Newspaper Page Text
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Latest Estiamte Places
The Death List At
Severe Seismic Disturbance
Southern Italy and Sicily Followed
by Mammoth Tidal Wave Which
Swept Along the Strait of'Messina—-
Flames Break Out in the Stricken
Cities and Countless Numbers .of In
habitants Are Cremated—Powers of
France, Great Britain and Ruseia Are
Rushing Warships to Scene.
ROME. Dec. 20—One hundred thous
and -aftnirWsBnmin'SlcUy.-and Reg
gio ppd.a score of .other totyns in
southern Italy overwhelmed; the en
tire Calabrian region laid waste—ttys
la the_ earthquake record so far as is
at present "known 'from the reports
that are coming slowly Into Rom© on
account of the almost complete de
struction ot.lines of communication to
the stricken placaa#
The death list In Messina ranges
from 12,000 to 50,000; that of Reggio,
which with Its adjacent villages, num
bered 45,000 -people. Includes almost tho
entire population. At Palm!, 1,000 aro
reported dead; at Cassano 1,000; at
Cosenza 500. and half of the population
of Ragbara, about 4,000. The Mon
teleone region has been devastated,
g’id Rlposto. Semlnara. San Giovanni,
r Lazzarro and Cannitcllo and Mil
'communes and villages border-
ou tho straits arc in ruins.
King and Queen on Way.
The king and queen of Italy are now
on their way to Messina, having sailed
tonight from Naples aboard tho battle
ship Vittorio Emmanuele.
The pope has shown the greatest
distress ut the calamity and he him
self was the first to contribute a sum
amounting to $200,000 to the relief of
the afflicted. British, French and Rus
sian warships are steaming toward
the south and already several of the
whips of Great Britain and Russia havo
reached Sicily. Officers and men of
these ships have perform**! heroic
service in the work of rescued
Many Foreigners KillecV
It Is feared that many foreigners
have been killed as a number of the
hotels at Messina and doubtless at
other places which were crowded with
Little is known of the fate of tlio
diplomatic representatives of the for
eign powers stationed ’at these posts,
although the Italian government is
using every effort to relievo the anxie
ty felt on their account.
There Is the gravest danger that a
pestilence will follow tho destruction
of the towns where, on account of tho
vast havoc wrought, bodies will He
unburled for days and weeks. Those
who escaped death, many of whom aro
badly Injured, are making their way
by the thousands to tlio nearest placo
of refuge. Their sufferings oven now
must he intense-as they aro without
food or clothing.
ROME. Dec. 29—Tho minister of ma
rine et 5 o'clock tty* afternoon re
ceived a .wireless dispatch estimating
the dead at Messina at 50,000. No
news has yet been received from Reg
City After City Wrecked.
ROME. Dec. 29—Tho earthquake In
South Italy «nd Sicily yesterday morn
ing wrecked city after city, and oblit
erated smaller towns and villages with
out number. Then a tidal wave swept
along the strait of Messina and added
to the horror, drowning the people in
their helplessness and panic.
Fires Add Terror.
Flames broke out In the devastated
cities and countless numbers of wound
ed men. women and children were
burned to death.
Any adequate estimate, of the total
casualties is as yet quite Impossible,
but the Rome Tribuna places th*
number at between sixty thousand
and seventy thousand.
Mesaina Suffers Heavily.
Messina has been fire swept. The
death there alone will run into tho tens
of thousands. Reggio !h a sepulchre of
the dead. Catania suffered heavily.
Mount Etna, the volcano on tho
Island of 8icily, is active.
France, Great Britain and Rusfl.iarj
hurrying warships to the scene. Troops
arr* being pdured Into tho zon?.
ROME. Dec. 29.—Stunned at the
magnitude **f the ir.lamlty whi h has
overtaken their fellow-countrymen, all
Italy mourns tonight for the stricken
province <.f Cnlahil-i anl the inland
of Sicily. Accustomed for centuries
to earthquakes, Italy stands ever in
dr* ad, but rmw w.i.j vr- pared for the
disaster which In the fraction of
minute yesterday devastated cities a
towns, and caused the death of thou
sand" Mc'.'-i.m. uagi hi t< rv
ha* been marked by tMal waves and
war and which waa the center
yesterday’* terrestrial maelstrom, t
Shaken to ruins. Flam* s burst forth
to complete the city’s destruction and
to hum alive untold numbers hope,
lesiilv pinioned beneath fallen walla
effects of tho earthquake of 1905, Reg
gio was the center of the earth's up
heaval. The seaport of Reggio is re
ported as no longer existing and tho
city proper is in ruins.
