Newspaper Page Text
McEvoy’s Xmas Store
f '. Our Place Has Been Turned Into a Regular
Holiday Store.
It will help you in your shopping to give us n com
plete look-over—not forgetting the Dolls, Toys, Games,
etc., in rear of the store, and our Picture Annex. TVe
are especially strong on Books this season. Something
•- suitable for every member of the family, at—
McEVOY’S 572 Cherry St.
Just before 12 o'clock last nlsbt one of
the young; ladles at the telephone ex
change saw a bright red light across the
otreet In the-Red dross Pnarmucy build-
department and tSt ......
their l>ed« and skinned down the pole*
that lead from their sleeping quarters
to the around floor, and the chemical
and truck, and engines and hose wag-
•ons went out Into the rain in a hurry.
Then they looked for .the Are. Th*
tMed Cross Pharmacy building was as
dark as Egypt, and the only thing the
hustled out of
liretncn can Imagine caused the alarm
was the reflection of tr~ — ’*-*■* *“ -
window and the smoke
light In
arising somewhere.
some vapor
UR IIIUI C l.J njy, IJUI. nu|H oncj
bed. But If It had been a man —
Great numbers of Ladies are
enjoying our demonstration in
pastry cooking,' every day.
Come and see it.
Canton, Macon, No. 4. I. O. O. V.,
held an election of officers at Uleir
lodge rdotn last night.
The following were elected 'for tho
ensuing year: Captain, K. L. White;
lieutenant. George H. Folds; ensign,
C. H. Anderson: clerk, W. O. Hays;
•accountant, J. E. King.
The next meeting of the canton will
ho on January 8, in their hall ovev
fllaby's shoe store on Cherry street,
when the newly elected officers will
be Installed.
See the Grand Prize Auto
mobile Races today, at The
Notice Given Yesterday by Treasurer
Walker—Books Will Closo on
• - Tuesday.
A dividend of two dollars and fifty
cents per share will be paid on tho
capital stock of tho Sou t hives torn Rail,
way Company on and after January 5
to stockholders of record on the books
at tho close of business next Tuesday.
There are many stockholders In Ma
con to whom this announcement which
has Just been made by Treaaurer Jno.
M. Walker, will be of much Intereat.
. The dlvldenda will bo payable at
the offices of the company In this city
and at the Citizens' and Southern Bank
In Savannah. The books of the com*
pany will be closed between .December
36 and January 6. Tho divdend was
declared at a meeting of the board of
directors held yesterday.
NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—Within 24
houra of the finish, tho three leading
teams In the six-day bicycle race at
Madison Square dardon were pedal
ing steadily along tonight 'more than
six miles ahead of ’the beat mark
previously net In these annual con
test* ' of endurance aha speed, and
there was • every Indication that the
closo of the race tonforrow night
would find all previous records
ecllpaotL Doggedly keeping up
grind, flvo other teams were closely
Beat placed of all the trailers. Wal
(hour hnd Root, who ore running but
a lap behind the leaders, tried all
through the early morning hours and
twice during the afternoon to Improve
their position. Each time they fail
ed. One of their sprints resulted in
a bad spill. Root. Galvin Deinara and
VanonI falling In a heap on the track.
Galvin was the only one who was
able to rfsume. He was carried to
hit headquarters, but after vigorous
treatment tor twenty minutes was
buck In the arena ready to relievo his
partner. Wiley. Some of the best
sprinting today was by Anderson,
the Danish-Itnliun team. Hv f..
quently led the bunch In fast brush
es. but failed to gain any material
At The Palace today, Grand
Prize Automobile Races/
Deaths and Funerals
Don’t milt to be reminded too LATE
to drder your HOLIDAY Suit from Al
bert McKay, Cherry St.
One Sips a Cup of Strong Potash Solu
tlon—Other Falls on Spout of Can.
Mrs. Hattie Thomas, aged 29 years,
died at 7:30 o'clock last Thursday
evening at the family residence near
Rutland, after an illness of several
weeks. She Is survived by her bus-
band. Mr. J. H. Thomas, and three
small children.
The funeral services Will take placo
this (Saturday) morning at 10 o’clock,
from Elam Church, Rev. Mr. Tittle
will officiate, Tho Interment will bo
made in the church burying groupd.
