Newspaper Page Text
Smart Styles
* iiv -
It’s a great relief of satisfaction to know when you
buy an E. & W. Shirt you are getting the kind that fit
right, wear right and wash right.
They are made Coat style, cuff attached, with a
semi-stiff bosom, with narrow pleats in neat stripes, fig
ures and dark blue stripes.
We-have just unpacked another lot of beautiful
Dinner Sets and to those whose cards have not been re
deemed we will do so on presentation of the punched
card. If you have not received one of these handsome
hand-painted, beautifully decorated and elegantly shaped
Dinner Sets we would like to have you call around, look
. aCth.em and let us tell you how you can get one.
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
Phones 325—290.
670 Poplar Street.
Your Money’s Worth
A. &P.
10c A CAN
Look at the size of our cans. They are much larger
and contain, about a third more milk than the other
“brandsircing offered you. They weigh 20 ounces and the
• •quality’"of"the milk cannot be surpassed. Order a can
from us and then order one from your grocer and com-
—pare-the sizes and the quality of the milk also, and if
you do not think A&P brand is beyond all question the
best valno we would like to refund your money. Try
-one can and you will come here always afterwards.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.—The end
of the romance of Katherine Elkina
and the Duke of the Abruxzl I* to bo
like th© final chapter of an old-fash
ioned novel in which the heroine does
with her memories to convent walla
and the hero betakes himself and hla
wounded heart to the wilderness to
seek forgetfulness.
Tho authoritative announcement in
th© early part of this month that
there would be no marriage between
Miss Elkins and tho Italian prince
and cousin of the king was hardly
cold when the cable brought from
Rome the report that the duke w
planning tq go to _ tho unexplored
mountain fastnesses of India.
Subsequent dispatches have con
firmed that report, and ever since
Washington has been wondering what
tho young woman would do with her
self. it being assumed that her af
fections have been as deeply wound
ed as her royal suitor's by tho break
ing of the engagement.
It has been learned that Miss El
kins’ attitude toward society for the
next six months at least, and perhaps
longer, will be more serious than was
ever anticipated. She is going to try
to forget and Is giving her time up
entirely to the study and course i
essary to fit herself to become a train
ed nurse.
To ©S"in Work Next Week.
Arrangements bave been made by
M!ss Elk'.ns to begin the serious work
of study in the Homeopathic General
Hospital at Second ami N streets in
this city on Monday week. She has
employed a graduate professional
nurse to be her mentor and guide In
the first steps In the course which
she Is to take. This nurse, a woman
of h'gh professional attainments and
good breeding, will, It Is understood,
practically become one of Senator
Elkins’ family.
The courso which -Miss Elkins will
have to follow, under the rules of hls-
pltal training, will include attendance
at all lectures, clinics and operations.
She will have to soend a certain num
ber of hours each day In various wards
observing the treatment of patients
and fitting hersef to take temperatures,
dress wounds, apply bandages and do
all tho many offices which a nurse
must perform for the sick.
Course to Cover Six Months,
It Is said that Miss Elkins’ tuition
will cover only six months, this period
having been fixed by her ns a time
in which she could dec'de whether she
would continue her studies. She will
not live at tho hospital as other nurses
In training aro compelled to do, but
she will have to put In most of her
days there and frequently nights If she
hopes to keep up with tho course.
M'ss Elkins' friends have been mys
tified by her actions of lato and few
of them have divined that she was
preparing a surprise for them. No
body in her social circle has eve;
dreamed that the beautiful girl would
do anything quite as serious as study
ing to be a professional trained nurse.
Romantic Friends Concur.
Those who know MIbs Elkins well
aro sure she has It In her to m3kc an
Ideal member of the nursing profes'
slon, but they do not believe that sho
will follow her present Intentions for
longer than six months. There aro ro
mantic girls In her set who will think
that she hit on the one thing outside
of a convent that Is proper for hor
to do.
