Newspaper Page Text
y Wh&u the .
Furnace Fails
Q n mJn y a colj winter morning you
will wake to find ike fires “out" What
are you going to do ahout it—skiver?
^Prepare now for tke emergency with a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless'Device)
and you’ll have genial glowing leaf—instantly—wherever you
want it—without smoke or smell—smokeless de
vice prevents—turn the wick as high or as low as
you like. Easily carried abouL Brass font holds
4 quarts ol oil—burns 9 hours. Handsomely fin
ished in japan and nickel. Every healer warranted.
Thc ^ay& Lamp SaiB&S
liglil lor reading or sew-
Ing. Made ol brass, nickel plated and equipped with tke latest
improved central drah burner. Every lamp warranted.
II your dealer doesn't carry the Perfection Oil Heater and Rays
Lamp, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular.
New little
Colonel Books
“Mary Ware,” the Little Colonel’s Chum. .
\ By Annie Fellam Johnson.
Just out; shipment received today. Most interest
ing series of books ever written for young people. This
is the latest and best. , '
We have a complete and attractive stock of Books
for young.
Also fine line of Dolls, Toys, etc., fpr little ones.
Refrigerated Bottling
The word sounds good, doesn.’t it?. JuBt try a
Bottle of Coca-Cola
It you want tv perfect drink drink BOTTLED
• /
A nice, new 6-room cottage, dn shady side Johnson
avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home,
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
No. 461 Third Street.
’Phone 360.
Purity, Mellowness and Rich Flavor
arc the dlitinguishing qualities of
Sunny Brook
, the PURE. FOOD
It is distilled in the good old Kentucky way and is especially
adapted for home use. Every bottle is sealed with the Govern
ment “Green Stamp," a positive assurance of full proof, full
quantity and a fully matured age. It stands unequaled as a
rich and healthful stimulant—a sure cure for many of the
minor ailments of the human system.
Bottles $ j
, 1*5111 Gallon |
By* *r B—rtooa
Bottles Jl
! Full Quart* J
By* *r P—rfcog I
$345,800 of the Original Issue of Six Per
Cent Bonds Now Outstanding—Two
Now Members Elected—Meet Again on
the First Tuesday In December.
The bond-commission held Its twenty*
ninth annual session yesterday at 10
The president. Capt. Robert H. Brown,
submitted the annual report of the com
mission. which is given In full below.
The term of office of tho president ex
pired. end Cept. Brown In three lines ten
dered his resignation ss a member of
the commission, but this was torn up by
the members and a motion quickly made
and unanimously passed declaring hlnr
the president of the commission for the
ensuing term.
This was the highest compliment the
commission could pay Capt. Brown. It
being the nineteenth time he has been
honored with the office. Notwithstanding
his earnest desire to be relieved of the
work, his conduct of the business and
affair* of the commission has been such
that the other' members want him to re
main where he Is.
As the result of the electloh to fill the
vacancies caused by the resignations of
Messrs. J. F. Hanson and J. W. Cahanlsa,
Messrs. Jos. N. Ne«l and W. B. McCaw
—ere cHosen.
A successor to the late Mr. C. B. Will
ingham will probably be elected at the
next meeting, which is to be held on
tho first Tuesday In December.
At this December meeting the commis
sion will take up the/matter of dispos
ing of the bonds now In the sinking fund,
whether by sale or In exchange for the
maturing six per cents, will be then made
A resolution was adopted asking the
mayor and council to instruct the city
treasurer to re-reglater the outstanding
city bonds that are In possession of the
bond commission, by registering them “to
bearer” when so desired by the commis
sion. /
A committee was appointed to draft*
suitable resolution* touching the death of
the Nte C. B. Willingham.
Following - Is the report of the com
mission to date, though it does not state
the amount of the outstanding six per
cents, which Is $545,800:
Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Bond
' Commission, Nov. 1, 1908.
To the Hon*r«Me Mayor and Council of
the City of Macon. .
Gentlemen: We respectfully submit
this, our annual report:
Coupon Account.
