Newspaper Page Text
Hr*K**>! i-H-l IT1 !-H *J-H
E. & W. Shirts
Remarkably good looking, well fitting and as usual, re
markably good value for the money, they are semi-Btifl
effects. There are some novelties, too—such as a bosom
lining, to give a bit of extra stiffness, but with the front,
plaits of the shirt extending all the way 'down, showing
a faint bosom outline.
Plaited bosoms all in coat style with stud holes and nar->
row round cornered attached cuffs.
$2.50 the Shirt
Rain today and tomorrow, with cold
It means the arrival of chilly blast*
and penetrating rein. Just at a time when
fair weather la most desired—the open
ing of the 8tate Fair,
i* -
Yesterday'* bulletins Indicate. . VP
that the cold wave which has been
prevalent throughout the entire west for
more than a week, hua dually crossed the
Mleslaslppl and will be felt In Georgia
; by either tomorrow or Monday. Ju-t
| how long the aped will bo in effect la not
I predicted..
Observer Mitchell does not expect the
! weather It he severely cold at any time.
, but would not be aurprlsed If the ther
mometers dropped trigai raMgf • —-
of the freestng point.
touched tn®
’ and Ice. but
«tln a few tlegref
Wherever else It
line touched
enow and Ice, mui
for this section. Frost would not be i
1 prising to the officials, however.
Yesterday, aa the day before, an e
i temperature prevailed In Mnoon through-
I out the day, tho thermometers not vary
; Ing three degrees during the entire twclvi
| !«»«••*. Tho minimum temperature wn
52 degrees, tho maximum 61. The skies
wero overcast with a dull, leaden gray.
| but there was no semblance of ruin.
We Save You Money!
Best Patent Flour ...76c
Nice Thin Meat, per pound 13o
Pure Lard, per pound •. 12 1,2c
Compound Lard, per pound 10c
Cottolene, 1,0-ponnd pail $1.25
Plantene, 10-pound pail $1.16
Picnic Hams, per pound 10c
Blue Hen Matched, per dozen 16c
Its always best to see us before you spend your
money. ,
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
670 Poplar Street. Phones 326—290
Where Dullets Flew.
David Parker, of Fayette. N. Y.,
veteran of the civil war. who lost
foot at Gettysburg, says: -The good
Electric Bitters have done la worth
mo^e than flv© hundred dollars to m
I spent much money doctoring for
l>ad ca«o of stomach trouble, to little
purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters,
and they cured inn. ! now take them
as a tonic, and they keep me strong
and well." 50a at u]^ drug stores.
throughout the state of tho bride
groom will be Interested 1n the
The Best the Market Affords
Fancy A. & P.
Elgin Creamery
30c lb.
This Butter stands above all the rest for Richness,
Purity and Cleanliness.
Sold only at A&P Stores. You oan’t get it from any
other stores stores as we control the entire output of
this brand. IVe are selling it at almost cost and every
housekeeper in Macon should send us their orders and
get the best at only thirty cents per pound. , _ i
The Great Atlantic &
Pacific Tea Co.
A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson
avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
No. 461 Third Street.
For Sale
_ j bu“ ' “
Lulld to luf
Desirable Vlnevllle cottage; lot wide.
Collage street home; 10 rooms; built
foF a horaa; worth the money.
'Phone 360.
Property for stle In the city; homes,
investment or unimproved lote.
Also homo* in East and South Ma
IJst ypnr property with us. It may
be what we want tot Immedlata pur
chase. All forms of property handled.
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
Phone 206.
607 Cherry St.
Savannah, Augusta
Covlontnn and EatO . .
M»ll«df«vllle..t 7:Wpm
Eatonton *11:55201
Savannah, Augusta
Covington and Eat<
Eatonton and Milisdfltvllto. .•
Athens end Madison..,.,....,
Athens and Madison
Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis.,
Columbus and Birmingham..
At'anta and Griffin
At anta and Griffin • 2:J5air
i *
1 2:45am QlrinJogham and Columbua.,
i Birmingham and Columbua.,
Msstfltmry i
Montgomery and t
Albany and Montgomery.... __ .
Amerlcue • 7.56pm
Current schedules corrected to data. District Passenger Agent. 603 Cherry St,
rlage of Miss Cnrrlo Berry, of Eufauln.
