Newspaper Page Text
€tltgcnpji mitt ftltssmflft
—Pope Leo XIII Is quite unwell this
summer, partly because of the unusual
beat of the summer at Rome, and partly
because of bis labors on the Belgian en
—An English curaio happened recently
to preach on the wages of sin and make
some uncomplimentary references to the
prodigal son. A young scapegrace in the
congregation fancied that the sermon was
aimed at himself. He horse whipped the
curate the next day.
—Ex-Judge Richard Bustecd, formerly
of Alabama, but now a resident of New
York city, ha3 declared for Hancock. He
was an appointee of President Lincoln,
He announces his willingness to stump
the State in General Hancock’s interest.
—The New York Tribune asks whether
the Democrats of the South are support
ing Hancock because he fought them in
1861. No, sir; they support hint because
he stopped fighting them in 1865. The
Garfields, Blaines and Conklings of the
North will yet find out that it would have
been more politic, as well as more just
and magnanimous, if they had done like
—The New York Tribune thinks that
the wheat crop of the present year may be
safely set down at no less than from ISO-,
000,000 to 400,000,000 bushels, or from 50-,
000,000 to 40,000,000 bushels in excess of
the great crop in 1879. If this estimate
should prove correct there will remain
a surplus for export in excess of the re
serve held back for seed and consumption
Owen county, Indiana, is entitled to
the palm in possessing one of the oldest
Democratic “stand-bys,” in the person of
Mr.’Andrew Aniey. He voted for James
Madison for President, and for every
Democratic candidate for the same office
ever since. He expects to vote for Gen.
Hancock. He is ninety-two years old,
and walked over a mile to join a Hancock
dub, and wrote his name in a round, leg
ible hand, without glasses.
—Two large gold dishes have been
temporarily lent to the Science and Art
Museum, Dublin. The larger one, meas
uring two feet nine inches in diameter,
is said to be the wedding present of the
Dauphin of France to Mary Queen of
Scott. The smaller is two feet in diam
eter, and contains in the centre a repre
sentation oftlie Adoration of the Magi in
high relief.
ot about 200,000,000 bushels.
The South Carolina Census.—A
special to the Courier-Journal says:
Gen. Walker, superintendent of the cen
sus, says there is no truth in the state
ment a new enumeration will be taken
in South Carolina. Thus far not a solita
ry fact has been brought to the attention
of the census office to indicate that the
census in South Carolina was improperly
taken. Two of the three supervisors ap
pointed for that State are Republicans,
and it is in their districts where the largest
increases in population are reported.
Only a “Side Speculation.”—Mr.
Sam Ward, the noted lobbyist and confi
dential friend of Mr. James R. Keene, the
great speculator, says the losses of the
latter in his attempted wheat corner were
about $1,200,000. This was only a “side
speculation,” however, according to Mr.
Ward, and did not hurt Mr. Keene much,
as his profits last year, principally on rail
road stocks, are stated by the same au
thority to have amounted to nearly nine
millions of dollars. That’s the kind of
“useful citizens” we raise in this country
Gen. Butler for Hancock.—The
Boston Herald says: At the meeting of
the Democratic ward and city ccmmitr
tee Thursday evening it was officially an
nounced that General Butlef would, on
the 2$th of this month, address a mass
meeting in Faneuil hall, and declare his
intention to support General Hancock for
President. This is the first statement of
liis views that has been made, although
it was understood that lie would finally
stand on the national Democratic plat
form. It is not known whether he will
be a candidate for governor, but if he
does he will have the full support of all
wings of the party.
Intend to be on Hand.—The Athens
Stale (colored Republican) says : “There
will be a State convention held in Atlanta
on September 7th. It is important that
there be colored men in that convention.
If white Republicans can’t stomach their
presence, it is best that they have a meet
ing of their own; for it is certain we will
have colored men in it.” The white
“rads” have evidently lost their hold upon
their colored brethren of the party, because
they have ridden them down like the “old
man of the mountain.” The same paper
is not exactly prepared to say whether or
not a Republican candidate for governor
will be started, but calls upon his colored
associates to oppose Norwood on account
of alleged hostile utterances against their
A Republican ClSb Votes to
Pabade fob Hancock.—A Washington
special to the World says the sixteenth
district Republican club of this city held
a meeting Thursday evening, at their
rooms, to determine whether or not to
join the procession to the Republican rati
fication meeting at City Hall two hours
later. About one hundred and fifty mem
bers were present, half of then were col
ored. A vote being taken, the result was
a tie, the colored members voting in a
body to join the procession and participate
in the meeting. The chairman then cast
a negative vote, which decided the matter.
A resolution that the association turn out
in fall at the Hancock ratification meet
ing next Thursday evening was carried
witbont a dissenting voice and amid great
The Telegraph and Messenger
was requested to publish the proceedings
of a mass meeting held in Monroe county,
but the proceedings never reached us un
til yesterday. We would have gladly
complied with their wishes if the proceed
ings had been furnished in time. We re
ceived a postal card some days ago from
the secretary, referring us to the Barnes-
viMe Gazette. Tbs Gazette failed to
reach us.
The people of Dougherty county by
quite a handsome majority, voted on Ikst
Saturday to purchase Tiftis bridge across
the Flint river at Albany. It is a wise
decision. The existence of a toll bridge
at that point baa not only been against
Albany’s interest, but an intolerable an
noyance to every passer-by.
The National Campaign.
Tlio lamentable disagreements among
Democrats in Southern States, have
thrown an unmistakable damper on tbe
national campaign for Hancock. True,
it is probable that all these Southern
States will be won for him after all, and so
the evil be more moral than actual. But
ft is a serious let-down to Democratic
enthusiasm to know that a common devo
tion to the great cause of civil liberty and
good government, is not sufficiently strong
to bury all local controversies, and brin:
together, in lock step, and with locked
shields, the whole Democratic phalanx of
America, in one grand, unanimous
embracing stand for the re-establishment
of the ancient traditions of free and hon
est government. It is a most unwelcome
and portentous sight to those Democrats
of the North and West, to see their allies
of the South battling with each other, in
stead of the common enemy.
But since it must be so, is it not pos
sible that we can pnetermit some of tbe
barbarities of warfare between sworn
political enemies. Can we not, in some
sort, agree to disagree— resolve that this
appeal from conventional disagreements
to the people shall go no further; shall
not interrupt the general harmonies of the
party; shall cease with the popular de
cision; shall leave no traces behind it, but
shall find the great Democratic party of
Georgia reconsolidated on that decision,
whatever it may be.
To effect this most desirable consumma
tion we would make an earnest appeal to
all speakeis and writers to withhold tongue
and pen from personal severity, abuse and
crimination—to be chivalrous and knightly
in tbeir warfare, and say and do nothing
to make chronic animosities.
Conclusive and Unanswerable.
The reply of Governor Colquitt to the
severe strictures upon his administration,
made by Mr. Norwood in his Atlanta and
Savannah speeches, ought to be satisfac
tory to tbe most implacable opponent of
bis excellency. It is published in extenso
in this issue, and will make a most vain-
able campaign document.
So completely are tbe charges against
the governor refuted, that at tbe end of
tbe answer to each specification the letters
Q. E. D. might be appropriately super-
We are particularly pleased with the
decorum and courtesy manifested to
wards his opponent, under great aggrava
tion, and trust so worthy an example
will be heeded in all the forthcoming dis
cussions of the canvass.