Sugar and Tobacco t6 Be
Limited—Democrats in
WASHINGTON. Dec. If.—Free trade
with tho Philippines was
most Important matters arret
President-Elect Taft and The republican
members of the ways.and means com
mittee at yesterday's conference on tar
iff revision. While Mr. Taft favors free
trade with the Insular possessions, with
out any restrictions. It Is understood
that In order that there shall be ho dis
sension. he has agreed that the amount
of sugar and tobacco which should ho ah
lowed entry free of duty Mhould bo re
stricted. With this end In view, It Is
understood the sugar Interests have
agreed to a compromise by which 300,000
tons of sugar will ho admitted from the
Philippines annually free of duty, and
that al sugar over that amount will i
the present rate of duty, which Is 20 i
A three-year-old son of Mr. R. B. Al
len, living on Plum street, vfius badly
burned about tho mouth r yesterday,
through childish curiosity.
The little fellow Went Into the kitchen.
and like all children, was prying Into
every thing within reach. .On the table
strong potash solution,
used for cleaning purposes, and this tho
little fellow st-etired and tried to drink
It. His mouth was hedty burned, but as
he only got a sip of It. he will soon be
all right.
Over In East Macon the little eighteen-
Cato i
a kero
ash In
cutting quite a bad gash in Ms
race. . ’
Dr. Hinkle was called In to both oi
these cases, and he says that In each In
stance there were narrow escapes.
Central Railway Trestle Was 6hort-Clr-
cuited by Light Wirt Last Night,
The residents of Walnut atreet were
given an opportunity of witnessing an
unusual spectacle last night.
Probably by the action of the atornf
last night, an overhead wire of the street
railway company, became short-circuit
ed with the steeT rails of the Central of
Georgia railway at Its trestle on Sixth
atreet. and the result was an elecuit
dleplay that was remarkable for Its bril
liancy. being plainly seen as far as
Spring street, and throwing the light
that distance.
The light was so bright as to be daz
zling to the eyes, and In spite of the
wet night there were crowds out to see
It. Just what damage was done to the
trestle was not known last night, but It
la thought that some of tha iron work
was melted.
People who walk to Rose HUI ceme
tery wil be glad to know that a sidewalk
Is being laid from the power house to
the cemetery entrance.
This la connection with the good work
done by the rhalnrang In front of the
cemetery. wHl make the front of Roe*
Did much m-.:e presentable and easier
■eed upon by
i of sugar will bo admitted from the
Ipplncs nnnuitlly free of duty, and
that al sugar over that amount will pay
**ie present rate of duty, which Is 26 per
nt loss then the duty Imposed by tho
ingley tariff on augur from other coun-
What amount will be flx
um for the froo entry t
not yet been determined.
Tho democrats are understood to be
thoroughly In accord on the question of
froo trade with the Philippines.
NEW YORK. Doc. 11.-John R. Hegel
men, president of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, was freed by the
court today In a decision that If It stands
will serve to quash all Indlctmelta now[
standing against Insurance officials, ac
cording to District ' Attorney Jerome,
who. however, expects to take the pres
ent case to the court of appeals.
Mr. liegemen was charged with per-
Thero are six Indictments for forgery
agwinxt George W. Perkins, formerly
vice president of the New York I.lfe In
surance Company, and several against
Chat. 8. Fairchild, of the same com
pany. based on practically the same
allegations of facts In regard to the
Imaking of reports of the company's con
dition. There Is one Indictment for for-
against Robert A. Grannlsa. form-1
vice president of the Mutual Life
Insurance Company, on the same ground.
At V. M. C. A.
Sunday at I p. m., the men's discus
sion dub will discuss theme III: What Is
tha present condition of the man who Is
Is g Christian? The man who Is not a
Christian? At the same hour the gospel
meeting for boys wU! be. In charge of
Physical Director Tyson. Mr. I,. T.
Bulling* will speak to the boys at 4 p.
m. An address to men will be delivered
by Mr. J. W. Markham on the subject
"To Save the Loet" Strangers wel
D. A. Tompkins end 1S-Cent Cotton.
Marriages in Death’s 8hadow.
See Sunday's Telegraph.
Go Into Executive Session
Discnss Cabinet and
Other Things
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11—President
Roosevelt and President-elect Taft had
an extended conference tonight at the
whlto house. Many matter* relative
to the present and next administra
tion were discussed, not the least im
portant of which was a general talk
regarding the Taft cabinet.
