Newspaper Page Text
V TMIE WI v I .V« Tons.
time, darling." he gently vaid,
look shone la his eyes of brown.
I,i, -t \,y hU royal throne,
when X dummy ovaf
farewell; 'twaa a sweet good-bye,
tratrhed him (to with a troubled sigh,
the laasket that swaved and swung,
Crtv« r. I him in the depths below.
,•1.10 with iutreaaea brown,
i x (nee In the mluiug town.
> morning rame.but the marriage bell.
• in the tower, ran* a mournful kneel
urn.' heart burled *neath earth end
„ the heart of the mine—alone,
irful i«al on their wedding day.
ttaeakiiig heart and the heart of clay,
!• fs~ that looked from the tresses
» reddest face in vho mining town.
time rolled on iu weary way
•n with their shadows gray
■d the light of her sweet eyes*
Ujp? 33-Wkltr 'an& SowsmH &
outburst of enthusiasm emanated from
anyone, and the universal word waa, “If
Oartrell is elected I won’t cry.”
Our oounty selects delegates to the W eat
PointCougcesslonalconvention on the2Md.
They will probably go instructed for Hon.
Hugh Buchanan.
We had an excellent rain on the 20tb.
Fanner* are prett> near all done “laying
by " Grope are reported a* looking very
Jolt 24.—Mr. R. IL Morrladled last Fri
day morning about 1 o’clook, and was
buried at the Fottville graveyard Satur
day morning, about 10 o’clock. A large
crowd waa in attendance, and all received
Newton oountj—H. H. II. Armstrong; abundant and farmer* are beginning to
Madison church—Rev. -W. H. Norton;' get “long-faced” ou aocount of the ootton
Brownwood, Morgan coonty, James h. ' crop. Corn la aa fine m the land can potai-
Chilcs, Miaa Bailie Noles; Itamath, Pot- bly make it, where it haa been well ' *
tuned the brown of her hair to anow.
n kiss from a husband's lips,
Kmm of a child's sweet fingertips,
if... i . ,„c moment the shadow* brown
Saiimddest heart la the mining town.
the depths of the mine one day,
■■•■wd earth they were dlg*lnir away.
»v«ml a face, so young, so fair,
smiling lip to the bright, brown
it the finger of Time's decay,
r drew him up to the light of day,
rrm~ people gathered ’round
man thU3 strangely found.
Swoman came from among the crowd,
!- : - white hair, and her alight form
CSV knelt by the form of clay.
■ old race with iu snowy hair
rul bosom lay pillowed there.
..... . ! her at la>t,hls waiting bride,
buried them side by side.
/ M •mthor of'Cer/.w
» \ '/■■;/■
Con J CM.
>3.—The Atlanta district confer-
tho M. E. Church, convened here
rur-d vy morning. Bov. Jesse Boring
i). i >. , r.^idod with his usual dignity.
H. L. Crumley was elected secretary.
, w i n very full attendance, there be
nt,.,;;! hundred and ten members
rut. Among those present not mem
of the conference we will mention
II. Potter, D. D, editor of the
\ry<in C/»ri«fi«u Advocate) Dr. Smith,
Female College, and Prof,
m r Wright, of the Georgia Methodist
tale College. Rev. Samnel P. Jonea
id,« .1 to the largest oongrega-
1 ever raw assembled
l;ers. The sermon was characteristic,
took ii collection for the orphan%’
U, and received something over two
ulr* - l dollars. . .....
i r | ».»• :.-r preached today at 11 o clock
v r y l u >o ml appreciative oongrega-
i. ii, -t....k for his text Hebrews x, ill:
it u boll fast the profession of oar
:it wavering; for bo i« faithful
ni* 1
day morning, about 10 <
crowd was in attendance, ----- t
a good wetting before they could reeeh
home, as we had a heavy rain about the
cloae of the burial. Farmers were needing
rain some. Crop* are still ve*r promis
ing. E. A. M.
July 24 —Hon. Joeeph E. Brown’* dona
tion to the State University la not applicable
to my case. It ia true I am uneducated,but I
am to*. Md to go to school. The restrioiions
upon the gift remind me of children giving
things to each other, and then if the re
ceiver doe* not act to snit the givsr, the
liberal donation is withdrawn. Aa Mr
Brown has the State of Oeorgia under oca
trol, it would be rather a reflectiol
on him should the State Legislature
reject any suggestion he might
make. So, of coarse, they will acoept tho
donation without hesitation. How would
Governor Colquitt do for chaplain of the
Legislature. He is first-rate on camp-
meetings and Sunday-school celebrations.
11 am jn favor of giving him a trial.
A burglar visited our town last Saturday
night He went into the bouse of Esquire
I Moss, our postmaster, and actually took a
suit of clothes from the head of the bed
where he and his wife were sleeping. In
oonsequence of this, Mr. Moss we*
rather late opening the mail on
Sunday morning. He also visited the El
lington House and inconvenienced ons of
our young men considerably, about at
tending church Sunday morning. It is not
at all fashionable In Palmetto for a man to
an two suits of clothes at the same time.
Campbell county sends delegates to West
Poiut, for P. F. Smith, of Newnan, for
Congress. Delegates It. M. Holly, F. H.
Steed, J. H. Lock, S. R. Freeman. Y.
Jult 22.—The long expected rain has
come at last. It commenced at 8 o’clock
this morning and has been a continuous
rain daring the entire day u£ to our writ
ing. Oar farmers have worked with teal
and now they are resting in the shad-3 for a
short time, crops being about laid by. Cotg
ton is on a boom, com is better and more
planted than has been sinoo tho war, or at
least our older farmers s»y that Talbot
county will need nooorn from the IVcst
next year. Yonr correspondent saw this
morning a few ears, a sample of which
Mr. J. D. Parker, of this place, says he has
five hundred bushels just like in hi* crib
his plantation. We say that looks like
Hying at home and boarding at thoaamo
place. What any yon, Mr. Editor?
Mr. H. M. Mitchell, son of Dr. P. H.
Mitchell, of this pltoe, has just returned
from Milledgeville, where he has been at
tending the Middle Ge-rgia Military and
Agricultural College.Yonr oorrespo
i many
*r county—J. L. Bryant; Providence,' Greenville. a part of the “aupleasantnesa” be-
asper oouniy-Willls Newton; Carmel, , j ULT 25.-The reins reoently have been tween Peru and Chili; cruised among the
” ■ * ” ** " * * • • • • Sandwich Isles, hobnobbed with royalty
and bathed with Booth Sea islanders, lie
deserves all prahse, being a Georgian and
Tho surrounding country has enjoyea
copious showers, and every farmer-man
wears a smilo as broad as his own som
brero, and in truth, from the present
outlook, hominy will not be scarce another
year, but as to the “hog’’ part of Unfamil
iar quotation, I can’t say anyth‘rg, the
15oeota per pound having bred an un-
familiarity which begets ignorance of all
statistics in respect to his pokership.
Macon coonty has had her big
camp meeting to which the country
cousins and their town friends il icked iu
great numbers. Boon the celebrated Dooly
camp meeting comes off. These frequent
camp meetings cannot but remind one of
Mark Twain’s reply to one inquiring as
to tho propel time to cut elder. iv. A.
county, B. W. Clark, Mre. A. C.’ BbU-
lips, Thomas Napier.
The following questions were before the
convention for disru»aion: Are Bunday-
schools valuable auxiliaries to the church?
Is Sunday-school work included in the
commission? How shall we interest more
churches in the work and secure their help?
If Bunday-schools ought to be organized
ai d maintained by the eburohoe, whose
fault is it if they are not? Our needs and
how to supply them. The above questions
were ably discussed on Friday and batur-
day by Rev. W. H. Norton, James E.
Chiles, Willis Newton and B. W. Clark,
J ........ worked.
aud most of our county lyw been well
worked. The abundant oat orop bis been
a “god send to our county.” Oats are sell-
tng at from forty to fifty cents per bushel;
wheat about one dollar per bushel.
Mr. .Alex. Andrews, a young
nan of our oounty, has threshed
about 20,000 bushels of wheat and oats thin
season. Mr. Andrews is one of our most
energetic aud prosperous joung men, and
will suocoed in any country.
