Newspaper Page Text
The belt test.
Compare our smart clothes with your “tailor made.”
If you find any difference except in price, you’ll find
•mote than we can, and we’ve made a study of it.
How About Your
O. W. Van Arsdale Committed Suicide
Yesterday Morning While In Fit of
Yesterday moraine about 7 o'clock
Mr. D. W. Van Ar*4ai<*' was found
dead in Ibe lmthroom on the third
floor of the Arcadia hotel by hl» son.
R It. Van Aradale. who occupied a.
room with him.
Mr. Van Andale had been 'feeling:
badly all of th«* day before,' and ha 1
left hia office about !i o'clock p. ni. and I
retired to hia room. When hi* *•**»>,
came home he found the door to the
room locked on the lnsii*- ar.«! received I
answer upon knocking. He t'.;
“The Smile That Won t Come Off”
J it—determine
to cat ahead and aa regularly aa you draw your money go to the
hank aad deposit It—end then l#av# it there for the day of need.
We want your account, no matter Ita present also, and you need
te aave—we ehould get together.
We pay • per cent compound Interest—helps the pile to grow.
Read our free booklet, telling about our safety and plan.
I “Safest for Savings” |
Equitable Banking & Loan Company,
Geo. A. Smith, Pres. Macon, Ga.
how. Olh««wl.» there h»»e not t«n
ny ehaJiicen on tho midway.
Another treek rerord »•> ooMt-
■hod I* tho flr.1 »« th* »«"-
Mm »« tho otoi. felr y«otordoy. Bit
hind, rtdd.n h» Tomml. Burno. mod.
m furlom. <flyo-.lohlho of • rally)
i on even minute, the toe.1 llmo by
ir Ihot hoo oy.f Inn reoorded on
10 local turf. Tho olhor row# wort
nmpnntWely tool. Tho reeuU. were
, fnllowo!
Flrot Rooo, tiro Fnrtonto—ni« Hand
r. Bum), And: camiith (T.
tool.), oncondi Uttlo Ooofo «T.
mlth). third. Tlmo. I mlmilo
Second Ron*. VITO Furlonto—Sir Vo-
row (Chotry). Mo. Jon. tHIon-
in), oacond: Jnda. Oundon IT.
mUh), third. Tim.. II00 l-».
Third Rom. Rl* Furlontn—Tllehlne
Maely). rnl; Anonnlo IT. smith),
KconS; Ron Aflor (Obert), third,
ime. lil«
Today'. Entrlee.
TTi.rr will br four rorr. lhl« after-
non, ond •« of th*m I. dr.tlnnd to
» the fMtur. of th. entire m..t,
hi. la th. roo. In which or. .nt.r»d
la Hand. Melvtne. Lucullui. Jupiter
nd ROMharo, oil troch favorite. ond
lonora. Tho .nirlM ore ao follnwo:
Flrat row, ono mil.. ....
lama. Waliht of Jcchoy.
Ir Knapp
aw Siar
rmdonc. ...........
limd roco, oli furlondt..
Third race, live furlong*.
oulae Riley •••••«
lerrtgft ••••JJJ
lay Jene
rnurth Race, Fnur and » half fur-
.: m
loot yen JJ*
spect-TOfSee JJJ
itrla .....Ill
Suitable eatrlea could not he eecured
w the programmed harneee races,
nd l hey have been called off.
Premiums Awarded.
Premiums were awarded yesterday
In the department for exhibit of Geor
gia raised horaea, mules, ponies and
oolts, Mr. James Hicks. Jr. taking
every prise, which Included twenty
one first! and the same number of aeo-
onds. ’the entries were paraded and
Inspected on the race track In fronj
01 n
that fh
climbed out on the veranda and
t. red the room through the window, i
His father was lying on the bed. and i
seemed to be very despontvut about
hie business affairs. However, tiio
young man cheered him a IMtie, and
went to bod, apparently in g.Kid
spirits. The non was awakened early
In the morning by hls father Having
room with what looked* like a towel In
hls hand. He dropped back to sleep
again and woke some time after und
bis father bad not returned. He had
been ^uspl^lous about his father's ac
tion* for some time. When latter did not
return he became' alarmed. He lm*
illately got up and went to the
broom, where he though hls father
•had gone. The door was locked from
the Inside ond he did not receive any
response to hls knocking. Thinking
some one else was In the room, he
turned to go. and as he did he heard
a pistol shot from within the room.
