Newspaper Page Text
107 and W Mulberry it, £-
liory brick building. Second *torjr
arranged for rraldenra. BARGAIN for
Orange «i. ra*ldtnre, jo rooms, re
cently overhauled and painted. Alley
..n 2 eldee; large 'c..
Two-atory brick atore In food bust-
nra« locality. Will exchange for email
farm, inquire a: office # or particu
lars. . „
New Cottage; large lot. at Crumps
Six-room dwelling and 4 arras In
f Uellevu
• i June gin ui nvc >cur» oiu. * uuim- m' 1
16 aerra near town. . lenty of wa- to fP hool but I want Jo very much. I
' ter and woods. $1,160.
100 acres splendid level land
i Improvements; fine
i 4r Some aplendld farms from $9.00 per
I acre up. . •
! Home fund* on long time at 7 per
(cent. CmII on me next week BURK.
For Rent
No. 414 Fourth St 140.00
No. 37. Or»iif« St !!? ??
No. 453 Second St * S5 ‘S2
No. ««« Poplar St IW.J*
No. 742 Collet!,. St 135.00
No. 270 Columbu. St.........120.00
No 416 Poplar 150.00
To Loan
More people come to ua for lonna
Ihun go to any one else. The reasons
are plain: We always hav«* the money
In the bank ready to pay. We make
examinations promptly; that means
no delay for you. We have ona
charge to everybody.
Geo. B. Turpin Sons
For Sale
A neat five-room cottage on about
nn acre of ground fronting car Una,
near Log Cabin Club an extremely dealr
able place and with plenty of room
for another liouac without crowding.
Trlco $2,600. This la cheap consid
ering location and Improvcmcnta. Cun
make reasonable terms If wanted
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
565 Mulberry Street.
For Sale
In Vincvillc, on the car lin<V,
I offer a six-room cottage, on
large lot, for a quick sale, at
This is a new ltonse and has
porcelain tub, cabinet mantels,
and is generally wlmt is called
a modern house. I can make
terms with a fair cash pay
Frank B. West
Real Estato and Insurance,
417 Cherry St.
For Rent
II Hill Park Hr. 7-r $27.50
... Cleveland A vc., 6-r........ $is.oo
467 Duncan Av«\ s-r $20.00
221 Duncun Avc., 7-r I1R.R0
III Cleveland Av S-r... $20.00
195 Piedmont Avc., 5-r $12.50
113 Lamar Ht.. 6-r $25.00
421 Doundury St., f.-r ..$20,00
60S Hawthorne Ht.. 5-r $12.00
US Reinbcrt Ave., 7-r.......,,..$27.60
725 Anderson st.. g-r $20.00
... Lilac Ht.. 5-r $
A plot of nix (6) beautiful lota, front
ing Relievin' avenue on t;:r tin© Just
beyond l*'R Cabin, finely Ideal©fl and
will make apb-mild home *lte*. bealdea
there ta about one.lutir acre In etch
lot. We offer th© entire plot of alx
lou all for ONLY $600.
Jordan Realty Co.
Real Estate, Insuranco
and Loans.
Phono 1136.
4th National Bank Building.
think I will go next year. Pieaae bring
me doll and a doll carriage and another
little tiny doll In a bath tub and a bed
and a little stove and table and a play
anner and a little parlor sot. I recon
1 aught not ask for ho much for 1
have a U'gger sister that wautM you to
come to seo her. Pleas© bring m« some
indy and fruit.
Hunt© Chapman, Forsyth: As It Is
near time for you to visit m« again
I will tHi you what 1 want a bid doll
black hair and eye* doll carriage a
little piano a tea'set set ehalrH. f am
a lUUe girl r» ne year* old In the fourth
cbtHM at school. My teacher Is MIhs
Virginia Hollamon. Dont forget to
bring nil kinds of good thing to eat.
Please do not forget my two little sla
ters und brother Mattie, Annie and
Wallace. Bring them everything nice
Isaac Hunnlcutt, Llxella: I am a
boy 7 yrs old und live In tho country.
want some marbles a ball and bat &
goat and wagon acme fruit candioa
ud nuta and please dont forgot my fire
works and remember there Is Just 4
of us kids thuts me Im nam<>d Isaac,
and then Jacob, Lottie and Jasper
bring them anything you want them to
have you can com© out the Colum
bus ltd. that la tho heat way.
