Newspaper Page Text
Clic ©sttKgfo llUrchltr aufc 3fauctt<*i & M££££ftg&£e
Cbe c .Men arrow* o! morning ere fretting the
dimpled set; . ,
rhe greedy gray gull* tie screaming cloee on
the good ■hip'*'—
„ cloud In the scope oI iky, and
only one flaxen curl . ...
toned from the ocean'* braided mane,
where the Rood ihlp'* wake U a *wlrL
, lore! to bridge the measureless mile* that
se wrote you and me.
1 faid > o « cloee, hr a pube s beat, in anew-
of cards*
he has loot 2 w pounds. Orr has three broihen
ranging Iron six Ireland fire Inches to scvei
produced. I-e Mar took his scat
e table and shufllod the cards In a
skillful manner. The Jury stood up In their
inds. Orr has three brother*.
Upon* little farm
Was once a sturdy hen
That laid, as bens did then,
1 nls wonder see, I be*!"
Now, In pond, hard by,
A modest carp fish sate.
A nd quiet lived and a* -
She heard of the new eggs-
Tbe cackle thus;
As If it filled a keg!
Then spoke the carp fish free;
Each year a million f
Do lay, and raise no cry.
itt&K&UC- -x
gjjiectaculnus t
feet, and a son. who at fifteen years of age
measured nearly six feet
an old sportsman gives the following
advice <o a new beginner: “When you take a
gun In jroir hand, for any purpose whatever,
never take '.t by the rauule. never look Into Hs
muzric or allow a gun's muzzle to point to
wards you The numerous shot-gun Occidents
indicate that a gun is as certain io go off os a
person Is to get before Its muccle. Use a breech
loader aud keep behind your gun. f f the gun
must do somethluR rash, hold her tight to your
shoulder and let her kick. You can get more
gun sense from belug kicked than you ton from
being shot."
Tub idea that It U Injurious to drink
_.t abundance of water during hot weather
has been quashed. Monty of cold water drank
' derrats—never taken in large draughts at
time—Ir healthful, Inasmuch a* |**r*Dlra-
i comes free, thus unloading the body of
heated Rases, .and keeping the brain moist and
. -* lrt tho beat of the sun. Standing
.J90 . the rays of thosun for any length
of time Is dangerous, and the drinking of alco
holic beverages when traveling In the sun of-
leads to serious results. Our advice to all
HI. lie guarded In political discussions, drink
loe water and keep cool. If you want to survive
the summer.
The government of the Saudwich
lands Is ostensibly lodged in King Kalakaua
and a parliament, but in reality the larger
planters ate said to <-ontrol everythin*. Claus
tfprcckles lends the King m<nicy. *
places, aud the attorneys aud other persons in
side the bar crowded around the faro dealer.
Judge Laughlln left his seat and was an amused
spectator. At the outside of the crowd was Po
lice Commissioner Cupples and acting Chief of
Police Ifuebler, the former, craning his neck io
see the game and smiling now and then as th*
I technicalities were mode plain to him. Col.
Normlle played the king ••open” for a silver
dollar and “coppered" the six spot for a like
sum After awhile the king won and the rix
spot lost in the same turn. Le Mar told Col.
Nonnllethat be had won. at which the crowd
smiled. Then Attorney Bliss wanted aome in
formation. and Le Mar ran the cards again and
showed him what he wanted to know. The
^Hof the moat curious.
rJi TTi i . I.. , , - . »»» I ne ptesscs wiui mm. i -te jungi-s anu
_ fjtrma* 1 officials are said to bo ruled by these lamo
Crraktr-ATnuAmUd from the German I (rowers . Under such a < .ndltlou of thlr
fnr Thie and That.
gar growers. Under such a <• •ndltlou of things,
tho rights of lalNMvni and immigrant< receive
little protection. Fracttesll ? many of the wo
men who are persuaded to go there os domes
tics from foreign counties are treated like
—T~7~ , . _ I slaves, being bought and told m though they
Knrrfnffw of Iso oflMOD* iieui. '| *ere intimate chattels., A girl who arrive
loveil People!
Norwegian each
.»—# r - Ice from men to
.. . %• ... . « n e Altlisr I whom they were under contract of service. A
0. A, Hatting, E q. No friends of ettnsr i mau who U)Qffbt a ,, rl in thIl way ^
bride or groom were present, only the im-1 her on going awav to a missionary. The
.... A I Hawallans deny that this Is slavery, hut prac-
medinte relatives of both families. A tica ,:y there Is little different- - - -*“~
half-past eight o'olock Mis* Clara A. Nnt- I the San Francisco CAronWe.
tins n, married ‘° ^ r "f oLn T - BolWa| - Crlt.d.m'.tatTr-ll,
let, Itur. J. S. h.yofflot.tlM.-. n,
It is ft most ploasgnt daty inahhaio) The following Incident Is strictly true, and
It is ft most peasant uovy w The following 16 cl dent Is strictlr true, and
chronicle the wedding of so cherished a I occurred In a village within forty miles of lkw-
friend, with one so worthy. And it would I ton . An Irish laborer was taken to a concert
sffisfr »-ie 1 esaaar Aaagat flasb
Rcterized hi. rictlon, », . joarnnlint, n bn«-1 In » nJ how. liol th« Udlc, klpt on, »nfl It ni
inM, m»n »nd . friend, luiro won for him 1 q „in, rolslrt the, iboald. .ml ihln whlu they
the hiebert rnwot .ml fallc.t confilenc. I .llrthopjwd rin»ln,th.mrrl»lth«i>, Mro
ffiB33ssrtJJMS iwi ssMawfss&'ga®
S^gSfmSt2Mt'dUd.m0fttdSS *-« * -H-lo'l lo‘ke the piece nnyw.y. 11
luSSSWol w£w S! ‘ "'•• w,rfl '* °°*
modest worth, have nlwais/eudered her
Tloword street and ■—.HHP
| rat oo: extra g4.2Vs5.2S-. family
Western superfine
tamlly Wko0a6 75;
City mills superfine g3,*vat00c extra gL25a7.S5;
Rio brauds *7.23a7.S7. Wheat—tioutlu-m low*
ir; Western quiet and firm; Southern iydCl.3)a
.33; uraU'r - 1.82al.‘25; No. 2 Western winer red
11 Corn-Southern firm; Wes
ilgherand ►trong; Southern white W; yel
low 87. Oats quiet aud steady; Southern 59nC2;
Western white 60sG2: mixed &7a5e*, Fennylvanla
Apolllnarls Water.