Immediately he secured a chair,
lumped upon 1*. and looked In the
room through the transom. He aaw
hie father leaning against the wall In
u sitting posture. with Wood running
freely from hls mouth. Frlanda were
railed and the door opened by sending
a boy through the transom so ho could
get to the key. It was too late, how
ever, os the man was already dead.
Coroner T. E. Youn* was at once no
tified, and after An examination the
body of the deceased was turned over
to Burfhard’s undertaking establish
ment. There the coroner's Jury waa
taken, and all of the evidence waa se
After hearing the evidence, the Jury
returned a verdict of aulclde by means
of a pistol wound. The bullet entered
thfough the roof of the mouth, passed
through the brain, and passed out of
the back of the head.
The deceased wss one of the man
agers of tho branch office of the Ha
gan gas engine and waa quite well
known In this part of the country. He
came here a year ago from Winches
ter; Ky.. where he leaves a wife nnd
three children. The son was hera
with hls father In business.
The body will be shipped to Har-
rodsburg, Ky.. to hls friends and rel
atives, who were promptly notified of
hia death.
Mr. Van Arsdale did not leave a note
of any kind to show that the deed had
been contemplated. Hls son had been
very apprehensive for some time, a*
wa* shown by hls statement that he
Recently removed an open raxcr from
hls fathers bureau and put It In hia
own pocket. 'Worry over hls firm’s
financial matters and hta Inability to
collect money due the office la aald to
have affected hls mind.
Safeguard of
Health Free
The n. »a lk. n»vr u. Ik, *(•-
niidi of th. kMkM. tmt Ik. mdivulu.1
Kdr .Mo reoulie. tt. .MmumA By
1 wanly i«n' im jk Aniwftn. JM—, m,
n'*i£* fr bttoSun- fon'4-*» th).
Wu-H lorMh. Moment ul ikk bow.;.
•to Ik. tail, of nil kMltk. MA Dr. Cld. Syrup PHI All •• fur th* Memncn and
tunk. rmui kiu ftvin, it to tliotr
cMldiun toatr who w. tnm It hr
•nd dnp*P«lk. tour Moment. haul burn.
5ffiSff c VM , nJK£.*M5> 5SS;
pro pen lee that bung up the tnusciee of
The etomseh and Inteatlnee ao that theg
again wash aanwaUv and naturally.
Hit la sapeetahy • “
The Liens Ars Dead.
,11 be Interesting news to many
that The two Hon cubn of the George
W. Rollins wild animal show which
were christened "Macon” and "Geor
gia.” raapaottvely. by the school chil
dren of Macon last year are dead. Mr.
Bolllna took a claw from each and had
them mad* Into a watch fob. whL*h
he gave to hls friend Mr. It. Wllen,
who Is at the fair this week. The
rlawa are aurmounted by a llor’a head,
which has diamonds for eyes.
The Bslloon Ascension.
A negro narrowly escaped agrloua
Injury yesterday afternoon aa a re-
ault of holding too tightly to the bal
loon aa It sailed Into the air. Tho
negro waa employed aa one of the
helper* In Inflating the bag and It
waa ona of hls duties to hold the bal
loon down until the aeronaut gave the
signal to let go. When the signal
waa made, tho negro forgot to loosen
hls graap. and he was carrlad about
ten or twelve feet Into the air. He
was not hurt by the fa)V but he was
so badly scared that It la doubtful
If he ever goes near a balloon again.
Big Crowds Today.
