.!*.- •- TW '
men. admit that It should bo recognized.
It seems Inconsistent that this vow should
be demanded of women.
While It Is thought noting short of
shocking that daughters should rebel at
this Idea of placing themselves In sub
jection to their husbands, many are not
averse to giving them In marriage to
men already possessed of wives from
whom thev have been divorced; nnd while
Ider It a fearful algn of the
nn Indication of coming dts-
that It should even bo proposed
that this vow of obedience ahould bo
deleted from the marriage service, vet
few would he prepared to say that, be
muse women of other religious views do
You won't have to
hug the heater—
if you let one of
our Overcoats
embrace you—
If yon wear one— • ( - ^ ' r
You’ll have a warm bade— * •C'
And we’ll have a “come-back”—,
at yon—
Because yon’ll be satisfied.
Sterling Silver, Rich Cut Glass and Fine China Have
Always Been and Always Will be the Recognised
Standard. v
366 Second Street.
times nnd i
rooting all the traditions of the race.
Gov. Hoke Smith will dis
cuss Judge Taft and the repub
lican national platform tonight.
The Pastor and the Auto.
From the New York Sun.
A New York man who tows the sur
rounding country In gn automobile on#
day overtook the pastor of a Long Inland
country church. The pastor was trudg-l
Ing along In th# dust, and the automohll-
1st, who hurt a ellsht acquaintance with
him. Invited him to ride. "Thank you.’’j
said the pastor: ’Td like to. but for my:
reputation's rake I had better not. Myi
psrshlioncra are mightily down on those l
machines, nnd If I should be seen riding
In one they would say T was putting on
airs and might make It unpleasant for
Meade & Baker's
Carbolic MouthWash
Is an opportunity to demonstrate that we can
handle your business satisfactorily and mako it
to your interest to favor us.
Commercial National Bank
Under United States Supervision.
E. Y. Mallary, President ' J. J. Cobb, Vice Pres.
W. P. Wheeler, Asst, to Pres.' E. N. Lewis, Cashier,
Cecil Morgan, Vice Pres.
Oyster Season
Now Open
We are headquarters for Oysters, Fish and Fresh
Meats. Oysters all the time.
Your orders solicited.
Phones 242—951
W. L. Henry Co.
Out of town orders receive, prompt attention.
You will like the after-taste
—it's fragrant and pleasant.
At your druggist’s, 25c, 50c, 31.00.
GEORGIA. Bibb County.—To th* Supe
rior Court of said eotmtFt
■ Mi. n T- '• Kt'Hi'h V’ubl
shows to the court:
.. That It was chartered by the supe
rior court cf said county on th# first day
of MXrrh. 1S61. and that it has Its prin
cipal office In said county.
S. Petitioner#’ capital atoefc by th»
original incorporation was 140.000.00,
Afterward*, to-wit on September 28,
IMS. the charter waa amended by an or-
thourand (826.000.00) dollars of preferred
stock, in share* of (8100) one hundred
dollars each.
Petit Iona
.v ..j* charter v. ... — --—-
the total capital stock of the same, both
common and preferred, at nn amount not
to exceed one hundred thousand (1100.-
om.mi dollars. In shares of one hundred
(8100) dollars eaeh. par value, the In
creased stock over and above tho pres
ent outstanding Issue, to be Issued In the
common stock If desired and tn no event
shall the amount of preferred stock ex
ceed the sum of twenty-fir* thousand
Increase has actually been paid tn.
6. Annexed and filed hecowittr . ■
certified abstract from the minutes of tbq
corporation, showing that this application
feriaksesdtnent ha* been arborised by
proper cortwrote inke.
Court. Bibb
; »‘?. ru .^.\t\£“Jt'’\nV
«t I.r.i 13d sun «.> I " '
Foe Sate by
•John 1 Mcfi# Drvo Cc.. 563-664 Cherry SL
Clerk's Office
County.—The shore .and fpregoti _
correct copy of the nctHtna of The Ms
cop Telegraph
Publlstda* .Company for
Machinery, Electrio and Combination Fixtures
171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. * ”
Is a little higher in price than other Limes, but it is
PURE LIME, and by far tha best and most economical
for Brick Work and Plastering.
Chenp Lime is dear at any price!
Write us for Delivered Prices.
Carolina Portland Cement Co.
Southern Distributors.
Charleston, S. 0.
. The Empire Electric Co.
Successors to 8'ngtetoa-Mountford Electrio Co. Now under management of
Efficiency, Competency, Promptness
Everything Electrical by Electrical Experts
Office C14 Mulberry SL (Pythian Casi».’ Phone 117. Residence Rhone 134
Clerk Superior Court, Bibb County, Go.