By-balance from last report.
ledger page 19 $14,158.50
Amount received from city
.treasurer since last report.... 40,000.00
To amount coupons paid aince
last report
Amount appropriated to sinking
fund account
T 20.000.00
Coupons sewer 5 per cent bonds 5,575.00
Coupons deficiency 4V4 per cent
Coupons bridge and improve
ment 5 per cent bonds
Coupons city of Augusta 4 per
cent bonds
Coupons cltv of Savannah 5
1.285. (
per cent bonds , d».i
Redemption 5 sewer bonds B.OOft.l
Redemption 2 bridge and Im
provement bonds 2,000.1
Paid safety box rent 20. t
Paid Incidentals past, year 4.1
"aid $46,200 city Macon 6 per
cent bonds, redeemed and
Balance In bank, ledrer page 13 8,111.$3
Property of the Bond Commission.
$ 26.000.00 Georgia fit per cent bonds.
20,ftoo.00 market house 5 per cent bonds.
105.000.00 stwar 5 per cent bonds. Augusta 4 per cent bonds.
24.200.00 Savannah 5 per cent bonds.
1.000.00 Columbus 6 per cent bonds.
C. E. CAMPBELL, Secretary;
When Well-Known Macon
People Tell It So Plainly
When public endorsement Is made
by a representative citixen of Macon
the proof Is positive. You must be
lieve It. Read this testimony. Every
backache sufferer, every man, woman
or child with any kidney trouble will
find profit in the reading.
Mrs. S. A. Hanse, 504 Oal* St., Macon.
Ga.. says: “During the last five years
I had much trouble with my kidneys.
Mv back ached so badly at times that
I could scarcely get around the house
and the pains seemed to center In the
lower part of my back. The Irregular
action of the kidney secretions also
bothered me and though I consulted
doctor* and tried various remedies, I
could not obtain relief. Recently I
went to the Taylor-Bayne Drug Co.
and purchased a supply Of Doan's
Kidney Pills. They cured me In a
short time and I shall never cease to
be thankful to them."
For sale toy all dealers price 50
cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the namr—Dtfan's—and
take no other.
CINCINNATI. Nov. I.—pally Preston
captured the feature event, a nille and
seventy yards, handicap, af Lntonla to
day. All Red got the plsco by a nose.
Four favorites won. Financier took the
lost race In a drive from heavily played
favorite Hughes.
First race, five and a half, furlongs—
Denver Girl., 30 to l, won; Ludhiana,
even, place, second; Slater Phyllis, 5 to
1. show, third. Time, 1:08 1-5.
Second race, five furojnts—Wlntor
Green, 7 to 10. won; Seawall, 8 to 6,
place, second; Mabel Henry, out t6 show,
third. Time, 1:00 S-5.
Third race, six furlongs—A1 Muller. 3
to 5, won; Director. 5 to place, second;
Lens. 1 to 3. show, third. Time, 1:12 2-fi.
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards—
Sally Preston. 7 to 5. won; All Rod, I to,
2. place, second: Old Honesty, l to 3.
show, third. .Time. 1:48 3-5.
Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth—Still
Alarm 2 to 1. won; Quaggy 2 to 1, place,
second; Imbodcn. 6 to 6. show third.
Time, 1:47 2-6.
Sixth race, mile and one-Sixteenth-
Financier, 10 to 1. wop; Hughes. 3 to 5,
place, second; Severus, out. show, third.
Time, 1:46^ 2-5.
Time Will" Tell.
For eleven years Blue Ribbon has
been growing more popular until It la
now the leading brand of extracts
! Montgomery. Is
Mrs. John Wooten, of Amerleus, Is the
guest of friends In the city.
Major and Mrs. J. O. Varnadoe return-
id to her home in Valdosta yesterday.
Miss Cecilia Payne, of Montr
visiting Mr# Paul Willingham.
Miss flaxclle Powell, of Be,.,.„ ....
College, who spent tho week-end In Ma
con, returned to Forsyth Monday.
Miss Julia Warren, of Louisville, Is
visiting Mrs. George Wright on Magno
lia street.
Tho Clover Chain Circle meets this
afternoon at 8:50 o’clock with Miss Ruth
O’Berry on Washington avenue.