Mr. Moffett, our sheriff, saw anotioeof-
a reward of $100 in your most excellent
jxper of the 21st inst., and always having
Tho blackboard exercise was conducted day evening, nidod by Messrs *
on Sunday morning by James F. Unles, ley and Gas Miller, started out on the “war
of Madisou, aud was vary iatereetin,?, also I path,” and about night brought in
a lecture by Rev. W. II. Norton. Tho ©on- ] colored brother answering
a lecture by Rev. W. ii. Norton. I no con- j colored brother answering the de-
vention adjourned on Sunday morning, aeription of John Bailey, who killed the
•*-1 appointed preaching at 11 o’clock by I man Paris Tapman, on 20th of June. Tho
—Norton fol owed by Rev.W. H.Owens, | Mar Q n left cheek is very plain; oolor,
of Covington. The proceedings and ser-1 weight aud heighth correspond, but the
viees throughout were very interesting and I boy nrrestaJ looks to be younger than 25
everybody* *at home folly convinced of the or :W years. The party arrested by Mr.
great work that Bunday schools, under l Moffett gives his narno as Bteve Biddle,
care of the church, are destined to accom-1 and says he is one of the four who broke
plish at no distant day. The officers elested jail at Talbotton on July 20th. Mr. Mof-
to serve for the next year are: J. B. Reese. I fett will hold him “until farther orders.”
president, Eaton ton; Willis Newton, first I Sulphur Springs, of our county, has
vice-president; E. N. Alliston. second vice- j about 200 guest*. It is a place
S rcsident; B. W. Clark, third vice-president; I that any one wishing lo spend a few weeks
. E. Chiles, secretary; J. T. Davif, tress-1 pleasantly should reek. The surooudings
rer. . I are attractive, Rnd the society as good as
Siuoe the action of the convention every I 0 ur State affords. The table groans nuder
body has fallen in*o line and are ready to I the amount of good things it has to carry,
“whoop up the boys for Mr. Stephens, j We wonder that everybody doesn’t come to
They are extremely well pleased with the “Sulphur Springs.” It is within four miles
nomination of torn Hardeman, and no 1 of Chipley, and most excellent hacks and
doubt would be highly gratified to have I prancing teams convey passengers and
him make a sp ech iu Jasper county during I visitors to and from tho springs,
the campaign. And Mr. DeLaoey always welcomes
Miss Bailie Dozl *r, of Opelika, Ala, is I tt n visitors with his real best
spending the summer with relatives in our j “Chesterfield” bow, nnd never allows
village. .... ,1 anyone to feel lonely while there. “Mike - ’
There are a few cates of typhoid fever in I M inimitable, and makes everybody enjoy
our section, bat none likely to prove fatal* I their visit to “his springe,” and they all
T. I wish that the summer was longer. Why
flenoln. I don’t ail your folks come to Sulphur
Jclt 25.—Two Senoia boys were sitting I Springs ? They would certainly enjoy it.
in a restaurant in Atlanta, just before tho I Toni Atkinson is certainly the leading
assembling of the convention, when one of j candidate in orr county for the Legisla-
them remarked to the waiter to hurrv up, I ture. He is young but rlevel-he.rded, and
they wanted their dinner so they could g »I would make a member that we would not
to the convention and vote for Stephens. | feel ashamed of.
Captain E. 1*. Howell heard the remark I Mrs. llattio Hinton lef ■. this morning
nua asked if they were Stephens delegates. I for Alabama on a viait to her father, the
They told him they were, and from Farette j Hon. J. B. Fuller, of Salem, wh‘re sho will
county. Whereupon Csntain Howell in-1 remain for several weeks. Jot
fisted upon paying for their dinner. He I the youngest "limb of the law 1 _
liquored, set up the ci *nrr and then carried I county, is going right into good practice,
•the boys down nnd introduced them to Mr. and is making older ones feet real small.
Stephens aa Stephens delegates. But when I Joe is bound to make his mark He is
Fayette county waa called in the con-1 of one of the best families in our county,
ventlon, the gay young Etepheus men l and prorees business in his hands to the
were non eat. Senoia boys aro good <nes I satisfaction of all hi* clients.
Mr. A. W. Van House, a Senoia boy, ob-1 Judge Williams's mill pond is to be turned
taineil the first honor at the university com-1 off next Thursday evening, and a fish fry
mencement this year, and Mr. Fre1 llunui-1 nnd barbneue is to be had there on Friday,
cutt a speaker's place. Thii was his first I Wish you and oil your “hungry staff” could
term there, too. R* 8. I be present and g**t a real square meal. We
I expeet to bo there, and will help your paper
Lear*. | all wo can. Jack.
good wishes for him in the futare.
, tho Great Head of ths
irch, by his unerring Spirit, haa exiled
beloved co-laborer and toother, Da-
1,. Andersou, a member of the
I, < ;.<ergia Conference, of this district
in -nr v ltd paitor of this (Con vers)
ircli, to tho great mission field of China;
Iwh.reas, Brother Anderson is one of
> nobh ,-t and best yonng men, an of-
rat juicier and paator, appreciated
1 by all who know him; and that
r going out to this foreign mission
h.mj'.j in his lifers?!: cf prcnch
irchable riches of Jesus to
lie it lien darkness, and may never
ions us again—
HU (i)i lost wa, indlstriotconfer
jlod, deem it fitting and propsr
nr warmest sympathy in this
nnd that Brother Anderson aud
r.ily carry with them our most
i), That we reoommend
erson to Dr. Young J. Allen,
ndent, aud t> the
EtC <
ftlthiu minister, worthy the confidence
lovn of all the brethren,
no/rrr! ':!)• That copies of this paper
or war (led to Dr. Young J. Allen, the
\(,‘i/iin ( hristiau Advocate, and
filer Anderson.
very cnthu.-d.ntio meeting of the “Wo-
»'h Mi-irtionary Society," waa held this
'0° h ive bad good rains all ovsr the
uty jcuterday and to-day, Ro*k r
»i» n »w , njoying a big crop "boom/
itticr with bur a ater counties.
[on. Wm. L. reek will be a candidate
re -elortiun to tho I^gislatule. He is «
iper atico in no, nnd strongly in favor of
stock law. Mac.
That 1 * was a protracted raeetihg com'
mcnoed at the Methodist church here last
ght—the services conducted by Rev. E.
Itintze. Every face looks pleasing sinoe
the rain Saturday. fcvao.
: ba
i .M.—Eirly Saturday morning last,
W. P. Fambroagh called for your
hee*p<>n<i-ut t.i tak.* him oat to OaptMo
\ tiulliugn’e to a splendid barbecue. He
bat one compinint to lay at the door of
iandi*o( t :» I'rofsssor, and that is, hs
old bachelor to long that when
gelt into the society of young ladies,it is
lost mu tter of itnioMibilitytogatblm
ay from them, lie ha* been teach*ng at
osnpson f<>r tho u-t foot yean and baa
leti IU gettiug A life partner, hence ha is
hand to try the Senoia girls. If you
>w of any joung lady wishing to bo
ut teacher in a tlournhinj
i* direct them to l'ruf. W.
Thompson, Ga.
s barbecue. Cnptain Stallings'
» miles dli ‘ * *
Jclt 24.—The election m ihe Wb»t«m
portion of our county, on the feno* quas-
tton, to which I referred in my last, came
off on the 22nd lost, and resulted in the
adopt ion of the "stock law." This portion
of the county is separated from the rest by
Yellow river, oontains a great deal of fer
tile land, is the horns of some of oar most
prosperous farmers, and will doubtless b#
greatly benefited by ths operation of the
stock law. If the stock taw works well
the probability is that it will be
. d by the other portion of the oounty.
Everybody here is in fine spirits in oon-
-jqusno* of the glorious rains last week.