The loss of lift* on both sides of
the strait and in eastern Sicily was
enormous. One of the refugees from
Reggio, who was the first to bring
tho news of the city's destruction,
tried to make his way to Sicily in a
sail boat, but was compelled to return
and finally found safety at a penin
sula port.
Sea Strangely Disturbed.
In describing his experience, ho said;
"The sea waa strangely, mysteriously
agitated end the heavens were ablaze.
Nearing Sicily tho clearing smoke re
vealed the mystery; Messina was in
flames. In tho frenzy of despair. I
turned my boat back to CaIab»*I«."
Starving, bleeding from injuries, and
almost insane from their terrifying ex
periences. Messina's survivors aro flee
ing in all directons. The spectacle
presented by the ruined seaport is de
scribed as terrifying. Hundreds of tho
injured. Imprisoned in' tho wreckage,
were abandoned to their fate by, the
fleeing populace. One of those who
escaped said:
Earth 8eemed to Drop.
“Tho earth seemed suddenly to drop
and then turn violently on Its axis.
The whole population, who practically
were precipitated from tho houses rent
in twain, were spun around like tops
as they ran through tho streets. Many
fell, crushed to death, and others, be
wildered, took refuge for breath be
side tho tottering walls, where they
soon met the fato of their compan
Assistance Arriving.
Already British and Russian squad*
Tons have arrived at Messina. Sail
ors and marines have been disembark
ed and they have performed courag
eous acts in rescuing the injured and
removing the wounded. A large mini
her of survivors havo been transferred
tp the warships, which are transform
ed into great floating hospitals. It
Ib Imperative that the dead be removed
from the ruins in order to avoid
Steamers with doctors, druggists,
firemen and workmen have arrived at
Messina from Catania and other places.
People of Rome in Grief.
Special dispatches received here from
Calabria, confirm the destruction of
Reggio. They report that the situation
there is as bad If not. worse than
at Messina. The streets In Romo are
jammed with people, who Bnatch tho
special editions from the newsboys.
The people are plunged in grief and la
mentations are heard on all sides.
Here and thero one asks another,
"When will end this awful repetition
of devastation and death in our coun
Condolence From All Nations. -
■ The hands of all. nations have been
extended to Italy In her affliction.
From rulers have.come messages of,
condolence and “from the* people spon
taneous promise of that aid which
brings the world'"closer together In
times of great calamity. Great Britain.
France and Russia . have sent -their
warships quick us the Hash of tho tel
egraph could carry the orders to Nrtid
assistance to the stricken cities. Rc-.
lief funds have already been started,
and a hundred ships and trains are on
the'.r way carrying supplies and re
inforcements to the feouth. Rome, Mi
lan, Florence. Naples and other clt'cs
aro sending physicians, police and fire
men. Today ail the ambassador nnd
ministers expressed sympathy with
Tittoni, minister of foreign affairs,
whose emotion was profound.
The bourses and theaters have been
closed throughout Italy, and
patches of sympathy continue to pour
In from all quarters of the globe.
At the time of tho earthquake tho
torpedo boat Sappho was lying in tho
harbor at Messina and one of the of
ficers told of tho occurrencos as fol
Sea Becomes a Tempest,
“At half past five in the morning,
the sea suddenly became terribly agl
tated, seeming literally to pick up our
boat and shake it. Oth*-r craft nearby
were similarly treated nnd tho ships
looked like hits of cork bobbing ubout
in i tempest. Almost Immediately
tidal wave of huge proportions swept
across the strait mounting the coasts
and carrying everything beforo
Scores of ships were damaged and the
Hungarian mall *boat Andrassy parted
her anchors and went crashing into
other vessels. Messina Bay was wiped
out and the sea was soon covered with
masses of wreckage which was carried
off in the arms of the receding
ters." >
Eight sailors from the Sappho were
landed and took up the work of rescue.
