Newspaper Page Text
Baker’s Cocoa
CA Highest Awards in
J v Europe and America
A medical writer says;
Baker's pure cocoa acta as
a gentle stimulant, invigorat
ing and correcting the action
of the digestive organs, fur
nishing the body with some
of the purest elements of
nutrition. ,
Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.
rv>ubiMi~i 1780. MfFCDESTER, MASS.
Roof Paint
Whntdo you pay for root
point*7 Too many Eastern
concerns uro ohanrin#- the
Southern trade TWICE
what their paints are worth!
W«MT«yoaNMtMrr <•» tli* par-
cUm pti«t, aoaraaWin* n«y
VkUon, mmI ntt rmt rao*ferine for
!■« to cento, Ucotioo they oro
K3i M " , M r & , £ r ****^
Atlanta, Go.
Nitrate of Soda
Nltaita Said la Ortgltil Bap •
64 Stone Street, New York
140 Dearborn Street, Chicago, IQ.
Ksyst* Buildtnjy Baltimore, Md.
M Bar Street. Hast. Savannah, Gs»
306 Basaone Street New Orleans, La,
Hokecnbc Be Co, A Qay Street
San Frandaco, Cal.
Attim OflVc* Nnmt You
II Ouanli
-I gri
lle for Quel
NOTICE of Flret Meeting of Creditor..
In the District Court of the United
fitalra for the Western Division of the
Southern District of Oeoralk In Bank
ruptcy. In the Matter of D. Modena.
_Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors nf D. Modena, of Maeon,
In the county of Mbb, and dlatrlot afore*
•aid, a bankrupt:
Noth# I* hereby given that on the
**rd deyof October. A- r>. llo*. the sold
D. Alo.vrna waj duly adjudicated bank
rupt. add that the Drat meeting of hta
creditor* will he held at Maoon, In Blhh
cNMOly. Oeorata, In the Grand Opera
Slouae Building, on the and day of No
vember. A. D. INI*, at » o'clock a. m. In
the forenoon, at which time lhe aald cred
itor* may attend, prove their ctetme. ap
point e w —
and tr*
nankrui. „
Aliy for examination,
AI.KXANbrR rnminriT.
. _ . R.f.r»« In lUnkriipti y.
Thl, Oolnbw ». IMS.
■ may »u»nn, prove rneir claims. an
ti a truetee. examine the bankrupt,
I tranMct ouek other hualneaa ae may
party come before eaid meeting. The
krupt Is required to bn preaont on that
For mom* re aeon tha nerrocs have
an aversion to being vaccinated, and In
consequence there are a large number
of children of the school age who hare
not entered (he publlo schools this
To avoid this rigid rule of the boerd
of cdooatfon, a number of negro private
MQhoola hare been established in the
city, but Chief Hanttary Inspector Not
tingham, In some was, discovered the
fact and he made the round*. He
foand that the children la these private
•chords were not required to be vac
cinated. and in fact H was thought that
the private schools were established so
that the children oogld escape vaccina
tion. He Immediately set to work
to have*every child vaccinated and so
far one hundmd and fifty children have
had their arms bared for the vaoolne
Now that the law Is to be enforrfM
In the private as well as the public
schools, and there la no way of escap
ing. there will be no further need of
the large number of private schools
J. W. Cook, the man who eacaped from
the city chalogang some some years ago.
and grew tired of being berred from
coming to Macon, and was asking that his
sentence be suspended and l»e relieved
from further work on the gang, went to
the station hou.-.e with Attorney Glawson
yesterday morning and fully surrendered.
•Un was then pieced under bond to —
pear on Wednesday next to abide the . _
port of the police committee on Tuesday
night, iff* application for thla relief
and suspension Is In the hands of this
committee and It Is expected that they
will report on It at the next meeting of
have been frequent in tho past, he has
for wome time refrained from the *”*
habit of getting drunk. - and Intend __
make a better men of himself In the
future, all of which will be taken Into
consideration by the police committee.
against nature and your own health
to neglect constipation nr an Inactive
liver. It la Just ns dungerous to take
violent purgatives and cathartics which
outragn nature and weaken you.