The forward upland corn is considered
made, and ootton U looking wsll and grow
ing rapidly. cT I>.
use, snrrouudtd by magsifi-
beneath whose umbrage the
>et seeiitod lawn grass is grosing, pre-
ting mi inviting appearance,
lej.;. Stalling* aud hi* good lady
led lo give their farm hands a l.
iiitii of the appreciation of their fsitli-
l»b.>r by way of a bsrbacue. A fid in so
ng th-y'thought best to invite a few of
C* neighbors nnd ScnSiv friends to h‘
sent, which was done. The day was
bn>> one; not so with the hi *
;»e pre^eut. The oontinuouv rail
i ,l»oon prevented the guests from fishing
Curalking over the captain’s fine farm,
.mltoiu what we saw, we pronounce the
rj occof the Cueet we ever saw. The
lusnitality o
tu« family, than whoi
rer fmniiy in the count;
itality of the Captain
re U no
ty. Mis* lto«a
• - r<rt, . t A £t
__ _ eeks at
feel very proud of Mise
ocher since her con-
•ge. We always pre-
Aintl and Mechanical College
revulc. is spending her rest week*
father’s. UT *
Uonwith d th
rad bright thing" of
x. Frank Bloolworth and family,
gnnah, are spending the sumu
xth» here. We alt like l rank, but when-
» there i« a li’tl- fun ahead lie always
I as cuipbatirally he doesn’t belong to
boor's). .
eite no int. resting protracted
•ling carried on here in the Baptist
r*h, ( inducted by tho pastor, Hev. A.
Vaulltuse. He will be nvi-t*d thus
fc in Hu? meeting by the IteT. M. Mc-
, of Griffin.
»te editor of l‘h>
taut me moaslache
My he ia th*ag'ie*t . ..
Iburel) be ought to take coaaolotiou
y ihe fict tost highly intelligent people
ix has atraightaned
sof his. The girU
d man in the worlJ,
r featoree.
•cb* to
if Upson Superior
Thu week w as set
het, but it will not be
It is ‘
o an till lo morrow. It l.< thou;
ioe ca-e of the SUte V S \N lata will
d to-morrow rfue-dsy) morning. 1
> Ihe
ed with visitors, and U is
s crowd will be much tar,
a families
and the tnal
OCg the ci!
one iu many
Jult 25.—Since the enthusiasm mani
fested m the gubernatorial contest has
died away, Louisville ia quiet as usaah W e
have all settled down to tbo usual hum.
drum live-at-home style.
From tho number of drummers who
show aud sell goods here now we think the
merchants are anticipating business
enough as soon an the fall crops begin to
Mil. arid a little money gets in.
The history of LouBwille as a "dry city.’
commences to-day. The license of the
last whisky house expired yesterday, and
by a special act of the Legislature for this
county none at all can be obtained in the
oounty no license. S» for the first time
since her existence uot a drop of whisky
in be bought in the county. W.
Jult 2C.—William Denard. an .ex-con
vict, was shot aud instantly killed on Han
day evening last, by Dock Bridges, also ad
ex-convict, ou the plantation of Mr. James
Haddock. . , ...
Fodder-pulling is in order in this sec-
tion. . .
We are having an inmeueo amount of
Tub Brunswick Adeertiter c.nd Appeal
punches iVaycross in the following style:
"Of the sixteen members of our present
chain gang, fifteen are from Waycroea.
This is a sad commentary upon the morals
of that town. Whilst on this subject, we
would a«k if it b* good policy for us to take
these chans from neighboring towns on
our force ? Do they not very naturally
stay here after their term of service is out,
they beiog a class not identified anywhere ?
We are in favor of immigration, but not of
that element."
Whew an editor returns thanks for _
bottle of good gin,” in July, it is fair to
infer that the gir^ * *'
is nigh at hand.
Fix-book editors continue to vent their
spleen against the editor-in-chief of this
paper because he hnd the "audacity” to
opposa the nomination of Mr. Stephens,
after Gov. Colquitt had tendered the old
gentleman the nomination. It is a small
business, but it is too b'g for the pin-hook
fTuE Calhoun County Courier report* that
>/. Janes killed two bears near Leary last
Least Is having trouble iugeiting its ar
tesian well finished, but the plucky little
town will have artesian water all the same.
“Where there's a will there’s a way," even
through the hardest rocke.
A obkat many editors seem to think
there is a considerable amount of 1 in a
watermelon, if the way they spell the word
Jclt 25.—The following announcement
will appear in this week’s Ka-tman
* 1 A public meeting of the people of the
rn aud oounty is callul to mast at the
oourt-house in Eostuisn on th* 5th day of
August next, at 3 o’clock p. m., for the pur
pose of taking inch action and attending to
inch business m may oome before it in
refereeee to the contemplated building of
the Savannah and Faeifie Shore line rail
way through the county of Dodge and
town of Eastman. As the meeting prom
ises to be one of unusual interest to om
people generally, It Is hoped a large num
ber will be present.
I Signed l "Maxt Cmiw."
A great deal of interest is already man!
fested, and no doubt an Interesting and
enthusiastic) meeting will be heid.
Fall gardens art receiving doe attention
re auspicious, as tbs gentle
falling for a day or two.
Coaxes roxonrr.
Jult 25.—Th* heaviest rain that has,
fallen for years fell here last night. It is I » lalmetts,
impossible to pass about over t >wo, on ac- Jclt 20.—Some men, when thoy wish to
count of water. commit suicide, tnko pistols, others drown
Fodder is ocnaiderably damaged by too thsmtelves. while a few resort to the rope,
much rain. but it renmmed for a man in our oouoty to
Host In cotton is plentiful, and it is to almost kill himself eating. Onyesterdsy
be feared it will do serious damage to the » young man whom we will call Mr. A.
crop in some sections. F. F. Gairnx. wont to a protracted meeting, aooompa-
nomn nied by a youug lady. At the dose of the
m .. \, ... ... I services thoy wont to the bouse of a friend
Jult, 2i.—Mr. l.CJ. Barney, the live I f ot di uner , Tnore they met another young
agent of ti.o Telbobapu and Messknokb, I man, whom I will call Mr. B. The two
has been us. He comes nearer young men, with no taslin,
.U- th.n *nv I compunction for ths lady’s < ,
» • i. , P MC l ? any I agreed to have an eating match,
man out of it. He w«ns his way and car- They partook freely of eabbage, green
the Tklxobavu awi> tdnasxaxx with him. I oorn, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes,
Th.Mtat.0t th. IU. Alfred Shorter 1.1 beyi«., gtMn fOM-Irteh potatoMUBd
. I . a-.a nAi vri- i, I pickled artiohokes, besides seven kinds of
estimated at about $720,000. His death, I mM , ( dinner they were served with
which occurred on the 18th inst, haa cot I peaches, apples, watermelons nnd musk-
ceased to be a matter of general comment* mtl ,ons. They also agreed to see which
' r -»* L *« b *« »« * ho !"“‘ r * ,Kl to SJ? U.“t“''.IUMr,Vt “orf , T. ’and »m ul
the tame extent that broad-minded beuev-1 injured, and attended church to-day. Mr.
oleoce, combined with those frugal traits I A. was not so fortunate. The yooug lady
J0M..UII.I to th. ««ouml.liou of With. ^ r ^hMh«To\h.“‘.^u.‘r.ud ~S!d
Th. .Ktnbll.hlnu of Shorter Co'.lfuo i» U. | no (orth „. Th , doctor hu Ihcu
most Important work of his life. That [ vritH him last night, aud report* him
institution received at his hands more I in a very critical condition. Us ie still
$150/0). Amply endowed, and by I having spasms, also eholora morbas.
placed under ths supervision of Rev. I Would it not bo well for parties of this
L. K. Gwaltney, D. D., one of the most dis-1 kind to carry cob’croshers with them on
tinguiahed educators of the South, it stands I nuch occasion* aa this?
forth at onoe In the front rank of femalsl Our oounty send ninl delegates to the
seminaries. Georgians need go no farther I Her niori«l cuuwntion. The plaoe of meet*
North to secure ths highest advantages for I inu has not fcwvn decided npon. Ths entire
their daughters. . I delegation are favorable to to Mr. George
Our ex-mayor, Major Sam Morgan, who I Martin, of Meriwether,
wa* s rook on the head by Strickland some I We are having protracted rains. Crops
four weeks since, has not yet recovered. I are in good oouditiun, and the prospect is
It is feared that even should he reoover his I flatter- -
strength, hie mind will be permanently!
affected. Strickland is conflccd in jail. I Mndlaou.
