Newspaper Page Text
yjjtt Q5««cgiw EWUlg (icU'gcipl) auit 3ouen«ii & Hlcr.^sngec.
Washington, Joljr 24.—In tlie Senate,
Mr. Lapham presented a letter from
Health Officer Smith, of New York, urging
that an appropriation bo inserted in the
sundry civil bill to enable tho National
Board of Health to pay for iU inspection
of emigrants and to continue its quaran
tine supervision of the Southern seaboard.
The communication treats of tho im
portance of this supervision and of the
vigilance in quarantining to prevent the
introduction by eroig-anU of small-pox in
latent and undeveloped conditions. 11 was
Accompanied by an indorsement from
Lieutenant-Governor Hoskins. Referred
to tho committee on appropriations.
Mr. 411ia<m presented a conference re
port on the legislative appropriation bill
similar to that presented in the House.
The report **• agreed to. A new oonfer-
enee committee was appointed, consisting
of Merer*. Allison, Dawes and Davis of
West Virginia.
The revenue bill was taken up, the pend'
ing amendment being that bj Mr. Maboni
to reduce the tobacco tax to eight oenta per
pound. The amendment was rejected-
yeas 18, nays 38. No Democrats voted
,4 no." The question next recurred on the
committee amendment to the tobaooo sec-
ion striking out the clause allowing a re-
hito to the amount of the reduction on all
***ck on hand at the time the law takes
•Hit. Adopted -yeas 27, naye 25. The
JOfrth section, as amended, was adopted,
*nd the fif t h section, relating to sugar,
Jj^jead^but without action the Senate
if M««rs* Payton, of Illinois, and Knott,
to-day. After answering
inquiries upon the legal ones-
■ * - * if-Geo-
Thomas' -»
tions and quoting from the Attorney-
eral'a opinion that a member of Congress
is not an offloer of the government within
the meaning of the Uw in question, the
Secretary says:
“It follows that the executive officers and
employes of the Uoited States not ap
pointed by the President with the advioe
and consent of the Senato are not liable to
the pains and penalties of sect' ?n G of
the act of August, 1876, tor the act of giv-
mber of “
ing to a member of Congress money, prop-
Oeo B. Tower, :rln*endlng Inspector
of steam vessels for the New York district,
was recently naked by Secretary Folger to
resign, lie has refused to do so and will
be removed at soon as his successor has
Uen selected.
The aub-commlttee of theHonso judic
iary committee have satisfied themselves
thnt the papers upon which they reported
that Nebraska was entitled to an addi
tional representative in Congress were
fraudulent. A copy of tho Stnte census
return of 1874 was altered to make it ap
pear to have been of 1872, end this was
arty 7 or anything of valne.” Secretary enUtituted for tho genuine pauer submit-
Folger concludes his loiter as follows: ted by the Secretary of Stark of Nebraska
"Bat I wish in this place to say that I wish
it felt throughout the Treasury Depart
ment, in all the ramifications of tho ter-
vice, that no servant of the United States
therein ‘need feel the slightest pressure
npon him to give, if he does net wish to
give. If be has that belief in tho
* teas of the principles of
Republican party as to
desire their aosteoanoe and sne Jess, and
to be willing and desirous of showing his
faith by his works, and feels that be is able
to aid, let him give of bis substance or of
his income as be sees fit; or, if he is of the
other political faith or the claims of his
family or the needs ot self pinch his parse,
end he wishes not to give, lot him fieely
refrain therefrom. I wonld have him
think and feel and do as if, in* a re
ligions meeting-house ot bis choice, the
preacher should lay before him the needs
of some cause. If it was commended to
his judgment, and be felt able and willing
to epare of his pelf, he would give; if it was
otherwise, be would hold fast that which
was his own. So in the matter in hand,
let it be understood and felt by all who
hold placa under me that whichever way
they take, they may take it uumolested by
me. Therefore. I sey as I mean; I will do
Very respect tally,
I**Chas. J. Folou, Sec’y.”
The fraud was discovered in time to pre
vent the success of its object, bat the com
mittee seem unable to fix th) responsibil
ity for the fraud npon any person as yet.
The house to-day passed the Senate joint
resolution granting one year’-* cay to the
widows of Jndsou Kilpatrick, Stephan A.
Hurlbut and] Henry Highland Garnet, late
United States ministers to Chili, Fora and
U &^BS T £« l ».Ua J. W. Hina*,
of Alabama, to be United States marshal
for the northern district of Alabama, and
tbe following to be postmasters: Louis
Des Moires at Opelousas, Louisians;
Henry L. Sanderson, at Clarksville, Texas,
and Robert M. Tindall, at Okolona, Mis-
as I say.
nied by a joint resolution declaring for
feited all lands granted to the Northern
Pacifio Railroad Company and not patent
ed to said company on the lat of July, 1882.
He desired to have the resolution placed on
tbe calendar, bnt the Speaker ruled that in-
asmneh as the majority report had been
laid on the table the views of the minority
mart take the same course. Mr. Knott ap
pealed from the decision of the chair, bnt
the chair was sustained.
The Speaker announced the regular order
to be the farther consideration of the bill
to allow a drawback on foreign material
used in connection with domestio materials
in the construction of steam and sail vet-
■els for foreign account, and tbe pending
question to be an amendment offered by
Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, extending its pro
visions to vessels constructed for domestic
The vote by which the yeas and naya
were on Saturday ordered on Mr. Tucker's
amendment was- reoonsidered, and Mr.
Kelley moved to recommit the bill. Pend
ing this motion the matter went over till
to morrow.
Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, submitted a
conferenoe report on the legislative, judi
cal and executive appropriation bill. Tlie
report announced the agreement of the
conference committee on all items of the
bill exoept that relating to tbe transfer of
the records in the surgeon-general's offlae
to tho office of tho adjutant-general. Tho
conference report was agreed to, and far
ther conference wee ordered.
Under tbe call of the States, the follow
ing bill was introduced and referred: By
Mr. Knott, of Kentucky, declaring for-
• felted to the United States certain lands
granted to the Northern Pacifio
railroad and remaining unpat-
anted npon the first of July, 1882.
Also, a joint resolution requesting the
Tresidant to see that no patent shall be is
sued to tbe Northern Pacifio Railroad
Company fur any land remaining unpat-
entod on July 1st, 1882, or until Congress
•hall have acted upon the foregoing bill.
By Mr. Fowler, of Near York, proposing a
constitutional amendment granting the
President the right' to veto any distinct
item or provision of a bill while approving
other items.
The House then considered bills local to
the District of Colombia.
The House elections oommilieee to-day
adjourned until the first Tuesday in De
cember. Thle postpones action in the
WashimqtcC^ July 25.—In the Senate,
Mr. Plnmb, from the committee on public
lands, reported favorably tbe bill to grant
nright of way over thepablio lands and
military reservations to tbe Jacksonville,
St Augustine and Halifax River Railroad
Company. Plaeed on the ealendar.
Mr. Jonas, of Louisiana, presented a
memorial from steamboat owners, cap
tains and pilots for an Increased appropri
ation to the yghthonse board. Referred.
•Mr. Mo -gan, from tbe committee on pub-
lio lands, reported the Uoose bill allowing
certain parties to lay pipes and aquednet a
under lake l’ontchartrain to connect its
northern shoro with New Orleans. Passed.
The Senate indulged in an boar’s debate,
without action, npon printing the reports
of the tenth census, when the conference
report on the river and harbor bill was
presented and adopted. Tbe appropria
tions for surveys of the Delaware aod Ches
apeake canal and the llenne: in canal are
reduced from $20.01)0 to 810.000 and from
1100,000 to $.**),<>J0 respectively, and a pro
viso is added iu each instance that the gov
ernment sluill not be thereby committed
In favor of proceeding to the construction
of the improvements. Tbe amount voted
for the Potomac fiats improvement is re
duced from sto $100,000, and tee
appropriation for the Mississippi river be
low Cairo from $5.000,UU to *l,U*J,<AO,
which is the amount fixed by the House.
Tbe latter item is farther amended
eo as to provide that the work of improv
ing the river shall be prosecuted under the
direction of Mi**i*sippl River Commisriou
a* pro|io*ed by the Uoose, instead of by
tin.- i n/ of War. at provided by tbe
Senate. The total of the general appropri-
ation for the Mississippi i* Ihe
total of the bill, with th "
nmg, from tbe second district of Missis-
sipphLee vs. Richardson, from the first
district of South Carolina, and Leeting-
hemse vs. Frost, from tbe third district of
. The President to-day nomina
ted M. 8. Joslyn, of IlUncis, to
be assistant secretary, vice Alonzo Bell.
Forty nine national banks hava begun
proceedings for reorganization nndsr the
bank charter extension act To all of these
new notes most bt-tissaed. The distinct
ive feature of the new five dollar note will
be a portrait of General Garfield.
John C. Hamilton, a son of Alexander
Hamilton, died to-dayT at Long Branch,
New Jersey.
In the star route trials to-day, Ex-Attor
ney-General MaeVeagh and ex'Postmas-
ter-General James were on the
stand, and testified to their In-
terviews with Rerdsll. of the de.
fendants, whereat Rerdell confessed to the
whole oonapiraey. Mr. MaoVeagh first
took the stand, and at the first question
K tbytheprosecntio. Mr. Iogeraoll, for
i defense, objected to the competency of
the oonfetsion as testimony at all and par
ticularly now. when, aa he said, no con*
•piracy haJ been established. Toe joint
was argued by Ingersoll and MerrKk, after
which Jadge Wylie admitted the confes
sion. In giving his decision Judge Wylie
said if the cvideooe before the court was
insufficient to show that tbe several contrac
tors had mutual and intimate relations with
each other in several contracts there ia evi
dence to show that there wsa
a great abuss of power by the second as
sistant postmaster general in regard to
theee orders for expedition. Here ia
money paid without adeqoate return—paid
to all these parties, and the expedition in
creased by the second assistant postmas
ter general eo that asm-ill contract as
sumed large proportions. These are things
not to be poohpoohed away. Here are
facta going to establish a corpus delicti, and
establish a charge of criminal conspiracy.
This combination may be innocent
enough, yet by the collusion of parties it
msy be converted into n crime." Tbe de
fense noted an exception, bnt the two ex-
officials proceeded to repeat RerdeU'a con-
feeeion to them, as heretofore published.
No Information has been oommunieated
to the government here as to any agree
ment between Guatemala and Mexico
arbitrate unices requested by both parties
to do eo. and units* the question to be set
tled shall be definitely agreed npon.
Washington, July 26.—In the Senate,
toon as the routine order of boeineee
was diejioeed of, Mr. Hale moved to post
pone all present and prior orders (Includ
ing the reienne bill) and Uke np the na
val appropriation bill. A long discos don
followed, in which the motion was con
strued on both eidea of the chamber as
having tbe effect to dispose of the subject
revenue and taxation for the session and
to facilitate adjournment.
