Newspaper Page Text
++++++♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ++++++++>|
We Don't
pretend that we can fit every man
without a wrinkle, but unless you’ve
! {ot some extra-ordinary twist we can
it you smoother and better in our
smart suits than you have ever been
fitted before.
_ Perhaps you smile, but we are
waiting to put you to the test.
Try on, just once whether you buy or
not-you can’t lose.
Don't miss our dis*
play of Xmas novel*
ties they are certain*
ly beautiful
MKN .WANTED quickly by bln Chicago
mall order house to distribute cata
logue*; advertise; $3*.<K> weekly; fso.oo
expense allowance. .Manager. Ilept. SI.
385 Wbash Ave.. Chicago.
WANTED—For 1909. manager, .wholesale
lumbar office $1,900; secretary Si.*00;
bookkeeper 11,500; assistant $00; office
S<0; doming, shoes, gents furnishing
goods, dry goods, commissary, etc.. *50
to fl?3. Gtvo age and,experience. Ap
ply American Opportunity Co.. Houston.
The Right Goods
At the Right Price
To the Right Place
At the Right Time
670 Poplar St.
Phones 325-290
►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 4 4+4
Southern Packing Co.
.Choioest Native and Western
620 Cherry St. u Phone 351,
Kay contain a lotion of love and truth
Mtwoon the line*, -but my life of do
ing Plumbing and Tinning work tells
its tale of righteousness on the face
_ of It.
* 4A8. C. QOR'MLY,
Phew 68^ 320 1
. r H. & H. R. HUHN,
• —Repairing of—
Basement Amerloan Nst’l Bank 6lda<
. Phone 187;
Phone 037.
_ 4, U; A. M. Regular convo-
Yy cation Monday night at 7:80
A/l o’clock. Annual election of of-
* * fleers. All members in good
standing requested to be present O. E.
Dooly, H. P. W. B. Chapman, Secty.
WANTED—Uriah: roun, raja batwwn
fllt«n and twenty y.ira old that
us« typewriter and willing
pi, A. A., or, Teledrapn.
WANTED—P.lntlnr, floor. italnod.
plaiterlnir patched, wall tinting. It C.
Walton, Flrat and Cherry. Phona ml.
WANTED—Bolldln* and repairing; leak
In roof atopped or no pay. Wesley
Jackion, Plret and Cherry. Phona Mil.
and Forsyth sts.
y Dumpty circus
rtx's, cor Orange
WANTED—Two young man for nicely
furnished front room; also table board
ers. 1SI Washington ave.. Phone 1SX1.
WANTED—Rentsra for one, two or
three furnished rooms, close in. 74S
Walnut st.
WANTED—To rent a neat Are or six-
room cottar*, close In. Address "A.
care Telegraph.
—— _, to make, best of
At guaranteed; price reasonable.
TEDDY BEARS—Cinnamon and white.
all sues: the kind that talk. Garden.
451 Second st
WANTED—White woman for house
work, small famllv; stats age and
wares expected. ••White,'* care Tele-
WANTED—Watch maker and aalesnnn
WANTED—Position as office man or
salesman by thoroughly competent
|nan : beat references. Competent, care
WANTED—A few gentlemen boarder* at
203 New st.. Phone 2599.
BOYS take a look at our Gun Metal
Blucher at only 32.00. It Is ahead of
anything you have seen. Parks &
IT’S EASY to own a modem and de
lightful villa at Cross Keys; better
than paying rent; seven of them there
watting for you. Phone Ed Welchael
baum at 414 or Ben L. Jones at 83. If
you see one It’s yours.
WANTED—To buy house and lot; give
price and location. Home. Telegraph.
Juvenile book*, toy book*, all kind* of
books fit Brown’s Book Stora.
WANTED—Your Kodah films to develop
and print; sent for and delivered; work
guaranteed. Phone 211.
WANTED—Oood sawyer wants poeltlon
sawing. Address Sawyer, Macon Tele
WANTED—Every one to buy ”8ongs
from the Capital,*’ for a Christmas
gift, on sale at Macon Book Store.
YOUNG lady desires position as book
keeper and stenographer In south
Georgia town. P., care Telegraph.
WI8II to rent hotel or boarding house
In small Georgia town. M.. care Tele
WANTED—Two gentlemen or counts to
board In private family. 759 Mulberry
street Phone 1518.
WANTED—Position by lady steno
grapher, willing and regular, for par
ticulars address •’Stenographer,” care
JAN. 1 FOUR connecting unfurnished
rooms In cottage, near In. Phone 3521.
PRIVATE party wants *n old style
cameo or diamond brooch. Address
•'Cameo." care Telegraph.
Wan#ED—Your cows to pasture; the
best winter pasture In Bibb county.
Jno. C. Alexander, route 5.
WANTED—Graduates of Normal classes
_to take kindergarten trainings terms
150 per year; positions secured. Mrs. T.