According to the most reliable in
formation there has been no commu
nication between Miss Elkins and tho
duke since December 2, when he sent
her a cablegram of two hundred words,
presumably his farewell message. It
was only five days afterward that the
nowa.waa received that ihe duke had
planned to go on another exploring
expedition, and that ho had chosen
the most hazardous task of climbing
tho great HImIlaya’s peak—Mount Ev
For Sale at $6,750
A splendid piece of homo or investment property, in good
■condition. Renting for $60.00 per month; Enough room on
lot jfpr another house. Close in and centrally located.
Willingham Loan'S Trust Co.
PHONE 1263.
Edward Loir, Pres. John H. Donahue, V. P. Jerome Herman, 8ec.-Treos.
Bedingfield & Co., Inc.
4 Quarts .
$ 5.C0
1 Gal. Jug ....
....$ 5.10
8 Quarts .
2 Gal. Jug ....
....$ 9.60
Qajurts .
3 Gal. Jug ....
4 Quarts .
$ 3.00
] Gnl. Jug ....
....$ 3.20
8 Quarts .
$ 6.75
2 Gal. Jug
....$ 6.00
l'J Quarts .
3 Gnl. Jug ....
... .$ 9.00
4 Quarts .
$ 3.00
1 Gal. Jug ....
... .$ 2.80
8 Quarts .
$ 5.75
2 Gal. Jug ....
....$ 5.25
12 Quarts .
$ 8.50
3 Gal. Jug ....
....$ 7.75
We Carry & Complete Line of Wine* and Llquore.
Write For Our Complete Price Lint.
Makes the Liver Lively.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup gives
permanent relief in case* of habitual
constipation as It stimulates tho llv
er and restores the natural action of
the bowels without Irritating those
organs like pills or ordinary cathar
tics. Does not nauseate or gripe and
Is mild and pleasant to take. Re
member the name, Orlno, and refuse
substitutes. H. J. Lamar & Co., near
Fourth National Bank.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 28.—Races at
Thunderbolt this afternoon did not at
tract a very largd crowd, the attend
ance being placed at one thousand. I
was an ideal- day for a race and tho
events were very exciting. The feat
ure race was the third, which was for
a mile. It was won by AuspTclous.
Time, 1:49. The race was a spirited
one between Sudden Start and Auspi
cious. Large number of scratches at
the last moment have been detrimental
to the sport and the announcement in
made that no scratches will be allowed
In future unless the entries nre ex
cused by the Judges. It Js hoped to
keep the field from belnat reduced by
the operation of this rule.
First race, purse, for four-year-olds
and upward, selling, mile and one-six-
teenih—Film nap, 2 to 1, first; Pan-
teque, 2 to 5, second; St. Noel, 4 to 1,
third. Time 1:57 2-5.
Second race, flvu and one-half fur-
long* purse, for two-year-olds—Scotch
I ass, even, first; Miss Cardigan, 5 to
1, second; Gunshot, 4 to 6, third. T:nio
1:11 2-8.
Third race purse, for three-year-olds
and upward*, one mile, Auspicious. 1
to t, first; Sudden Start. 4 to 1, sec
ond; Clifton Forge, 4 to 1, third. Time
Fourth race, a mile and one-skxteenth
for three-yeer-olde and upwards—
Druid. 4 to 8. first; Polar Star. I to 8,
eftonil; Benare, 18 to 1, third. Time
1:M 8*8.
Fifth rare, purse, selling, for thrse* end upwards, e'x furlongs—
I telle of the Hey, t to I, won; Monks
and 6 to S BffGMf He noway,
18 to L third. Time !;J9.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 28.—San Fran
cisco liarbors a fanatic who bus carried
depraved criminality to the lust Imagin
able excess of blasphemy and sacrilege.
Aroused by an outrage which has dese
crated St. Dominic's church the imllcc
are hunting high and low for the vandal
who has insulted the local Catholic com
munity by profaning the sanctuary of the
Dominican fathers with unspeakable
Enters St. Dominic's.
The sacrilegious wretch, who has so far
eluded detection, entered St. Dominic's
church, at Pierce and Pine streets.
Priestly vestments valued at more. Uum
11,000 were sloshed beyond repair; the
the sanctuary; the furulshlugu of the
sacristy were destroyed.