Erchauae. •
Millions of dollars sre Involved in a suit be-
in at Boston on that mild-flavored beverage
_nown as Apolllnarft water. The Apollinant
spring is situated in the Ysl'cy of the Ahr, in
Germany, some seven miles from the river
Rhine. The consumption of the water which
S c* t.
id »I*,tin,
nary to fair 8a9V.~ Sugar quiet; a *»iv vr+
Whisky quiet and steady at jl.lfi. Freights
Lear* the name of the spring Is enormous. Tbs
Apolllnarls Cumosny, "limited,"
’■*—'—id. Imports Into this com
and Jugs annually, beside* (fisposlng of
. amount of the beverage in all parts r *
the Old World. In the United States, bestdi
the agencies of the London company, there at
very many home companies that carry on
large competitive business, and It la aud that
LOUISVILLE. July 5 -Provisions In fair de
mand and tending upward. Mess pork »23.50.
Bulk meats—shoulders - 8.M: rib * 13.12){; clear
-14 00. Sugar cured hams tl4.7tal5 00. Lard
quiet and unchanged. Flour quiet and steady;
extra |4.75a5.00; choice to fancy »6 2ta7.. f iO.
Wheat dull and nominal; No. i red winter
1.20a 1.2V Corn unsettled and generally high-
No. *2 8C; mixed 78. Oats In good dtmand
and tending upward; No. 2 .YJafiO; mixed
NEW ORLEANS, July 5.-Klour lilghen
XXX nominal; hlsh grades C NJa7.25. Corn
dull; yellow mixed PA. white 11.06 Oats In
fair demand: new Texas 51: Western in first
some 110,000,009 Is Invested in It. I n this
try there has been a great deal ef trouble be-
lion against Mr. JL K. Scannell. of Boston.
Roscoe Conkliag appeared for the plaint-
has been
— — log
for the company since last March, and
appeared lit Its interost before Boeretary
rnlger lost winter to demonstrate tho genuine-
nets of the water, so that no duties should bo
imposed upon It. The substance of the litiga
tion Is aa follow: Tho London company
charge* IL F. Scannell and other inanufaetu-
f.ieturer* with placing upon the market coun
terfeit Apollinoris water, thus infringing upon
Its rights and injuring the sale and renutanon
of its importations. Mr. Bcanncll admits that
all the drinkables sold by him under the name
of ApoUiiuiris aro manufactured. He claims,
however, that the goods of the London rompa-
H«u noeh artificial as his
a and those
of all other American manufactures. He al
leges that the river Rhine, and not the ApolJJ
naris spring*, furnishes the water, and that It
erwards L *
Is afterwards charged with carbonic acid i
- -- . 1 ra*
and compounded with soluble minerals. Thus
rendered sn artiflcle.l product. It should be
subject to duty, whereas it haa been admitted
free at a natural product. On this score the
defendant claims that the London company
lias defrauded the government of f2,
Sotton Transcript.
« Notttns U known to the I Wben OcmvIoto W.rJ mm boro Jujl tMi-
*for Euroi*sshe brotight with her
\T.' nn .. na na artist as an I fore sailing for Europe she brotight with her a
people of Mncon as well os nu aruss ns no bUck-and tan dog. her constant com nan-
accomplisheu any. I j on , on the train the drawing-room conduc-
We can make no better wiPh than tnat i (of informed her that her dog must go Into the
the wishes of a multitude of friend* and )*gsu« car. It did. and Miss Ward went with
Sn^'r^l u/rA^mnythat M.ster th °
knml whn nnmts n(.VODU COlQP-trC, Cl UlS kz,. ,ka I. *.« w»
counsel tn oan.T dt
MACON. July 5,1U1
_ .orgla « per cent bonds, due lK8V„llfi ®10
Georgia « per cent bonds, (old) " ...10U c-,!C
Georgia 7jier cent bonds (mortgsge 1C3 (j»!C
'Joorgla 7 per cent, bonds (go'd
quarter coupons) 115 All
Georgia 7 per cent, bonds, due 19d6~ 124 (-»V2
Goorjcia 8 per cent, bonds . "* *"
Central R. R. jolut mort 7 per cent. 113:
Oeorgia railroad 6 per cant, bonds-107 <
Western R. R. of Ala., b.t mortgage 112 (
Ifglit* and shadow* of their new life till I goc* a way, «»»d, except when is acting, is scarce-
• ■— />n " hartn I jy cVC r out of her sight
Western K. R. of Ala.. 2d
there is notouo false line
Tho bridal rememberances were many
and handsome. Among the more promi
nent, were a silver water aet^
A Trio.
Courier Journal.
noo*lnlght's victory Saturday over the largest
.. .. OVpr u, e Chicago
Buford in his great
Mobile and Uirard ral lro.d,(m„,y 1
Montgomery and Eulaula 1st mort-
, jrage. lnd a'd by C. and 8. W. ktllUft QVfl
Atlantic and Uulf railroad, cotuoll-
church and the turf.
bv Gen. lluford, who
ill til, WOU f. m ,1 - —,, I •••HMiniRII. - ' M'
tho cflierrs ,ndomployer, o( thoBouthern t lnno . th,t..v.,
Railwny nnd Slram.hip AwociMtoo, bod » traek will warm tip Gen.