C. Parker, President.
WANTED—By lady stenographer, posi
tion for mornings, without compensa
tion. Phone 2482.
SENSIBLE holiday goods; lap robes,
carriage heaters, whips, gauntlets, leg-
gins, riding saddles, bridles and harness.
R. 8. Parmelss Co.
ROCKERS of every description, golden
oak, weathered oak, mahogany and
early English; they’re always good as
Xmas gifts; buy now and avoid tha rush.
WANTED—A good nurse for child three
year* old. Apply 282 College st
HELP WANTED—Railway mall clerk*;
commencement salary I800.M; spring
examinations; preparation* free; write
Immediately. Franklin Institute, Roches
ter, N,|Y.
WANTED—To buy collection of Victor
records; must he cheap for cash. Ad-
drtsa K. L. M.. Telegraph.
WANTED—A few select boarders; choice
moms end all conveniences; privet*
f*mliy. 240 Washington avenue. Phone
CALENDAR sslcamen. experienced In
the sale .of advertising calendar*:
lame line, host selling styles. Imported
and domestic: new line for 1*10 ready
Jan. 1. 1*01: deal with main ofrieo direct,
no middle man. Addreee. with refer
ence#^ Aug. Oa*t Bank Note and LItho.
Palm Barber Shop.
^ ANTED—To rent four or more
furnished rooms first floor, by o
Jnn. L Address Permanent, care
WANTED—Bright young man between
i:f*rm and twenty v*«rs eld t)Aft can
ri? 10 Wfrit * Ap#
YOUNG lady stenographer iJuirm :
ary. K, cars Ttlvgraph.
CIGAR SALESMAN wanted In your lo
cality to represent us sxperisnes un
necessary; 1110 per month and expenses:
write for particulars. Monarch Cigar
Co.. St Louis. Ma __
WANTED—Experienced salesman, one
of good address, "no has beens." A
man well acquainted In Macon prefer
red. Full particular* treated confiden
tial. Address "Hustle-.” ’nslegrr-’
i WANTED—Local v pr^s-ntstlve ac-
quslnted with autonsotfle owners and
Supply house*. Party must tend refer
ences and name* of customers he Is
likely to sella thoroughly practical nov
elty- Auto Tire Co., UIJ Sheridan Road,
Chicago, VL
WANTED—Colored women desiring face
bleach’ to use and sell Snowflake;
pleasing effect instantly seen: :6c Un-
post paid; money refunded If not satin-
factory; bes‘ — "■’■*—
St Joseph,
LADY SEWERS—Make shields at home:
mat trials furnished; $11 per hundred;
. _._ers for our line
Une of custom made suits, trousers and
overcoats: spring line now ready; large
line of samples arranged in an attractive
manner furnished free, 33 1-3 per cent
commission; write for further information
and territory. Warrington Worsted &
Woolen Mills. Dept. 32. 173 Adams st..
FANCY LAMPS for the parlor, hall and
library; handsomely decorated; the lat
est novelties with lace fringe. 31.25 to
$20.00 at Garden’s.
IF YOU were preparing to buy a piano
and called at our store nnd saw ono
for 3175.00. In every particular a* fine
as one a neighbor bought for $360.00.
would you not feel that you had struck
It good nnd strong: well, come to our
store and we will rhowt you that very
thing, and will prove It after 25 years’
selling pianos. Irvine's Ga. Music House.
TOOL CHESTS, magic lanterns, steam
engines, dishes, stoves, trunks, soldiers
nnd mechanical toys, at Ilartz's. cor.
Orange and Forsyth sts.
THE LATEST styles in wall paper; why
not have your house papered or a room
and make It attractive so that Santa
Claus wjll visit you often; we have the
paner and the men to hank It at Brown’s
Bool; Store.
FOR RENT—Splendid office 203-204 sec
ond floor American National Bank.
Apply to Oscar Dooley or C. M. Fulghum.
RENT—Nicely furnished large front
room, all modern conveniences, with
privilege of light cooking. 787 Poplar st.
FOR RENT—Nice 6-room cottage;
strawberry plants and bees for sale by
A. Hsllker, Holt ave.
FOR RENT— Sevon-room cottage, Mad
ison st; all modern conveniences. Ap
ply Mrs. W. H. Pope.
FOR RENT—Three choice connecting
unfurnished rooms. Phone 2167-L.
684 Washington avs.
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished down
stairs rooms, at 619 Spring. Apply at
663 Spring st.
FOR RENT—Large, convenient ware
house. closo tn. E. Trls Napier.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for sleep
ing or housekeeping, close In. 688 First
st.; meal* If derirod.
FOR RENT—Two or three furnlshod or
unfurnished room* for hoarding, sleep
ing or light housekeeping. Address H.,
cars Telegraph. y
TOILET sets $8.60 up. We have some
beauties, hand painted: also nlco line
dinner sets. Garden, 461 Second st
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
first floor, close In, to couple. Phone
2899. 769 Spring st.
