About Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1908)
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER B, 1908 1 4 ♦ ♦ X X ♦ X X X 4 4 4 b h 4 | | !v li Holiday Gifts of Handsome Jewelry It pleases Santa Claus to confer on those who are enthusiastic over the superb Jewels, elaborate Silverware in Tea Sets, Mani cure Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, etc-, we are offering. We also have a complete stock of Diamonds, Watches, Bracelets, Stick Pins, Bric-a-Brac, Chains, Clocks, and in fact the largest assortment of Jewelry in the city. We have many Novelties in Holiday Gifts that will please the up-to-date taste in Jewels. ilfll IV. IV. WILLIAMS & CO. 553 Cherry Street t I i 4 ■ t 4 4 4 : V 553 Cherry Street s I I '4 4 I 4 CIVIL DOCKET OF CITY COURT; ALL LOCAL COURTS IN SESSION leiTV COURT BEGINS ITS REGU LAR OECEMBER TERM TOMOR* SOW, <WITK LARGE ASSIGN MENT OF CRIMINAL MATTER8. . trial of a large assignment of crim inal ca*p*. the dt)r court will begin Re rvguUr December term, which wilt, in rxpeeted, continue uutll the rnld- 4le of January'. With thl* Judiciary mat tv t. fhere will be three court* In •f*u**.n In Macon, both the federal *nt» 8ho etn»erior being open. The latter, however. will spend aeveral day* hi Houston county thl* week, returning wbmit Thursday. Ity court ha* a large docket raaes haring been fixed for hearing: Monday. December 14th. Cleveland Cold Storage Co, vs. ; HV*j*Uw»utii. Tetlor. et a!, receivers va. Mayer. Taylor, et aL. recelvere va. Small. Taylor el aL recelvara va. Rchofleld. twinge ton va. Poatal Telegraph-Ca- #>1n. wingo. Elliott and Crump veraua tThompnon. !,von* va. Jameaon. N>vrberry v*. McBride ITro*, Tuaaday. December 15- Cnton Dry Oooda Co. va, Mr*. Me- fJen. William* va. Central of da. Ry. Co. Curry va. Horn* et •!. 1/'Hardy Theamer Co. va. Haile* hural. Halloway v*. llalkmay et al. Orphans’ Horn# va, Allen. Kqultabl* Sccurltl#* Co. va. Mar shall. Wadnaiday, Deaembar 18. Finney va Macon Ry and Light Co. Verkins va. Macon R>'. and Light Co. Thomaa va. Macon H>. and Light Co. Fowler va Swift Creek Dlatlllinn Company. McCook va. Gil. Cooperative Fir© Inaurancn 'Association. Foster v*. Fraalar. Monday. January 4. Caqfitarphan Warehouse Co. va. Lib erty Fruit Product Co. Warfield A Lee va 1/nilxvlll* and MaahvUle Railroad Co. Tidwell va. Central of Georgia Rail* way Company. flulek Motor Company va Rhlnhol- aer. McArthur va. Central of Georgia Railway Company. Warfield and Lee va. Louisville and Nashville nallroad Co. neddlng va. Tolephone ’Company, Aral caae. Tuaaday January 5. Shaw va. Guerry. Shaw va. Mayor and Council, nttaburg Lamp Rraaa A Gla* Co. va. Umpire Klertric Co, Thaiton va. Thomr***”- Union Havings Rank and Trust Co. va. Nell. VIOLENT MOVEMENT FLUCTUATIONS COMB ON RUMORS WHICH LACKBD POSITIVE 1 CONFIRMATION. NltV YORK, lb mi.. and .arlle.1 nber of ate » of Th« d lately illation . 1»*i and \h< !»r an ' The Wi is on the g 1 pun for r In a hi .•IK >-f »»•■« <t« • r . . Ulmnir.l Hire of K. II llarrimnn aould »-r UN... It was this Intlmnilon that waai hi. |..i' n>.«l atlmulaitna inrtueiwe on ti » although no authority was of* frr*-a f.«r the report r. n«ik\i\4tila enjoyed o*»me advantage ft oni i he report that the dUpute with tt*| ■■ngtnee^M bn«l» kke with put on a ua effort Attaining lootded .tract realising aalea d« lie l*«i.k llmc.li> v. t'..’ . w at* of « *. ‘i f. restitution • f of the Kir.Ve f 49.008.* the dally laen 9«- intpttona Hired la >r In the is larger ind It la i In pre- u In week's January dtahuraementa of thl* action the w« •a balancsa rose to 319.149. <onatltute a record, a Irregular. Total aalea. par 1744 m Central Leather centiai cpBvi Wraa’y ”!!!.’!!! CheaipggSw Jnfl Ohio j&isffwRpte'::: t'hlrago. Mil and Ht. Paul.... V.. C.. C. and it. l/jula. Colorado Fuel and Iron Colorado and Southard , Colorado and Southern let pref. c.tiomdn and ftovtsam and prei.... tNmeolldated Gas 1M% Com Products t*V4 I 'elaware and Hudson 17* Ivnver and Rle Grande *1% Denver and Rio Grand* pref T*% t»i«tlllere* HeeurtUe* *«S Krle .V I4U Krle 1st pref General Klectrtf J4J Great Northern pref. l*J Great Northern Ore rtfe TJ Illinois Central. 14714 Interbnrough Met. 14Ja Inin Imrough Met. pref- International l‘aper Jt% International l*aper pfd W international. Rump. **14 Kansas t'lty Sent hem J{14 Kansas City Smtthem 4 pr*f «* Liidav (lie and Nashville 151 a&CVVnblknK' »<;:: :.»g B&SL fiSSE. at'Wjliv.v.'.;:: S5{ Missouri. Kanea* and ?Viaa pref.. 71 Sew Vork'Tvntral 11J New Vork. Ontario anti tVeeterp ... 4t^ Norfolk and Western MS North American 7*»* Northern raette I4IS Ihuinc Mall tVnnsYtvante Ihttsburg C.. d and Bt ferula.... i?U IVesretl i<teet Car * .«% Pullman Palace Car 175 llnllway Steel Spring « Heading \ 1|JH Hepuldlc Steel ItepuMk' Steel pref Rock lelamt Company 74 Rock Island Company pref ......... Si laiuls and Sen Fran. Ind pref .. «• si. iSouthwestern l?H St Ltuls Stvuthweetem Pref MJa Slues-Sheffield Steel end Iron 7«H Southern I’adlto ...; Il7** S«*uthern rn.lffe pref 151H Southern Hallway I*? Southern Railway pref 5JN Trnneeaee v'ot'eper Texas and.Pacific ... . u Toledo. St Liuls and Western.... JJS Toledo. St »eml* and West. pref.... Cl\ I’nlon Partite lid's IVelOr PJ^f .vi:;!;;iph rmted state* Steel *4H .111% l‘nited Steles Rubber e«l Htetes ttuhwr 1st pref. ...4 State* Steel tied SIM-# Steel pref Utah Copper Virginia-CsroMt HalIImore and Ohio Ilia...., 14% Brooklyn R. T. rv. 4a 7§ Central of Georgia (■ 10P54 Central of Georgia let Inc 71 f'enlral of Georgia 2nd Ino •# Central of Georgia Id Inc 62*4 f'lmsapeake antT Ohio 4%e IWw Chicago and Alton 4V.e 77 Vhlrego, B. and Quincy new 4*.... ’hlcsgo. It. I. and P. It. It. 4a Chicago. B. I. and P. B_^ H. col. la, Chfrwo. - OMt.*.; B. I.'•nd'r.'Vlr' rtdii «" S>!4 <1.. C.T C. .nd Bt. loul. »f)l Colorudo Industrial f.s 7M,fc Coiomdo Midland 4a Colorado and Southern 4a ........ 9114 Delaware and Hudson rv. 4f,. l'»C-4 I>cnver and Rio Grando 4a Krle prior Hen 4a St 54 Krle general 4a IbKktng Valley 4V4e Interburnugh Met. 4He Japan 4a Japan 4tya Japan 4tya. 2nd series Louisville and Nftah. unified 4a I 1 Manhatun consol gold 4a Mexican Central 4s Mexican Central let Ine Minn, and SL Louie 4s Missouri. Kansas and Texas. 4a,... lflasoun, Kanea* and T*xa«. tnd*.. National R. A. of Mexico consol'4*.. New York Central gen. 3%a ___ New Jersey Central general la..«,..llf . Northern Pacific 4s I^IM Northern Pacific la 71J4 Norfolk and wastem conaol 4a Oregon Hhort Line rfdg 4a 4... Penn. ev. m*. 