Andrew Female College.
We invite attention to the advertise
ment of this excellent institution, pub
lished elsewhere to-day. Rev. A. L.
Hamilton, D. D., the accomplished presi
dent, is one of the best trainers of the fe
male mind to be found in tbe whole
country. While a very martinet in disci
pline, he ye tpossesses the happy faculty, in
a remarkable degree, of winning tbe affe>
tion and respect of tbe" young ladies under
his charge. The energy and industry, too, of
the doctor are proverbial, and the people
of Southwest Georgia are laigely iudebted
to him for making Andrew College what
it really is, one of the best seminaries of
learning in the State. We are glad to
know the stately college building has been
thoroughly repaired aud renovated, and
tbe grounds tastily laid off and adorned
with flowers and shrubs. The attendance
of pupils is larger than for many years
past. For particulars, address tbe presi
dent at Cutkbert, Georgia, and send for
Sharp Shooting.—Dr. John Ruth and
bis wife have made their advent in New
York from the West, as sharpshooters.
They distance all riflemen and pistolers—
even Bogardus and Carver. One perform
ance shows great conjugal harmony as
well as good marksmanship. Dr. Ruth
holds an ordinary visiting card in bis
month and permits his wife to shoot
several rifle balls through it.
Indiana.—The World quotes a state
ment made in the executive committee
room that the Indiana Democrats had sent
word that they would not draw on the
committee, but would raise ail necessary-
campaign funds at home. Hendricks will
make thirty speeches iulndiana before the
election. The fight in the Hoosicr State
is severe.
- . — -.-a»c—
A Northern exchange remarks that
the battle of Gettysburg was fought, on
the rebel side, mainly by Longstreet’s
troops. This eminent Confederate is now
drawing the comfortable salary of $7,500
Mr. Hayes’ minister to Turkey.
Meanwhile the Union soldier , who won
the battle of Gettysburg, and saved Penn
sylvania and the North from invasion, is
being denounced by the Republican press
as a traitor and rebel sympathizer. Some
how it seems as if things had been mixed.
Dangers of the Telephone.—The
Louisville Courier-Journal of Sunday,
says during the lightning discharges,
yesterday afternoon, the telephone wires
in the northern and northwestern portions
of the city became dangerously charged
with the electric fluid, and a large number
of telephones were destroyed. The tele
phone inspector reported fifty-two lines
open and seventy-five microphones burned.
The open lines were broken partly by tbe
wind aud storm, and partly by being
burned by tbe lightning. The telephone
system in this city, as in every other, is
protected as much as possible from the
dangers of the lightning, but perfect se
curity cannot be obtained, and although
exceptionally fortunate heretofore the
loss yesterday was very large.
—The Ameer Abdurrahman Is described
as by far the strongest and moat intelli
gent African of them all. He is a great
worker, often not retiring to rest until 3
o’clock in tbe morning. He rises early
for prayers, and then sleeps until 9 or 10
o’clock, when lie commences business.
He only takes one meal a day, 8t about 4
o’clock p. m., but consumes large quanti
ties of tea. His conversation is never friv
olous, and he has much knowledge of the
world and strength of character. He
thoroughly understands the art of man
aging tbe people with whom he is brought
in contact, having apparently acted strict
ly up to tbe Pope’s motto: “The proper
study of mankind is inau.” He is frank
and bold in his manner and speaks freely
to his visitors, drafts all his own letters,
has no'advisers, and only three or four
A TFTTFR FROM ELI WARREN of course his voting for and counting in RW r , ■ TlilT.Ti'.frT? A T37CT , ville and Nashville railroad, and the Chi-
A LfciliLtt niui w jj ii || oc j c OTer himself. I did not think so -I lb I -l IhUTltiAl LI cago, bt. Louis and New Orleans rail- to-day.
Majority and Minority. then, nor do I now. I acted upon my | — — ! road, it was agveed lo stop cuttiny'down [ ^ Charleston*, August 25.—John
_ . , ,, I opinions then, and I act upon them now; j “ ’ *
E'litors Telegraph and Messenger; an( j j aul heartily for Norwood, Hancock j Foreign.
I see you deplore, as we all should .do, aud English . Let us strive to elect them r 05 * disoatch ™
the discord now so unfortunately exisung a!]< xhlt Governor Colquitt, Gordon and ‘ Kilia Abdo^aavs-Lam numbers of
Brown are negotiating and trying to ne-
gotiate, With Pledger, Jeff Long and other
second Minnesota congressional district Flour, fancy, per bbl., $S.o0; choice $6.75;
extra family $0,50; family $0.25; extm
S. $5.50. Coflee, common 14i; fair idt:
seem to thiuk that the majority and the
minority in the late gubernatorial, oon-
vention are equally to blame for this dis
cord, while I aud others think the blame
rests entirely with the majority.
When the convention met, that “over
whelming majority,” about which there
lias been so much boasting, of their own
accord and on tbeir own motion, aim
with the full co-operation of the minority,
aud by'the publicly ekprtssted approba
tion of Governor Colquitt through Gener
al Young, a member of the convention,
adopted the two-thirds rule. This is a
fact that no one will deny, and that rule
thus adopted, became, and
be, the law of that convention, and the vio
lation of which is the cause, the founda
tion of all our troubles. Right or wrong
it was the self-imposed law of the conven
tion, and could not have been tbe law if
it bad not been made so by the majority,
and they, and they alone, are responsible
for that law—and it was so made the
law that a majority, no matter howlaree commonwealth
unless amounting to two-thirds of the
convention, should not make a nomina
tion. This cannot be dispnted.
Now, who bid defiance to and broke
that law—that two-tbirds rule? No
body but the majority who thus made it;
and this too is as. true as the fact that
it was their own law. And they
broke it against the earnest aud oft re
peated protestations and entreaties of the
minority of the convention. This also is
true and all kuow it to be so. Aud al
though this rule was adopted, this law
made in the interest of peace and har
mony aud seemingly out of respect to
the opinions, feelings and wishes of the
minority, some 142 members of that con
vention, and thereby secure harmony in
the actions of the convention and satis
faction to all in its results, the majori
ty in violation of their own rule, their
own law, and in contempt of the opin
ions, wishes and feelings of that large
minority, aud that too at the hazard of
breaking up the Democratic party, and to
the great disturbance of the peace and
quiet of society broke up the convention
in violation of their own pledge contain
ed in their own law, and recommended
only, without a nomination,. Gov. Colquitt,
who, in equal violation of his own promise,
there announced by Gen. Young not to
be a candidate without being nominated
by the two-thirds rule, is, under their
recommendation, now a candidate for
governor. And this too is true.
The inajo: ity, as it there wa3 no oilier
mau in the whole State worthy and fit
for governor but Colquit, tbe minority
willing aud agreeing to vote for any other
good Democrat but him, who was objec
tionable, as they honestly thought, ou ac
count of the errors of his administration—
the majority still urged him, and would
vote for no one else—aud thereon broku
up tbe convention.
Under these circumstances, this sad
condition of tilings brought about by the
majority, and which tbe minority were
powerless to prevent and retain their
selt-respect, tbe minority has presented to
the people that able, true and uuswerviug
Democrat, the Hon. Thomas M. Nor
wood, of the county of Chatham, for gov
ernor. Had they not the unquestionable
right to do so?