Huldln Taylor, Llxella: I am a
little girl I yrs. old and I want you
to bring me a thimble a work basket
a doll and little trunk a tub and board
and somo oranges apples and candy
my 6!tt!o>coualn Thelma Randall thinks
you cant come way out in th* coun
try but I know you can cause you have
already been hero beforo pleas© dont
forget all the other Uttla contry chil
Juet McCommon, I/xolla. I am a
little country hoy 7 years old and X
live with my grandma and I want you
to come to see in© and bring roe a
gun a wagon a flying glnnle a wheel
barrow and It full of camly apples
oranges nuts and bananas dont forget
my title aunt Gladys she Is 4 yrs old
you ran come In at the front gate but
be *ur© und dont drive over grandmas
l«©t>na Hlmpaon, Macon: Tam 6 lit
tle iprl Just 6 its old. I cant write
but mama will write for me I wish
you would please bring me 1 doll 1 doll
carriage 1 Teddlo bear and Todle bear
carriage 1 stow and table a little
sewing machine thread and needle a
work box a Uttl« cradle for my doll
and please bring m© some lUUe chub's
please Hnnta dont forget my little alck
brother Eugene. Of course you will
bring me some fruits X will keep all
my toys nnd try to be a good little
Clifford Hlmpson. Macon: T nm only
5 yrs old dont forget me because I nm
little, but please bring me some tools
and a whip and a wagon and a big
wnfcon and a big too too train please
dont forget little sister Fannie May
she Is only 7 ntonts ©Id you can bring
her n little rattler wont you please
bring me a doll Ilk© you did last
Christ man I am u llttlo boy but I love
Andrew Preston. 520 Telfair: I want
to tell you what I want your to bring
me for Christmas. I want n street car
nnd n red wagon and ft mignlo lanton
and n try side nnd some fruit I am
only 10 yrs old and agood boy,
Albert Maddox. Macon: Please slnd
men blllle goat wagon und hornln and
bo die 1 am n little boy Just 12 yef.r*
old. bring mo some goad fruit and
don’t forget my little sister bring her
a little doll I ennt right but X got iny
little sister to right it for ms. I will
cion© for this time.
Ethel Maddox, 51$ Telfair: Please
bring me a p'ann nnd ft sleepy doll and
bed nnd rocker and to strait chair and
Home of fruit and dont forget my little
alstor she can walk and say maran
and papa bring her a doll and bring me
a t© sot.
neck chain and a heart and ft piece of
hair ribbon and dont for get my mam
ma and papa and bring them some nice
frhit and please dont for get mb.
Mertlc© Hardy, Montlcello: I am a
little girl six years old. I want you
to bring m© a big doll with blue eyes
and curly hair a teaaet a ring, a stove
and dont forget to bring some oranges
and other good things to eat. •
Lois Hardy, Montlcello; I am a
llttlo girl nine years old. PIoos© bring
me a piano a doll carriage, a safe and
a story book dont forget to bring me
lots of good things to eaV.
P. 8.—I forgot to tell you to bring
me a doll rocking chair.
Juhun Moor©
OnrlMtmas. I a _ __
old. I wont you to please bring
wagon and hnnnexn with aheves to tho
wagon. A born und h drum and lot of
good things to eat and fru:s and nuts. I
have been a good, little boy. I wont you
to bring me u’r gun a lot of shots to go
“* It. I am going to school I am tn tae
nmiQ Laxative Fruit Syrup
ijaw CS Si tm wi cSf Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate
Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble
Fred Moore. Gray: It4a almost Uhrist-
tlttie boy 9 years old.
wont you to pica
. train and
. . C
track. I wont you to bring me* a born
and m wi ©**l l*my>g and lot of good things
to eat and fruia snd nuts and a wagon
and there* stud bonnes. I liave been a
good llttlo boy.
n little wagon a piano I like to
’uno. If you dont find me at 214 urignt
1 will be at my grandpa hourse.
Francis Stafford. 214 Bright street:
. lease bring me n doll, a tabic some
chairs a tea set a bom and a school bell,
a pair of skates a gold ring a bracelet
and a wnsbstandset and bring mo aome
fruit and somo fireworks a little cradle
a bed a rocking chair. Miss Gertrude
Freeman, my teacher Is named a piano a
blble a work box I am In the third grade
grandpa bourse.