1919 94% Penn, conaol 4e )...I9)% Reading general 4s f. 10d * Republic of Cuba Bs 101% Hi, Igtuls-and Iron Moun. eon. fa....Ill St. IxMila and Han Francisco fg 4a. *1 St l^uila Hmithwealern consol 4a... 7f% H«<al»oard Air Line 4a 90 Southern Paelffc 4a 90% Houihern Pacific lat 4a 99% Southern Railway Ba ... Texas and Pacific lata,.... Toledo. Si, K and Western I’nlon Pacific 4a Union Pacific sv. 4a 1M% V. H Steel 2nd Ba 101% Wabash lata 111% Western Md. 4e 1|% Wheeling and loike Krle 4a fi Wisconsin Central 4a 19 #i N. Y.. N. H. and If. cv. fie. ctfs....1M% (Ake Shore 4a 91% ‘New York Money Merket. NKW YORK. Dec. I.—Money on call nominal. Time loans dull hut ateadyi 49 days 1 per cent; 90 days laS% per cant; alt months l%al% per cent ....114’ i 4S...... 90 kef opened steady at a decline of ? points to an advance of 2 point*, for _ while bustncMs waa fairly active. % wet* well divided and scattering % efts seemed to be evening up In. ...... the week-end and the government ro- Prime mercantile paper t%a4% per Sterling exchange steady, with actual h\telne«a In t«hker*' bills at 4.M.2Ba 4.94.1b tor *o-day httla and at 4.19.45* 4.S4.BA for demand. Commercial bills 4.l!%a!.l4, liar silver 49%. Mexican dollars 45. WHEAT WEAKENS 01 GOOD WEATHER ■UY BUYING OF SHORT! HRINOS CLOSE AT ABOUT YESTERDAY’* FIGURES. CHICAGO. Dec. 9.- Favorable weathkr for the fall sown cro- of wheat In tht I'nttrd States had a weakening effect to day ,tn the local wheal mdrlret. but buy ing by ahiwta caused the market to close steady at almost the blentlral Bgurea ot the previous cloee. Corn closed easy; oats were steady and provisions were firm. Wheat- Dec. . . May . . July . , Corn— Dec. . . May . . . July . . - OstB — Dec. . . . May . . . July . . . Me** roft- Msy .’ Open. High. Low. Cloa. 1 01% 1.99% | .ns . l.ps% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% LOSS 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 41% 43% 41% 14.14 i?$ JB 112 t Riba— . . . 4-14 y . . .“9.SS COTTON IS STEADY AT SLIGHT ADVANCE WHILE BU8INE8S FAIRLY ACTIVE ORDERS WELL DIVIDED—RE PORTS AWAITED. LIVERPOOL spots closed 4.88 NEW YORK apota cloud 9.31. NEW ORLEANS spots'cloaed... .8 13-19 THE LOCAL COTTON MARKET. The Marnn cotton market yesterday rloaed steady at the following quota* Uona: t. Range of Prices. Oood Middling A% Strict f/ow Middling 9% I*ow Middling 7% Spot Cotton MovamanL Beets. Sh’r*. Sale*. Dee. I. 1908 199 438 6S0 Stock on Hand. NEW YORK. NBW YORK, Dec. R.—Th# Cotton m*r- -Jt opens* * * “ * point* to orders Inter- ovor ports. Th* market held steady with the active months about 1 to 8 point* net higher during the middle of the morning on covering, although cables were disap pointing and week-end figures rather bearish. The market dosed steady with price* net 3a4 points higher. Receipts of cotton at the porta today ere IM47 bales against 44.M9 bales last *ek and I9.9S9 hales last year. For the weak featlmated) 479,000 bales against 459,291 ha lea last week and 841,793 bales *Vhi»y’a receipts at New Orleans were 9.114 balr* against 50.713 bales last vrar. and at Houston 18.145 bales against 11.714 balsa last year. 8net Cotton and Futurea NKW YORK. Dec. I.—Spot cottar closed quiet: middling uplands 9.SB; mitt dllng gulf 9.40; aalea none. Futurea steady as i steady and dosed January J’.7i February March 9.77 Open. Utah. Low. Class. 