Offlcors end men from Italian and
British steamers also went ashcre as
soon as possible, the Britishers saving
a family of five who were Imprisoned
in a burning house. Many prisoners
from Jails made their escape and loot
ed right and felt. Hundreds engaged
In the work of robbing the banks and
business houses. In the opinion of
the officers of the Sappho, half tho
population of Messina perished.
Graphic 8tory of Eye Witness.
CATANIA. Dec. 2 9. Tin- following
graphic atory is told by a woman who
arrived here from Messina this morning,
badly Injured:
*' 'Inferno' Is the only word that will
adequately describe the fearful and terrl-
ul hr
and twtr
for insrln
PMlUn i
dated an
<•>4*1* *>
Strait Is Tw
* ol
ra swayed and rattk-d and crockery
I glass crashed to the floor. The next
. >ut doors. The streets
were filled. Everybody had rushed out
in their night clothes, heedless of tho
rain falling tr» torrents. Terrified shrPks
arose from all sides, and we heard heart
rending appeals for help from the unfor
tunates pinned beneath the ruins, m
Walls Fall Everywhere.
"Walls were tottering all around)
and not one of our party expected to ©s-l
cape alive. My brothers and sisters were
with mo. nnd In a frenzy of terror we
groped our way through tho streets,
holding our own against the pan Is—
en people, clambtrlnjc over rib*
until we finally reached a placo I _ JP
paratlve safety. But this waa not dona
' i was struck down and badl^ jn-
of a 1m
, half flail like
In Atlanta Will Again
Make Plea For Less
R.gyio In Rui
v-ri ^ I• - tli.' i , ,-t
iaS olti.r bulls-
uctf on P.g, Nln«4
I^rpsldcnt.Elwt to Mnke Two
Speeches in Atlanta-—Ono
’White Citizens; tho Other to Ne
groes—Expected . Ho Will Set
Forth Clearly What Hi* Position
Will be on Queations Peculiar to
Tills Section—Banquet at Which
300 Plates ’ Will bo Bald to be
Feature Event of Judge Toft’s
Visit—Will bo Itoyibly Enter-
tuiued at Piedmont Hotel.
ATLANTA, Ga„ Dec. 29.—(Tele
graph Bureau, Kimball House)
When- Judge Taft cornea to Atlanta
from Augusta on January 15, it Is
probable that ho will set forth clear
ly and definitely what Ills position
will be during Ills term as president,
on questions peculiar to this section
of the country.
Judge Taft will malce two Impor
tant speeches on the occasion of hts
vitslt here—one t6 an audience of
leading white citizens and another
to an audience of the best negroex.
Both will bo awaited with much In
terest; for, according to rumors, the
president-elect will mako himself
plain as regards his official and fu
ture personal attltudo toward south
ern problems.
It Is said that to the whlto audi
ence he will in part repeat pleas
heretofore made at meetings of
southern people—that thoy abandon
what 13 termed sectionalism and be
come a part of the union, political
ly as otherwise. It Is stated that he
will express himself regarding the
race question, disfranchisement nnd
other matters which have heretofore
contributed to the- erection and sup
port of a solid south. His views on
these matters, it Is said, will not
differ from those previously given
except, possibly, they will be ex
pressed with, greater clearness. IL
Is probable, also, that he will set
forth a forecast of his Intended pol
icy relative to southern patronage,
and will, of course, express a feel
ing of sincere friendship towards the
people of tho south, despite their
political opposition.
To the negroes, It Is stated, he
will tell of his feelings toward them
as a race, his Interest In their wel
fare and development, and Ills views
as to how both may bo best pro
moted. It Is not Improbable that he
will make clear to them tho atti
tude ho will tako as presidoat, and
In such a manner as to leave no
false hopes or beget any bitter dis
The committee which went to Au
gusta to make formal presentation on
Judge Taft of the Invitation to visit
this city, returned today and express
delight with the genial reception giv
en them. They have already began
preparations for receiving and enter
taining the distinguished visitor.
The president-elect will arrive hero
early In the afternoon in a prlvato
car to be furnished by the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce. He will be met
at Stone Mountain or Decatur by a
committee from the chsmber who will
escort him Into the city. From the
old union depot he will be taken In an
automobile to the Piedmont Hotel,
where headquarters will be established
for his stay.