Mr*. Florence Brown Reeves leaves to
day for Griffin, where ahe wJH vJsJt
Mr. Charles Caldwell has returned from
a pleasant three weeks’ trip to New
Mrs. Edgar Chambers, of Atlanta, Is
visiting her mother. Mr*. W. K. Mun-
ford on Rogers avenue. vlncvllle.
Mrs. Everetto Coleman has returned
home after a visit to Mrs. William
Green Raoul In Atlanta.
Mrs. Clifford City arrived In Macon
yesterda^and Is the guest of friends
Mrs. W. R. Brown, of Atlanta, s
yesterday In Macon with relatives
route to FL Valley.
Miss Helen Maxwell comes over ti
from Mllledgevllle and will be the guest
of Mrs. Will Virgin.
Mrs. A. n. Brabham, of Fitzgerald, Is
the guest of Miss Mlldrsd Cannon for a
few days.
Misses Kmmojene and Ella B. Shep
herd and Edna Harris, of Macon coun
ty, are visiting Mlsn Annie Bells Cheney
on Western Heights.
Mrs. E. E. Waller and Mrs, W. 8.
Poole, Mrs. M. V. Murry have for their
Merode ” Finiuhtul) Underwear
Four Essentials In Women's Under Garments
Yon will find nil four in “Merode” (Hand-
Finished) Underwear, made exclusively; for
women and children by women.
For perfection of fit and fineness of finish
at&Underwear W* 1
has no superior. Elastic, soft and porous, it
is exceedingly comfortable to the skin and
most satisfactory in wear.
We show these garments in a broad assort- fl
ment of styles and shapes, in materials and
weights adapted to the season. K'if
“Merode” (Hand-Finished) Underwear is a wj
revelation in comfort, beauty, fit and quality, qY'}._
We quote a few numbers for yonr benefit;— .
Vests, Corset*
Tight*. Cover*. Unton Bulta.
Extra Extra
8Ues. Sixes. Bisea. fllxe«.
No. Color. Description. Price f-6 40-44 8-6 40-44
1558 White, light weight, finest combed cotton .. .50 .68 $1.00 $1.38
605 Cream, medium weight, finest combed cotton .80 .68 1.00 1.28
464 White, heavy weight fleeced combed cotton.. .80 .68 1.00 1.88
658 White and Silver, heavy weight merino, 60
per cent wool 78 1.60 1.18 1.00
666 White, medium weight merir.o, 60 p. c. wool .86 1.00 1.68 7.00
662 White, light weight merino, 60 p. c. wool ... .86 1.60 1.88 1.68
613 Wblte, light weight silk and wool, 25 p. c. silk 1.00 1.26 2.00 2.60
672 White and Silver, winter weight merino, 75 p.
C. wool 1.00 1.26 2.00 2.60
•18 White, medium weight, silk and wool, 25 p.
o. ellk f. 1.00 1.26 2.00 2.60
140 White and Silver, heavy weight merino, 86 p.
c. wool 1.86 1.66 >,25 -2.76
674 White, heavy weight, 60 p. C. wooL 30 p. c. silk 1.68 2.00 8.00 3.60
Children’s ' IJlAV'.'l n’SSw.
* k- A.LJLA . tt * 2-6 . 7-8
1862 White, heavy weight fleeced cotton 85 .46
264 U White, heavy weight fleeced cotton union suits all six** .16
2646 White and Natural, winter weight merino, 60 p. c. wool .60 .70
270 U White and Natural, winter weight merino, 60 p. c. wool,
union suits, all sizes $1.00
Mr, and Mrs. L. O. Stevens Entertain for
Mr. and Mrs.'L. O. Stevens* -dinner
party for Mr. and Mrs. John D. Little,
and Major J. F. Hanson, of Atlanta, was
a beautiful affair, and characterised by
the charming hospitality for which the
host and hostess are noted.
Tho handsomo rooms of the Stevens
home on College street were decorated
with beautiful line yellow chrysanthem
ums. and the same exquisite flower*
formed the centerpiece for the dinner
table, the long stemmed beauties arrang
ed In a handsome cut glass vase In the
Place* were laid for sixteen, those
seated ut the table being Mr. and Mrs.