Horace II. Btrlngfelton, 621 25 st, Co
lumbus; I will be four year* old next
May. 1 am sometimes a good boy. I
mean to be good all the time but they
ssy I am meschlevous to which I see lot
of fun In I can write to grandma she un
derstands it but you l dont think could
hftrdly do so as you are rush with ordora
and liavent much time I will get my lit
tle cousin Katie Belle Malloy to*write for
me I go to the Rose Hill Ilabtlst Huhday
School my teacher Is Miss Kff|o Chase
she a very sweet Christian lady 25 Utile
tolls In her class wo know a lots of pret-
tv little songs about Jesus now Bantu
Clause wont you bring mo a large horse
with a saddle and straps so I esn ride
also a billy goat and a wagon and u set
of marbles and tops a train so I can blow
It and brlUR me an nutomcblele and ptese
do not forget my llttlo friend girl Evelyn
Bird also Misses Annie and Mamie Arn
old dear Mrs. Johnson to of course
papa and mama will expect something
Beall Wood. Columbus; I am a little
girl three years old. I will get my little
auntie to wrlto for me my name la Annie
Belle McClutig I do not to lie greedy Sa
Stimulation Without Irritation.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative syrup combined with the deli
cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas
ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken.
It is much more pleasant and effective
than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters,
as it does not derange the Stomach, or
irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels.
Oriho Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi
tively cure chronic constipation as it re
stores the natural action of the intestinal
tract.- Ordinary cathartics may give tem
porary relief but the stomach is upset
and the bowels are irritated without any
permanent benefit having been derived.
The condition of the patient remains un
changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels
have not been stimulated and in a few
days a stronger pnrgative may have to be
taken. This is why Pills and Aperient
Waters never give permanent relief.
Their violent action results in an unnat
ural movementof the bowels and ifcisnec-
essary to keep taking them indefinitely.
Why ORINO Is different.
Orino Laxative Fruit syrup is the only
preparation that really acts upon all
of the digestive organs. Other prepar
ations act upon the lower bowel only nnd
do not touch the Liver. It can very read
ily be seen that a preparation that does
not act upon all of the digestive organs
can notcureChronic Constipatim, Torpid
Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc.
For Biliousness and SlcK
Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. It
sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and
acts as a gentle stimulanton the liver and
bowels without irritating these organ*.
Clears the Completion.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate*
the liver and thoroughly cleanses the
system and clears the contplcxion of
pimples and blotches. It is th i best lax
ative for women and children is
mild and pleasant, and does n >t gripe or
sicken. Refuse substitutes.
Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and IfLyoU.
are not satisfied your money will be ref xndedr-
Preparad only by FOLEY A CO., Chicago, III. '? "'■*•**
H. J. Lamar & Co., Agents, Near Fourth National Bank, Macon, Georgia.
The teachers of the public schools of
Macon are Interested In the 19th an
nual session of th© Southern Educa
tional Association, which meets In At
lanta on December 29-31.
The president of this association Is
P. P. Claxton, of the University of
Tennessee, who has a national repu
tation as nn educator.
At the Tuesday meeting, tho asao- j n ec ter’ tell vor, didn’t she?”
elation will be welcomed by Gov. j ©Mer goodnise Sister Pass mo'
Police (Joupt
A Typical Fuss.
"Mer mar say kin yer loan her er
cupper lard dls mawnln? She say she
sho will sen* hit back ter yer soon 'a
she gltter pay fum de w’lte folkses fur
de wash.'*
"Yer go right back ter yer mar an*
tell her dat w’en she sen* dat cupper
sugar sho borry ’bouter mont’ ergo
wot she wuzxcr gwlneter sen* right
straight back so fas’ denner talk ter
her ’bout de cupper lard. Yer hyeerd
me. didn't yer!”
It was nil the child wanted. Sho
saw that there was go*'ng to be a
scrap, and if thyre was any one thing
In this world she loved better than a
scrap she didn’t know It. In due
course of time, here came Patsy.