The conference began after 10 o'c.ock
nt the conclusion of a dinner nt th«
home of Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury and Mrs? Wlnthrop, attended
by Mr. and Mrs. Taft.
Before the conference Mr. Taft an
nounced that it would be entirely *.n
executive session and that he should
decline to give any details whatever,
aside from the advance announc 'meat
that he should talk over mnny Impor
tant matter* with the president,
T*ft to Consult Root.
Besides consulting President Roose
velt regarding various men who may
be available for cabinet poaltlons, Mi
Taf tomorrow will have a conference
with Secretary Root, If such an Ap
pointment In found convenient, on the
same subject.
During the Intervlow today betur?
Judge Taft and Senator Aldrich the
result of the work of the monetaty
commission was thoroughly gone
Senator Aldrich. It was learned,
thorough believer In the efficacy of
the commission', and Is an enthusiastic
advocate of legislation which aha’.l
place Into permanent law same of Ihe
rccomeqdatlonn which are to be mat
George A. Knight, of California, was
recommended for a cabinet position
by Representative Duncan B. McKI
ley. of that state.
After tho gridiron dinner whloh lit
ill attend tomorrow night, Mr. Tift
will leuve for New York, whore In
will remain until Thursday, when n-
will start for Augusta. Ga.
They All Say
“I Have Got Others’
writes Mrs. M. E. Burleson, of New Decatur, Kku,
“to try Cardui, and they all join me in praiaiug it
for sick woman. I shall ubo Cardui as long as I
can get it to use. I was in a delicate condition and
had formerly had two mishaps and came very near
losing this child. My doctor told mo he didn’t think
Cardui could help mo; that I had waited too long.
But I stopped taking doctors' medicines and sent
for a bottle of Cardui, and in less than a week was up
and able to do my housework. Five months later,
after taking; 5 bottles of Cardui, and with only 1 y%
hour of pain, I was the happy mother of a fine,
healthy, baby, boy, of 11 pounds.”
Cardui has been found to strengthen
and tone up the womanly organs, regu
late the -functions and restore .weak
women to health. /
It is a puro, .vegetable medicine, with
genuine curative powers, and acts so
gently as to be without any kind of bad
after-effects on young or old.
It can’t help but help you. Try if.
Molnar Ih-vll fs the working outward of
tho evil thought from within nod photo
graphing It without disguise ' **-'
Isual oye. To devote from
Th6 news that tho lar.t quarterly
payment of the state pension fund will
be made about the first of the ensu
ing week, probably Monday, will bo
received with delight by tjio Bibb
county veterans who have been looking
forward to tho distribution of tho
money, and hoping that It would ar-
rNer before Christmas.
Ordinary Wiley yas yesterday noti
fied that tho cheeks had been sent out
frojn Atlanta, and that he would pr
ably receive the one for this county
today. As be has the lints already
checked up, it will only be neeessn*
to write out tho checks. As this will
take some time, however, It may pos
sibly be Tuesday before tho payments
will begin. ,
The veterans are glad that this pajm+lt. No good Influence Is coneelvab 1
ment marks tho end of tho quarterly ' ‘
system. In the future they will rn
Rev. J. S. Bunting and Mr. T. D. Tins*
ley, of This City, Elected on the
8Unding Committee.
Rev. John 3. 'Bunting, pastor of
Christ Church, lost night returned from
Atlanta, whore ho has been In atten
dance upon the annual convention of
the Atlanta dloccs* of thp Eplscopul
Church. Tho principal business trans
acted by the convention was tho revi
sion and modification of tho consti
tution and canon of the diocese so as
to' better meet the requirements of the
and smaller division of the church
in Georgia.
Mr. Bunting was honored with elec
tion to tho standing committee of tho
diocese, as was also Mr. T. D. Tins
ley, of this city.
new record in the transaction of
the public business was estab
lished by the house of represen
tative today. The legislative
executive and judicial appropria
tion bill which usually excites
considerable discussion, lasting
for several days, was passed with
little debate and posted practi
cally *• it came from the com
mittee. An unusual feature was
that no member asked for time
to indulge in general talk.
The facility witlt which the
bill of 165 pages was put through
was the eubTsct of mu*;H com
ment on the floor, and the mem
bers of the appropriations com
mittee congratulated themselves
on the outcome.
