Newspaper Page Text
by vnk. n. mays.
She dropped tills rosebud halfanhfrar ago,
Wliile gliding through that witching
waltz of Strauss;
I saved it from destruction dire, below
The ponderous feet of Philips and his
Tell me, sweet rose before your petals fall,
Does my love know I love her best of ally
Another waltz. And, as I feared, again
That chattering noodle, Briggs, her vis-
He’s rich, though rather passe; and it’s
He loves her; that the very blind could
How graciously she listens to bis drawl!
Ah, can she know I love her best cf all ?
I never told her how her winsome face
Comes to my thoughts unhid the whole
day through;
I never ask her if there is a place
In her young heart, where I’m remem
bered, too, .7
Yet watching her I lean against the wall,
And tell my soul I love her best of all.
Now halts the music for a little space;
And, sealed, see, she gathers daintily
Her gown’s gay folds aside, to make a
A place for Briggs— By Jove, she beck
ons me!
My queen, I come! Now, let what may
I know she knows I love her best of all.
The soft, still dawn steals up the whiten
ing sky;
The lights are out, the music dumb and
Beneath the stars together, she and I,
An hour ago—what was it that we
Strange gladness fills my heart as I recall
Her whispered words: “I love you best
of all.”
Tire Standard of Discord Unfurled.
To the People of the State of Georgia
The gubernatorial convention which as
sembled here, under a call of the state
Democratic executive committee, on the
4th iust., as you well know, failed to
make a nomination of a candidate for the
office of governor. The duties imposed
upon the convention were to nominate a
governor, state house officers, and presi
dential electors. All the duties were per
formed except that of nominating a gov
ernor. Before the convention there were
four candidates other than Governor Col
quitt, viz : Hons, Rufus E. Lester, Tlios.
Hardeman, Jr., General L. J. Gartrell
aud Judge Hiram Warner. It was ap
parent upon the assembling of the con
vention that there was a majority for
Alfred H. Colquitt. How that ma
jority was attained is well known
to you. While all the other candi
dates remained at home, except Colonel
Hardeman and General Gartrell, each of
whom made a few speeches during the
canvass, Governor Colquitt took the
stump, and aided by his friends, canvassed
the State at large. By appealing to the
people on the ground that he was persecu
ted for religion’s sake, and the hearing
being exparle, he succeeded in getting a
majority of the delegates to the conven
tion. We will not pause at this moment
to show the utter fallacy of the position
taken that he was persecuted, but will
content ourselves by simply referring to
the fact that in 1S76, the minority dele
gates in the late convention, and tlieir
constituencies over the State, who were so
bitterly oposed to Governor Col
quitt’s administration, unanimously as
sisted in electing him by a ma
jority of 30,000 votes.. Nothing was then
said about his religion, and nothing
has been said since then except by a few
individuals scattered throughout the State,
who have made reference to the fact that
he has too frequently left his office to at
tend religious meetings in the South and
in the North. The true issue before the
people then and now, which is the incom-
•petcncy of the executive and the scandals
which have grown out of his official acts
daring Ills administration, was not dis
cussed in that canvass. By earnesj; and
personal appeals to friends throughout the
State, that majority in the convention was
obtained. tt e believe that it was not
fair expression of your opinion, and yet,
though so believing, if Governor Colqnitt
•could have obtained a two-thirds vote of
that convention, the minority represent
ing the four other candidates named
above, pledged themselves upon the floor
-of the conventjon that they would not on
ly abide by tlie nomination, but wonld
-support him at the polls.
On the assembling of the convention,
General P. M. B. Young, a delegate from
Bartow, in advance of the report of the
committee on rules, announced on the
floor of the convention, as the friend of
Governor Colquitt, that the majority’ de
sired the adoption of the two-thirds rule
for nomination, and that he was author
ized to say that it was Governor Colquitt’s
wish that it should be adopted, and that
Governor Colquitt would not accept a
nomination unless it was made by a two-
thirds vote. The committee then report
ed the following rules, among others,
and the convention, without debate,
adopted it as tlie law of tlie convention:
1. No vote shall be counted tor any
person whose name Las not been previous
ly placed in nomination as a candidate
for the office voted for.
2. No name shall be placed in nomina
tion for any office, unless the delegate
proposing shall state in his place that he
lias the authority of the gentleman so to
On the first ballot for governor, Thurs
day, Governor Colquitt received 208 votes.
During Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Mon
day and Tuesday thirty-two bqllots were
had, and from the first to the thirty-first
ballot Governor Colquitt’s vote fluctuated
between 205 and 212 ahd a fraction. The
last baltot, which was had under peculiar
circumstances, which we will hereafter
narrate, gave him 220 and a fraction, as
reported by’the clerk, though the minority
claim that there was au error in the count
in his favor.
Yon will observe that by one of the
above rules of the convention, and which
were strenuously objected to by all. the
opposition to Governor Colqnitt, tlie con
vention was limited in its balloting to a
choice of one of the ■ five gentlemen first
named for governor. Tliise rule3 were,
of course, adopted by a majority vote, and
that majority were the 'friends of Gov
ernor Colquitt. Their object in adopting
that restrictive rule was clearly to compel
the minority in the end to accept Gov
ernor Colquitt or nobody. They believed
they would and could thereby force tho
minority to abandon their convictions of
right and duty and-to accept a candidate
whom the minority opposed on principle.
The minority saw’their purpose, as the
sequel proved, and solemnly resolved
that, as freemen charged with a high
trust by you, they would never surrender
tioD, was never denied to a citizen of this
On the second day of the balloting, Dr.
H. H. Carlton, a delegate from the county
of Clarke, presented to the convention the
following list of names of distinguished
gentlemen in the State, every one of whom
you will recognize, at sight of his name, to
be a man of the highest character, and in
every way fit for the office of governor.
General Lawton, T. M, Norwood, J. C. C,
Black, M. H. Blandford, M. J. Crawford,
Clifford Anderson, James Jackson, George
Hillyer, H. D. McDaniel, A. J. McIntyre,
M. A. Candler, John I. Hall, T. G. Law-
son, A H. Stephens, General Jackson, J.
B. Cumming,'J. M. Smith, P. W. Alexan
der, A. O. Bacon, H. G. Turner, Augustus
Reese, G. T. Barnes, IV. H. Dabney, A.