In tbe further progress of tbe debate tbe
position of tbe friends of the revenue bill
wrs commented on aa e virtual abandon
ment of lb A vote was finally taken, when
tbe motion to proceed with tbe naval ap
propriation but prevailed—yeaa 34, naya
k Messrs. Hale. Hoar, Ingalls, Kelkw,
McDill and Plumb were the Republicans
voting with the Democrats ia favor of the
motion. Tbe negative vote was entirely
Republican, except that Messrs. Mahons
and Davis, of Illinois, also voted no.
Tbe oosferaooe committee on the legis
lative, executive and judic al appropria
tion bill repoited another disagreement.
Tbe House insisted upon its potion and
port r
The only item npon which concurrence had
not been reached by the fermer confer
ence was that in regird to Senatorial mile
age for the extra action. Upon thle
point a disagreement 1 vl again occurred.
Tho report was accented. The Senate in
sisted np in its disagreement and ordered
a new conference.
C< moderation of the revenue bill
Hit* .jiu *tion buii-g ui-Hi Mr. li i'.- •
niiu-iuimeut to tho SOgtr duty asetfOD to
■MteflJbMpix—t tor government
testa of the saccharine strength of sugar*
in determining duties. This wonld leave
the neclion to provide simply that tbe su
gar doty shall be what it was before the 25
per cent, additional duty was put on.
* adopted—)- - —
Tbe amendment was i
Mr. Harris moved to anbatitote for the
section a provision for a reduction of 10
!<«r cent on all imports after January 1,
' j additional 10 per eent utter
January 1. l“'l. This started afresh tbe
general debate on the revenue, Mr. Vance,
of North Carolina, bting the
speaker in opposition to tbe bill.
the discuasioD, the Senate adjourned.
The Bjcakcr announced the regular or
dor of bu-mees to be the further con ti ra
tion of tbe bill allowing a drawback upon
Imported material* used in eoAMfion with
d->m<~dic material* in tbe cooainsatton of
Steam and sail Ve-**ei* for foreign aceotm*,
id the pendingqueition to be the i
Jr. Tacker made another effort
t-nJ, but fall. J, dill Ml.
iipwlta yeae too, naya
o. A concurrent r«~>latioa was adopted
'or printing 3J.UU0 copie* of theagncul-
ural report.
Tbe report of the couf.
>a the rive.- and harbor bUl waa presented,
id after a abort debate rejected—yeas M2.
i.■ , -
Strait, of Minnesota, moved
. and Mr. Cox. of New York,
lay that motion on tbe table.
oily pabliidied, that
id lined In die l
tw York, l'reeh
to the
neat*, und'
bek convicted
itee Court in
Fatal Steamboat Accident—A Negro
Raper Lynched In Bomb Carolina-
lllood Shed In llie New York (strike
—Mormons Preparing to Nullify tbe
Edmunds Lair, Etc.
(By Telegraph. |
, - - jddlan government,
/eplyiug tc U ♦f’.egrHin from Ku gluiul on
Tuesday last, stated that the Indian con-
tmgt nt lor the Kg>ptmn nuiqHign could
be embarked within a fortnight or three
Paris, July 23.—Me&anrts for protecting
tlie Suez canal were di*cu»std at Che
citbiiH-t council to-day, mul tho necer-snry
credit will probably be moved in the Cham-
h»r of 1)«-1>u11- to morrow.
London, July 23.—Adispatch rtceivedby
the Exchange Telegraphic Company from
Alexandria savs it is understood that su
l-iU-'I'-ti and l i« r.«-h octu; ution ..I Fort
Said ia projected. No water has been sup
plied to tlie public in Alexandria since
noon yesterday. Admiral Seymour lias
orderod tho iimHiim-ry of all cotton
5 . to !Ur.'.l ill ••oml.-n-ing water.
La Valletta, Malta, July 23.—The troop
ship Oroute* has sailed for Alexandria with
77o infantry.
London, July 23.—A dispatch from Alex
andria to Renter's Telegram Ccmpany,
this evening, says tho troopship .Malabar,
with 1,108 men and a battery of artillery,
has arrived. Acoordlng to the latest news
from Cairo, there are 8,0Xataning,home-
leoa persons camping in the Ksbeth gar
dens. There is great mortality among
them. It ia rumored that French marines
have disembarked at Fort Said, but it is
impossible to verify the ramor. there be-
of the
ing no telegraphic communication. Arab!
I'a-h.i ju-tonlay •uaased’OO oavalry, with
a field gan, at the pm --
Raraleh waterworks.
his intention la to destroy the a'ation.
I Ai.kUNDHi*, July 24, 2:15 p. m>—The
Blxfleth Rifles marched to occupy Rvmleh
this morning. Sotno skirmishing occurred
but no detail* have been received. The
earlier opportunity, he
would move that, her Majesty having been
advi e I to din-ct that a military oxpedi*
tion from India be dispatched to Egypt,
the House consent to the application of In
dia’s revenues to defray tho expenses of
snch expedition.
Mr. Gladstone moved a vote of credit for
strengthening the forces in Egypt. He
moved that three pennies be added to tbe
iLoome tax.
In the House of LorJe, Earl Granville
Made a -tat«*ment in «*onm*ction with
tho motion for a vote of credit intro
duced by Mr. G-adstone in the Uoooe
ot Commons. Karl Granville said the gov-
erntLeul waa entirely without information
h-. , ■ x*' ' *.‘ut the Sultan intoiul* .1 tu -«*nd
troop* to Egypt. It is generally thought
that in th* present state of Egypt force
must be employed. He elated that 15,500
troop* wonld be sent to Egypt.