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room
to a single gentleman. 727 .College st.
FOR RENT—Large barn nnd stable for
rent; six-room cottage Ornnge st., for
sale; both close in and cheap. John F.
BETTER QUIT paying rent and buy a
cosy home for the same money; there
nre seven of them waiting for you st
Cross Keys: take a look at them and
then ask Ed Welchselbsum or Ben L.
Jones about them. Thone 414 or 89.
harness and road cart; good shape;
for cash. 605, Telegraph.
WE CARRY tho best men’s $2.69 shoe
that Is sold. In Oun Metal, •viol, box
calf; all styles of toe. Parks A Everett.
FOR RENT—Two 6-room houses, Ross
and Ash; one 3-room, Duncan avo. O.
M. Davis. ♦
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
convenient for light housekeeping;
closet and bath same floor; desirable lo
cation. Phono 2186.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms
with or without hoard; all conven
fences. Apply at 448 New at.
»nd army
saddles at bargain prices. 8.
FOR RENT OR RALE—Rest dairy and
truck farm In Georgia; 88 acres with
7-room house' In good repair: stables,
hams, etc.; And meadow; enough good
land to produce a world of vrgetnbl- -
lly. 871 Mulberry. Carling’s flat.
cation. Phono 018.
FOR RENT—Immediate possession, 1181
strong; we have them for girls, too.
■ tenants free. Grand building. Phone
FOR RENT—Two A1 ground floor offices
In Washington hbvk: steam best and
Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma*
Ravings Rank.
FOR RENT—Two Fix-room houses cor
ner Ross and Ash: one four-room
house Duncan ave., nine dollars. G. M.
Davis. •
FOR RENT—One furnished front
wltt *
with conveniences.
FOR RENT—To couple, three nice con
necting moms, second floor. 588 Ar
lington Place. Phone 3871.
FOR BALB-A Pica lot on North High-
lends: nle4 location. I*. T. B.. care
I.ABCOCIC rACERR for, hoys and girls;
these are the health-giving machines.
Garden. 432 Second r.t
FOR SALE—Shetland pony, buggy, har-
iess, rsddl-» and bridle, all
dltlon. K. M. A.. Telegraph.
young o*r....
tw*’ve hundred each: Si
week. Southern Packing Co.
FOR SALE—Six-horse gasolene engine
in perfect running order; 24-tneh cut
ft saw and buck: reason for selling,
have no yao for It nr— * “ ~—
feet. care*Telegraph.
FOR RALE -^Combination buggy and
saddle horse; fast to either; perfectly
gentle and good roadster: not afraid of
— Is tine for hunting horseback.
Combination, care Telegraph.
NEW COTTAGE. 3 rooms, *300 cash.
balance $26 a month. J. L. Ethridge.
Hardeman building.
FOR BALE—NIc* filly, well broke; be
four year* old this spring; fine action,
good speed and standard bred, though
have no papers. Address Filly, care
THE LATE8T styles In wall paper; why
not have your house papered or a room
and make It attractive so that Rant*
Claus will visit you often; we have the
paper and the men to hank It at Brown's
Book Store.
FOR KALE—Good'work horse; will plow
op do any kind of work • and city
broke; plenty of energy. Have more
than I need. Address Energy, care Tel
FOR SALE—Large house on the hill:
nicest location for apartment house or
family hotel; has half basement, two
furnished stories and large attic that
could he made inio living rooms; largo
lot and alley In rear; recently painted,
repapered and new plumbing: three
baths. W. H. Young. Macon. Ga.
Phone 1222.
COME AROUND at night when yon hove
time to spare and see our bargain pia
no*. hear our beautiful music boxen and
inh-ophones, an well as other mimical nov
elties; bring your wife, daughter, *weet-
henrt or the other fellow's sweetheart
and liavo a pleasant time: wo not only
want you tn see our stock, but see the
handsomest piano wareroom In the south.
Ilthtcd up; see what an eleaunt music
hnll you nave right here la Macon; you
will be charmed; open every night after
supper from 7 to 9 till Xmas; come. Ir-
vlnn's Ga. Music House.
FOR SALE—169,000 feet good send-hand
yellow pine lumber; better than half
the new; of nil dimensions; from 37.00
to $15.00 per thousand; also 60,000 square
fe*»t second-hand tin roofing at prices to
null you. Apply to T. G. Holt, 319 Osk
nt.. Mncon, Oa.
FOR SALE—Fruit trees, peach, apple,
pear, plum, pecan, cherry, figs, grape.
J. C. Jones, 304 Fort Hill st., Macon.
FOR SALE—Cypher's model Incubator.
60 eggs; nearly new; cheap for cash.
Apply Thomson. R. 2.