Boating on our beantifnl river is the I Jult 2C.-I write this beeanse I am a
popular amusement this season. Different iU b*criber to joor paper and I like to see
' Dally
Wbal the People Think and Do.
The Teleobapu and Gen Gartrell seem
to stand npon the same platform.—.4merU
cue Ilecordrr. There isn’t v uch in the
seeming. Tho Tkliobapu axd Massnoxa
and General Gartrell do not stand on tho
same platform. He ia satisfied with the
platform adopted by the Stephens conven
tion, bu‘ the Telkoraph axd Mehkxoeh
regards it as a piece of high sounding bal
derdash. It docs not pronounce against
Indopt ndentism. Is that the reason ths
Recorder aud General Gartrell endorse it ?
Newt and Adeertiter: It is bad policy
for the BAme old girl to go back to the
same watering place year after year.—-?*
They say this t» fine caterpillar weather.
Few as yet have been found on the farms
in this scobOD* and it is hoped he ia mak
ing his advent too late, to do much barm to
this crop.
Tbe Republican convention will be held
in Atlanta on Wednesday, August 22.
Savannah hai “colored wretches, ’ “bel
ligerent butcher*,” and things. Savan
I aign of
oomputa. of vooo, meohiv.built..,. wim .UUo,, from oar to»n.
•rol ptaMOr. bo.U oopobl. of ctrr,lo, I vour oorrMiwnd.nt "II.” 1. ,1,1.1,,,.
<l,h( or tea ooapteo Mch. B, m.oL. of o I .too. to Oolelhcrpo and n.,lKUno ,oor
■taro whMl two itrootf BMl coo prop.11 p.p. r too Ions. Uojoom,. I ho,, lorn-
(Iwm Iwo, erofti ot » dolfghtfol rota of I m .noMl L'rain'ilin^., but tlico w. or. pron.
•pMd. Tb., tak. to. stem of bomlM and to lb ood con', brlp lb for oon. J.on, tad
oorrtogM. l icolco on aiooll, on Qw rl,.r | .u „! .bo taioil, in oomploioiog now of
July 25.—Upson SoperloT Court Is atiU
i session, Judge Stewart presidini
Among the visiting attorneys present,
notice ex-Goteraor Smith, of Columbus,
M ihimi __
Rose at the Rock last winter, and who haa
been eoofined in jtU in Macon for several
months, was brought donm by Hherif!
Foster, and this morning has been placed
on trial for his Ufe. Much Interest
is manifested in the care by oar citizens
generally, as the families of both Rose
and \\ bits are large and Influential In th*
—rntr. Both cldcs are very ab’yrepre-
ted, the 8tat* by Kx-Gov. Smith, Judge
John L Hall, Col. Heat, Col. Trala ^*
Solicitor-General Wouimack; the
by Gen. G-rtreU, Cot Boynton, Cot Irwin
and Cot Allan.
I was glad to meet my old army oom*
rede, tbe irrepressible Tom Barney, of tbe
Txuubapu ard MESsaxoan. in our town
yesterday, lio Is working hard for the T.
and M., and I am glad to say is getting a
good list of subscribers. The Tall.;iui h
axd Mnazxaxa is mowing more and more
with popular with our eitlxeo* every dar.
lips and iu onr hearts of the „ Mrs. Ella Means, wife of Mr. John
- . . jr. M•an^ of Atlanta, and daughter of
Capt J. W. F. Hightower, of this place, a
most estimable Christian lady, died In At
lanta this morning and will be buried at
this ptao* to morrow. A. J. K.
2111 ner.
Jult 25, AM u. m.—Yesterday. last
night and to-day copious showers of rain
bars fallen slowly bat continuously. The
stmo«pher* is pcrifisd,snd a most d«dight-
fol climate is ours-equal to th* springs of
Meriwether county.
Samuel D. Irvin, E*q-,( for, like Judge L.
E. Bleckley, be despises the empty title of
“Oolooel” so generally forced c
legal profession, and by which
lie members f«*l flattered) left y
evening for Thomaatoo to defen
F. White, Eeq., charged with th*
Mr. Irvin is a Is
that branch of the law. lie Ii w
Ponoooll, known in ituxm, ud
too o.minoUoa of Mr. A. H. t
Tbero U much doMlufMloc
oor b«. nm uniM br to. mi
Mr. Htepbau'i nomhution; mu,
»oto for Mm; will rote for
OfMteoU; nn will no. go to U
Hod ko bom nomiaotad b, too to
•olo too non, would Koto ooppa
wito o foil ood nndiobtad rata.
Rintits'e Mills, Jasper Cos
Jult 24.—Plenty of rain, fine «
meriings. pU.nty of goo t things to
a joUy good ttase generally, U the
I-— I of too Bomtar Ml. >.•',< fi
cbnrcbM lo too Control Aioocta’-
wUh Bototl .-I. .-rh. lo Jo.p«r «M
I'llJ«y. ood bold toroo dor*. Ro
Son.,o. of Mod.-on, pmoebod U
octorj formoo, after wbtab too
oo ou onooiMd by .looter, Wl
m. ci i
»•*>*. »1 Aid'll •'/!., -r .*"! ; .
g deirgdtas were in attsndsnee
►I'irrii. Js-per o >J. B. Wl L W.fl.
Folk, Mr-. M. IL lip:
. .. | rain—can’t dry froit, nor wash, nor do any
I »h°Pplng. I agree with Bill Arp anyway
it D I °° domestic affairs, and had rather have a
Tbe fanners In this section report
finest grain crop siuoe the war. Cotton
looka well but tb* stand is not good. II.
* I for "Little At**,’for governor. I
Hickory urove. I a few farmer* complaining of too much
Jult 25.-W* were visited Saturdiy I rain for that HtU* cotton on tbtir bottoms,
morning by a slow rain, which wa* very I but I say let it oome, for I want to see
much needed at this time. We can on-1 corn and peaa jast as plentiful aa oats and
talnly boast of having good crops in this I .
and adjoining communities. Crops are I Politic* is bring discussed dal'y, bot w*
about all Didby at this Urns, except a few I *»eve only one candidate oot for tho Legia-
among the post-oak i ills, where I Jsturw-an individual by the name of lier-
™ —ng out, "W* are mlgVily in the bertCummungs.oolored, whole a very dull
grass.” As a general thing crop*in this I M* t'frty*
section have been proirarly managed and) , The oldret dtiaan in this county (Tom
well worked, while we do a'lmit that the Allen), aged ninety-three years, worked op
people at large had gnus in slmndance. I to thrjw years ago, end, strange to say, bia
Bat through perseverance and industry it right i* good nnd he can read An* print; in
was subdued iu time with no materia! I fart, he take# three or four paper*, and says
injury. Cotton i* flourishing, but while it I h« not foto for no man that has aba*,
ha* the luxuriant weed it ha* not cot the I «1 the Democrat* aa Alex Stephens has
lUirsd fruit to mhk* n good yield. Tbs | *ton*._ 4
We would like to call the attention of ths
Macon Telkobafo to the trifiiog but im
portant fact that seem* to have surely es-
oaped its memory, and that i* that the
nominating convention is over nnd that
Mr. Stephens has been nominated.—.\Vtc*
and Adrertiter. Think yon, very kindly
The inform*'ion re-enforces the delayed
pro's dispatches strongly. WiU recipro
cate on occasion.
Bbotxkb Fxxdletox i* virtuously indig.
nant at the action of tbe State convention,
and dcliverkhimself in tbe following vigor,
ons Anglo-Saxon; “Wo have not been i
partisan for Mr. Bioou. There is a large
number o! true and tried Democrats whom
we would have as gladly supported, but we
were opposed to a man who had been a
traitor to his country and to his party, and
opposed to a departure from a well-estab-
Uahed tule which would have secured his
or feat and saved the patty from dishonor.
' 1). me racy means a truckling obedience
„ the mandates of such schemers as ao-
oompliahcd this farce, then many good
people have bean dfee ved. Tbe thing will
gst many a cold ahoalder henceforth, if
not many hacks turned."
Valdosta Timor. An Atlanta man _ .
marked to the writer tbe other day that his
city, with a little help from neighboring
counties, oould, would and did oontrol th*
State, and it was folly for ua wlrtgraa# fel
low a to kick. We could not help oureclve*.