,ct of pearl hemlled knive, from 1>U oom- wort.of,■ec.mcH In. tho
pony, Yontia America Fir. oon-rany No. I g-Bfe <
fhe former was ' I Himpson county, and brought him up In the
H. Salomon, and elegantly engraved by I WB> . K lhathe we ;i t ^turday.
'.Wells, Jr. I (iult«*au was about a* craxy as—well. Ictus
.. ■ — I say, Jllcks—that Isenixy with I
PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1 P<CT?y “g?. 1 **
City of Savannah bonds...
City of Atlanta 6 per cent.
City of Augusta* percent bonds... 105
Southwestern railroad st
Central railroad stock,
Georgia railroad
Mr. J. E. Wells,.
. Bateson's bill for *te«l cruisers means a big
, « ~ 7 _ Yr«r I stcsl from the treasury. The country needs a
Election ni Tcnrliem lor Next Tear. | nar . hat it must wait until money appropri-
erdayths Board of Education met | ated for th* construction of one guts Into ton-
nnd elected the following teachers to terra
as the coming year: i cats Drenms lie Controlled?
Boys' High Bchool-Ohtrlo* Lane, prln-1 Lancet.
i ; 1). II. Noblo, arsistant. ] A French Investigator. M. Delaunay, finds
li>s L earl BtapheMi, aMlsto&t. I stim^i^iitig various portion* of tht brain by
Market* by Telegraph.
NEW YOUR, July Noon—Stocks gen
erally active. Money %}{. Exchange, long
tlfttK: short 54.S7%. fiute bonds lactlve.
Government securities gcnerslly weak.
" Kxehangt
pr-neipal; Mi'i
v To i stimulating various portion* of th# brain by
North Maoon School (1 ollWil lot)—MJSS I nnn , heat. By covering hi# forehead wltn
Clara Smith, principal; Mr*. U. L. Kdings, | n layer of waddlnv h# get* sane, Intelligent
Mis* Estelle Anderron, third aa- I «»I lying, which favor the flow ol blood to par-
tiitant: Mlo S. K. liu.llD, foorth.MUt.nti I
Mr-. E.B. Ughtfoot, Ufth n-.Utant 1 iftSM WwhlUlifi™ hUESk
South Maoon Bcho^l, (Sooond etroet.)— I tnrlal, variegated, luxurious Those expe-
C. W. Howard, principal; Mir* O. L. An- ( rlemwd when on the right side aro mobile, full
drew-, first assistant t Alla* Jesal* Laos, I of exaRSensUon. and refer to old saat-
stoonu assistantt Misa Annlo Barghtrd, | frs: tml.those prodoeed whwonUia jefl.rida
launay Is concerne<
I after eating, are apt to find their dreams any-
Mulberry Street School, (Medical Col-1 thing but luxurious.
lt--'»*. - -Mm Ij. K.Thomos,principal; Mrs. I ~ ' r . . . ,
l'. F. Munion, first r.ssUtantj Mrs. A. A. Anxious fo if® Neluhtiorly.
ond nr» tsta&t; Miss M. 8. Grier, I Detroit Froo Free,
,rd itr-ii*tant; Mi** .M argaretU Darragh, | lie wes a small boy, with dirt
fifth*, -..JP*' Mis ' Cjn,h " liot ‘“ 0> ®,*o"p J ffi
VoSS StV.ct School—Sr. M. Aj,.,.. .n0 ,h.o dukt, c
" Mtlitoat^ ” r *' I f "** ! |- m * roar telephone for
SloMii Colored School—U. J. T. I ;'Whr, l emn’t f-ih. nir-jt. ”
,prinolp»l. \i M, Lnney, fleet ;■« u'lt l.rtnu U Uek In h»![t vi —.3
-i.umti Ido'S. Hud-on, ieoond-neel*- ,LV., J!?' ?'
at; Miry K. Life, lhUj7.,UIMIt I U.ty | '22?' yvm ,,l “ , * Ulephon. U. Who m
It.y.nt, fonrth-ae.liUot; Ad«C. Bun- '•w.tlr, wound th. rornor-lml norod In.
, fifth -vssirttnu t. , I and w« want to bs nclshUtrly. 1 tried to borrow
Macon Colored School—Mr*. M. I your wheelbarrow and shovel, bat your boy
iincip>al, It,N. M. LIpfo.U. «- |
might borrow
.•crttT ocnooLX. | your i*lr phone or eomethlng. and ma wonM
t-lr ol.
country schools: > inovll ■■ H
A. Uriuln; I’lnrters Academy, E.C.Pearce;
Sardis Academy. Arthur McBride: Camp-
l-round Sshbol. H.C. llrown; Heath School,
It. A. H>d« r: N»-w (’a-ti • '•* •--! \ .1.
been over to borrow Ira and sugar and couldn
get any. We kinder thought we mlg*“ *
vourtslrphone or something, and
1 for th» following 1 •*S?!*V* U, Z*
mpUIm tusMi. ii.riwasarooto
Vmevillo School. Mrs.
clothes on."
i right la with your old
* Toiuimh" uiiiI 1UIC.
rd; Lake Sch-
Thai pa Acad
ny, 8. li
ol, C. T. A
ol, S. K. Eoglaad.