D. Hammond, D. E. Butler, R. P. Trippe,
Dr. Miller, N. J. Hammond, J. H. Blount,
and stated to the majority that the minor
ity were willing to accept any gentleman
whose name was on the list, and vote for
him unanimously; or for any other good
man in the State upon whom tlie majority
would agree. This proposition was re
peated time without number during the
balloting for governor, and every time met
by jeers and laughs from the majority.
On Friday, Hon. Patrick Walsh, of Rich
mond, the general spokesman of Governor
Colquitt, made a speech in which he
declared that the majority had come there
“to nominate Alfred H. Colquitt, and no
body else!” On Saturday, the minority,
through Dr. Carlton, offered the majority
the name of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens,
with the declaration that if acdeptable to
the majority the minority would vote for
him unanimously. This proposition was
met by the derisive question, “By what
authority is the name of Mr. Stephens pre
sented to this body?” and no further
notice of the offer was taken’by the major
ity, except the cry of “ballot!”
Again on Saturday, Mr. Reid, a dele
gate from Putnam, who was earnestly pa
triotic and deprecated the possibility of
adjournment, put in nomination Judge T,
G. Lawson, of Putnam, as a compromise
candidate. He did so with the assurance
of the minority that if Judge Lawson
should secure such a vote from the adher
ents of Governor Colquitt as to iaise
hope of his nomination, the minority
would change their votes to him. The
ballot resulted in only 2J votes actually
cast for Judge Lawson.
On Monday Mr. Imboden, a delegate
from Lumpkin and a supporter of Colonel
Lester, made the proposition in the ma
jority that they might name any suitable
man in the State of Geoigia and the mi
nority would accept him unanimously.
Again on Saturday a proposition was
made by the minority to raise a confer;
ence committed, in winch there should be
a majority of the friends of Governor
Colquitt,Tor thejiuipose of agreeing upon
a name to be presented to the convention.
This proposition also was met by laugh
ter and cries of “ballot!” On Monday
and on Tuesday this proposition was re
peatedly renewed and every effort made
to induce the majority to consent to a
nomination of some qjj/e else than either
of the candidates before the convention.
All these efforts were met by a resolu
tion offered in tlie convention Tuesday
morning by the Hon. Patrick Walsh,
which was as follows:
Resolved 1, That the Democratic party
of Geoigia, in convention assembled,
hereby renew its expression of devotion
to the great principles of the Democratic
party of the Union, anc. pledges the uni
ted and enthusiastic support of the De
mocracy of Geoigia to General Winfield
S. Hancock and tlie Hon. William H.
English, the nominees of the Cincinnati
2. Whereas, after a long and tedious
session of the convention, and a continu
ous balloting, it appears that no nomina
tion of a candidate for governor can be
made under the two-thirds rule.
Therefore he it resolved, That this con
vention recommend to the people of Geor-
g a General Alfred H. Colquitt as the
emocratic candidate for governor of
Georgia at the ensuing election, provided
that this resolution does not go into ef
fect until three ballots shall have been ta
ken under the two-tliirds rule, and it is
demonstrated that no nomination can be
effected thereby.
3. Resolved, That a committee of nine,
consisting of one from each congressional
district, be appointed by tlie chair to noti
fy Governor Colquitt of the action
of this convention, and request his accep
Upon this resolution the majority
called the previous question, thus pre
venting all discussion, and it was adopted
against the protest of the minority by a
strictly majority vote, excepting the votes
of Colquitt delegates from two or
three counties who were unwilling for
the convention to adjourn without a nom
ination. .. .
That resolution of recommendation was
adopted on Tuesday afternoon. On Wed
nesday morning the electors and State of
ficers were nominated, and the work of
the convention, except the nomination of
a candidate for governor, was finished.
The majority,instead of adjourning sine die
took a recess till 3p. m. This object was a
caucus secret, and was unknown by even
some of the Colquitt delogates. The mi
nority'supposed and hoped their purpose
was to rescind the resolution of recom
mendation and to resume the ballot for
governor; but after the adoption of the
usual complimentary resolutions, a Col
quitt delegate moved an adjournment sine
die, which the minority opposed and de
manded a call of the counties on the vote.
Every delegate of the minority voted
against adjournment, and ail the Colquitt
delegates voted for it except about ten.
After the vote on adjournment was taken,
and'before the chair announced the re
sult, the delegates from Harris county
changed their four votes to Governor Col
qnitt, which, added to the last ballot for
governor taken the day before, gave Gov
ernor Colquitt 223 votes. These facts are
stated that you may understand under
what pressure that number of votes was
obtained. Tlie object of the recess till 3
p. m. Was not to give the convention an
opportunity to ballot again for governor,
blit it was, as we afterwards heard, to
have time to learn if the minority were in
timidated by the prospect of adjournment
without a nomination for governor, and
with the hope that they would cravenly
surrender to the one-man power and ty
ranny, which from first to last, subjugated
that convention.
We have thus laid before you In detail
the actions of the Colquitt delegates and
the various offers of the minority lor a
compromise and to preserve harmony and
the organization of the Democratic party,
that you may judge who are to blame for
the schism produced by the failure to
make a nomination for governor. We,
speaking for the minority, were not sent
to the convention as the tools or slaves of
any man. Wq.came as representatives
to.nominate candidates for tliq united suf
frage of the democracy, and not to disor
ganize and divide the party because our
.claim or preference was not nominated.
We"bclong. to no man. We set no man
above lii3 party. We hold the unity of
our party and the peace and prosperity of
.our State dearer to us thau the gratiiica-
^ tion of the ambition or greed for office, of
so long as they were denied the right I an y one man, or clique or syndicate. We
which belongs to every freeman in Amer- loath and detest one-man power! ^\e ^ -- r
ica, to cast bis ballot for any man he may would rot then, and we will not now, I tlieir suffrages; but if we
c, tyrannical! submit to it. When we were put upon 1 doubt, the manifestations (
r 5 • . i . ! nVktroo fViot fTv A Prtlmiitf <lp1nrr»tr-* AfttnA ' : : _ _ 11 _ * a.1 p* .
would never consent to his nomina
tion. To have done otherwise would
have been degradation and a surrendc:
of your rights. Governor Colquitt is
your servant, not your master. You made
him and you have the right to unmake
him. That defiance was to you, as the
convention was only tlie people of Geor
gia assembled by representation. And
had you been unitedly assembled, even
though'you"might have come together
unanimously in favor of Gov. Colquitt,
we mistake your manhood and patriotism
and self-respect if you would not have
met such a demand by a unanimous and
indignant rebuke. If it be said that
Gov. Colquitt was not responsible for that
declaration, we reply that Mr. Walsh was
the recognized leader of the Colquitt dele
gates ; that the declaration was known
by Governor Colquitt, and he never au
thorized any one to deny it in the conven
tion ; that his course during the conven
tion corroborated the statement of Mr.
