Newspaper Page Text
Our Great Hoi id ay Sales Begin This Week
Scores of Extra Special Values in Every Department of the Store
More than ever before this will be a season of practical gifts;
the useless “gew-gaws” and novelties of no intrinsic value have
given place to useful, sensible things that are more thorougly appre
ciated by reason of their serviceability. You’ll find lots of such
things here—-things you would like to receive as Christmas pres
ents and that you will take pleasure in giving others; and prices
are attractively low in all lines.
Beginning tomorrow morning and continuing until Christmas,
the whole store will be filled with holiday spirit. Special sales of
seasonable goods will attract hundreds of clever buyers and there
will be many opportunities for money-saving throughout the entire
establishment. Many lines must be closed out at once to make
room for the display of holiday goods and prices have been cut deep
to effect quick and complete clearance.
Great Values in Furs
Buy Fdrs ns you would buy diamonds. Go
to a reputable dealer whose , guarantee of qual
ity can be depended upon and whoso values aro
known to be honest This store is a good place
to buy Furs; we guarantee every piece we sell.
Neckpieces, Muffs and Sots, ranging in price
from $5.00 to $150.00; and good value at every
Fur Neckpieces, worth up to
$10.00, at
Fur Neckpieces worth up to
$15.00, at
Fur Neckpieces worth up to
to $40.00, at
Special Sale of Waists
Special sale of now and beautiful styles in
Waists of fine Chiffon Taffeta, Satin Messaline
and allover Lace; worth up to
$6.00; tako choice for ........
Sale of Ladies' Tailored Suits
A new lino of Ladies’ Tailored Suits of Novelty Striped
Suitings, hard-finished Worsteds, diagonal weaves and
plnin Cheviots; long Satin-lined Coats, new Skirt effects,
Suite that would be cheap at $15.00 and $17.50; to go
on salo tomorrow at, choice of the 12.50
Ladies’ Tailored Suits of hard-finished Worsteds nndt
Novelty Suitings in blues, greens, browns, reds and black;
long Coat styles, neatly trimmed with braids and buttons;
latest Skirt styles. Theso Suits aro nctually worth
up to $22.50; but you can tako choice 15.00
Very handsome Suits in new Diroc-
toire ando Empire effects of plain
Broadcloths, fancy mixtures, Wor
steds, etc., in all the stylish color
ings; real $27.50 and
$30 values; this week
Dressy Tailored Suits of tine Chicon
Broadcloths, in all the fashionable
shades; Kmpire'and Direetoiro effects,
plnin and elaborately trim A r OA
'mod; $35 arid $37.50 valuc^O.V/v
Tomorrow we will place on'sale about
100 of our very finest Tailored Suits,
including styles that were priced up
to $G0; and offer choice oy CA
of the line for k .01/
Dresses and Costumes
This week wo will oiler some remarkable
values in beautiful Dresses and Costumes of
Satin Messnlincs, Direetoiro Satins aud Chiffon
Taffetas, in tbo season’s choicest colorings;
Direetoiro, Empire and Princess styles, elabo
rately trimmed, many new models, recently re
ceived, will he included in the sale.
The line will be* divided into theso three
Dresses and Costumes, worth 1 C AA
up to $25.00; ut J. J.UV/
Dresses and Costumes, worth DC AA
up to $35.00; at ZJ.Vlf
Dresses and Costumes, worth r l r 7 CA
up to $60.00; at */*
Fine Silk Petticoats
Another new lot of theso beautiful Silk Pet
ticoats—tho regular $5.00 quulity O yfT
And the extra wide ones, worth
$7.50; at , only
Misses’ and Children’s Coats
Special salo of Misses’ and Chil
dren’s Long Coats, well made of plain
and fancy fabrics; at these reduc
Real $5.00 values
Real- $7.50 values
Real $12.50 values
Children’s “Bearskin” Coats in
white and colors; some of them slight
ly soiled; to go at half price:
The $5.00 lino at, rt rrv
choice A.i/U
The $3.50 line at,
choice .