c * lt-cfi >r of teachers for tho
school* was postponed: Hamlin
ol, ChnmhliM tichocl, Hoptweli
ol, Moffett School and Swift Creek
Mam id* Tar lor-1 A word used by some el the ultra-dellcates of
C-rK.^Sf I the sad of the tjimoA Empire, the wool ••tom-
n, Mid^
bln," 1* Ih'ginning to come Into
_ .One of the smart yotuix mc~'*'
I vard J-)unial has written D
follow- I subject. I heard the worJ
ii.u!,!-n the Ctraue d'tu* oo Hatunlay. It Is being
1 * In the elnti*. In short, U Is a word
Inbi fashion. What does “tompln
mphhhhhh* 1 vogue wpmm
the srnan young men of a leading boule-l
IHaHhAaagMillBMagMi'olnmns on tho
I of
1 uspd In the divan
ind e*fabjlehing of new
erred to the committee
for increase cf salary I sham “chic. 1
ssarr !:S Ums^"tora pi n "Is
Mr- BltR'
a kind between “chic" and
Riwm e> Muory | snam - rmr.-- anam "ehlc" U lond, perveno;
schools were re-|rrol “chic" U discreet, natural, dUtlu^uf ‘
I Mlaric, trith [«■< unobmulr*
It, bell loll-, . ..lull, UUl
s on the Stratan river,
i? ‘two* chills and other Ula
i la the liver.
I betra>s effort, preoccupation, excess of!
I centaatkm: a “chic" where the task to notlP
J reproaehable and the InltlaUv* not discreet.
I The smart young soon of the boulevard Journal
I nuances of elegance; and elej
I one of seutiment, of tact, of feeling. The truly
1 “chic" person wil] give, In hU manners and
I exterior, and interpreteiloa cf the sentiment
pro'l l** I?'
:«,BkK>..A.»r s l,M by Mtt .fi|StgS&-*afi«ttf5B3ESf ftw. &SBt
ASt,r ; 6c» b.y ,lr»
iaklcg the chew of tohoceo
the wuae r>x/t wit
Provision xarksts by Telei
Provisions firm And In Int ...
Me*s pork f21.75o23.00. Bulk meat*, shoul
ders aud clear ilb side* packed 110.75 and
*1.75. Bacon, shoulders rlUO; clear rib
les (15 00. Hams <l&.25aia.00. Lard, re-
Coffee firm; Rio (cargoes) onll-
* - • t; A sof
*12.2501237^; keg 0275. Bulk meat# strong;
choice shoulders packed *10.12^al0.2V Hams,
sugar-cured dull and lower; canvased v 14.00s
15.00, as In size and brand. Whisky firm:
Western rectified f5.00a5.20. Coffee quiet and
steady; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime 8a
good common <
and firm: common to
,^1)4; yellow clarified 8
prime to choice 8Wa*<4 Molomes dull and
nominal. Kirs dull; Louirisna ordinary to
choice Mia/VC Bran quiet at r 1.00.
BT. UbUIS, July 5.—Flour dull and
changed Wheat lower. No. 2 red fall fl.llS
cash; fl.03al.oy% July: August. Corn
higher at 77a78cash: 7MJ July; 75V4 August.
Oats higher at 60a52Vflca»h; 47July; JMJj'. Au
gust. Whisky steady at * 1.15. iAirk higher,
jobbing lots at s2200a2221. Bulk meats strong
and higher for winter meats-shoulders fy CO:
short rib f 13.00, short clear 113.50. lardnoml-
By higher.
JHICAGO. July .V— 1 Flour steady and'i
changed. Wheat In fair demand hut at lo\.
rates! No. 2 Chicago spring fl.32 eaah:fl.33
Joly; ft.12 August com strong and higher at
iPUcash: 40M July; 40K August. Pork aetlve,
firm and higher at ll.78a2l.80 cash: t71.87.4
August. lArd moilerately active and higher at
‘12.(0a)2.42V« cash; 12.47^*1250 August. Bulk
meats In active demand and prices advanred;
shoulders 9 50; short rib 11289; short clear
•1610. Whisky steady and unchanged at
CINCINNATI, July 5.^Flonr dull; family
t'j.TOsfi 0-V fancy • 6.:f>a7.Q0. Wheat quiet: No.
‘ H * r; f 1.10J4 bid July:
lilCMt 5r-.isliiiM lOe, Best Priiil w Glo, Be*( SeorNucker
SiripcN 10o,Lneo Zepliyrs 25c regular j>i*ict«i 40e,
PprcnlcN .'g, UreNN Gootb, all NtylCH nud cIuhhck, iSIIIim and Satins at
Botto;u Prices to Glowe Summer Stock,
New and Attractive Goods Added to OUTBARGAIN COUNTER.
SplitmllJitocItof .11 grade. In WHITE, UED CHECKED AN'D FANCY. S;-ci»l pricnb, tbe roll,
ban CASH, «e fir, a most earnvat awl conlial InrltatbiD to liisjKCt our stock and got potted on prlcra.
itcmombor tlio Place—la tlic Apex ol 'PriauKular llloclr,.
Hear la Mlncl tlio Fi
MM MdtUaqt _
Itsttlad aune of oar n#*» emtomA phrmiosju
ti la oemtmuavm U> Itoa prep*rsj udinvla.
—Ml>r lo mi practiD*. i
Ho lore color to the hlotxl^
A roml»t nation cf PTC*
Uixldrof Iron. 1‘erutUin
It a rkn ltd PAwykSTSlis
a j«ilatable form,
h.oo chnracicrUllcof
107 Third SL, Uacon, 0a,
natural healthful .
tho diffeMtoe organs
rurvoMM eyetem, maid no
it mflcsHl to General
]U tility, Tam* of dp:>r-\
tite. Prostration of Vital)
ISneero and Impotence.!
2 Ted winter • 1.25al.»
fLOi bM AuKJwt-, C.»ra excited^ and JilKhi-r; 1 FarmdnIe,F.«., Franklin Co., K
No. 2 mixed 7t»X sjwt; July; 72V>7J ’ JL
August Oats strong: No. i mixed 58>£ Pork .. , __
quiet and firm at 9227A Lard strong and gaculty. Expenses os moderate ssanrJK&,
higher at 81225. Bulk meaU (lric; shoulder* pear begins Sepl. I. 1’orCat.iir-g- < -,«■
fsio. clear ilb *1X00. Whukr steady at etc., address as shore. COL. U. ».