When did Ben Russell and Hill Harris
become such Hta; hecs men? The one pMt
the old oommuner in nomination and th#
other sooooded th* more. At home these
boys wore known and sent to ttie conven
tion as anti-Stephen* men. Did these
‘ *—|lo* tha*
k* near
_— _ ______ enough
that they ware deed'
Roms Bulletin: The will of Col. Alfred
Shorter w*s published }retardiy morning
by the ordinary to tbehsirs andexecu
tots. All that is generally known of the
content* of tbe instrument is that It makes
another beqoeet of $45,0u0 to Shorter Col
lege. Our reporter has other positive i
formation as to th* heirs and legates, b
in deference to the wishes of Col. 1).
Hamilton, we publish none till the will
submitted for publication In its entirety.
The executors are Dsvid B. Hamilton,
Judge Joe HUyer and Dr. Kbln Hilyor.
Tub Coohran Entenirlte has suspended.
Mr. Lee Rainey, th* editor, in conjunction
uon as snii-steiirtcn* men. um
worthies, seeing the drift, imagine
Coogreiloaal lightning might strik<
them? If they did it isjerha; a well ei
his work; th* eater. I iL Our town ia lomewbat enooun
boil worm hss begun !i
pillar has made his appeal
gather they will no doubt pi
toe late crops in this aseti
there will be no future
Interfere with the eoro, pi
spore. Mr.F.A. Attorns has toe finest I win tie own, as u u raarureo, ana a great-
prospect of ribbon oane we hev* yet seen. I *r po'Uon wa* graded several years ago.
Mr. II. Adams has the best and choicest I «© e«t of building will uot be a great
fruit*. He has peaches that w ill weigh Ideal, and,_ if brought to tots point, it WiU
from one to one and ooe-qaartar pounds. I »o doubt be built oo to Athens, and from
Mr. W. C. Wallace and A. a White, Jr., I there on to Knoxville. Then thia route
hare the finest watermelons, some of them I from Knoxville to tbe seaeoast will be I'JU
weighing forty pound*. Mr. J. A. Miller I milre nearer than any other. Thia road
baa the best prospects of bottom land corn I I'orid run throuoli some of the finest farm-
that we have seen on Flint River. W* are l tog Undaln the State. and no doubt would
confident that be will make an average of 1 be a good paying rjad. But enough,
from thirty to sixty bushels |*er act*. I Hurrah for Oot. Hardeman!
Ran Reeves, Green Duncan and Luke I _ .-TV. Sceooaiaaa.
Raines, colored, are three of note, who I ■atubrldg*.
hxveoxeeUeotcropslnthUrocttoo. While 25.-A joint stock company has
they hare worked and have been ** sue- be« B organized here for the trarpJse of
dAto r oSld??in7if l th3r ^ #r ^?« f. tboQ ^ doUayboteL A Tnu war* seventeen deaths in Bavam
eon HgM to guide many of their rsc* who I eonsiderablo amount of th* stock has
ere daily idling around from ptoo* been taken, and it srema to be^
place with rcarcely anything to eat, ei- I certainty.
Mpt fruit. Wo wl.h ,oor moo, | Th. oomiuiioa of Btephm. Ml Uk. .
«how.r-hath, onJ hut not th. oonlnalion
.1 Hurtamon con., m o Ionic u . dtaMlta-
. J»«Ii>n would bora been much grater.
JoLTU-InpanunM of tkoetUof Uw TW» waot,liu k«n o (rat Ml.
Deinocntio .uoolirr Momltte. of thta. Mror of Mordtenon. Prior lo th, nommo-
crapb.ll MOM,, o *w»uUon oowtelioa I Item of Mr. Httphra, OortroU'. ntmo <u
of flr. dol.ruu. Iromrah militia di.trtet IrardJrrar h.ord: IndnJ I .oration if on.
1 in tb. rant bora ot thl. ptac* out oj mn bondrtd know thot b. wm in
. Tbo eoCTrorioa wm ombtard | th. A*M. Hot now h. number, monj
th. U-.o. 1. IL 1/wchM lo Ih. friend, in oor mid.t ondlhM. ora non
8. U. Framnn to tbo Mcrttar,'. I teotroU who ctnnot k tt Uwir own
ItatagoU. to non-1 M.iint to rota kou.1 th. “noml-
h meet. I mo hot who will not rota for him;
rail. B. I nor do ti*, think Mr. KUpbuu con oora-
•d ood I ploin U tbo/ .booUtnow par.oo tbo eoorM
Oo rota | Which he ho. horoloforo hinuolf panood
line, of I *bo* lb. oomiiiM did not pltooo him.
I for tho Trol/ tiuM on don,on»n UulM far tho
■or»r In I ltemocrre/ which boo mod. IHorniu the
rail too. I Ktnpira Htota of tho booth; bot w. will not
P.noto-1 dMpood. Tho people on .low lo on tho
di.trtet, I dooittr, bat. when Man, the/ will bo oo
Ib/thol .wlft lo mwt ond pot it down oo the/ on
In won | lord/new to mo it.
n from !
'• time I
. J. u.
Jcxr 9d —MonhoUriUo b tho bn'tbloot
pointonlbo Sootbwr.tern roilrood. It b
dlractlf upon tho dlridinr ridio thot tom.
the wotor to the Oolf or tbo A Uon tic. The
, rood hod itoolfb In oom. ploco. tho dirtd
7{; I ta( lino. Iu Mlnbritr b to wju know.
I thot it b booncilog ooita o ooramor raort.
, . [Amooiotlwr vi-itors wo notioo IOmo.
hfi 11 ®®*I komeotCeLL. M-FeltoaTlt to a Rule
too, boa one vVi'or
tor, for ttom young
tore maay dare baton
I vouuuxruu from Maccn,
iLawtn J WzdWy sad Woodson, male tbeir appeac-
of tb*t | Kefi not been
tic Far-
toU, ot Atlanta. ere'eootribakUg to tbe era- {to*
Joy msetaeftbis rural iwort, tto gees to of 1 to
s Rissell, surgeon Is tbe
aavy, is vWUsg msufe-ierag
liege atom, Ur. Waller Fred-
orgMS ie quite a culmr«l
i gentleman, taring travsned
as surgeon
years, 0 months and 15 days old at the lime
of his dea 4 h. He was one ef the beet of
men^ras faithful oven unto death.
Wivcaoss Is determined to havo an arte
sian well.
Watcbo6h boast* of a population of two
thousand which, the Reporter thinks, will
be doubled in twelve mouths.
Tax citizen* of Wayoros* are making
itrong complaints because of po*t-offioo
mismanagement in that piece.
Watcoosr Reporter; We learn that D. C.
Tompkins has left for parte unknown, af
ter colleo'.ing a good deal ct m?uey due
the firm ot Lott Jk Tompkins, brick mak
ers. Where art thou, Tompkins ?
Constitution: “Yesterday ut half past
twelve o’clock, Mr. James H. H. Parks, son
t the resi-
uvutwwt out. Wl ucart diieSK, A
raa'ady which ha* troubled him since he
was twelve years old Mr. Parke was thirty-
two y *— •“■* —“ -—*—*
the li
l«nto about a mouth
He wes teacher of the
at Augusta for twelve years. His remains
were sent to Augusta for interment. Mr.
Parks was a consistent Christian and ex
emplary young man. His father, Rev. H. H.
Parks, U the presiding elder of tbe district.
He wan at one time pastor of the First
Methodist church in this city.”
The Atlanta Herald reports an inceudi-
ary attempt to burn tho Chnpman board
ing house on Monday morning.
The Atlanta polioe are bothering Henry
Thomas for carrying concealed weapons.
Wa are unable to appreciate the logic of
the following from the Dalton Citizen:
“Wo believe, gentle reader, that be will be
the next governor of Georgia. Let us vote
f.TP him.” Th« fflrt Ih.f o m.n M..M
far him/' Tho fact that a man may be
going to be elected, famishes us no reason
for voting for tym.