Earl Uranvillo made the statement that
Framt* ai cl England hop«d for tl.» eo o;
It ar) has appeared nt 1 nntahi'
iapatch to the Xetcs from Simla says
reconstituted .h*< expedit on con-
cavalry than
ration ot Italy iu measures for th* protec-
turn of t!ic Sue/ <* imil. Hi-Mild th«- lrrii.h
government had not yet stated whether it
wonld assist in an advance into the interior
of Egypt. The feeling was in favor ot
England acting.
he Marquis ot Salisbury said it was the
doty of all parties, now that the honor of
tbe "ountry is engaged, to oombine in anj>-
port of the government. A desultory *
bate ensued, in the coatee of whieb
Marqals of Salisbury condemned the earlier
stage* ot the government's policy, aa tend
*— *- *—*— is '—
united In a crusade against them.
tains le/s infantry bat
before, the object of tlie reconstrui
ing to render it as mobile as possible.
3 he correspondent of tbeJYetrs at Mar-
sei'.les says the Fiench marine* will start
for l’ort Hatd on the 27th inst Tran-
poria will follow with CJO.QOO litres of wa
ter. Algeria will fnrnish a battalion of
in the discussion iu tlie Chamber upon the
naval vote may result in eeriooa resistance
thereto, a* at a cabinet council yesterday
many of the ministers were advene to any
intervention even at Snez.
Alexandbia, July 2G,—Tho slowness of
our military preparations daily etrengihene
tho i»osition of Arabl Pasha. A leading
Egyptian here declares that it the troops
only arrive by the latter part of August,
Arabi PA*ha will meantime have consum
mated tho ruin of tbe country.' Efforts
are being made to circulate the Khedive’s
proclamation declaring Arabi Paths a
rebel throughout Egypt by tho agency of
Bedouins chief*, bnt the seve*^ measure*
taken by Arabi Pasha agni^, several in-
flnantial chiefs render it very difficult for
the authorities to induce them to under
take the mission. The enemy’s patrols are
very vigilant, so that we get no anthenlie
news of what is passing beyond the rango,
of our glasses. The enemy’s position,'
though strung, it much less formidable
than waa the Boers’position at 1 <aiug's-
A Ml !>SI U SI
Loiiugetl Awsy nt lu<
Macon I tea*
‘ Elder House
"Varner House I"
"Collier House!"
"Drinks for the geutlemen, lemonade for
the Indies, and enudy for tho childreu!
Coll ior House 1"
This last remark sett'ed it, and in a few
momenta I found myse'f behind n crack
ing good team and one of tlie noblest Jehu*
it has been my good fortune t<
largest oom crop for many
secured and a promising oo
l>eople are jobilant at the thought
: tins tall*
first opportunij
pw.p’.e since the adjooi
the lute gul*ernatorial ronvenUo _
Anxionn to learn their view* aa ’
suit. We found them much more d_
lied than we exoected. They were |
trongly against Stephens es they l
This is one of the banner
f tlie State, and Mr,
admired by our people than
■ that the
I looked nrouud and
tho party had boon surprLed, raptured and
stowed away in tho same unceremonious
style as myaeif. The "rest of the pnrty"
moans the twenty men who availed thotn-
eelvrs of tlie accommodation of the East
Tennopaoe, Virginia and Georgia railroad
to spend a midsummer Sunday out of town.
It wain mixed party, oomprisiug iawjur*.
banker*, brokers, tarmei*, cit;
London, July 26.—The Home of Com-
mons again adjourned without teaching a
divfeion on tbe motion for a credit for thq
SfeSSrSS'sS &&£r3Dfctgui
agricultural implement* aud taxing farm-1 ,4 ?M^ciorof the cndastral anrrey haa left Loudon thia morning to join regimenta
era’note* In payment. The^ they wonld | 'vhlch have been ordered to Egypt. , . .
against them is over ahelming. regiment is forming to attack Alexan-
, TUm m*S Um , , * dl.Mtoh from AI« M d,U I. th. mo-
, N - M-. JdJt S6.-A ooorier on d edition of the Triumph Ur.
from Clifton report, lint a Ureo party of Arabi l*»,ha’. front felt Mok l«t erentog
Indian. aMaolwd a wagon train thru mllu to tha other dda of K.mlrh,Ura» foroln;
ftft »t Clifton yeeterday morning, th. «bon mcntion.J op.rsUou on thl
killing two men. The teamsters, seven in j British.
number, etood oil tho Indtan. for two Lojdok, Joly 2L-A die patch to the
boon, mortally wounding one, whom they standard from AleundriatnVt t The tUflw
dragged Into oemp ta th» face of bury end monnted infantry oompied. Bamleh
dr'ng, and after tho fight wu orer eoalped early thle morning. They etmioned one
him and routed him nllee. OnUing and one 3eld gnu at the bridge
MPBDzazD with hu izo. ] over the canal. Tbe emmy’s cavalry ap.