FOR SALE CHEAP—Offleo fixtures.
consisting of hat rack, book rnse. deak.
architect's cabinet and two office chairs.
Phone 602.
FOR SALE—Nice fat hogs, any size.
enn be delivered on short notice at 10
cents pound. Jno. C. Alexander, route 6
DON’T PAY any rent when you can
buy your own home. Just as chesply at
Cross Keys; beautiful place: delightful
houses; better see ’em and u*. Wetch-
■clbaum and Jones. Phone 414 or II.
FOR SA LE—Building lot on Vlnevllle
’.ave. Seventy-one foot front. Very de
sirable. Bargain. O. M. Davis.
YOU CAN buy something good for the
health of the boys or girls, as well as
suit their fancy at B. B. Parmelee Co.’s.
FOR SALE—Handsome to v automobile;
..must be seen td bo appreciated. Phone
FOR SALE—Four beautiful shepherd
puppies, six weeks old. five dollars
each. R. G. Bullock, Cross Keys.
FULL I.INE of boy’s shoe.*, stylish and
good, ut prices not matched anywhere.
Patks & Everett.
BEAUTY FLOUR has the world’s phze
for making angel food cake. Ray
Beauty to your grocerymun nnd get tho
VINEVILLE. lot 66 bv 210, worth on*
thousand, eight hundred buys It next
week. J. L. Qthrldge, Haraetnan build
FOR SALE—Nice new cottage In Vlne
vllle; cheap If sold before Jan. 1. Par
ty leaving town. Address Bargain, care
FOR SALE—Party leaving city will"
sell his house and mokn ennv terms
nnd small monthly payments of $20 to
$25 to party who will meet same prompt
ly. Address “Owner," Telegraph.
FOR KALE—Frazier buggy! rubber tires;
freshly painted; price $25.00. A Bar
gain. Macon Buggy Co. . y •
FOR KALE—Cabbage plants, grown in
open, fine stock. Apply J. \V. Ama
zon. 858 Second st.. or at farm. 2 miles
Houston road. Telephono 1397. Try a
few 1 nm setting out myself.
THE ONLY place to find what you want
In thp toy line at Ilartz’s, cor. Orange
nnd Forsyth sts.
FOR SAT.E—Goss perfecting press, with
complete stereotype outfit; good order;
prints 4 or 8 pages: $1,250 fob Maoon.
Address Telegraph. Macon, Ga.
FANCY WORK BASKETS 16c up. scrap
baskets nnd clothes hampers made by
the St. Regis Indians; nlco thing for
Xmus. Garden.
FOR KALE—Ten-horse Schofield strum
_ engine and boiler; good running order;
$150 Tor outfit. Macon Telegraph.
FOR SALE—An eld violin, second hand,
but In good condition. L. Z. Ross,
East Macon.
BOOKS are best for Christmas gifts;
there Is one for you to give, si.d you
will enjoy looking for It at Brown's Book
FOR KALE—Sweet Indian river oranges,
cost no more than the common; send
$1.25 for box. J. E. Miller. Titusville,
FOR HALE—True Tucker, 2:16%; 7
years old: a fine roadster, absolutely
sound, kind nnd gentle; price 1400.00
liny gelding, full brother to Bonner,
2:05*4: an excellent roadster. 6 yesrs old
and absolutely sound; price $250.00.
These hordes can be seen Monday at De
Whitney’s stables, Central City Parit,
Macon, Ga.
FOR SALE—Or exchange, hundred and
fifty acres land on railroad. J. L. Eth
ridge. Hardeman building.
FOR ftALFr-Oinartes, guaranteed sin
ger*. $2.C0 delivered; females $1.00.
cages 76 to $1.50. Box 118 Cochran, On.
FOR SALE—Canary birds, good singers.
Want one or pair for Xmnn present?
Place order with Head & Head,
FOR SALK—A fine line of Indian relief,
gold, silver. Iran and copper specimens,
old pistols, curio, etc. 487, earn Tele-
FOR SALE QUICK—Gas itov* cheap.
*16 New SI Phone 3368.
FOR SALE^-English-Jersey cow. 3 gal
lons; frarii In milk; easy milk; younr
heifer calf. Can be seen at No. 1423
Third st.
FOR SALE—H!xty ocros land, fins for
poultry, with tlmhor enough to pay for
R. For price apply to W. J. Shinholser,
140 Ells st., Soutii Macon.
THEBE Is po»Hn» so mneh appreciated
as a book; therefore, why not give a
book for Chrlrtnrasf
PEOPLE enjoy to the grerteat degra#' of
•Tfet* Wh«-r» they can deal with a firm
which bos »ei-n In a Hr# of burint-ss for
35 years; an unreliable firm could not
have been In business so long; humbugs
soon run tiumr'ilve* out; now. In nttylng
an expensive thing ns a plsno, had you
not better patronize an old established
firm where you run no risk: our stock
for thla Xn.tis not only beautiful l»eyond
comparison, hut low In price; thin* of
It. new phno *-t»r*nteed 18 years, 3173.60.