Colquitt is running as an “Indepen
dent,” without a nomination of the con
vention, against their own law and
against his own pledge not to run as be is
running—and, therefore, running “Inde
pendent.” too. And so is ilr. Norwood,
and that, too, without the violation of
any law, or-any pledge. And lie comes
before the people under fairer circum
stances, aud has, therefore, more claims
upon them than Gov. Colquitt lias, and
his ability to discharge the duties of the
office, know one will doubt who kuows
him; and his moral character is abovo
reproach. If the convention, under their
own two-thirds rule, or under the majority
rule, if they had adopted it, and they
certaiuly could have done it—had nomi
nated Gov. Colquitt, with all my objec
tions to him, I would have voted for him
in the interest of the peace and
harmony of the Democratic party, hut the
majority did not adopt the majority rule,
but the two-thirds rule, aud afterwards
refused to abide by it.
The Democratic convention that met to
nominate a governor of Georgia, quite a
Dumber of years ago, before the war, had
before them as the ouiy candidate for that
office, Henry G. Lamar, of Bibb, John
H. Lumpkin, of Floyd, and Col. Gardner,
of Augusta. That convention, before it
made,or attempted to make its nomination,
as did our late convention, adopted
the two-tliirds rule, .as well as I remem
ber, and if they did not adopt that they
adopted the majority rule, and they abided
by it throughout, and under that rule,
whichever rule it was, and I think it was
the two-tliirds rule, the convention bal
loted several days without being able to
make a nomination under the rule they
had adopted, the friends of neither
of those willing to yield their individual
preferences. The harmouy and peace of
the Democratic party was for some days
greatly disturbed by tbe friends of each
of the candidates sticking to them, when
prompted by a desire for peace, a mo
tion was made to appoint a committee to
report to the convention some person not
then a candidate as a suitable man for the
nomination. Tbe committee was ap
pointed, and selected and reported the
name of Joseph E. Brown, and he was
then chosen as the nominee of the con
Harmony was thus restored, and he
was elected governor, and that was the
way he was first made governor. The
minority of the convention, with that and
.other such examples before them, and
sudi peaceful .results following them,
urged that a similar course should be pur
sued in the late convention, and which
could have beeu done witha similar grati
fying result, but the majority refused to do
it and treated with contempt their offers of
peace thus earnestly held out to them,
and in consequence of their tyrannical
conduct discord now reigns. Who but
—An Iowa woman by her will left an
old armchair to one ot her sons. In the
stuffing was found a roll of bank notes
amounting to $400. The legal question
is whether the money belongs to tbe son.
tbe “majority” that brought this about by
violating their own law is to blame? Who
the disorganizers ? And now, why should
not all true, consistent, peace-loving
Democrats, including all original Colquitt
men vote for Norwood. Colquitt and the
majority have forfeited all claims upon
them, and upon all true Democrats, by an
open violation of their own two-third3
rule, and they are the last men in the
world who should blame and abuse the
minority who would not break, but abided
by that rule to the last. Some think this
boasted inqjoriiy should hide their faces
in shame, and these are, I think, strong
reasons to justify such an opinion.
So let us all vote as we please, and vote
for Norwood. In this we have the illus
trious example of Governor Brown. In
1S8S he pleased to vote for Bullock, but
his example in that case I did not follow
—far from itJ He not only voted for Bul
lock, but be voted for him against the gal
lant John B. Gordon; and he not only
voted for Bullock against Gordon in that
memorable contest, but he was a leaflet in,
acted with, and advised the “carpet-bag”
jarty that, after the election, counted in
ilullock over Gordon without ever exhib
iting to the public, so far as I ever knew
or lieard, the stale of the polls, and it was
supposed at that time that Gordon was
elected by a large majority. But Gordon
was counted out, and Bullock counted in,
which was quite as bad, as corrupt, as the
counting m of Ilayes over Tilden. After
all this, Governor Colquitt preferred Gov
ernor Brown to all other men in Georgia
to send to the United States Senate,
and General Gordon resigned his seat
there and made the place vacant for him.
I thought then, aud think yet, it was an
insult to Georgia, and reflected no credit
upon either Governor Colquitt or General
Gordon, notwithstanding the “smartness”
that some concede to Gov. Brown.
General Gordon in liis speech here, on
Monday before tbe election for delegates
the Wednesday following, and in which
there was more real humbuggeiy and less
truth than in any speech I ever heard in
my life, fully indorsed Governor Brown
and his conduct, and argued that he had
always been right affll the Democratic
leadere, for the Radical vote for Colquitt,
there is no doubt, and if they (the Radi
cal party) are in the market for saie, they
will buy them, for they can command the
money, or premise them offices with
which to make the purchases.
I do not think Governor Brown has any
claim upon the Radical party, for he for
sook it when he found himself unable to
control his 30,000 white Radicals, aud his
90,000 colored ones, and when he was
beaten for the United States Senate by
that honest and incorruptible man. Joshua
Hill, he quit them—they ceased to have
power and will to give him office.
That party ought voluntarily, of their
own free will, give their support to Mr.
Norwood, as Governor Brown did, volun
tarily, and of his own preference, give
Lis vote to Bullock in 1868.
Most respectfully, Eli Warren.
Perry, Ga., August 21, 1880.
Distribution Co.—
Truths Worth Kcadfn;.
The manuscript receipts for the follow
ing amounts drawn in the late drawing of
the Commonwealth Distribution Co., are
on file at the office in Louisvile. They
are bona fide, and buyers are at liberty
to address tbe parties and ascertain tbeir
f enuinekess: A. H. Morgan, St. James
iotel, Philadelphia, Pa., $15,000; O. P.
Anderson, Troy, Ind., $5,000; J. D. Ste
vens, Lawreuceburg, Ind. $30,000; Y, E.
Morera, Louisville, Ky., $5,000; Aicene
Vandereset, Louisville, Ky., $5,000; R.
P. Tilden, Bank of Louisville, Louisville,
Ky., $500; Volney Garrison,Bedford, ind.,
$1,000; Edward Baldwin, Pickwick, Pa.,
$1,000; Bank of Kentucky, Louisville,
(for collection),$500; German Batik, Lou
isville, (for collection), $500; J. B. N'r'ch-
ols, letter carrier, St. Louis, Mo., $1,000;
German Insurance Company, Louisville,
Ky., (for collection), $1,500; Germau Na
tional bank, Louisville, Ky., (for collec
tion), $1,000: Charles E. Lee, 55 West
Chesnut street, Louisville, Ky., $1,000;
George Gelfins, grocer, Louisville, Ky.,
$1,000; O. C. Perry, Greenville, Ohio. $1,-
000; A. A. Brachy’, money delivery and
collection clerk Adams Express company,
Louisville, Ky., (for collection), $1,000;
R. Wood, collector of American Express
company, Louisville, $500; Col. T. T.
Taylor, 1,254, Waba3h avenue, Chicago,
$5,000. Many of the above prizes were
sold in New York and collected as above.
The Commonwealth Distribution compa
ny is authorized by charter from the leg
islature of Kentucky for educational pur
poses, and is the only lottery company
ever declared legal by the United Stales
court, on March 31, rendered the following
Twenty-third Popular Drawing Com
monwealth Distribution Company will be
drawn at Macauley’s Theatre, Louisville,
Kv., on Tuesday, August 31. Authorized
by the legislature and sustained by the
courts of Kentucky.