Ala., and Mr. James W. Callaway, of
this city, which took place at a beauti
ful wedding nt thp First Baptist Church
In Eufauln on Thursday evening, Octo
ber 22.
Tho handsome new edifice, the Interior
o< which Is finished In white and ma
hogany. was elaborately decorated for
Uje event, the walls festooned with
graceful sprays of amllax and the altar
and organ loft above banked with hand
some palms and masses of feathery fern,
with hundreds of lights studding the
archway, and shining amid the beauti
ful greenery, which formed a charming
eottlng for the brilliant bridal party na
they stood grouped on the raised dale.
Preceding the ceremony Mr. Charles
A. Covey sang "Love's Old 8weet Song”
and "Constancy" with piano nrcompnnl-
mont by Mrs. Long, and violin by Miss
Felloe Matthews. Then to the strains of
the wedding march the bridal party
tered. The little ribbon girls came 1
forming an aisle of broad pink.
Misses Retta Lock
ribbons. They . .
and Laura Jennings, and
frocks of white wnah chiffon and lace
and big bows of pink ribbon.
The ushers entered next In couples.
Mr. Lawrenco Wilde, Mr. E. T. Comer.
Mr. F. W. Jennings, and Mr. B. Palmer
Axson, of 8avannah.
The bridesmaids entered alone their
exQuisIte* gowns, alternating white and
pink, carrying out charmingly and ef
fectively the color motif, which was
emphasised by their flowers, which were
armsful of Enchnntreaa carnations, tied
with embroidered tulle. They were Miss
Alberta Shorter. Miss Snale McKenzie.
MUs Marta Cherry. Miss Ethel Pelser,
a , Montgomery, Hr. F. W.
Iss Pauline Couric and Miss Mary
Callaway, a group of exceptionally beau
tiful young women, who took positions
on the raised dais, with the groomsmen
forming a semi-circle just back of them.
The groomsmen were Mr. Lawrence
Llghtfoot, Mr. Legare Comer, of Eu-
faula, Mr. Eden Taylor. Mr.- Howell
Ermlnger, Mr. Pate Stetson, Mr. Holt
Callaway, of Macon, Mr. C. C. Wil
liams. of Atlanta, and Mr. Robert C.
Baldwin, of Louisville, Ky.
Miss Atnrle Locke, the brlde'a sister
and maid of honor, wore a. lovely dress
of Dresden mull and carried pink <
The matron of honor. Mrs. Ed-
wmru i‘. Comer, wore a gown of white
messallne. and her flowers, an armrul of
Enoh&ntress carnations. had long
streamer* of pink gauze, ribbon.
The bride entered with her step
father, Mr. Clifford A. Locke, who gave
hsr away, and they were met at the
altar by the groom and hla best man.
Mr. Merrill Callaway. The officiating
clergyman. Rev. Ilenry Johnson, await
ed them, and benutlfully and Impresslve-
ly_performed the marriage ceremony.
TOo bride's gown was an oxqulslte
creation of white chiffon satin, and rose
point lace, made dlrectolre, and with
long train. Her mlaty veil of tulle,
which waa caught with a half wreath of
>11 in —
ceiled ’the 'lovely K5V the wearer,
who carried a bouquet of bride roses,
showered with llllea of the valley.
Following the ceremony an elegant
jffet supper was served at the homo of
,.:e bride, where the decoration* were
most elaborate and beautiful.
The lower floor was thrown together
and quantities of cut flower* were used
with palms and fernaf Tho dorp porch
was screened with canvas, which waa
draped with ainllax, and grouped palms,
ferns and blooming plant* converted If
Into a sylvan tower. where a bevy ot
pretty youbg girls presided at the punch
tables and served the delicious nectar.
In the diningroom the table waa la.
with beautiful lace cover. In the center
of which rose a tall, handaome sliver
epergne. Ailed with rich clusters of .To-
kay and Malaga grapes, and rapping tho
pyramid pink rosea were arranged In
■hower effect. The bon bun (Wane* and
silver platters were wreathed with bril
I lent autumn leaves and cluster* ol
grapes and a mound of these banked the
Mrs. M. n. jn>»m*'Hi. *'•«» .«n«» •
grandmother, entertained the bridal par
ty at a beautiful luncheon after tha re
hearsal on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Callaway left that avan
ing on a wedding trip to Washington and
Old Point. Where they will spend some
time. later returning to Macon, when
they will be at homo at 512 Forayth
Delightful Entertainment at Christ
Church Chapel at S O'clock.