Although there waa no especial feat,
tire of Interest at the fair yesterday,
at leaat five thousand people were on
the grounds, many being visitors. It
Is now customary for families to spend
the entire day and night at the fair,
taking dinner and supper on the
{ [rounds. They are thereby enabled
o "lake In” all of tha exhibits, mid
way shows and other features.
County Exhibits.
The lodges will this morning begin
their work of Juflfclng the county agri
cultural exhibit*, and it la believed
that they will be ready to announce
the winner of the thousand dollar prise
by tomorrow. There la much diver
slty of opinion among people gener
ally h* to which county has made th<
best dtafrtap. and it ta going to ba dir
flcult for the Judges to arrlva at a
Flower Display Today.
There will be a display of chrytan
them urns and other cut flower* In Art
Hall todar. Persona who wish to en
ter the contest are requested to bring
their flowers as early aa possible.
VIalters te th# Fair.
, Among the visitors to the fair yester
day wer* a number of Amertcus gentle
men. who came u» In an automobile, In
“any ere re Mee«r«. Edwin Hell. O
-jyetoo. Frank Merritt and Ed 8t*w«
the car belonging to the former.
Or phene’ Day Thursday.
Inmate* of at! of the orphanage tnett
tuttons of tho county will be admitted to
the fair grounds Thursday, provided
they ere acoempanted by the superinten
dent, or other accredited officials. C
a thousand children are expected to
■ueete of tho eseoetatton. %
Complying with many requests, the
Daughter* of tho Confoderacy. who-
are operating the confederate museum
In the music hell, hav« decided to re
main open until t:St tonight. In order
women.'oSudtwn Jdneorle'end’*tfoihers t0 »re unable to
pet stand violent salts a MM thereto ptu*. j *he many wonderful and Interesting
get aland violent eelta aad cathartic put* 1 the many wonderful and Interesting
Tht* he* made it the famtl* laxative and < reties of the confederacy they have
n can be ottatsed of any druggist at M • op exhibition.
S tf^oo 1 fwfl'anaSiS t??t andTwouft to «**♦ with well-
niriaXXSa biyi** w , 0 # u *11 m Mltod Patronage, and the ladlee am
ypur name te the doctor and a free tot mow than pleased with the success
ffifu wUlti sell wyeir heme, ta thto Hmy have achieved New article. utV
wav tens of theueaade ef people are kern-, arriving dally, end every one I* cor
ing to nee fW. OsMwtU;a DTOhph dlally Invited to drop In at the music
; ~ - u '^ •»«»
Mt rr. CeldieU* fyrwa fepet* Th*!
•ample bee convinced me ef^lte merits ”
Saw voa eee it either In th* free uui
JACKSDKVU j *. Fin. Nov. S-Ar-
,***. ilanm.r Ami-h.w. .ChlonMtM.
»w, ul liJSr?6S V«* Tjjk: Mhoooar Annual P. Bow.
gy*Aiy*L?2SIiL> l> ?‘i W-. Rl«Mnnn«MHi. N«* Tor*.
EtMMot S- ft&kSi Chip,**,. Oooctan. Bouton
otfir*. -«»• lo «kTao?-t-*r «nin-»irk ni«J C-'nrionton:
tor iM k* MB .....r not»on« John R C«,-to. w.l
r ye* fully There ta no. Philadelphia.
. Lyon’s
Cleanses, preseives and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Entahluhed in 1666 by
cfl. & S’.
Witnesses Saw Torch Ap
plied to the George
Walters Plant
This The Way
(Continued from Pago One.)
CINCINNATI. Nov. 1.—Th* early Indi
cations aa to plurality for Taft were cut
down as fuller report* come In. but still
the republican candidate seemed to have
a ear* toad. For th* governomhip. the
early report* were unfavorable to Her-
rls.^rejtubHooa incumbent.