Blasphemous and Indecent sentences
scrawled in the holy places. " ,l *“
ed with vile abuse that spoke eloquently
torn from the sacristy
clock and tho pendulum . waa carried
away. The book In which the masses
and other dally services i
. reoorded
slashed and torn,
Priest Is Stunned.
Tho desecration of the church wai
Ilrst discovered shortly before 0 o’clock,
when Father Rice, one of the Dominican
fathers, entered the sacristy to robe for
early mass. Dozens of sacerdotal gur-
ments were heaped In disorder on tlu
floor. The drnwers of a large cahlnot
ces, stoles, chnsuhles, copes and 0 .,.-
pllceg had been destroyed with a knife oi
other keen edged Instrument. So shock
ed was Father Rice tlmt it was some
tlmo before he regained sufflclcrit com
posure to report the outrages and to
have tho altar prepared for mass.
Father Murphy, the superior of the
church, notified tho police, nnd Acting
stono unturned In the search for tho
criminal. It la. possible that two men
wero concerned In tho sacrilege, on ac
count of the difficulty one man would
have had in effecting an entrance to tho
church. _
Entered With Ladder.
Tho culprit or culprits entered by
means of a ladder which was found lean
ing against a window In the roar of the
church. Entering through the priory toft
the sacristy wan reached by a flight of
steps, nnd front the sacristy it was »
to reach the sanctuary. Because
man would have found It difficult to up
right tho ladder nnd train It against the
window, the police are Inclined to think
that thcro *— “* J
two of tho depraved
Father Murphy and tho detectives
Robes valued at tnoro than 12.000 were
found undisturbed. The exact amount
of the damage lias not yet been estima
ted, but it exceeds $1,000.
Marked for Death.
"Three years ago I was marked for
death. A graveyard cough was tear
ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors fall
ed to help me, and hope had fled,
when my husband got Dr. Kln.v*s New
Discovery," say* Mrs. A. O. Williams,
of Bac, Ky. "The first doso helped
me and Improvement kept on until 1
hod gained 68 pounds in weight nnd
my health was fully restored." This
medicine holds tho world's healing re
cord for coughs and colds and lung
and throat diseases. It prevents pneu
monia. Sold under guarantee at drug
stores. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle
Historians In Session.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.—Washing
ton Is entertaining educators from
many of the big unlversltleg^nnd col
leges of the United States, who nre
gathering to take -part In the sessions
of tho American Historical Associa
tion, the American Political Science
Association, tho Bibliographical
clety of America and the Mississippi
Valley Historical Association. From
Washington many of tho visitors will
go to Richmond nnd Baltimore,
excursion to the University of Vlrg'nla
will be a feature of tho closing day
of th© convention.
Origin of the Word "Bogus."
nnmc of a notorious Amerlcun swindler,
who about tho year 1886 flooded tho wnsf
torn nnd southwestern states with couni
forfeit hills, sham mortgages, etc.
anything fictitious or chimerical,
Lowell, in the "Blglow Papers," says:
"I moro than suspect the word to lx» a
corruption of the French hogasse." This
hogssse was the sugarcane aa delivered
In Its dry, crushed state from tho mill,
also called can trash, and fit only for
burning, being synonymous with useless
Agnln, according to Brewer, there !•
In French argot or thieves’ slsng a word
"bogue," which signifies tho rlno of a
green chestnut, or the case of a watch.
lets. Druggists refund money If It falls
to cure. 12. W. C ‘
on each box. 25c.
GROVE'S signature is
Simple Life In Finland.
Tn Finland everybody lives the simple
life tn summer lime. They camp out oft
Islands, In the forests, and always some
where near the water, for everybody
swims and bathes. Almost nil classes
sleep and cat al fresco at this time of
y*sr, nnd the town councils in the town*
of this progressive end altogether de Igbt-
ful little country provide public fire face*
and public bathing sheds in all places
wher th working classes go In search of
fresh air. But the simple life Is by r*
menns dull with the frisky Finns. Th-..
combine It with a surprising amount of
gaiety. Th*y eat. drink and set very
merry in thefr picturesque llttl log cabins
outside the cities. When they are tired
of bathing and splnshng they dance, th*y
sng. they watch fireworks and prsetee
rvmnastic*. they all become like chil
dren and are the very happtmt. merriest,
most good-natured, most eerily pleas d
and most healthy holiday makers In the
world. We might take many leaves from
the Finns’ book.—Lady's pictorial.