. A most delightful entertainment „ waa
that given last night In the Christ
Church chupcl by the little people.
Thera was a nice gathering In the
chapel, lots of well pleased ladles, gen
tlemen and children, and all charmed
with the performance of the well-trained
little people who rendered "The Little
Pilgrim* and the Brok Beloved" In such
a way aa to gl ‘ * Wm
waa a
Miutiiuc be given this afternoon at
o'clock, so tha; those who could not be
pit-sent lust night might share tha
joynicnt. Tho request was gnu
uud tho invitation goes to all to be
The following was the program:
C'hr'atoplicr—Master Frederick Gre
Fuat Utile Pilgrim—Miss Emma
»< con’d Little Pilgrim—Mis* Laura T.
.Mother Church—Mies Ftewellvn Plant.
Matins—Miss Margrctta Wrfgley.
Even' Bom*—Miss Elizabeth Matthews,
l.ltuny—Master Ktbbee Crump.
Baptism—Master Wallace MiCaw.
I.«dy Catechism—Mies Lila Palmar.
Confirmation--Miss Fannie Robert.
Eucharist—Master Bollinger Andrews.
Psalter—Master Louie Anderson.
Matrimony—Miss Katherine llowdre.
Visitation of the Sick—Miss Mary Me-
Caw Plant.
Hcqulem-Mlaa Frelda May.
Thanksgiving—Miss Anne Townshend
Bow tin*.
Marls Stella—Miss Marlon Conner.
Visitation of Prisoners—Mlaa Ann#
Pago Turpin.
bong of Harvest Home—Mlaa Iola
of Religion-Master Mallory
Tho Book Binder—Muster Roland
U-ctlonaiy- Mnst«*r .Intnea Budd.
Calendar-Master Harvey Coleman.
1’refRetv—Maeter John Hudson.
Rutltlcntlon—Miss Helen Crandall..
Child of Christ Church—Miss Kathe-
for children, 15 cents.
Rev. Charles W. Fraser, of Savan
nah. hna been In the city for tho pnat
few day* shaking handa with tho many
mends ho mado here* when In charge
of Christ Church for n short while lust
spring. He returns to hla home to-
Rev. John R. Bunting, rector of
Christ Church, will return homo to
night and will be nccompanled by Mr*.
Bunting and the children.
where she has spent the summer,
stopped over In Macon and Is the guest
of her aunt. Mlaa Stubbs, ut 202 Rogers
Mr. Robert C. Baldwin returned to
Mrs. Tracy Baxter returned home last
evening from Atlanta after a chnrmlng
visit to Mrs. Eugene Black.
Mr. E. Julian Peacock apent yester
day visiting relatives In Atlanta. tncl-
dently taking In the veterans' reunion
and the Atlanta fair. The doctor re
large crowd: attending the
Mr. Calder B. Willingham. Fr.. one of
After Fine on One Charge and Dlsmlsr
Again In the Tolls.
two charges of vlO'
the recorder on th<
luting the city blind tiger ordinance
and the prohibition law. .
As stated. Attorney Bri
tered a plea of guilty for
made unlit* an e.oquont a_..
tailing attention of the court to the fact
ho waa
try. having l»cen In Mi
inoiithM. nud unncqualnt:
aeon i
led wll
gave many other reasons why
(nought the recorder should Impose only
a light line. As for the state case, lie
asked that this be dismissed under tho
ho waa preiont. and who hud also bee
Impressed with the facts aa present*'
by Attorney Jones.
Yesterday morning llalseaks was ai
restud by Deputy Andrew# on n wai
rant Issued by Judge Hodges of the elf.
court, and lodged In Jell. He Is charged
with a misdemeanor In the warrant,
but It is known tliat violation of the
prohibition law la the charge.
Under tho city ordinances, the a
drink license Issued tq Unhooks v
forfeited with his conviction In the
i court, and this loft him with
only a stock of fruits. He
Ing li
uty Amin
The «
condition yesterday morning
il with the warrant by Dep
.... Greek citizens of Macon — ...
