The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, August 25, 1823, Image 1

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VoV v. xiie messenger, 1S PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY YiOSV'i \\o\MA\ At three dollars a year, in advance, nr four dollars if not paid within the ■ C %irertisemepts will be inserted at O-VENTY-KIVE CENTS pel* StjUCtVf, for tie first insertion, and fifty cents Z each continuance. Advertisements nnt limited when handed in, will be inserted till forbid. V B- Notice of sales ol land and np ,'esbv Administrators, Executors, ZO.n* .re required by lew, to hr -wlvertised in a public Gazette sixty tvTpreriens to the day of sale. ‘Notice of the sale ot personal pro perty must be given in like manner ortl days previous to the day of sale. J Notice to the debtors and creditors of “an estate must be published for 1 Notice that application will be made f 0 the Court of Ordinary for leave to ,-■ll land, must be published for nine months. ary? yipIIE subscribers have opened a jj[ Store in Macon, Bibb county, di rectly on the blurt', near the ferry, in the store of Dr. Ingersoll, where they offer for sale, low for Cash the follow ing articles, —viz— oooo lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon 400 bush. L.P. Salt, 10 bbls prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey 3 do Gin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey 5 hhds N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses 2 bbls Jamaica Sugar 1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee 2 chests Tea, 2 kegs 1). P. Powder 20 bags shot, 6 boxes Candles 4 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco 2 casks London Porter 7 do Nails, assorted Plough Moulds Madeira, Teneriffe & Claret Wines Jamaica and Northern Rum Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre Bar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords Trace Chains, Grade’s patent Hoes Pad, stock, an.l closet Locks Cotton Cards, 6’urry Combs Crockery Ware, assorted Horn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs assorted, Pins and Needles do Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do Pen, pocket, and Spanish Knives and Forks, assorted Ladies morocco, leather, and prunella Shoes, do, Gent's Shoes & Bootees 2 cases gentlemen's beaver, imitation, and murino Hats, assorted Hose Blankets, Blue Booking (•teen Bai/.e, Cassimeres, Oznaburgs Flannels, assorted Cotton and linen Shirting do Irish, Russia, and cottou Sheeting do Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids Apron Checks, Bed ’Picking Russia Duck and Drill Ladies and gent’s Hose, assorted Child ens (io, Ribbons, assorted Linen, cotton, and Oznaurg Thread ’Tapes, cotton Cord, Bobbin Ladies and gent's Gloves, assorted Linen and cotton Cambric do Calicoes and and Ginghams, do Seersuckers and printed Muslins Furniture Calicoes and Chintz Cambric Dimity Mull, book, and jackonet muslins Merino, Valencia and silk Shalls t otton and Cassitnere assorted do Valencia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings Muslin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins Caroline and imitation Plaids ißombazettes, Union Stripes, French, Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted Black Sinchews, •Scarlet and green Florentine iankin and Canton Crapes ! <ag and Barcelona Ilandk’fs * v dk Umbrellas briganly and Turkey Red Shells V alencia, Toil’t & Mai seills Vestings Gentlemen’s Cravats . * ogether with a number of other ar ticles, too numerous to mention. A liberal price will be given for Cow Hides, &c. & c . J. & A. BENNETT. Jli so —For sale by the subscriber, the following tracts of LAND. - So> Idl, 9th Dist. Houston 202, \ acr. 2 14 5 “ Dooly 202) 13G 7 “ “ 202,j 7(> 1 “ 2o2* £ 52 6 “ Henry 202.) B 7 20 “ Eaily 250 One second hand CO A CHEF., Har pess, and HORSE, which will be sold - w for Cash. JOSEPH DENNETT. August 4, 5m29 THE MESSENGER. G\\\es\ne &. Rirdsong, HAVE just received, and are now opening at the corner of Bridge and Mulberry-streets, (Shorter’s build ing) a general assortment of tiv\ Goods, Patent Aiedft- Wavd-Wave, cities, SiuWervf, Cvoekevv, Shoes, GVass-Wvwe, Wats, and Bonnets, G voce vies. All direct from New York and Charles* ton, which they offer for sale. Macon, 7th July. IG—tf. wvvro wtsrso rpwo good 40 saw Cotton Gins JL lor sale.—For further informa tion, apply at this office. Aug. 4,“ 1823. tf2o ITTOWJL VLL persons having claims against the estate of Henry Jameson dec’d late of Monroe county, will present them duly authenticated for settlement —and those indebted please make im mediate payment to Tomlinson Fort, at Milledgeville, or the subscriber, in Bibb couuty. Susanna Jameson Adm'x. Aug. 11, 1823. 6w21 •N*OT\CW. AGREEABLY to an order of the of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, Will be sold, on the first Tues day iii October next, at the house of John Keener, 3 .Nfegvoes, Viz.