"Sister Passmo'"—
"Donn yer Sister Passmo’ me. Mix
Jackson, dat chllo toll yer wottcr tof
I '' •***• ’*• " nw.vw, | mer guuuiiiJ*r, ocsici l ua.'iuu,
Smith on tho pttrt of tho .toto and by.; ,] 0 matter wld yer? All I dun In dls
Mayor Joyner on tho part ot Atlanta. j one wu! wuz tor ax yer tor loan me er
One of the features of the session | cupper lard tell do Vito folkses pay
nmTlShY ran" old'an? 1 * ,u bo the “l™pt>»v«meut of Public I me. Anner (loan sco any imam in
Srade! I wlil^e a good boy If you wm School Houses and Grounds." beln* d<t. An’yer lly inner pashun. Izyer
bring me n sweater, story hook, air gun. the most Important work of tills kind | sick. Sister Passmo'?"
knife, horn end sword also some tire In each state within tho year, told in t "Whar dat cupper sugar yer horrid
work* randy null nil 'JhHl nf tron ftvo minutes or less by a represent:!-, dat time an' yer wuzzer gn'lne ter sen'
I*. 8. l iras© uon i forget my util© sis- , *iworker - -- -
‘ Under the head of th© high school,
there are to be papers and discussions
as to tho development of th© public
high school, a complete county school
X don't know what sho wants.
Geneva Leo Kennlnalnn, 750 Iloundury:
loyars old and ao^ to _8ec. Ht.
, t try
school. 1 am In the third grad©. . ...
to do my best. I want you to write my
Uncle J. R. Ryle. Captain of Ilart. Har
mony Chapter, Roy’ Ufa “* mm
Hn. Ga., and n*k 1
va‘s brother nnd live nnd go to school at
th© aam© place. I nm Just K years- old
and In tho second wrado. Miss Grace
Judd Is my teacher nnd the Inst one In
that school cx*rpt Miss Annie Miller I
want you to bring them something nice
nnd pleas bring me a big waggon that my
Wllllo Bullock. .Macon: Christmas Is
nearly here, so I will write to you. what
wlati you to brli
Please bring mo
_ ... Ing
an automlbtle. u story book full of pret
ty pictures nnd un Irish mail. Also till
my stocking full of randy, nuts, raisins,
oranges, and nil kinds of goodies. Please
do not forget the nreworks; nnd please
dunt forget grandma ami grandpa. I am
a little boy a years old In the third grade.
William Tomlinson, Indian Spring: I’m
a little boy eight years old. I want you
to pirns© bring me n tricycle, automobile.
Indian ault, nice l*ook and pencil, fire
works, lota of fruit and fancy candy.
P. H. Don’t forget my baby brother.
He's a dear little fellovr. Bring him a
teddy bear ami n ball.
John W. Williams. 109 8t John street:
H. Horne
Grand Building.
Phons 454.
Slew. M« wnd 6M Fourth alrcti mll-
Btw». (51 cbm «ir«l.
road track facilities.
•sc«nd and Third floor Kvtnthg News
BtwMgo space »4 English Comptoos
Building, Southern Railroad track faclll-
i -». dwelling 'near Whittle School,
r. dwelling. $!• First stieet.
•r. dwelling, 467 and 469 New stmt.
*r. dwelling. S4S Csriing avrnue.
•-r. cottage Kouth t’ollege meet.
|-r. cottage. Lywa ave . Vluevtlir (new)
|*r. cottage. 4«4 and 499 Ross street.
5-r. In dwsUlng, ui Orsago street.
Elegant apartments In Dr. Frasier's
new ayariment house of 6, 9, 9 or 19
rnnigs Hteam htat. water sad janitor
Arthur Edward Leonard. Macon:
nm nor l*lg enough to write for my ^elf
but my big sister |s writing for me.
This 'a th© first Plumas l have ebber
spent In this world, but I have tvlr.ady .
earned to love yoa end I wont you t • street and something might
M ing me raubbir doll n drum nnd Hanta Claw wpM you Mm pul It up
*■ in.» Htlcks to best It with n rsttler and save It for m© until 1 do get large
" 11„ r IL J miu I enough? Bring ms a foot ball, somo nice
a l©dd> bear ft rocker hotwg a 11*“^ booka to read, n llttlo train that runs on
tiny wagon I tan ronl It. tauso 11 g track some rnmly and fruit nml Just as
Is <lgss big nough to walk now pease : many flreworks ns you can spur©. We
dont think hard of mo for wanting go (are going to leavo th© front door open
much I will always try and be good f°** V** 1 - ______
d«» hurry and come. j Ruth ^villlams. ion st. John street: I
n _ ^ am n little girl, 9 >ra old. 1 go to school
Helen Btnpp. Macon*. 1 %m A very . n * v’t Hawkins. tK. M.l My teu.-her’s
sweet F.ttlc girl and ti
papa and mama nil the
©ootid class nt school eight year
■yatem. th© private, high school In re-
lgtton to educational progress uf <ho
south, a formula for method In "high
school English literature.' them© work
In the high school and history in the
high school.
