Newspaper Page Text
[The following lines, written by a pris
oner in Macon (Georgia) jail, fell into the
hauUs of a gentleman of this county, Uy
whose permission they arc.published:]
Cased in a prison cell—how sad, yet true.
Docs the lone heart bring former scenes
to view,
Till the racked nflnd, to bitter frenzy
driven, .
Maligns the just decrees ol man and beav.
en. .. .1
The grated bars, the iron studded doors-
The cold bare walls, the chilly oaken
floor— , ,
The damp straw bed—no chairs, no
books— ' * ’'
The jailor’s uncouth' iur, his uneasy
Force back the maddened thoughts to oth
er days,
When youth’s fond hopes were crowded
with brilliant rays.
’Twas the goodly lessons, one by one,
Fled from my giddy heart till all were
And left behind a waste dreary and
A conscience hardened and a soul de
O, when I think what I have been, and
My present state, and think what I may
Despair and sorrow burns within,
For a life of folly and continued sin ;
Until my heart seems bursting with the
Of God’s judgment falling on my head.
O, could my sdinted mother's shade
but bend on earth,
She’d curse, like me, the morning of my
Almighty Father! God of life and death,
Give, O, give me a true and living faith!
Bestow thy qulck’ning spirit, and impart
Thy saving grace to tranquilize iny heart.
—Henry County Weekly.
A Tnle of n New Jlnjtfsf rate Wlio Was
Very Fresh Indeed.
I liave always, I hope, entertained a
due respect for the powers tlia^be, but I
never fully appreciated the position of
those powers till I became one of them
myself, by being “made a magistrate-’
for Middlesex. Such was the?comij|pn
phrase by which the thoughtless th;ong
described my accession to that dignity,
hut I need scarcely say that the correct
description of it is that I was put in i£te
commission of the peace. It is oujy men
of war that are “put into commission* op
the water, but on Sand it is different. In
ancient boroughs and other places where
fine old English customs still suer ve, per
sons who are thus exalted r-vefti have a
sworn girt on them by the corporation or
other important kneeling, but no
such ceremony now prdiparily takqs
place. According to mofWKi practice the
lord lieutenant- ot the ' county (after
much mature thought, aiul pcrlwps pray
er) selects the mqst honorable and flail4t
persons lor this post and then appoints
them by letter. In this simptidft- their; is
perhaps as much significance— for-thoqe
who can see below the surface—03:41-the
more ancient forms of investiture. ,
To all outward appearance. I yyas rise
same man I was the day before iny ~elva-
tion, “but all! the me L”. In
my inmost heart I felt myself a cunleus
rotulorum, which is not a tiling to be met
with every day, let me tell you—nor
every other day. I did noflquito know
what it meant myself but—like-a profes
sor of metaphysics—1 was quite prepared
to let other people know.
I caused cockades to be attached to the
hats of my men-servants, so large that, in
the case of the page, some said it looked
as if the page was attached to the cock
ade, which, sentimentally speaking, he
certainly was not, since lie complained to
my wife of its making him an dbject of
ridicule. I sent for him to my study and
harangued him—as from the bench—in
a very satisfactory and telling manner,
dismissing him after three-quarters of an
hour “without a stain upon his character,”
but in floods of tears. 1 found the phrase
(an original one, I flatter myself), “I do
not seek, unhappy lad, to add to the
poignancy of your position,” exceedingly
It was my first intention, in order to
fit myself for my important duties, to
read “Burns’ Justice,” from title-page to
closing line; hut after six attempts—five
of which resulted in slumber and the last
one so deep and stertorous that it resem
bled an apoplectic seizure—I gave that up
and fell back ou the police reports, where,
after all, oue gets the essentials. I found
it good practice, so far as deportment was
concerned, to address myself to organ
g rinders in the street, beginning, “Look
ere, my man, I am a magistrate,” end
ing witli a quotation from the fourth sec
tion of the 19tli act of Victoria. Before I
had done they generally packed up their
traps, white mice and all, and, muttering
something about irwenisalo—wi^cb, I sup
pose, is the Italian mode of expressing
penitence—moved off pretty quickly.
I am very far, I hope, notwithstanding
what certain envious people (who have no
more chances of becoming justices of the
peace than members of Parliament) may
chance to say, from being a busybody,
but I confess that I rather desired an op
portunity of dispensing justice, not col
lectively as it were, upon the bench
(where the individual is merged iu the
majority, or, what is almost as bad, in tbe
minority), but in my own proper person,
and at last that opportunity came. It
happened, too, in the company of my
nephew John, from Eton, which was all
the more agreeable tome, as tbe boy was
inclined to be frivolous and needed, per
haps, to have impressed upon him a due
reverence and respect for the high office
. into which I had been inducted.
We had been dining out at Christmas
time with another uncle of bis in the
northeastern district of lxtndon and had
been detained by the various amusements
connected with that festive' season—cha
rades, snap-dragbn, forfeits and gin pundi
—till a late hour. It was a bitterly cold
and snowy night. There was no cab-staud
near the house and we had started home
on foot witli the intention of picking up
the first four-wheeler—my nephew called
It “a growler, ’ though it is nowhere so
described in the act—we could meet with.
At 12:10 we found one standing at the
door of a public house, which at that hour
ought, of course, to have been closed, and
to Lave harbored neither cabman nor any
other customer. With the cunning pecu
liar to those who habitually defy the law,
the landlord had put the lights out in the
house, bat with the short-sightedness
common to crime, he had forgotten that
the presence of the empty cab outside be
trayed his transgression: “Here,” said I,
“John is a clear case of a breach of chap.
7, section R, and you shall see how a mag-
• istrate deals with it.” Perhaps it was not
only the sense of duty which was actuat
ing me. I-was cold and tired and quite
resolved upon getting that cab to go borne
in. • —
“All right, uncle,” replied John, duti
fully enough, but he added something
which sounded like “here’s larks,” for
which I saw no appropriateness save of
the very vaugest kind, in connection with
the inclemency of the weather.
I pulled out the front door bell to its
fullest extent, and stepped back into the
frosty street to mark the effect. There
was no sign whatever of movement in the
house; so I rang again; still nothing hap
pened. “John,” said I, “as sure as this
man’s name is William Wilkins, he shall
lose his license. lie has concealed the
cabman on his premises, and is probably
at this moment supplying him with li
quor in contraveution of the law. His
object evidently is to persuade me'that'lie
and bis family have gone to rest; but lie
does not know your uncle.” Again J
pealed the bell and knocked smartly at
the door with the handle of my umbrel
la. A window on the npper floor was
now opened: “Well, wliat’athe matter?!’
inquired a gruff and sleepy voice that
simulated sleepiness.
.“The matter is,” I said iti an austere
tone, “that you have got the cabman be
longing to this vehicle under your roof,
where he is, I have no doubt, drinking.”
“You’re a liar,” interrupted the voice,
with great distinctness.
Before I could express my indignation
John burst into such a fit of laughter as I
should have thought,,no Eton boy could
hdve indulged luT.^ vfely loud, coarse, j S1CRED to ihe memory ol Kilter Charity
vulgar laufui,iiWeed,'FaiU'sbrry tosay. I B.tenan, who was born in Waihinzton county,
“Xotv, you had better trot off, vou'two,”ii Georgia, on the sixth day of February, 1791, and
cried tlie voice at tl.e window. “It’s departed this life ou the fifth day cf August, iSSO.
plain you’ve had as much as you can n . rev.dtncp in Boo>tjn county, intn«-9 lb
carry.” . 1. - .. ,_ ^ j year ol her are. Birtetrsu was the wife cf
Her Bryant Bateman, who departed this life in
theyear 645. Fhelired a widow in the interest
of h : r family and friend* (or more than thirty-
fir? year* She was tbe mother if tw.elvq ehil
“Sir,” cried I authoritatively, “let
tell you I am a Middlesex magistrate."
“Oh, ves; a likely story!” was his au
dacious'reply. “You’ve got Tgltbuty
Barn written upon your countenance,
you have. Go to blazesJ” And lie
slammed down the window.
I regret to say that ray humiliation of
n^iud,"which was extreme, was greatly
increased by the' misconduct of my, ne
phew, who, far from expressing sympa
thy either for myself or with the inajesfjy
of tbe law which had been thus outraged
in my psrsou, indulged in the most un
seemly merrimeut. He’s made night
hideous,” US I subsequently observed
(borrowing tbe phrase from a little book
of quotations which I sometimes refer to
and find very handy on the bench) witli
his uproarious laughter. “Come
away,” 1 said sternly; “this innkeeper Is
evidently drunk. It is more than ever
necessary to sift this infamous case to the
bottom. We must now And a policeman.”