Cwroeqo,^-Lut nigh. John Prin-1
eelt, t prieoner in the Bridewell, murder. *> J ar “* hot Bed npon n
ed hie cell.mate, Wm. Cl.tke, by beating *HareehorttimeU»y
him to death with Clerke'e wooden leg. mwered with two ipm», with which they
red with two gone, with which they
lire ineffectually npon the Britieb,
Cauunow, Jnly IK.—Martin Broket. took 10 oonr. By S o'clock tbe ffring
who w.eoommlUodto tail at Hampton ^ ^'enemy wu expected to
Court Honee, on Betnrday, for ontreging n I raappaar w t l h rajalorjementa.
white girl twelve year* old, wu taken . M0 ft, B ,
from the Jail lut night end lynobed. On W'"J *«*™ 1 "'
n placard on hie body wu written: “Oar '‘Smilcant. Ihe British trooi* remain in
women mn*t be proteoledl" ' oocnPaUon of Kamlah. Two of Ih. depu-
vraotaiA aaroeuciu. tetion appointed by the hoteblee have ar.
BlcaHoan, July 28.—Tbe central oom. r1 ' «> that Arebl Peeha,
miltu of tho etralghboot Bepablican. met ? n l«»mmg of the dlepamh of troop*
to-dey aod po*tponed indellnttely the to L*ypt,ront reinlorcetnem.
calling cf their Bute convention, and re- otVfiOO men to CW
looted Rev. J. M. Uewton. colored, u the . Ar.uijroiu, Jnly it.—Thai
ttepoblicen candidate*for Con^rSeman at »“ twoAnetrian, on. Amari-
large. | can,on* German, one Russian, one Greek
Lond-jn, Joljr 25,—In ^Uou*9 of Uom^. on wo
mona ihia afternoon thd Hjiflakef fe&d & j force in Egypt,
message from the Queen announcing the I r lr r t ie ® Jome$ Gazette fronl
_ . ... . I vOLStanst.nopm iw>t a telegram lias I >**t*ii
calling oat of the reierve-, in ooneermence received from Arebl l-nvlTn £precnUng
of the troubles in Egypt. Mr. Gladstone I the dispatch of Turkish troops to
moved that the messago be considered to- Egypt, and declaring fidelity to the Kha-
morrow. A number of men of tbe reserve | lifate.
A dispatch to Reuter’s Telegram Compa-
( ay from Ooost&ntlt ople says: AraM Paaha
London, July 25.—Tbe oorrespondent of I i* vary popuisr among tho Ulemas and
_, ’a Telegram Company at Alexandria lower classes here. The Turk* believe that
The Uonileur (Egyptian) has reap, if he Is defeated he will dostroy Cairo, join
jttared here, with the beading, "The otu-1 the insurgents in Sondau and proclaim the
cial journal of tbe government of the I independence of Upper Egypt. Borne of the
Khedive." It contains the proclamation dultan’s adviser* oonaal him to send a forco
dismissing Arab! Pasha from the m : nis-1 merely to occupy Alexandria, while others
try. The inspector of tbe cadastral propose the dispatch of a deputation of
survey at Tantsh, speaking of the massacre Ulemas to induce Arabi Pasha to lay down
there, says: "I saw women carryixg tied his arms. It Is reported in diplomats cir-
to bludgeon* the dismembered arms and cles that Prinoo Bismarck haa instructed
legs of massacred Europeans. The sol-1 tbe Oerman representative* here to declare
dier* and tbe rabble fought for the loot, that Germany regards England's interna-
A Bedouin tbeik with twenty Bedouins tion in Egypt ms the only means of avoid-
saved the inhabitants of the Jewish qnar-1 ing a European conflict, and believe* that
ter and took them to hi* village. Another when Egypt is naoifled the powers will de-
sheik saved myself and party. The mob maud a collective settlement of the Egyt8
from Alexandria murdered three employes I tUn question.
of the cadastral snrvey and their families, The Daily AVwx saj a the statement that
and burnt their bodies with petroleum." Turkey has consented to send troops to
A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph I E-gvpt i* misleading. The Porte has reo-
Company, dated Alexandria, 10 a. m.,says: I ognfzed tho appropriatanoss of tbe sug-
The military authorise* are of the opinion I gestion to send troops, and now propose*
that Arabi Pasha will Lot attack the Brit-1 to discuss the conditions under which thej
anil three Italian men-of-warJ
Madbid, Jnlv 24.—The government ha*
■CnaisvtANsntTBO,VA.,JnIy2»l.—The grand decided to dispatch three additional
jury to day iudieted Captain John 8. Wise frigate* to Egypt, one to be stationed at
and John 8, Crockett, as principals in a I Port 8a1d, at^B
dual fonght here yesterday. Indictments at Ismail li a.
were nl*o fonnd agninst G. W. Ward and J. London, July 2L—A dispatch to the.Vnr*
Stewart Crockett, cousin of John S. Crock from Constantinople sa) *: "There la rea-
ett, and D. V. Moore aa surgeon. Ibeother son to believe that Arab! Pasha has sent a
surgeon, being from Richmond and his I sped** of ultimatum to the Sultan, declar-
inamo not known, escaped IndictmenL | ing ttat he i* protecting Islam from the
and giving the bultan notice that
iir"kJS?2uS»! Jota?p!rkS.'2^th”, f Sd e?SS
hS "I*- » “ b»U*ved here thnt Arebl ha|
pe?th^ thro.len«ltodepoMth.honrool0.tten.l
tSStrSUSK th?idv!Sw P d7m»”. Augeyto*. JBT« ^Ohwrit P^h. hy]
s=!a ^ 2S: B
ffijr °. f . hytoter. end. I from TenUh .tote. thetHsT
, a. city officers,
rnerctmiiU and clerks. I thought at first
it would not l*t» » congenial party. Hut we
were soarcely out of the city before for
mality had disappeared, and the whole
crowd became a* uuoon«lrain<-d iu a gang
4>f school boys taking their first tnstoof
facat mi. ll.o flow of spirit* w.i* ronl.-i
gioiH, nud ouoo started soon comrouoica-
ted itsolf to every one. Beipg noth
ing if not Ihuatricah it «>o m found
vent in gem* from the latest operas and
tragic rendition* ot drmnatio extracts.