The bill carries an appropria
tion of $31,665,329. The house
immediately after convening
unanimously and without debate,
adopted a resolution providing
for tha appointment of a com
mittee of five to consider the
reference to the secert service
in the president's message and
to suggest what action, if any,
should be taken in the matter.
At 5:11 p. m. the house ad
LONDON. Dec. lie— Big price* were
realised at the sal* by auction today
of Lord Amherst's collection of tapes
try. French furniture and enamels.
The collection* of Lord Amherst are
being sold because of Inroads made
In his finances by a dlshdneat attor
ney. The pick of the tapestry, an
eight panel set of old gobelin*.. reprs-
Molnar’s The Devil
At the Grand
By J. H. M.
Macon has seen "Tho Devil"—Molnar*a
"The Devil"—the rage of Europe—the
hit of the season In New York. Drawn
by curiosity, perhaps, a large audience
for an inclement night greeted Ills Sa
tanic Majesty In a dress coat and ap
plauded without very much enjoying ills
evil suggestions and frank cynicism.
The Incarnation and Impersonation of
every evil thought itr the form of a man
who sturts up nt one's elbow to frankly
and brutally avow them In their true
character In the quintessence of devil In
tabloid doses that are too strong and
undiluted for pleasant digestion and
assimilation by tho merely humorous
stomach. Tho Idea Is original but blase
Kuro|M> must have been put to It to stir
lis worn out sensations when It became
ripe for tho working out of such*a
thought. The conventional devil with
the horns and tho clover hoof is sup-
hours to the development of an Intrigue,
unrelieved by sentiment or resource to
sophistry Is so cold blooded and Inhuman
an operation us scarcely to ap|x>al to tho
plcasureable side of human nature. A
hunker leaves Ills Wife with his artist
friend In tho latter's studio to have her
portrait pointed. Tho suggestion of tho
necessity of removing her wraps and the
exposure of the gleam of a pair of white
shoulders starts a train of thought In
minds which is taken up. and glvon
j to by "The Devil," a stranger who
unseen bud fallen asleep In a chair and
nrouscs at the psychological moment to
give unsolicited lint concrete form to tho
train of suggestions. Asked where he
came from bn puts his finger on tho
heads of the man and woman and says:
“1 um from nowhoro^und go nowhere. *
This r ?s Molnar’s Devil. Tho piny. If
play It may he culled, proceeds tlusuigh
three Intcnsd acts and ends as tho be
ginning foreshadows. If moral It has It
is not easy fo rthe (initiated to dlscov
It. No good Influence Is conceivable l-
sprlnging from Its prosentntlon to mixed
•* - transplanted product
— — — modee
Whole FarailyStricken With
Ptomaine Poisoning—In
tense Suffering 1 ^
EASTMAN, Pn., Dee. 11—Two n
bers of tho fumily of Geo. Vanllorn. of
Mendenhall, Chester county, aro dead,
and three others nro Ill as tha result
of ptomaine polluting. caused by sau-
procured from a local grocery
yesterday i^nd his sister. Mabel, 16
years old, pnssed away last night. iBoth
suffered Intcnso agony. They
burled today.
simple artist's model and
deceived ranJdcn who meat and minx
their tears in grief under the shadow
of a malign Influoncs which they can
neither understand or cope with. They
furnish the only touch or humnn sym-
ithy discernible In the plot.
For the nctors It Is enough to say
—~‘it * _
pathy dlscernlt
For the aeto .
they appeared In every respect equal
See Sunday's telegraph.
CHICAGO. D**e. II.—At a conference to
day between Win, Haywood, seeretsrv of
• he republican national committee, and
Fred W. I'oham, assistant treasurer, ft
was decided to open permanent head-. - . - - .
quarters of the committee in Chicago, it nettling episodes of the mllltor, ea
ts planned to keep the records end other r*#r of Louis XIV, 'jro-Jfht H5.060.
SfOTB faPreaffnMS *»*?.«£!! I ,l understood that the eight pan-
mSmtoS JSm.h2cT Ut£* iTS^nMl* 1 " of were bought for *
branch headquarters will to' opened t!i private collector, who Is repot led to
Washington. . lb* J. PUrpcnt Morgan,.