I did nof care for the cab now. 1 was
bent on—no, not vengeance—on redreis
and on the administration Of justice, il
would teach this contumacious publican,
at whatever personal iuconveuience (and
it was snowing like mad), that a magis
trate for Middlesex was not to be set at
defiance. I believe that the British school
boy is allowed to have less reverence in
his constitution thau any Zulu Kaffir, yet
it will hardly be credited that, throughout
that painful search for the officer of tlie
law, John was half in hysterics, and per
petually quoting that most offensive ob
servation of tlie imi-keeper’s (In which.I
confess I could see no sort of humor),
“You’ve got ’Ighbury Barn written on your
countenauce, you have.”
It seems to me a pity that a magistrate
cannot commit a person for contempt of
court unless he catches him in court, for a
little discipline would have done John
good. However, I do not wish to dwell
upon any personal matter. At the end
ol'the next street we foimd a policeman. I
And here again John was nearly the
cause if iny being discredited, for ilia
sooner did I observe to the man, by waV
of introduction, that I was a magistrate
for Middlesex than the boy broke out into
a fresh burst of laughter, which caused
tlie policeman to reinatk: “L&«1 you not
better get home, botkof you-? ” iu a very
incredulous manner. lio wetter, 1 pro
cured iny card, and that verjMbtyh broug"
him to his senses. Ho-aCJoinpenieil i
back to the “Seven. S:ars” a ;(which, w
tlie name of thv> r>u,l)IfehausO) 'and.ihe
stood the cab-iulront orit; afid ulS’itm,
darkness, just as before. • ’ f '
“This must be a very old-offender,”
said, “policeman.” • w
But lie did not seem to Jciiotr 'Svlieth
lie was or not, for he only'shdok his ftea<
Our united exertion £t*11ie 'door—and
will say that Juhu hammered away. at
with padsewprtbj , vehei*jpnce
more brought the landlord to,the win
“Oh, there you are <ifain,‘ : aiVy6rf. fc
saitV-anaW'enj.toddl rifitakSt-rttttoCgi
that I'was obliged to get the police;
to sjteafc forme (as for John, he was sit-
ling,oii tlie pavemdut in apparent convul
sions, with his gloves in his mouth.)
“This here gentleman, landlord, is
MiddJ&MT magistrate; there’s no bloc.
iiig-_error about it; I’ve seen his cai
Ile-says as you’ve got a cabman on you
premises drinking after boure.”
“He*s a liar, as I told him before,” w;
the impudent rejoinder.
(John grew worse than ever, mutter
plaintively, “Oh, dear, I shall die.”)
“So, no,” said the policeman, “the g<*i
tlenian is O. K., and you had better git
bim no sauce, or you’ll lose your license.*’
“He shall lose it,” I murmured to my
self, “as sure as his name is William Wil
kins.” ,
“Well, all I can say is,” returned the
landlord, with mitigated 'grnflhew# /t
turned that there cabman out of n.y
house before twelve o’clock.”
“But hare’s his cab,” I exclaimed, in
•‘Why, Lor’ bless me; the man’s inside
of it!” cried the poiiceman, suddenly—
and there, indeed, he was, a3 fast asleep
as a church.
Of course,’John had a fresh convulsion.
Mr. Wilkins’ inquired from the window
whether I was quite sure now that I had
made fuss enough about nothing, or
whether there was any other practical
joke upon an honest householder which
as a Middlesex magistrate, I should like
to play. Finally, he inquired, with a
rapid change from irony to earnest, wliat
I was going to stand in the way of repa
ration ?
I felt myself so considerably—I will
not say in tlie wrong, but a victim of
misapprehension—that I gave Mr. Wil
kins a sovereign. I thought five shillings
was a judicious investment in the case of
the policeman, which I gave him to un
derstand was a fee for forgetting that lie
had ever set eyes on iny" caul. And I
tipped my nephew handsomely, because,
as I explained to him, it was Christmas
time, when no boy who hoped to grow to
he a gentleman ever told tales out of
school about anybody, and far less about
those connected with him by the Sacred
ties of blood.
I drove home in silence (save for some
occasional gasps and gurgles from my
young companion) meditating upon the
failure of good intentions and on the mis
carriages of justice that had taken place
in the lu&tory of the world.
■ eating. 1
of bodyc
V-h a <lu
tabibt r nf ternpor^T^owgpirits.^bQBajjj’
some . .
ir,g at tiie "Heart, Dots be lore tko eyes,
Tel’iov/ fete In, liearWrhe. Kristie usd e<so at
night, tnghiycolorcd Urine.
TOOTS PULS especially adapted to
•acta cues* onodue e fleet* sack a change
of fr?Iin£ agtoiuftonUl^liejalferor. ^
A Noted Divine says;
Dr.TUTT:—Dost Sir: For ton years I h&TO been
a martyr to Dyspepsia, CciutipUipn and Piloa. Last
Springy cur Pilla urrre recommended; I tmed ttwn,
I am now a we! I man. hare good appattU. dictation
/..t r.ilea. .nil litveesimKl
dr»n./*.ur onlj ot wh >ai arc now living to return
bitter Patemin w»»a comtent ini f.itbfcl
mein tit r of the Primitive Baptist * burch of
Cbriit for about lixtj.fheye»r»; before hsr death
ste eemed to kuow.tbal bertime lud to re, thft
he- st»y and work here w»» doce and that the
trials ant troubles of ttii world wereno more:
She was now making the ia.t fight; raring her-
tell up two tr three times, the at last asktd to be
let bu k to h r pillow, wh n the folJed her arms
and closed her eses, her iast words being, “1 am
grtie-’* Judging from her Ii'e of piety. Sister
Boteian hm gone from this world and her many
friends to a world of etein&l bins. Her inani
mate lorm now lies mouldering is the fimily
graveyard, her tout singirg too ptsi-e- of Iqr
pr cious Jeius.1i a. whi e she >leepstbeyet liv
with her S.vior in that “fleuse not made vrii
bands, tt buildirg of God. eternal in the Heav
ens,” where we all hope to meet her. and tin
be with her in the society of the bleraed, in th}t
ci y that foundations, to part no more,
Seep on,dearsisttr precious aether, affes-
tiooaie grandma, we love to think of thee, and
long to be with iheeiu that upper and better
house. We therefore fully endorse the eiprwj
i:or, ‘ B essed are tho dead that die in the Lord’
y.a.taith tbs ipirit “Amen,”for th.-y ceaie Iri.^j
their abor and their work do follow them.” Tije
writer of this notice was iaiimateiy acqoaiutad
with Sister B.temanftr about forty years, ami
served lie church where her memthsral.ur
waa for a lumber el years, and can..>iiy
to the church where she was a member, you
bkvo lust one of .your best nr embers; but her
hdme is your borne; fight on, the crown wl-1 toon
bo given, soonycu nil hearths welcome, “Woll
done goid and faithful servants, eoter into the
joys of tliy lord.” „
The four profiting children have lost onetf
the best if moTbera. the neighbors one of Its best
citizen*. In truth, Si’tur Bateman was what Ufa
Apostle tt John wo .11 call an “Elect’'lady ex-
o.'ilent. ci aile, vf in tbe truth, and had fie
t uth in her to adiidj-iu her power. . Having had
the padoratoof ourS tter. we love to remember
h r, Hrd fere h.r children and grandcbil iren,
especially tSat'hoUfograndson, Jerome N. Bate t wg« to itrj kind to aran'ma. Bay
the mantle of pe te fallen him and all tbe coq.
nection, ii o.y pfa r 'r laths' name of our blvaiol
Jesus, to whom be pihive forever, amen.
J. W BiSS tTT.
They Tr crease the Appetite, and cause tho
body to Take an Flc*h, thna tlm pysteui la
nourished, and by their Tonlo Action cn lh»
Digest 1 vc Organs, Regular Stools aro_prOi-
dnccd. Price85cents. 35MnrraySt.,N.T»
Gray IIair or \7mssxxs chonrod to a GTX58aT
IiLACE t y a einala application of tniaDYR. It.
part* a NatnralOolor. acts Inrtantnneous.y. J>0-4
for Drn^gisl*. or s«at by express on receipt of a 1.
Office, 35 Murray St., New York;
rj.FORGlA. »1BB COUNTT.—Wh-ress Ktc-
tyT I'hen Col'tni. nrrup.r of th. estate of An
drew Py e. latoof »aid touaty deou.sed. ha. made
i ppI.caiKT for l.lter. if di.uiUv'dt from raid
estate. Tteae are tbareforn to cite aj.d id-
mor.t h ail pora ns con.••rued to he and aq-
annearattbo Com tot Ordinary ol said countv
or; the flr.t Hoida> iu O’Umr n-rl, to .how
Cause,If anr they have, «hj Ult-'s of di-tnii
am ahoiud uoi wara^U-d 10 appltsuit.