Tin • i' i-tu iv. conibint d witii t!.i« good rntu
of speed nt which Conductor Campbell \
running, brought us sooner tha
working on tbe entrenchments.
ish experienced grta.
ehmenta. Tbe Brit 11 »rge portion of the expeditionary force to
diiflenlty in moving I embark. A company of engineers and a
rectly a sufficient number of heavy guns I Cavalry on Haturday aod toe troojs from
ar* placed tn position, an attempt will I the Mediterranean next week,
be made to dislodge Arabi Pasha without J A coneapondt-nt of Router’s Telegram
exposing the troope. Gunners and guns Company at Alexandria telegraph* that
from the fleet arwgoing to th* front. I tha Khedive refine* t<» ent. rtaio the prop-
Ai.cxxndsu, Joly 25,8 p. m.—The out- os it ion to extend amnesty to tho principal
Pasha have retired eboot one | rebel officers with n vie - - * • ’
post* of Arabi Tasna nave reurea soonx on* ■ reoei omoers wun w view oz indneing
thonssnd yards and the British hare ad-1 them to abandon their allegiance to Arab!,
vanoed about five hundred yards. There I London, Joly 26.—'Th* Dali Mall Cku*U
appear* to be some disturbance inside of I eaya there is np excuse for charging on*
Arabi'a ictrenchments. penny of th* expense* of the Egyptian ex-
London, July 25.—In the Uoose of Com- pedition upon tbe finance* of India, ex-
mons this afternoon, debate was resumed I oept temporarily. If the government i*
on motion for a vote of credit for the I weak enough to yield to th* tcraptatioa, U
force for Egypt. 8ir Charles Dilke, nuder I will break np. All its members oannot be
foreign secretary, said tbe Khedive had the expects! to swallow their word* and belie
running, nrougtit us sooner man we an
tifdD&tea into the babel of clamoring par-
A short ride put as at the Collie r House
wli.-ri' o m ,ii> M tf.r i'f »; !*• grcc'.fi u-
tbnt one covld nlmoat imngino it was
home. Mr. Collier has one c irditml (>un-
elple in his management: no matter what
turn* up, tin-re h ftlwaj* room, and com
fortnble room, for one more. And in as
signing apartments or arranging dinner
partis* you can see him quietly bringing
together those who wi»b to be with each
The life at the spring* docs not present
an) thing dnzziiog in the way of attractions.
About the first thing ou tho nrogramine i*
an after-breakfast walk to the spring. It
would not take any great amount of time
to drink enough. Hat *<une ho * or other
before that lutlo task is accomplished an
boar or two has slipped quietly away.
There seems to be a diiq>o*itiou on the jmrt
of tbe yonng people to prolong it beyond
this time eren. The grove around the
spring, vtith its bouldtn and ledges of
rock, offers a most excellent place for what,
in summer resort phrnstology, is called
l")um-)nt:i-iDg.” I did more than onco
suspect that some of the couples that I
-.a. I,ill v») hi'hh ii »•> th- protecting
shelter ot parasols and guarded from tbe
vulgar gaze by the kindly aid of mother
earth herself, wereengiged in those softer
pursuits that youth is prone to follow.
And I imagino it wo could catch tho little
souud wave* that have startod on their
endless journey there, liowuver, soft tbe
murmurs that gave them life nnd motion,
Uey wonld still be powerful enough to
mantl* fair ehceks with roseate blushes.
Bat leaving the lover* to them selves, I
fonnd myself with the quieter class, which,
I tee m the quintessence ot the
enjoyment. After a meal is over tho men
retire to the j»oroh, an I, having lighted
cigars, nssmne the favorite jKMition of the
Aod gsse at the world ’twist the toes of their
support of tbe most respectable pert of the I the whole spirit of their previous* utter-
native population. The government de-1 enow about th* only legitimate applica-
sired, after relieving th* j«ople of Arati tion of Indian texts.
‘ * ‘ enny, to leave —* ‘ • - - -
them to manege I Tbe Daily TeUgraph, In its second edi-
8ir Wilfrid Lawson violently contested the I darkne * a force o! GOO men approached
iiarty of Idle Italians «Lom thay toeitht to I avama mro. UM)Wle. 1 stow to ttto BriUeh Unee. «kao th. Thirty,
prorent Irom irolnir to work it the hu 'ieh*!'-»»e taro[K»ne w tortured, dto Loaoei, Joly »-The Kiolurog. Tele. ei,hth ferment opened lire, end the
Johu'e l'er™driioLotthelSewYorkCeo- •«■*><>«■•* endtooto piece*, end thet oreph (loropeoy bee rewired the lollowln, enemy relreetod nroelpltol»ly. During
trel rellroed The etrikeri led met the women w * r * oattani end tortured, eed dbpetchl •‘Atrsamlria, JhI« X, t p. m.— I tbe remainder of tbe night the Egrptlen.