8.90 8.74 9.79 May .’.*8.81 8.88 8.79 8.SJ July .7.7.V .'4779 iTitO 8^74 8 90 August 9.44 9.70 8.44 9.70 October 9.45 4.R9 9 51 9.57 December 9.1* 9.14 9.10 9.11 Receipt* and Exports. Receipts and Exports. Today. Consolidated net receipt* 13.847 Exports to Great Britain 20.277 Exports to France :».79.t |Exports to eontlnent 20.340 Block on hand al| ports. .1.087.901 * •Ince Feptember 1. 1909— Consolidated receipts 4.937.344 Exports to Great Britain t.574.373 Exports to Fbance 499.94*. Exports to eontlnent 1.554.377 Exports to Japan 43.711 Exports to Mexico mi Price, Receipts, Sales. Stock. rrlce.lReeta.'Sale* .1 Rtek. Tho rods Galveston . N-w Orleans .19 11*14| 9114 Mo — Additional sales made late yesterday to (ha trade were 2,000 bales, all Ameri- C * K NBW ORLEANS. NKW ORLEANS. Dec. 5.-Spot cotton quiet and unchanged, middling 8 I3-1C. Sales on tha apot were 150 bales and to arrive uoo bale*. Futurea opaiiad steady, allowing no change from yesterday's dosing. Cables were again -imfivorable, particularly In reard To spots In the Liverpool market ana prices her* sagged ‘off sharply a coup)* qf points after the first call. Kx- tremely large aplnners' takings for the week, however, steadied the market and caiM«! a rise of 4 to 7 points from the lowest level*. Buying waa chiefly from shorts, who were getting out. few bulllah- ly Inclined traders caring to Increase .tlidr commitment* In view of the fact that the census bureau and agricultural <1»rw«rtmrntB* rapdrta will be Issued Tues day and Wednesday respectively. At the dose the market was barely steady with prices showing a net advance of 2 to 4 Points. The net result of the week favors the bear* t© some extent, price* of the active months showing a decline of 9n21 points as compared with last week’s dosing. Th* ehlef reason for the decline Is found In t th* efforts of conservative bulls to reduce the long Interest to nrntwir*inn« which Will carry It safely « , ..... —. ...a pend ing government report*. Outside of thl* the only bear factor of Importance was the movement, bull* claiming that the • —port, fmm Manchee- he la need by the con* Ion In thl* country, taking* undoubtedly rice* from making n wider net tban was actually registered. —of apofs this week amount to 4.1U0 bslea against 4.225 bnlea la«t week . . » mnra thi... r tlnued trade expansion In thl* country. nade a loss of 3-l4e. Futurea closed aa follows: wNiiuary, nm «.ii February, nominal 8.72 March, hid 8.”« J:51 8.90 Hifhbard Brea. A Co.’a Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dec. 5.- TJquIdntlnn con- tlmfWT at the nnenlqg of the market na For >he advices from Liverpool were not en- cnuraglng. The local demand was suffl- Ident to absorb the supply and held I price* well during the sesnlon. The trade I* dt*posed to wait for the bureau e*tl-i mate* of next week before definitely committing lt**lf. though while the tenor D steady, the belief la that present prices] are fair and with continued promise* of « large crop will be found high. Statement Clearing-House Banks. NBW YORK. Dec. 5.-The statwnent of clearing-house banka for the V*ek shows that the b«mka hold 120.171.779 more than the reuulrementa of the 25 pee cent Yeaerve rule. Thl* Is a decrease r proportionate caah rei-... __ with last week. The statement follows * • Decrease. 