V it Ore. my official iirn.tare
d. A. hijisM, 1 , Ordinary.
Jui* 1 liSO-tde
ifanipr Feiale lasiiiBie 1
cW&rrenton, Va.
&es*ion brKins S^-pfc. l»t. KewJ f«r Catalogue.
]» >1S vim R : ) « KkT Prinnpal.
Macon, Georgia,
aau ” i ./•* 1 -r. <*- • ~ '•
JP** £“ y.
- FOE 1S30-183J«,
■ rtjtf- . djw »
■ ■»•» —:o: •
^ .1.., eClOlli
TB: ’Rressf t ye is prezrar.t with itirrudTuuu
Uiiporiui t tvecta. General elections are to he
held for KaVcnal, State, aid countv odocs and
the interest and excitement evolved by the con
test will be intense,
Mt; Te’egr pli kLl
are resolved to fulfill all the requirements cj
tl eir petition by keeping ubroaet of the news
the world, ard while cdvorating.with all thezea
and ability they peeress, the principles of tb
Democratic parly, will yet pursue a conservative
&ud moderate coarse upon all questions.
and is or.o of the best and cheapest publication
south of Baltimore. It will bo made even more
detesting to the farmers Ly tbe addition of an
Agricultural Department,
Ganeral UILIIiM 3!. BEOffSS,
Professor of History and Agriculture in tho Uni
versity of Georgia.
With the WEEKLY, we; famish the-
Sorthem Farmers’ Monthly.*
One of thi best Agricu’.turslHJournals ;in the
Booth, bf the sum of 93 S(>;per annum.
main unchanged, and are as follows, psyahlein
advanae: ”
Daily, one ysar, - - $10 00
Daily, six months, - 5 00
Daily, three moths, - 2 50
Weekly, one year, - 2 00
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ffetldj nod ?*rE*rs’ loiliilj, “ 3.59
We have secured tho services of HT w. 9. B.
fe» \V JiJ KT. twllrr known to the newspaper
world as “Jack Plane,” ihe lata correspondent of
tho Kavantiuh News, who will have personal au*
p-rvndon of tb. WBBKLY.
Wc respectfully arsfsra continuation of the
present generona nalrouage of tbe public.
Sld.mrvwtf CtilKBI a JONBB.
AuuntH and Cunvumeni
Hake from B2S to $50 per Treelc selling
eooda for *. G. Kideout A Co.. 10 Barclay street,
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Know Thyself.
T UB untold miseries tbit
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ed and curoi. Those wlio
doubt this assertion should
purcbuse'.the now m-dicsl
work published by the PBA-
TUTB, Boston, entitled
_______ TH8B0WN0K OPL1PB.
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ful and v«ry expensive .-ngravings. Three hun
dred psger, more than CO vsluable'ona
fort.'! lurras o( prevailing ai.ra.e, the result ol
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The London Lancet says: “No person should
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noble benefactor.” - —-
An iilustrsted seppiasen. toallon rooeintof
6 recta for postage. ,
Tbe artborr dera by pengi.sfon to Uoa P. A.
Blt-Bbb. M D. prasiUeui of >bo National Nod
ical tswci.tion.
Address Dr W H PAB-*
KKct- Not UelfiiK-h (*t.
B -stca. • Hsos. The sa-
tho r oiS' '-eoonsu ted on
all liisesses nqUi-ing
skill snd experience.
.: ^ - . ,
O tfDiNAUk'SDffl e Jours Coiiniy, Georgia
June re, I MO.—Whereas John A. Johnson’
executor estate Martha M. Kesbruoz, deceased
appl'es far dismission.
Tlie-e retocits snd sdwor.ish all persons
oiasttncd to shtw c&ua- at (hi. office o.t or by
he rtr.t Monday in C'ciobe-, if any they hare to
he covr ry.
Southaro Some - School for Girls
197 ft 199 N. Chsrlesst.. Ba'timora. Md
Mrs. W. M. Cary. Hiss Cirt.
'Skteblbted IE4t. Fronr-h tno of tb®
jwnl-iUw *nd rWfcUT s«pt
Gray’s Specific Medicine.
Brghsk r t m
edy. Aa un
failing ire for
bemiusl esk-
nese. Spermat
orrhea. I iupo.
hncy, gad s)l
ilis-aves that,
_ , _ ,. ftd >w ae- ..sip.
«eioru* Takiiigquence of h’J f,-~o r Takixk
abuse; as a lose of memory, ucf-erial la.rftude
pain in the bRck. dimness of vision, prematcro
old age, ai d many dhto iseases that lead to in
sanity and enssumption and a premature grave.
Full particulars in our pamphlet, wbiili we de
sire to send Ire* by mail to t very one. 1 he Kpe-
eifie Medicine is sold t>y all druggists at {I 'per
package, or sii pact ages torts wiil he seat free
by mail ou receipt t f thn money by addressing
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Blocs, Detroit; ilicb, Sold inMacuu and every
whereby *11 drorei-ts. - octSadswly.
cctlP d-wlv litnan.ffs
July 12. i*so.
Session begins on Iho flrsl ol October and c
tinues nine months. A pplr for C.tal ruses to t
Secretary ef the Faculty, I’ost-offl-* U-iiverai
of Virrinu. Aibercsrid Co.. Va. JaMKS 1
HAB.BD-OB, H. 1)., Uhsirmanof the Baeu’ty.
of Goerp.
P. H. 3iELL, D. D..LL. D., Cliarcollor,
Athens, Ga.
T HE Eightieth Session of the Departments at
Athena, viz: Frank!in Col'eva: State College
of Asrieulture a-id Mechanic At- >; Law School-
will open ou We-luesd.y. 6th Outob.r next. Full
cour-es of iistrcctioa in Litarature, Science,
tgric dture. ffnginee.n g and Law. For Cata
logues and iniormetiou apply to the Chancellor
su«3 deodaw6w S-c’y Fa'uity. Athene, Gs.
Tie Soiita Ft-nnls Collep,
With a faculty of twslv* thorough teachers,
fine building* snd a complete outfit for all de
partments. Lite»B'y, Huaic and Art. offers the
Highest kdvantag-s tor tbe smallest charges.
Nearly duub'e toe usual time devoted to Music
an« Art. Last catalogue numbers 143 pupils—
107 fn music. Board, literary tuition ard draw
i.g per annum. >-207; with music ard u*e piano,
#>I67. Correeponaerce invited. Write for cata
logue for full particulars,
I P.COX Free.
Fopslar Monthly Drawing of the
•oiaaioiiwea)ps Disfrifca-
tiofi Co.
In the Oity of Louisville, on
fnesday, Angnst 31, 1830,
These drawings authorized by act of the Log.
iulaturs of 13*9 and sustained by all the courts
Ol Ktutucky, according to a contract made with
theowoe.s of the Frankfort grant, will occur
regularly on the Test day of every mootn, Sun
days and Priduva eicentei, for the period ot five
years, terminating or June SO. 1S&5.
The United Ktstescireuit Court on March St
rendered the following decisions:
1st—That the Donunon wealth Distribution
Company i< feral.
2d—Its Drawings ara fsir.
Tbe tuaumcement coil attention to the liberal
sdh-me-wbieh fca* met with such popular favor
bare Wore, acd which will again be prevented for
1 Fn —S ’-.SCO
l FflJn M. mI 1 ■■■ .. ■ 19,114,
to ui.o-jc
td PriXHi 600 each ............ lu.'vi
too Priioa lie each 10,'M
100 Frizes 60 e>ch 19,901
l-D Prise. 60 each ............... IJ-Olti
.009 Prize* 10 each . ll'.Ont
l» Prises too each, ap’roximofa prisu 2,7uc
8 Prizes ,09 etch do Aa . l.xor
9 Prizes loo each eje do vc*
Lk60 Prites SilthO
Whole Tickets, si. HAlf Tickets, St.
17 Tickets, Sou. 66 Tickets, glue.
Remit by \h>.t-Olfire Monty Order. BaguUred
letter, bank Drill or Bipre-s.
To insure luainst mistakes and delays, rorre-
scondeiita wiil p.eate write their names and
pfarea nf re.idenie plainly, giviug number ol
Pe.t-OfHoe box or btreet, and Town, County and
all communicati-rfis oenneeted wltk the Ei
Distribution and Orders for TinkeU should ua
addres,ed to B. U. UOACDUAN. Qoanev-Juur
uU Building Louisvtue kentuck*. or at No.