Irvine's Ga. Music House.
HAIR OOOLR-BrsMs. Pompsdoun.
puffs mad- to order; your cnmMngt
company to be known as the South
ern States Manufacturing Company
has been organized here with a capi
tal of 110,000 for the purpose of man
ufacturing and putting on the market
;i cotton chopper. J. A. McCrary i»
president of the company; J. W. Gar-
innd. vice president, and J. T. Middle-
brooks, secretary und treasurer.
The cotton chopper Is thought to be
an Implement which will revolutionize
the cultivation of cotton. Strange as
It may aeem the Implement was orig
inated and patented by a negro farm
e rof Monroe county, where it wai
used with success. The new company
Is now' arranging for the manufacture
of the Implement and expect to put
it on the market for the next sea-
Odd Fellows to Meet.
Division Deputy Grand Master L. A.
Collier, of this city, has called a di
vision meeting for the Tenth district
of Odd Fellows for January 7. 1909,
to he held In the hnll of R. E. Leo
Lodge, No. *3, of Bamesvllle. The
division Is composed of all the lodges
In the counties of Flke, Monroe, Rutta,
Henry, Fayette, Spalding and Upson,
and It la expected that there will be
more than dne hundred representa
tives present at the meeting.
An Interesting program has been
arranged and local committees nro
now at work planning entertainment
for all who may bo In attendance.
Among the distinguished vlaltora nnd
speakers will be Hon. Robert T. Dan
iel, of Griffin, pant grand master nm
grand representative; Hon. J. T. lllu
lock, of Valdosta, grand master, and
Hon. J. P. Davis, of Rome, deputy
grand master. Among the other at
tractive features will be a contest by
several lodges for prize In first de
gree. The occasion Is being looked
forward to with interest by Odd Fel
lowship throughout the division.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. E. L. Rogers, of Bamesvllle,
nouncoa the- marriage of his stater.
Mar)' Roger* nnd Mr. Abner 8. Holt,
of Macon, on Thursday. Decemher 10.
Sensible, lasting Christmas
Wood-Peavy Furniture Co.
What Women Wear
By Catherine Mann Payzant.
NEW YORK, Dec. 12—Aa the colder
weather approaches a woman naturally
turn* towards the Idea of new fu™. In
addition to It* comfort nothing will
give a - costume A more elegant nnd
sumptuous appearance than a four gar.
ment or a trimming of fur.
Thero afo few now furs thla season
except the silvered lynx and pointed
fox. The first of these Is very like
the silvered fox that was no fashion
able last season. It Is a soft, lustrous
black flecked with white os though
Mr. Lynx had Just come out of a anow
flurry. The pointed fox la a beautiful
deep brown and has also hair tips of
■Baby lamb, caracul and uatrskan are
still as well ,liked as formerly, al
though they have had a vogue of three
years. Many coats will be mad# from
these furs, especially the long gar
ments. for the manufacture™ have
now found processes by which these
pelts inay b 0 made very light aa w«ll
aa keep their warmth. One would sup
pose that fur waa elegant enough »n
Itself not to need any decoration, but
the .fashion of th* day Justifies the
addition of braid, fancy buttons, velvet
Insets and straps of silk or velvet.
To tell the truth, although the method
has the aanetlon of fashion, It spoils
the beauty of the pelts to thus cover
them over with other materials Noth
ing is so beautiful as a long coat of
some fine fur mud* with graceful lines
and fine finish depending wholly upon
its own beauty.
Best Skin Popular
Long-Haired tutz ate being made u|t
into long coats to a large extent this
winter. For the hslf-fitting. Half-
length coats, sable, mink, chinchilla
and the new fox skins are used. Seal
skin hss com* again Into its own end
of the furs none have mere elegance ot
richness than the seal skin. Unfor
tunately. the sealskin Is almost too
heavy for the long coat, although they
are worn; In reality, the Imitation seal
Is a lighter and better fur for Un
ion! coat. Hut for the muff, collar or
short coat or as a trimming, senlskln
has a place of Its own and with care I
It will lost for yea™, better than any
other fur.
Mink still continues to keep Its place
on the list of modish furs. Borne lovely
garments ar to be found In this fur.;
A half*fitted eoat was developed front
this akin end fastened with big Jeweled
buttons. The neck was finished with
one of the new ruffs of satin overlaid |
with lace and a narrow piece of fur ;
In the center. Often, to gain the «ort-
walsted effect now so popular, the
markings of the skins are so arranged !
that the tines shall run down to the
bust In long lines, and the skirt por
tion of the ooat has the lines going In
an opposite direction. 8ometlmca the
order Is ruversed.