11. M. Boardman, Courier-Journal
building, Louisville, Ky., or same at 307
and 309 Broadway, New York.
Claveback College and Hudson
Iiiver Institute, at Claverack, N. Y., three
miles from Hudson City, on the Hudson
river, offers in our advertising columns
great inducements to our people. The
Claverack College is one of the oldest and
best institutions in the country, located in
a most healthful section of New York
State, and liberally supported. Its course
of study is full aud thorough, while its
surroundings make it a delightful school
heme for students. Parents will do well
to send for catalogues to the President.
How To Dress Frogs.—As pot pies,
stews and cbowdertliey are a failure. The
only legitimate way to cook a frog is to fry
him brown in sweet table butter. As a
preliminary, he must be dipped in a hatter
of cracker dust, which should adhere
closely when cooked, forming a dainty
cracKncll of a golden brown color, with a
crisp twang to it when submitted to the
teeth. The tender juices thus retained
lose none of their delicate flavor, and the
dainty morsel neeils no condiineuts to
give it an additional zest.—Free Press.
A Temperate Departure.
The following communication explains
Alexandria Bay, N. Y., 1880.
Messrs. H. U. Warner & Co.:—Gen
tlemen: I have been doctoring the
last four years for rheumatism in tbe
back, sciatica and kidney difficulties, and
have beeu at no time free from pain until
I commenced taking Warner’s Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure, which has entire'y
cured me. I want to keep it in the house
to treat my friends with, instead of wines
and liquors, as it will cure the diseases
that they will produce.
Very truly yours,
lw Charles Walton.
Protect Tour Little One*
from Cholera Infantum, and yourself and
family from sudden attacks of Colic, Dys-
soutary, Cramps, Diarrhre aud Cholera
Morbus by keeping Parker’s Ginger Tonic
always on hand. This superb bowel cor-
also speedily cures all disorders of the
stomach, aud thousands who have for
years sought relief in vain from Dyspepsia,
Headache, Nervousness, Low Spirits,
Sleeplessness, Liver Disorders, Costive-
ness, Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart,
Distress iu the Stomach, Coated Tongue,
etc., have found a most complete cure in
this comforting invigorant. Buy a fifty
cents or $1 hot le and try it. Sold by all
first-class druggists. For sale by Roland
B. Hall. augl-3m.
The Health of New Orleans.
At this period of tbe year the public
generally turns its gaze to New Orleans
for news of tbe public health there. The
many sad recollections of the past fever
stricken years are still fresh in every one’s
memory. The world-famed Charity hos
pital there is the great rock of comfort as
a protection to the citizens, and its half
century of excellent management gives
them confidence of its future ability to
stay “the pestilence that walkcth in the
darkness.” The support of this establish
ment has been guaranteed by tbe large
revenue paid by The Louisiana State Lot
tery for its franchises; any information
about which will be cheerfujly given, on
application in person or by mail to M. A.
Dauphin, No. 319 Broadway, New York
City; or Same Person, at New Orleans^
La. auglS-lw
If Sidney Smith, whose genial nature
was a well spring of plei TOW to his friends,
had suffered with an inactive liver be
would have used Portaline, or Tabler’
Vegetable Liver Powder. Price 50 cent
For sale by Lamar, Rankin & Lamar.
No one can take Dr. Tntt’* Pills and
remain long unwell. They increase the
powers of digestion, and excite the absorb
ents to action. The old stereotyped opin
ion that calomel must be used “to cany
off the bile,” has given away before the
light of science. The vegetable kingdom
furnishes a remedy free from ail deleteri
ous effects. Such are Tutt’s Pills.
A Good Hotel to Stop at.
Hotel accommodations for travelers are
of the greatest importance to persons who
have to move about the country on busi
ness or pleasure. Just where to go is
what every man wants to know when he
leaves heme. The Grand Union Hotel,
opposite the Grand Central depot, New
York city, is a very popular resort, be
cause the attendance there is prompt and
satisfactory, the charges arc reasonable
and the menage complete. Persons arriv
ing u or leaving New York city by the
Grand Central depot will find the Grand
Union Hotel very convenient.—AT. Y.
Telegram. juno8-3m.
■When yon visitor leave New York
city, top at the Grand Union Hotel, op
posite the Grand Central Depot. Euro
pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and
upwards. Restaurant' unsurpassed at
moderate prices. Street cars, stages and
party wrong, (who had often changed as 1 elevated railroad to all parts of tho city
he said) when opposed to lnm, including 1 May ll.-e.o.d., I yr.
tihazis are flocking down from Khelati
Ghiizai road and other directions, to join
Ayoob Khan, who could not now retreat
if he wished, as the Ghazis are determined
to fight to the last.
A Bucharest dispatch says there has
been more severe fighting in Dobrudja,
between the Roumanians and Bulgarian
insurgents. Many of the latter were Killed
or captured while pillaging villages
Many rifles, the same as used iu the Bul
garian army, were captured, which the
government considers direct proof of sup
port of the Bulgarian government.
Halifax, N. S., August 25.—Conley,
the Portland oarsman, who defeated Mc
Kay last .week, is willing to accept a cha!
lenge of Nagle, of St. John, for a three
mile race,provided it be rowed ou Bedford
basin. The impression here is that the
St, John man will not row outside.of. St.
The Rowing Association, of this city,
lias received a proposition for a boat race
in England, ou the Thames, early iu De
cember. The total amount of prizes is
about $5,000, to be divided among the
four first boats. The Halifax Associa
tion lias decided to take part in it, provi
ded the competitors are limited to eight
in number, and suggesting Trickett, of
Australia, Boyd and Elliott, of Englaud,
Courtenay and Riley, of the United
States, and Uaulau, Koss and Smith, of
Paris, August 25.—The article of the
Forth Germau Gazette on GambetU’s
speech at Cherbourg has produced some
sensation here. The llepubliquc Fran-
caise, if. Garabetta’s organ, replies in
moderate but firm language. It disclaims
any intention on the part of France to
disturb the peace. Provocations have
coine during the past ten years not from
France but from Germany. The Iiepub-
lique Franeahe attributes the article to
the wish to justify the enormous German
armament. Other Republican papers
write iu the 6ame strain.
London, August 25.—A dispatch from
Dublin to tbe Times says: Some addi
tional alarm may perhaps be produced in
regard to the state of Ireland among peo-
f le at a distance by the disclosure of
eniauism rnadeby a correspondent of the
New York Herald in Ireland. Very few,
however, will be alarmed, or believe it to
be important. The secret society of Irish
Republicans does exist, but it is compar
atively harmless. Such an organization
lias attractions for extreme fanatical en
thusiasts. It is evidently recognized by
the Parnellites, but an association of
fanatics is an association of essentially
discontented men, and they are beginning
to grumble at the smallness of tbeir share
of tbe glory of the anti-English agitation.
Neither itseli nor its organs in the press
are thriving financially. The Farnellite
organization is much inore important.
The Right Hon. William E. Gladstone
embarks at Gravesend, on tho Thames, to
morrow, in Messis. Donald & Currie’s
coa3t steamship, Grantully Castle, for a
cruise around the British coast.
A dispatch from Vienna to the Times
says: The article of the Forth German
Gazette commenting on M. Gambctta’s
utterances at Cherbourg, caused a sensa
tion here.. Its firm but moderate lan
guage is generally approved.