KANSAS CITT. Nov. I -Returns from
all parts of the state show thot Governor
Folk has bean dofeated by Senator Stone
in the balloting for. United States a
8T. tXJUIfl. . Nov. S.—Missouri today
R ve Ita uleetnral votes to Win. J. Bryan
a plurality estimated at 30.000 ■
35.000. _The governorship I* In doubt with
Wm. P. Cowherd, democrat, leading
Iladtoy, republican, on the early returns.
Cowherd, however. Is running bohtnd
Bryan end there Is a possibility that he
It defeated.
CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 4 -Returns
from Wa$t Virginia received by 1:30 this
morning Indicate a slight advantage for
Taft, uthoogh the margeln waa *o alight
that the state could a till be called doubt-
f * On the first ISO precincts the advantage
Id favor of Taft Indicated probably t.oee
plummy for him The same precincts
aave figures Indicating the election of
Dennett, democrat, for governor. ov*i
Glass cock, republican, by a lam* pluraU
rallty than that indicated for Taft
OUTHR1B. Nov. I.—Oklahoma goes
democratic, but the majority ha* been
reduced materially and Brmn'i lead Is
estimated at IS.OM. The five members
of congrem. four democrats and republi
cans. have been re-elected. The legis
lature Is twe-third* democratic, insuring
the re-election of United States Senator
Thomas P. Core
CHEYENNE. Nev. 3.— Incomplete re
turns show large democratic gains, both
atat* chairmen claiming the state by a
email majority. I a ram Mo county, usual
ly republican by 300 In 1.000. will go
atmagly democratic on the county ticket
and probably for Bryan.
LOmfTU4Je. Nov. I-Bryan’iplnmlt
5 In Kentucky li.000; eight and possibly
ne democratic congressmen elected and
a republican lost of two seats. This is
the probable story of the election In Ken
tucky at the close ef a day which wai
marked by the polling of the largest vot<
In the history ef the atate.
KERO. Key. Nov. I —Chairman Hum
phreys concedes Nevada to Bryan by
Roosevelt Elated.
WASHINGTON. Nov. »-President
Roosevelt waa greatly elated tonight
when he saw b ythe election bull*tins,
which reached him at the white houee,
that the man who will nocceed him to
the presidency te Wm. Howard Taft, for
whose election he had striven so hard,
and Hhat the Republican party had
achieved a sweeping victory.-
Wearing evening clothe* and with n
pink rose in 14a button hole tne president
spent a short while in hia office and then
went hack to tha white house, only a
huedred feet away, to be with hls gueets
who Included the cabinet member* and
assistant sec re ten#* new in town and
thru wire* and - Generate Bell and Ed-
went back aad forth a number ef
three during the evening and it won not
until a late hour that he retired for .the
might. ■-
Chafia Ha* Hls gay-
Prohibition party, after gtseisc the
ci.. «on return* made a statement con-
eluding as follows;
”Tt« democratic Bryan party ta deed
The At hi fanm new on wjhbe between
th* Prohibition pertv end the whisky (re-
SsFuSura "ir-*
Cause Death of Due and
Fatal Injury of An
LEXINGTON, Ky . Nov. 3.—A* a result
of feudal conditions at Campon Junction,
about 2-J mile* west of Jackson. l*k>w
Allen, aged 20 year*, waa shot and Wiled
hat night, and Alvin Gdrver. aged fj
s, wna badly Injured. Clarence Sher-
........ who did the shooting, whs shot in
the head, but managed ui escape ta tho
Eight barrels of whisky shipped into
town for the election, brought trouble,
although family trouble)* of long standing
played a prominent pan.
Miss Elkins to Have no Rank
in Court or Society If She
ROME, Jfov. 3.—Once more the ru
mor is current here that a marriage
between the Duke of tho Abruzzl and
Miss Katherine Elkins Is only possi
ble If Senator Elkins’ family win
agree that- the union shall be mor
A morganatic marriage would mean
that Miss Elkina would have no stand
ing In court or In society, that any
children she mTght have would not be
recognized as of royal blood and that
the duke might marry one of hls own
caste at any time he felt so disposed,
such wife to rank as a royal princess,
having all the rights and privileges of
a personage of that rank, and her chil
dren being reckoned as belonging to
the royal family, the houee of Savoy.