Walsh, and clearly proved that be was
resolved that no other man in Geoigia
should be nominated except himself.
This is proved by the fact that be attend
cd tlie caucus of delegates on Saturday
night, aud made a pathetic appeal to
them never to desert him; by tlie fact that
the Augusta Chronicle, Mr. Walsh’s pa
per, announced on Sunday morning lol
lowing that caucus, that no nomination
for governor would be made; and by the
farther fact known" to you all, that when
Governor Colquitt and his delegates be
came convinced that his nomination by a
two-thids vote was impossible, they de
termined to pass the resolution of recom
mendation, and he agreed to go before
you as a candidate on that certificate
alone. Besides this proof we present the
further iacts that Governor Colqnitt had
a brother on the floor, though not a mem
her of the convention, eveiy hour of its
sitting closely observing and actively at
work, and that an advisory caucus was
heldintbe executive office during each
sitting, and after each adjournment.
In view of these facts we submit the
grave question of the responsibility of a
1 allure to nominate a candidate for gov
ernor to your decision. The Colquitt
delegates proposed the two-thirds rule and
the convention adopted it. Mr. Walsh
on the first day of the convention, offeree;
a resolution declaring it to be the sense of
tlie convention that the majority rule
should be adopted by all future guberna
torial conventions. On a ca]l of the
counties, which is virtually a vote by ayes
and nays, the convention refused to in
dorse the majority rule. Thus the con
vention declared tlie two-tliirds rule to be
the law of that body aud that it ought to
be the law of all future gubernatorial con
ventions. The law of the convention,
therefore, was that no man could
go to the people as its nom
inee, unless and until he should ob
tain two-tbirds of the votes cast. That
vote Governor Colquitt never got; Ho is,
therefore, not the nominee of the demo
cratic party, but is a self-appointed can
didate with the indorsement of the Col
quitt delegates. Those delegates insist
that as he is almost a nominee, therefore
he is a nominee. They say lie had a
large majority in the convention." That is
true; but they enacted the law that no
man should go out of the convention and
tell you he is a nominee unless they gave
him a two-thirds vote. That law was
not repealed; and when the Colquitt dele-
f ates and Governor Colquitt claim for
lim tlie right to your support as a nomi
nee, they and he are doing soin definance
of the law of their own making. For,
while he had a personal following of a
numerical majority, he had a minority
aud received a minority vote under the
law which required a two-thirds vote as a
majority. Governor Colquitt, tberefpre,
comes before you not as the nominee of
your delegates, but as a candidate recom
mended by a number of the citizens ol
After the adjonmment of tlie conven
tion the delegates who constituted the
minority remained in the representative
hall to consider what course should be
taken to give you the opportunity to have
choice of men for the high office of
governor. With Governor Colquitt alone
in the field yon could net do otherwise
than tamely submit to what we feel to be
a great wrong. We had agreed in the
convention to give yon a nominee, as a
candidate for whom a united Democracy
could vote. We were willing and anx
ious to present to you any one of over a
hundred good and true men in Geoigia.
Governor Colquitt held his delegates with
an iron hand for six days, and would not
consent for you to have any other man in
Georgia but himself. Crushed under bis
jrasp, the convention broke up, and un
less another candidate were presented
you would have been left with no right to
choose. We believed it to be our duty to
give you tho opportunity to express your
choice between Gov. Colquitt and some
other man. As your representatives had
failed to make a choice out of so large a
number of able and honorable men in the!
State, it is your right , to exercise the
power which you delegated to them, and
which they refused to exercise for you.
We therefore determined to consult with
citizens from diffcrentsectiuns of the State
order to decide first, whether you de
ed another candidate, and sec
ondly, who would probably be your
; reference for governor. We soon
l leard an almost universal demand for a
Democratic candidate to oppose Governor
Colqnitt, and we decided in a large meet
ing of citizens of the State, including
many of the majority in the late conven
tion, in tho representative hall, that ( the
people for the good of tlie State and In as
sertion of the manhood of the Democratic
party which personalism had ruled and
mastered in tlie convention, should have
another candidate. We say for the good
of the State, because the scandals which
have grown out of the very peculiar ad
ministration of affairs of State in Geor
gia, during the last three years call aloud
for action and redress. The incompetency
ofthe administration doe3 not admit of a
doubt. The division of opinion is not on
the incompetency of the present adminis
tration but relates to still graver matters,
and when criticism on the administration
made by a large portion of the Democratic
?arty is as severe as was made on Bul-
ock’s administration, it is time for the
Democracy to move for reform and puri
fication.’ What tiie acts of tlie present
executive are, that have provoked such
grave charges, are familiar to you, as
they have been published in the press of
tlie State and undergone review, and dis
cussion, until the opposition to an execu
tive almost unanimously elected in 1870
will, we ’ believe, work bis defeat in the
coming election.
In order, therefore, that the facts herein
set forth may be properly represented to
the people of Georgia, and that the voters
and tax-payers of the State may have an
opportunity to pass judgment upon, tho
administration ot Governor Colqnitt, iq,it
deemed proper and necessary that a can
didate be brought forward who will re
flect, not only tne wishes of its constitu-.
ents, but a large number of the people
who have thus far taken no part in the
present contest. Upon this point of
selecting a suitable candidate, we
have happily found but little difficulty.
The occasion itself indicates the proper
person to be presented to the people for
bad been in
of public opin-
tjUiU iiucuuiu ui win?" umiuif—« u^ui, ;r-— -— tmw auu tvnuo, auu aiuiig luo lines ui
which, eren under Bullock's admluistra- flexibly resolved, to a man, that we ' railways, as well as in the country where
they conldbe reached, have not been con
tent with a single expression of their pref
erence, but they have resorted to the rails
and the telegraph to swell the popular
Yielding, then, to the unmistakable
voice of the people of Georgia, and inobe
dience to its mandate, we herewith pre
sent the name of that spotless patriot and
gifted statesman, the Hon. Thomas M.
Norwood, of Chatham.
Whilst we found no difficulty in making
a suitable choice of a candidate, it is but
just to say that it was only after repeated
calls and earnest appeals that Mr. Nor
wood gave his reluctant cousent to enter
the contest as the standard-bearer in the
cause of reform aud good government.