"Nature's Remedy" (NR Tablets) la
always effective but never vlolont.
8ttinulntcs tho Liver to proper action,
relieves the Kidneys, thoroughly clean-
A os tho system, tones you up and puts
the stomach In perfect condition. If
you arn constipated, bilious, run down,
dyspeptic, rheumatic op have kidney
trouble, take un NR tablet to-night
and you'll feel better In the morning.
Get a 28n box at King A Ollphant,
Will Visit all the Cellars of the City,
And Basements.
Fire Inspector Frank C. Cook, of
New York. Is In the city for a rew days
making tnspeottons of buildings.
Ha will visit tha cellars slid base
ments, the garrets and out of tha way
rooms belonging to places of business,
and In fact make a’thorough Inspec
tlon of all premises Insurable, with a
view to seeing thet alt the laws re
garding safety from lire are complied
l/tcally this duty has been perform
ed by Uncle BIIIIq Jordan, of the fire
department, for many years, and Is
still hla duty. Armed with his elee-
trlo lamp. Inspector Jordan periodical
ly goes Into every business building
In the city. lie looks after waste pa
per straw, etc., in the cellars and stor
age places, and sees to It that noth
ing In contained In these places that
will add to the lire danger.
WS> “iffigst
fer of stock, etc.
Such forelsn executor or admlnlstra-
tor or foreign guardian may transfer
the stock of any bank or other corpora
tion In this state standing tn the hams
of the decedent or .ward, and cheek for
deposits mede by him and dividends de
clared on his stock, drat (Ulna with tho
bank or corporation, a certified copy 0 f
his appointment and qualification: Pro.
Tided however, that no stock shall be
transferred until the foreign executor,
administrator, or guardian shall have
given notice, once a week for four weeks.
In the neper tn which the sheriff's notices
•re published. In the eounty of the prin
cipal office of the corporation, of hla In
tent ten to meke Mid tmiUfer.
The cede does not provide fer the form
of advertisement, but the following Is
considered sufficient:
"The undersigned hereby gives notice,
pursuant to mragrenhSlH of the civil
code of Qeprgi*. im. of her intention to
m •bares of the Id preferred
•tech of the Georgia Southern and Flori
da Railway Cransaay. standing In the
B ane of Oeo. N Meals, late of Owing*
tile, afeta of Maryland, deceased, let-
tec* testamentary tor ef administration!
upon the estate ef said deceased having
been duly Iraued to her by Ike circuit
court. No. 1, of Baltimore e|ty. in tatd
state, where said decedent resided
^ , . , . _ Bxeoutrix.
Pete October Ith. 1IM.
GEORGIA. Bibb Ceunty.—Kllsebeth Mo-
C l having made nppttcetlon tn me for
tiers of administration on the estate
doroalSl; thto*to. therefor*. l»°SK*l7j-.
* C. M. Bluer, ordinary.
GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Edgar M
Jahnena having fttod hi* iMlitaiSs j r .
trie office for letters of grer for
tli* property of KJsar M Johnson. Jr.
to Issua to Ml** l<ertba West; this to.
WW «• notify Ul wfwu
that ala opplteattoa will be beard on the
B«t Monday tn November! *0*
C. M. \vll.CY. Ordinary.
*' r .
GEORGIA. Btbb County.—It L. Andrr-
sow. emraty edwUakKxatjr. Jfeavteg made I
of arid county, deceased; this l*. there* I
fee*, to notify aU sores** Interected that
LJ» applkntfeen wilt be beard on the first
Mender in November, lie*
C. M. W1UCT. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Mrs. M V
waxelbeem having filed her application
In ttie office to l* appointed edulalatra-
trix of the eefkte of T- A. Waxeihaum.
Mte of sold oauuty. tlecoaeed! thta ir
therefore, t* notify ait pereoas Intsroste
chat her appltcatlM will be heard on the
first Monday In November. lKtf.