Dowager Queen Margherlta’s course
continues to Sxclte profound Interest.
She declares that she will neither
meet the Duke'of the Abruxxl nor
communicate with him in anv way
until he abandons hls Intention to wed
Miss Elkins.
When. the Tteard that the. duke had
said that he waa going to see her ah*
Immediately left her residence In
der »o avoid him. ^ -
It la said that the duke will remain
here for some time.
AMERJCUS. Ga., tfov. 3.—Incendlarlea
last night burned the extensive ginnery
on the George Walter’s plantation near
Arorricus, entailing property loss of sev
eral thousand dollars.
Eight bales cotton, besides four thou-
..and bushels cotton seed, belonging to
Ctiartes Ansley was destroyed, together
with ginning machinery. Parties on
plantation declare they saw th* incen
diary apply the torch and dtoapi>*ar. No
insurance upon property destroyed.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3.—Walter Jack-
son. colored, rejoiced greatly when he
was awarded a Job at $18 a week.
Several hours later, when he had been
herded up und hia teeth had stopped
chattering long'enough to permit ar
ticulation. he resigned.
Tho John H. Dr^ke Company ad
vertised for a porter. The Ann oper
ates a big anatomical laboratory, und.
among other specialties, articulates
skeletons for physicians and medical
schools.. This process necessitates tho
removal of the flesh from the skull
and bones before they are wired to
After Jackson had accepted bis po
sition he was told to go the flft'a floor
and "clean up.” He supposed thlv
meant to sweep and scrub and went
about the task gayly, for $18 per, for
a colored man Is not so bad In these
times. The flrnt thing he stumbled
upon was a bucket containing two
negro heads, and aa he fell back in
horror he upset a long basket out of
which rolled seven white heada. With
a yell that woko up the entire West
Side, Jackson promptly foil dowa tw*
flights, jumped <Jown two more, burst
open a door nnd rolled Into tho atCftfe
For some time thereafter he was run
ning in circles until he was rounded
“No. sah: no. sah.” he voa-fersted-
“You kin Pile all of Jawn D. Rocke
feller's millions ut> on dat flo* and tell
me ter hc’p mysel*, and I ain't gwlne
near. Ah suttenly thought Ah had
a swell Job. but Ah gives It up.”
worn-out and all run-down. Burdock
Blood Bitters made me a well woman.'
—Mrs. Chas. Freitoy. Moosup, Conn.
Williams to Be 8worn In.
ATLANTA. Ga. Nov. 3.--Wlley
Williams, of Columbus, who In prison
commissioner-elect, will probably be
sworn In and Inducted Into office o;
Wednesday or Thursday of this week
He will succeed Tom Eason, of Me
Rae. who has served about ten years
In the one place.
Mr. Williams represents the only
ehanga, outside of that of governor,
made by the recent state election. Mr.
Essen was net a candidate for re
election, and Williams won over sev
eral opponents.
A question arose after the election
aa to whether or not he could qualify:
an4 take office before the regular
meeting of the legislature next sum
mer. It was held by Attorney Gen
eral Hart that the change might take
place upon the expiration of Mr. Ea
son’s term of alx years, which was on
October 18.
Mr. Williams hat delayed taking the
office on account of personal matters
which have been engaging hls atten
tlon. i ■ i
The Taylor-Bayna Druq Company Will
Furnish th# MeHicme Free In
Every Case Where They Fall
To Cure Catarrh. £
Neglect or peaitmtsm. w# believe.
Is the greatest enemy the public have
to contend with when applied to the
lose qr recovery of health. Practical
ly etpery ca#e of consumption might
hare been cured If hope had been
maintained and proper treatment ha«l>
been resorted to fit the first symptom
of the disease. Until the advanced
stage la reached, consumption Is cur
able. Catarrh is responsible, we be
lieve, for every* case of consumption.
