About Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1908)
— ■ 1 J t THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1908 Umbrellas Canes Our holiday Exhibit of Umbrella* and Cane* is unusually attractive, the style, carving, and special woods, are exclusive. You’ll find no two alike, and you’ll find nothing like them elsewhere, which makes them more sought after by the men folks-who like individual ity even in their canes $1.00 to $25.00 Engraved as you like on PRIOR TO EVERYBODY SPECIAL NOTICES Jesse B. Hart & Bra., Funeral Directors MTSa. OPtfN DAY AND NIOHT. PURSLEY & OLAY, Almya M. talasrsph er ttls»h©f»© •rdars on short nrik©. Csrr<S0*i to funtral M.M. OTIC* TO STOCKHOLDERS. NOTICE TO . . A dividend of (II.W) two dullsrs and fifty ©sate par shara on the cepltel s|*tk of Um teuthwostem Railroad Company win ha paid M .and altar January 6. 19». to stoakboldrra of record on the hooka a# the company at hualnaas December II. ISM. ©srabi© at Uia oftlaa of ta© .— Macon. Ua., and at tha Cltlsai Houthrm Bank, fUrannah. Oa SssAMP* *4 an ueiy°I?* InT ■' °“ r 04 ‘"•iSffiSV WAI.KKIt, Sacra tary and Traasurar. Hoaa of Dividends srp fa Tha MKETINQ BAR ASSOCIATION. Tha an aval rata tiny of tha Bar Aw- etattoo of tha city of Macaa will ba hald In tha sup#riar aourt room at II o’clock MARSHALLVILLE JOTTINGS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS , -GO TO- WESLEYAN The best instruction is the chenpest. ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men’s Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Tuaaday, Dacambar 18th. Katlnes M0; Night 1:18, JOE MORRIS In th, Om-SVM Vuilc.l Com.dr Too Many Wives Tha Whirlwind Spanish Dan car. Lyric Theater Lew Hoffman Eccentric Juggler Howard&Cameron Singer* and Dancer* MARSHAL! Th# Jamas D. C.. gave ment at tha evening.- Tl Jaffarson Da death being form was a Confederal# ferns, with beauty to tl war# tha pro win, and th< tar. lira. J. Frederick an Ray oral mem war# also oa by tb« High •f tha ch onca joining a Foundetloi of Davit, La sung at tholr ly fitting way sentiments ol largo and el Jeff arson Da was accepted tin and hung der J. Fredi officer whose Dr. James orator of th Orica, of Ha to tha ono • Confederacy Impassioned i * those whi k 11.— ►tor, U. tertaln- Monday uory of r of hla a plat- a tad In ta and added i stage Good* 11 Lse- iLSar J. Iwards. I hoard tnualo tha rlt- • audl- v Firm avorlts to those ' Frederick, nar, closed 1 nouneed the Joymsnt. The union 1 flat Church, was vary h©l| fulness. Udell tha tong of Atlanf — tnied a ralt of which r Ave rt. Fel- gallant heart, oed the Isftert tribute of tha logtoal, a treat Worked Unsuspecting At- lantians to a Standstill j Bunted By Police of tilts elty are anxious to locate "Pro. feasor" Frank Want, alias Prof. May. alleged pelrntri, medium and mind reader, against whom charges of theft ware filed today by several persona. He la alleged to have prevailed upon Project of Southern Com mercial Congaess Startles Xateves of New York NrW YORK. D,o. 11—John 1! PIT- ker, a wealthy planter, tonight wai brimful of enthusiasm about the pro ject of a permanent southern commer cial congress In Warh‘ngton. "Even In this big City of Ideas," he said, "many men gasp when I explain the matter, and ray It is too big. but I ant confindefit that it will go thipggh. ‘1 was elected president of the con- hls subjects to hand over to him ar- gress two days ago and today at a tide* of Jewelry, money, ate., to oe. meeting I said we should get one plated U s l#| faaaenod around ttaa'rj thousand men to put up tl.000 cash to necks and worn until such time i (night direct. ‘’Conjure’' Baas Empty. he Following West’s disappearance from the city this week several of hla sub jects opened the “conjure’ bags and to their dismay. Instead of finding th* ar ticles or cash which they were Jed to believe the ‘•profH*•0r' , !»fl placed therein, they found weds of paper, etc. Three *100 WlC Lbet * One victim, Levi Armstrong, claims that hs lest three $100 bills b ythls pro cess while Mrs. Jessie Haley says that West robbed her of two diamond rings and g diamond brooch valued at *200. Another woman alleges that West '•treated" her at her residence and a« a result a lot of allverware la missing. NIGHT KIDERS GO ON II THIRTY-THR** INDICTMENTS RE TURNED YESTERDAY-01 FOR RANKIN MURDER. UNION CITT, Tenn., Deo. 11.