C M. WXLJLV. ordinary. ,
Meteorological dnta furnished by the
local office of th* United fltntca Weathf*
lureau. Department .»f Agriculture. f<>*
Th* Octnulge* River nt Macon at T a.
j». read. 3.0 fest; at Hawklnsvllle. 1,4
fret; at Abbeville l b feet, and at Lum-
Chocolate Bonbons
are the most delicious and
the most wholesome of
confections and have the
largest sale of any in the
They arc sold in sealed
packages, are always of
the same superfine quality
and always the best.
The Walter M. Lowney Co.
Boston, ntss.
church music In Macon. Christ
Church, which haa had up to thla
time a quartette' choir, haa done swur
with that ae being old and antiquated,
and will lnatall a vested choir.
This body of singers wUl be seated
In the chancel. They wJII robe In the
tower, and a few minutes before the
service will assemble In the vesti
bule and form .for the procession,
which will march up the center aisTe
singing "Ancient of Days," and will
take their respective places In the
Tho vested choir being In the chan
cgl lends charm and beauty to each
and every service, and is more useful
id. helpful to the clergyman.
The choir wlilch has been In train
ing borne time under the direction of
Pr. Dlngley Brown, of Wesleyan Col
lege, lias been singing the eervlcea
for the past three Sundays In the gab
U-ry, owing to the fact that tho altera
tions In the chancel had not been
completed. .
Their singing Is most finished, the
attack is firm, fhe enunciation good,
find tho light and uhado all that can
be desired.
The church will doubtless be
crowded both morning and evening
to sc* the first choir In the chancel
of old Christ Church, .
123 Phone, Birch Hardware Oo.
G. T. Bice, J. B. Stewart, H. T.
Fielder. Sell most everything.
The hoard of control of Helmath Hall
"I In u short tlmo open r * —
in down town at the i
_ uplwl by Mrs. Barnes
Mr. Ben Jones has generously given
the iisc of the room free of charge and
It will be beautifully and daintily fitted
up In JupantMto stylo, and tea and light
refreshments will he served, by some of
the Indies and girls who seo Interested
* l tho plan, und will see that It Is a
Chocolate and coffee will also be
>rved and all at a most reanongble
y.'Ice, and the pretty room on Hecond
street will be a boon to ladles down
town Hhonplng nnd also to out-of-town
shoppers and visitors In the city, tho lo
tion making It especially convenient
Few plays of recent yfars have secured
such a strong hold upon public favor os
has "Under Southern Skies," whlcii comes
to the Grand onera house today for mati
nee and night for the first time tills sea
son. Since It has boon seen here. ‘'Under
Southern Skies" has appeared In 'many
cities and alwnys to large and enthusias
tic audiences. Its reputation Is now so
well established that It has become al
most uunccesary to print any encomiums
of tho play and production, the mere an
nouncement cf tho coming of the at
traction being all that Is necessary to
draw crowded houses. This wonderful
pUlurlty Is not hard to nccount for, for
.. Of* Is not a dull or uninteresting m<v
raent from the rise of the curtain untl
and fun. The birthday party In the first
ilste with such natural, youthful fun and
that the audience seems to become
a part of It and long to Join In the inerE
rymaklng themselves. Bo deftly hns the
author woven her play that the audience
|la almost unaware of the fact that
through all the fun-making, the story ta
shaping Itself until suddenly It leaps toi
the front, gripping the attention, hte
heart, the sympathies of tho audience
and holding them tense and fascinated
with the denouement. Th# entire produc
tion thla season will be quite up to. If
of -excellence set last season.
York successful engagement, B. K For
roster, presents the masters of humor.
Xorke * Adams. In the newest musical
comedy. "Playing the Ponies." by Aardn
Hoffman, author of their past success,
"Bankers and Broker*." The comedy
•hounds In bright lines, the action Is
brisk, the mounting and staging excellent.
Th# costumes designed by Bernard Kel
ley end executed by Wanamaker. Klow
A Krlanger Costume Company. Mme.
Ftrelalnger. are novel and brilliant. It la
primarily. • glrl'a show. Mr. Forrester
has collected *0 of the uncommonly at
tractive young women, and with refine-
men*, a* • keynote the product Inn li
dainty and artistic. "Playing the Ponies"
has been unanimously conceded the one
bright particular stai In the firmament
ef musical comedy. The east of fifty.