The program Is replete with papers
on every possible branch of tho school
system and ediicitlon In all Its school
branches, ahd then comen th© depart
ment of elementary education, with
a feast of papers, nnd am^ng them
one., followed by a discussion on
"What Is the Hop®^ for Compulsory
Education In Elementary Schools,” by
Supt. C. B. Chapman, of Macon.
The program is tho most elaborate
that has ever been gotten up for a
two-days’ session, being so extensive
and so chock full of good things for
educators that there will b© not a
minute lost. Every* bit of time will
be taken up with an address, a piper,
or dlscuasion.
A number of teachera will probably
go up from Macon. %
Makes the Liver Lively.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives
permanent relief in cases of habitual
constipation ns It stimulates the liv
er and restores the natural action of
the bowels without Irritating thes©
organs like pills or ordinary cathar
tics. Dees not nauseate or gripe, and
Is mild nnd pleasant to take. Re
member tho name, Orino, and refuse
substitutes. H. J. Lamar & Co.. n?ar
Fourth National Bank,
Now fle.i.-e bring me ft big doll
with blue ©ye* nml real real curly hair
nml a stove a little tabto with some
chairs snd a ten set snd a plsno for
1 have already got a parlor aet nnd
It dont look good with out a piano,
pleas© bring me a Cristinas tree, 1 will
be very good.
P. 8.—Pont forget my older sla and
broher. mama nnd pap* 1 w’.ll close
till next time.
Rosa Cl nr© Pool!. U4 Magnolia: I
am * nic© little girl I go to school 1
am In the ttr*t clast l want you to
bring me a doll and a earrings and a
kitchen set and a tea set and a lot of
pretty things and something nle© to
eat 1 will b© gone but my papa will
be here to tukc cave of them now Sany
dont forget me while I am at my aun
ties snd dont for get my dear sweet
teacher Mra. JlcRtroy 208 TatnslL
P. 8.—Dont for get to bn’ng my doll
a trunk and some cloths.
try to mind my name is Ml»» Pearl Edwards. Hants she
,« ti mP I nm in I Is mighty »we©t. pleas© bring her Just
wtat .h. »»nlA I WAKt A^all uml\
carriage, a nice book, a little work box.
for 1 nro trying to learn bow to sew. nnd
a ear that runs on the track. Bring me
plenty of randy nuta and frulta but no
flrcwotfcs for i am afraid of then. Bring
my share of them to mv brother John,
he likes them flue. Brin* "»o»h««- some
thing nlcs. a brown coat suit will pteasg
her and also bring daddy ami grand
mother something. Itoosa hurry nns 1
com© on. Come In the front door, we ar©
going to leave 4t unlocked.
11:16111. i
Eihfl Stafford. Macon: I will write
you and l»t you' n» wIiai to briny m,
(’hrl-tni.-i*. l'U'i.r brln* m« a doll.
And drr.t It a, lir.lty aa you can a
horn, a blble, a i«lr ot .katca, a box
of paper ■ pretty wid. black bolt, a
t-Alr if kid *lov.', und brln* me item,
Rr« work, and fruit. 1 think that I,
all but if It tla not you brio* m. wl.t
you want lo If you do not and n>« a
homo you will And me at grandma.
' and *rand|m hnuu. 1 am It yMt, of
Dl •(* IW Mn and com, to ,c me.
A.IA. I '1*?> l-o n*kl. at? Reid: PImw
6:4f j nie a ni<v pi©tv of hair ribbon and
M*| pWaas dont for cst my llttls broth* r J.
M !'• and bring him g teddy *
|i» cars anf
q. A- j and dont 6
Hsery «L I iM nuQi a doll and iftsU carried nnd n'nud ft|
Nannie Ike Wlildley, h. Macon: I am
a mighty little girl and live with my
cousin loimnr Williams. I want a rattler,
a rubber doll a go cart for my self nnd a
pretty picture inmk. Bring me some
I*. H. I would like for >-ou to bring my
little friend Halt'* vthH-lpod© and s re<1
dram and bring ui both a hern jo we
van keep seme noise.
Asthma Suffsrsra Snould kXow Thi«.