—A to- 1 of SI Indictments were returned today by the specl.il grand Jury einpnn#lle<l to Invwligate the recent Keel Foot lake night rider depredations, twenty-one rimming murder In the lynching of Capt. Rankin; six participation In the burning of fish docks and the other six violation of the Xu Klux not, a capital offense. Preparation la being mudo by both the state and the defense for the trials of the alleged leaders of the band which will begin. Monday and before that time all matters of a preliminary nature will be disposed of. DIVIDEND DECLARED BY COLUMBUS, Oa, Dec. 11.—At ths an nual meeting of the Columbus Manu facturing Company today, ** showed that the mill * million yards of cloth was dec! Idea' produced oru more than U turn; J. W, i man- 11 pro- tat en s Bap- Wars, ' faith- laod by Mr, laod by , - . Jisf, of its, "Botnetlnia, Somewhere." . J. ©. " sleeted wlthr of the peace While mur removal of 1 from lbs M Macon churc will be extent port, who hi by the South comes to us hoet of rslatl Among thm attend the af •uperlor coui Martin. Pear* ker. B. T. Jc Rice. Dr. J. Thu tension tha brutal mi a former rash living with Y on a pianist bill waa retu the grand Jur va. Fletcher 1 der of Jamei gnu before a of a speedy arrested soon etl denes was only the vlglli from ths tndl The prisoner two yearn In turday Justice rear. to a rlcome Daren- pastor a. Hs has a ITS. >rry to button K. J. crimes, and been brought Mr. J. C. for a week. Nsmosaasa, I ttemen from 1 Much Inter masting of th slenary BoeU subject of alt Wo neon, whs Myers la wot Lucy Cunlngi ant la Mies r to several far ing talk on th » Wal- W. XL others. stlgats a Ball, It. then t child K true *•> by e atata t mur- lal be* »doubt a waa as the n. and i*d him Itlasna ed for r other -e has n Mla- at ths n Oltp Mery of ths assist- related torest- by Mrs. John by a large nu read a graph Ufa tn that ft Marshal Will sited to knee ass. of Merer of Augusta, u Inter* . Mas* odwtn. is Ns- Best ever. Don't fall to see Grand Prize Automobile Races at The Polooo‘today. president and other officers wore re elected. A number of the New England stockholders attended the meeting. Tha beat, newest and wearing E. 8. T. styles ar# ready for tor YOU at Albert McKay’s. WILLIAM J. BRYAN TO HEAD (lam Jennings Bryan as president of the University of ... — •- **-- that the restg- ‘ " Northrop la nation of President Cyrus Northrop accepted. has been started by the Uni verafty Press Club, which passed a reso lution asking the board of regents of the university to extend a call ta the BAZAR AND CONCERT AO The ladles having In chair* the baser and concert tn East Macon by the ladles of ths Fort Hawkins Literary Club, for the benefit of the piano fund of the Methodist Sunday School, to be given to night, remind the people that for the benefit of those In West Macon who wish to patronise It. the baser will begin this LAST MEETING OF OLD The meeting of the county commis sioners on Tuesday nsxt will be the last to be held by the old board. w 1 TS , u "r,. m Y u w istsnrk Long as the ntw members, will be he'd PEOPLE SOUTH ENJOYING AND ERA OF PROSPERITY Mr. Wallace E. McCaw has Just ro sed from a trip 1 «« a. ,«t •Mil'sw Manufacturing Company, he that they were running on full time am a trip to the north and wetL “ — that he found, thinjis ■ msiis that they were running on full time and that their business was moving along ilari?n ,p - #nd - d,lf wltb T school vRpeaklng oI conditions elsewhere. Mr. Mi-Caw arid thatl? the people here nniv knew what proemrity they were enjoy ing, when llkrned to the conditions that egtet tn other parts of the country, as well as abroad. the people would, be abl? argim |fcns&nd’ l eccorat»d to vdperi*.,.the south Is enjoying an era be life members *of the -southern club which will, become the Washington headaquartars of the congress.” About 1225,000 was pledged, but Mr. Parker Is waiting to aes the cash. His plan Is to have each southern state make • permanent exhibit and to haYe a great building where Information may be obtained about every county so that the resources may be develops*: M. B. Trexevant. secretary of the New Orleans Progressiva Union, aald: "This Idea Is going to be the biggest thing that has ever struck the south, and to Mr. Parker belongs the credit of concelvlnr It- When all the great canal schemes and waterway* schemes to which President Roosevelt and his successor are committed are perfect ed, New Orleans will be the Liver pool of the western world. It Is now «00 miles nearer to the Panama canal than New York, for Instance, and when the still awter courses from the Rio Grande to New Orleans and from New Orleans to New England ports are completed, things will hum down thsra" KILLING DOCTOG QUARREL * RESULTS IN FATAL •HOOTING— BIRDSONG CA8E HAKU5HURJ1T. Miss.. Dec. 11.—Dr. A 8. PltU^a prominent physician.jjraa shot —_ ___ late Thursday at bis office here by Pr. Thomss Birdsong, a dentist. According to a negro, the only eye wit ness, Birdsong came to the office of Pitts and charged the latter with Interfering with his affairs. After ths Interview. Birdsong lift, the negro says, but re turned and opened fire as ne entered the office. Two of three bullets took effect caus ing the almost Instant death of Dr. Pitts. Ur. Blrdfong Is a brother-In-law of Mrs. Angls Birdsong; who was convicted two ysars ago, after a sensational trial, of the killing of Ur. Butler, at Monti- cello, and was later pardoned by Gover nor Vardanian before entering on iter prison sentence. • ‘Running Some” — Grand Prize Automobile Races, at The Palace today. FI BARRELS BOOZE TIEN BY DEPUTIES BLIND TIGER WELL STOCKED WAS RAIDED LAST NIGHT WITH MUCH 8UC0ES3. Deputies Joe Wilson. Walter Byrd ard Gent Chambl|*s started out last night to find a blind tiger. It was an awful bad night to go hunt ing for this kind of game j* but they had a duty to perform, and they went out In the rain Just as though the moon was shining on a fine dry night Later they wet goods, and they found five barrels of whisky In quart, pint and half-pint bot- They went In the vicinity of the aua- R ’cted Jungle, and taking a one dollar II and noting the certificate number, gave It to a man to go to the nl-beery on the comer of Pine end Fourth sir eel and Fourth streets. with Instructions ta buy a pint of liquor. In a short time the pint came, and then the negro who sold It waa pointed out and be was placed und«*r ar- resL Then the deputies went nosing around and found the five barrels. T two-horse dray waa found, and the stuff was carried to the sheriff's office. The negro charged wlth selllng the Whisky Is George Adams, ahd ho was laced In Jail last night. The owner of ?he place waa not in the store at the time, but he will be looked after today. This was one of the most euccsssful raids made by the deputies and It was well worked up. It paid them for taking ths wst weather. rder youi McKay. MAI SHOI IH BACK NO POSITIVELY REFUSES TO TELL WHO SHOT HIM, WHAT FOR. OR ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Th. Old BUn-Urd OIROVTS TASTE. LESS CHIU. TONIC, MtM out m»- terU .ad build, up the tratafn. Fur rruarn paupla and cfilldran. 