The visitor will make a short address
at a public meeting to be held at tho
Grand Opera House or tho capltol
shortly after his arrival. Then he will
be entertained at a banquet to which
will be invited about 600 guests. This
will bo tho main event. ,
He has expressed a desire to grant
tho request of many prominent ne
groes to address an audience of their
race while here.
The matter has been left In the
hands of tho committee of arrange
ments who will see that the desire Is
granted. Ho will speak to the negroes
probably on the doy following his ar
rival. on which day he will also visit
leading places of Interest. Including
Fort McPherson and the old Civil War
battle grounds.
Near Beer Tax Won't Down.
ATLANTA. Go., Dec. 29—"No offi
cial, of the state has authority to de
mand that ordinaries collect the license
tax placed on near-beer dealers by the
Wise act." declared one of the leading
state capltol tax authorities this morn
ing. in discussing the odd situation now
confronting the authorities.
"No ordinary Is under obligation,
morally or otherwise, to collect tho
tax. Those who accept it when offer
ed do so and make returns merely
A matter of courtesy and as far as any
one at the cspitol con go in regard tn
the matter is to request them to mak
the collections or accept payment*. Thi
ordinary Is not a tax official and he 1
»•* » k *'k ' l » • illrcM-t'on ., r U.ztrijrtloi
1 from any state tax offioAl. Further tho,
i that the Iaw provides no return to hln
| for time and expense devote*! to c ar
I tying out the law. He in '*p«< t•**> t*
even print the blanks on which tin* |l
censes are Issued, assume thi risk o
handling the money and give it hli
min nnd Attention, end turn even
cent collected Into the elite treasury
Jfe gets no commission as would be th<
©-•♦ If the ut collectors were au
thorlzed to issue the licenses. All he
can get Is (1 registration fee, which
he may collect from th#» dealer taking
out the license.”
When the near-beer license law was
passed, the ordinary was made collec
tor In order to disassociate It from a
tex. for. If It had been so denoted, the
money derived would have hud to have
been devoted to the public schools.
No state official was authorized to
direct the Issuance of the licenses. Aft
er the bill became a lew, it was de
cided <o place the matter In the hands
of the comptroller general. He sent
out instructions to the ordinaries, but.
According to the authority quoted
above, has no right to demand Hint
they be followed. He has no statutory
authority over the ordinaries and the
act gives non© and gives It to no one
It Is probable that if the governor
takes up the matter for tho purpose
of compelling a more liberal contribu
tion on the part of near-beer dealers
to the finance* of the state, he will
work through the solicitor general or
special counsel, it haft-' been rumored
that he may appoint Assistant attor
ney generals to look Aftei tho matter
In the larger cities and. pay them fees
from the executive contingent fund.
Payments to date amount to-, only
$17,360. Two checks for $100 wore re
ceived from the ordinary of Columbia
county this morning, but before they
were cashed he telegraphed a request
that they be held up until January 6.
Excepting Bibb, none of the larger
counties has made any payments.
Local dealers are to pay tlio tAx to
morrow', but It will bo pAld under, pro
test, pending another fight in the
courts. Attorneys representing the
dealers are to bring a test caso. and
force the issue before a Jury, They
will claim that, thero in no such thing
as a "substitute for malt or spirituous
liquors” being sold; that the beer on
tin* market in an entity, a product of
itself and not an Imitation of some
thing discountenanced by the law*, and
Is therefore not taxable under'the Wise
80 Counties Take Convicts.
ATLANTA. Ga„ Dec. 29.—Officials
of eighty counties have notified tho
prison commission that they w*Ill use
their quotas of convicts on the public
roads after April 1 next. The major
ity want "overa" as well as their own
supply. Requisitions to date dispose
of between three and four thousand
It Is expected that ubout twenty-flvi
more counties will decide to aval
themselves of tlio privileges - of the
now convict law before tho no\f sys
tem is put Into effect.
Monument Dealers Meet.
ATLANTA, (in.. Dec. 29.—About fif
teen retail monument dealers of Oenr-
glu, Florida, Aiubuma ami Smith Caro
lina held an Informal meeting at tho
Piedmont Hotel this morning, for tho
purpose of making preliminary plans
* r an organization.