S07 and M Broadway. N. Y. aucSDnodluthusa
agektjs waited Foa
Foundations of Succeed
Tbe laws of trade, legal forms, how to transact
business, valuable tablm. social etiquette, pariis-
meutsry usage, how to conduct public business;
in fact It f. a eompleta Guide to 3ue<-et* tor sit
classes. A family necessity. Addzess, for cir
culars and speoitl terms,
JuIySS-dswlm Atlanta, Ga.
This is the only Lottery ever voted on by
hop eople of a Utole, snd trader a late dro -
elon ci lira United States Supreme Court at
Waehicgtcn, is tho only Legal Lottery now
in the United States, all other chartezs bav
lng been repealed,p« haying no existesea.
.. ariikMiih erruUTtMTT to
T'jESDAT, SETT. 14.1839-lZd(b HawlfclJ
Louisiana Stats Lottery Ooir.p&nY.
Thu Institution was regularly Incorporated by
the Legislature ot the State for Hducatiinal and
Charitable purpoees, in 1SS3, for the term cf years, to which contract tin inrida-
blo faith ot the State is nledged-.wMrh pledge has
been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote,
sdturing its fraachice la the new constitution
adopted Decombor 2, 1878, with a Capital of
Sl.090,000. to which it has alooe added a reserve
BSB.DJ61W1NGS will take place uiauthly ou
the seoondT-eaday.
It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow,
ing Distribution:
1 Capital Prizs gSOACO
1 Capital Prize 10,P0u
1 Capitol Prize.. ... —. 6,000
2 Prizes cf Si,6(4 - J.000
6 Prizes of LOOP £.000
20 Frizes of 10.0V0
180 Prizsa of 100..._ 10,000
200 Prizes Of £0 10.100
fkO Prizes of 20....
1000 Prizes of 10,
8 Approximation Prize* oi SUM...
8 Approximation P.-iics ol ZOO...,
8 Approximation Prist* of 108...,
...„ 1.800
L867 Prizes, amounting
paid. ,
Write, clearly stating full addicts, fir further
information, or send orders by express or in a
Registered Letter or Honey Order by mail,
addressed only to
Kaw Orleans, La.
orsameperson at No#19 Bzoadway, New kork.
ail our Grand Extraordinary warnings aie
ander the supervision and management ot Gene
Never Gzra Hard.
Can sr Mass ant Struxgtu Desires. Law}
Twice as Long.
SistuM Outd without wnM tti Syitia.
jlp^rswriiiftwOwftnsd 11*
-re--- —r->- 1 W itoeia my hand ofBrialfv.
' jaeS.ti* ROLAN UT. ROBS. Ordinary
Liter CotnpUiat,
Sick t Nenou
These Puds Care all OtoMMf by /fcserptions No
Noxious PilU. OUs, or.i’oij»onous3tedlcinesare Ulc'tj
into the Stomach. Tne P;*ds are worn over the Pit
6f the Stomach. coverinR the 1 Great Nerve Centre*.
U» tho laivcr ar*l Stomach. A frentte Vegetable
JonicU absorbed intnthecireuloifonol the P!oe.Jiin«l
Liver, purify ins the Blood, stimolatinyrthe ulwrand
Kidnej* to healthy action, and strengthening tbe
Stomach to digest fciod. Pp.ics op Path* SI and $1
xack. Sold bt all X>auoGirrc v or sent by Mul
or Lxprest.
Manufactured at 80 ta s* North Liberty St« ihork. Ml
John Ingalls, druggist,
Wholesale snd Retail AaontXoorner F.urth and
Poplar streets, Maoon. G*. aprS-dSni
LUDDEN & RATES Eiib County Sheriff Sale's
Tl/ILL be 9-jld before the cou't house door in,
yt ihe city ot >Uco:i ounn< the Itjc-l Louis
Music Mouse.
The Mugic-Bous'!’ of the Scut
Rpmotnl to Onr
———), —ft—MUM
An Immense Music TnapJe*
T^o larco stores, ear** S'* fefet front and four
stories bieh. front:nv rr. three iirpetR and Alltel
from rellar to left with musical att plies. Noth
ingjto compare with it in tho tfontheru bUte*.
A Big Store.
- — A Big Stock. •»
• _ A Big Trade,
~ ■■ " ’nrr rmt
, Dor ice tho ten ye^rs since our eeVaWi.hmeiit
of ourhou-e *e hsue naveiopcil tbe muric trade
Of ihe Soutn t« a wonderful degree, but a, >«t »»
have only begun, life we, n< t many years shrad.
a bi^ine*. of« million • .a»r,ymd to tak-i »n oi
lhiJcnornious>r.deVre have Tirr>idel our pres-
art mammoth ware-noma. FsillB-.dit 1S8« wifi
bo immenao. \te are reads for it. For months
our >en>or partner has been at tr.e. Nrrthcou-,
fnsetirg with Piano and Organ reinufseturer*
for instruments, fie has cnnrlnded most advmi-
tavoous contract* arei the PisncsVnd Organ- are
"comirir. coxinr” 00.0 0 more, hy eveiy strain
er. New,at.les. New I’rix», New Terms, New
Stock. New Store, Xiw Departure.
r >wVTi TI ■ I .Si. S 1SW.I.I ■ J p
Special Offer, Fall 1880.
KS.0ash Friers witli Three Months U:elit."£4
During months ot Vnguvt. S. pier-brr sndjlw-
tob-r *« will re 1 Piaunr ard ‘ 'rears at Lowest'
Cash Price*, pry able >=-95 Cs-n on « Piano or si3
('ash en an Organ, with the bolaueena three
mouth,, without interest.
What Do'You Say t^this OfFar?
Write for l”us rated fatHl-.u. 3 and New
Price Li-tsfor Fall 1880, and p-epsrt to beaston
Merchants, l’rofarsnnal Men. sc., are re
quested to call st our rffice and Reais-er their
n*m'S ard Port Office address, and set a ticket
which entitle, them to one oli-iure in the
Finest & Best Wagon
TMb’W*icoc ia to te dhposel of by Lotteiy in
January, 1881,
and the Man that h<ld. the lucky Number,
gets the WAGON, free of
any Charge.
And slro see the P rwst Stock of
farsi Wagons
ererexhibhert in Georgia
aog I7>?t»w-4*-wit Ucufydi.
Bellevue High School,
Bedford county, va.
~On Ya. and T-nn. R. R., fifteen wile, west cf
Lynchburg, loungnirn snd bejs prepared to
uiiirersity or lor business. Beautiful arid
ll'skhy location. A* 1 ), oorps if toache-s; tkor-
oughinstruction. Literal provision forth,ac
commodation and oomfort ol student,. For Cat
alogue, containing informatioifaddress'
W. K. ABBuTT. Principal.
j«yl8rodaw!m Bellevue P. O , Va.
Cl&CULAk NO 10
Aimxia, Ga., August IStb, ir»'.
I TPON a full and careful coneidezatiou of tb*
j elsournte retort, ot the Antral railroad
and hanking Company, the Atlanta and ( bar-
lulle Air Line Railway Comp*- y tnd the Murau
aud Brunswick Railroad Company. showing tho
effects ef tbe rales authorized by the com.nLiioo
ou their business for Mar and June, !»;• and
1SS0, th« tclloving charg-s are made in the rela
tions ot these companies toth-i standard tariff:
1st. The Central Railroad tnd Bonking Con,-
p.ny is authorized to opera: e tneir railroads ib
ike following divisions: Tbe bavannah. the
Sculhwe-tom Radioed, the Atlanta. ihoSsvan-
nsh. Gnffln and North Alabama Railroad.
2d. On tho tursnush and bouthwta ern Rail
road divition and the Eavauna'o, >- riiffu and
North Alabama Builtcail, upo . all glasses other
than’ Specials” the maximum freight rate, tm-
twten IU ao40 mile* tube 5'perooct. ou stan
dard rates: betwe- p -.0 and 79 uiUe., 4 • per cent;
between 70 and 108 miles, iu per cent, as hereto
fore Hied.
*d. Upon tbe Atlanta division on all classes,
oUi*rthan”f , periuls,‘’t!ii maximum rates to bo
S'* per rent, cvrr * Slnniard.”
«h. Upon cotton ( 'J)the naxlmumcn
eith-r Civi.ion or ou Savannah. Ontfln ana
North Alabama haUrcrdforall ai.tut cea shall
be 15 per cent, a- ove ••nt.ndard.’’ Afi other
••ipeelals” (K D M N O and P) remain at ’"Sum-
dara”. ,
it Ii. A tariff of j-det rates oil all the roads ope
rated by tneOnual Railroad and Backing Com
pany, prepared with the spproo-tion ol ih-n-oni-
nii.sion, will be furnished by the company ou ap
6th. The rates applied to th-: Savannah divis
ion of the Central Kailrta J spplv also to the Ma
con and Brunswick Katin ad m lieu o< rates here
tofore in force.