Each city most look out for itself in tbe
attempt to iudaoe m inufacturing enter
prise* to oome in. The people of every
town must depend on their own exertions
for prosperily. If we wait for somebody
else to come in and bnild ns up, we will
wait in vain. Enterprise, like chnrily, be
gin* at home.—v4 mericut Recorder. The
above word* of wisdom are worthy of unl-
' exception to
S thcy ?i
"Hot weather has a peeuliar influence
of creating a hallucination in the minds of
everybody that everybody else i* ignorant
of the fact that it is hot. And so when two
people meet they invariably inform each
other that ‘it’a hot/ Ners and <ldc«r-
titer. How can Brother McIntosh blame a
a man for losing his cool discernment
when the thermometer is climbing the hill
of tbo nineties, and preparing to leap nv<
into the caldron of tbe hundreds ? Unde,
the circumstances, the use of the compara
tive term "hot” is abogt as mild an ex
pression as could reasonably be expected
from two sweating, steaming, molting in
dividuals. Don’t deprive a man of the
privi'ege of saying “It is hot,” when the
mercury mounts like an eagle. It would
be fearfully cruel and would cause mauy versal attention. There is
pions aud influential citizens to lo»e
their lives.
The Griffin Sun furnishes us the follow-
ing lively paragraphs: Let’s name the
blus’ed old State Browncoiquittville and
be done with it. Ahem—a h-em-m!
That dish of crow isn’t so bad, after all—in
fact, c.o.; !s quite palatable. 'Rsh for lit
tle Aleck! The convention in Atlanta
last week demonstrated one thing—that is,
that Georgian* can drink Atlanta whi*)y
and lire.—Littlo Alf. Colquitt is after
moro vindication—this time it is a rest in
the United State Senate. We aro “a; ‘
Alfred first, last and all the time.* 1
tor Waterman, of the Forsyth Adeertiter,
ha« a “golden rule” for the benefit of edi
tors, which he desires to havo posted
every editorial desk in Georgia. We
imagine what an editor wants with a gold
en rule in his ofllo-i—especially when the
golden Rheckles are ro scarce among the
fraternity u the/ ore thte lomraer.
Uiiusvillo KnUrpriu: Althongh mnch
rain ha. felloa in the coonty daring the
■pas' month the water ooonet remain two
low lo carry timber to market. There I.
pieoty of corn in Tetnoll coonty that will
meke fifty bashole to the acre, oor will one
hare to ride all day to find more than one
piece th*t will make a hundred bushel* to
the a re. You can *ay what you please,
bot latusU is the best oounty in the world,
Sick Headache
Chronic Dlar-
rhuoa, Jaundice,
Impurity of tho
Itlood, I’ever and
Ague, Malaria,
and all Diseases
caused by De-
of Liver, Bowel* Kidneys.
ine nesa i* trouweu will) pain, u uuii ana ncavy.
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
with a painful tetisatii.n of leaving undone something
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough
and flushed tic* is sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complaina
of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied that exercise would Lc bene-
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try it—in (act, distrusts every remedy. Several
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred wnen but few of them existed, yet
uuitution after death has shown the Liver to
re been extensively deranged.
should be used by all persons, old and
young, whenever any of Ihe above
symptom* appear.
Persons Traveling or Living In Un-
■althy localities, by taking a dose ocrasSoo-
y to keep the Liver in ncahhy action, will avoid
Slnlaria, Bilious attacks. Dizziness, Nau-
sa, browiincM, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
ill invigorate like a glass of wine, hut Is no in
toxicating beverage.
If You have enten anything hard of
ion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep*
night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
and the soil of the county demonstrates
this fact every time it receive* proper at
tention. The incoming crop will put our
farmers on a solid foundation, and th*
Western speculator* may rna tho price of
oora up to seventeen dollars a bushel for
what we care. It does us good all over to
hear our fanner* talk about their cropa.
Thb following etriking paragraph* are
dipped from the Atlauta Herald. It is
"reconstructed,” as a matter ot course, but
U hasn’t yet concluded to do all its think-
ing according to tho ring programme: W'e
see nothing in the platform about "a free
ballot aud a fait count.” TfcU makes us
doubt that Mr. Stephens really wrote ib
Emory Bi>eer ie a lucky citizen. Tbe re
cent ooqvention insured his chanoe* for
re-election to Congress by a largo majori
ty. -—We are for Stnator Brown—and
taat ie all, we understand, th»*t can bo
rightfully demanded of n* a* patriotic
citizens of thta plantation. The platform
adc i*ted by th* recent convention, com
pared with tboee adopted by the reoent
Democratic convention* in other States, U
weaker than dUh.water, and U an adml*-
sion that tlie party ha« choeen a candidate
for governor for whom it could not and
dared not make a straight-out, aggressivo
Democratic platform. Why did the
committee on platform omit that resolu
tion which read: "lletolvetl, That all tbe
error* be corrected within, and oot without
the party.” Did it not do to because Mr.
htephen* himrelf suggested that this wou'd
anger the independent* *nd oauae them to
antagouizohim? Come Mr. Chairman Har
ris and U11 os why this good Democratic re
solve, piopoeed by Simmons, of Gwinnett,
was stricken out without coL-sultatioo with
him ? Or, perhape, Mr. Simmon* will tell
us what rtasoifs were afterward* givsn him
for IU.omission? Some days ago we
called attention to the fact that th* adop
tion of the majority rule .would result
■r. wo imihvj, uw vuikur, iu vuuj'tnvuuu
with Mr. 0. M. Dupree, will start a paper
in Vienna, Dooly oounty, in a week or
two. They are clever gsntlsmen anl we
wish them tnoces>.
Berrien County Neva: Irwin Is now one
o* the most independent count:** in the
State. Her people, as a general thing, are
clear of debt and getting on weU. There
are no elevenr, more hospitable people
snywnere. Strangers coming among
them are made weloome, and to feel them
selves at home.
•Taa combined effort* of Father Will-
Ingham and Editor Lamar eoakl not de
feat Mr. Stephana. We cxnt speak for the
old maxr ot the Free Brett, bat as for tbe
Oolooel, we cordially invite him to a dish
of crow. He is too good a Democrat to re
fuse to partake."-Jfcfoatou Hettenger.
H e regret to see the confession of the man
of the Memmtger that "crosr" I* an article
of food on hi* table. Of eonrse it is a
ucstion of taste Vhat one may eah There
» no taw against eating erow; still, it h*s
not been th* habit of "Editor Lamar" to
eat it, and he will not be apt to do violence
to hi* stomach daring the present crow
season. It is hardly tolite. under tbe cir
cumstances. to “cordially tavi’e him to a
dish of crow." There are time* when men
ought to fast, and the “crow” season is the
happiest oo* ImagifiiN* for taking the
wire odge off of that sort of a business.
nab during the past week.
Bavaxkah Recorder: “There were re
ceived In this ei y tart weektf.MJC barrels of
rosin and 2/176 c isks of spirit* of turpen
tine- Th* export* for the same time were
U/)r7 barrel* of rosins and 2JLt)l cuk* of
turpentine. The stoek on hand and on
shipboard yesterday waa.Tt.MJ0 barrel* of
nmn and 6^879 casks of spirits of t
Nomreo is sadder than a moral person
•ft a dinner, drank, in a swallow-tail eoat*
and trying to say something fsi
Ha Gazette, Well, editors are _
loeg suffeiiog people in the world. Why
didn’t Brother Ware "shoot klm on th*
BaoTWza Wane, of the Dublin Gazette,
rth hie —
theboe*** ot a possible danger, and wh*n
a delegate from down in Washington
oounty moved to recommend tbe majority
rale for future State oouventkms, be was
astonished at the suddenness and unanim
ity with which he wa* set down upon. The
boast* are too sharp for tbe innocent dele-
S te. W hen south Georgia presents a ma
lty indorsed candidal* for governor the
bosses t ill simply adopt tbe two-third*
rale and kick him over the back fence with
vigor and promptitude.
H.G. Tubxkb, of the second Congres
sional district, will probably be reaimi
nated without opposition.
BaoTaza Pkeham ia disposed to lament
over the fact that Brook* county has fallen
behind in the matter of snake stories.
"la the last Irene of tbe free Brett we
stated it as our opinion that If the negroe#
were not allowed to vote lc tbe election for
county offloer* there would be trouble,' etc.