Tho meeting was called by a trado
paper, and the organization is to be
a branch of the National Retail Monu
ment Dealers’ AsAoclntioft.
Agricultural College Cheeks.
ATLANTA, fin,, Dec. 29...-The state
department of agriculture bones to bo
able to forward checks of about 12,000
each to th* 1 district agricultural school*
by January 1. Cape. Joseph Johnson,
who has charge of the tax bureau,
is making strenuous efforts to sell
enough fertilizer tags to supply tho
needed funds.
Under the law adopted at tho last
session of tho legislature, all fee fl aris
ing from fertiliser Inspection after the
cost of the work Is deducted, goes to
the district colleges, amounting In all
to about $7,000 for each of them.
Miss Nannie Harris Attends.
ATLANTA, Go., Doc. 29.—Among tho
delegates to the Routhern Educational
Association convention lure Is Miss
Nannie Harris, musical director of the
public schools of Augusta. •
Miss Harris Ib one of tho best known
teachers In the state, and her work
In the Augusta schools has brought
her much commendation.
E. M. Osborne, principal of the fifth
ward school, and Lawton B. Evans,
county superintendent, are among the
others attending from Augusta.
Lick Branch Scene Of
Disaster-Rescuers Un
able To Render Aid.
ROANOKE, Va.. Dec. 29.—Meager news
of & coal mine disaster at Lick Branch,
Va., readied here tonight. Between for
ty and sixty men are said to be imprison
ed and about « o'clock this evening res
cuing parties had been unable to go Into
the shaft because of fire and smoke.
Lick Branch Is tho name of a coal
operation on the Pocahontas division of
the Norfolk and Western Railway and Is
without commercial telegraph facilities.
Because of the Isolation of the scene of
the reported disaster no particulars have
been learned here.
Norfolk and Western headquarters here
say that owing to the fact that tnlnera
are taking a holiday this week In large
numbers that It is not likely that more
than fifty or sixty men were at wotlc In
this particular mine at the time of the
explosion, which occurred about 4 o'clock
In the afternoon.
It Is stAtcd that the Lick Branch mine
has a connection with another mine on
the other side of the mountain and that
It Is possible this mine has been affect
ed. The cauae of the explosion lias not
yet been determined and cannot be
learned until an exploration can be made.
DAILY, *7.09 A YEAR.
■ a ■
Alleged Cause of Annis’
Death Is Told By
Misses Lillian and Nannie <5rr. Miss Ber
tha Jordon, Mieses Wllheftnlna, tleorgla
uml Helen Kettrell. Miss Kadio Grubbs,
Miss Lula* Brown. Miss Nina Kennedy,
Misses Bell and Mtggln Kirk man, Mlsa
Beil Collins, Mies Alice Diggs. Miss
Oulda Nunn, Miss flusle Ivey. Miss Hal-
lto Road Waters. Miss Mary Cox, Miss
Roughton, Mr; C. C, Adams, Mr.
* * - ** W. L. Adams, Mr.
Defense in Trial of Thornton Haina
Attempts to 8how Reason Why Capt.
Halns Returned From the Philip
pines—When Reproached For Her
Allegfd Misconduct Mrs, Halns Con
fessed to Her Husband, According to
Hairis' Statement to Witness—Cook
in the Hains Household Tel's of Ac
tions of Mrs. Halns and Annis While
the Captain Was Away.
FLUSHING, N. Y., Doc. 29.—Tho de
fense of Thornton J. Halns, Indicted
ith IjIh brother, Capt. Peter C. Halns,
Jr„ for tho killing of William E. An
nis. called two witnesses in today's
session of the trial to show certain
alleged acts of Mrs. Claudia Hains
which the lawyers for the defendants
claim so affected Capt. Halns that ho
became mentally unbalanced.
Hnmut‘1 Chester Reid, of Chicago, n
friend of the Hains family, swore that
Capt. Halns told him of all his mari
tal misfortunes and that tho enptutu
evinced signs of being Irrational. ,
Servant on Stand.