COLOMBO, Ceylon, Dec. 11—Tha fol
lowing wireless dispatch has been re
ceived fro mtho American Atlantic bat
tleship fleet:
"The fleet nt 8 p. m. December 16
was In latitude 5.62 north, longitude
88.16 east. Will arrive at Colombo)
at 8 o’clock Sunday morning. Perfect*
•nther. Speed 10 knots. J
"The Georgia left the# fle« at 10 p.
■ . of December 9 for Colombo at a
speed of 14 knots having on board a
case of smallpox which, however, ts
not serious. The health,of tho rest of
i men of the fleet Is excellent.
Htawlckl, fireman, and McDonald,
electrician of the battleship Now Jer
sey, fell overboard the evening of De
cember 8, owing to a defective line.
McDonald whs roxcuod but Stawlkl
was not recovered, although a thorough
search was made for him.
"Otherwise the trip from Mftnllrihn*
been uneventful. There hss hpen much
tactical maneuvrlng dally."
Fight For Rul# Revision.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11—The fight
j for a revision of the rules of repre
sentatives was Inaugurated tonight at
a meeting of the so-called "Insurgents"
attended by twenty-five republican
representatives. Representative Hep
burn, or Iowa, presided and was au
thorized to name a eomlttd* of five,
with himself ax chairman, to draft the
proposed amendments to the rules and
report to tho organization on Tuesday
n, The "Irfsurgcnts" claim that In the
present congress they need but twen
ty-seven republicans to Join the demo
crats to bring about a change In the
rules, while In the 61*t congress they
say they will need but twentyfour re
publican members.
The Venezuelan Blockade.
WILLEMSTAD, Curacao. Dec. 11.—
The government of the Netherlands has
no Intention of being negligent in th*
matter of blockade of the Venezuelan
coast Inaugurated by three of It* war
ships lost week.
The battleship Jacob VanMseroskerk
and th# cruiser G«*k!#rland loft here this
morning at 11 o'clock tor Venezuelan wa
ters. They tove been cleared fdf action.
It Is believed that they will demonstrate
off LeKuati*. Furthermore, they probe-
bly will br-glik seizing Venezuelan mer
chant veeaeis, thus putting a stop to tha
A clash between the warships and tha
coast artillery at forts of Venezuela is
liable to folhw any ra*Ileal action, be-
|th«gownnmn^t Caracas has ox-
Aa«d Sailer In Statea, Pr,
MANDS $25,000.
KINGSTON. Dec.^11—Tha
case of Mrs. Mary S. Ropor, of Brook
lyn. who through becoming entangled
in tho ropes made an Involuntary bal
loon ascension nt tho fair of the Uls
ter county agricultural society In 1906,
was begun In suprem court today. She
demands $26,000 damages.
Ah t)m bag was released the trailing
rope took a half twist about tho com
plainant's nnklo nnd shfl found herself
being pulled violently along tho ground.
In ti desperato effort to free herself, n
Httlo finger was caught In e. loon of
the tightening rope. HuHpcmled from
anklo and finger, thirty feet below tho
basket, Mrs. Roper. If Is alleged rose
400 feet In the air, and while other wo
men fainted at tho flight, sailed nloflg
for -half a tnllo until the aeronaut by
skillful manovrlng brought the balloon
and Its burden safoly to tho ground.
SAVANNAH, On., Dec. 11—Lying
burned and helpless in the bottom of
the pleasure launch "Thomas Uiimna,"
Louis Ambo* was saved In tho nick
of time when tho launch wrecked by
flames sank to the bottom of tho Wil
mington river In tho wntnrs nesr tho
Savannah Yacht Club, late tonight.
Robbers had been noticed aboard the
"Thomas Barnes" and young Ambo*
wlfh a lantern went out In il battenu
to the yacht's anchorage to Investigate.
The robbers had splllod oil nnd gaso
line about the boat and had left an
open can of gaeollno In his way.
Ho followed them so closely that the
spilled gasoline Ignited from his lan
tern and he was seriously burned In
tho explosion that fallowed. Marshal
Hughes In n battenu went out to the
launch, rescued Ambo* and was only
fifteen feet away when the wreckod
craft sunk.
SWAINBBORO. Os.. Doc. 11-Fof
the murder of pi# wife, six months ago,
George Joynnr was hanged herj to
day. Although Joyner confessed sev
eral months ago that he killed his wife,
during the last few wee'^i of his II.V
he protested Innocence anil on th# gal
lows today rcltoro^yd his denial of the
commission of Hm dkjme.