He had no thought or desire 'to occupy
the position of a~ candidate, and it was
only at the last moment that he consented
to sacrifice his personal feelings and busi
ness interests, and to take the position to
which his fellow-citizens have called him.
Should the call now made be ratiiied
by the people at the polls, we feel sure
that they will never find it necessary to
“investigate” Mr. Norwood’s official con
duct at every turn, nor to submit to such
painful scandals as those at which they
now hide their faces; nor would he, at the
close of his administration, come before
the country aud ask for a renomination
in order to “vindicate” himself against tlie
criticisms of his friends and supporters
who shall have elevated him to tho high
and responsible position of chief magistrate
ot tlie State.
[Signed by the committee.]
Josiah L. Warren, Chatham.
R. F; Lyons, Bibb. ,-i
H. H. Carlton, Clarke.
1*. W. Alexander, Cobb.
D. B. Harrell, Webster.
F. G. Wilkins, Muscogee.
J. W. Statens, Echols. •
F. M. Imboden, Lumpkin.
H. T. Hollis, Marion.
Geo. M. McDowell, Piko.
Walter R. Brown, Fulton.
lion. Thomas 31. Norwood, Atlanta—
Dear Sir : As the representative of the
large and patriotic minority of tlie late
Democratic convention which assembled
in tliis city on tlie 4th inst., and in obedi
ence, as we believe, to the wishes of a
majority of tlie people of Geoigia, it be
comes our pleasant duty to inform you
that you have been selected as their can
didate for tlie office of govern of at the
approaching election, and to request that
you allow them the use of your name far
that high and responsible position.
We are aware that you do not desire
and have not sought tlie nomination, yet
we trust you will yield to the general
wish, and permit your name to be pre
sented to the people of your native State
for the highest office within their gift.
Meanwhile, we remain, dear sir,
H Yours very truly,
Josiah L. Warren, Chatham,
R. F. Lyon, Bibb,
H. n. Carlton, Clarke,
P. W. Alexander, Cobb,
D. B. Harrell, Webster,
IF. G. Wilkins, Moscogui-.,
J. W. Staten, Echols,
F. M. Imeoden, Lumpkin,
n. T. Hollis, Marion,
Geo. M. McDowell, Piko.
W. R. Brown, Fulton.
. V
Atlanta, August 13, 1880.—3Iessrs.
Josiah L. iVarren, C. F. Lyons, II. II.
Carlton, P. IF. Alexander, D. B. Harrell,
F. G. Wilkins, J. W. Staten, F. 31. Im
boden, H. T. Hollis, George 31. McDoio-
ell, Waller R. Brown : Your communi
cation inviting me to be a candidate be
fore the people of Geoigia for the office of
governor, is this day received.
As a delegate to the late gubernatorial
convention I earnestly desired and hoped
up to the last hour of its session, that a
nomination for governor would be made,
which would harmonize the Colquitt and
auti-Colquitt wings of the Democratic
party. But the hope proved illusive, and
the people of Georgia are now left with
out a nominee for that high office.
My desire, as you know, was to issue a
call for another convention which could
silence all dissention, hut I was met by
two objections, first the want of authority,
as the Democratic State executive com
mittee was tlie constituted authority to
call the people together, and, second, the
want of time for concert of action in all
the counties. Your decision, finally, was
to act and request some Democrat to con
sent to be a candidate in opposition to
Governor Colquitt and leave the question
of another convention of a choice between
the two candidates to the people.
No man in the State regrets more than
, the position in which the people of tlii3
Stale are placed by the refusal of the ma
jority in the late convention to nominate
a man about whom they wonld have been
no division or discord. But the lamenta
ble fact was before us, and the Democrat
ic party most either meet in convention
and heal the breach by nominating a
man who would silence the discord in its
ranks, or the people must accept a candi
date, by whose acts in his official Capacity
and during the late canvass and the late
convention, the division in the party has
been caused.
In reply to your request I will say, that
had I not been a delegate in tlie late con
vention, and had I not taken so active a
part in maintaining what I conceive to be
the rights of tlie people—their right to
vote for whom they please; their right to
freedom of speech; their right to rule
themselves and to choose their rulers
from the whole state; their right to judge
of the fitness or unfitness of a candidate,
and to cany out their convictions of duty;
should, from considerations of great
personal moment, decline to be a candi
date. But it is urged that the logical se--
quence is for me to labor in a good cause
and prosecute it to completion. * I con
sider the cause worthy of the ambition
and patriotism of any Georgian. The is
sues involved in this contest are of great
moment to the State, and to every citizen
of it. Their effects will reach beyond
and affect for good or evil, the lives of men
in the State now-in the vigor ofyouth. In
assuming this candidacy I.have no motive
or purpose or ambition beyond serving my
State and endeavoring to instill into the
minds of the young men of my State who
will soon wear the robes of office, the
important truth that the same circum
spection and avoidance even “of tho ap
pearance of evil” which should mark
their footsteps in private life. If success
ful in this alone my reward will be full.
In conclusion, it is proper that I should
state the policy I shall adopt should the
people of the State call mo to discharge
the duties of governor. As education is
the source and support of good govern
ment, and as no people can be truly great
and free who are ignorant, I should favor
liberal provision for the education of the
children of both races. • ,..,!•£■
I shall oppose the sale of tlie Western
and Atlantic railroad, as well aS any at
tempt that might be made by any' persons
or corporations within or beyond' the
State to get such control of it as would
enable them to use it to the detriment of
the citizens or the corporations of this
State. \ - *
I shall endeavor in all official action to
foster the kindred relations between the
while and colored races.
I shall advise such legislation as will
impartially protect the just results of
capital and labor.
In tbe matter of transportation, I shall
seek to establish the equitable means
which imposes no unjust burdens on the
shipper and secures to the carrier a fair
and reasonable return ou the- capital in
vested in his road or other means of
I shall endeavor in every way to pre
vent the repetition of tho cruelties grow
ing out of the convict system ofthe State,
which, in 187S and *1879, were brought
to light and caused a chill of horror in
every human breast. Any system which
works such cruelty and morality must be
radically wrong and should he corrected
Thanking you, gentlemen, for the con
fidence in me implied by your request, I
remain very truly, your fellow-citizen,
T. M: Norwood.
State Executive Committee.
From the State at Large—J. L. War
ren, of. Chatham; H. H.»Carlton, of
Clarke, Joseph Ganahl, of Richmond;
David E. Butler, of Morgan."
First district—J. G. Holton, of Ap
pling; R. N. Reed, of Chatham; W.