— 2 Fe\- lows, Joe and Modbs, and Laney, a Woman, being the property of John D. Williams, late es said county, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Timothy M attheyvs, Adm’r with the will annexed. July 31, 1823. tds2o G eorgia, Wilkinson C ount\. PERSONALLY came before me, Benjamin Mitchell, Justice of the Peace, R. S. Hatcher, and being duly sworn, saith, that he received an order from Jeremiah Smith to James Hatcher, for twenty dollars, dated the 2d or 3d of July last, and the said or der is lost or mislaid, so that he can not command it. R. S. HATCHER. Sworn before me this the 1 30th of Julv, 1823. > B. MITCHELL, J. P. J 3w20 Georgia—Bibb Counts. ll.’ HEKEA9 James Pearson applies M to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of Geo. W ilson.late of said county dec.—Jffiese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tiie heirs and creditors of said dec. to be and appear at my office within the time preserbed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why sad letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2nd day of August, 1 823. I). S. BOOTH, c. o. o* August 4. 4w20 Georgia—WiYAi Counts}. WHEREAS Elizabeth Bagby ap plies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Bagby dec. 7’hese are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the heirs and cre ditors of said dec. to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2nd day of August, 1823. D. S. BOOTH, c. c. o. August 4. 4w20 O - Georgia—P>i\Ai Counts;. W HERE AS Alexander Meriwether applies to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of Wright R. Cole man, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be end appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause if any, w hy’ said letters should not be granted. . Given under my hand this 2d day ot August, 1823. D. S. BOOTH, c. e. o. August 4. 4vv2o ai&AiTIBLS OF KVERY DESCRIPTION, Fovsiticat tiffs Office. VOU V HAWKINS, (.GEORGIA,') .MONDAY, AUGUST *23, 1823. .MAR VIN* SIMMONS OFFERS for sale a general assort ment of Groceries, Dq Goods, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings, Iron See. which he will dispose of low for Cash only. O.v Consignment. 10,000 lbs. prime Bacon 10 bbls. Pork 10 “ Mackerel 50 “ Whiskey 20 “ India point Gin 4 “ Rum 30 “ & 2 hlulsv Brown Sugar 6 “ Loaf Do. 15 “ Flour 20 Bags Coffee 1 Tierce Rice 10 Kegs Dupont’s Powder 10 “ Nails, assorted 50 qr boxes Spanish Sugars Ist qual. 100 sacks Liverpool Salt 1650 lbs. Grindstones A small lot of Cod-Fish. New Town, May 12th B—ts. ill¥ Wcffievlsovt & Cranberry Have just received a fresh supply of Men’s and Boy’s WOOL HATS, Gentlemen’s Ladies’ Boys’ Misses’ and Children’s SHOES, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Calicoes, Cambripks, Muslins, Shirtings, Northern Homespun^ Russia Duck, Turkey Cotton, Northern Check, Scotch Do. Pocket Knives, Spanish Do. with a variety of other articles—which, added to their former stock ot Drs Goods, Sc Groceries, render their assortment almost com plete, and will be sold very low for Cash. August 11 tf2i Georgia—Jefferson County. VJ|7HEREAS David E. Whitaker yV applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Benjamin E. Whitaker, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of Julv, 1823. J. G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. j. c. July 28, 1823. 19—Gw WILL be sold on the first Tues day in September next, in the town of Louisville, agreeable to an or der of the honorable court of Ordinary, of Jefterson county, nine hundred and thirty-six acres of land, lying in the county of Jefferson,on the waters of Dry creek, adjoining laiyls of Win. Mar shall, and others: It being the real es tate of Benjamin Davis, dec’d and to be sold for the benefit of the minor heirs of said deceased. Also two hundred and two and an halt acres, lying in the county of Wilkinson, known by lot No. 7, in the lGth district of said county, belonging to the subscriber. — Terms made known on the day ol sale. Elizabeth Davis, Jlirri’x. June 20, 1823. 15—60d. Notice. WHEREAS Anthony R. Cheat ham, administrator, and Cath arine L. Matthews, administratrix ol William Matthews, late of Jefferson county, deceased, apply to nie tor let ters dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of July, 1823. ■ John G. Bostick, and. c.c. o. July 1. mGml9 FLOORING BRADS, and a few pieces PAPER HANGING, For sale by ROBERTSON & GRANBERRY. April 21 3OR VRUYTUYG >7£ ATLY EXECUTED AT THIS Off ICE* John G. Bostick } vs. ( Bill in Equity for Edwin Whitedeadf Discovery. & Charles Watson } IN this case the sheriff having re turned that the defendants are not to be tound in this county, on motion, it is ordered, that a service of the said bill be perfected upon the defendants by advertising this rule once a month in some public Gazette of this state, until the next term of this court: and it further ordered that the said de fendants do appear and answer the said bill at the next term of this court. A true extract taken from the min utes of the Superior court of Jef ferson county and state of Geor gia, this 29th May, 1823. 