To Awird Pennsnt.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Dec. # ll—Presl.
dent Ksvanaugh has sent out a call
for the annual meeting of the South
ern League Has* Ball Association to
bo held In Nashville next Tuesday. At
tlm meeting the 1908 pennant will he
formally awarded to Nashville.
Osts Heavy aentence.
MILWAUKEE, WIs., Dec. 11.—John
F. flchulta, aged St. former paying teller
of the First National Bank ot IUcIne.
was sentenced today to five years at
Fort Leavenworth by Judge Quarles.
Hchulte embezzled $15,000. pleffted guilty
and asked for leniency. Five years T* the
minimum penalty. Hchulte was arrested
at Cleveland on July 7.
In Through 8leepsr Via Southern
Effective with first car leaving Ma
con Wednesday. December Sth. 7:16
s. m.. and arriving New York Decem
ber 10th. 12: *0 noon, the Southern
Hallway will Inaugurate delly Pullman
drawing room sleeping car service be
tween Macon and New York. Return
ing ttils car will leave New York 4:85
? >. m. end arrive Macon 8:86 p. in.,
allowing evening. Seat fare Macon to
Atlanta SI cents. Por further infor
mation, reservations, etc., call on G.
R PETTIT, Trav. Pas*. Agt, 413
Fourth street. Macon, Ga. Telephone
434. .
Mr. Forest Whmnt, tho advance npent
of tho Traitor, who for the pant several
weeks hn« peon very 111 with typhoid
fever at the Macop city hospital. Is very
much better, ami the physicians nt the
hospital are of the opinion that he will
the Young Men's Christian Association Im abl^^eav^toMd^jonj^iWIo^ien|
Calendar Exhibit by Y. M. C. A. Ladles'
Auxiliary a Success.
The calendar exhibit and sale under
tbs auspices of the ladles' auxiliary of
ernoon and last night, proved qui
attraction and drew nn attendance mat
was ; encouraging to the committee of
ladles in charge. The display of .calen
dars r Is unique and prenenta % study in
art. The walla of both halls are covered
With a great variety of designs, niul In
addition to the calendars from different
business and professional Anns, them
woro calendars of almost overy descrip
tion that had been donated nnd were for
salo at most reasonable prices. The ex
hibit. by request, will t»e repented Mon-
* m. The Wesleyan
of the auxiliary will
day fro m:
studenta nnd .
then be given nn oppoi ....
otto of the finest display ot calendars
produced In -Mnrdfe.
Mr. W. J. Dnvls. of Mncon, nnd Miss
Hnttle Bell Wheeler, ot ITnndllln. woro
qulotly married Saturday evening,
December 6. nt tho residence of Judgo
J. H. Brown In Vlnovlllo, Judge Brown
performing tho ceremony.
Mr. Davis lms n host of friends In
Mncon. who will bo surprised to
leurn of IiIh marriage, nnd who, with
tho members of tho Floyd Rifles, of
which Mr. Davis la a devoted member,
will tvJsh him and hi a brido nil man
lier of congratulations.
Mr. Davis haa been connected with
Judgo Brown's court, hut will give
up his official duties about Junuary 1,
nnd move to Unndlltn. whom ho In
tends making his future home.
Mrs. Jaques Entertains at Afternoon
Bridge Party.
Mrs. 8. R. Jaques was tho charming
hostess nt a beautiful afternoon party at
which aim entertained about twenty
matrons on Wednesday.
Vases of beautiful roses and fragrant
narclssun adorned the mnntelo and tables
in tho rooms open to tho guests, who
enjoyed tho delightful Informal
tnllty dispensed by tho liostrMg.
A beautiful silver orchid bolder . —
the prize given for top scorn nt tho in-
Following tho gamo. which was fin
ished late, a delicious hot supper of
oral courses was served.
condition 1* very much Improved. Her
... J., some time during next week.
While at the hospital. Mr. Wlnant has
received many messages
Led many tnosaagea of aympathy
tho telegraph wires, and the long
^■tro phono from the different mem
bers of his company at their various
atopplng plucea. Tho now* of bli con*
vah-sccnco will be good news to hla many
friends In the tbeatylcal^to
whom ho Is held in the
I profess I
highest <
NEW YORK. Dec. 11—It w*a stated
here tonight, though not officially, that
tho presidency of the Union Trust
Company had h#en offered to Store-
tary of tho Treasury Cortelyou.