Robert GigmlliaU, of McIntosh.
Second district—H. M. McIntosh, of
Doughtery; Wm. E. Davies, of Thomas;
L. C. Hoyle, of Terrell.
Third district—Frank E. Burke, of
Sumter; Clias. C. Kibbee, of Fulaski;
Tom Eason, of Telfair.
Fourth district—John King, of Musco
gee; Blount C. Ferrell, of Troup; George
L. Reavy, of Meriwether.
Fifth district—Walter R. Biown,of Ful
ton; Milton A. Candler, of DcKalb; A*
L. Miller, of Houston.
Sixth district—Richard F. Lyon, of
Bibb; Frank Chambers, of Wilkinson;
Jame3 P. Sims, of Newton.
Seventh district—Robert C. Irwin, of
Cobb; W. R. Rankin, of Gordon; W. T.
Uapp, of Floyd.
Eighth <lia*rict—M. P. Foster, of Rich
mond ; Thomas E. Watson, of McDuffie;
John A. Stephens, of Taliaferro.
Ninth district—W. D. O’Farrell, of
Clark; Henry M. Perry, of Hall; \V. S.
McHenry, of Moigan.
M. A. Candler, G. W. Adair, James M
Smith, D. E. Caldwell, W. J. Tanner,
Sam W. Small, John N. Dunn, J. T.
Brock, C./A. Collier, T. J. Buchanan,
John T. Glenn, M. Mahoney, W. S.
Thomson, Howard Van Epps, Alexander
C. King, D. M. Bain, Dr. Charles Pinck
ney, R: T. Corsey, Wallace P. Reed, W.
T. Christopher, John Thomson, Charles
H. Williams, John G. Reynolds, Charles
D. Woodson, Dr. C. L. Reilwine, Amos
Fox, Win. Bray, J. A. Anderson, L. II.
Clarke, Atlanta; Charles Z. McCord, Au
gusta; Samuel H. Jemison, Macon; G. M.
ityals, Savannah; Frank J. Cohen, Koine;
Tinsley W. Rucker, Athens; Cliff B.
Grimes, Columbus; Henry Banks, Jr., La-
Grange; Kicbard Peters, Jr., Calhoun.
This committee will meet Colonel G. W.
Adair’s office at 10 o’clock, Monday morn
ing, to organize.
Wise Words from the Savannah
In this country, the first j and funda
mental rule is that in all political mat
ters the will of the majority shall govern.
This is a good rule and has been found to
work well, though there may have been
occasionally exceptions, which, however,
like all exceptions, strengthen the gen
eral rule. That is the rule of the na
tional Democratic party. In questions of
minor importance it grants The largest
liberty, but on questions of political life
and existence it requires union and
unity. Because we may differ from
the majority of the party, we cannot
honorably or honestly desert the
party, and givo aid and comfort to its
enemies—the Radicals 1 One man thinks
Governor Colquitt incompetent and not,
otherwise, fit to be Governor. But two
other men equally as capable of forming
a judgment say that he is. We are not
infallible, and must therefore, by the
logic of common sense, yield our opinion
to that of tho mqjority, or,-we act with
conceit of our superior knowledge, and
factiously. Voltaire says that “men have
a secret propensity for factious; if we
cannot cabal, pursue and do one another
a prejudice for crowns, tiaras and mitres,
we fall together by the ears for a dancer
or a musician.”
fcln this quotation we recognize the nat
ural tendency to faction that animated the
minority in the recent Atlanta conven
tion. Governor Colquitt had within a
few votes the requisite two-thirds to nom
inate him, and the opposing votes, a little
over one-tliird, were scattered between
four candidates, not one of whom had a
popular showing in the convention that
wa3 worth a penny whistle. Yet this in
consequent compound of small political
capitalists arrogantly demanded that the
man of two-tliirds, nearly, of the people,
shall bo withdrawn, and they, tho one-
third, shall dictate bis nomination.
Not one of the minority leaders, nor all
combined, nor their respective adherents,
could form a party of over one hundred
and twenty-nine; and yet the people’s
choice by two hundred and twenty must
give way to tbe dissentients. Could
anything more preposterous be conceived ?
The only recollection of auything like it
that occurs to us is that of the confined
lunatic, who on being asked by a visitor
to the asylum why he was there, replied:
“I maintained that all the world was mad
except myself, and all the world said I
was the lunatic, and having the majority
they carried the day, and that is why I
am here.”
But even the lunatic did notact so wild
ly as the minority. They made no expla
nation of their course. They gave no rea
son at all, but took the ground that, in
their opinion, General Colquitt was not
fit to be governor, and, therefore, he
should not bo nominated. They regarded
not the vital struggle in which we are en
gaged for the preservation ofthe republic,
and our Democratic liberties. They did*
not hesitate one moment to sacrifice the
unity and harmony of the Democracy to
their arrogant assumption. Nor did it
cost them a pang to open wide the gales,
by their desertion, for an influx of Radi
cal capital aud speakers. And they did
not hesitate to proclaim, by their action,
that they were willing to incur the risk of
the election of a Radical governor rather
than acquiesce in the will of the majority
in favor of Governor Colquitt.
A Nut to Crack.
August 14,1880.
Editors Telegraph and 3Iessenger:
I think now is a suitable time to keep it
before tbe people, that Thomas Jefferson
defines a Democrat as one who yields.“ab
solute acquiescence in the decisions of
tbe majority.” According to this defini
tion of Jefferson, who can rightfully call
liimselfa Jeffersonian Democrat, and at
tlie same time oppose the decisions of the
late gubernatorial convention of Georgia.
I say not one. Such a man may call him
self by that name, but he belongs lo some
other class. He is not a Democrat. Gen
tlemen of the minority, hasten- slowly.
Remember that “the price of liberty' is
eternal vigilance.” Let your motto be
“principles, not men,” and act according
ly. You know tlie decision of the ma
jority in this case is the will of the people
expressed in convention by their in
structed delegates; and if a majority for
good and sufficient reasons are forced to
make a recommendation instead of a nom
ination, absolute acquiescence.- is ex
pected of every true Democrat. We go
for neither Tom, Dick nor Harry, but»we
do go for the majority to rule.
Old Farmer.
The Old Man Wh* Bit.
A marriage has just- occurred in high
colored life near this city, from which a
heavy law suit is likely to grow. Old
Edmund Skaty, whose “ole mars” was a
Confederate Senator during the war, lives
down the river. He owns several hun
dred acres of rich bottom land, with plen
ty of mules and farming implements.