Tbe Macou Talzckiwi axd Mareamaa
the value to a town or city of
prising, public spirited citizen. Brother
pwfjy i* rigid, 'the motive power that
builds up cities and towns mmteomo from
within—not from without,
said to hove cut upall sorts of these three-
fool didoes jast because some girl had
“kicked” fcim ! And the whole world fall
other pretty girls ! He ought to have been
permitted to go to the catfish.
An Atlanta young white man haa been
arrested for robbing newsboys. There i*
no law for hinging the culprit, but there
ought to be. A little Chinese justice is
needed in this country.
It is said that "the Knight* of W| M Men
m ^ “ooriehing condition.” It i* an
old saying that "great men are not *lw*y*
wise ” It i* equally true that “Wise Men”
are not always great. A great many things,
that aro not profitable, flourish. Weeds
outgrow corn any day.
inquirer-Sun: Columbus ha* increased
its population forty-five per cent, in ten
years, within the corporate limit*. Its sn-
burb* across the river, in Alabama, now
number over u,000 poop’e, all supi
Colombo* factories. Its Georgia
crea^rin number. We w«u- « a
outlet direct totha g-Mt metropolis of the
>\ret, and we think Cincinnati should look
to our plaoe as the terminus of it* gigantic
th A a ®oiineotion. we feel
certain that our cotton receipts will run tin
to 15',000 bales. Without un? tS£J&
competition it lias gained its present im-
Acoobdjno to the following from the At-
lanta Herald, the mill will soon go to
grinding; "General Gartrell will leave to-
morrow for Thomanton, Upson oounty,
where he will conduct the defense in a mur-
d.' om. After tho Iriil, h. will probobly
■pMoh!’’ miking a political
A* Mcnpcd oocrict .tote ■ borto nnd
boggy ID Atlonte oo Fridoy nigh*, bot m
Erono WM tbo name
-1 tho goilty pnrty.
Tun probobto election ood early death ,n
Mr. Htephen. mokoa tho potl'ion of State
Scooter, In the next Iogi.lntore, one ol
promUe-w toopook. In riow of thl, fact,
Folton wool/ propcM lohnUy Ctoyton,
booked by Cobb, oot of the oomioatioo.
So the nomination ot tho Jolfrnonua i. ol-
rady bOKinning to boor npplM of dtecorJ.
r olton evid.otly ooooidora it.elf oo "oioot"
ooonty, hot Clayton and Cobb wiU otend
on their righto ond trinmpb.
T «“» *•« twoot/.thrM dootho in An-
Uot week, ending Jaly'JAl-whltM
12, blacks U.
Gcoboia railroad stock continues to ad
vance. Stock sold on Saturday at $155.
Tax editor of the Cherokee Advance has
two pet crows. They are not a-kill itorows
—they are of the Gartrell variety.
Col. Twomas Habpbmam has reason to
be proud of the eathoslasm caused by his
a J" ^ p, ° co ? nl y • r « *o
take a fall ootoefenoe' aud "no fenoe”
queetion on the Wh of August.
Tax Rome Courier, the fair*! ft and most
safe purgative, alterative and tonic can
never be out of place. The remedy it liftrmlets
nnd does not interfere witli business or
And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of Ihe injurious after effect*.
. A Governor's Testimony,
immons Liver Regulator has been in use in my
tarnfly lor tome time, and I am satisfied it is a
valuable addition to the medical science.
J. Gill Shortm, Governor of Ala.
lion. Alexander II. Stephens, uf Ga.,
say*: Have derived some benefit from the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
“The onlr Tiling that nerer fulls to
Relieve."—I have used many remedies for Dys-
*“ ‘ Debility, I —
uon ok the majority rale .would result
bcrMft.r in raoTlog tho centre of political
power from Atlanta to the middle portion , v-, ---. .
of tho State. Thl* Memo to ban worool «• tho dolly paper, thot inpportxi
Mr. tttophoiM, bo. thte to my of the noml-
poor, forth bia oonowo; -The ptople
ore ocowiiog Tory ranch diogn,tod with
politic’. They e.y they on hoondod to
death by the coodidteoo"
Too Btooa Taruunr noou to ho
omucd ot oor frog ulc. Why, boooy, tbo
frogi in Doorao’. pond don't eoMidor bal
let. unhealthy diet, though they do lio
heavy oo tho ftrmvh.-f/orfrcli Son.
That 1 , oil right Wa didn't thtak it tho
thaa that the loUota did tbo lyiog -da tho
irio or* rani pant to Elbert ooonty.
Black*a k—Mh in ElUrtoo h.d aa atectrf
cal aScct—Hortmll Sun. So it did; hot
who wa« U that goC.hocked wbeo the del-
agate war# aiodM?
.Vro, ood Ad ml teor: Dr. Alfriand yoliod
10 lood at lha eooT.nUon whan Step ten.
wa. aoamatod by arrlamaltem ho ia not
ahi. to opaak abort a whteptr.
pht It would bo •
poop!, of tho M.con
elect Cdl. Bo-op Hon-
atorondthoo elect him PraMdttt of tho
■Mate. A Baa of bia to. capacity u a
pro—dtng Oir.oor oboald bo k.ptra tho har-
BtH, and wo bomb, nooMruto bin far tbo
pteoo ob nr. mratloood,—Tho naan
fctedH(te. fogtriog Cot Tora Bar-
Blown B tea, oo. of tha oi tear and moat
higtdy ragaoted eiuxrsa of Habonbrara
. Etemowaa to Ta Mlab ratio aro
tag tor, frequai.
Sradi, rh.ooyr.pht It •
graefot act for laa paopt.of l
Bm .tonal dtetriot to .tact Cdl. I
— .Hag.
‘Georgia now* men’ of Uio Tenor aarn will
bo mora particular in tho fotorr." ItWM
aninteotional blnodor, old follow, and
don t know whtea fault it wa.—our. or
tho printar’e. It would b. wy to lay it on
“tho com poofter,” bot we don't ran that
eort of rebodufe. Will olwoyo cornet when brought to oar notice.
Too following item, ore attracted from
oor .prigbtly Atlanta n.lghbor-tho
i/rraU; Toro whlto f.llowa got Into an at.
tar cation Salorday night in tbo neighbor
hood of Brooklyn, wlutraio one ot th. par
ty draw hia knife and [roerodod to eirro
op tho other. Tho wooed, though pair." '
an not Mfuidarol daogerooa, u they
oo tho Iteahy part of tha arm. An ex.
United state, offloer wm ooouwhat on a
taro tho other day, >nd created quite a di«-
torbanoo rand obool hta neighborhood.
Ho wooed op bia froU. by grabdioghi.
goo, pointing ft ot hi. wife and threaten,
log torboof bar. Tho polioe ghio him o
berth 0000 otter, and thte morning ha had
lo pay a fine of twenty and aoat, betide,
receiving o lector, from to , recorder.—
Io Commiog, Ga, at tha revtdeneoof
Judge 1.8. Cl.itMOl, the bride's fatter,
Feof. W. W. Bra. well, of Uth.nia, wa*
united In m.rriago to Mte. Lure Ella, by Bar. Dr. Cortle. We congrat
ulate tha prafeeeor in hariog become unit
ed lo ooe of tlie 10 on bean-tin] and acoom-
Pltehod tedie. in U-jrgia, and would join
the many frUnll. of tha happy oooMoio
wiebteg them much haypioeM.
Tun AVewtag .Vrir«, in the following ex
ten, lay. down tha programme by which
tbo go.orroir.hip io to bo eonttnoed ia
Atteata. Wa bar# no don be tha .Vac. cor
rectly outline, the raor.rn.nt- bat w. do
not telt.To it Win raeewd. Cobb will not
permit Clayton to bo chanted oat of
rhfht to tbo IM.tor.hip. Th. Ctey
ooonty raan will bo elected, in oor ie
meat. Hero ia whattba Sort inya: “U
politic* is Atlanta are at tbe boiling point,
aaon.l. The work now before the boya
is to releet in ember, to tbe (egtelatara
who Wtu eteef Oorernor CoiqaiU to eaaceed
Vr. Hill. Plpoe ere being laid to thet end.
Harry Jackson nnd Jodgo ~
enodiJate. for tho Senate L
trict. Tha maa who (OU sleeted wiU ia all
made pmtdent of the Beaate. Harry
CUyton had aa wall dry op. hot thte Uraa.