Includes such artists os Madge l-awrence.
Kdward Morris. Jlmmv Connors. Wallace
Beery. Maud* Campbell, Robert Bums.
Linton T>e Wolfe, lonler De Wolfe. Rus
sell Hill. Nettle May Lyon. Roy Burk.
Jatnea Hall, Philip Lynch, F.thel Mon*on,
hYank Martin. Veto Maxwell, the Man-
hattan FYmr, and the singing end dancing
chorus of thlrtv. At the Grand on Mon
day. October SC. for matinee and night.
Thst distinguished arttit. Adelaide
Thurston, ha* *>v*rv reason to be croud
of her new play. "The Woman's Hour."
Critics everywhere since she opened her
season have declared It the best vehicle
ehe ban ever had. This la Indeed saying
o great deal, a* Mine Thurston had the
toed fortune of being pretty well supplied
In the matter of nkye for the past rev
ere! season*. Mtsa Thurston. In "The
Woman's Hour.' to to appear at the
Grand on. Thursday. October 2t.
M • . at THE LYRIC.
No nil! presented since It* opening bos
given so much pleasure to !*yr1e audiences
as th# one running this week end which
win conclude tts engagement toblghL
TM. Fhur »'ourtl*nda In their novettv
mu* test act: wntcnhrink. the touch
maker: Parrish and Del.ue. the popular
ringing team, and Gaumont'a pictures,
which always ptoase. was a bill that
Parent sketch tonight.
Next week’s tin will be on alLatar one.
Including MUs Keenan In the directors
Pictures will an on at !•:*• thN morn
ing and vaudeville at Ml thl* afternoon.
Those who can do so should attend the
afternoon nerfnr»newe** and avoid the
large crowds at night.
We desire to return In this way our
h«srt-fe!t thanks and the high appre
ciation for the lympath.v find kind ser
vice* and attention on the part of
neighbors and friends, during the III-!
neeg of and on the death of Mr
_ Respectfully.
_ ILT.
Dr. O. C. Olbson returned yester
day from Savannah, Where he went to
investigate the county form. Pre
vious to going he wrote to Dr. Os
borne, the county physician. Inform
ing him 6t the visit, and the result
was that Thursday morning when he
had finished hla breakfast he was
pounced upon by a party of citizens
and treated royally.
The Morning News tells of fhe visit
In this wav;
"The county farm was a big- sur
prise to me. It Is without a doubt
tb> best conducted Institution of the
klftd I have over visited. The roads
are the most beautiful that I have ever
seen, and I have traveled from Cana
da to Mexico and all through the
Surprised and decidedly pleased. Dr.
O. C. Gibson, county physician of
Bibb county, physician In Cnarge of
the state penitentiary camps of that
county, and also United States pen
sion examiner, thus expressed himself
yesterday after a morning spent on
the roads of Chatham and visiting the
county farm and the county camps.
Dr. Olbson stated that Blhh coun
ty Is making preparations to receive
her quota of the state convicts and
that Improvements are to be made
in the county cojnps there first. Hav
ing heard Of the statement of the
governor that Chatham has the finest
system of roods and road building,
and of county farms In tho state, he
came to make an Inspection of con
ditions diure, to that the improve
ments contemplated there might he
carried out more Intelligently by
profiting by the example of Chatham
Chatham’s Model 8ystem.
Dr. Gibson w*» taken In hand by
several county officials, who took him
in an automobile about the city, over
thfi auto courso and to the farm and,
the convict camps. Among those whd
met him were Congressman Charles G.
Edwards, Judgo Davis Freeman, Dr.
Elton fl. Osborne, county physician:
Col. Robert L. Coldlng. county attor
ney. and others. The party returned
to tho city shortly after noon and Dr.
Olbson took lunch with them. He
then returned to Mecon,. He leaves
soon for Richmond to attend a con
ference of prison commissioners and
officlris and expects to bo able to bring
out wnat he haa seen In Chatham
county during the discussions.