It la about Catarrh w# want to talk
to you today. Incidentally consumption,
since th* two are so closely allied.
We have a medicine made from the
prescription of one of the moat suc
cessful catarrh specialists known. This
medicine has g record of 98 per cent of
cures, and w* believe tt la positively
without an equal. We are so satis
fied that we are right, that w* will
supply the medicine free In every In
stance* where It Is used according to
directions for a reasonable length of
time and falls to cur* and give sat
isfaction In every particular. Wo want
every one in Macon to try this medi
cine at our risk. There are no con
ditions or forraalltt^ attached to our
offer. We put the user under no ob
ligation to ns whatever.
Tha medicine we want you to try
Is Rexall Mucu-Ten*. It Is a catarrh
remedy that goes direct to the egat
of trouble. It Is carried by the blood
to every part of the system. It seeks
out and destroys the germs or para
site* which cause Catarrh. It purifies
and enriches Che blood, tone# up the
muco-eella. soothe* and heals the tis
sue* that were ravaged by the ca
tarrhal parasite, and brings about a
condition of health and strength that
prevents the germ* of consumption
from ever getting a start. Be*Idee
this. Rexall Muru-TVne 1* a wonder
ful appetizer, digestive aid and flesh |
builder. Its good effects are felt from
the very first d«*e. It la ona. of the I
largest and moot satisfactory- selling I
medicines that wa have ever had any
thing to do with.. We know ao much
of the greet good that .tt Has done
that we personally back It up *rltK,
oar reputation, aad manor, which net j
should be ample guarantee to satisfy
anvbody, •
Rexall Mtteu-Tone combe'In two!
alsee. sac sod IL9*. We urge you tot
try ft. The Taylor-Raya# Drug Com
pany- •
Wednesday Night, Nov. 4.
(Arthur Brisbane’s Editorial in tha N.
Y. Journal.) '
Great Dramatic Sensation,
The Thief
ceum Theater, New York.
M Every Lover of the Drama'Should Go
and See ‘The Thief.’ M
(William Winter in the New York
PRICES—25c. TO $1.50
Matinee 3:80. Night 8:16.
Tho Irreeistible Comedienne,
Florence Davis
And Her Splendid Company, Including
Elliott Dexter
In H. V. Esmonds Charming Wood
land Comedy,
“Under The Greenwood Tree”
"As light, frbllcksome and clsver a
play as one could wish.”—Alan Dale
In New Tork American.
Picturesque Scenery'. Costumes and
Prices—Matinee 25c. 50c. 75c. Night
2Sc, 50c. 76. $1.00. $1.60.
Matinee 2:10. Night 1:15.
Ladies' Matinee and College Night
James Young
And the Original Production
Brown of Harvard
The Traitor
Is Coming
The Lyric Theater
Tha Man with the Funny Faces, Who
1 ** Will Make You Laugh.
Mrs. Burr Brown
in Songs
Clever Sister Team. Who Dahce and
theaters anywhere any time. Only
petit# vaudeville |* presented under
their management
I'M 11 IH
A “ Square Deal
A*Sde from giving our students thorough training
oh the technical work, we cultivate character, business
habits, and assist them in every possible way to be all
that can be desired. Our word is as good as our bond,
and with all modesty we guarantee to every young man
and young woman a—
Our reputation with the business community, has
been, and is, that we do onr utmost for the individual
advancement and welfare of each and every one of our
The president of our institution has been in business
coll ego work continuously for twenty years, and Stan
ley’s Business College has been in successful operation
and under the same management for seventeen years.
For further particulars address:
■ President Stanley’s Business College,
Macon, Ga.
Florida Life Insurance Co.
Wants Fifty Good Men
State Managers, District Managers and Salesmen.
Wo can offer MONEY MAKING CONTRACTS to men
of integrity and ability, capable of producing business.
are the acme of insurance perfection and win in compe
tition. We have new and productive territory to offer.