The $3.00.line at,.
Make Your Holiday Pur-
> ‘ *•'»*'«•
chases Early--Early in the
Day and Early in the Month,
for Most Satisfaction:
Other Second Floor Specials
Ladies’ Outing Gowns, well mndo and
( flnishcd'with braid and tucks; C A_
'special values at 75c and
Tomorrow wo will place oil sale n bfg
• lot of ladies’ Ribbed Cotton Vests
and Pants, heavy fleece lined and
worth 39c n garment; at tho
special price of,.
Ladies’ Pony Coat Sweaters in tho
now styles, white and col- A CA
ors; $3.50 and Z.«Jv/
Ladies’ Outing Gowns in finer quali
ties, beautifully trimmed; 2.50
$1.00 to
Children’s Outing
made and trimmed;
65c and
Gowns, nicely
*fYvJr, *'£m Q
Sale of Hosiery Holiday Gloves and Handkerchiefs
Fancy Holiday Gift Boxes Free With Purchases
Ladies’ fine Silk Lisle Hose, 3 pairs in
Christmas box for only ..;
Ladies’ pure Silk Hose; 3 pairs in
Christmas box for only ^
Ladies’ extra quality pure Silk Hose;
3 pairs in Christmas box for
Ladies’ Hand-Embroidered pure Silk
Hose at $3.50, $2.50 and
Ladies’ Silk Lisle Hose, in black and
tan; special at, per pair
Ladies’ Embroidered Lisle Hose, in this
sale at 50o and
Ladies’ 50o Silk Lisle Hose, in this sale •* A A
at, 3 pairs for i •III/
Buster Brown Hose for Ladies, Men'and Children;
guaranteed for 4 months; 4 pairs in
box for
Fowno’s one-clasp Capo Gloves, in tan
only; at, per pair ...,'
Fowno’s one-clasp Walking Gloves, in
black only; at, per pair
One-clasp washable Chamois Gloves,
sjicciully priced at, per pnir
Ladies’ good quality Driiving Gloyes,
in tan .and black; per pair
Fowno’s “Phillis” Gloves, in black,
white and .pearl; lit, per pair
Extra quality two-clasp Kid Gloves, in 4 FA
fancy holiday boxes; pair I •31/
Ladies’ Embroidered Linen Handker
chiefs; 6 in box; per box, $6 down to ..
New Fancy Linens
Union Linen 3(1 by 30-inch Drawn Work DC.
Covers and 18 by 54-inch Scarfs, at. ...*• •/'«
Ladies’ plain wliito Hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs, at from $1 down to
Lndics’ very shcer'Linon Handkerchiefs Q A
with intials; 6 in box for ......
Ladies’ colored Embroidered Handker
chiefs, in new designs; 25c to
Beautiful Armenian Hand-Embroidered C AA
and Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs, 60o to ; . ,w*ww
Men'8 plain wliito Homstitched Hand- • CA.
kerchiefs in varioius styles; 5c to OUt
Men’s all-Linen Hemstitched Initial 4 CA
Handkerchiefs; 6 in box for 1*4/1/
Children’s plnin and initial Handkerchiefs AC.
in fancy holiduy boxes; 3 in box Z*JC
Table Covers and 18 by I
More olnbornto designs in Drawn Work
Tablo Covers and Scarfs at
Union Linon Drawn Work Tablo Covers; OC .
54 inches square; only
0 by 9-iuck nll-Linen Centerpieces in
Drawn ^Vork designs, only
All-Linen Centerpieces in Drawn Work DC.
patterns; sixo 12 by 12 inches £>JL
All-Linen Centerpieces in Drawn Work 50c
designs; size 24 by 24 inches
30-inch square Table Covers in Drawn __ QO.