Do It Now
Tomorrow A. M. too taia. Take
CA8CARBT at bet! time; get up In
the morning feeling fine and dandy.
No need for sickness from over
eating and drinking. They surely
work while you sleep and help na
ture help you. Millions taka them
and keep wall. 194
CAWAfUKTH lie a boi for a
week's, trealmera, eft druggists.
Police (Joupt
Willie’s Dip'omacv.
Willie Drawback! Klin right In dts
hruso die berry intnnlt, yer triflin'
rnakll you. Wottcr tel yer “bout play
in' In de street wld detn w'lte trash!
Walk yerso’f right In dla house cr*ll
tekker bresh an' w'ar yer clean out.
Fuss nooz yer know dut big-foots
polceces git yer an’ run yer up In de
tnlzry wrg’n."
Willie was ten years old. nnd his
supply or flrwracker.* had been lim
ited to what the white boys In the
street would give him. Ho hung
n round them, butting in when he had
tho chance.
'Yer lemtne lone, mar, er alnter
gwlne no whar, no furver dan de
"Didn’t I tell yer ter klm right In?
Yer want me ter frail de life out'll
yer? Ef yer doan klm dla mtnnit
leer klmmln atter yer an* lemma 'tell
yer honey, yer gw Inter catch hit."
Walter tnInnlt. mar. dent w'lte boys
wants nie ter tote do boxer poppers
so dey kin shoot 'em."
"laser gutter tell yer ergln? D^ap
dot box on* klnt Inhyere er tells yet!"
But Willie paid no more attention
t> his mar than If she hadn’t spoken,
nnd before Rite knew It he was off
nnd gone. In the afternoon late Willie
returned with hla eye bunged up. hla
clothe* torn, and ns hungry ns a wolf,
and between his erics he told n hor
rible inlo of suffering nt tho hands of
the white boys. The truth Is. he hud
been with them all day nnd had aa
much fun. If not more, than the white
boys, but Willie knew that when he
got homo he was going to catch the
promised whipping, nnd he wanted to
offset It. knowing that nil he had to
do was to make his mar believe that
he had been badly treated.
"Shot up dnt cryln* an' tell me wot
dom w'lte trash dun ter yer."
"Dey turk'n boat me, mar. an’ dey
to'd motvolo'ea an' dey hit me In de
eye wtddor gro't big rock an dey
fro’ed me down an’ dey hlta me, dat
wot dey dun."
"Fur do numer de Lnwd! An* wot
you dun ter ’em. honey?"
"Didn’t do nuffin* ter ’em, Jlwt tote
de box fur 'em, nn’ w’enner nx ’em
fur er HT bitter popper dey tuck'n
t me. dnt wot dey dooz."
"An* yer didn't hlttuin bnek? Yer
didn't tek upper rock nn’ hus« 'em
wide op'n. Yer 'lows deni w'lte trash
ter bent yer up clatter way nn’ yer
didn't th’ow er brick nttum? I*a
ershamer yer! Er gwlfiter tell yer
pnr soon* he klm homo an’ mok Mm
frail yer good."
•'Dev all mn’d erwny fo er kin git
up ofTn de groun', dnt de reetln. I2r
wuzze-r gwlnter cut dnt Johnnie Smlfg
gizzard out’n Mm cep’n he run'd envoy,
er sho gwlnetcr do hit."
"Doan yer wants sump’n tor eat,
honey? Spec de po’ hoy Uongry ex
ho kin be. Hyere some sossldge er
benner savin' fur yer pnr, but you go
long’n ent hit nnner gl’ yer pnr sump’n
else. Dem po* w'lte trash—T laser
gwlne right now an’ pote dem w'lte
boys ter do poleoees. Yer Jlss eat all
yer wants, honey, w'lle er go nn' tell
de poleeees."