Foley's Honey and Tar ha* cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buos-
Ing, 791 West Third street, Davenport,
Iowa, writes: A severs cold contract
ed twelve years ago was neglected
until It finally grew Into asthma. The
best medical skill available could not
give me more than temporary relief.
Foley’s Honey snd Tar was rscom
mended and one fifty.cent bottle en
tirely cured mo of asthma which had
been growing on ms for twelve year*.
If I had taken It at the start I world
have been saved years of suitering.”
H. J. Lamar * Co., nsar Kbunh Na
tional Hank.
M. A B. Changes Schsdutss.
Effective Sunday. December 29
tri ii N«v 41 on Macon and B rmlr
ham Rail*ay will have Macon at 4.
t> m. and train No- 42 will arrive
| - . _ - Macon nt IliN fl. m.
• wsgoii snd a rubber ball. No change In the arrival and dtp
slal*r ar.4|ture of accommodation train* Nos.
Records at th* Court House Show Num
ber of Large Recent Transfers.
The record of property transfers at the
court house Indicate brisk business In th’c
real estate world. Looal agents state,
however, that there 1* less artl/tty now
Bum there baa beeg for some months. .
Recent deals are as follows:
Sul© of a house and lot on Forsyth
street, owned by George P. Correll. to
Mr*. C. C. OortoetL Consideration being
Sale of n house and lot on Maple
street, owned by F. tUBt-lbhi sn*l A.
Mitchell, to M. A Wood, consideration
being $S.2hO.
Sale of • house and lot on Holt street,
owned bv F. R. Stubb* and I*. A. Ml.
hit back so fus’? I dun quit de loanin’
blsnlss.” *
"Iso mighty glad yer tol’ me ’bout
dat cupper sugar. Slater Passmo*. I
clean furgit ©rbout dat cupper sugar.
I ben so bodderd ©rbout de ol’ man
,bcdn* out’n er job dat I sho furglts
dat cupper sugar.”
"An* yer clean*furgit dat cupper lard
effer loan hit ter yer, dat wot yer do."
"Look lak yer wants er fuss d’.s
mawnln* Sister Passmo’.”
"Jl»8 soon hive er fuss ©x ter eat.
Mix Jackson, kase yer gits good vlt-
tles down ter de stockade, dey tells
"An’ yer Jlss blecged ter have
fuss. Sister Passmo’."
"Iser Itchln* ter have er fuss, MI*
"An’ yer alnter gwint-ter loan me de
cupper lard, anner ax yer fur hit
lakker lady axer nuvver lady?"
"Yer sho got hit down right, Mia
Jackson, cep’n de Indy part uvvlt.”
’’Denner n’nter lady?"
"Nobody doan skus© yer er bein’ one,
Ml* Jackson."
"Me’n you sho gwlneter hitch. Er
fames ter yer lakker lady, nn’ yer git
mad, an* yer chaw do rag. nn’ yer guv
ni© ©r latter back talk, anycr mek out
lak yer nlnt skeerder nobody. Now 1
Jlss wants ter tell yer dat you i**or.
low down chalngang hef’—
Hut among theso people that term
never goes without a fight. It Is Vko
n certain ugly term that men some
times us© when they forget nil about
decency and use nnd with a fight. No
negro woman can stand being cal’cd a
chalneang hol?».r. Hh© ©an stand b?l«T
called a liar, or n thief, but a ebain-
gang heifer—never!
They stood before the court perfectly
willing to receive a fine of twenty dol
lars. and knowlftg too that to raise
that amount they would sleep on the
floor for a month or so until the bed
could be taken out of pawn.
They told their tales, wholly unlike
th© real trouble, both tried to make
out thr* other was to blame, and both
as ready to renew the flRht ns they,
were in th© boginning. What they
wanted was to b© fined alike. To fine
one without the other would have been
severe punishment for tho fined. So,
when the court fined each ten dollars,
they were so well pleased that they
tmfled at ©neh other, and both went
away absolutely happy and friendly,
the money for their flues hiving boon
previously arranged for.
Match That -
Fine Team
with a handsome carriage., Como hero
and select It and then you’ will, have (6
rig you may well bO*‘lWWa*dr. We
don’t ask you to pay for mere attrac
tiveness in our carriages either. In
fact we don’t ask you to pay for It At
all. Wo charge only for quality In our
carriage selling. You pay only for
the best materials and workmanship.