Work nut terns: all-Linen
Work puttenis; all-Linen
19 by 54-inch nll-Linon Drawn Work
Scarfs, in this sale at only
Comforts, Blankets
and Spreads
Fine Eiderdown Com
forts, covered with
beautiful Sateens and
Silks good for Christ
mas gifts; various qunl-
. jties and stylos, OA AA
$5.00 to ......4U.UU
Blankets are acceptable
gifts to tho housewife:.
Here are fine qualities; •
priced, per pnir, from
$12.50 down £ JQ
Special 6ulo of white
crocheted Bed Spreads
in handsome patterns:
$1.00 values at ... 85c
$1.25 values at . . . ,98c
$1.50 values at ..$1.25 values at .. .SI.50
Marseilles Spreads at
$2.50 to $12.50
Many Good Things for Christmas Gifts
Pillow Slips of tapestry and embroidered 4 A A
Crctoneo; special values at, 25c to i •1/1/
Satin Pillow Tops in floral and Oriental OF.
designs; in this sale at
Fancy tapestry Pillow Tops in various OF.
styles at, from 25o to '. OJC
Yelour Pillow Tops, lino quunlity and 4 CA
very cheap at $1.25 and .........l7 I • D1/
Pillow Cords with tossclcd ends;.all col- CA.
ors; special at 25c and ! OVJC
Novelty Bags of Cretonne in floral and 4 »A A
Japanese designs; 25o to .> I 1/1/
Laundry Bags, mndo of fancy Cretonne
and Crash; priced from 25c to
Lndics’ and Misses’ Knit Bedroom Slip
pers in all colors and sixes
Shoe Bugs of Crotonnos and Scrims in
all colors; 25c to
Pin Cushions made of Scrim,. trimmed
with Embroidery and Ribbons
Fancy Handkerchief and Glove Boxes in
this sale at 250 to
New Ilnnd-Embroidcred Centerpieces, Pil-
i low Tops and Table Covers; 25c and
Well made white Aprons; 75c quality at
50c; 35c quality at ...... i
Ladies’ fancy Silk Garters in neat gift 4 FA
boxes; 25c to ./ •«/"
Great display of flng Fans for Christ
mas gifts; priced from 50c to
Ladies’ and Mon’s Umbrellas with nat
ural wood handles; $1.50 to ...'.
Umbrellas with Sterling (Silver und Go 4 A AA
pinto mounted handles, at $3.50 to I 0.00
Lndies’Shopping Bags of finest Lcath- 4 A A A
ers in newest styles; $1 to * Ir.UU
Stylish Automobile Scnrfs in all colors; 4 QO
special values nt i .70
All tho stylos in Veilings including the 4 AA
popular Russian Meshes; 25c to »*w v
Great showing of now Ruchings in all col- * CA.
ora; per collar length, 10c to
Great Sale of Table Damask and Napkins
75c white Mercerized Damask ..59c $2.00 white Satin Damask' $1.50 $10.00 Linien Sets, Damask and Napkins .,..$7.50
$1.00 white Satin Damask 75c $3.50 extra size Napkins $2.48 $20.00 Linen Sets, Damask and Napkins ...115.00
$1.25 whito Kalin Damask ,.98c $5.00 extra size Napkins $3.98 $25.00 Linen Sots, Damask and Nupkins .,.$20.00
Sale of Silks and
Dress Goods
Now patterns in fnney
TalTetn Silk for Waists,
Drosses and holiday
fancy work — plaids,
stripes, checks, etc., all
colors; renl $1 /?Q-
and $1.50 values.. "*/L
Fashionable Satin Mes
calines and Direetoiro
Satins in black and all
tho best colorings; va
rious quali- O Cft"
ties; 59c to &.DU
Great sale of remnants
and short lengths of fine
Dress Woolens for
Waists, Skirts, Chil
dren's Dresses, etc., nil
marked at abont
Mail Orders hare prompt and
careful attention. Express prepaid
on articles of $5.00 or more.
Special Sales in all Departments
every day this week. Watch for
onr Advertisements.