The little satin lace and fur ruff
than a very heavy piece
Caracul wes used to dt
tolre coat. Below the rev_._ .
buttons covered with fur. A black liberty
antln. tie was an attractive addition to
thh -stylish mat. At ttra throat was a
large nnd handsome gold buckle.
Fur Cape* Much Worn.
Fur capes, some made in fichu style,
are much worn at present. One. an even-
in- wrap of crinlne. fell In long graceful
lines both front nnd back and was gath
ered In a point nt the waist Une from
which point fell four or flv# long tails,
itriage wear, a similar wrap might
bo l
ado in the more heavy fu™.
A dirootoire roat. rather shorter than
Is urunl In this model, was made of
broadtail and lined with a silk having a
tapestry pattern, and the same silk
mounted on a heavy foundation was used
for the vest. Passementerie decorated
the fronts below the rsver# and the points
of the turned-hack cuffs.
The dlrcclolre Influence la th« mn«t
pronounced feature In the cut i
cd' r ea,of the new eoat* as well aa deco
rating its flat surfaces.
Se f-Toned Llnlnos Liked.
Self-toned linings are best liked at the
prenent moment, but for an evening wrap
to be worn over a light dress, to obey
the dictates of fashion la the better Judg
ment. When a eelf-toned lining Is used
the facing on the Inside of the fronts
are often very ornate, with a similar line
of trimming seen on the outside, as |f It
were not enough to cover the outside, but
that this love for over-ornamentation has
crent to the lining also.
The pererlne and shawl wraps are fa
vorites Just now for ermine and the flat
surfaced fu™, while caraoul and lamb
are u*-d moet for the long loose straight-
hacked coats trimmed with much sou
tache hrnld. Velvet and black fox coats
are going to be worn. There may be the
ooat of fur with velvet with hUge collar
cuffs and trimmings of velvet. A muff of
for ehotild ocoompsuv the coat.
Tho Idea of combining two or more
furs ts still prevalent and If rood taeto Is
used, and only two furs, tne effect Is
wonderfully rich In contract. For In
stance. an ermlno stole of ermine was
edited with sealskin and the dark brown
rich surface of tho sea! sets off th* white
fur to perfection, giving It a warm glow,
hot Its own by reflection.
The collars and stoles all show tong
lines, except In the case of the little
ruffs. Pains are taken In the stoles and
colls™ that the markings of the fur ahall
carry out the Ido* and run up and down,
and great care Is also taken to show
off the natural markings to the best ad-
vantage. It Is supposed to be the hell
mark of the real article, which Is after
all a fallacy, llko many other such no
Muffs are large and will cover the
whole front of the skirt, but the fur la
so light nowadava that they are not so
uumbarsom* and heavy as one would
suppose them to be. A great many of
tho muffs are now lined with a second
fur. as a senhtkln with ermine, or a
brown fox with chinchilla.
A Pretty Muff.
A pretty muff seen on the boulevard
the other day was a handsome whole
"kin of sable, but the real muff through
which the hands were passed was of
shirred chiffon exactly matching the aa-
out to Cross Keys anJ
look nt those beautiful villas Ben L.
Jones and Ed. Welchaelbaum have bullL
Seven of ’em there on mighty easy
terms; Just like finding a home; ask
about thorn and move. Phone 414 »
. ROYB AND OIRL8—Bicycles, veloel
pedes, tricycles, automobiles, hand cars,
hobby hones, doll carts, express wagons,
goat wagons and gnat harness. 8. 8. Par-
melee Co.
STURGIS reclining and folding doll go-
carts; latest novelties, all ateel. non-
breakable. Garden. 462 Second at.
BEAUTY FLOUR Is the best, not aa
good. Say Beauty Flour to your —
ceryman and get the best.
ALLEGRETTI candy. Darby candy,
Schaff’a candy. Huvlera, Peter's choc-
F 'latc. Tenney's candles and crystalllzod
rults. J. Coserlo.
CABBAOB PT^ANTS of superior strains!
grown by C. M. Gibson. Young's Island,
S. C. Write for Illustrated catalogue and
prices. Full count and satisfaction guar
BOOKS *™ beat tor Christmas gifts;
for you to give. snd_—
ng for it at If—
will enjoy looking for it at Brown's Book
WANTED—Bright young i
fifteen and twenty .years
use typewriter and willing V
ply A. A., car* Telegraph.
BY SPECIAL arrangement with <
ffcrlng superb
pianos, father than return them, at fac
tory cost; pianos have 16-ycar warrant,
elegant mahogany case, solidly
——**■“ weighing MO pounds; we
strucled, weighing M0 pounds] _
sell them alongside any l3°0 to 3*50.f# ca, 607 Ch#fry st.
pianos made; our price, tills sale. 1160.00
and $173,«•; after 35 years b;-»ln*aa ex
perience In Macon our guarantees and
rr-presentatlonn nre worth something to
piano purchasers. Irvine ■ (la. Music
Hours, 364 Third
pine i
be sure to have th*
~ ’ mber Co. furnish It
1 and turn!