(142. Combination soles of finished good*,} " "
two days. 1805 barrels on a basis of #212 J
Butar quiet and firm; hards «J-al0Ji; New Op i
leans 7&a7M. Hogs active sna firm; rommon I
*® - ,k AL ‘ « ^racking and butchers 1
So.M^.CO; receipts 2.000; shipments 660.
m—m. I _ .BEBBR T -Ky.. sis raHes Imm
J I Afort. Has tkt most healthful and beautiful location In the
it 11-», II i-u- i ■ i
railroad bonds(eud'U) 114
mortgage 1
80 O
100 4*1
106 441
111 5li*
o*d stock - M & W
■oad scrip KWfl w
havannsh R. K. stock ll« «12H
bad *UicL.imm.«.hm.h. 117 Ml 10
>avsl Store*
WILMINGTON, July 5.—Spirits turpentine
steady at 41. Rosin firm at 11.56 tor
•trained:-1.62S lor good strained. Tar steady at
ft 65. Crude turpentine quiet at fl.ty) for
hard: #2- 73 for yellow dip |2 75 for virgin.
SaVaNHAh; Julr S.-Rn.ln, ‘.ttmlncfl
»> 6»; good ,trained el.05. Bpldu turpenUnn
CHARLESTON, July .V—Spirits tnrnentlne
qttlct. with sales *t 41. Rosin In fair de
mand at fl -0 •nd i.75 for strain^ » »d good
N KW YORK, July V—Botin cosier at .»2.12&
Turpeutlue dull aud lower, closing at 44.
doll: domestic fleece 32aIA Texas l4a.lL
Fruit Dryers,Cider Mills,
Cane Mills.
fjce« cu-i-ricit.-s,
Evatoraltb-f. Appla ar.d Peach
Grinders, Peach and Apple Par
ers and Peach S'.encrs.
Engines,Farm Implements,
Seeds anc! Fortlllzors
Alwai- la Order.
\ Mark W. Johnson & Co.,
¥7 Marietta Street, Atlanta, t!a.
* junlSlwiy 1 Mention this paper.*
is a arcxDY axd sveecvrc roa
IUinu or Blccllnq Piles, • Hemorrhoid/,
Sorct, Ulcere, Tumors. Itching of the
NEW' YORK—Evening—K
_ . lOO)*’. 4)4 pefTOWm^^^linniWr
Money q&iK. State bonds (airly active, about
steady. Bub-treasury belauosa: Coin, 9»l, d
HhJ.OU); currency f6.8T7.000. r
Tho following aro the closing quotations:
Ala. Htate bouda; iDeferred 10
pass A, 2 to A 78}$' Adams Expreso.^.457
Clara A, (mall..... 80 I American Kxp 92 I
Clara 13,6’#. 1W Jche* A Ohio K«
Clara B, 4’s 64 Chicago A Alton.-lW**
Chicago A North—UU^'C.BL L A N. 0 76
I do. prsferTsdM. M 146 IConsold'd cool...... 28
East Tcnn R. R...~ lO^w Fort Wayne., h —
* * . A fit. Jo
Parte, Fistula* and all Kindred Dis
eases; also of Burns, Corns, Felons,
Fever Sores, Scald Bead, Tetter,
an experience of twenty-five years In
.. this ointment, and during that time
having dowdy WAlched lr» effects, and haring
the te*tlmony of my friend* and neighbors to
confirm my confidence In its merits, 1 became
fully raiUficd of lu value, and 1 have bought
tho exclusive right to make and sell it, and of
fer It to yon as tho toot remedy In the world.
Han. H
Mi t. Elcvste-I..
Mich. Central..
Mobile A Ohio
N. J. Central..,
i -• 4 la rn.Hr i t....b .
lllncal* Central.
Jikc hhnro
»uUvU JU Null
M mp's A Char- 1 ■
Nwh. and Chat -
N-w York (Vu'I- l •;
ItUburvh i::v
i! hm'd A’. «1*
Uch. and Dan.. l'>t
bvk 1 * :<*:: ! ' S'.' -'
H.C. Brown on
W. tit 1m and l'-. -
do t.rcfcrre«l._ M
w. l*.T,.
Georgia f* * uo i
Go. 7a moitgage~*l<n HaulingJMMH
I Go. do. gold-!.. 11* I-4L L. A Ton t....
La. consoU....^ 1"$ do preferred.
N. Carolina.......^ 20 I do iuprcl’d.
N. Carolina, new- tu’i -H. IV- 1
Funding. —• W I do
jfeSw fcini fei PMiS. 110
to you
ilally for all forms of Piles.
This Is to certify that 1 havo triea iTyoris Pile
Ointment In a nue of plica, and atate that It
gave more relief than anything 1 have ever
ried. .J farther state that as a remedy for
1 also'Nsed It me a
twenty yean' «uml-
Int thing that 1 havo
mo more than momentary
.». j.
NrfkA W. prfi..„ . ,
N. Y.
Ohio A Misa... 6«
do. preferred.—-too
Pacific MaU 421
Quicksilver. ^
— - ltd that gave me more than moment
relief. 1 coiuluer now Oiat I am entirely
lleved from that dlstresslr- "
rang disease,
Troupo County, Go.
. rlngla ,
rate, with that distressing malady, the plle^
and after many inefii-ctuiu trials fed the ram-
die* In common nae, I commenced a short time
ago to use your life ointment. I experienced
turned late relief. From tb* relief experienced
In my cose, os well as from the reputation so
rapidly acquired by your Ointment lu this vl-
i rears, at I
Iffcdy. tba i
prt Jarred „
ctnlty, 1 have co hesitation In expv.'rilr^r the
opinion that It 1# the most efficient remedy for
piles ever invented. O A. BULL.