7th. The resxiraum rates on this road on ferit-
m am Ci*d at 15 per cent, aud on all ither
clss-es^ at 10 per cent, ad' anoe on “ctsndaid
8th. In car loads tho maximum rates on rorm
snd crude tu-pcr.iir.e shall not txcttd class K ot
• Standard,” and uu spirit, ol turpcutii c shall
rot exceed class D ot-Standard,” aud. reduced
rat-s mar bctDsSe under Note l.
Wh Shingles, laths and staves are hereafter
included in class O.
10th. Io rule 1 prefix the words "Uulett other
wise sped tied.’’
Uth. Note l bating been fcnmlimes misoon-
strued fa a'Vered so us to road as follows:
NOTE 1.—The: rates specified for ores. f»i;d.
clay, rough >t -re, common luick bon-s, lumber,
shirglrs laths, staves, empty barrels, wood,
straw, shucks, hay, fodder, corn in ear. tan-bo: *.
Turpentine, rosin, tar houiehakl goods, snd lor
articles manufactured c n tr near the imo ot road,
and for material in such manutsmure are m.ii-
tnum rates, but the roads aFe left fre to reduce
th-ra at discretion, aidallruchrstesaroexempt-
edfrom the op*ratWn ot ruled. Any complaint
as ra such rap-s wi'l, o-t presentation, be defy
corsificred.- Shippers cf rar loads iu classes L
M. h . O. and P. may be n quired to pay the cot.
ot loading and unloading.
JaisskS M.SMITH, Chairman.
R. A. Rjoorr. Bwre'«l7-law*w
le ou the first.lue-day ii, hip:, mbif n:XV,
ihcfollnwiii* prepe-l.v to-ait.
Lt So s. In block .17, and a'l the sppurte-
noacta thereon. Saw property situat'd on the
corner ol Kit: hand Con st-o t. in the city o’
Mao>n. Biib county. G*. L*-.v,ed mu the
pre.p-it.ot M4M F. Sawyer to Ss'i.-fyu ft.
iu , l-siellrpa, hioo 8. periur Court u far- rot
S. b. Luulap vs.}!-ri-miu F. Sawyer. Property
pointed out by-plaintiff’, atlor ry. •
Also, at it,*- ,uiue time a in pfaco thit t:act or 1
parctl ct land situated ou Bauett Uhl. no r the
i-io u' Msi'on m ssid county of Bibb on wh.cb
tLere Is a two • U r> w. odcii bui.'dir g, said trn-:t
of iau<t being a hull acre more nr less 1 ing iu tile
Godirey distrl. t onmit-. the pi co .now. as the
J.T. wil»lu**u r.s d-nce. trur.tiug on ihe old
t-ouston road Levied o:i as t-,e proje-ty ot
Th .inaa T. Winds- r to m.tfs:y a fl. fa. issued
<xvui Baldwin superior Coortin t.vur or Henry
C. Owens vs. Tcomse T. ltu tsor. l’r.i e-lj
p- luted cut o-. Mu.1 FlMftnftf. '
Also, at the M, e time .nd place, tot seres of
land situaieu rtz tie Rut.and dr-trior. Bibb
omnty, kaown ns pan if lot 2‘ 1. in district,
lying ou eastern aide cf S uifiwe-lo n r.i'.ioad.
eoundtd on the nrth by lands ol Av»nt. outlie
essa.nyl.iad ot g. C. Brown and south by laedt
ot the cstsie of 8 illjtia Carlos Levied ou as
the propo ry ol 8. if. Brown to satisfy afi.fa
i.suod from County Court of J!:bb oou- tr m f„
v<r o-B.ulsb. rv, Bes|>ws A Co, v*. 8 M. Biown.
Pre»i>erty poiotoi out oy pi .iut.ff's attorney. *
A,so. at toe M ice time arid p ara, lots in anil
19. ill tho city ot Kuoor, Bibb county, accur-Jlng
toth: map o: the Korin estate on record in the
cler.’s oitli-e, Gino Superior Court, Ltvi-d on as
the property if Jom>-a T. N is bet to satisfy a fi la
issu-d tr-m Bibb.ruperit.t Court ml.vor of J-j-
se.h Bond, bearer, v-. James T.fitiwt. Prop
erty point- d out by piauit ITa sttornoy. w
Al»o, at tho same sirne and place, lot No, 9, in
tiro VineviBe cisirict. Bibb countv. eouta,iung
two acres more or bus. and having upon it a
three room bouse aud M- kitchen, said lot sr j .in
i' g the laud of Nancy M'll-on. Lev ed ou a.-, the
property of Charley Moore t-» ssli-fy two fi. fs*.
lrsard trou, C -ui.iy Court of Bibb cour ty in fa-
vsr of C. U.emith vV. < har o* Moore. Pre pertv
pointed cut by plaint.ft a ctljrr ey. levy maduand
returned io mo by bsinif of the Counts Court cf
Bibb oouury.
Also, a: the same time and i lace, th .t tract cr
pared, f uaid sitt ated m the seventh district,
prig nally Baldwin cow Bibt county containing
1«0 acres more or .ess. uouadeo ou the northeast
•>y Sroiio creek, on the sou'hwe t by Hall’s
brar ch.ontne north by G. M. Davis’ plan..nnu
being.psrtof lot No.9Z. Lov ed otia* Iheprip-
erty if John N D.via to satisry a fi fa. is,u-d
iron. C-Hioiy C jure of Bibb CCUl ty in favor oi
•wkbory. Bcapes. A Co., vs. John N. Dive,
“air l«nd ws«.r conveyed o.v 8-ulshury. Rtopesa
ACo.toJohn N, Di* s, card deed <t re onvcj-
anie being now o'l file in clerk’s idl.eot B-bb
buperinr Court. J roperty p ia ed out by
tiff’s utt.rne.,
Adjust 9.288).
P. Cil S fi E Y, sheriff. !
Bibb Superior Court, April Terra. ISM.
T srpesring to the court by the return of tbe
_ aberiff that-the defendant is not to be found
in this county: and it further appearing that be
doe. not resifle in the bt-ateot Georgia :
Ordered, that he appear at th* next term of
tbi* court, or that tat* cause bo allowed to prd-
ceed, and that service bo perfected on said J. J.
Bincksrd by public- Don hereof, once k month far
four months, in the Tslbcuuth aud Misus
es#, apubhcstiitWonpublisLedin the city of
Macon. ...i M . - , w ut
By the Court:
Libd'ant’s aUorti«y.
Be it so.
T. J. 8IMMONP, J. 8. C. H. C.
April 28 1880.
A true extract frvm the minutes ol Bib Su
perior Court. This May S. 1880,
*Biav4-1am*fr» A. K. UOtR Cl-rk. 1
GEORGIA, lUBl1 OOUs^il— Wuaieaa
Mery Aud Weehicgtou, gnsrdiui cf Jqmo.
P. Wsabingtoa, miiior, has made application
for leave to s II seven shares of the capita. 1
stock cf the Be uth woatarn Kaiiroed Compa
ny c f Georgia, brio- grog io u d minor.
These are th*te'oi* to cite and adu-obUb
ill person* cooornied to ha snd appear at the
oturt of ordinal y of sard ccunty, o i tbe first
Monday in September next, to show cause
if any tb'-y have why said application should
not be granted.
Witness my bo*d and effi-rai signature.
J. A. MCMANUd, Ordinary.
Cl Char le* Moore ha* applied to me for these!
tirg apart a homestead of real ana ptrtbiinl
property snd lire vslastion oftheiane l wilt
pats unoa said stpHcx'iou ow M>nda).th<* th
day of September, 1889. st 10 o'clock a. m
w ituovs my b and oOzialiy.
August It, 1880.
au*17 td J, A. HcMANUS, Ordinary.
B Lues, Oiotk of tb i Super 1 jr Court of said
eoncty, lias made spp'ioaiion for loiters of
administration on tbe cstsie of Icinbod 21,
Oox. Uta of said county decoded
These are therefore io cite aud almonLh
all persons concerned to be sr-dappear et>he
court of erfiina-y of said coaoty, on tbe first
Monday in September next, ro slow caaes if
any they have, why said letters of admiaij
trstiun si ouM cot bo granted to applicant.
Witness toy band -nd offioi 1 signature
J A. MCMANUS, Ordinary
antt 10-pd.