Thus situated he drew around his home
an air of refinement which his neighbors
could not hope to rival. Old Ed. only
has one child, a magnificent daughter,
whose complexion in the depth' of its ex
treme blackness suggested tbe often quoted
stack of dark felines. Like the daughters
of all rich men, Zcda attracted attention.
She could dance the twist-heel waltz
with a charming grace, or could wring off
an old rooster’s head with an accelera
tion the chicken could never hope to un
derstand. Suitors camo from ail direc
tions. The .“yaller man” with the striped
pants, and the black man with duck trous
ers were devoted to her. Old Ed. knew
that his money was the loadstone that at
tracted the needle of admiration, and hav
ing a . complete understanding with the.
girl, he would, upon the arrival of a new
suitor, stand him at ease by saying:
“Pufectly welcome, sab, pufectly;but
afore yer begin dis race, jes let me tell yer
ter make yer ’rangements wid me. I’se
administrater ob dat gal’s affections, an’
what I says is do law an’ de gospel wid
The suitor would of course agree, and
as a natural consequence, a strange court
ship would follow. Sometimes an ardent
lover would attempt to squeeze the old
man’s hand, but while the lover handled
one of his hands, the other retained a grip
on his pocket book.
“I wants ter marry yer daughter,” said
the “yaller man.” “De lub wliat I has
fur dat ’oman alums’ takes my bref.”
“I will ’cent ter de nuptions on one
condition,” said the old man.
“Name de ’petuation,” exclaimed the
“yaller man,”, encouraged.
“Yer know dat dars agwine to be a heap
ob pain an’ trouble fur de married people
“Yes, sah.”
“In dat ’vent all men must be willin’
ter stan’ de sorted out shere. Leinme
take a holt ob yer arm wid my teef. If
yer can stan’ de pain widout winkin’ de
gal an’ dis whole farm shall be yourn.”
“Hits a migty tough trial, ole man.”
“I knows hit is, but hits a mighty tough
trial lur a man ter gin up all ob bis
“Dats a fack. Fix yer mouf, ole man.
What kine’ ob teef is yer got ? De ball-
beaded Moses, man, you’se got tushes like
a yallergater!”
Tbe “yaller man” handed an arm to old
Ed. The heartless old fellow took it be
tween liis teeth and closed down. The
“yaller man” yelled so leud that the ferry
man, living on the opposite bank of the
river, answered and brought liis boat
“Go on away,” said tbe old man. “Yer
can’t stan’ no pain. I wouldn’t ’low my
daughter to marry such a pusson.”
The “yaller man” left. The black man
came aud was tried. He left. Dozens of
others were tried, but all were unable to
stand the pressure of the old man’s
Finally a “Democratic nigger” from
Little Rock went down. The'saine prop
osition was made and accepted. * !
“Ef yer think dat yer can stan’ de
pressure yer can try,” said old Ed, “but
I’ll be dinged if yer doan wish dat yerid
neber had a seed me.”
“I am willing,” said tbe Democrat nig-
•. I have been a teacher in the pub-
scliools, and can stand anything
But first we must draw up papers.”
“Dat’s all right,” replied Ed. “We’se
done dot afore ad’ hit did not skere me.”
The papers were drawn up and sworn
to before a Justice of tho Peace. The
farm and girl were to be the" Democrat
niggers property in case of his success.
The day was appointed. All parties were
on time. Old Ed had filed his teeth until
they were as sharp as the knives of an oat
“Is yer ready ?” asked the old man.
“Perfectly,” answered the Democrat
“I wants yer all to bar witness,” re
marked Ed," to a crowd that bad gathered
around. “Now watch de man yell.”
Ed took the man’s arm between his
teeth and closed down upon it. Not a
muscle of tho Democrat nigger’s face
moved. The old man opened his mouth
aud closed down again. The face of the
Democrat nigger was as serene as though
the sunshine of a glorious future fell up
on it.
“Take de farm au’ gal,” said the old
man; “you’se de boss of dis county.”
The wedding was solemnized that
night. After the guests were gone old
Ed. approached his son-in-law and asked
if he did not want some liniment to put
ou bis arm. The son-iu-law did not.
“Lemmy seo whar I bit yer.”
Tbe Democrat nigger pulled of! bis
glove aud rolled up his sleeve. The old
man grabbed at a gun in the corner, and
the young man flew. His .arm was made of
Able lawyers have been employed, and
the suit, as stated in the. beginning of
this article, is likely to be a heavy one.—
Little Rock Gazette.
lie s
Counting Without Their Hosts.
Captain W. T. Mapp, of Rome, and j
Col. John A. Stephens, of Crawfordville, I
who were appointed members of the
Oppose! to the Disruption ofthe Dem
ocratic Party and Will Support
The following note has been received
minority State executive committee, have from one of tbe most intelligent citizens of
refused outright to serve in any such ca-, South-west Georgia, and is worthy of
pacity. The reasons given for withhold- persuai:
ing their assent are candid and striking;, Cuthbebt, Aug. 14,1880.
and while neither gentleman comes out 1 Editors Telegraph and Messenger: I’ll
for Gov. Colquitt, it is quite evident they , write simply to express my gratification
have had quite enough of the “fragmen- JP 1 ® 0 Ielegbaph and Mes-
. - r.r , ,, „ sex ger has taken in the present guber-
tary minority.” We copy from the Con-7 national “muddie.” It is patriotic and
stitution: j wise, aud I am persuaded the people will
Rome, August. 15.—Messrs. Josiah L.. cordially approve it.
Warren, P. W. Alexander, Walter R. | The majonty of the late convention, in
Brovm and others—Gentlemen : I “iwr persistent, or rather uncomprcmis*
notice in the Atlanta Constitution of this opposition to Gov. Colquitt, did not,
date that my name appears as one of the : I sine, represent one in a hundred of
State executive committee,'of what I will j voters who sent them to Atlanta. Aa
have to denominate as the Norwood Dem-j 5’°® have clearly set forth the course
ocracy, for want of.more explicit terms in I which the minority propose to pursue
which to express the unhappy fact that greatly endanger the supremacy of
there is a division in the ranks of the j t “ e Democratic party, while Colquitt
Democratic party in Georgia. j would probably be elected over any op-
a professional politician. My judgment,
on the contrary, is that as a people we
have suffered very greatly in our material
affairs by the encouragement given to this
class, rendered unfortunately necessary
by the frequency of our elections. For
myself, I desire quietly to pursue my
business occupation and to transfer to
others the thankless task of an executive
I respectfully request, therefore, that
the gentlemen who have seen proper to
publish my name in the connection above
indicated, will substitute that of some
other person. In the matter of tbe pend
ing guliernatorial contest, as generally in
tlie exercise of my rights of franchise, I
will form my opinions carefully and qui
etly discharge my duly at the polls. Very
respectfully, W. T. Mapp.