. nested In tho ease of Halsenk*. Thor
lit tribute Ills violation nf Bin law n
having been made through Ignornnct
For themselves they nro Inw-sbldlni
and are becoming good and prosper*m—
citizens and Investing their money In
Macon. They very much regret "■ anv
Pale Delicate Women and Girls.
The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE-
LESS CHILL TONIC, driven out ma
laria and builds up the system. F01
grown people and children. 60c.
Every now and then the firemen have
trouble with the Are alarm boxes In aomc
way or another.
Sometimes a false alarm comes In to
carry the department over the hills and
far away. Then the box Is found open.
Then the glass key shield Is broken.
Then the box Itself Is broken. Tho
most recent trouble was with Itox 37. lo-
rated 1 at Walnut and Franklin streets,
found broken nil to pieces, proliably by
being thrown at with rocks and'bricks.
Chief Miller reported the And to Chief
Westcott, and a man waa put to work
searching for. the offenders. "
■reded In finding i ‘
.ill about It. and t.._. .....
morning In the recorder'# court.
they will ha heard this
Macon's well known And
Itlsena. has been quite III nt hla rest
— Collage street for the
liOok for the signature of E. W. GROVE.
I feed the World over to Cure a Cold In
respect*1 On# Day. I5r.
The charming bride Is nt» t stranger In
thla city, and will be warm y welcomed
In Macon society of which Mr. Callaway
Is a popular member, and to which she
will be a decided acquisition.
Among the out-of-town gueata were:
Mr. and Mr*. James Callaway, Miss Mary
Callaway, Mis Fallen Matthcwa.MIss Kate
Callaway. Mrs. Bon Willingham, Mr. Eden
Taylor. Mr. Howell Ermlnger, Mr. Ilnlt
c.uaway, Mr. Merr.ll O.llow.y of Ma-
-; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Palmar Axson,
mvannah: Mr. C. C. Williams of Attar,*..
Mr. R. C. Baldwin, of Louisville; Mrs.
Ft-ed Rablnson. of Atlanta; Mrs. Chss.
Wall. Miss Mamie Locke, and Miss Net-
Afternoon Party for Vialtora.
Mrs. Charles Griffith, of Athena, tha
charming guest of Mrs. Nhbet Tinsley
and Mrs. OstaTne. of Columbus, the guest
of Mrs. W. A. Warren, were Joint lion
oreea at a pretty afternoon bridge part*
*: which Mra. lalurr Taylor entertained
i Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The lovely cake plate given a* tha
prize for top scree was awarded to Mrs.
Jamesi T, Ross. The tadtas Playing were;
Mrs. Osborne. Mrs. Griffith. Mra. Wm.
Lee Kllta. Mrs. T. C. Burke, Mra*. n>w-
elt FreWr. Mr*. WIHI* B. -tJpsAa. Mrs.
Henry. Wort him. Mr**. Ourr* {Dun*gin,
Mra. ittabet Tlnslay. Mra. L.: O.iHtm-f-ns)
Mrs. Wm. Felton and Mrs. James Ross.
This la to certify all drugf'Uts
are authorised to refund your money
ley*# Honey and Tar falls to cure
cough or cold. It atop* tha cough
the’lnnca and prevent# serious
your c<
Yesterday Mr. WlIlIrTgham'i
rendition was reported to be a great
deni better, nnd If he continues to tlms
Improve he will bo able to bo out 1
few days. Mr. Willingham has n I
of friends who will bn glad to hear ...
hla convalescence, nnd linpn he will be
entirely well In a very short time.
8t. Paul’s Church.
College and Forayth etreota. Ser
vices for tho Nineteenth Sunday after,
Trinity: 9:45 a. m. Sunday school;
11 Morning Prayer, Lay Service.
Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Chureh.
Elder West, of Atlanta, will preach
at tho church on Third atreat, In South
Macon, Sunday nt 11 a. m. All aro
cordially Invited to attend the ser
8econd Baptist.
Sunday school at 9:20 a. m. B. Y.
. U. at 1:30 p. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. At the morn
ing aervlco the* - pastor, Rev. W. M.
Sentell, will apeak on "World-wide
Missions" and on "The Grace of God
In Bringing Salvation to all Men’
tho evening service.
Vintvllle Presbyterian.
C. P. Coble, pastor. Sunday school
9:10 a. m. T. S. Lowry, Supt. Preach
Ing at 11 a. m. by pastor. Subject,
“The King's Question." At 7:30 p
m., subject. "The King's Jnvltntlop.'