81.424.132.100 97.720.400 Deposits Lqana Circulation Legal tenders Reserve MqtilVad..’ ’depoliita. .* 1.347.148.300 h49.949.700I [70.45S,100 45.059.700 •417,400 294.704.900 7.720.4©0 374.204.900 8.249.400 354.0S9.12S 310,425 clearing-house banks todav waa 24.43. pastes m um to th* eleartn show* that these nnir ilia*, iw. wae barely steady 1 Prime crude tn nan to IS; prim* summ - 1350 311BS8 . *00 74544 winter j ;v.V "Ci 1 ,«.>fa 1 eeu 5920! 231814943* I 10 _ 1214! • 30401 I * ...I 2M99 744' 4"2t I 2910*1 151] 1101599 •74l::::;:i* :sii Interior Movement. Ilouktsn . Atiguatn . Memphis A*. l4»ul* Cincinnati Tyiulavltle . . .19% 1 .title Berk .... 5% I rrlc#.IRect*.!8*lM > Ftck. . .’*% t 11148 1135 124924 •.:» IJ ill' ...'9% I 1087 1 3J500 1124 400' 11138 I 14841 I 47230 market clnoed eester. Pdlowlng 1 We*tlnatiou**> ICt Ftenderd Oil Bee. 8' -The cotton awd*!^' *»*» Amm '.l*l with PTWM 1 Sk.MiXu mhMIlnr talr I #; rwxl raMdlln* . .. - .wall tram Mr- I.Ui km mhMUac ,.M; rood ordinary nnd handa. nm hand nfTrrlna. aro firm' « It; (rdlnar, l ?; Tfca aalr, at tha .n;l h.ram-.-rad.ra Y.roaT&STUlPka& orTihCh l« haw * ’5*? *"d r.port, and in- [&savSr «iia8r.,.- 8 ^ ,p “ 1 America r Vkture ><> r jlinr».\«r linen 1. AmorirM j " Ameri.a* 1 V>'f'!!!! l!8 NEW YORK ROKOV A mfvh.Maa U. r^ri-ryj.... .. 1©2< iS |ti% 1 r i r » #• i%Spri''>T .!!!!!! H le. roaimti 94 11 | i u I r R 4j». ...in axis!! 1 v " ■ ' npeur..’. 49 | An irrl,’*n Tbbarco >4* !!.’l44 jjr.vr <r:!i i M. M"*n a.t]ii»<m«|it‘Va* . ..... ; ■ it i«% li.': -titan* ev. .4* 'bias* rv % a,,....... ...... ...1421 ...1981 r' l m-••*•••• 12% AH l ,nvlid> 1 ... i lumor# a*4 Ulle 4a b.m [firm et **%• Riwln firm. Ouot*: A. 11. c t» t 80; K. I.t8a92%: F. I 98*91%: «• •45*91%: H. 1^4: 1. 4 48 VTWl il, j 1 I*; N 4.o4 W Cl.. 4.89* W W,, k «*. tie. M 571; N. 4.11: W.'Q, 4.44; W a «e ^ •' 5 -Spirits tar* WHAIIKGTON. Ml. DE SAGAN'S TOTS WANT'THEIR MOTHER TUTOR SAYS THEY NEVER FORGET ' HER IN THEIR EVENINQ PRAYERS. FA RIB. Dec. 8—The Prince** de Sagan was unusually forbearing In view of tho cbaractor of tho testimony which Count Bob! do CaattRano's lawyer Introduced In the trial to soul* who U to have tho cuatody of their children. Th* prim law>or? M. Clemenceau. refrained aa wish to cauM« sorrow to their husbands. I wlah to avoid a* much scandal a* possi ble, In spite of the absolutely inhuman statements the eount de Castellane'a law yers made about me last week. Whole Cane Seems a Disgrace. ’•This whole case seems a disgrace to me. Why did the French Judg<* allow Bonl to aee the children twice each week, a whole month In the summer and a week each at Easter and Christmas? Nothing was brought up against me at the divorce trial. I secured the divorce, and all the evidence waa against him. me. When the trial Is ended I . nln- to go to Rlarrlts, and I cannot take the children with me. because they must see their father twice a week. It Is a to marry him again, I would rather go trt jail. My life with that Castellano family covered the most unpleasant yeara of my existence.” Among other Interesting evidence In troduced In tha trial wero letters from Abbe Carnnr, the children’s tutor. “The children wish to be with you,” he wrote on one occasion. “It Is not a calm or satisfactory life that they are living here with the Coatellanes. They have heen forced to listen to many conversa tions which have humiliated me.” In another letter he wrote: "The chil dren never forget you In their prayers.” In another he said: "The children wish to he back at Marais. They apeak only of their return. We only aee Castcllane at the table.” 