"The county farm was a big
prise to me,” ho said. "It Is with
out doubt the best conducted Institu
tion Of Its Mnd that I have ever visit
ed. I found fourteen hundred acres In
splendid condition. I foand rice In
Immense quantities being harvested,
and aeres and acres of the finest sugar
cane that I have ever seen growing.
Thero are many cows and hogs and all
appeared to be in fine condition.
8ptendid Sanitation.
"The buildings at the county farm
wefo first-class In fevery particular. I
was not surprised when I learned thnt
there Is practically no sickness at the
ramp, because of tho splendid con
dition of the premises.'' In my opinion
too much praise cannot be given Dr.
Osborne In the management of these
"The roads ire the most beautiful I
have ever «een and I have traveled
front Canada to Mexico and nil through
the west. I don't tvottder that people
want to.return to Chatham when they
leave. I havo hoard that all who leave
return, with the exception of those
who go to the cemetery.
"I always thought fhat Macon had
tho best roads and the cleverest people
In the atate and she has In that sec
tion, but Chatham’s roads are better
nnd tho people are even cleverer. Bibb
ntready has four state camps but be
fore receiving our regular allotment
of felony convict* under the new law
we wish to prepare to receive them and
to make some Improvements. To get
Ideas along this Mne was one of the
principal object* of my coming to 8a
vannah and I feel that my visit was t
most profitable one.*
County Commissioner Mallory H
Taylor Is back from Atlanta, where
he went to attend the good roads day
held there.
Mr. Taylor says that the exhibition
of good mads machinery was excellent,
ihe lectures were Instructive, and the
meeting up with those Interested with
the good roads movement were all
good, but that there was nothing real
ly very *new to be seen or heard. So
much has bean said and ao much writ
ten. and so much seen about good
roads, that so far as the education In
road-making.Is concerned there la no
difficulty In the building of them. The
question lies In the ability or the coun
ties to have the work done. With a
eufftclent fore# -the best roads in the
world can be built in Bibb county, and
the same Is true of other counties,
and this, too, without any further In
struction. The formula for a mac
adam road la as familiar to the pro
gressive county commissioner as that
Tor cooking peas. He knows the
grades, the proportions of materials,
how to lay It andliow to roll It. Like
wise the formula for any other kind
of road that can be built in this coun-
,r W advantage of the conventions
and the gatherings ©r those Interested
In good roads Ilea in the keeping alive
of the subject. As long as there Is
a. state there will be a need for good
made. If every road In the state was
micadamtxtd or even paved with other
meterial. there would still be the open
ing of new roads and the maintenance
of all to be locked after. Consequent,
ly It le something that !• here to stay,
and the subject can never grow old.
The question then Is, where Is the
money coming from to put the roads
of the country In good condition? The
commissioners know how to build
them, they have the material for them
—It Is the money that is needed.
«#•> -tr ''Ay.,'- if A*, i!
A*>* '"-*&](it
Young’Men’s Clothes.
Ederhcimcr,,Stein.&jCo., Makers
Y OU 'winj^score” every” time’’you' wear one of these
swagger Ederheimer-Stein made overcoats for Young \ -
Men. Tailoring skill of the highest type, smartest ■/
style ideas, handsomest materials ever put into clothes; you
take the same pride wearing it as we in selling it. i 1 '
You know what team work is in tho same. You learn what it
means in the clothing business when you buy here. You profit
from our alliance with the greatest specialists on Young Men’s
clothes and their alliance with us. ,
The whole-force of the Ederheimer-Stein organization and the
ability and strength of this store are directed to just one end—the
aim to take better care of you young fellows than you’ve ever been
cared for before. That’s team work. It’s successful. You’ll find \
your style from the many we ’ro showing now. . -
Chas. WachtePs Son
Have YOU Tried It?
1 EWIS 66 RYE has been on trial nearly 50 years and ha*
never been found wanting in age, purity, strength and
all-round goodness.
is a drinkable whiskey with a flavor'and smoothness unequalled.