Georgia ?iL, * L
you from their planing mill
yards, cornsr fllxth and Cher., ......
eighteen years’ experlenrs in the lumber
— Jn position Jo meet the
„— — „ v - , ...... —. lumber
yards, cornsr fllxth and Cherry sts.; with
eighteen * —“**— '*■* —
business, ... „ ....
sharpest competition on any alas or shape
of long leaf yellow pine, rough or dressed
—all gradea—and we deliver the grade we
sell; complete stock framing, weather
boarding, flooring, celling., finish, shingles,
laths, lime and cement piaster, door and
window frames made to order; small as
well as large orders will receive our
prompt attention. Telephone f2o.
•'AMERICAN OIRL," shoes for ladles,
12.60. This shoe Is famous for Its slyte
and wearing qualities. Parks 4k Everett.
WE HAVE th* only ti
coasts; ask your boyi
e*ne. B. 0. Pi —
hand csra that
—ys whst "cosbi"
'nrmelen Co.
BEAUTY FLOUR has no equal. It Is thn
best. Aek your groeeryman for It.
HAL|7s~SCHOOL FOR'iOTS“oan“admV»
a few more pupils after Xmas. Apply
now for admittance. Call at 207 Colton
ave., or phone 461, aiyl ask for Mr. Hall.
Flower apples. P. sweet
nuts, figs, raisins. J. Coserlo.
First class stenographic work. No. 8
Grand building. Phone 370.
Juvenile hook*, toy Injcks. all kinds of
honks at Brown's Book Store.
REAL ESTATE LOANS— *100 and up-
wards; no d*tay;lo*ns closed within 24
hours, ffarrold Banking ana Saving*
» bottle jHp Dan-
n sale at Pa'm
- only 60c. This sal* lasts
SHOO-rLY HORSES for boys and girls;
these arc the health-giving machines.
Garden. 462 Second st.
able monthly. J. J. '
it Havings Bank
only one more week. You will have to,
hurry; money refunded If not sattsfio-1
tory, I “ 1
— ■ -■ ! SUBSCRIPTIONS received for any msg-
klndn and sizer eetne r*r peo*r putvlxhefl at lowest rate
>r. Orayge and at Brown’s Book Store.
CIVIL SERVICE employes are paid well
for easy woik: examinations of all
kinds soon: expert advice, sample ques
tions and booklet 458 describing posi
tions nnd telling enslest und flUldleSt
way to secure them free. Write now.
Washington Civil Service School, Wash
ington. D. C.
BOA RDERH—KeevesHousa llaeoo, Oa.;
a refined family hotel; |1.M a day ana
up; weekly rate given.
CABDAGE PLANTS. .Garden Plants.
Grown in the open air will stand the
iqfqest winter. rncea^FM^ggMMMi; ' ‘
I to 4 thousand.
coldest winter. -
91.St; 4 to » thousand. $1.23; over 9 thou
sand. 11.00 per thousand. T O. B. Msg-
getty Hj_C. W# havt special express
AN RASY WAY to start a business that
»^||Bay several thousand dollars an-i
**!llng merchandise hv mail; lm-
plan; we furnish everything arid
■■ou bow;* to *Ad^^siMMar~
Mhbura-Jfl'.kg. Chicago.
Mi Vrtl. u« for writ. Mlllt .nd . , - —
propoMilon. If. II. Hllt.h Co.. book for
H. C.. the lorc-.t tru.k farm In llir wnrld
•void th. ru»h. Q*rd»n, 4«a
(Till.till your CluUtmM lurk.v of J. J.
.tuoxani, Oprn Mwidow Iralry. Mo-
I f now and
econd St
flUBSCIUPTIONfl received for any n—
aside or pun«r published at lowest rate
at Brown’s Book Store,
WOULDN’T YOU walk a half block off
lh« main «tr.«l to mi Ira per crailf
Of course you would. If you knew you
could do It: I.t our prlo*. or. fumlfgre
and houm (urul.hlnf.; you'll h, con-
vlnoad. Garden.
THERR Is nothing so much appreciated
ns a book: therefor*, why not give a
Morris chairs,
ly English finish.
YOST—Coral pin on Mulberry or New
LOST—-Automobile crank handle. Re
ward If returned to W. N. Hhlnbelscr,
Fourth aad Plum ala.
A. & P.
All Ready for Christmas
Everything Fresh, O’.ean and priced Lower Than Yon
Will Find Elsewhere for the Same Quality.
Come and see our goods and let them speak for
themselves, tho superior quality and freshness shines
forth so that none will fail to recognizo their goodness.
Our prices will toll wlmt groat values we are offer
ing. *
Don’t he mislead by those who would deceive you
for their own gain.
See for yourself. * i
Wo have some Special Values for tomorrow.