Tne Times, in a leading editorial, up
holds Gambetta’s speech, which, it says,
under tbe circumstanceses, is neither rash
nor provocative. The only point of com
fort in the challenge of tbe Forth German
Gazette, is the avowal that Germany will
never again interfere iu political affairs
in France.
A dispatch from Carulahar states that
Gen. Brooks, whose death was previously
reported, was shot during the late sortie
from that city,while attempting to bring in
Captain Cruickshauks, who was wounded.
The enemy at Capdahar is making no at
tempt at a regular siege.
London, August 25.—A dispatch to
the Times, from St. Petersburg, says Iu-
dian Prince Raunchuudra, who is related
to the notorious Nana Sahib, has again
appeared as the friend and adviser of Ab-
durrahinau Kahn, to meet whom, lie is
for the second time on his way to Afghan
istan. Suspicions, on account of his
former movements in Russia aud Afghan
Turkistan, have been created in the minds
of those wlio believe in the latest report of
Russian intrigues iu Afghanistan, will
probably only be increased by the latest
Rauucliundra intends to go to Tisheran
on his way to the Ameer’s headquarters.
He says the Ameer finds 110 sympathy at
Tisheran. Persian officials regard him as
an instrument of Russia. They are also
highly displeased at General SkobetoiTs
movement against the Turcomans, see
ing therein the danger to Herat, which
the Shah hopes to annex.
In the House of Commons to-day the
Savings Bank bill was passed through the
committee. Tho report upon the Hares
aud Rabbits bill was agreed to, aud-a
third reading fixed for Friday. The
Grain Cargoes bill was read the third
time without division amid cheers.
London, August 25.—Mr. Parnell sent
a telegram from the House of Commons,
expressing bis regret that only thirty
members, or less than one-balf of the
Irish party, were present in the House on
Monday. Ample notice was given that
the estimates would be taken up at that
sitting, and an urgent whip was issued to
each member. As several days must
elapse before tho Irish constabulary esti
mates can be carried, Mr. Parnell trusts
more members will be present whoa they
are reached.
Boston, August 25.—Tho organiza
tion of tho twenty-ninth meeting of the
American association for the advance
ment of science, in gcneralscssion, took-
placc this morning in Huntington Hall
Institute of Technology. Tho meeting
was called to order by the retiring presi
dent, Prof. Goo. F. Baker, of Phila
delphia, who immediately resigned the
chair to the president elect, Hon. Lewis
N. Morgan, of Rochester. The opening
address was mado by Wm. B. Rogers,
president of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and was mainly a review
of the history of the association. At the
close of Rogers’ remarks, Mayor
Prince was introduced and extended a
hearty and most cordial greeting to the
members of the association.
An address of welcome was also made
by Gov. Long and responded to by Presi
dent Morgan. '
The report of the secretary was read
and a committee appointed to telegraph
the greetings and congratulations of the
American Association to tbe British As
sociation, now holding its fifth annual
A committee was also appointed to
draft appropriate resolutions with refer
ence to the recent death-of Gen. Meyer,
chief signal officer of the United States, at
this point.
London, August 25.—Boyd, the noted
oarsman, has accepted the challenge of
Elliot, of Blythe, to row a match in'Feb-
ruary next over the Tyne course for -£100
or £200 a side.
Th* London Sporting Life has received
a letter from W. B. Curtis covering £100
deposit in the proposed'international walk
ing matdM and he also sends a cablegram
naming Wm. Pengram, of Boston, as bis
choice. The Sporting Life says the match
will probably open on November 15th, the
day fixed for the Hanlan-Trickett boat
St.Petersburg, August 29—General
Melikolfto-day held a reception, attended
by the officials ot the new ministry of the
interior, to whom he delivered an address,
soliciting tbeir co-operation mid assist
Paris, August 25.—M’lle Sam Bern
hardt, the artist actress, has returned
from Copenhagen to Paris. She has writ
ten the director of the theatre Franc*ite,
asking to ho allowed to pay, in ? four an
nual “installments of 25,000 francs each,
the 100,000 francs damages to which she
was condemned for violating her engage
ments with that theatre.
News Items.
San Francisco, August 26.—A dis
patch from Phoenix, Arizona, reports that
tbe territorial convention nominated M
W. Stewart for delegate to Congress.
Chicago, August 25.—At a meeting
here yesterday of officer* of the Louis-
day by the Democrats of the ninth dis
trict. Wm. II. Hatch was renominated
by the Democrats of the twelth district.
'Moline, August 25.—The Democrats
at Genese yesterday nominated B. H.
Truesdale for Cougress.
New Ori-eaxs, August 25.—A freight
train leaves here on the twenty-eighth,
by the Morgan, Louisiana and Texas
railroad, direct for Houston. Passenger
trains hereafter will leave New Orleans
and Houston daily at noon, the running
time between the two points will be
eighteen hours.
Charleston, August 25.—nons. D.
Wyatt Aiken aud George D. Tillman, the
sitting members, have been renominated
as Democratic candidates lor Congress in
the third and fifth South Carolina dis
tricts respectively.
New York, August 25.—The steam
ship City of Alexandria, Captain Deaken,
from Vera Cruz August 21, which ar
rived here on the 24th, reports, when off
Froutera August 13th, the first mate of
the bark Cronstadt, which arrived the
day before, reported that in the morning
the captain, with the second officer aud
two seamen, attempted to cross the bar in
a boat, which was capsized, aud all lost
except tue mate, who swam out to sea,
and was picked up by tbe ship’s boat,
which was sent out after him. ’
Baltimore, August 25.—Two meetings
of the Beta Theta Phi fraternity were
held to-day, aud a public meeting to
night. The public meeting was fairly
attended, aud the fraternity was ad
dressed by Rev. O. D. Kellogg, of Phila
delphia. There are present representa
tives from forty-six Alumni chapters, in
cluding those of New York, Richmond
aud Louisville, Indianapolis, Nashville,
Wheeling, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Evans
ville and Chicago.
Newport, R. I., August 25.—Thomas
Hughes, member of Parliament aud par
ty, arrived here from New York this
morning. They are the guests of Mr.
Frauklyn W. Smith, of Boston. They
will leave for the West in a few days.
Richmond, Va., August 25.—The
Democratic convention of the sixth Vir
ginia district, in session at Lynchburg,
to-day renominated Hon. John Randolph
Tucker, for Congress by acclamation.
Cincinnati, August 25.—Tiie deaf
mutes of America are holding here to
day their first convention. There is
fair attendance from ail parts of the
United States and Canada. Robt. Mc
Gregor, of Cincinnati, was elected presi
Rockaway Beach, L. L, August 25.
During a heavy thunder storm this even
ing a small yacht containing seven men
capsized near the point of Rockaway
Beach. Only one man reached the shore.
The name of one of the lost is Thomas
Suttou. The names of the others cannot
be ascertained as yet.
Richmond, Va., August 25.—The case
of Dr. George Johnston, arrested on the
charge of being about to engage in a duel
with Capt. JohnS. Wise, was called in the
police court to-day, but was continued
until Saturday next without a hearing.
Captain Wise has not yet been arrested.
New York, August 25.—In the suit of
James A. Whalen against General P. II.