All are cordially Invited to come.
Christian Church.
Corner Orange and High. Sunday
school 9:20 a. in. W. H. Roper, su
perintendent. Preaching by pastor 11
u. m. and 7:20 p. m. Morning ser
mon, "The Holy Spirit and Pentecott,"
Evening aermon, "Disobedience and
Judgment." A cordial Invitation to all*
Howard J. Brnxaltnn.
First Baptist Church.
E. C. Dargan, poator. Sunday school
nt 9:20 a. in. Morning worship at 11
o'clock, with preaching to ythe pastor
at "A Real Rcllgloua Eupcrtenea.”
Evening aervlco at 7:20. Subject, "A
Meditation on Frailty."
Centenary Chureh.
Rev. John E. Heals, paator. Clans
meotlmr 10 a. m. Epworth League
Junior 10 a. m. Senior 1:45 p. m.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.
Sunday school 1:20 p. tn. Mr. Frank
C. 'B**nson will lecture to Bible and
vialtora' claim In parlors' of church at
4 p. m. Mr. JameN O'Boono will glng
Tattnall Squaro Baptist Church.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Regu
lar aerviccN nt 11 o. m. and at 7:30
p. in. EvapgollHt H. C, Buckhols
will preach at both houra. Subject of
morning sermon. "Confession of Christ
Before Mon." Subject of evening §er-
mon,‘ "Binning Agalnit the Holy
Spirit," Song Horvlcea conducted toy
Mr. W. E. Rodgers. Mr. Buckbols
1m a strong preacher and all are In
vited to come nnd hear him.
Interest to say to
HRiHPiiMPH,.... J«t the Young
Men's Christian Association building Sun
day afternoon at 1 o'clock. A mixed quar
tette will have chnrfa of the singing.
•lay afternoon at 1 o'clock. A mis'
• —'*• *-— ^ *.he singing.
.... ... wUl b»*A
Mm Who Found God After Trying Every-
thing Elace.” Strangers are cordially
Free WIlTiaptlst.
e will be services at the Free
.baptist Church on Hanson street,
Houi>i Macon, near tha and of tha South
Ma* on car line, Sunday. October 25, at
II n. m. and 7 p. ni. One and all ara
Invited to attend. W. C. Jon*a pastor.
"The Tears of Jesus." Evening service
at -7:20. Subjrei. "The Necaaally for
Giving Heed to Spiritual Impressions.”
'rh<- ch'ire-h is rloaa In and a cordial
welcome Is extended to all strangers*
The United State# government snng
boat. Oconee, la hung up and hugging
the banks of the Ocmulgec river, alxiut
five mile# below tha Seventh street
wharf, at a point near Mansfield'* farm,
and all on account of the low water.
The boat Is unnble to peso a consider'
able sandbar Unit extend* out some
distance Into tho river, right at tho
bend. Capt. P. R. Uonant, who la In
charge of the government work on the
Ocmulgec, la hoping that the fall rains
will soon bring the river to Its normal
depth, nnd thus enable him to proaecut#
the work allotted to him.
Tha freight steamer A. E. Chat
loaded with merchandise for dlff
landings along the river. In tied up at Its
wharf, waiting for higher water that It
may b* ablo to make n trip to Bruns
wick by the "all water route."
We are pleased to nnnmmce tha:
Foley's Honey nnd Tar for coughs,
cold* and lung troubles Is not affected
by the National Pure Food and Drug
law as it contains no oplstea or other
harmful drugs, and wo rccommund
It a* a safe remedy for children nnd
adulta. II. J. Lamar A Co., near
Fourth National Bank, agenta.
Room for Sophie.
Sophie, the maid, was cross, and lit
tle Richmond did not like her.
In hla prayer tha other night h* said:
"God hies* papa and mamma and Har
old and Willie and Helen.” \
"But you haven't said 'God bless
Sophie,'" reminded hla mother.
"Oh. well." Richmond said resignedly,
"let her go In with tha bunch!"—Tho
Bohemian Magazine.