Finest Cleaned Currants, pound package ....
Best Seeded Raisins, pound package ..........
Best Lemon Peel, a jHiund
Best Ornnge Peel, a pound
Fitted Dates, n package
Persian Dates, a package
Figs, a box
Extra Fnncy Figs, 25o baskets
Fancy Tnlile Raisins, a pounl
New Fancy Walnuts, a pound
New Filberts, a pound
Now Brazil Walnuts, a pound
New Pecans, a pound
New Paper Shell Almonds, a pound
New Crop Nuts, mixed, n pound
SPICES, all fresh nnd strictly pure, nnd very strong.
Fancy A&P Elgin Creamery Butter, fresh arrivals.
Wo import our own Coffee and do not have to pay any i
ono a profit except the grower.
Wo roast our own Coffee nnd hnve the best, and most /
modern equipment that enn be bad.
We know wo can sell you better Coffee than other j
stores, bccauso wo get better Coffeo to sell.
Do you think any other store cun get ns good Coffey |
ns wo got at the same cost as wo pay for itt
Then if wo can got it better nnd at a lower prico-|-
whnt do wo do with it—keep it to look ntt So thank
you, wo sell it, and sell more of it because the public
know it iis bettor than they can get from fourth-banded
IT PAYS YOU fu 1)11 v from first luimk. wlmi-e von
Fancy Strong Blond Coffeo, a pound 20c
A&P Special Blond, a pound 25c
Java, Mocha and Mnrncnho Blend, a pound 30c
Fancy Jnva nnd Mochn, a pound 35c, 3 pounds for $1.00
Wo aro first hands nnd roast our own Coffee, and
will givo you something thnt will please.
Dec. 14th to 19th, inclusive, Free ’
Given away to encli purchaser of Tea. Coffeo or
Flavoring Extracts or Baking Powder, fifty rents worth,
this week only. The quantity of those Chinn Salad
Bowls is limited nnd if you wait until the last day, they
may all bo gone.
"Remember ttie enriy bird” nnd come nnd get yours
before they aro nil given out.
The Great
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
PHONE 1590.
PHONE 1590.
P. S.—Mail orders given enreful attention, and snt
isfnetion guaranteed to all, or your money hack.
hi. ful ami over this Inn.r muff th. .kin
<i ihadee. according to the part of the
>rld It la brought from. Fox la an-
othar Inatanca or tola dlffarent ehadln*
^opoSoum^ur la on* of the warmeat
and ncheat. and withal * ejaapar fur
and therefor* one that th* buyer with a
limited amount abould chowau. .
cirw. wss & r tKsss
tSL fry
In the moat rccklaa* manner Juat *■
would uae tsaaal* or pendant*. They
ar* especially pretty to maka lho now
fa'hletahta ifttr* ruff* for the neck when
jald against a black or dark shade of
skill# with the’ h**d. f.i»ten S l together
In th* back and then left to fall straight
In th* front. I* *tlll
For long coat* of •’Toth, where addi
tional warmth Is r«Gulre*d aM
squirrel, which are not too vaponslvu.
are frequently used. . For each coat* or
wrap*, when Intended for evening wear,
ermine la th# beet Weed fur. If one can
stand th# expans*, for armln# la by no
means a cheap fur.
rall«4 att«
cartalI) fur. will b« uacd fur
•II aorta of caato ami wrap- thl. hmm
saw a
made In Dlrsctolra style. With a lisUf-
long cost of caracul having the finishing
characteristic* of th# Dlrsctolra coa*.
though net so long, will be often seen
thl# winter.
Three Miner* Killed.
MOUNT VERNON. HI., Doc. 12.*-
Three men were killed today bv an
explosion In th# R*-rul mine, nearThcr*.
Th- damage amounted to 140.000.
Tho tipple and Mr pump were
wracked waking r«».ue of the throe
men Impossible.
OAKLAND. Cal.. Dec. 12. - Adrien Le-
Busf, for three yeara ca*hl- r of Halo
Bro.’s dry good *tore In t> ,.«■ city, hae
been arrested on a chary- >r -intwzxi--
lie confessed to the police thnt he had
used about 320.000 of ti- firm’* money
during the lam four monil.s <n gambling,
chiefly in |>f»>I room betting on horse
LeBuef In 23 years old end ha* a wife
■ Sensiblo, lasting Christmas
Wood-Peavy Furniture Co.
Bne-lil Delivery Stamp*.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.—In announc
ing today that tho n«w to .-nt ap-dat
delivery stamp will ho place.t ce eah- hi
this city next Monday, th- poaioirtfc de
partment fill- attention to it* opposi
tion to discontinuing the us* of that
Stamp. Thl* 1* denplte the authorised
prirtiro or uffixlni-' the word* ’ hP.-cIh!
delivery” written or printed on th- en
velop**. In addition to tho ordinary