Before the closo of tho day’s session
tho defense called to the stand a ser
vant in Capt. Haina' household, Minnie
Rohrer, who related certain alleged in
cidents In which Mrs. Claudia Hains
nnd William *E. Annis figured at tho
Haina homo while Capt. Halns was in
the Philippines. These incidents, tho
witness said, she told the captain on
Ills return. Sho was still under ex
amination when court adjourned for
the day. She said that Mrs. Halns
hud declared her affection for Annie
and told of alleged ofgles held ut the
Hains home at Fort Hamilton.
"I Wish I Was Dead."
Samuel C. Reid, <l building Inspector,
of the United State H training qtatfon
at North Chicago, waa called. Tho
wltncsK related a conversation with
Capt. Hnins, who, the witness nukl
used such expressions as "My life is
rulnod" and "I wish I was dead."
Mr. Reid said:
•'Capt. Halns nnld ho went to FoM
Hamilton and found his wife, who
wanted to know why ho had returned
home. 'Why, Claudia, your reputation
is at stake. I have come from tho ut
ter ends of tho earth to save you. I
havo heard gossip of you and Annis.'
Tho captain said bis wife told him that
the gossip waa ridiculous."
4, l Do Love Billy Annis."
Mr. Reid said the captain stated ho
Invited Annis to dinner to show ho did
not believe tho gossip. Wltnoss sold
Capt. Halns said his father told him
there wero things to bo Investigated,
And that ho (Capt. Halnr.) again spoltd
to his wife, and she replied, "I do leva
Billy Annis." Mr. Reid further testi
"Tho captain said his wife then told
him nil, that she loved Hilly Annis nnd
not him. 'I could not understand It,’
said Capt. Halns. ‘Tho night before
she gave mo caresses and told me tlmt
It was not ho.’"
Halns Wanted To Die.
Witness said Capt. Halns frequently
expressed a dcslro to die and said
Thornton had boon to good to him
Mr. Reid said tho eaptnln sighed,
moaned and quoted from KIplInTs
“Vampire," and said he never under
stood the poem before, hut did so
licid was excused, nnd Mlnnlo Roh
rer, a negreus of Washington, D. C.,
took the stand. She Is the cook In
tho Hains household. The cook re
lated tho occurrences in the Halns
home of which, she said, she told
Capt. Ilalna on hln return from the
west. The witness snid Mrs. Hnins
was intoxicated at tho house with Mr.
Annis. Tho rook said sho told the
captain that his wife smoked clgar-
ettea and that she went out uuto rid
ing with Annis nnd stayed away all
"What did tho captain do when you
told him that?"
The witness jumped from her seat
and gave an exht'tVion of how the
captain acted, crying out:
"Oh, my God l"
"When did you tell Capt. Haina cl!
thla?” naked Justice Crane sternly.
“Tiii* night lie came home from the
Philippines," was the reply.
Loved Annie Five Yoars,
The witness said sho told Capt.
Halns that Mrs. Halns hfld told her
that sho loved ''Billy'’ Annis for five
years and that sho did not know what
Jove wag when she married. The cook
further testified that Mrs. Rains call
ed Annie "PKllft N end her "affinity,"
and on ono occasion Capt. Halos*
young son called Annis "papa." The
witness said she told this to Copt.
Halns. Bho said she told the captain
that Annis made himself at home In
the house and that he hid when some
one called at the house.
At thla point the court adjourned
until tomorrow.
9- H. Aduir.’i, Mr. «», u. auriui. jar.
Cleveland Globe. Mr. Jim Arnold. Mr.
Henry Grubbs. Mr. Harvey Holloway,
Mr. ('Iyd# Jlollowav. Mr. Ib'iimr '-ir. Mr.
Julian Orr, of Thompson. Mr. 8ld Taylor,
Mr. Whlto Kitchens. Mr. Kettrell. Mr.
Leroy Thompson, Mr. Klntnan Brown, all
of Dnvlsboro. Mr. Byrd Lovett, of Fan-
dersvlllc, and Mr. Ben Armstrong, of Sa
Judge Lindeay to 8peak.
AiHERHEHN. S I» . lb »■. ,M' Jud;;o
Ben Lindsay, the famous "k'd's Jedgo”
of tho Denver juvenile court, is among
tho distinguished speakers who will
address tho teachers of Bouth Dakota
during tho convention opened today.