The Dainty Dessert
ing water, cool and serve. 16c. per package at
all grocers.. 7 flavors. Refuse all tubstitutst. ,
SiCgR 7 * 1
I /•'' *• i*"V * " ' "•*
For Sale
This amount will buy one of the
flnoet plantation* In the state, contain
ing 67i sorts, situated 2 miles from the
station of Holton. 10 miles from Ma
con. 225 acres cleared, 60 acres In
original oak and hickory, balance In
second growth plno. Owner made 66
bales on 140 acres this year. Not* the
A 12-room dwelling, coat 97.600.
12 tenant houses, coat 91,600.
Gin house and machinery, coat 91.260.
Raw mill outfit, coat 91.000.
Two large bams, coat 9400.
On* store, cost 9600.
We can aell you thla on a 95,000
cash payment. Balance* gay.
Minton-Morgan Co.
lea Word
FOR BALE—Chrysanthemum*, alt colors,
7sc. and 11.00 per dozen. Jlione 2229.
WANTED—Men to learn barber trade;
few. weeks complete*; chalra constant
ly busy; careful instructors, tool* given,
diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, po
sitions waiting, wonderful demand for
graduates, write for catalogue. Moler
Barber College, Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED—Walters at Hotel Arcadia.
Apply at one*.
KALAMAZOO celery and Cape Cod
cranberries. Oscar nradley.
WANTED—By young married man, age
thirty, pofltlon with individual or firm
who will appreciate ability and Integrity:
nlcaaed to give such reference* aa may
bo desired and bond If necessary. E.
C. 8., care The Telegraph.
WANTED—A young man, one who haa
had aom# experience aa shipping clerk
preferred: salary 940.oo per month. Ad-
dress, giving reference#, Postoffice Box
SEE the modern way of roasting ooffse,
siloing meats, grating frtah horst rad
ish, handling butter and eggs, fruits and
vegetahlca at Flournoy's.
WANTED—Position by experienced young
lady etenograpner: oan furntah own
typewriter. Address "H," care Telegraph.
WANTED—By young buainaaa man,
young lady rorrsapoodgnta matrimoni
ally Inclined. J. L. Baker, Lock Box 142,
Jnckaonvllla, Pis.
WANTED—To buy an Iron fireproof safe.
Addre** "Safe." care Telegraph, stat
ing slB« and price.
WANTED—Young man dealrea board wild
private family. 29, care Telegraph.
WANTED—$500 on country property.
worth 91.696; two payments: will pay
10 per cent. "Country, caro Telegraph.
WANTED—A good working man for a
short time tn the country; possibly
a permanent Job; one with neat. Intel
ligent wife preferred. W. D. E., care
WANTED—At one*, a good cook.
Phone 2528.
WANTED—Five flrst-elasa coat makera.
Apply to Jno. B. Jonea, Tailor, Au
gusta, Ga.
WANTED—Couple of young men to oo-
cupy front room; hot and cold water;*
all convenience#: one block from oourt-
houae. Phone 2022.
WANTED—Couple or young men to oc
cupy suite of room* In *team heated
flats. First class table board. No. 6
Nevaro flats.
WANTED—Table boarders at the Olym
pia Hotel; reasonable prices. W. T.
Ragan, prop.
FOR RENT—Three or four rooms.
Phone 2425-L.
FOR RENT—Two connecting room*, up
stairs; Immediate possession. 224 High
at., Phone 2272. i
TO LET—Comfortable, nicely furnished
room; hot hatha and phono same floor.
402 Rprlng at.
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping, 610 New aL| no
objections to children.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for
couple or gentlemen: all conveniences.
716 Plum.
OLD fashioned Pennsylvania buck
wheat. .Oscar Rradley.
Fit EH It FIBH for frying, broiling, bak
ing or bulling, received dally by ex-
pro**. Phone 462. Daniel A Ulnslrt-
game, , Em'IT fill
THE FINEST grape fruit; Batauma. tan
gerine and Florida oranges, plnaapplea,
cocoanuts. bananas, grape*, lemons,
limes, and apples at Flournoy's
NEW CASK Imported dill pickles. J.
R. Howard, Phones 720 and 614.
FOR RENT— Second floor, deilrahla lo
cation, College at.; two car line*; all
convenience*; rent reasonable. Phono
FOR RENT—Eight-room house, modem
plumbing. Montpelier ave.; $21. C. B.
Drew, Jr,
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. 260 Sec
ond at., Mra. Galt In.
FOR RENT—Immediate possession, till
Elm at.; 77Q. 911. 759. 752 Anh at 8.