OV A'J Rb.l’ si,—Iu Equity in Bibb Su
perior Court.
it app-aring to tbe Court that by the return of
the sheriff, that the 1 Be as'oraation of America
cannot be >< unu, audit further appearing that
•ai-i defendants are non-reaiderits ol the Stale of
Georgia: tirde*ed.that s*id .defendants be and
appear at i he ir-xt tern ct 1 his Court, to be htld
ou the fouitb Monday in October next, to plead,
answer or demur to s-i-cl bill Llrd in tbesliove
c«e.orlhe same w-11 betaken no rcnltc& ra
them, acd said ra--e will pro>e1 ex parte. Or
deredfurtbrr, tint a*-id otfeudact be aervrd liv
intlicatii-n o:icv a mouth l< r four mouths, iu the
tacorr Teleara'*h and Meaieueer V el ore the uen
erm of this >:uurt.
This June 21. ’8»).
( T. J S'MMON?,
i JudpeS. C. M.C.
VL p-o-’dfit. folic’tor for rein, la-r.ant.
1 -tru- ex’ract from th* minute* o' Bibb Sope«
frt'ourt June L!, 1880.
uetvl&irfm* A. B. ROdfi. Clerk.
BORGIA. BIBB Of-U VIY.-Uherea* Hen
jure in C, Smith, tze-urar if th - e tale
. K iza Smith, late nf said cour ly deoeaced
made application for letters of dismistinti
said estate.
lose are therefore to cite and sdmenish all
-ns concerned to be and appear at the Court
bf (L-diu.ry of said county, on the first Monday
in (Vtot er next, to show cause if aDy they liave
why application sbculd not be granted te
M'itnetw my hand officially. Ju!v S, 1889.
iuj7'd* J. A. McMANtl(*. Ordinary,
Jcnes Ocunty SherifTSales
^TTTTf L be so’dbefore the court house door in
V T 4h* to* n cf < linton, J.ine» county, G ore:*
on the ff-ai Tuetday in Septumbrr next, between
the if ral .hours of s- le, tbe following propert.v.te-
w t: Fifteen har died acres «f l&tid.more or les*
aij'iiuing the land, ofloiliua IFarri*. A. H.
Broa-band John Roberts aid* there,and kbown
aa the Ruck Jot nson p aoe. Levied on a* the
property of * Johuscn. deceased, to fatis
fv two fi fas. i-.ued from the honoraMe *iupef:o :
Court of said c-.unty. one in favor <fH»r.’errsn
A Sparks (late partners in tad.) vs. William G
Ki pstn- k, as adrainiatrator ol the rnxteof Wil
l<am J-hnsoc.deeeaswd: theetherin favo' oflt.
Flanders k Foil, (late partners in trade) vs. wP
liam G. Kilpa'zick. as odminisrrat r ol tho cs
ta'eot William Johnson, 'teceuaod. P,-oi;er>y
point d out >-y plaintiffs’ atternejs andinnos-
sessreno! Wil.iam Flit-.her, agtnt. This July
augltd W. J. GRESHAM.
sheriff Jones Couz ty.
riet A Leiare has male application for 1 tre-a
of aiministraiion on the estate of John Iriare,
Ictn of eaiv county decor Bid. under sections
249J sod 219-1 of tho rivieed code of Georgia
Th«e sro Uitnforo to cite and admonieh
ail perettus coroerzie-i to te and sppe-tr at
iho court of ordiosry of said county, cn the
firec Monday in September next, te show
cause if any they have why sai l letters of
auministratiou should cot be granted Vo ap
Witnc-te my hand and vflidal signature.
J. A A1GMAN03, Ordinary.
aeg 10-ph
Iron Works,
At onr works can be seen the best EN
ING. Wh guarantee it to do all or more than
the maz ufactureie eay it will do. Wo buird
From 8 to 60 Horso Power,
There ia no Erigiue made anpenor to it, aa
we have tiotimcmpis to prove. We manu
Saw and Grist Mills
that give entire ta'.isfaction. Wo keep for
. And the Best
Horizontal Sugar Mill
made. Al*o, ISON RAILING for comete-
riea. cro. bhaVTING PULLESS, and
GEARING for all all kinds of mill work.
In fact, vre keep everything that >a need
abent claim or .water power or dentation
work. Our COTTON P3E6S is "etoond to
ooue. bang cheap, simple and darable. as
hundreds will attest Bend for ciro flare and
priecB before luy ng e’aewhere Addretus,
jalj31-ly E URCOKE1T A SOSA.
Daniel D. Tracy vs. A. B. K n. aim!r.istratord«
tonis ton ot th* estate o. T. P. Lain a r, M. K
1 asiar et si., bcirgnf J. P Lumar.
It appearing from th-* retu rr.« of tbe Sb*rIT in
th’s euuie that two of said defmaittc to wit.
Mr*. Carrie H. Motley and M*s ami T.r-r-cn
furmvriy Ann T. Lamar, are tot te be f-ui.d in
tho county of Bibb; and it lurlher app.-a-inz
Ifca* tLey do ni.trerrd'in the Fta'c of C-eorci.,
bus in the Mate o* Alabama: It iv th- refore cr-
dered ty the "•urttbai serriOH tj raid bilbe
perfected oipari tbem by pnbhcs.t;* n of this cr-
d.roncna month for four in'*ntb- bat, re the
next term of th's Court, ir. tbe H-.-* n Telegraph
end Wwsei.rar. a newupsper pub’itlrid in the
city of Ma-nn, Ga.
f.oftin A Bart er . P aintiff’s attorney.
juj2 ta n.m T. J. KIMMONs*. J. R. rt. M. C.
Ml KOKGtA K-bb County-M hares Mrs. Mar
VX, th-. K skrrn-lt, .u-riijau qf her mmorchil
dren. l-»n mice *pp nation f* r l.avetoselleiaht
ihar.-* of the ca; i*»l rtrc.k cf 'b C ntral rsit-
To*0 a d Katikrrg Oomnauy of Georgia tn lor*-
ira to a- id lainora ro- their melntslnance a ii ea<
ujaitou. .
1 he«e sre tbrr-fore to ci‘e and rdmr.n sh *11
p-rsons loi cem n to be ar-o spieir.t tl o'curt
of o-dinszy of-aid eouct* cn -Uo nra». Monday in
Juli tk-n. to show cauoe if any they have »hv
.aid oi p icati >. should i-t b- vr , iite't.
W-.t-easruy hand • ifl» : *tlv. Jm;* 6’h. 1580.
i »«ti* J. A. McMANUs. Ordinary.
G oORGIA, BIBB Uttu'N TY —VS licreas. ** . 8
Holt and J. K. Jnucs udrui i*tra’<T*on tbe
estate of J me* t*. in lair : f »:i:d eonn'T d<-ce*ae
ed.havo ruace »i p ic-tion for letters ol d smitten
Irt.m .aid estutor
These are; there f*re to cite sr.d wfmonish all
persms conce-ced -o be a- dapjK.r at ihvCourt
cl Ordinary cf said omnty on the fir*t Monday
in August next, to show cau-e. it any they have,
whv letters of should not be granted
to aopiicants. t
Wttnees my official sigeature. May (!. '89'*.
mayitda J. A. JscklAN iJS, Ordinary.
/^kRDINARY’3 Office Jones Gountv. Georgia
J une 28ih, ’ 89 W hereas B.mue 1 Barroa
admlcistrator with tbe will annexed, on estate oi
Pei.jamia t-arron.deueasod, applies for dismis
sion from same.
Three are to cite and admorflsh all prisons
concerned and the L gatee* ol estate to r e
aud appearthe Uctooer terunneis oftki*
court, and wirhe-u a sothement of his adminis
tration, recei e tbeir distributive shares, and
r lnw cause if ary they have why b- shall not be
disebargeu fl-ora said administration, hand • tfiri.ily.
intSOtd-s KOIAND T. RO^F. c'rdirarc.
virtue of an ordi-rtr m the Court of O-di-
nary of raid county, ail be roll on ths first
Tceid.y in Feoteiuter n« xt before tho court
house duo; in tbe city of Macon, between the le
gal hours cf sal-*, an un<fzvded ba'f ir-tcren in
parts of lots of land. Nos. 1 a- d A in block num-
sitts-one,iulhesouthwest common ofthecitr
cf Macon, containing ore-quarter ot au acre mere
or teu. So'd as the proportt of Jane A. Matoure.
late of oaid <ountydf ousted, to-a division among
tbe heir* of saio re t«t«.
Aucu«t7,1880— 8td Administratrix.
New Advertisements.