10c. Three Reels of the Latest and Popular Pictures Harvard OsUbratts. BOTTOM. Pm IL-Dona of John Har vard ga there* at a local betel this even- lag It celebrate the reseat victory ef the Ogams feet ball alma ever Vale. Tbs sequel was bet* wader (he eeriest ef bealajvmt* Club ef piston, wtii.-h la- Loh’s Cafe 81* Mulberry st. aly Flret-sless Rsstaursnt In the City fer LsdUs and Gentlemen. ernes la Its Membdretd* mm of ta*, gleamed MU'*. mtBt mm ef the Hub gtrwed Baked Ft*K. Oyrtf* rnsbi . ibey os wn Oyster 1 Mtn.-e* Turkey"< BILL INTRODUCED TO HELP N. C. Something of a myaterlous shooting affair occurred last night on Haw thorne street, near Third, about 10 o'clock. . w A young man named Blankenship, an operative in the Bibb mill, report ed tn Officer Jessup that he had been shot and wanted to go the hospital. The officer saw that he waa In pain, and tent In the call to the station house for the ambulance. In th* mean, time he tried to get the young man to tell him somethin* of the shoot ing ao that tile man who shot him could hs arrested. But tha young man. for *ome reason, refuted to tell, or to give any Information concern- WASHINGTON. ■ TON. Deo. II.-AS a IW- •wit of th* floodJin ths Oipe Fear River la North Csrftn* of Aumv !*••. Representative Oodwta, of North Carolina, today tntrodu*** a Mu au (housing the eeoreury of war \o pur. chase »»th food supplies and clothing b at a ns seaary for the relief of dye-: circumstances leu. pmwfiiM and Har- nstL W. C. ’rtie m provide* flfi\M* for Iks purpose, to he weed at the 41 oration of th# sevietaryo r war. •psalah Qatleoa, Osld Lsftn, Die- tee twedsy's Telegraph. MRiri Current Puddtb U VT. PshfilK Mgr. » "PftOMO QUININE" ATtVM PPOMOjQUINIVR 11 That H LAX Amu BBOMAOt I Lsok hr the etsnsturs of K W. I Ve«4 the Wsrid over is Cars a In. IL nc.pt I. any Out th- unci, of «ho man w>, named Kodce. Wh.n the ambuinnee trrlv-d. th. , -un. mno. -ho had been Ivin, dow-- •nd evidently uiRerln.. tot un n.d «alk-d to «• He wee (hen carrle.’ to th- h—llat. -h-re It «>• (ou>A that Ih* hnll bed (ton- Ju»t under the ,kl.a «f hu (mch. and wae rmdllr removed. H- th-n -alkvd away with out (Ivina the hoipttal phyaldanp any Information. Th- PKitc, —re at « hme what to do In ouch a caao. There had beeo a party of the opemtlvoe on th- street, and tt waa thoufiit that at tht. tmlic the shootla. -ocurr-d. hot aa Inquiry It wae roand that whlla Rlaakra.hlp had been to the part*, th- .himlla. did not nerar three, hut on the «tr—t Hi, fit r-fuoel 1, (l - .- (h- pot ice ony lufornuittoa. l-d them Is Utah that he -M to blame In the CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE “NEARER THAN EVER” VIA NEW DOUBLE DAIL.V SERVICE ‘ BEGUNIN1INQ MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st. '34. 32. SCHBDUJ-E. 33. 31. 1:35 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 5:10 p..m. 10:45 p. m. 11:00 p. m. 7:35 a. m. .7:50 turn. * 3:00 a.m. 6:58 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 11:45 a. m. 8:35 p. m. 8:15 p. m. 9:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Lv. Macon. C. of Ga. R. R. Ar. Ar. Atlanta. 0. of Ga. R. R. Lv. Lv. Atlanta. L. & N. R. R. Ar. Ar. Knoxville. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Lv. Knoxville. L.&N.R.R. Ar. Ar. Cincinnati. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Ar. Louisville. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Lv. Louisville. Penn. Lines. Ar. Ar. Chicago. Penn. Lines. Lv. 2:02 a. m. 11:05 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:05 p. m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a. m. 7:35 a. m. 9:50 p. m. 3:40 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 11:55 a.m. 6:16 a.m. 6:00 a. m. 8:25 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Through Sleepers on both trains, Macon to Cincinnati. Chicago-Louisvilie Sleepers on 3:00 a. m. train. Louisville Sleepers on both trains from Atlanta. Dining Service (all meals). Observation Car. For Sleeping Car reservations, rates and information write J. R. Almand, Trav. Pass. Agt., H. 0. Bailey, Div. Pass. Agt., No. 4 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. matter, and did not want the facts to come out The nolle# will take It up today, and If* possible find out all about It. The law had been violated so far as «hu*t- law naa wen v»uiulci» w Ing In the city was concerned, if noth, fng else, and they want to find the man who Is missing. ORDINARY WILL SEND MONEY ON More Wagons than Money Things are working so *moothly in /^r*P-,45T.