Willie was so glad to get some of
hla par's tossldge that ho didn’t rare
much what his mar did, relying on
hi* lying proclivities to get out of nny
sernpe. His mnr found nnd told n hor
rible tale of butchery of her son by
the whlto boys, nnd a half dozen or
more wore In court. Tho mar told the
story of tho butchery.
"Won dnt boy klm home he
sight. Dem hoys dey tucker rock an'
dey heat Mm on de hold an’ dry gouge
he eye an* dey bus lie Inlg op'n an’ dev
loose all ho teef, annor wux up nil
night wld dat bov. He lay day In de
bald an* groan all do night long. Hit
wuzxer shame fie wny dom boys dun
mor chile."
"What did they do to you. Willie?”
nrked tho court of Willie who bore
no marks of violence and who wits
satisfied In every wny.
"Dem hoys cloy never dun nuffin’ ter
me. I nln’t never seed dem Iwiyg wot
yer got hyere, Detn bov* wot lilt me
dey run’d erwny an’ I nln’t never seed
’em sence. Desc yer hoys nln’t totch
The viiso was dismissed, hut the
mnr wiw disgusted, flho saw thrmmh
Willie, nnd ns they passed out of the
court room she Jerked out this to him,
"yer Jlss wait teller git yer home, ytfr
triflin’ senmp, nn’11 sho tan yer hide.
Yer gltt’n ter he mighty nlgli ex
menu’s yer daddy."
Sober days of work will begin again.
Hert-'s hoping there will be plenty of
work for all—plenty of tinning and
plumbing work for mo.
Southern Packing Ho.
Choicest Native aud Western
620 Cherry St. Phone 351.
Of the house, who closes the windows
at niKhts ami bars tho doors, should
not neglect to look to the roof—sh*
should remember thnt Mr. Rain Ik an
Intruder who can do hprm as well ns
the burglar.
Phone 531. 320 Third St.
Phone 187.
H. & H. R. HUHN,
Basement Amer. Nat'I Bank,
FOR RALE—One Jndiai
torcyele, $75.00 each;
when wonting repairs <
or. motorcycles, bilng to
coldest winter. JMMMVRN
$1.60; 4 to 0 thousand, $1.25: ovei
•and, $1.00 per thousand. F. O.
gotta. H. C. We have special
rates. WHte uh for agents’ ou
S roposltlon. N. II. Blttcti Co.. A
. C\. the largest truck farm In tt
FOX RIVER butter, fresh every day. 33
cents per pound. Oscar Bradley, Phones
FOR SALE—A few pre.ty brown lesson
cockerels. $1.00 each. Address C. E.
Newton. Macon. Gu.
writers nt $65; three $18 typewrit
desks nt $10 each; one second-hand Rem
ington nt $25; nil in good condition. Ap
ply Rurim-s* Office. Macon Telegraph.
REMOVAL SALE—Barred Rocks; choice
Irds; lots of ten $1.00 etch, before De
cember 3 »; send check; birds guatnnteed.
J. O. Code. Montlcello. Ga.
nimble. Bargain. G. M. Davis.
CABBAGE PLANTS. 25c for 100. $1.26
per 1.000. Apply J. W. Aimufon. $58
Second at. Telephone 13'J7.
perfecting press, with
gr d order;
for outfit. Macon Telegraph.
Issue. No notice will be inserted for less
than 15 cents. Remittances or $1 and
tsss may be made in gostane stamns.
WANTED—A position on farm ns super
intendent. 85 years old. lifetime experi
ence; can give good reference. Address
T. J. Thomas, Macon, Ga.. care Utbb
Brick Co.
WANTED—Two gentlemen or eonplo for
nice room with board. 553 Second st.,
Mm. Martin.
Sti wish Mackerel today.
Daniell & Blasingamo. Phono
lot With barn, stables, buggy shelter, all
foneed In, blacksmith shot), lurgn
hritisc, two vacant lotj hefu
■fween dwelling
WANTED—A clerical position at once by
an Industrious young married man.