LaGrange, Go.
1 his Is to certify that I used Pryor’s ointment
— r of severe burr.. en«l that In a few days
It was entirely relieved of all Inflammation .raid
healed raphlly. After die first application of
Ointment, the patient suffered *~
^LaGreuge, Go.
Cotton Markets hr Teletawph.
LIVERPOOL July 6-rioon-Ootum In good
flymsnd and. freely met st^ravtoas^ pn£*s_
By the advice of Mr. Wynn, 1 used jronr I
Ointment on a servant girl who had bccnHP
faring for.eight years With a moat aggravated
east of plica fib* Improved from tbs very fin!
day's ass of your Ointment, and before using
the box she was entirely recovered,
r Pile
Middling uplands' t’ii middling
71-16; saW 12000; speculatloa amf export
• — ; Jnly end August • 6644! August end
September 6 5*6t; September and October 6 60-
6k October and .MevemLr 6 366L Futures
NEW YORK, July A—The Cotton exchange
This Is to esrtlfy that I havs
Ointment, and say that It Is, In my
best remedy for pika ever pe
lie. I say Uits from a —'*
U* trmMr on«r „wn
BALTIMORE, Jnly \-Colton quick mid
dling 12 •; low middling 12!k coral ordinary
1» receipt*—;grow-; sofas none; stock
M< •- J < >'•,
fern TON, July 6 —ftitton quiet, middling
17%; hrw middling 12%: good ordinary 11%:
net rsodpts 64. grass JU; sales none: stock
WILMINGTON. July 5.-Oo<ton firm;
filing 12 low mlddung U felfi; good xrd
10 11-16 net reoelpte RSgroai tq sales
— net leeeipts ?*r. grass sales to
- L stock
‘ Si&r
ijpun> trw£ i
'itw ORUAKfl. Jalr t-CMM finlrl;
mudllutus: low »UflUn«UH: «ood oidin.-
r- — '• net nedpa n era- 31; ulw
lie. I sftjr uti. tram . pcolllra .1
wild of price. Dr. J.BUADPIBLD,
Atlanta, Go.
For sola ererrwhare by Dragglets nnd min-
ry merchants. ssarMriAw
dllna 12 low mid
ry 11^4; net raoeipts
' PERRY & Ofl.’S
Nickel Pens.
Douglas Yolk, a ChletM a*--
i!»t. i* palntlni a rail leagt* portrait of ihl hk*
-li.. ,ru-« M'.ln, a« ■ H vn'.tt" 0>1-
Yorj* x » ' skull In hi* ki. \u
Olreyfng Orders.
Paris Letter.
A ROM Mnrjrwulald brnnnn,!. Ifi. «0-r
day, oboe:
• Hagt* who ml lo Ike noted
artist for his portrait, not very loag agu. On*
day. while a sitting was In progress the studio
door bell rang. Bonnot openral, and M. Peril-
i miod In the ante c
mw. sr i district attorney* are In-
raced i sp litt> them.
l;. M. Raymond doei not mate
nd of ahnshend to Aanle Lonfee
swkwsr-!. os Bonnat knew th* two
great seen b*l not soot toe at least a quarter of
JooUl MW, to ukl Ih, xttj Ik.
pnl nwm tl.—r. Vidor B«*oi^»w4lh.Mwl
_ _ _ nd nmlpts IR pn, H nlr S50; |
a-JPasHh5i , » sassra
relre 160 stock fjM
AO-IBHT*. July . Mlk. «I»WR
mur.inj iif.: tow Bhldlln* U!<im4 .ordin.
VJuTfcjSroT.'jllr 5^f3«'.on mid-
limirfi: low^wutoiini , i2 ; 5rSS , 25S ,u,fc
did M nta.U Ih. llrdkrt w ol
UM) who dwnd uonnd palnln•ndpod,
toUlM U1.1 ol Ih, UlwrtoM d«n bmi.
MIUwoT dM I.MW dpowfl.-1d Ih. M,
who In hto yoMdtf -toy. luo, MW. lb.prMw.
ol U’aubMdl. u the Ortonuu aflhd Dow-
I potto, lud Kunlrnd In the Kwh on I Rnltertn.
.Sr. ‘-njniu 3SM3I
| not ntwr n word, u, prtwnOy M. do Un
, p>. who to o nun id tod. undo hto bow
LiWruutod. Bonnot wo. eonlnwd In hU.
■BS Out Ikon woo nomo hUUon tout, o! dtod
to-tllM bdnoni the two Mwnnd loon
o.e.1 la l»,.lr* If he ho.lhnwltttn.lymr--
mlatok. In Mlmlittn, Ito tawpo. Ailho
. hru.hcr. on-1 t.dl*
i Kun
ratal ihataork *a* ovi
HdSJpltorJ trdlt'mon^S^^^^H
mjsr&s ggyaf jg 1
vsst r.^i
w - Udlhlil tho torn.
l-'.aono o(tu '
u. non It to Uwii to Moho 1
-Hat why did piw M rpooh tohlM, cbor
maitre?”eried famnel. . . ..
the poet, with a merry twinkle
roe not remember that
In hlaeyr “do toe not remember that you had
I taken mv prosslse not to move my wa jlft Whlto m wm o» work!]
loCy*t o. wurly w I ewld."
if s HI. Lsli
r.uo nt the Trial «
Of. Lools Foot DUp*
re wssradod t'■> explainl
iro. Ileeaterrlintoa m
ha mymsrim at tt oad eaptolewsa**
raw -eoeBering the mt" wse Jurt ae
IJ Bom, as mlaslnfetmioeon the estate of E
PmoTTStoxa-Market, advanced and firm
:fi&L“-«rSr5»toi-A u.