John D. Little. Major J. F. Hanson. Mr.
and Mrs. George Duncan. Judge nnd
Mrs. W. H. Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
McCaw, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wortham,
Mr. Stewart Jenes. Miss Tracy Duncan,
Mr! Sam Dunlap. lir. and Mrs. Stevens.
For Miss Ryan, of Atlanta.
Mrs. Alfred Maguire's pretty home on
Holt avenue was made additionally at
tractive Monday afternoon when lnvlsh-
ly decorated with cluyManthemums for
the party Mrs. Maguire gave In honor of
Miss Mary Ryan, of Atlanta.
It was a bridge party, and sixteen
jests were Invited to meet the honoree.
At tho Interesting game played Mrs.
Arthur Bcott made top score and won
the fancy stock given as the first prise,
and the consolation, a pretty comb, went
to Mrs. Arthur Chapman. The guest of
honor was presented with a special urlxo
also, a pair of embroidered silk hose.
Following the game ft delicious salad
course was served at the small tables
In the pretty parlors, where they had
plnyed. Invited to meet Miss Ryan wer#
Mrs. 8. H. Singleton, Mrs. Marquis, Mrs.
Arthur Scott Mrs. Edwin Jacobs. Mrs.
Augustus Collins, Mrs. Arthur Chapman,
Mrs. Duncan Brown. Mrs. Ralph Blrd-
sey, Mrs. Wylye Waxnon. Mrs. George
Jones, Mlsn Erwin Jaudon. Miss Inox
Minter. Mrs. Chris Hhnridan. Miss Rose
Lee. Mrs. Daniel Morgan and Miss Al
berta O’Hara.
Honors for Macon Young Man at 8tate
Mr. James W. Napier, who Is In hla
senior year at the University of Georgia,
nnd has made n fine Record since going
there, has Just been made assistant prp-
' ssor of physics at the university. i
His many Macon Mends are quite
Hallowe'en Party.
Mis* Irene Glenn
we’en party on 1 , ...... —.
of her guest. Miss Kathryn Cary of
j decorated with autumn
leaves and other Hallowe’en decorations.
As each guest arrived they were met on
the lawn by phamoms and conducted Into
the house, where they marched and Join
ed the others.
salad course was served.
The Invited guests were Misses Hath
..m Cary. Rtible Pierre and her guestr s
Pearl McGarlty and Julia Burton of Bea-
sle Tift, Clara Word. Annie Gantt. Lena
Fetner. Berta Hatcher, Mantle Wood fin,
Helen Lowe nnd Irene Glenn: Messrs. O.
B. Long. T. J. Bacot, Porter Conrad. Roy
Crockett. Emmett Fetner. Carl Bennett.
I<eo Fetner. Coleman Lettlce. Mr. Day of
Perry. Marlon King. Tom Caratarphen.
George Goodyear, Peter Knox and Em
mett Hodges.
Mrs. W. W. Williams entertained a
party of young people very delightfully
yesterday afternoon at her home on
High street. In honor of her small niece,
little Miss Knthnrine Jones.
The affair celebrated the seventh
birthday of the little larly, and It was
rnnde a most happy occasion, with
party of sixteen children to share
pleasure of the afternoon with her.
Sever*I Interesting games were played
by the children and later, they were scat
ed for refreshments at a beautifully dec
omted table, where a white and *toU
motif was carried out with big yellov
and white chrysanthemums.
Those present were little Misses Grar*
Berryman. Florence Holt, Elisabeth
Comer, Elisabeth Birch. Constance
Horne. Augusta Worsham. Celeste
Horne, Maude Patlllo, Madeline Jones,
Frances Solomon. Frances Holt, ~
For Miss Josephine Turpin.
Mrs. Annie Horne will entertain this
evening at a bridge party of severs
tables In honor of Mis* Josephine Tur-
In. of Ainerlcus. the attractive guest of
— -• •*- -*•*— other affairs
guest this week Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Arm
strong, oftMonro#.-^
Miss Frankie Beqjsnd. of Atlanta. It
spending some time with friends In Ms-
con and will he "here during the remain
der of the fair. • J „
The many friend* of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Roberta will be delighted to know
that they will spend the winter In Ma
con with Mrs. John Bird on High street.