145,000 RAISED BY THEJONFERENCE 80UTH GEORGIA METHODISTS ALIVE TO THE CAUSE 1 OF MISSIONS. lawyer? M. OHnencoau. refra n* possible from mentioning — r _ detail* of Count Bonis life, and did not bale* mention seven Vetter* which be said, hj^would rend If tho court required, I asked M. Ckmenceau not to reed the > Mure or to mention the name* of tho) t*1y after of tho court In her palace in the Avenue klsknibff "Those letter* np-1 peered tn my dfroro* cm*, but the names; were never divulged. They ore from seven women very pr.Miiin. nt In Dxrte society. I 4 to tbOjcouni, end are aluedutriy *7 ;tcni|e* ttaedy at 14%. reset*'* 11 ce«V* Hertenabar-tvletter .... t°:v>!H.«to .tarfr .1 I U MMrt. It Tif DMtr.|lmiki ..... 145% firm ai 1.94. teeetet* lee. Crude t«w 1 Mueeasker-December Jeoaary-February 0114).... 4.U 4.44 l:8f .r ov,n., iin.T ar> HHBHUHpHPIVr Several of theVHPMP 4 *1% of rtoblo famUIra A ll 'I do’rot «nnt the Isttare rend unleae 4,94 It le ah* ”.trtv ns ream ry. a* tlwy would 4 8© [ranee on Infinite amount of scandal «nd Ml 1 * I25? 14 Ftcbxbl)- 1 bring about seven dtvonw 4 <9 lend*. Naturally. I bora no aarnkanthe 4 44 'with the lajtes ihtanatlveo. but l Lava no QUITMAN. Go., Dec. 5.—The South Georgia Conference convened nt 9:00 o’clock. Devotional egerclaes were conducted by M. J. Cofer, Bishop Gal loway presiding. The minutes wero read nnd approved. John Swam and S. H. Berrien voted, at their request. J. C. Solomon spoke on tho Antl- Saloon League question. Question 4 called-— 1 ’’Who art admit ted Into full connection?" and the fol lowing were given an address by Dlshop Candler nnd mdmlttrd: tv. H. Ketchum. O. S. Smith. W. A. Brook*. n. F. West. G. P. Hendry. L. B. He Michael. R. 8. Stewart, A. W. Reese and C. C. Eliott. William Kitchens was discontinued at hla request. George Martin wna referred to the committee on superannuated relation. T. D. Ellis road the report on We#* ley Memorial Hospital nnd It waa adopted. „ F. L. Stokes waa not readmitted Into conference by a vote of th© body.’ Dr. J. P. Hammond, educational sec retary. spoke on education. A session of tho legal conference wt* held. The treasurers. A. M. Williams. J. P. Wardlaw, J. w. Weston, made replies. W. C. Lovett waa re-elected presi dent of the legal conference. All tho vice presidents wero re-elected. Report of board of mte«ton waa made nnd W. H. Rudd elected secre tary. T. M. Christian wna elected evan gelist and the following elected mis sionary evangelist*: J. Shirah. C. D. Adams. F. A. Ratcliff*. R. P. Fain. Several pastors made their report*. At 3 p. m. Rev. Paul Elll* preoched. At 7 p. m. a missionary anniversary waa held. John R. Pepper, n layman of Memphis, made the main address. About $45,000 was raised by confer ence for missions. Announcements for 8unday: Methodist Church—9*. $0 a. tn.. love feast, conducted by J. O. Acock; 11 a. m.. preaching by Bishop Galloway, followed by