iliSaSJuWr bStwe^7he^iir.ld;! 1 I 5* .troop eSp kut.b.r .nd to. I oouUuMd moring .bout i >et*Kid£d
thirty-six field I Arab! Pasha's Uam. The British Infront I that* e~white flag was flying over hia on-
unknown | of RamUh are being a reinforMd with two | trenehment*. The reports were probably
Broadway end Canal streets attacked i —Z. '
the Italians. The latter were game end ‘ I 5SS I 2?G*Si«5^£ wd^ _ _ _ „ _
tde of ihota wcrTfired^andonVoMhe aUUrl number of smooth bore*, taken hence aid I nine-pound gene and' tw"o'Gxtlinggu'n7.1 drenUted to ieiT lb*
JJJ fin wlthl bSlWUn W* SOS. The real f, Ilced 00 in front of hia posh Arabf I'aahebek gone to Cairo.’’ BriUah.
ran and tbe Italians pursued and drove 1 11 Julv2L—Th* Khadlv* ha* I London, Jnly 25^-Th* Marquis of ^
them several blocks. Una Italian waa ter- tlf it. I iingtoo, secreUry of state for India, I {*•
ribly wounded in tbe face by a blow with a r^ted in Parliament last evening that tbe Hie.vieTl.wm
stevedore’s ootton hook. After the battle ****** of troop* to be ordered to Egypt 5? thadepoeHtea
^olpdHw.toorUJ.tb.ItolUu. to rrobl'X^Wu^^" - to ‘
. H.—A dispatch to tile
from Alexandria states that
withdrawn the balk of hie
isa 1 %s.iu»- T 'T? w imM „
?Q^ n t« D ^ to s ;r&^ S-
dour. ot the depot won lot though rownlly Aleuyow^ of«l
pened end u line of l™k. Io ."W ‘ h 0 “'repro^toUroeot the whole Iudiuproee,
extended ell or emu block. Irom the de- yg"» rtl ro“r,, L ’, l .tln?!^L oootolh. uu article declaring thet I. . mut- ”«*/*■; >*^J*»*“ ,«*" *» U?»» r -
W.lue.v.r.1 etrwu. bceu^uX for iM'SS totoTwdto’to^h^
_ . I Arab! is moving portions of bis forces in I !£Trr. -nH An.irit I A disMtch from Parle says that l>e-
■era^'of almU^&Zti^SSSlSSl ^ dirtctio °* Sfuike^UlV, MlSir kJSISS ^il F^ro hi# arrival at l’ort Haid pro-
SSraMSSSrhl^S^Sdfto: B >~,r,«.t!i»iru»n-,LioomSficuion. *KsflSSt?<5 tSTtS^SS-
sssg st Ae<sA% gS^ssTis
KlUdtsf.te. U S P dIS.tSrt<Jld S j*"** 10 rau«ub.r Uely loyUy to thet, Mlomtuc. 1
edrereo, Her Uortroue hero deUrmtned I P 7T’J^“°°Wr'V^ r / .. I Louoou, Joly 15.—'Thu Timm bet Ihe fot-
ir ss\yifaast jSs tite 1 ^•
down; with the epoeUee,blebooeuii effcri | " ri 2S °° 8:11 r"{hl’ I rinJlS toiTCrott* of T»mnhr P TwoKn" I A(t " "‘ B *‘ * "““‘•‘'If bright end
iu°TS meet eitff££rte^n&Td£nn. 1 ■ ^dr-de-cemp of thw Ktmdlro.,, There | ianil<J atd beautiful .tor epr-er. iu tbawwt. Thle
*“? “atl*- SlttoTJuttoTln tt.. herb«r wSroS* I wwro killed, lu order to eecepe ootr^rt. U Venue, the next planet Utwwn the earth
“•«-«‘"r u 1 \ li *
Irom ell municipal offlwe. iBwTaErt I I mmt boerdei it. No aoouer were they «•"•» *» to the eurth, end ee It ro.
,eron»ntoo|1^5JIf5Su?u?,iL^Iil. iZj.2SS?i„l*«»t»d Uuu e determined attempt wee I tatee on iu exi, In about twenty.foor boera,
' a ?l’ I It* day ia of nearly the earn, leogth ee our
— — ceueiug the I QWn _ A1 | ih, plenele rerolxe around Uw
Et I fih P ‘7i "to? 4 JS/tSI Aimuwnuie, JdyK-Ou. of the twol*^** 1 WffkhttW
then rated (nee 111 nan 771 to reran* thu’tveolng the etramhoet t'er.clmu, for I m'wn raoUnue to^iwecnr*with^ralngM I mmnbere hen of tiwdeputoUoe ropmenC I pUto tteorbtt te eetUd ite feer. The earth
aider tha vote by which it yeatfcrd*T rtf n*cd lb* Atchafalaya river, when opposite Loo-1 f r0 m Cairo and tbe interior who bring 11®€ H»e Notables of Cairo brought a copy I ** montha in making Its journey,
emer tnevow oy wrnca it yeet*ra«y rerasca lanaaYen0CfMM n after leaving her wharf, iSt terriblaMWMmUof the duoSnS Ufa proetamatlon s^retly circulated I and all eoapeUlkma of time ar* bared
*w oat the bead of her forward Am- I at Tantsh, Damtetta and etaewbero! Rear I R»gh*b Pasha, stating that England I npoo this ciele, the Ume of the rsvolntions
n £om do2»®5 , tb ^ AdmSalrteiikSshas vreiiteD* to the ■£\M decUred 'war against all Kgyptiana. | otM th* pfanefe b*la terreetrial
Ll . . -.W acahfed and iuh consul at Cairo urging him to impress TWJtoidfo has ronaeqoenUir tewn strong-1 W And yare. MagJmmwt Ite
blown overboard, bat reicaed. Dave opoo British sobjecta the neceseRv of teav-1 advised to cismisa Ragheb Pasha from I deesribe* an orwt moth amaller than
Hawkins, tha second e’erk, waa also i£7 onoT 7 the ministry and placa him under arrest I the aarth'e and require* only two hundred
.... •• He Arebl Paaha’a new government have k. U to hopad ateo ttat re the miatotersare
first I twi. pywtdgawf totfiriptr «hM ttfr na-1 mart creatures of Arabi Fas as, the Khe- I lotioo, *> that a year of >ettns aqoala
olSung ChrUuSTwiU bi rtS. It «J» b wUI di.mb.ll-m Ml Mid form anew JSf “1M?SiL«Lf!5
to agree to the xmferenee report on the
river and-harbor bill. Tbe oonfarene* re
port waa then agreed to—yeas 111, nay* 82.