US* In bo, U)AK. T. H*snrd, lnlton*.
uiip.£& t BSai!g t figra^
r??lSJiy, Id®: h«chwbMi.l»Ja Whui
1 wan.percwuIUJ. ^
Oorras—Market aefai with
ch5KiK.iAprt»oHr»d. ftiou.m udt-
" * Int Whit.
' cor lood
MtnUMnrMtH .bow ennw, II ony they
h..., ot thii -tfic. on or by tho int Itondoy
n Aumutnwht. why th. MUM .boll noth.
«'*.?*'• m ,huidt>«ctoUr. Apfl^Ug
oprt.lfl. OrdlnorT'
7\ EOBSIA, JOSH iS;t.'NTr-Whdra, Mm.
Wi- ■ -■■ - • • — — —
, HAf.Hwtorn tow. (LS. Own
c.i.L. ,n-i li.T —
gaouuio aspTum-ralrdemaad:stock.light; I
Mousw ann hvae^—Os^a nuusu, 44a
z tirnu Srairalslraf. yfcsund
.Mortal dnlL Horseshoes H00
...10*, %■
r. w*;.V. O.whUw.
liS*.9K*2S SS.aSsC«
cards ML W*U
oor-.p*. 1*»-. ;er X. «»r.fe
I (sen M6>4C- P*» refine 6%r6te- per*. How
mriiMewn Nails H.T3—base el 16a his-
KoJaW powder act Lsod
Urh. Droe shot ti»p«r bag.
mkhuvsooL—iarar, Ue. riet.o. ptote
fc?-ver». Drops:
UHM.Ur liooltoes. lapori<\ aaedineo.
iliimenlr fifiJM. Elc*, 7-ww. _hali po6
Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle.
Ltftor (old) wtlcn in rock—top imp lut
of August.
Buffalo U.
S. Standard Scales.
arterial blood
18 nlwny, porf tctly putrroebt, b
X veinou*. so fell of dead tiaiuo t
Heal Uw forbids Hs tmtim food, bu.
blood, nlwa> * full of cowpen elomcnfe,
now n staple pr« j ori;»tion. If cre*lu
were rnr.*ncked a fouler mfiter# eouid r„-t
ba found. Hul none of it is used by kf.
THOMSON, M. D., liacoo, On., vho
ipure ratncdUf auywhcro to suit ll «*
rrehposdeaoe. ju2V!nwU
ribod in c
Of all kinds. Oar long oxperienco enable*
as to hnudlo to tho best mlvnata^ hII
grade* of of dried Fluents, Ai-rur, Hkii
was, Ggcuras, Vlvus, Kto. Liberal ad
vnnee* mndo on consignment*. Oorro
spondence solicited.
JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass.
tkd esa4H*M It Am isfiestsd, nisi la *)■«•« fry tuottf. Wiih •-*.# tto traaVUe *n • f
Itsa4is«, shfe om) ton Wtoww r, r..c so* 4>Ste«H M hiimim. (>M and naiihmlMln^l
iUiil vie tun*. Or. In esq mU’i Ksgiwa V# m»U Hours bun MstUrs sa4 ••■muastfe com ot sll liw
gsrtsafwr.inid to.tkn.t..*UHW•, trugsIsrUtMsa4puwgiraliWriiiMM; laeuustrssgtasagvtesr
U th* fcrwWo 1*4 •MMisua j h*tUt sp u4 ruimtN S«u>*|, Iwkw 4«*i sat ■■ rs-csl r tM.ta-
Omu: repair* Assssas*
• . : . .
J» t J*. <i.-d
•M 1.. i. ... ll •• k ..
tdlfi. .riVi ! (r*f l) 1
„*p»rsH*a'scm qsraoeaIs, “K-wsr* jeer towstor* trwtsaftraitorsii
*11 CUM to ptMMlr su«a4*4 to si enc#, l, Ih* w* ift«u auci.nn* ttot will (1*UH ito KomI.i
Ih* llm, mw i trrm Saw ot b(U sag eorry *ff thrae teOK-sikM; s**T*4t*s*, fill*, «U SM
s NhH* p*wj«r, sad >B m earllrg sod ; Dm
* >tra* *4 **4a w*U». tarr*Hw«fesV
or* rpectsSy hardened at Un
*heoo Vt
petal, win not •
‘ khtesaddarsfak. Bompls esrd. wiui
stytes of nktolilatod pens, sent foe
trial by cuB on receipt of Sccnta.
Bale Agent*,
Ivison, Btakcman, Taylor & Co.,
e 10 el tea nd admonish a
ntor and eaecotrlx of the estate 1
Kmllh,deceased,have applied tomafordfe-
m These are therefacs to eite and admonish all
on l oe^y*UM^finaMoodayTn Angura rarxt U any
theyjhare. why theitaeshall Dotbegsnled
t being
wf.l ..toto nlth.Mton hlmtnutr.tor.
I*.11 KMnrw«»r.mcii
to .ton. “r tWr tonwltoM
M'.n.l.y m AtonMt nwrt. why town ol atml*
UtrntUiu not be bMUd to j. W. Jot,
clffk ot th. Rupertor t'oort ntt‘mwlo.1
it h.n‘1 o aea
O. n. Ro«l«liug’.
"Hi l*tp»lnr tlr.fl,
lot’ fit r,
Crocorloa, Plantation
Supplies, Bagging.
Tics, Etc., Etc
I'ntabllHire,! IH37,
r ,5fer U 1N C C E d w C j» W At. 0£.x
■ -r>
% W
\ • •
Price-list. W.». DILLINGHAM A
421 MainStrest, LOUISVILLE. <K
rail!: Practical Life. !7„“ iY,’,:-
Cheapest BIBLES. 1 :....;,
: Yff*
•aa ENDORSES a**
Pronouncing THE LANCASTER v/ATOto
ITew Edition, 118,000 *wfc.
fl. L. ALLEN & CO.