Mrs. John F. Everett, of Ft. Valley,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Florence
Brown Reeves for a week, returned to
her home yesterday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Msrmsduke Blackshesr
have returned to their home at Dublin
after ^pending.the week-end In Macon
' e
Jones returned yesterday — - v ,
College after spending the week-end In
Uaoon with the homnfolka.
Mr. Emmett Barnes. Jr., came home
few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Barnes, and returned yesterday.
I Miss LucJJe Flournoy has returned to
her home In Fort Valley after several i
days spent pleasantly with relatives and
friends In Macon- . _
| Miss Allle Tharp* returns to Forsyth
today to resume her studies at Bessie I
Tift after a very pleasant visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Tharpe. t
Miss Sarah Taylor Is spending s few
days at home from Mllledgevllle. where
she attends the Qeorgla Normal and In-1
^ U Ex-Congreasm*b Chaa. L Moses, of
the fourth district, was. In the city yea-
^ Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hsrrold are
being welcomed home by their friends
after spending the psat month or two In
British Columbia, . , ....
* l Ed Napier and lovely ohlldrsn.
Mrs. Ed Napier,and lovely children,
who have been visiting , Mr. Napless
mother on Napier Heights, return to
their home near Mllledgevllle today after
spending several days her*, taking Ini
1 Messrs? Georg* Pamour. William tJB
pin/ Manila Wltman. Frans HolUendorf
and William Happ were among the Mo-
con boys at the state university who|
came down for the football game, re
turning Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Callaway, Jr„I
have returned from at rtwllsrhtful w««44ln*
trip tp Washington. Old Point Comfort,
and other places of Interest, and are si
home to their friends at 612 Forsyth
Bt M?ss Myrtle Felton, of Montesuma. and
Miss Howard, of Columbus, arrive In thl
city today to be the guests of Mrs. A. C.|
Felton, and will be delightfully enter-
talned during their stay In the cUy.' .
Among the delegatee who left yester
day for Griffin to attend the OewiU
Baptists woman’s missionary convention
were Mrs. O. J*. OOJtln. ^Irs. A.
Wheeler. Mrs. O. C. Moxlsy and Mr
k’Mrs^H? 1 if Fielding and Miss JjmSE
lllley have gone to Perry to attend the
Riley-Jones wedding which occurs today
end at which Miss Riley will be maid of
h< Mrs! C. W. Lawton, who was called
to MtMn on account of the death of her
BgVTLBSSg newv
will spend the winter with her sons.
Messrs/ Richard and Osgood Lawton, flhe
will be accompanied by, h*r daughter,
Mrs. Albert Vaughan, who will spend a
weelc or ten days with her.
Miss Marleleu Hargrove of Brno wood,
■Miss Florence McElmurrsy of Waynes-
boro and Miss Bar* Hargrove of Bron-
wood were the vests of Mrs. J. A. Du.i-
woody on Vlne\*.e avenue for the weel
end. Miss McElmurray and Min
Hargrove come down from Bessie Tift
College, where they are studying music.
Miss Camille Um»r left yesterday for
Montgomery end will he delight fully en
tertained In the Alabama car-itnl n« the
guest of Miss Flora Young. Miss Lamar
fs a charming young women, snd a pop
ular and admired visitor srhernrer mm
goes, and a number of delightful affairs
gre-planned for her, MUg ?ouag will
Whereas, the people of our city have been led to pur/
■ chase so-called remedies from which they have received*’
no benefit whatever, and having thus wasted so much ^
hard-earned money, it has come to pass that they know .,
not what to believe.
! Inasmuch as this unsatisfactory state of affairs exists,’’ •
in need of such a medicine that we will supply them •
if it does not succeed in benefiting them we will refund
the entire amount of money paid us for it. , '
There is no one medicine that will cure everything, but^'
there are some weknow to be honest, reliable,and of great.
curative value. Such is VINOL; it is not a secret,
medicine,—just peptonate of iron, wine, and all the •.
curative extractives of cod liver oil, combined. We are ».
familiar with every particle of it, and KNOW that' it -
should benefit every one who uses it. ' V
Could any offer be more fair than this ? You are ill;
we offer you medicine which we believe will help you,
and if it docs not we will return your money. Is there .
anyone foolish enough not to accept this offer? You
owe it to your family, to your friends, and yourself to try
' this medicine which we give you our pledge is a genuine
cod liver and iron preparation of great merit.