Crawfordville, August 16.—Editors
Constitution: In your issue of yesterday,
I see my name announced for the eighth
Congressional district, as a member of
the executive committee supporting Hon.
Thomas M. Norwood for governor. This
is the first notice I had of such appoint
ment or intention of such action on the
part of Mr. Norwood’s supporters. I do
not know what are the duties or require
ments of such a position, but to be con-
destrov it.
But if a few more papers of influence
will follow tbe Telegraph and Mes
senger in opposing tbe plau to bring out
another candidate, I cannot but hope that
the “minority,” seeing tbe utter hopeless
ness of their scheme, will abandon it.
I will only add that before the conven
tion I was opposed to Colquitt’s renom
ination; I will now vote for him, as every
true Democrat ought to do.
Yours very truly,. S. G. H.
The great advance of agriculture in
Geoigia, says the Raleigh Observer, is in
dicated by the fact that up to 1874-75 the
cotton crop of that State was only about
500,000 bales. Now it is about 900,000’
This is due, in a great measure, to the
use of fertilizers. For the season of
1875-76 there were Inspected in that State
60,000 tons of fertilizers; for 1S76-77, 80,-
000 tons; for 1S77-7S, 108,000 tons, and for
the present season, *1S7S-S0,133,000 tons.
Averaging the cost per ton at $40, Georgia
paid out last year $5,320,000 for fertilizers.
Her cotton crop at about $45 a bale will
be worth about $40,000,000,
. The crop of
HP 1875-76, at the samel rate, was worth
sistent with my views of the situation of about $22,500,000. This shows the value
tbe Democratic party of Georgia on tbe
gubernatorial question, and my duty in
the matter, I must decline the position
thus assigned me. And in doing so, I do
not wish to he understood as reflecting in
the least on tho high character of Mr. Nor
wood—the purity of liis motives, or at
tempting to discourage the cause he rep
resents. Nor do I wish to he considered
as treating his candidacy lightly, for I
regard tlie iss ies presented by him to the
people of Georgi as of the grav^t charac
ter, and worthy of the serious considera
tion of eveiy voter.
My feeling and spmpatliies were in
earnest accord with the minority in the
convention, to the very last ballot.
Though a delegate to that convention, I
was prevented !fom being present by
the illness of a member of my fami
ly. I was,' however, there by proxy,
and through him, withstood to the last
the efforts to nominate Governor Colquitt.
While my sympathies are with the mi
nority in their avowed purposes of reforms
in the State administration, I am not sure
but tbe remedy proposed will in the end
be worse than the disease.
The undemocratic and tyrannical
of fertilizers when judiciously applied.
Sherman Refuses to Publish His
Harrisburg, Pa., August 14.—Gen.
Sherman parted from President Haye3
and his companions this morning, and
taking an early train at Columbus, Ohio,
came op to Altoona, where he met the
Pacific train bound east. In reference to
the Hancock correspondence he said:
“Why should it be published? Tho let
ters are private, and of no earthly inter
est to the public. When application was
made, in Gen. Hancock’s interest, to
have the letters for publication, L said,
‘He can have his own, to do as he pleases
with, but a31 am not a party in interest,
I shall not give mine.’ The fact is, my
letter to him was to reassure him about
bis non-removal from Governor’s Island.
I wrote to him, as I s do to all my officers,
to keep his mind easy. There never was
any desire, intention, or suggestion to re
move him expressed or felt by the Presi
dent* tbe secretaiy of war, or myseif.”
The general looks remarkably well,
and stood, with his sunburnt faeej on the
platform, puffing his cigar smoke in the
face of a forty-mile current of air. He
sa|d.* “The President is well and in good
spirits. He takes life easy, and has a
great deal more political sense thau the
people who carp at him. He will leave
the White House when his time is up, and
go as easily to his comfortable home as I
would go to St. Louis.
The general wore a black felt hat and
a long linen duster, while he puffed away
and received the congratulations of his
fellow-passengers, all of whom felt at lib
erty to take him by tbe hand and wish
him God speed.
“A young friend of mine was cured
of an insatiable thirst for liquor, which
had so prostrated him that he was unable
to do any business. He was entirely
cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It al
layed all that burning thirst; took away
the appetite for liquor; made his nerves
steady, and he has remained a sober and
steady man for more than two years, and
has no desire to return to his cups. I
know of a number of others that have
been cured of drinking by it;”—From a
leading railroad official, Chicago, Ill.—
Times. augIS-2w.
The Launch at Roachs’.
The launch of the new iron steamship,
City of Augusta, at Roachs’, yesterday
afternoon, was a beautiful sight. As
early as three o’clock people began to
pass through the gates Into the large ship
yard to look, to inspect the work, and get
an idea if such a thing were pos3ible ia
so short a time, how the great iron ships
of America are built. To be permitted to
enter such a yard, to look through the
great works and see the massive ma
chinery and the hundreds of men busy
turning out parts, which, when put to
gether, form the best and swiftest ships iu
the world, is a privilege that anyone so
favored should highly esteem. Tlie
launch of yesterday was no ordinary affair.
To see consigned to “the deep, blue sea.”
as it were, a thing so vast, so beautiful
and so perfect, is an inspiring sight.
There were a great many people present
Ridley Park contributed a number, Me-
flia sent down two large stages loaded
with ladies aud gentlemen, the country
methods adopted by the mqjority meets j was represented by several of its well
my unqualified condemnation, and I; known citizens, our citizens attended by
hope, for the sake of the party and its sa- j the hundreds, and far-off Georgia had
cred principles, will never be repeated in her qnotapresent. New York and Phila-
a Georgia convention. I do not, however, { delphia gentry were among the hundreds
see, at this time, how the wrongs of the | who came to see how John Roach,- tho
minority are to be righted by tlie course j veteran ship builder..sent his vessels off
indicated without widening the breach j to sea. Those from" Geoigia were direct-
between the two wings of the party—a • ly interested in the company for whom
calamity greatly to be deplored. If this the ship was built. They arrived here at
struggle goes on as it has commenced,
and grows “fast and furious,” as it cer
tainly will, I foresee its final settlement
only in the umpirage of- the Republican
noon yesterday, stopping at Appleby’s Co
lumbia Hotel, and among tbe company
were tbe following distinguished persons.