Ready to enter several Southern States.
If you are open to a good proposition, see me at the
Brown House, Macon, Georgia, November 5th and 6th.
If you cannot call, write,
C. E. CRAWLEY, Agency Director.
Are the vehicles that we sell, and are
pledged etch one to give satisfaction.
This they do aa Is attested by the feet,
that every customer ta » aatlafled one,-,
and every uaer of our buggies can apeak j
a good word for them. . /
We carry a full line of Top and Open/
Buggies. Phaetons, Surreys and Road'
218-220 Third Street.
Phone 2545.
$14.00 Harness at $10.00
$15 00 Harness at $10.75
$17.00 Harness at $12.75
$20.00 Harness at $15.00
These extraordinary price* for a
little while. Wholesale prices At re
tail. Order a set, and If you don’t
like them send them back. Sent C.
O. D. with privilege of examination.
, if. h
SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Nor. J.—Tha entire
business section of Savannah. N. Y„ on
tha line ef the New York Central railway,
waa destroyed by fire early today. Two
hotels, two large brick btistneas bifteks
and many places of leas importance were
reduced to ashes before the flames were
checked. Th* damago la estimated at
Funeral Director jb. 1
Lady Assistant
Private Ambulance
Personal Attention Given Ail
Office Phone 467 ' ••
. Residr-ee Phono 760 f '
l loo.o
NEW YORK. Nov. 3.—A pretty
young woman threw a* crowded res
taurant at No. 343 Broad street. New
ark. Into a fright yesterday by slip
ping several white tablets Into her
mouth and then dropping to the floor
UE..n..V« ...wn .U.I-1U.I
who wnj* hurried to St.*
hospital, disclosed thmt she su Miss
Rom Rosensohn. who hnd Just hoot)
dropj*d from th. post of probationary
nurse at Beth Israel hospital. High »n5 Kinney itmn. Newark, eh.
had taken morphtn. and strychnin..
Anion* the IMUr. »»i on* address
ed to Dr. s»ui Rub-,now, who, it In
•eld. came to thin country on th. eeme
ehlp with Mis. RoienioKn t yaar aco
Inst month. The phyelcUa Hum oppo.
sit" the hoepite; where ah, wu em
ployed. They
trlenda. but be-
Another letter was to Police Captain
Ryan, of the flrat precinct, Newark,
ta whom she had told her troubles the
dFr.before. He gave her kindly ad
vice.' he says, and made her promise
not I' lo anythin rash.
This' waa Miss Rosenaohn’a eeeond
attempt te take her Mfe. On Decem
ber %9. lHT.'ihe sw&Ttaw^d Iodine on
a trolley car on Marker street. Dr.
Rubfnov got b* r released from arrest
after #h«* recovered It wtu said
8. C. Pursley. r.imir Clay.
Always open, 611 anu 613 Mulberry tt.
Oldest exclusive undertaking house In
Macon. Phone 425. Prepared to fill
telegraph or telephone orders on ehort
notice.^. Carriage* to funeral $3.50.
. McCRARY—Died at Helena, Go., Tues
day evening. November 8. lJos, Robert
McCrary, aged 44 year*. Funeral eer-
occur at Riverside cemetery
' 588 Walnut Street.
\ Regular meals for men and women 25
cent*. Eueincsc women 15 conta.
Breakfaat 7 to 8 a. m.
Dinner 12 to 1lM o. m.
Supper, 6:00 to 7:00.
A free c*«t .room: convenient for flat-
of-town shoppers.
In order to determine whether It la
feasible to establish a n!rht school In
Macon, applications for admission to the
proposed night school will be received at
the office of the Board of Education
from girls and boys between the axe* of
12 and IS years who are unable to at-
und th. day echooL E ^.
Canfield Oil Co.
Sells Gasoline,
Turpentine and
all kinds of Oils.
Ing unfit animals, and other cases of cru
elty to animats, reported to tt.
covery ■
> good.
for -
The best instruction is tho