We unhesitatingly recommend Vinol as a Body,
' Builder and Strength Creator for Feeble Old People,
Delicate Children, Frail Women, 'All Run Down
Persons, and Those Needing * Good Tonic after the
Grippe or any Severe Illness, and for Chronic Coughs,
Colds and Bronchitis.
)* Do you think we could afford to lend our name to its
praises, as we have been doing in the newspapers, if we
did not know VINOL to bean honest and unusually’
valuable remedy for the ills for which it is prescribed ?
We certainly could not; we therefore ask you, our neigh
bors, friends and acquaintances to accept our assurances
that this is a genuine offer, and that any and all persons
who need a medicine of this character should/feel a sense
of security in accepting it. %
1 You will absolutely be under no obligation to us what
ever, if after you have tried one bottle of VINOL, and
have not received any benefit, you have only to tell us -
so, and- we \yill return the entire amount of money you'_
paid us for it. * ^
L VINOL is an old and valuable remedy improved by*/
modern science—tastes good and agrees with everyone. '»
Call and get a bottle to-day. You won’t be sorry.
Now Is the Time, Fifty-Nine
We liavo just received a largo shipment of books
that nro hiightly damaged, somo aro as good as now, all
written by tho most popular authors.
If you nro wise you will call TODAY nnd see them,
for they will not Inst long nt 59 cents each.
Telephone 382. 616 Cherry St.
ment. The little girl was bitten last
Saturday by a dog suppoiod to be
mad. It* head wns sent to the In
stitute for'examination, and the Infoo-
matlon came to Mr. Gowor today con
firming his fears that the dog had
Tho dog Is known to have bitten
teveral'Other dogs snd the entire com
munity Is In a state of excitement.
It is roported that the city council
will pass an ordinance requiring the
dogs to bn muxxled.
Mr. Gower Is superintendent of the
aaw mill at this place owned by Nor
man. Butler &. Co., of Norman Park,
Georgia, e
Pilous? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Bitter taateY Complex
ion sallow? Liver needs waking up.
probably accompany her home.
Mrs. Emory Wlnshlp and little son,
and Miss Patricia Gosarov* arrived In
the city Monday night from New York,
and the family are occupying the Han
son resldenoe on Georgia'avenue until
their home, the beautiful cllthy West
house, •which Is bring renovated. Is fin
ished. Mrs. Wlnshlp nnd Miss Cosgrove
are receiving a cordial welcome from
their many friends.
CROSLAND, Oa., Nov. 3.—Mr. and
Mrs. W.. A. Gower left this morning
for Atlanta, where they have gone to
take their little four-year-old daugh-
ter to the Pasteur Institute for treat-^ ^ ,—j—
And many other painful and
* I ■alf v distressing ailments from
Jail'll which most mothers suffer,
can be avoided by using
■■S JK Mother’s Friend, fhisretn-
HrW wf ■ cdy is a God-scnd to expect-
SWAwJMf* ant mothers, carrying them
through the critical ordeal with safety. 'No woman who uses
Mother’s Friend need fear the suffering Incident to birth; for tt robs
the ordeal of its dread and insures safety to lire of mother and child,
leaving her in a condition i
more favorable to speedy re
covery. The child is also
healthy, strong and goodj
notnrorl book rontslnlns valns-
natUrCG. y, information wUIbe »—
free by prltiof to
Atlaota. Ga.
nsures safety to life of mother and child,
EDWARD LOH, President. f
Formerly of Maoon, Oa, t (
The names imply that everything bought here 1s
the highest grade of all standard .whiskies, at lowest
prices. .
Send us your orders which, will receive prompt at
tention. -• '■
• Write for Catalog
39 W. Forsyth St. , P.O. Box 1098
Jacksonville, Florida