Judge H. B. Tompkins, Col. E. C. An-
dersoD, Capt. W. W. Gordon, Mr. and
While I do not, lor the present, intend j Mrs. Wm. Wadley, Misses Sallie Ander-
voting for Governor Colquitt, I do not son, R. E. Wadley, Florence Gooken, Mr.
propose now to ally myself,with what I W. H. Danjels aud Mr. R. J. Larcombe,
only see as a small fraction of the party at j of Savannah, Capt. F. E. Eve, Col. J. P.
war with him; fori can see no good to : Verdery, Mrs. J. A. Butts, Mrs.George A.
come of it, either to the party or the State. Whitehead, Misses Fannie Casey aud Sft-
From my best information Governor Col- pbia de Antinar, of Augusta, Mrs. W. M.
quitt is tne choice of a large majority of ■ Buchanan, and Miss Katie Ayres, otMa--
the Democratic party, and so iar as I am ■ con, Capt. P. E. LeFevre, of "New York,
concerned they may take him with all the ! whom we have almost learned to recog-
responsibilities such a charge carries with ■ nize as our citizen, were also present,
it, and if he is as bad as many believe hin^ Most excellent places for witnessing
to be, two more years Of Ins admmistra-j tlie launch were provided on the monitors
tion will, perhaps, be the surest and Roauoke and Puritan, and steamer New-
s P?. e< * l , e . st w . a y.®£ Anally g^ttmg.rid of him. port, all lying alongside. The decks of
Similta simihbus curantur. these were thronged with spectators.
. John A. otephens. j At four o’clock the works were stopped
rri.. p .„„ - .. c ,„.v | for the rest ofthe day, so that all the
< Campaign, in tne South. workmen could witness the launch,
A Washington special to the Baltimore , an( j most of them remained to see the
Sun says a Republican of much promi- I vessel overboard.
nence, who was present at tbe Republican j About four o’clock the ship carpenteis
conference in New York last week, was began to knock away the blocking, and.
in the .city to-day, and told some of bis !. i “ le8 ? B &5 n .£? lf ,w, ho ^ rthis - 1vo , rk ,
political friends that the national e5dbu-
tire .committee had decided to send a i timbers that
liberal sum of money to North Carolina ! S ‘ P “ f ° r '
and Florida. The leaders have become I ' ara '
convinced that both States can be carried These timbers were severed, and the
for Garfield with a proper effort, and to vessel immediately moved without aliiteh
this end money aud speakers will be sent ] or G )e of a force-pump gracefully and
to both States early next month. j majestically down tbe ways into the
Representative Loring and Mr. Cabot.; Deleware. It was just 4:30 o’clock. As
Lodge, a young Republican of much clo- - her bow dipped the water Miss Fannie
queuee in Massachusetts, have, it is said, Casey, a beautiful young lady from the
volunteered to go into the South and city lor which the ship was named, broke
make speeches for Garfield. The feeling ’ the bottle of wine on her port side, and
here among the Democrats is that tbe christened her the City ot Augusta. From
more speakers the Republicans send South the bow of the vessel on the ways to the
the better it will be for the Democratic ‘ water was 380 feet, and this distance she
nominees, and that nothing will so quick- 1 passed over in twenty-four seconds, shoot-
lv heal up tli6 differences in the Demo- in S out into tbe river amid the lmzzahs of
cratic ranks as the presence of a number tbe merry crowd and t he loud shrieks of
of Radical speakers, appealing to the eol- , tbe steam whistles. She was carried up
ored voters to come out and vote the Re- , the stream a short distance by the tide,
publican ticket, and try to obtain control and intercepted by tbe tug Juno, which
of the State machinery again. J brought her to the lower pier, where those
-•<>♦-• ou board were safely landed. The
The Gold Seekers Admonished. launch was a most beautiful one, and re-
The many thousand adventurous seek- fleets great credit on Mr. John Fountain,
ers after grid and silver in the far West, ’ under whose charge it was.
should meditate upon the fact that in the ] Everybody present seemed to admire
July drawing of the Louisiana State Lot- ’ and enjoy it, and there was consigned ta
tery, Mr. Jacob Rabiner, No. 590 Grand the water another ship which will be a fit
street, New York City, drew one-half of monument of Chester’s handiwork,
the capital prize,’ $30,000. Mr. Max | vessel is for the Ocean Steamship
Stern, also of Jiew 5 ork City, drew a Company, of Savannah, to ply between
similar sura. Messns. IN. Israil, H. Op- that city and New York. She is 320 feet
penheim, and B. Rosenblum, of 91 Chrys- an( j g inches long, 40 feet 8 inches breadth
tie street, New York City, drew' one-halt 0 f i jeam) am i 25 feet depth of hold. Hor
ofthe second capital priee of $10,000. tonnage will be 2,000 tons, and she will
Mrs. Eliza MeGrain, also of New York have ample accommodations for 125 first-
City, (by Adams Express), drew one-half class passengers. Her engines will be
of the third prize of $5,000, and Mr. Wil- • compound, very powerful, and the ship is
Ham Matthews, of Mt. Vernon, -Westches
ter county, -New York, drew a similar
amount, and each one only paid one dol
lar. Why, it almost makes a person de
termine at once to write to Mr. M. A.
Dauphin, No. 319 Broadway, New York
City, or same person at New Orieaus, La.,
for the particulars of the next drawing on
September 14th. 1 w
expected to make very quick time. She
will be fitted up very similar to the New
port, lying at Roacli3’ yard very nearly
ready io go away. She will he first-class
in every particular, all the modern im
provements will be added, and it is the
Intention of her owners, who are a liberal
and first-class company, and her builders,
to put her on the sea equal in every re
spect to any other vessel. Chester, vary
naturally, has a warm feeling for the
Ocean Steamship Company, because it
comes here for all its ships, and we wtah
Caroline Jones, of Columbia, Ta.,
says: “Send me one dollar’s worth of
Tutt’s Pills, I find them to be tbe best
medicine for aide headache aud indiges- the new vessel and tbe firm great success.
tion I ever tried. My acquaintances have
fallen in love with them, aud desire to
have them. You have conferred a great
blessing upon thousands of suffering fe
males.” auglS-lw
-Chester Times, August 16,
Lyon’s Patented Heel Stiffener Is the
only invention that will'make old. boot*
straight-as new. lxo. *