*7.*!? A V"IB ou r new factory that we find wo have a house full of wagons before our ' salesmen have Increased their sales. Wq don't often put on bargain sales, and shall not do bo in this Instance except as to pries. Top Wagons like the picture at *80. You can’t bent that Bee them. Payment of 8lx Thousand Dollars Mads by Local Near-Beer Dealers Will 8oon Go In Stats Treasury. As soon as Ordinary Wiley Is notl fled by Judge Felton that the court of appeals has sustained the Wlie near- beer act, he will forward to the state treasury about six thousand dollars that he has collected in payment of this year’s license. A similar collec tion will be made again on the first of January. w It will bs recalled that when the leg 1 si at u re recently pass eda law taxing near-beer dealers two hundred dollars there was some, doubt as to whether they were liable for the full tax If they continued In business for the re mainder of the present year. It hav ing been decided that th© act requlr Ing ths tax Is legal, they must now surrender tbs money. This payment, however, has been In th© hands of the ordinary for aom© tlm© in the nature of certified checks. Tha decision of ths court of appeals leaves * loophol© by which th© dealerr may recover their money If tholr ap peal Is later sustained toy thu court of appeals* There are the following dealers In Macon, twenty-eight In number, and' all of tbrtn are represented at the or- dlnary** office with & certified chc- for the requisite amount; W. N, •Shlnholser. J. W. H rend on, C. E Randall. John Morse, Harris, Griggs Hugh Caqsldy, D. Cunningham, J. B. Brooks, Cook Brewing Company, J. E. Bunch. J. C. Murphy. Travers St Cas sidy. Ed Cassidy. F.d Devlin. Joe Thom n nr tr—■' n.qtrltvV T.vnn. ft as. Q. W. Haas,' Patrick Lyon. G. 8 Alexander. Hugh Devlin. C. C. Porter, W. F. Lawrence. L. J. Dinkier, M. O’Hara. A. B. Moore, L. T. Thomp son and Acmo Brewing Company. The two brewing* companies were required to pay wholesalers’ tax of IW0. Ac cordingly. Ordinary Wiley has on da- posit 16,200. ' The ncar-heer dealers will make •very effort to escape tha payment of the tax. The local dealers have ad vised their attorneys to Join with the dealers In other cities of the state In carrying an appeal to ths United States supreme court. THOS. F. RYAN GIVES $1,000 TO UNCLE REMUS FUND ATLANTA. Ga.. Dae. lL-^J. O. LMter, secretary of ths “Unci* Remit*" memo rial association, announced today th* re ceipt of a contribution of lt,kM from ccipi o* • cvmnuuMUB »•>»”* Thomas F. Bran. of. Nsw York, to th© fund for perpetuating th* memory of Joel Chandler Harris. U. cepted Ryan waa"tendered and has ac- the position of vie* president of th* association. H*rr Goodv*l**r l#fe th© Cat out of the Bag. (In colors). S*« Sunday's Telegraph. Secretary Hester's Weekly 6tat*m*nL NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 11.—(Secretary IT»l-tor’s weekly cotton statement Issued Hast era weexiy cotton mr.— today shows^ for the lt daya^of Dec^m The amount _ I© past weak has been .-Mis for the same days last 5T4.24S yoar before lari. The tflnvrmrnt eln-e Pcpt. receipts at all “ *02 against te1 Ptates porta 5,211.- IMili«* lari years overland tht Mleelealppl. Ohio and. Prismae Mississippi. Ohio KfYfT.tTO T— t»UI tvklpe- -t Ahi.rtrea biKr 'M as agsJnri an InrreM# during V'- rorr*. ,,m« r»r!