Produce CnmrMssion Hertlianlf,
104 Warron St., Now York
Wo solicit oonsignmonts of
Sun-Dried anti Evaporated Frails
3000 tnnro than snyotVr Emrlmh Dtitjanar^l
Four Pftgra Colored Pinto*. jQM
Engrnvine*, (n. arly thr- e im.•»- jumaro
in any ».llier I »n fy,) nl «• or-ntnln«.i Biecntal^
leal Dtctlonnxj iririn^ I rh f if>ipfw».riJto*hi
concerning over 9700 noted 1
Iferomme ntletl by Ptato
36 states, an-l »-y 50 Ooll. rrnratona.
A AC. MERRMM A GO.. Pab'rs, HpnsgtaAg, I
t psrwnm.
i • if Ittormomi to
Parisian Garrousells
Fifing Horse Machines,
Cincinnati, Ohl
toaj to CiUhgw A rrlm
For Breakfast
Sold EverywhoM.
New York Deoot206 Greenwich St
Kinaa SiEicv&ca
H9-IS3 ti.t Ua, CL 200 .V.F,.. L.v»*
AGENTS Wauled:
1 Books*. BtiaMi
1 am cow making a specialty of the
Lummusor Improved
I claim that it U tha most compact
and simply contracted gin made, con-
a apntly it is more easily operated
l wiU run longer without Heading
repairs than gins with complicated
‘machinery; that it combines tha reeriu
3amru in greater degree than any oth
er gio- It will pay }ou to sea thia gi
before baying. junl2eod±wtta:
Bibb County Sheriff'• Sale.
sos Ike Aw
thedwtlUagondloi eaOfbtVwne •treat, be
tas part of Tote Sea. hawtlata tha Mthmt
nngeaf the'.'.yaf Naeea. More.tart r
known as let MraLU tha sarvey «f the retatc
|o4 MrvJan* higsra. totnatbefacmef smtaeoea
I -• >1 ya twee
weshly, illthfetid* ;*td area
CfXA atooee he explanatory et^m
nOU Ur* and para record. r»x Dtvt-
Ur* and l-a»t r
J Asads pstt tort
1 1 LI Latoll
I a Mt.NKI
■ ■
- •■id*
Tboossnds of raaaieal families through
out tha Booth are tctenJiu* to purchase
1*1x110* and Org-M In tho fail, uhen cot-
• in. why wait! Huy at once,
fctill more JojfnL Tho summer Lud* os
with a tremendona stock of Instrument^st
Savannah, at our NINE B BAUCH
liDL'SES, at our coanllasa Agencies, and
with aa many more to arrive before Octo-
Do. B. C. West's N vets avo ^oaiv Texat-
■svt: aspordhe fat Uroterlo, Dtxxlness, ton-
vuuions, Kcrrous Headache. Mental Dtpemt
ion, Laos of Memory. IprnistafThraa, fato
teney. Involuntary, FrtmatoraOld
Age, enuead by orerexertloa. self abuse, at
over-indulgence, which Wads to mlacry, decay
nnd death. One box will care recent coeea
Faeb box contains oaa month's treatment Oas
doUar a box. ersUbosas far ftva 4dlan; sent
by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WafaaH
autee six boxes to rare any cose. With each
smta|mdi|jMHH|j|m4 the pwrrfcaMr
*y i
bar 1st. wh*c wa art under coatract to taka.
We cannot carry Uus immensa s'oek until
fill. It most ba cold. It will be. Cash
Iwill want many ln>trnm*nfe. ‘
slaUmtnt buyers will taka more, and tbo«a
I who at this time of tha soar cannot itata
veniently mo* 1 oar Installincut taym
will gladly com# io order oar
Ow by Lamas, Raseix A I.uii
kfacoa and Adaata. Go. Orders by mall si
regu’ar price. aorll-dwly.
wSfitSLLiL.kj li trJs'jj
;V..r \ ^EL l uiSflV
v ;v.r 'V... ; .']?. r}££Z’££ :l w
wty »>f F‘ ’• r Harris, d • i * * ■' 4 ^ i i ' \ ir 11 />
ibatahb lajsriir OeU. ta favor of JL 9. Bret 0 A 1 \1<W. ^
jataw testa rmpasty Mtarieit gf ,v jwjitowOwf m
QP'IJW! ' r ' J
(XKLD , u> cured paneuls and ohym- i j \ .- K a: wt- ^
rian*. Hec 1 tor tuf CS The HaWI \Jy<.r «•> fry *.i Irurr^- f-re.-a-c l • }W
W. McKAY, Principal.
Midsummer Special Offer
sn nuns vs aviaxo.
r ox.
fin cash non >
Acd tho balance November 1st ip
mi i.v,
nt of Interest. Oo Interest
•drenew Ut price. If bakncacon't La j
in tha fall, longer time will ba given, wuh
a rcaAOtiab!e iucRAM of price. All In'
entsof every grsd-
decludwwtcmly 1
ATint-CUu In,time (or Fnctlal
Bu,ne„ Initrmcuou. Book-
keeping. Etc.
fj.<!urt(4 bj the LttLi Basiwu Mrs. i
Students Ctn Enter it any Time.
“>*<Ireu'.Ara sent free.
| jale. Tetl year maalaal fn
Write im for Catalogues, Frvw
culare and full ptrUcular*.
doses October 1,1 -'. Karl)
cait-- cil-L price* and «*-) Ui
LtiJdtn V !UW <..ut!,.rn Minc ll m ;i
1!. ilreal Pum »s<I ')rns !>{*.'! >f iV Fimih 1