Address Bimln-xn, care Telegraph.
PUBLIC SALE—On Wednesday. Dec. SO,
1908, we will sell at put lie outcry for
cash nt our farm where T. C. McCollum
mules. 15 head of cows. 20 h-ad of hogs.
50 head of goats, 250 bushols of corn. 200
hales of fine lmy, wagons, buggies., hay
press, harrows, corn planters, guano
distributers, wagon and rl»>w gears., and
many other articles necessary on a form;
sale to commence promptly at 10 o'clock;
bo on liand If you wish wome good bar-
£nlns. Wimberly A Birch, proprietors of
LOST—Two 5 months old pointer pup
pies; white with lemon spots; one on
Xmas, one Monday. Reward If returned
to W. C. 1’urpln.
LOST—A scarf pin of monkny design.
Return to O. C. Wilder or Telegraph of
fice and receive reward.
LOST OH STRAYED—Black Jersey oow,
scar on back tit. Reward If returned
to 2348 fiocond st., Phone 1821.
chaser," care Telegraph.
good board. Ring 1442.
room with young man. Phono 2072.
about two blocks distance from llcllevu
H. Horne
Grand Building., Phone 454
more, « anu bv© rot
Store, 45i Cherry street,
road track facilities.
Becond and Third floor Evening New*
Storage apace at Englisn Compress
Building, Southern Railroad track facili
7-i. dwelling near Whittle School.
7»r. dwelling, 219 First street.
7- r. dwelling, 457 and 439 New street.
8- r. dwelling, 242 Carling avenue.
5-r. cottage South College rtieet.
5-r. cottage, Lynn nve.. Vlnevllle.fnew)
f-r. cottage. 400 and 408 Rosa street,
l-r. In dwelling. 561 Grunge street.
Elegant apartments In Dr. Frazier 1 *
new apartment houae of 5, 6. 9 or in
rooms. Steam heat, water and Janitor
gerneg furnished.
127 Ifellevur Ave IJc.OO
742 Colli-c*. S-r 125.00
426 Calhoun, »-r 120.60
221 Dunian 116.50
155 Fourth, 7-r 122.60
1171 Oixtiorpo, 7-r .136.00
126 llolt Ht.. »-r
210 Itinl'Hiin, 7. 22500; |* ftrMlon
January lat.
140 MlKhtinil avr, 7-r ,.,..127.50
261 Onnir, 7-r 126.00
420 »lulbm>' HI 160.)»
654 Fol.lar Ml <40.00
666 Poplar (Jan. I) »6o..o
664 IMplar 160.44
B. A. WISE & 00.
GOOD PATENT FIX)UR 75 cent* per
sack; Royal linking powder 46 cents
per pound; Hereford's rsiklng powder,
12Hc. per package. Oscar Bradley,
Phonos 661-431.
WANTED—By a young man seventeen
year* of ege, who Is willing to work,
a |N>sltlon of any kind that Is honorable.
Willing, cam Telegraph.
WANTED—^Good competent traveling
salesmen tri handle a high-grade lino
of roofing nnd building taints; exceptional
opportunity for proper parties, Apply
Garland Henning Co., Cleveland, O.
WANTED—A few select boarders, choice
rooms, nil conveniences, private family.
24(1 Washington live., Phone 3672.
HELP WANTED—Railway mall clerks;
coininencapisot salary $800.00; spring
examinations; preparations free; write
immediately. Franklin Institute, Iloehc*-
FOR It ENT—Four connecting unfnr-
furnlehcd rooms, conveniences, cloae In;
half of cottage. Phono 3521,
FOR RENT—Upper floor, consisting of
threo rooms, bath and toilet. Phone
FOR RENT—Desirable furnished or un
furnished room with modern conven
iences. Phono 1775.
FOR RENT—Near Mercer. 5-room cot-
tiigo; largo lot, garden, hams, uml
stithies, $12.50 month. Phone 3192.