>l l»«t nr. ley Closing ML Dm It rrimtaat relntoter* VB l*r nlng a great cresads »• eepprere Bunday mriarlm, ths ©aly fsemw Bmatrical ■ntrrteinmsnt i . e . , f>.» r — l *HV o; II The msvsmsat mill culminate “~ig ©a Jaauaxr 11 J. W. Darsey 651 THIRD ST. S. J. J, FRIENDS GALL FOR AID Th® condition of Mrs. J. J. Wimberly, whoso huMtmnd waa killed by n negro about a year ago, Is reported as being distressful. There may bo some who will desire to nld this unfortunate lady, and they are informed that any contri bution sent to Station Sergeant Arthur Job son, at the city ball, wl/l (hi appre ciated and sent to her. Tim police and firemen have been very kind to Mrs. Wimberly sine© the death of her htw- » und in fact, but for them she I - *--- * - * “ would have had a hard time of it Races In Alamo City. SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Dec. II.—A win ter racing meet, to lant nineteen days, win be Inaugurated tomorrow on the track of thp International Fair. Enough horses ere'stabled her© to guarantee a successful meet. 1 Bay, who la probably the best known Judge in the racing game* will preside at the San Antonio meet. Arthur Me- Knlght, having officiated aa starter sev eral times at the International Fair, will atari the ponies at ths winter meet GEORGIA, Bibb County—Will be aold on ths first Tuesday In January. 1209. at public outcry, at tha court house. In hours of jesh. psr- of which the following la a _ county, .within the legal sals, to the highest bidder, for c tuln property, of which ths follr full and complete description: One twelve horsepower simple Trac tion engine. Jacketed boiler. No. 12,097. One (1) twelve (12) . barrel mounted water tank. No. 6.722. One case pump and hose, steel axle * Two (2) steel axle log carts Sft by 7 foot wheels. Now located at Rutland. Oa. Said property being difficult and < . _____ expensive tb move, same will remain where now loca ted and not brought to the eou.t house for sale. Said against J. W. xecution Issued from die -. of said county In favor of Threshing Machine Company A. Boardman will be clerk of the scales and Hart -Dernhnm will be in charge of the ring. Convantion of Hoboes. ST. LOUIS. Dee. 11.—A call for a national convention of the unem ployed, to bo hM4 in this city on January IB, has been issued “by James Eads How, founder of th© Brotherhood Welfare Association. It Is expected that during thu conven tion week SL> Louis will be the Mecca for Jioboea and unemployed men from all over the country, and standing room will be at a premium in box cars and other conveyances utilised by tin* men of the road. How intends to se cure a monster petition, to be r©nt to the president, asking that tha p^ii- doners b© given employment In public Kansas Magaxin©. WICHITA. Kan.. Dec. It.—With WiUfam Allen White, Congressman Victor Muddock. Ed Howe of the At chison Globe, F. D. Coburn, Governor Hoch. and other literary lights of th* Sunflower atate on Its staff, a new magoxine will shortly make Its ap pearance from this city, it will b© known as the Kansas MngaxVne and will b# quite up to the standard of the test magnalnea of ths effete east. If * - -iromlsss of the promoter* are GOT DRUNK 01 TRAIN COMING UP TO MACON AND WANTED TO GET OFF ON PLEA THAT HE DID NOT GET DRUNK HERE. Another man has been found who. on benlg up before the reoerder for being drunk and asked where got his whiskey, told about 1*- This was a white man named 8. N. Mays, who said he belonged In Al bany. Ho said that he had ben to Savannah, and.on the train struck up with u drummer with -whom he played ’’set-back" coming to Macon. While playing this mysterious gam© h* was given two drinks by the obliging drum mer—the man said It was a. drummer, though he may have been anything eUe—and when he reached Macon he stopped nt tha same hotel with hfs -found companion, end was given the prom fulfilled. Visible i Supply. World 1 NEW ORLEANS, B eaterle statement • s supply of cotton the total vtslhl© to against 4.419 425 last week and 4.170.147 last year. Of thf* the total of American sm vv&i pwwi'a week and 859.576 last year. Of th© world’s visit)!