L. Harts, cor. Orange and Forayth eta.
FOR RENT—Fumlahed rooms. 616
Orange at Phone IfSf-L.
FOR aOOD rooms and board go to fh*
Olympia, Hottl; merchant's dinner 25
cents. W. T. Ragan, prop.
FOR RENT—Two choice apartment*.
Nevaro Flats; lights, water, heat
fumlahed. Apply at office Leon 8. Dure,
Fourth National Bank Bldg,
FOR RENT—Two Al ground floor offices
In Washington block; steam heat and
Janitor, nil convenience*. Apply to Ma
con Savings Bank.
FOR RENT OR SALE—New, modem 6-
room collage, Lynn Ave., Vlnevllle:
will sell cheap. Arthur 8, Harrlo, 212
Vlnevlllo Avo.
TQ TRY our alleed beef, bacon and ham
Is to becoma a regular cuatomer at
BRUNSWICK oyatsra are fat and fine
now. Khfpmcnt* dally by express.
Oyster crackers always on hand. Daniel
A Blaalngame. Phone 462.
FRE8I! tender snap beans, tomaxoea and
genuine yellow yams, from our farm;
also Tokay. Concord and Delaware
grapes, cauliflower, lettuce, celery and
other vegetables. He* our vvgotablv
fountain. Pure Food Grocery. Phone
SAUERKRAUT and dill pickles; finest
of tho ac«*on. Oscar Bradley.
BARGAINS at the Huhn Fir* Bale:
Pitcher pumps, 99 cent* each: 1 No. 8
rook etove. 11.00; 2 No. 7 cook stove*.
$5.00 each! 1 No. 1 cook stove. 89.00;
garden hoes 96 cents each; trace chain*.
27 cant# per pair: 1 Franklin heater le.OO
1 targe hearer. $10.00. A few Japanese
napkins • cent# per hundred.
JUST RECEIVED—Ix>t fat hens and
fries. J. R. Howard Phones 720 and
SINGER and Wheeler A WIDon sewing
machines for cash or on easy terms.
Call at 662 Cherry at., and gat prices.
BEST CREAMERY butter, *fo. por pound;
nne*t hams and country egg*, always
kept In stock. Lyons Grocery Co., Phone
FOR EVERYTHING good to eat ro to
European< prices reasonable. Mulberry
Fresh meats, Georgia pork and veal.
Claud Martin, Mgr., comer Spring end
Walnut eta.
WELLINGTON Spring Dairy Butter, for
sale only at C. B. Moore's. Phone 482.
CELERY—Four nice stalks, fin.; Malaga
grapes, two pound*, 25c. College Hill
LOflT—One amethyst ring surrounded
by pearl*. Return to 106 Park Place.
LOST—Stick pin. opaL surrounded by
diamond* Reward. F. D. Coates.
FOUND - Welch: owner can get asms by
describing it and raying for ad. «*»»»*
Drew. 615 Poplar aL
FDR SALE—Lot of balloona, conf
horns, return balls, etc.: strictly
Works, Sylvoittr. Ga.
AN INSPECTION of our stock, and math-
<Hj* of keeping It 1 W itn iiti.i Uttraoflre.
will merit your closest criticism. Flour
weighs about 700 pounds; about 9 yeari
old. Address P. O. Box 174. OoUia. Ga.
FOR 8ALD—Paean nut*; fancy paper
1-f-iiMK from l$i>8 crop; f.sst va
rieties; budded and grafted trees; write
for prices and catalogue. The O. M.
Bacon Pecan Co., Dewitt, Ga.
FOR SALE—Six thousand acres of land
in Middle Georgia, five mltoe from
city. Three rallrnnda run through prop
erty. which Is well watered and tim
bered. Twenty-five per cent under cul
tivation. Will sell aa wholo or In tracts
to suit purchaser. Address "Land," core
of Macon Telegraph.
FOR SALE—Two-horee wagon In good
condition, at a bargain. Apply Heard
Bros.* warehouse. Poplar at.
tract of 540 acres, another — ... ....
414 milts from court house oa main line
railroad. For particular*, can on J. T.
Gantt, Mncon, Ga.
FOR SALE— Desirable retta**. North
Highlands; terms to suit purohnsen.