It -was said Mr. Cortelyou would
tnko several weeks to decide upon his
8. I. C. A. Holds Executive Seitlon.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Doc. 11.—The
executive couoll of the Southern Intor-
rollegbitn Athletic Association held a
four hours' session behind clossd doors
hero today. Dr. W. L. Dudley, Vander
bilt, president of tba association, pre
sided, and all members of the faumll
wero present except' Dr. Riggs, of Clem-
son. who was detained St Asheville.
Tomorrow two important subjects to
coiiio up are the adoption of a ona-year
rule In nthlotlcs nnd the charges of pro
fessionalism mode against Louisiana
State University.
Coal 8upply Fast Being Exhausted,
8es Sunday's Telsgraph.
QEORQIA, Bibb County.—Curtis Notting
ham liavlng made application for let
ters of administration on the estate of
Gerry Cnlmnlss, Into of said county, de
ceased, to Issue to O. II. Cahanlss: this
Is, therefore, to notify all persons Inter
ested that his application will be heard
on tho flrat Monday In January, 1901.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
Mri. William Felton's
Was Bssutlful Func
Mr*. William If. Felton entertained at
a beautiful party W
about fifty mntruna.
The tables for tho game were arrang
ed In the long plnturo gallery, and the
beautifully gownrtl women wore gather
ed In groups about these engaged In th*
Interesting game.
Mrs. Walter Grace was tbs success
ful contestant for the top score prise,
which was a cut glass bowl.
A hot supper of several courses wns
served after the game, nt the small
tables. . tl4 ,
Mrs. Felton wnw a beautiful afternoos
gown of pink silk, nnd welcomed her
guest* In tho drawing room, wh— “—“
of lovely cut flowers and growl
formod an effective decoration.
.. Holmes Mason entertained the
. .....Tg Women's Sewing Club Thursday |
morning at her homo on uogers avenue a
one of the very delightful affairs tisuf
ally enjoyed by this congenial party of
young women.
The pretty morning room wher* they
sewed was decorated with growing ferns
nnd vases or fragrant narrlasus, nnd a
dainty luncheon was served at middays
Mrs. Mason's gussts were Mins LelM
Birch. Miss Jessie Stephens, Miss Kath
arine Bunting. Miss Leila Want, Mlssl
Frances Btevens. Miss Elizabeth Kyle end
Mis* Edith Ky o. of Columbus; MIm
Flora Bolt Virgin. Mrs. Arthur Codding-1
ton and Mrs. Thomas J. Htewart. pid
H«nk Hlnklo’a Experiment (In col
See Sunday’s Telsgraph.
Mr. Herbert Smart has returned from
Griffin, where he went to attend the
Holt-Koger* wedding.
Miss Lula Jones, of a Llzail«^ haa rs-
turned home after a delightful visit with
friends and relatives In Macon.
Miss Lena Jelks Is sxpseted home to
dsy from Tennllls. where she has baen
visiting Miss Cordelia Csrmtchzsi for ihs
past two wseks.
Misses Julia Bruce and Laura Mai#
Whlddon left this morning tor Illrmlng- ^ that
flam, Ala., where they will vielt Mrs.
Wm. Parker Kennedy.
Miss Clsrenes Houser and Miss Ruth
Whiting, who to
Paul Gilmore In "The Boys Of Company
U," returned yesterday to Fort Vallty.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Troy, of Atlanta,
ar* In the city for the week-end. and
are being pleasantly entertained as the
K iests of Miss Mary Callaway at her
mo on Forsyth street.
Misses Pearls and f*ro Lswta. of ▼*!-
Ins to. who cam# up for the Wllllngham-
JoiJncll wedding, are the guests of their
aunt, Mrs. John C. Holmes, and win
spend some time with her.
Miss Jennie Riley has two charming
Madison girls as her guest* at present.
Miss Annie Lucy Newton and Mias Mat*
Mrs. Charles D. Hurt, who has been
th* guest of Mrs. M. A. Clarke, on Har
deman avenue for a few days, returns to
Atlanta today. Mrs. Burt mae many
friends In Macon, her old home, and has
been receiving a warm welcome.
The frlenda of Mr. J. E. Btrozler will
be pleased to learn that he hae now
besn able to return to the city after a
logg Hines" In fit. Mary's Im-pltal. Jer-
B r City, N. J. Although Mr. StTMtor
* not fully recovered. It la thought
that he will soon be able to resume his
• er duties.