* sunplr of cotton there Is now afloat and held in Gr©nt Britain and continental Europe 2.6<4.(mo against 2.- m.eoe test year; In Egypt 249.0*0 a£lnst £25'SS2 '*«)•«.; In India loo.MK) ,nln,t 220.000 Tut^ jw; and In * tea l.t*7.i 1.415,( against United ‘ last Four tcltpeea In 1909. WASHINGTON. Dec. 11.—According 5^foiT n arihSti^tSere'wiYr>»e ? four edlpres next year, two of th© run and two of th© moon. The first ©rliiw© of ’Tdswgi&asw u,t M * *nd Nwcmter 25. The first win te visible tn a part of North America, and the second through out the eonttnML ^ lanre j Will Diteuss Tariff. POCATELLO .Idaho, Deo. 11.—Dis cussion of potelbl© changes in th© tariff on wool and hide# will be a feature of th© fifty-fifth annual con vention of th© National wool Grow ers’ Association, which will be held here th© middle of next month. For est preservation. Ih© conservation of natural resources and lower freight rates are otter subjects which bars b©©n placed on th© program of the convention. Drew Color Lin©. JACKSON, Miss, IVe. Il.-Mlretsstppt farmer* affiliated with the Farmers’ Uatsn are up tn arms against tha at tempt of th© colored agriculturists of th© ethre *• ©rgnnlss a'uBuna© wnloo. It la feared that mu© may result from th© wmgmjs th© m*ma t© reubUah a and tn com© V*r«!fries the whits farmers are th»eat©etmr night ©Me© tee* If ayreerenr. to rnt a ©top to th© - r -. 'bf negro ©rennis©r« Th© nutter win probably core© Up af th© lust another drink. This settled him. and he was found d^unk. Maya put In a special plea for clemency, saying that he only took one drink in Macon, and did not get drunk here, but on the train coming to Macon. In other words, as he came here drunk on (he two drinks bs ought not to be fined as much aa If be had gotten drunk here. The recorder thought hi* defense was technical A man may get drunk In another city and come here drunk, and !• Just as liable to be punished as (f he lived here and got drunk. When a man la drunk, ha la drunk, no matter where he got drunk. The plea waa such a well-delivered one, however, that he was allowed to go, and ha seemed grateful K o.f P. Sanitarium. CHICAGO, Dec. 11.—Dr. G. O. Mc Connell. medical examlner-ln-chlef of the Knights of Pythias, announced to day that It has been formally decided that a samarium for tuberculpsta pa tients affiliated with the order shall be established In Now Mexico. The oottagea and other nbulldings. when •ufficlent funds have been col lected from members of the order, will bs erected ©n a larg© tract tt land near Laa Vegas, donated for tbe cause by New Mexico lodges. Bennie R«i!ly Meets Match. SAVANNAH. Ga. Dec. 1L—Bennie He lily, of Baltimore, met hla match (n Jimmy Daahler in a fast and bloody fifteen-round bout before tha South ern Athletic Club. Refer©* Jenkins called th© match a draw after Dai li ter had carried the fight to Reilly from the first. Reilly ©rag far the favorite in the betting, t •to union, which < Caucus for Senators COLUMBUS. Ohio, Dec. II.—Three weeks from tomorrow, on Jamianr 5. the republican members of ins ohl> legislature will hold a caucus to choos© the man they will support fo' Units* State* senator. The leglela tore win meet on the following Mon- day. January 4. Although nearly a down men are In ths field, ths choir- has ' apparently narrowed down to Senator Foreker and Charles P. Taft, trotter of tha president-elect. Mr Taft has tesn promised th© thirteen republican vote* of Hamilton county, and th© legislators of oth^r sanities ■r© felling Into the Teft column. Friends of Forster continue hop»f-i! •nd ©spree* confidence that he will be returned. Th© vote on senator will Uk© plac© January «. _