Newspaper Page Text
riucby Drivers Hurt at Races
Assert They Are Still
in the Ring
SAVANNAH. Ga., Dee. 6.—Four
men who were hurt either during the
practice for the auto races here or
and the four will probably be able to
leave the city together.
Driver Erie, who came from Ger
many to narrowly escape death when
his car. at more than a mile a minute
crumpled up on the White Bluff road,
and Driver Juhasz, whose mechani
cian, De Rosa, was killed in the wreck
of his S. P. O. car. are able to meet
friends, sitting In big chairs on the
hospital verandas.
Mechanicians Thompson and Joe
Grlnnon. who were hurt, the former in
the light car race and the latter in
the practice for it, are still in bed but
ore able to be propped up. «
“We will go back into the game. We
may be killed, but we are going back/*
each of the four has said.
The Best Cough Cure
A half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine, two
ounces of Glycerine and a half pint of
Whisky, mixed, will cure any cough that
, cold in -<ours.
pared and guaranteed by the
Chemical Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
Savannah Physiciaa Returns
to Turkey and Eludes
Watchful Officers
SAVANNAH. Ga., Doc. 6.—Facing
almost certahi* arrest when he wept
hack to his native land, Turkey, be
cause he had become a naturalised
American. Dr. A. M. SaUba. a well
known Savannah physician, has re
turned to his homo here, after suc
cessfully evading the watchful officers
at Turkey ports.
He had been away from his old
home for fourteen years and was so
afraid of being arrested that he de
nied his name to relatives who were
expecting him. He slipped Into the
city of 'Beirut from the steamer on
which he was a passenger hy rowing
away from the ship in a small boat
and when he was stopped at shore
stated that he had Just rowed out to
the steamer and was returning. He
was afraid to show his passport re
ceived from the state department, for
that would have been proof of his
••guilt" rs a naturalized American.
He was present when the sultan of
Turkey was made to walk barefoot
through the streets of his capital
efter agreeing, following, an eight
hours’ conference with adviser*, . .to
grant the constitution his people de
A Dangerous Operation
is the removal of the appendix hy a
surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King’s
New Life Pills Is ever subjected to
this frightful ordeal. They work so
quietly you don't feel them. They
«urse constipation, headache, bilious-
pess and malaria. 25c at all drug
NEW YORK. Dec. 5.—Plans for Inau
gurating a general crusade against the
pritent mfethods of Insurance taxation
by the states will be inaugurated at the
annual meeting of the Association of
Life Insurance Presidents, opened hero
The meeting will taka tl\e form of n
conference on life Insurance taxation, to
which , the executive officers of the com
panies In this country and Canada have
been invited. Various state insurance
commissioners will also take part.
Preparations will be perfected for plac
ing before every policyholder In, tho
country details of what the association
calls "The Great Wrong Done Policy
holders by the Taxation of Insurance
Premiums.”. It Is understood that the
fir* Insurance companies are also prepar
ing to co-operate.
KAN FRANCISCO. Dec. C.— 1 The Wells
Fargo Express Company’s proposed ir-l
crease of ninety per cent In express r%tcs
on!merchandise between eastern paints ■
and Paeinc coast terminals, to take ef-
the Pacific coast, .and a hearing will be
held here tomorrow before Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Lane at Which
the matter will b« conside red.
The proposed new rate applies only to
shipments exceeding 500 pounds, and Is
Intended to circumvent the system devis
ed hy coast merchants who,have been
In the practice of consolidating ship
ments in New York and forwarding them
in such quantities as to take advantage
of the present tariff, which ranges from
17 per 100 pounds on lots of 20,000
pounds to 111 on lots of »00 pounds. A
rule ha* been rode by tho company that
these rates can he used only whan the
shipments are the property of one owner.
The Lata Cardinal Mathlsu.
The late Cardinal Mathleu, whose death
In this country we recorded yesterday,
had a great reputation for clever, witty
and ofttlmea cutting speech. Hls tOfigttS
and his pen. Indeed, «othlm into such
troubles sa he encountered In hla offi
cial life. It is related that after one of
the elections to the French academy, ha
S«r»ndK! himself for not ha v I nr YoM for
M. Itrrnl.r on «h» .round that In w of
hla tMmka th» latur luid .pokrn dltpar-
arlnrlr of cardinal* Th, rvtort waa In*
mantl}' mad. that tho candidal, for
whom ha had voted _ had writtan an
.Ihatitic volume. "Ta./'waa there-
»pon«t. "but that Is not th. anm, thlnr.
(ied U powerful snouch lo defend hlm-
“napented wi Roman Catholic circles.
£33 ESSSfo?t&BK
uproar as utd Cardinal Mathleu's bril
liant and frank account of the election
gs&'fiHF 2£r»
RampoUa. and the check to his asptra
Cool produced an si—' —- “••
nn*'r»s« were amu
JVesuatastar OsuMUa.
Beginning Monday Morning as the Store Opens-Macon’s Quality Economy Headquarters
For Men’s Apparel Will Sweep the Board for One Week With an
Irresistibly Magnetic Clothing Propositionl
20 to Wper cent Reduced in Price for One Week Only
The ReasonI
To. counteract overwhelmingly the effect of the recent unnatural weather
conditions on the clothing business we shall hold a SIX-DAY SALE that
will absolutely wreck former sale records.
And Remember No Maker, Unless Supreme in the Business, Can Get Represented Here!
That’s Why We Sell Hart Schaffner & Marx and Schloss Brothers Productions.