IPotehto bo fried bonofter aro loo big
for a Clayton coonty man, and If '
tie. U.
Wn slip lie following from the Florida
State Jowranf; Dted onddealy of tenet dte-
am a, at hia bora.. Mar Cedar Ken. oaths
flthaf inne, WO, Dr-Oeorg.M-T. Lnaae.
Dr. Lain, waa born In Hanoork coonty.
Ua., on Drambar U, test, and wu U
I anything to benefit i
> the extent
Simmons Liver Regulator ha*. I sent from Min
nesota to Georgia f r it, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only
thing that never tails to relieve. 1
P. M. Jankkv, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dr. T. XV. Musoti naysi From actual ex
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice 1 have been and am satisfied to use
end prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
0&*Take only the Genuine, which always-
s on the Wrapper the reil /. Trade-Mark
and Signature of J. II. ZEIL1X SS CO.
Tbe best and most
cconcmical hair flits*
. sing, and rr..-Je finnt
1 materials the t m ben-
Btficbl to the hair and.
■icxip, Tar iter's Hair
• n is highly e
It llev«r nEsiuA th.Yonlhinl Color
and lustra to gray or faded bair.iselcgintir per
fumed and is warranted to remove tbndmffaad
itching ef ths scalp, A prevent tilling ol the hair.
Ms. sad *1 (Ism, at Mm la Amp.
If you bare Cannwaptk.*. Dyspepsia, SUmuis
riun. Kidoey or Urinary CorapUint*, or U you
trrulded with any dU-xdcr ofll.e lun^% stomach,
bowels, blood er nerves, you can be pued tar p A*ic.
zb’s Gi.ngxx TvJ.i.C. It m the Greatest Wood Purifier
And tbi Beit and Surest Cough Cure Ever Uud.
If rcu are wasting away fioqj age*di«ipation or
any disease or weakness bjk! require a stimulant fxkn
Gimgsr Tonic at once: it wiU invigorate I
' ‘ fsi
m .MM Mew, Mall fee
jiUKrt M J
Its licit and Lsting frjgrxnca has nude thu*
delightful perfume exceedingly papular. The ro
Unothlagllkolt. In*»t upon basing Flobe*/
TOM COLOGNE sad lock for signature ot ^ I
notioo of Col. Uordaman: "111. flratbol-
toting in th, Darrocratlo St.te contention
for Cjograteoum at Urgt.toodM follow.:
Hon).num 2I0!<, Horne. 71, C.rltoo IAW,
Dabo.y IS. Tb. nomination ot Hardoaua
wm then moil# unoolmoa.. Col. Iterd.-
moo wiU mhk. hi. tnork io CongrtM .. on
.toao.nt ond effective eocoker. UU uu-
Mlfieh deration to tbo Democratic party
ond ita principle, entitled him to nuh h
Wo Infer from tho following item from
tbo Colombo. A'rojoirrrdfiiti thot there i.
one negro lo Georgia mean enough to .tool
aeow: "ife.terd.y a negro drone cow
op to tho market hooeo and offered ter for
ralf,i»»U g thot four dollar, wonld boy
her. Tnu hroowd tbo .oipieion of tho
portiee to whom ho offered ter, nod while
they wore duoateng tho matter ond q>'»-
tiooiug tho negro, tho w.tcbmxo of tho
op, rr wagon bridge .topped op ood reach
ed oot hi. band to arnet the negro, bot ho
hoeli and escaped, boring th,
Tnxxx b o decided morement on foot to
nominate Jn.lgeM. J. Crawford, of Co-
lombom for Concrete from tbo fourth dis
trict. lie wjnld mote on Milo and eon.
■mention, member.
Th. Monro. Adrerlimr contains Item,
cnoogh, of poblio intora.1, to fUlnpoor
coore column. Wo select oe folio., i Any
how, >or candidate for CoognMmontet-
Urge got In.—-We hope the people will
itond on to Jodgo Dnmoo in hie rafnul to
grant liqoor licensee. You m.y hire
noticed that yonr ancle Aleck hu tho fee-
alt! of being on tho winning ebb—eren In
wot time*. The convention, short M it
wm, luted long enough to allow a few
men to mate rpaetaebe of themMlru.
Tho -tdeerfiser will giro Candidate Ste
phen. u enthcie.tle i
1‘re.ideol Stephen. g*r
ate State, gorernmoot.
Bannaccn* ore epidemic In Monroe
ooonty. Tbero will bo ono ot Boliogbroko
on Sotord.y. and * mammoth ono at Log-
wall ehareb, tin milee from Porsyth, on
tho Ant Wednmday in Angnof. Twenty,
fire cent, will bo charged for dinner ot the
latter place.
G.ixmtiixx Sontknm: The good Lord
take, eoro of Uo own in duo Ume. Tom
Hardeman h« deterred eobitontial reoog-
nitton from tho good poopb of IhoBtoto
nor the war, ond hu only teen kept
down by tbe .pint of Bourbon
Bow tho grand old moo come. w
almost unanimously exiled for by hie peo
ple. Verily, tho 4yo of prOKrt '
the ring ora numbered.——Out U
oat Cucle A!-ck U rery popular
Uoarbonr, <Jyt now) not objeotiooahb lo
too Indevendect. end oecopteble to too
but clteora of too RopobBooiu. Ko wo
dooV see Jut how hie election by 7.',OUO
majority i. to be prorated.
Tno Corter.rilb American rays of the
crop prospect, to thtteoctioc: “Oorn in
thb Motion U looking rery fine, ond th,
peonweto *ro toil wo ono of too
UrgMt yield, known for maay rare. Cot
ton, considering tto many drnwbock* It
tee bod, i. looking remarktoiy well, and
with itaiy ■ from now on ttera write
fair crop.”
Troon Urom. Into of boildiog o ra'l-
nred from At.nte to KafanioTAblmma.
rta Taibotw n ond Bow. VUteT UbprK
n poll/ "tolh,” wo oappoM.
Tno rabjoirod Item b notnpbco of
Owr«m new., wd yte U may te into tally
•aid to ooraa nodcr too Irad of what Owr-
gta editors think. We ctipoM It from ton
Augusta Xteatag lew; “Dr. Ctov. of
ol Irak far “gortne of I
J. Any ekvestasrdealer in pe»-l
It U the coneurreut testimony of the
public and the medical profession, that
Hostetler's Stomach Billers is a inedidne
which achieves lesulta ipeedilj felt, thor-
engh and benign. Beside rectifying liver
disorder, it invigorates the feeble, con
quers kidney and bladder complaints, and
hastens the convalescence of those recov
ering from enfeebling diseases. More
over, it is the grand ipedfic for fever and
ague. For sale by all drug£iata a
ere generally.
id deal-
W. McKAY, Principal.
& Tirit-CUu lpititote for Practical
Rniineu Instruction, Book
keeping, Etc.
fsdtftri bj ILc Lttbg Btrnicu Mto.
Students Can Enter at any Time.
WW*Clrctttan taut (roe.
aplT <SA*lv
O FFERS superior induct. . i;U to par
ents deainu^ to «*.!. -.vt*- their »oc« and
daughters. It has all the aodns aiq UauceA
and a record for «acce»«f-.! tcachaj un-
par«l!elcL 2*7 pupil*. Fall larin b*ifins
Aotfu^ *-UL For etialcnia 1 part cularo
addreea CAIKS. L.U1UDI3, Prre., or
W. IL WOODALL, Sec'jr, DirsctTiita, Ga.
For Young; Ladies,
Mh. Board,|KX>« year, tuloui
I ii* la (.lauv, astsr u «
JCrcnino Netee: '•Dr. G!ov,
Tluborn,KwthCuoltoa. wu on th. wiu .rohlon...-r-r
nra Wud la coart too otter Jay. In “gtr. w. c. WlLEaTfra.
login tootimooy he nerd too word “te.i>-1 J-i! a
'I mean a man tbo mit “ * * *
msavboH)! Ui
tar than ar.^."*, and wl
t*U« the truth.’ "
^ w r«*r 2 r r 1 Vi f i*mV *r« ,i ,**
ir■o'VirihtoV *V.Rtlir .