ordination of deacons; S p. m.. memorial services, then ordi nation of elders; 7 p. m., preaching by Bishop W. A. Candler. Baptist Church—11 a. m.. Dr. P. Uc- Ferrln: 7 p. m.. Dr. W. A. Alnawcrih. Presbyterian Church—II a. Rev. J. R Johnstone; 7 p. m.. Dr. W. C. Lovett. Numbering the Presidents. Will William H Taft bo th# twentv- ri*»h nf twrnty-seventh president of tho United Pistes? Is a question Interesting to anme Idle minds, aa It has every time s new president h*« heen elected *lne« Ike administration of Beniamin Harrison. Cleveland at hla Bret election 9ms th# twenty-second nresldeot All are agreed “ — — jj# the tweaty-fourtk * etloo. *• Taft will be the'Vwantv-i AND HIDES HIGHEST MAEKET PBICB PAID FOB EAff PUIS AND HIDES. Wool Commission. Write (or price-list mentioning thl* ad \ ^ ESTABLISHED 1837 JOHN WHITE d COia Loui6yu.l©. Kt ( H. G. A. NASH, President. CHAS. NEVILLE, Vice President H. G. A. Nash Audit Co. > EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS 203-204 National Bank Building, Savannah, Ga. Expert Accounting in All Its Branches. FOR SALE Five-room dwelling on lot 76x15)3. Just one block from city limits in South Macon. House has just been thoroughly overhauled, new roof, painting and plaster ing in excellent condition. Rents for $150 per annum, ■ nnd is a bargain at $1,250.00. We can arrange easy terms on tliiE place to a prompt purchaser. • Wadley Investment Co. Grand Building, Phone 627. |DON’T WAIT TOO LONG* X Placing your orders for your wants in our line—< + the rush may delay prompt forwarding by express, and. cause you disappointment. Send us your orders—we, will take good caro of them and in every instance sendX X you best obtainable value. Satisfaction guaranteed orX X money refunded. , X Here are two exceptional offerings: -A- X OVERHOLT RYE, bottled in bond, $13.50 case of+ X 12 quarts. _a. X BLACK LABEL RYE, $15.00 per case. X X EXPRESS PREPAID. -f Other good things at equally as attractive prices. + Complete line of Wines, Whiskies and Cordials—from+ the low priced up to the best. Send for price list. -S- SAM WEICHSELBAUM & MACK, Inc. 4 JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Mr. Ross Amason la with us and respectfully solicits the favors of » hla friends. ^ ♦XXXXXXXXXXX♦♦Xxxxxxxxxxxx- V. BEST FOR THE MONEY . ’he" he wilt be tk*' toei ffiLj&ULSrSLlCT’S L. end tana, whv should Mr. neve's- l • tho tweatar-fourth grealgent h K.* *t> ' NnMHii harm-1 lees ooof-eleriWm • •hjeet. Mr T»ft wt%| b* «h-*SXh (r«»lJeoL— r.*M RerobUaas. . A high grade copper distilled Whiskey of unequaled smoothness and flavor, and positively the best value for the money to be had. 4 Full Quarts $4.00 Express prepaid over Southern Express lines only. Prompt shipment. Ir not satisfactory return whiskev at my ex pense. and your money will be promptly refunded. I also Mil other Mxh grade WhLklc* at 12, 3160 and 93 per gallon, but do not par oxproaa chanrre on thoao goods. Mrconvkttaalathat a aaliafiad cuaumer la the beat advertiae- mrnt. a-.i my motto U “Good Whiskey at Lew rricoa,” an.| It la awng thww linoa that I have built ap my onormoua mall ond form when he wa* th#L_._ J| preoMent la Mi first teraiTLef onler business. E. B. GIBSON Vail Order end Family Lmoor CHATTANOOGA. TENS’. Write fo^eompWte FUND,