The good looks we throw in for good
measure. • «-•
218-220 Third Street.
Phone 2545.
Hotel Marlborough
Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York
Most Centrally Located Hotel on
Broadway. Only ten minutes walk
to 25 leading theatres. Completely
renovated and transformed in every
department Up-to-date in all re
spects. . Telephone in each room.
Four Beautiful Dining Room*
with Capacity of 1200.
German Restaurant
Broadway’s chief attraction for Spe
cial Food Dishes and Popular Music.
European Plan. 400 Booms. 200 Baths.
»B. M. 'i'lERNEY. Manager
Suyler’s Xraas Candles,
Park & Tilford’s fine Cigars;
rich Cut Glass. J. S, Hogo
Drug Co.
Mrs .Winslow’s Soothing Syrup JSSSSTytSTTS^ 23JH8T3
been ©ted f«»r over PiVTT.rfVR } Central of Georgia railway:
. MJT.L10N8 of MOTHERS for Train 14-17 will leave Eatonton 7:00
“ m., arrive Macon 9:2# a. m. Train 19-15
will leave Macon 5:00 p. m.» instead of
7:50 p. tn. ar heretofore, arrive Eatonton
7:30 p. nt.. dally except Sunday. Train
No. 14 leaving Atlanta 11:40 p. m.. ar
riving Macon 2:35 a. tn.. will bo abollahed.
New train No. 10. will h ave Atlanta 12:30
p. m.. arrtvo Macon 3*45 n. nt.
South Atlanta Limited, m-w ventibuled
\ ’/MtP hv 5
and Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA.
Sold by Drurglst* tn every o««rt of th«
aom. Be sure *nd ask for *^lr». Wins
low’* Bootbrag Pyrup." nn«l take no otlt-
er kln-t Twenty-flv* mats a bottle.
Qua ran toed under the Food and Dnft*
Act. Juno Idth. KumMt IC-x
The Telegraph Business Of- _ __
flee, 452 Cherry street. Edttft-1
bounl leaving Atlanta December "t«t.
and Unit train northbound leaving ilaeon
December 23rd. will run on following
■cludnle: Leave Atlanta 11:05 n. ro.. av-
| “ re Maran 3:00
_ . . i». m. Thla
rial Rooms upstairs, next door, gju* SSS? ror’TSoi.Vni-SISdOM-'
1 * rago. in addlllen to thhi train Macon-
A Terrible Warning. {Cincinnati sleeping car line wlh be Itutug-
An landonitiT, annoyed by nut urate«| on follow Ing schedule: Leave Ma-
pi. k. ra, h»» 4mt ap the f->iu>wlng neth’e. ran 1:3ft p. ny. arrive t’inclnnatl 7:6ft *.
whl«h ha* graved effec tive, to keeping >'t.. leave Cincinnati 9-.16 p. m. arrlvr
trraBMfler* ©ff Me gro-jnil: ''Rwtion- Maran 3:45 p. in. Ftret car eoutl.boun4
All pereon* •nterinc tht* wood do m nt,December l*th. first car northbound will
tlielr awn rLk. TV omlus avribna leave Macon December flat,
abound* here.’’ The ••eor>*lit* aveflana." i Train No. 4 will leave Atlanta 9:19 p.
altliouirU II round* a* ilrro*tfuUy •eroalu*. Inatead nf 9:3ft. p. m., arriving Macon
and venomou*. !e nothing utorr bovttfv. ( 12.34 a. tn. Imtvad of |:9ft a. tn
Ing ti an the cemraait haalenut. d« - ribed * JOHN W. RLOUKT.
t» lu laiuu Ol* Mar. DUtrldl JRMerarer Avent. Macon. Ga.
The Tonic Properties of Old Whiskey
are reco&nUed by all physicians of standing—whiskey to be
medicinally pure must be the real article—such a whiskey ia
Sunny Brook
It is distilled In the good old honest Kentucky way and its rare
mellowncts and richness of flavor comes only from years of
perfect ageing. Every bottle Is sealed with the Government
“Green btamp” upon which is clearly printed the exact Age,
Proof and Quantity of whiskey within each bottle, x
U ^l|u.vM«K|y »•- ALA<
Buttles S ®
Sfk Bottles
L 1 -3 th (La!Ion
Mm Full Quarta ft
T Rye or Bratton W
Rya or Boar to a ||