State Supt. Schaffer, of Pennsylvania,
nnd Dr. Thomus Nicholson, secretary
of the New York board of education,
arc also slated for addresses.
In Quarrel Over Scoring at
Target Shoot, Fight
'I. Results.
STATU AM, Ga.. Dee. 29.—Word has
reached hero that In a quarrel over the
Mooting In a turget shout for a stakn of
$10 In thla county. Sol Flanigan, his
Arthur Flanigan,- Charley Hammond
Thomas llolfiday wero shot by LI
Thurmond who had lost his part of the
stako and declared ho had been treated
At tho end of tho target shoot Thur
mond had tho target pistol nnd began to
Death Lilt Heavy.
ROANOKE. Va.. Dec. 29.-Tha meenfe
I rr*c#|ved at 19 o’clock tonight at tho gen
eral offices r.f the Norfolk nr.d Weetrrn
railway In this cltv save that fourteen
men hava been taken out of the mlno
and that four of this nuiix r are dead,
lit lx now practically Milled that fifty
father was shot In tho chin, Hammond
received a shuttered thigh bone that may
cauae the loss of his leg nnd Holliday
was uhot through the hand. Thurmond
escaped, but notified the sheriff ho would
Engineer Satterfield Killed
And Four Others Bad
ly Hurt.
WABHINOTON, Use. 29.—A ml„-
plufi'd Switch fftinoJ.Oifl derailment
of mall Itnd patsenKCr 1 rain So, :15,
on tho Southern Hallway, ntTBroTros-
land, Va., six miles south of I)an
ville, at 5:50 p. m, lodny.
Engineer Satterfield was killed
and I'troiMHM lisvU, colored, and
threo postal-clerks, were Injured.
Tho train wliloh loft WashlnRton
ut 8:16 this moralnt; for the south
ran Into n switch Hint was turned
into the Dnnvlllo and Western tracks
which connect at that point with tho
Southern, Although tho slgnnl light
wnn properly displayed.
The engine, hnggago car nnd mall
car turned over. There was no In
terruption to traffic, according to nn
official report received at Southern
headquarters. It Is not known at
this time wliat caused tho switch to
bo turned.
Business|Conditions of 1908
Summarized With
“A Look Ahead”
Crew Threatened With Vi-
olenee-Story Filled
With Pathos.
SAVANNAH, On.. Dec. 29.—
Threats of vlolenco wero mado
against tho crew of a heavy Thun
derbolt enr that at noon today man
gled six-year-old Josephine Whalen,
crushing out her life Instantly, and
Injured her four-year-old brother,
The accident occurred on Drough-
ton street In the heart of the busi
ness district. *"
The children had Just been given
a few cents by their mother to buy
candy and In their gleo ran under
tho car, not noticing their danger.
The little girl was leading and tho
few Inches that ahe was In advance
of bor brother saved his life-
Won’t Invito President-Elect.
SAVANNAH, On., Deo. 29.—No
delegation will be sent to ask Pres
ident-elect Taft to visit Savannah
before be goes from Charleston on
his trip to Panama. This haa been
decided alnce It aeema certain Taft'*
program la mapped out and will not
be changed.
,,0°^ Va-. Dm Jr-TP. d. re-
•OH in iutviHburo mss ib* rtc<*b!lmi to. "ft wknowr Wwnvr -I”.", V* .fitly
Year Partook of Most of the Phenom
ena of an Aftor-Panio Year With Its'
Full Quota of Early Weakneae, Doubt
And Uncertainty, But Ultimate Re
sults Were Toward Recuperation and
Repair—Outlook for Future Not En
tirely Clear, But All Things Consid
ered the Country is in Better Shape
Than a Year Ago—Confidence Ex
pected But No Boom is Looked For,
NEW YORK, Dec. 29—Nineteen hun.
dred and eight purtook of most of the
phenomena of after-panto year with
its full quota of early weakness, doubt
and uncertainty, but guiding forces
and ultimate results were toward re
cuperation und repair. This, at first
very slow, later hastoned to a point
Where conservative optimism ruled
general business. It early months wit
nessed a very heavy volunio of Insol
vencies, the aftermath of tho financial
storm of 1907; saw business sharply,
roduced In volume, an Immense amount
of transportation facilities .of tho coun
try unused, public buying ability great
ly reduced, low levolsr touched for
most securities, a vast number of Idlo
operatives In all lines, a glut of money
in tho banks, nnd a feeling of weak
ness akin to that felt by the human
patient after a wasting fever.