New York Sun
8ns Weekly Sew will b* found » useful aux-
iiiazy by ail wno are carnc-tly workmg for th"
rc.orm cf the National Guten.mett. Believing
that theievil. whion have .n long bvsrt the coun
ty lc-n be cured on'y tya chanreofthe party
i/i power, Tus Scs oaroo-t'V aunru-rt* tho rre»i
deotaiiu>-fr aidem, HiJCOCK and Eso-
in order tin. tall those who syrai-atMat with
orsc purpose may rant. elllri-n’iT co ocere te with
ua wu wiL seuu The Vbiklx Sc* «o club*, or
aiugleiubscnbere. (Kist-piut, t... Wcnry-flve
Cawia to. the next three months.
Address THE, Now York city.
\ LOttGlA. BIBB COUNT Y.—To *1 wlrara it
VT may conoern: Loii-e' W. Krnuedy bivii.g
filed her retition in proper form to ice. praying
io; letters of administra- ion with tbe will arrrez-
ed. on the estate of t-'rar.cis St. * tuned v. this is
to ciseali legally interested in tho execution ol
thi. eppli arfon, eredi'ors. legatees, -next or kin.
and any other., interested, tote and aiwe-ras
t he n* xt ‘■ei temher term ot tho Court of Ordina
ry cf .aid o'Utiiy.enl .howc-u-cif any vtey car,
« by letter, of adauiiatretionwlb will a**nere-,
alien'd nut be g-anted t> said Lr.Le W. Kuntm-
Witness rnj hard end official signature August
8. i8f>.
sag5-»4w J. A. McUAXU 4, Ordinary.
nn pi 4 hoic- t«*«la cheap by
writing or a postal forourpri e list, which en
ables you to order by mail the bret way, and «• o
tbe mauy km"s of men haudi>e we keep for sale
at surprsirgly low priws We send semplrst f
llamlrurgs Lac: a. Ribbonr, Vriucrr, etc, if re
quested. We sell wholesale and retail for cash
down. Ass-fir combination system ena’desus
to quote very close pr oes, We have 61. f 2 un )
*e packages of notions whin** ccnotbe
tor twiie the money els.wh- re. all wai ttd iu
every family, Uon**y returned if not satisfac
dory.* HfiU®hton ft OuttOG.
£5 Trcmont street. Boston. JdsS*.
■i<* e--iJiri* -cur #pu«aUt| illUktia\Kl book
writirn by his lif.-lorg iriend H*-it. J. Vf.
FOM.UT. an authrr ot national fame, end an
ardent admin r of the “superb soldier;” irclud-
in* the Life «f Ha*, ttfi. M. JkXWLIwH.
This work is bffletkfiy cBstwrard, low j ricret,
immensely popniar and selling beyuod pre-
•efiaai. Outfi; kite. Act quick and s*la
nswwey. Fo-tb** 1*.at tre»-Is, belt terras snd
fell particulars, address HUBB .MD BR/Od.,At
lanta, Ga.
$77 7s«
YEAR end expenses io
agent*. Outfit Free. Addrewa
YICaJiRY, Aagnaw, Me
a day made* Kmrgetie ltosl agents
wanted in everT city and town. Jto*.
ore<3 not spplv. Address Vivian H.
Marshall. New Orleaur, La.
our lob pace pawphlet. all abont tew.papar
advprti.lng. Add re« G EO. P. ROWELLaCO,
18 fiprare nmet. N. Y. '
W AkTKII-ktLESfikN fiO isKE
ary end expenses paid. - References nqalred
TRIUMPH M’P'GuU., 114 Monroe street. Chi
Nan. pa pa" Advertlstaar Rwreaw. IO
ap.. re mi. v. Y. »ueti »od riaw'm
Notice to Bridge Bailder*.
. ON TUESDAY September 31st, 18Si. bf>
tw.en lb# legal bonra of tale, et tbe door of
tbe eoart bunco, wilt be let to the lowest
b-dder, the ooptract for build ng complete
and ready for travel, the snreretroctnie fu>
a wroo^ht iron tics, bridge i vre Tobviofkce
orftk. in Bbh county, at a point ab'Ut
alghr anUs diet-tit from the city r f Macon
Haic b- idge io rennet cf one rpan one tran
fired aac Udr y ft nr fret leLg, with clear
woodPaf af aiabtoen feet; and to be hni i to
•ceordeaee with ocmplvte and minore place
si.d epeeifiMfK ba now op fi e in I be (Jcttniy
Cantmiaaioner a’i 0*s, ar d open to tbe b -
spvciion of tbe publie. Tho contractor will
ba isqiiired to gi*e bond in double : hr*
amouut cf tbe bid. with two goo-i aud
solvent aecnriiise forth" fsi’.hfnl perfoira-
»hce of tae root,tor, and to ludemcify tbe
o nmy for any d-ru- gea ceyaaionad ly a
f *i aro:o perform ibt within ibopre
.cr b,d time, rat: bridge to be pvin fur n
cmpleti n, .0 orriteg *o ooutraot Theiig t
to re J or st y a* d all bide •* reserved
by rrder of Bilb Cono y Gonra- aa snere.
ang 22-id W. G. SMITH, Clerk.
G E tRGfA. blBR COUNT f.—Whereas Vou-
isnW. Kenc-d) haemad*:ap:*]icatH.titorlet-
f rsof »dm nistrati-m on the es *te of Mary h.
Kei nedy, Ntevf said county ueceasy*.
lbr« ts to cite all aid.icgu'aytbacrolitorsaud
n xt of k'uot Mary L. Kenr.oly to be and an-
iu-ar at the Court of Ordinary of said ecu* ty. on
ihe firet tl*m<taj in Septrm er rext, tr d .how
CMUS*- T any they corf » by pcrraauect a ah is-
t>ator sh'-uld no* "e granted to la>ni>o W. Keti-
n-d, ou M*r» L. Kmnre-y *rta•*.
Witness my haPd aud offl .iil signature August
S 1880
tor-vt* J. A. Kc-tANUd. Ordiewrv.
fWPROVED ^sek|
This Is the seventh season of this popular Gin
which combines the meritsofspeed, light draft,
good sample, end cleaning thosceiUnr.grcat-
er degree than sny other, and is oCert d with tho
most perfect Self-Feeder and Condcnstr made, at
Tho following very low prices,
Price of
Price with i Price with
Self Feeder Self-Feeder and
orCo**dciiser Condenser.
43 saw
•45 “
W “
to “
TO “
• 252.00
8d “
These Gins arc made with Iron Frames and oi
thchcstmaterlolsandaro unsurpassed in finish
and workmanship. Wo also manufacture Gul-
letVs celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton
Gin," together with tho Favorite Light Draft;
“Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, with Feeders and
Condensers for each.
Terns given on application.
Oar Utt ot SMM* -Machinery comprise, the !ar„'d
8&3&£»8»®3?ia&5? a * by
and all ajppirataa for Syrtp or Susrar mni-lcs. Ciroc*
lars, wlib prices, 4re., sent on application.
Mettoftutuiyr* cf Sugar Cane Marhinervl Vtctnr Ccmc
Meek Sugar %tor, £i0ainJbnginc*,*lc* r *
Cleans the Seed better, Runs Ltghtsr,
Cins Faster and Costs Lcso Rloncy than an^
otherClnfnthoffiariovr- Everymachlne
fully and legal 1} g,-.varrantsod.
T":v i s
■ ‘ " If""
f v ;;: , v „
■i " & j
•c “
HTbfsemacidnciaromado of tho tert materials, and
YrcrfanftnsMpandCnlgh arc unexcelled. Have l-ocn aTrardei
yroad'oras ct all tlio Stcto fair?, Georgia. Alabama, Texaa^
etc. Upwards of WC0 of our Gura arc la constant uso ir
tho coctacm states, crcr 1000 haring been sold ia 1S71L
IPrlce List of Ctn8« Teedsrs and Conddnaef
I Posed reotdj fee shipment and delivered at our facto?
Price of
Price with
Self Feeder
or Condenser.
Zi “
iO u
45 •
(0 •
70 •• •
M *
—e;sw '
100 00
US fit
1X5 00
210 00
ico ca
£200 W
113 00
12* bO
ia oo
300 00
100 €0
SL8 00
£33 00
ty Terms glvc.n on Application*
Trom 2845 to ISIS ire manufactured GInsat Co iambus, G*1
trader tho Ann name of E. T. Taxi**:ud:Co., afterv.ari
CLEUoyft, Bsowjr & Ccv,and made v2iat waathea knaxj
iTnjlorGiu. i'irin^c tho year lS53w®remoTedtotiv
.^etcro wc BHWteia rwitiibuily la cucC
cot enjored by any other m&nufac tarer In an
Lne, for proklucdag ti»o BBSrvcork for tho xaosey*.