It is a genuine whiskey—absolutely free from aromatio ethers
or fusel oil — therefore invaluable for medicinal purposes.
i As'Vfe
1 AO Leading Mail Order Homes in 1
Jacksonville, Chattanooga, Montgomery and Mobile.
STRAUSS, PRITZ &CO. Distiller*, Cincinnati,©.
Sonttlilac New tn Soft Drinks.
A delicious, non-lntoxlcotlng bever
age. combining the nourishing at ‘
tonic properties of Barley-Malt a|
it-haif of i per
one, hence con-
ilc propcrtH __
- P»—not a chemical concoct!-
contains lees tp
cent, af alcohol I
terras with United States Government
laws reciUting the eel* of soft drinks. 1
It. ta*te« well, look* well and makes
one feel well. It betnx prepared hyi
A&heuscr-Btifevli guarantees its merit.
SAVANNAH, C*-. Ort. M.—Arriv
ed steamers Anglo Bolivian, (Br.)
Parsons, Baltimore; Ethelstan, (Br.)
Jeppers. Flo Janeiro; City of Atlan
ta. Smith. New York; Cretan Tyler,
Cleared, steamer Adra, (Br.) Bea-
van, Bremen.
Sailed sc'.ioonkr Oracle D. Buchan
an. Brunswick; Kfneo. — . Bruns
wick; schooner David Baird. J sported
arrived Octobar 22, made trip from
Cape Henry In fcrty-Ave hours, record
Arrived steamer Celtle Princess, (Br.)
Wllliama, Bremen.
M0BIL2, AU.. Oct. SI Arrived
steamers Colombia. (Nor.) Boe, Celba;
Dalton. (Br.) Mope, Bahia Blanca;
Clan McDonald, (Br.) Haywood, New
York: schooner D. H. Rivers, Slrat-
ton. Ponce.
Cleared steamers Maud, (Nor.)
Stranger, Havana: Fort Gain eg. (Nor.)
Knudsen. Bocoa Deltoro.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. ?J.—Cleared
steamer Haakon VII, (Nor.) ThucMad.
Progreseo; Joseph Vaecaro, (Br.)
Slmpsour Celba; John Wilson. (Nor.)
Hansen. Celba and Tela; Elpaso,
Knowles,-New Tork: SUgpeol. <Br.)
Campbell. Rotterdam, via Newport
Neom; Kurrachee, (Br.) XJddlo, Ant
werp via Norfolk: Musician, (Br.)
Woolfender. Havre: Yanarivn, (Br.)
Fjfe. Glasgow; Ugerto. (IU1.) A. N.
Rosso. Genoa, via Palermo; Rolleaby.
(Br.) McKenxie. via Bremen and
Nam poet News; Carta go. (Br.) Peder*
son. Colon, via Port Barrios.
JACKSONVILLE. Flo., Oct, 23—Ar-
Hotel Marlborough
Broadway, 36th and 37th Sit., Herald Square, New York
Most Centrally Located Hotel on
Broadway. Only ten minute* walk
to 25 leading theatres. Completely
renovated ami transformed in every
department. Up-to-date in all re
spects. Telephone in each room.
r Peer Beautiful Dining Rooms
with Capacity of 1200.
The Famom
German Restaurant
Bsoodwey's chief attraction for S^e-
tl pood Dathe.s and Popular Music.
tuiiifira Hta. M 1mm. JM ltd*,
i * 1.50 and uyntd. ^gxeejjrf upwmd wWhtoA- teto. Bedwmn Sid Bath
E. U. TURNEY, Manager
. . ora C. Ander-
Conwell. Norfolk.
1ved October 22: Steamer Onon-
Chechestcr. Boston.
‘ Steamtrs b’hawmuL Han-
Afled Editor Dead. ^ -
NORFOLK. Va„ Oct fB-A apodal*
from EUaobeth City. X. C.. says that COl.
R. B. Creecy. sold to be the oldest man
to eastern North Carolina, and one of the
oMr«: n»w>pap«r men In the country.
. died at hts home In Klixabrih City today.
1 axed 15 yean. Ha had bean an editor i
.Itoc fifty year*, J