I.eon 8. Dura. Fourth National Bank
cottage with
bam and large lot, Tanney ov«.. South
Macon; easy payments. Leon S. Bure,
Fourth National Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE—At AAcrlflro. two targe mulea,
In good oondlllon. Can bo seon In aft-
Mi Ht Collet:.* I FIJI < !i nc.'ry,
SALE—One^ of the bcaMarge Jots,
r, )i: i
t large I
M. Davl
FOR SALE—Several bargain* In second
hand buggies, aurrles, spring wagons,
and farm wagnna. 8. 8. Pnrmataa Co.
•“iavlnr." nirit. '
NO delay. Loans oloaed within
ITS OUR FINE FLOUR, water ground
meal, pure lard, head rice, pearl grlte,
fine sugar and coffee that pleaso partic
ular trade. Flournoy's.
LIVE poultry
broiling: o'fto
soo celery i
Phono 463.
•rolling: o*so fresh country eggs'
Kalamazoo celery at Daniel A
gn mo. ‘
J. It. Howard.
BUTTERINE 20c per pound. Fbx River
butter 22 l-3o per pound. Oscar Brad-
l«y. ,
POMPANO, blueflsh. speckled trout, red
bass and Brunswick oysters. Macon
Fish Co. Phone 212.
FOlTiviRYTHINb good to sat go to
European: prices reasonable. Mulberry
jitrak and roasts, I2H& Corner 8prlng
nnd Walnut els.
of our Kouthsrn Ilf* which I deplore. Is
tho lack of furnace hearing of. our
home*. Now. If I could Install a fur
nace in every house In Macon, 1 would
he a happier man.
Phone 631. 320 Third 8t.
is no longer with
Jones and Ms son, Mr,
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Nativo nnd Western
620 Cherry St. Phono 351.
For Sale
97,000—A nice homo on Jefferson street,
In goof condition; 9 rooms;
rash payment of 91.000, balanco
easy terms.
92,600—An elegant live-room cottage
on Boulevard Avo., In South
Mncon; electricity and cabi
net mantel*; brand now,
92,100—A seven-room home on Orange
Ht, renting for 926.00 por
month; will make a nlco home
or ahow good Investment.
94,000—Tenant property In good condi
tion, renting for $42.00 per
month and no city taxes to
,250—Tcnnnt proporty In good repair,
In good renting section, and no
nlty taxes; renting for 915.00
per month.
JRurphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loans and
, Insurance . '
' PHONE 267
Citizen's Nat'l Bank Building
0. S. & F. RY.
Schedule Effective Oct. 18, 1909.
11:30 8« m.. No. 1, Through Train to
J'lvMili*. canlei OLmorvaUim Par
lor car and coaches. Mucoa to
Jacksonville via Vuido.iia; con
nection made for Whit* Springs.
Lake City. Palatke.
4l06 p. m.. No. 5, “Shoa-Fly," Ma
con to Valdosta and all later-
mediate points.
12:25 a. m.. No. 2, "Georgia 8outh-i t
em Huwoneo Limited." Macon tq,
Jarkaonvlllo via Valdosta. Bond,
train with Georgia Southern and,
Florida. Twelve Kecltou Draw-,
lug Room Hlcoelng Cur; op»n at,
|:I0 p. in. In the Union Depot,
v. in. in the union Depot.
Al ike,, , >»mi-ctl„ri *t ,U. ki»o;ivlifo
for all point* in Florida.
“* - No. 05, "Dixie Plyew"
reacne* and Pullman steepen^
Macon to Tlfton, *n rout* from
St. Louis and Chicago to Jaak-
m. ( No. 4, "Qeo-yla South-
Huwanee Limited." from
Palatka. local
due to Mi
atm villa.
4:15 ^
aletper Jacaeonviu* to Macon:
paarengers ran remain In local
ti't'jicr tn Union Depot at Mooon
until 7:20 a. re.
9:25 a. m„ No. 94, "Dixie riyec,"
coach'-* and HuUmnn alorera
i ft ii t.< Mai on, an rouse from
Jtu kaonvlllo to St. f/outa and
11:30 t
vi., No, 6, "Shoo-Fly," fa
4:25 p. m.. No. 2. from M*lta.< •
Jacksonville nnd all Interfasuaiv •
point*. Parlor Oherrvatlon Ca^ ■
Jarkaonvlllo to Macon.
C. B. RHODES. Oen. Pees. Agent