VEademandfr.«troaitrnrEo treat tl'*a6 m-orly S>Tora
rcnmino.1 unfilkt', but ve hftYo doubled ourtur.-l
cipeclty and hope io bo able to meet; all demrand?, tuj
••ass Vi**'** zet yctsr orders In early. Set
YorIZtaaindBedpampIIht giving m» voivntary
Irom over C00 live, mtor;u itln-r pla-nte. - ^. PresKS, Cnpriii
and cOaiipIeto outfit furnished Yvnoaduirrs). Address
7 nsw sxmoati covt
A. B. Farquhari
A’3 ENT Al’ w .. -
- Tax Collecxor’s Sale
Tu-.i’»y. the uv nth day ■ f b'.D’vmSe
text will he sold at t’*e oourt house dreir in Ms*
von. in * : d ouunty. between the Lwtnl hours of
sale, tnet'iiiowm* tr tsonal prop-refy, which, be-
iug m-ct mury. end too ctpeniv* to transport,
will not b B upo-vd at the re.urt h.u-e door, but
can be ciaminol at any lime from date until a ter
sal** day on tho pr-renei known a* sawyer’* Gi
Works, iu square No. ST. ronur of Cherry an
Filth .tTBets, inretyof H:ic n. to wit:
126 f.-et shafting and IS pulleys.
1 surface planer.
1 Deniri * p'atier,
1 circular saw. pulley aud saws.
1 cm-*ry wh:e‘.
1 saw fl'er.
1 raw punch.
I punch for caw teeth..
] gin saw trimmer.
1 tenon m.<h ne.
1 boring inachn e. «
ltwcivc-horso power stationa-y engine.
1 gi-i rib bzrer.
1 drill press.
1 groovar for gin brushes.
1 wood lathe.
Or so much i f *ald mvl.inery will te S'lJ as
will be sunirira t to satisfy tne s ate and county
taxes due by Peter C. Sawyer on s»id mail inery
for the ) ear. 1875,1877, 1874 and 1S79. Am-unt
due to satisfy four Ii. fas .sSiS am cost.. This
August 9 h, 1S88. H J. PaTER, T C~
auglu-td snd tx-t'fileij aher ff.
Citv Marshal's Sale*
G BOftGiA. BIBB « OUtlY^Wdl be *o!d
bsiore lb« court house door in the c.ty oi
Mu con, rfuiiuK the !<((&' hours ii sale, cn the Urat
Tuesday ia SepV^ubrsr. 188». ihe*ollovin< *9
ibowu ou the map ot xh«? city of Matron. Gu , by
A. B. Bsurdmm, city en<i: o. r, JS7X to wit:
Tbe ftouthve&t quarter ot lot 14. cf the north-
\re*t ruu#e, fronting about 140 fret on Co ie>:o
street an A running back about *Cifettin tic
city of Macon. Leviot <11 as tbe property of„
Mri«Mary tt, Ripley *nd her children. L’
b«ing »<ert. to **«»t a :i h. in f*vt ro!
city ys. L. Kiple', asrent^-f r hi»» wife M-ry b.,
akd her children for tax fur ine year HfS K fiu i'mu in store ot km.
taft8*enburg&Co., corner of Muiberr^ a^d
cily of Macon. Said M)d» fouiatniu ie\ied
on as the pn<pe*t> of Ksukin. ila^euburs A Co.,
to tat-sfyjbUs fi. fr. ia t» v Jrof §*id c.ty vs. Kan*
kin. M»s4**rburg & Co., fur tax for the ye*.r 188).
Al*o. th*' some time snd pUc*. one i>howcaie
inktoreof Karik n Mastscn r uric Jt Co., corue of
Masta rry a»d Third vre-i*, cit^ of M^con. raid
showcxFe h v'.eu on os the pi oporto of,
*a-iei.bur* k i'o. to satisfy m Ux fl. fa. iu lavor
of sad nty vs. hankiu, klantenhurg k Co, for
Tax for lta’Xetbr IF8j
aU ,u*. • he ftams lime snd place, the following property, ulrch. b.»in< »oo expenn^e lo
track* ort, wiT no( he expos d at the ever; heu e
door, but c«n b» examined at sny time from cate
uuiil after»a!e dar«uih] pitnetes kcoirn ms
Gin bhops, corner Ch-rry and £i*th
str^e's, tOwwit:
1X4 l**ei sh*f ins ar.d 15 pulleys.
1 fturfaeM plkiKr.
1 lKnuL pU iit-r.
1 ci cuisr taw puUej and saws.
1 eoie»y wh- tl.
1 taw nler.
1 *• w purch.
1 saw )oolh j u* eh
1 if in Bnw trim user.
1 leisun oo^ure.
] burn u macbii.o.
1 K u rib borer.
i »w* Iv;• borne power »t »tioi a*y © and
den e ho ler and -iiuox j-ftt'ck.
I drill pre'9.
1 »croov» r tor pin brui) e».
line pu* p n u vU>ln<. I r > the city ; f Macon.
Levied on a» the property of J'ettr C* Saujer to
batiaf' ► x ti. fifis. iu lnur of 'bii city ts. said
Peer 8i*v«»r f.r taie> cue cy h'm for the
jftitr* 18 7. '878 W0 »nu l 8), a d for talance of
hepQ'e du»» lor i87Y a* u cr.stfi
eug.O-tfi HURLEY, Mershel.
P r. R : Ir ri i J2jz .y ^Cor: tc r*»tn, S
'ir;, BreriuriM,Concerts, eve .tv a *r-uA*rTot rSi-w ■
i.l r-T PllEE Itlu.trrte-1 jhwrtlldv. <*alap8 : a
1 ^enrarlian. Co. i<4 W. CiacimiaU
The American Shoo Tip Co*
T. Co.
ii *53
That is now so extensively worn oa
Which was introdr.ceu by t!:c:n.rir,.l by wh'f
the above amount has been savei! ro parentsz»
nually. This Black Tip will Varo t (
more, ns besides being worn on tlie coa:1
grades it is worn on .duo and eo>:!; sh j
v.bero the Metal tip on account of ite lot
would not be used.
■ They all have our Trade Mari: A. ». TT. Cf ■
Btnmped ou front of Tin.
Parents should ASK F0S CHCES with til
on them when pure basing for their clilldrcit
S havirgbosin^cs with th« Rnperin-
1«* den t cf f'uWia 8 *hoc!s » )!*• Ux d Lira IN
HIS OKFIO K.cppoeit* the jvat ortlce on kxoa-
Ujjsand J*aturd^y<. both fr.rer«o» snd after
noon. Ono‘her dam.d^ thc^u mer tr.calhs,
he i« 0"y»jcrd in di{J» a the c<*jrt*r achobli.
iuytai dtw B. M. ZBiTLKk. Supt.
Notice L°ave to Se)l Laud.
<*rk« after date *tp!ireticr wiUhe
to the Court of r> ci »ry oljoaej
nt> fir an trdir torellsll tha real c, tste Ct'
James H. Finro, deotreud.
R. R. BRnwr-r,
U. J.riNNY
July 24. *Sai-27wTm. Kxiuu ort
F oua
fPHIUTT ds?s a ter rfaf*'tp*i’ <at;on w il bo
Jl made to the h attibls da ‘ rv of Bibb
W’^nty for »ea v e to miD tne r'sal f3". tn' o< Ytra.
Jen-* A. Malort, Uta of Bibb . wunty deceased#
for disf riuti^n *moi!M h*.r h irs.
M. p)'R<OXS. Adn tpfstratrix.
ATLANTA, fi*.. Ju\,ft IJ80.
t TPON ra-eful co-siderefioic o! lira Be pert of
J the tt'a* ta and West Point radiota.its
itistiou to rhj’btai d-.rd Tsv ii' echsagcJ as
I4.f ot-A-n, Fertilizs-s md I ua b<r,;
renitii.ii.git Rates.
it. On sli (thi-rciassee, nutirrem rates can
be e t : <n*-te*- at (2.) laority lito ;*.r c t r.t ah-U*
8t*r*aaru Rst- *.
J :MKS M. 8MiTr. Cb.ira.n.
R. A FA"O.N. 8'erre-t*-*. >uxl ta.4w
Don otici « n vLoTpei’t'
tfpfeiul indisfiin r: > to *i Jl*TH
sr onof
h! u-rma
ft* GHAhLKs >1 EVANS.
-».tvX’ v o. v.. ; ,»m*r. 15*
rUU Vi
< i n a*
ci) iv .v;. Woolley
fisuta. Cl Rtliabio >vi-
oei cr at\r;sn.t r, f.r, i ce 40
-ur d p.riei ts and p* * .r- iaas.
-V’ d Jor rry ',.*.» in *-he
l.suitanu .la cure Fdi3,