Sheridan, for the recovery of damage*'al
leged to have been sustained by the plain
tiff, by the confiscation of his property,
known as the Killeua plantation, Judge
Choate to-day rendered a decision deny
ing the motion to file and serve the bill of
exceptions. Tbe trial resulted in a ver
dict for defendant.
New Brunswick, N. J., August 25.— f New Orleans, choice, GO; ilo. good, 53. ffo-
Hon. Thomas D. Hox'e, as Passaic, was | Golden C, 91: brown 9, Goff.- - C lOv
unanimously nominated f " “ v *‘~ -
the Greenback State
Desmginus, low’a, (August 25.—The !
Republican State convention met here to- BREADSTUFF AXl> provision «i un
tie, as Fassaie, was s ar > uuiuen vj, u:; mown a (Joiv - c
ted for governor by | white, extra C 10^; standard A 10 J: rjrxrz—
convention hereWb- 1 nlated 11; powdered 111. Rice 7,<£”• : '_
Candles,13. Matches, $2.S3. Potash, £g_Wt_
Cincinnati, O., August 25.—The first
bale of nevf cotton from Alabama to this
market was sold at the Cotton Exchange
to-day, for 18$ cents a psund. It came
from Decatur, Ala.
The Mexican Banditti
San Francisco, August 25—A dis
patch from Mason, A. T., says Sheriff
Outlier, with a posie, left here last night
to intercept and arrest the Mexican bri
gand, Rogers, who, with his band, was
reported to be in tbis vicinity. Butuer
met them about oigbt miles from town
and a fight ensued, in which about fifty-
shots .were fired. The Mexicans fled,
leaving several dead and wounded, and
their animals and weapons on the. field.
The sheriff followed but soon lost their
trail iu the darkness. The bandits are
supposed to number about fifty. A com
pany of United States troops are now in
pursuit of them.
Heavy Fire in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Pa., August 25.—A
fire broke out at au early bour tbis morn
ing in the flour mill* of Wm. B. Thomas
& Co., corner Thirteenth aud Willow
streets. The flames spread rapidly aud
communicated to the store aud hollow-
ware foundry of Stuart and Peterson—
then to a largo building on the corner of
•Thirteenth aud Hamilton streets, occu
pied by Giuuport & Brothers, manufactu
rers of cigar*. Tho mill wa* soon in
ruius aud all the walls foil iu the streets.
Tbe falling bricks crushed in the eastern
end of Stuart & Peterson’s foundry, and
the flames destroyed nearly all the pat
terns iu tbe pattern room. The loss on
the foundry is estimated $75,000 and on
the mill $100,000. Giuuport & Co. em
ployed 150 baud* and had 60o,000 loose
cigars in stock. Their insurance is $23,-
000 and will cover the loss. A number
•f small buildings adjoining were also
damaged by the fire.
TriVut® of Beapect.
Washington, August 25—Judge Key,
the retiring postmaster general, was to-day
the recipient of a hearty and genuine trib
ute of respect aud affection, from both
officer* and employes of the post-office
department. At the meeting of tire em
ployes in the department building, presid
ed over by First Assistant Postmaster
General Tyner, resolutions were unani
mously adoptpd expressing regret at Judge
Key’s retirement from the office; convey
ing to him assurances of high appreciation
as an officer and sincere regard for him
as a man; complimenting Ins executive
ability and sound discretion in advancing
every branch of the postal service to its
admirable state of efficiency, aud testify
ing to the uniform kindness and courtesy
which have distinguished his official as
well as bis private and social relations.
Immediately after the adoption of the
resolutions, Judge Key was invited to at
tend tbe meeting, and tbe resolutions
were banded him byTirst Assistant Post
master General Tyner,who, in abrief pre
sentation speech, complimented very
highly the retiring posinaster general’s
administration of affairs since he had
been at tbe head of the department.
Judge Key accepted the tribute of respect,
and in reply spoke feelingly. The new
Postmaster General Maynard was pres
ent and made appropriate remarks.
Given Their Commissions.
Washington D. C., August 25.—Hon.
Horace Maynard, ex-minister to Turkey,
visited tbe White House with Postmaster
General Key to-day, to pay bis respects to
the President. White there,Mr. Maynard
received his commission as postmaster
general, and shortly afterwards went to
tbe post-office department aud took tbe
oath of office. The President also signed
to-day, tlia commission of lion. D. M. Key
as judge for the eastern district of Tennes
see, and that of Gen. Longstreet as United
State* minister to Turkey. Judge Key
will not leave for Tennessee before the
last of this or tbe first of next week.
Atlanta, August 25.—N. J. Ham
mond wee renominated for Congress by
Deaseerata of tbe fifth district.
New Haven, Ct„ August 25—The
Democratic congressional-district conven
tion, a* Middletown, to-day nominated
Jas. Phelps, of Essex, for member of Con-
Nobfolk, Va., August 25.—B. W.
Lacy, of New Kent county, was nomina
ted aa a candidate tor Congress from the
second congressional district, by the Re-
adjuster* convention to-day.
Little Bock, Augusta 25—James K.
Jones was nominated for Congress from
tbe seeond Arkansas district by the Dem
ocratic convention to-day, at Prescott.
St. Paul, August 25.—Henry Poepler
was nominated by the Democrats of the
day, with a full representation from all
the counties in the State except Palo Al
to. J. A. Hall vras re-nominated for sec
retary of Stale by acclamation. The oth
er nonrnations were as follows: For au
ditor, W. V. .Lucas; State treasurer,' E.
II. Conger; attorney general, Smith Mc
Chicago, August 25.—A dispatch to
the Journal, from MeGregor, I6wa, re
peated from Austin, Minnesota, states
that Page was shot in his house last
night and killed byan unknown assassin,
He has for years been the principal mov
er in tire great political, social and reli
gious feud that has agitated Southern
Specie from Europe.
New York, August 25 The follow'
ing is a detailed statement of the amounts
of specie which arrived at this port from
Europe to-day: Steamer Wisconsin
$130,000; steamer France, $SSO,OCO
steamer Batavia, $500,000; steamer Gil
bert, $1,686,300. Total, $3,190,700. All
gold coiu except $13,000 iti gold bars,
Chicago, August 25.—The dead body
of a youDg woman, about twenty years of
age, as yet unidentified, was found in the
hallway in a bouse on West Madison
street, this morning. On her finger was
a ring bearing the initials, “E. A. C.”
She is supposed to have been tbe victim
of criminal malpractice on the part of
a certain Dr. Earl, to whom circumstances
New York, August 25.—Robert L
Barth, a retired clothing dealer, sixty-
eight years old, residing at No. 240 Clinton
street, near Monroe street, committed sui
cide by shooting himself in the head at his
residence about 9:30 o’clock this morning.
For the past twenty years Mr. Barth has
been troubled with neuralgic pains in the
head, and at times has suffered great
T.S. Junes Rraka.
Macon, August 25.-Ueorgia 6 per cent,
bonds, due 1889, 106® 108; Oeorpia do
(oid) 1000105; Georgia 7 per cent,
bonds (mortgage) 10801095; do bond*
(gold coup) 1090111; do boud3,due 1S96
1140110; do 8 per cent, bonds 1020115
do 4 per cent, bonds (Baby) SljftloO
Northeastern It. It. bonds (endorsee) 100
0105. Central R. It. joint mortgage
7 per cent, bonds 1090110. Georgia
It. R. 6 per. cent, bond 1OOJ01O2. Wes
tern K. It. of Ala. 1st rnort. 1120114; do
2nd rnort. 1120114. Mobile and Girard
R. R. wort. 1100112. Montgomery
Eufaula 1st mOrt. endorsed C. and S. W.
roads 980100. A. &G. R. R. consolidated
mart. 1050107. Macon and Western R.