We have carefully examined, compared and weighed the style, workmanship, staying qualities
and intrinsic values of the various makes of Clothing—made by the Manufacturers of Good Clothes I
and with unbiased judgment are convinced that the clothes made by Hart Schaffner & Marx and
Schloss Bros. & Co. of Baltimore and New York, the Great Clothes Makers, are unquestionably far in
advance of any Fashionable Clothing in the world-—their productions are truly Master Tailored Clothes |
and they well deserve the title of the “Clothes Beautiful” of the clothes world—there are no Clothes
just like theirs and above all they are Economical Clothes for they cost no more than the ordinary kind
—and will last longer, wear better and give more satisfaction than any Clothes you have ever worn—
and now the prices are reduced for one week as follows, any Suit or Overcoat without restriction goes
at the liberal savings quoted—
fatfv '
Gets choice of any
Suit, black, blue or
fancy, or any Over
coat or Raincoat
that*s worth $10.
Gets choice of any
Suit, black, blue or
fancy, or any over
coat or Raincoat
worth $15.00 and
$ J If.85
Gets choice of any
Suit, black, blue or
fancy, or any Over
coat or Raincoat
worth $20, $18,
Gets choice of any
Suit, black, blue or
fancy, or any Over
coat or Raincoat
Gets choice of any
Suit, blue, black or
fancy, or any Over
coat or Raincoat
worth$37.50, $35,
$32.50, $30.
Boys’ Department
Boys’ Furnishings Special
Values Like These Can’t Help but Cause
. Big Selling.
Boys’ 50c Union Suits, in all sizes, ribbed goods,
fleece lined grays, whites, etc., full ■IQ
made, the garment 37 C
Boys’ Shirtwaists in all sizes, newest patterns
and colors. Values that are worth A Q .
75c each on sale hero at only TcOC
Lot of Boys’ Shirtwaists in good colors and
materials, the kind cheap at 40c, our Q _
price for these, only .jLsC
Lot of Boys’ Sweaters, in small sizes, good
colors; garments worth to 50c each, ^
Boys’ 75c Sweaters, good knit goods A Q
and dumbly mnde, nil sizes, special . ,^I/C
“Little Beauty,” substantially made Under-
bodies for Boys, 4 to 12 years, g*
priced at ZDC
$1.00 quality all Wool Blue Blouses for Boys
6 to 14 years, special at
Boys’ 75c Knee Pants, solids and fancies, nil
sizes, newest designs, best made for 4 Q
the money, our price, pair TcOC
For Xmas Gifts
To Father, Brother, Friend
Smoking Jackets and Loung
ing Robes—Big Values
Wo are the real thing in tho value-giving
line on Lounging Robes and Smoking Jackets.
A great assortment awaits your inspection to
And you ’ll quickly notice how much you can
save at the conservative prices mnrkcd on tho
garments ns follows:
$3.75,. $4.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00
Our Popular “Racket”
This is our own brand, which has built up
a big reputation, being equal to most $3.00
Hats in usual storos. <
All shapes in Softs nnd Stiffs rondy for your
inspection nnd the price is only $2.00.
Get a Hat this week and get it from this
store, which carries a larger stock hy far than
any store in middle Georgia.
Boys’ Department
Four Great Suit Sales
You Never Saw Such Valuo Giving
Renlly tho best wo over sold nt $2.49. Mndo
of all Wool Clioviots nnd Cassimcrcs, in gray,
brown, green, etc. Mixtures equal to many
$3.50 Suits, in usual stores. All sizes, 6 to 17..
Those are excellent values, mndo of nil Wool
Cheviots nnd CnsBimeres, in best colors nnd
mixtures; all sizes up to 17 years. Cheap at
$4.00. Special nt above prico for 6 days.
These nro our famous “Strenuous” Suits
for Boys, all sizes to 17 yenrs—swell made Coat
—two Pants.
One Knickerbocker nnd one straight rcg»
ulnr $5.00 fnney Suit, priced nt abovo low
Nobby “Derby” cut Coats nnd stylish, full
mnde Pants, Suits nre in fnnoics nnd plnins, nil
colors. Suits are worth to $7.50, actual vulue.
Excellent Cravcnetto ltninconts of gray nnd
tan Covert, in all regular sizes, worth $7.50, to
go for $5.00 each, in this snle.
Men’s Furnishings
Big 6-Day Sale
With bargains galore. Rend tho following
few of the many specials:
Men’s 15e Half Hoso in good patterns 1
and colors, special nt, pair —... A vL
Men’s 20c fancy Half Hose, on special 1
sale at, pair AOA-
Men’s 35c naif Hose, fancies nnd sol-
ids, great variety nt, pair
25c and 35c Suspenders, strong, dura- 1 C_
hie goods, pair ...A ADC.
Men’s $1.25 Outing Pajamas, heavy QO
Outing garments at, suit -'OL
Men’s $1.00 Negligee Shirts, in fancy
styles, all sizes, now goods, at • "C;
50 dozen Neck Ties, in newest shapes, values
up to 75c, none worth less than 50c, sj Q
Norfolk and New Brunswick fine Wool Un
derwear, for men, $2.50 ,$2.00, $1.75; QO _ ■
Men’s 75o ribbed end fleece lined Un- 4Q_
derwear, both garments, for each .
Men’s $1.00 mid $1.50 Suspenders, /\ Q^. ‘
with funcy buckles, very fine -XZ/CA
Men’s 35c Bocks, 4 pairs in a box,
this snlo
nil I ITD TTHP QTODF? We can serve everybody promptly-*=The Busy Big
I ILL L t I I Al J 1 U1\L Store has the largest selling force itT Middle Georgia
You have been notified
of the grand saving
event—IPs your fault
and yours only, if you
miss it!
Of men and boys know
ing the real merit of
the garments sold here
will avail themselves of
this great chance!