FOR RENT—Five-room hottso on car
lino; modern conveniences, Carling
ave. Phono 2943.
FOR RENT—Second floor five-room flat,
modern conveniences, close In. Phono
BHTTKIUNE. onl* 20 reels nor pound.
Oscar Bradley. Phonos 651-423.
FOR RENT—Store at 870 Second st. for
merly occupied by the Equitable Bonk
ing St 1 .ono Co.', excellent place for n
Irnnk; possession January 1; wlii he al
tered to ault tenant. Apply to Ben L.
FOR RENT OR HALE—Rent dairy and
truck farm In Georgia; *6 acres with
7-room house In good repair; stables.
♦»arns, etc.; Ann meadow; enough good
land to produce a world of vegetables;
10 minutes from court house. H. Trls
FOR RENT—Immediate possession, list
Elm st.. 770, 769, 753 Ash st. A. L.
Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth its.
FOR RENT—Two Al around floor offices
In Washington block; steam beat and
Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma
con Savinas Bank.
FOR RENT—Ijtrge. convenient ware
house, close in. E. Trls Napier.
ALL KINDS of ftcslt fish: Blue Point
oysters on half shell; Apslaciilcola nnd
Brunswick selects. Daniel A Blaalngnme, i
Phone 463.
a few more pupils; second session be
gin* Jantmy Dfh; If Int /rested, write B.
Dixon tlsll, Prim. Bogart. On.
LET MILLER'S bicycle messengers deliv
er your notes and packages. ( l'iiouo
years training to high school graduates,
150.ho per year. Term begins Jan. 4.
Further Information apply to Mrs. T. C.
Parker, pres.
Arrival end Departure of Passenger
Train« st Macon,
effective Mmn 75, 1990.
Leave. Arrive.
SO. in 7{00ern} No. 19 11:06am
Wo. li'IOpm NO. 17 4 4-')pm
Tram* arrive **o «tep«^ frem fiootht-n
Depot J A. ITRRVR”,
General Psseenjer Ag»nL
LOST—Dachshund with Dodo on collar:
description, small, black, long body and
short crooked legs. Reward for return
to Walter II. Turpin, 768 Becond at
MONEY TO LEND on res' estate, tepay-
^ able monthly. J. J. Ca .h. Commercial
St Havings Bank.
•till in Macon, at C57 Plutn. If you
want to know what It Is doing call or
write nnd get Information. . It Is harm
less. pnlnleriu, druglesn. It will not
raise the dead, nor will U rtire all dls-
ottjMt*. but It cure* everything curable.
CABBAGE PLANTS of eunerlor Strains,
grown by C, M. Gibson, Young’s Island,
•fees. Full count and satisfaction guar
Wo offer for till* price a thoroughly
modern 6-room cottage on Park Place
on a good lot that fronts 70 feet and
hn* a depth of an ncro. Thlf place
has every convenience and Is ono of
the nicest places that hAs been offered
for lonio time. We aro facilitated to
five terms.
A nice 6-room cottage on Roes atreet,
well located nnd a bargain at the
price. / Terms If dcg'red.
Minton-Morgan Co.
Real Estate.
420 Cherry 8t. Phon# 119*;
For Rent
No. 742 College at., 8 rooma......$40,00
No. r.33 Clinton at., 4 rooms
No. 335 r— *
No. 419
No. 753 I
KO. Hi
No. 404 ,
No. 408
No. ioi» r
NO. 651 '
Clinton st.. 4 rooms
Duncan nve., 6 rooms.;...
Plum at.. 8 room*,...
Klin st., 6 rooms
Ross st., 7 rooms
* :.** st.. 7
non* hi., i
Mill at.. 6 room*
Walnut at., 5 rooms, furn,
No. 302 Carling ai'e., I rooms...
Frank B. West
417 Cherry Street.
A very attractlvo suburban farm
about four and oue-hnlf miles out,
fronting on one of the best public
roads. Contains 25 acres and has
good five-room frame dwelling,
largo barn, crib and other out
buildings. Would make a splendid
dairy* truck or poultry farm or nice
country homo.
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
666 Mulberry Street.