Recovery Developed* . *
Later, particularly in the last half of
the year a marked recovery of strength
developed, confidence wjh largely re
stored, monoy was easier to borrow,
I ml w: t r iii \vli.-< Is I’.'VilV'il f 11 k t M!A
cars decreased in mtatbar, buying b*<
came more confident, larger crops sold
it good pricao haloed to swell col-
Icrttons, employment was m*.if plenti
ful, wago reductions and' ruinous
strikes were largely avoided, labor
proved more efficient, and altogether
• tho contrast ■ between the cnrly and
kite months of . tho year was very
striking. Indeed, those "1"* took coun
sel of the loafs whlelThiid been awak-
ened-bp thp crash of 1907 were agree
ably surprised nt tlio spoed nnd tho ap
parent Hmimlm-'H «if th.* re cowry.
The 1907 Trouble.
Explanatory of this, tho early diag
nosis of the 1907 troublo needH to be
homo In mind. To all appearances the
muse of tho collapse was largely finan
cial, though perhaps partly political
In. that hostile legislation and legal pro
ceedings against corporations were
additlonaly disturbing factors. In.
dustry nt tho beginning of the panto
was not widely Involved, but became
unsettled through dislocation of finan
cial affairs. Btocks of commodities
were not large, nnd fortunately the
trouble ;iffecled tlio agricultural infer-
enln of the country only in u rrmoio
degree. Most of tho damage was vis
ited upon, first, the financial communi
ty, and secondly, nnd lator, the manu
facturing and commercial ofcinents of
the country.
Agricultural Values Large,
Through It all the great food-pro
ducing Interests, aided by good domes
tic and foreign demand and extremely
remunerative prices, felt the effect*
only imilrcUly. ami lu re, with restored
confidence In financial lines, wero fur
nished firm foundations for tin- later
revival, the recuperation and tho re*
newed upbuilding so notable In tho
second half of the year. The Ameri
can farmer, with flittering profits In
1907, found lurgo and insistent de
mand for his surplus products at good
prices In 1908. Agricultural values as
a whole were the largest ever known,
anil the prosperity of this basic indus
try, uncommon' In a year following a
panic, proved, as never before, that
America's eggs were no longer in one
or two baskets. —
Differences From Other Year*.
It will be seen from the above that
1908 was not exactly like tlio years
which followed those of 1837, 1857,
1878 or 1893, periods of immense stress,
end years, moreover, when American
Interests were more largely centered
In a few things, and whan industry
was not dlvenrfled as It Is now. For
Instance there wn» no parallel thla
year to the depressed conditions of
| agricultural pricej which ruled In 1893
to 1811. Perhaps th<j olosest analogy
to the recently past depression Mas tho
period following the financial panic of
1884 which was severe whllo It lastod
—bout from which recovery was rela
tively rapid. Our most recent upheav
al was severe and acute enough, how-
ver. In that Industrial outputs wero
sharply and suddenly reduced at an
early date, and Ithls fact, together
I with the promptness of the later re
covery, which was made possible by
tho absence of underlying weakness
and depressing stocks of all klnda of
I commodities, places 1908 In a clas* by.
Itself. Yet there were many drawbacks
to bo surmounted.
Labor Dissatisfied. ..
There was a very unsettled feeling
In labor lines regarding possible wago
reductions, the -spring was . «nd
I wet, while tho summer an.] f
hot and dry, and the appro.i.
I presidential election
of tha
r th*r«*
.ml ph.
w| doubt.
,h J?!
' .ami lb. | II.'* j'i H*f»nt sws III—s I
u I • r l»..« iflhrl Mbit mt.lfl. *» Mi.I , * * 1 * f **' * ' I' 1
i sJgsville, mim EU.ciidgf, at Dublin, 1 lumber ladtn, is cvmplsUIy wmui
tVoutlnuM on l'egs Tc