.•a Resale Rruiaon. daughter oT Mr.
gnd Mra Wm. Brunson, who wa# noerated
on Monday last at the Macon rlty hoa*
pltal for appendicitis, la doing nlcelv and
reports from Iks hospital aro tnat her
GEORGIA. Bibb County.—Ben L. Jonas,
admlnlaWstor of the estate. Mrs. Mar
tha A* Jones, lute of said county, de
ceased, liavlng made application for leave
to sell nil the real estate belonging to
the estate of said deceased: this la, there
fore, to notify all persona interested that
hla application will be heard on the first
Monday in January. 1909.
C. M. '
WILEY, Ordinary.
9. E. Ft one
of admlnts-
M. I “
GEORGIA, Dlbh County.-
having applied for lntteJHHHMiMH
trallon on the eatsto of Mrs. M. L. Stone, 1
Into nf snld county, deceased; this Is.
therefore, to notify alt partlea interested
that his application will he heard on tho
flrat Monday In January. 1909.
^jC. M. WILEY, Oratory, ■
QEORQIA, Bibb County.—R. L. Anderson
having filed hla application to be ap
pointed administrator estate of Mrs. 8.
C. Jackson, late of said county, de-
renaed: this la. therefore, to notify all
persons Interested that his application
will he henrd on the first Monday in
January, 1909.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
QEORQIA, Bibb County.—Patrick J. Ly
ons having made application for Isttara
of administration to Issue to him on th*
oatate of W. C. Lyons, |at« of said
county, deceased; this Is, therefore, to
notify all persons Interested that hla ap
plication will be heard on th* flret Mon
day in January. 1909.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
liavlng npplliMi for letters of guard.-..-
shlp for Bam Owens and Frank-Owens;
this Is, therefore, to notify all persons
that her application will be beard on
the flrat Monday in January. 1909.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
QEORQIA, Bibb County—R. L. Ander-
administrator of estate of Mrs. C.
E. Benson, late of said county, dec
* ipplloatlon tor leave 1
itato beloni
having mn'do application for leave to sell
nil the real estate belonging to the es
tate of snld deceased, this Ts, therefore,
to notify all persons Interested that bis
a iplleatfon will be heard on th* first
onday in Januaiy, 1809.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
mndu application for Isttera administra
tion cum testsmento annexo on th* es*
talc of Isaac Iiavls. late of said, county,
deceased, this Is. therefore, to notify all
persona Interested that hfa application
will be heard on th* flrat Monday In Jan
uary. 1909.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
QEORQIA. Bibb County—R. L. Ander-
I non. administrator of the estate Mrs.
Ilsiura Wilson, late of said county, de
ceased, having application for
leave to sell all th* raal estate belonging
to tha estate of raid deceased, this Is,
■■■ notify all persona interest-
illcatlon will be henrd c~
ire. u
t his
th* flrat Mom&y to. January. 1909.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Bibb County—Will be sold
before the court house door In Macon.
Bibb county. Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, on th* flrat Tuesday to
January. 1909, four shares, of the
capital stock of the Atoenn Having* Bante
ot Macon. Go. Par vahi* of, snare of
said stock Is on* hundred dollars, and
said four shares of bank stock belonging
to th* *atmt* of Mrs. Helen a. Woodruff,
late of Bibb county. Georgia, deceased,
and said bank stock Is to bn sold for th*
debts of said
the I
Administrator Estate Helen A. Wood
ruff, Deceased.
QEORQIA, Bibb County.—Will be sold
Iwfnro th# court bouse door of Bi!>b
county, Georgia, between the legal hour*
of sole on the Ilrwt Tuesday In Januanr,l
1 •■*•'.*. th.» following described property:
belonging to the estate of Mrs. Annl*
May Todd, lata of raid county, deceased.
Unit tract of land Situated In Macon.
Ga.. on Huguenln Height* and known ag
lot No. 9. In block No. 14, according to
map of survey; said tract of land front
ing 45 feet on RemUn avenuo nnd run
ning bark 126 feet to ni» nley. also tliat
tract of land In Alocon. Ga., on Huguenln
Heights nnd known according to th*
map of eurvejr as lot No,_| t _!n block No.
9. bHng on the «