K. bonds 1OO401O15. Southwestern R. R.
bonds 1010103. M. & A. R. R. 1st mort.
(not endorsed) 95097. M. & A. R. R,
2nd mort. (endorsed) 1000102. City of
Macon bonds 90092. City of Savannah
bonds 82083. City of Atlanta 7 per cent.
bond3 1060110; do 8 per cent, bonds 112
0116. City of Augusta 7 per cent, bonds
1020104. Southwestern K. R. stock 1045
0106. Central R. K. stock 9440955.'
Augusta <£ Savannah R. R. stock 1100
112. Georgia R. R. stock 10450106.
Tb» Market* bjr Telegraph.
New York—Noon-August 25.—Stocks
strong; money 202|; exchange long
$4.81; short $4.S3; State bonds dull;
government securities quiet.
New York—Evening—Money 203;
exchange $4.80*; government securities
inactive; new 5 per cents 102|; 4* per
centB llli; 4 per cent 109j; State bunds
Stocks closed active and irregular; New
York Central 131 i; Erie 395; Lake
Shore 107i;lliinois Central 112J; Nashville
and Chattanooga 72|;Lou:sville aud Nash
ville 12S; rittaburgh 124; Chicago and
Northwestern 99$; do. preferred 1095;
Rock Island 113$; Western Union Tele
graph 106; Alabama State bonds: Class
A, two to five, 64$; class A, small, 65; class
B, fives, 89$; class C, two to five, 75.
Sub-Treasury balances: Gold $S7,S97,-
110; currency $6,715,4S3.
Liverpool, August 25.-A’oon—Cotton
steady; middling uplands 7 3-16; middling
Orleans 7$; Receipts 8,000, all Amer
ican; sales 8,000; speculation aud export
1,000. Uplands low middling clause Au
gust delivery 7 3-1607 5-32; August and
September 7507 3-32; September and
October 8 11-160—; October and Novem
ber 6$ 0 ; November aud December 6
9-3205-16; December and January —0;
January and February —0—: February
and March —0—; March and April 6J0
—. Futures flal.
New York, August 20.—Noon-Cotton
dull;sales 1274; middling upland* 1115-16;
middling Orleans 12 1-16. Futures steady;
August "12.00, September 11.40, October
10.81, Novumber 10.56, December 10.65,
January 10.75.
New York—Evening— Net receipts
; gross 2941. Futures closed dull; sales
73,090 bales; August delivery 12.02003;
September 11.37038; October 10.80081;
November 10.04065; December 10.64065;
January 10.74076; February 1O.87011.S8;
March 11.00002.
Cotton steady; sales 1487; middling up
lands 11 15-16; middling Orleans 12 1-16;
consolidated net receipts 3022; exports to
Great Britain 500.
Galveston, August 25.—Cotton firm;
middling 11$; low middling 10|; good
ordinary 10; net receipts 80S; gross 912;
sales 322; stock 3,741.
Norfolk, August 25.—Cotton steady;
middling 114; ue t receipts 3S1; gross
—; sales 154; stocK 3,297.
Baltimore, August 25.—Cotton firm;
middling 11$; low middling 11; good
ordinary 10; net receipts 230; gross 50;
sales 542; stock 1,499.
Boston, August 25.—Cotton steady;
middling 12; low middling 11 j; good ordi
nary 10|; net receipts 78; gross SS;
sales —; stock 6707.
W iLMiXGTON, August 25.-Cotton steady;
middling 11; low middling 10$; good or
dinary i net receipt* 4; gross 4;
sales —; stock 278. /
Philadelphia, Aug. 25.-Cotton firm;
middling 12$; low middling 111; good or
dinary 10|; net receipt* —; gross 39;
sales 641; to spinners 215; stock 4,0S5.
Savannah, August 25.—Cotton quiet;
middling 11$; low middling 10$;
good ordiuary 9|; net receipts 776;
gross 780; sales 400; stock 5,257.
New Orleans, August 25.-Cotton firm;
middling 11$; low middling 10$:good ordi
nary 10 J; net receipt 4S; gross 192;
sales 0200; stock 28,117.
Mobile, August 25.—Cotton steady;
middling uplands 11$; low middling 104;
good ordinary 9$; net receipts 161; gross
—; sales 400; stock 7,770.
Memphis, August 25.—Cotton stetdy;
middling 11$; receipt* 7S; shipments
127; sales 75; stock 7,569.
Augusta, August 25.—Cotton steady;
middling Hi;.low middling 10$; good or
dinary —; receipt* 197; gross —; sales —;
stock 124.
Charleston, August 25.—Cotton firm;
middling 11{; low middling Ilf; good
ordinary 10J; net receipts 526; gross—;
sales 150; stock 2,392.
T_N T*ht H«rcfc**4lM Broker.
Macon, August 25.—Bacon, shoulders
7$; clear rib sides 10$. Bulk meats,
shoulders 65; clear rib sides 9 4.
Pork, strips 9. Hama, sugar-cured 13.
Bagging, 1$ fi> 11. Ties, bundles $2.35.
l.aro, tierces 9$; tubs 10$; in buckets lOf.
Bran, per 100, $1.00. Hay,per 100, $1.35,
1 Time Wlient
c.n sijg*-
9:50 a.m.
10:30 ”
11:30 ”
2:40 »
Receipts of hogs, 18,500.
The Markets by Telegrsyht
Louisville, August 25 Floor lirm;
extra $3.2503.75; family SS.‘E*04.TBc
choice to fancy $6.OO0$G.25. AVhrs; dali
at 85083. Com steady; No. 2 white 4S
044; do mixed 12. Oats linn at
310—. Pork active at $15.500—. Larft
strong at 9.50. Bulk meals firm; stionl-
dere 5J05f; clear ribs SJ; clear sides 9$-
Bacon lower; shoulders 6.250—; dear
ribs 9.C50—; clear sides 10.00. Sugar-
cured hams 1240—. Whisky active and
firm at Si.OS.
Cincinnati, August 25.—Flour quiet;
family $4.5O0$4.S5. fancy $5.00085.75-
Wheat steady; choice red winter —;
No. 2 red winter 060—; do Amber 920.
—. Corn active; No. 2 mixed 440—-
Oats higher; No 2 mixed 310314. Fojfc.
steady; held at $16,000—. Lard dull at
7.7508.00. Bulk meats dull; shoulder*
5$; clear ribs SJ; clear sides —. IJacoa
steady; shoulders 6$; ribs 9§; aides 1002
—. Whisky firm at $1.09. Sugar strong;
hards 11011$, New Orleans 9094. Hog3.
firm; common 4.000 ; ligla 4.75®
5.00; packing $4.85010.30; butchers S531S
Sr. Louis, August 24 Flour steady;
choice to fancy $5.O50$5.C5; family $450
054.65; double extra $3.4O0S3.65. Wheat
lower; No. 2 red fall 97i0| cash; 9S50J>
— August; 91$0O1$ September; 912092*
October; 92:093$ November; 01091$- all
the year; No. 3 do S5|087i; No. 4
do —. Cora lower at 35$036 cash.