15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the estate of John D. Wil liams and eccased, by note or otherwise, are requested to present them within the time by Law. Timothy Matthews, adm’r with the will annexed July 10th, 1823. 19—6 w. Sheriffs Safe. ON the first Tuesday in Septembei next, will be sold, at the house o’ Major John Keener, (the appointee plate of holding court for the county of Bibb,) between the usual hours ol sale, the following property, to wit Three negroes, .Aims a woman about 25 years of age, and hei two children, CHARLOTTE, a gir about 5 years old, and EBBY, a girl about 4 years old.—All levied on as the property of David B. Culberson, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Reid, Woodruff, & Cos. vs. said Culberson.: Property pointed out by the defendant. Terms Cash. EDMUND C. BEARD,Sh’ff. July 23d 1823, 19—tds Georgia—AppYtng County. WHEREAS on the 14th day of No vember, ISQ£, I executed and deliver ed a Power of Attorney to Jehu Camp bell of Twiggs county, in the state aforesaid, to do certain matters and things for me and in my name, and particularly to make titles to a tract of land, No. 237, in the 4th district Mon roe connty: Now Notice is hereby given, that I have this day revoked said power of Attorney, and all per sons are cautioned against trading for, or receiving titles to said tract of land from said Jehu Campbell attorney as aforesaid. ISAAC MOODY. August 11, 1823. 3w21 Georgia—Jefferson Comits. WHEREAS James Batey applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of Thomas B. Darsey, deceased.—These are there fore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this sth day of August, 1823. J. G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. Aug. 11. *6w2l Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell all the real property belonging to the estate of Capt. James Meri wether, late of Jefferson county, dec’d. SUSANNA MERIWETHER, Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix. Adm'uustvtitov’s Sa\e. ON the first Tuesday in October next, at the Court House in the town of Maripn, will be sold, Two \iaff squares of land, being part of Lots No. 43 and G 5 in the 28th Dist. (formerly Wilkinson, now) Twiggs county —it being part of the real estate of Jesse P.. Wall, de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN SOLOMON, Adm’r. July 7th, 1823. 19—2m* Yiffovuiation Wanted. 4 NY person or persons having knowledge of JAMES HAR VEY |WASHBURN, (a native ol Massachusetts) within the space of 12 years past, will confer a great lavor by enclosing and forwarding in a let ter, such information, per mail, to H. MORTON. Telfair County, Gep, 15 KEENEY & CLARKE, MRUCHA.VT TAILORS, RESPECTFULLY inform the in habitants of Macon and its vi cinity that they have taken the Store next the Post-Office, Mulberry-street, where they intend carrying on the Tailoring business in all its various branches, and hope, by diligent atten tion and a competent knowledge of the trade, to merit the approbation of the public. Those who wish to have thsir work done with neatness and dis patch, will find them attentive to their orders. They have with them the la test New-York and Philadelphia Fash ions, both for Military and Dress Clothes. N. B. All orders from the adjacent Towns faithfully attended to and par ticular attention paid to CUTTING. They will constantly keep on band a complete assortment of the first rate TRIMMINGS, which, with other ar ticles they have, will be disposed of at a low rate. Macon, Aug. 17. iw22 Administrator’s £a\e. “%M7TLL be sold on the first Tues ▼ ▼ day in October next, at the court-house in Marion, Twiggs county, ‘Thirty-three ac res oi* \ .and bfeing part of the real estate of Will iam Pearce, deceased.—-Terms made known on the day of sale. Charlotte Pearce, Jldrn’x. Theoph. Pearce, Jldm’r. July 84, 1823. 2m 19 ICT” We are authorised to announce Dr. S. M. INGERSOLL, a candidate for a seat in the representative branch of the next legislature, for Jtibb county. |C7* We are authorised to announce C. W. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a seat in the Representative branch of the next legislature, for Bibb county. We are authorised to announce Timothy Matthews esq. a candidate to represent this county in the Senatorial branch ot the next Legislature of this State. Stephen WiUiams is a candidate to represent this county in the next Legislature of this State. We are authorised to announce Capt. Charles Bul lock a candidate to represent this County in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature of this State. We are authorised to an nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi date lor the office of Sheriff for this county. w ’e are authorised to an nounce JONATHAN A. HUDSON a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorized to an nounce HERMAN. H. HOWARD a candidate for the office ol Sheriff for this county. •\*o. 23.