Oats steady at 26027 cash. Whisky
steady at $1.09. Pork quiet at $15.75-
Lanl lower at 8.51. Bulk meat3 strong;
shoulders 5.400—; ribs 8.500—; aide*
8.750—. Bacon lower; shoulders 6.25
0—; clear ribs 9.8710—; clear sides 9.75.
Chtcago, August 25—Flour steady;
winter $4.50085.77; fair to choice —;
Western spring S— 0S—. Wheat lower;
No. 2 red winter 9710—; do. Chica
go spring 87087$ cash; 67§@—
September; 8S$0S6J October; No. 3 d»
do 810i—. Cora lower 38*0—
38£0— September; 39J0— October.
Oats lower at 27 cash; 26 for August;
25$ September; 26$ October. Pork Iowkt
at 16.00025. Lard lower at 7.7508tOOt.
Bulk meats lower; shoulders 5.05; short,
ribs 8.40; short clear 8.80. Whisky qaiel
at $1.09.
New Orleans, August 25.—CoSes fans;
Rio cargoes 13$016$. Sugar eaitt;
common to good common 8408$: prime to
choice 9|01O|; yellow clarified 9ria—_
Molasses dull; common 30035: fair —££
—; centrifugal —0—; prime to choice —
6—. Rice in epod demand at 506$.
New York, August 25.—Coffee quiet;
U10 in cargoes 13$016$; do in job Into
13017. Sugar firm; Cuba S$; mus
covado 7$01o-16; Centrifugal S$0—; fair
to good refining 7$07|; prime 8*
relined fair demand; standard A 1O$01O$.
Bice good demand at 6|07|. Rosin
steady at 81.45 0 $1.50. 'Tur
pentine strong, higher at 340:144. Wool
quiet; domestic fleece 38050; pnlk-ft
22050; unwashed 15034; Texas I80SSS-
Whifky nominal. Freights finu-
Wilmington, August 25 Spirits at
Turpentine steady at 33$. Rotor firm as.
S1.02J f°r strained; good trained $1.074-
Tar firm at $1.70. Crude turpentine
firm at $1.80 for vellow dip; $2.00 ft*
Notice to Bridge Builders,
ON lEESIHY. St plea, bar 21, lfiftJ,
tween in lof&i boms of tale, at the Cora
of the court bou-o. will be lotto the iowtzk
l> (t er.ih* coorr*ct far bmloicg*nuip’cte iai
ready tor travel a wocuen tnu-s triage over
Tobttolkee cret k at FultonV min. tttoi
hrHue to bo fcu'It m acccrav ie *1 h eoaa-
plete and minute place and fpvsfiutijca
now on tile m tho tteuuty Uoxini.-esicoeref
•taco, and open to me i-xp-onoo of ibu
public The roetrac.or will be req-iradto
ip'e Pond id dotb'.a :be am r U3t of I be ox^
»i b two good ana eo.veat eecntitiae. for tlx*
faithful 1 erformauce rf ibo contract, ia&
o indtua’f; tbe couc y for anr
ucca-ionei by a f ro puf .rm be earner
wi.Ua the prei-ci ibed lime. Ttio work to to
pM<1 for ou ccmpleti'TO, according to con
tract Tia right to reject any acd’til bids la
reserve t
By order cf Bibb Ccuify rommUaiosacae
%xu2l- d W. G Bill IU. Cit j>.
S1ho.1l lor tbe Men a!. Moral arm Pnjticeltsaia*
incut gir’s and ?oncg lauict, will enter inraite
The teacher* last 3 ear are all expected tote
'ith me again, and in tbeir «pec:alnei esaneito
$53 HR YrAfU'lHt tllLRAR'i
All extra ltuliei.tuch as music, frnti. 5}
painting, drawing, wax worts, etc., w.J. bs Vmr -
ouchly lanaht »t moderate rates.
Yooaiizatiou wiil be medca specie!I?, xsi 5a
that ei d a dut nguitbei teacher from adislaxec-
wi’l be emol'O ee.
“fbvricalTraining and Movement Oare , *'w:ii
b«loo£elafvr and practiced with.if
greater riaor than *v.r:and I would Stie taie.
ocea-ion to than* tbe citiiecs of Unthbeii ncL
aurrouuding country for doming tome a >sdb
wxsu feat for pi.laical training purposes. S>* joJ
arrwngfmtnta will be made l..j the aec isnocdsa-
t'.oo o* twile* and (iiiidanof botn sexes utr di-
rtttly connettwi Andrew Female OoI!»3e>
and they al l bachirred to suit mr-uraitmawi.
It isexp&'ted that this spleedii bail will to
ready lor o< cups lie j by royepeanp.
For lurther rnfor nation with regard to tie-
Collige partu* willsesd for raiaioguu nod iryuru-
of my Hoard ot Vis tore, bsth 0! which tut
ready for circulation.
Hoping ior a grand o fr.irg and a happy
pr.aueruUa *e>Mon, 1 remain with tree veatxc&v
A. b. UiUiLTUN. 1‘res ideas.
aupSI la-4Jr
ClTKIOHYie* UF nt)»TD. Ao'Ittliont
ol faeti not gonrral y kno A resardmg Urn
Mu.ic o* Aao'.ei t and ana savage nuiias
U- rat. muafeal history in a xojt eaturtsinioj
form, th« ,*Utn‘. and important f-cl, ivjtgjt
wrought into *e-y readable riorios tf what trip.
pe,.edm China. Japan, India Brypt, Grsettvacva
Ancient Bun po. fnero are also ttoneael tto
suddleapes, and of th» ««riy dajs opera.
For tchoola:
gONiv BELLS, L- O. St
For high aoQocia:
WSiA'lHE 0IV. S. Ti.'dcn.IK*
For Sunday a hcioia:
w JUTK H.OBFS. Abbey and Munger....— »
For .Temnerrnco.
TEVIF. JEWHRIS. Tenny and HoCraaa .^p.
TBStl’. LIGHT, ilucg and de.voaa..-.,
For »in.irg school*:
Y<H°1£ OP L. O. Kncrson... ?.#*
TK«VLS. W. IVrtina ire
,1‘ HNSOVS MktUOD. A. S. Johnson JO
For reed organ,:
BlX'K.bvA N Jobnaon l.K>
eTUDD 8 SdTl J.ViL SCrtwOP, by TT.
P.Suld 13D
A: J book u-tikd lor retail prioe.
O. H. DiTSt» * CO, 34* B'dway KJb.
• n»8 l
I p ropes-to-ell 00- or bill of mi piantariooet.
W. uiti p;-fdF 10 .a 1 ! the o. e acjdoing *— *—
o! A Pvan<a d Dr R .11. Patt-raon, »»■ -
acting of .viu acres. b*ing» i-irlkmof tbeoriffloaF,
COr ?’ I wrtbe*y ! ,nb«il.'dremiSetogS:.
oad . Oats, flea, o0 } nist-prcK»f, t» oa oi utt o' M& vu. fieffreRret o. M. Um^ v
90. Balt, Virginia $1.00; Liverpool $1.20 dt7 . Adores* Gf'.WTBjOL,
0— Meal 70; bolted 75. Grits $4.50. 1 .ugUdtwwtt M*ota.«k