■ Mr. YanWyek offered tbe following:
■Whereas, the Tariff Commission from
their headquarters at Lo&g'Braneh have on
two occasions imploringly appealed to tha
b^lic for information, and no reepoosel
HI bred mada thereto, end after inviting
Into lU presence manufacturer#, importers
and traders, ilia now a aeriopa qneatioi.
whethvrthe gentlemen so invited ean re
late their experience* aod explain their
I theories without taking an oath, duly ad-J
ministered, to Uli the truth, evidently with
I the lanJabto desire to protect itself from
"JfeaoJeeii. That the Attorney-Gqperal, as
soon aa in hie judgment he eao prudently
withdraw hb persoeal attendance froia the I
■tar route proeecelioos, and can fully
laatbfy the President rod hia cabinet that
members of Cocfrees are not officers of
the government, and as to the legality of
political aeecM manta, be directed to pro-
on tbe lower deck and badly ac
cannot recover. Mika Folay, —. , rm, ■ imn--m-n.-nnm
my^WM -wM-l rad Unwn^orw^lxwri, ,gS35oKSto«
or -fifiST | The traTp. wilt .ail | - Slfn {ftL-gg” A
eead to Long Branch to aid the a tide
■hall advise what to him may _
te ptoteet said i xambsion from imposi
tion by man wise in matters of trad* and
revenue, either by stringent oaths or other
resolution war
of the i
were made simultane-
The Henate took ap the naval appropria-
tioa bill in committee of tbe wboto (Mr.
Harris in the chair), and Mr. lUla, in
charge of the bUl, addreeaed the eomimtea.
Mr. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, chairman
| of the naval eommiltea, at tbe instance of
that committee, moved to recommit th*
bill, withteetructkma to tha appropriations!
committee to eliminate all ot Ua provisions
the nag
relating to th* reorganization of the nayv.
Passing over the merits or demarite of tbU
dm i
to the naval oommtttea. This proposition
brought on a general debate, whtob waa
eUU pending when lb* Senate want into
executive Bastion, and soon after
journed. -
trovers) -t** pay meat of mileage
store for attendance at Urn extra ■■■■
Mr. Hiscock moved that tha I lotas* recede
from tte dbagreement to that item, stat
ing that though he era* opposed to Mm
did not de-ire that tbepa*#age of
s »Uiloo tut acaonatb* sub-
Joiy 15,1180. lb*.
k Me Utter of ae-
as ad*
Folger, and era* l|
ef*-.*rc%l loth# Attorasy-OeneraL
should ba endangered or delayed. After
diseamlon the motion was loat and a now
Tbe floor was granted thaeomoMHI
Indian affairs. The debate on tha Ant
bUl taken no, permitting the aal* of part
of tha Omaha l'.d.a3 r.
remainder of ti
pied tbe reaninder of the day. Adjourned.
Tha comptroller of
mptroller of Ute earrency has i
too.Pcogtoh hetteaai teak
has fled to I treat for eondiUona for hb surrender, and
truly proud of htomoalo
i. I heard on* gMitlot
iJcriug the opposition <
i:r<-u romltiuations with which fc
mi tend, ho doubted there being a
> in thu Ktate who oould have l
l(>d tho atreDgth that Mr. Hae^a
oplo regard Lamar ts r
icon an tiib atateemau rf thy
. ular favor, and wield*
iutluvuco than ever Ijeforo. More ■
40!. OltJ.n M #■ Tit oil MM
uciement weather las’
rniug did Dot prevent a very large 1
of our people, ladies nud genU
from nttouding *he dedication aerviut
thu Cotton A/enue A. M.
Among those present were Dr. Bar/
Wesleyan Female College; Dr. Ball
Mercer University; Prof. Lane, Rtv,.
Lee, \V. II. Dullftvtn, Mayor Corpnt,5
Hint, Heudrii, John T. Uoifeuillet, 1
L. Jewett, Esq., T. J. Hunt and many o
best known citizens, and a u
of colored preacher* from abroad.
At )1 o’clock the Ri*hop, with the g
nnd quite n number of ministers, x
up Ute ceutral aisle, reniing tbe lx
l's.ilm, beginning with "How amiable ‘
thy tilierUHclfn, O I/>rd of hest."
when hit were *ente<l, the choir (an» t
h-nt one, l>y the way,) chanted the
Psalm—"1 wm glad when they asid i
mo, let ii* go into the hou«e cf tbe Lc
The iluliop tiien,iu a moat solemn l
nor, offered up the dedication prayer, t
wiiich is contained in 1 King*, viii chan
■ verses inclusive, nftcr wuich the a
ication liytnn via sung.
Hi«hop Wajumn was then introduce,
tho piudor in n few well-timed rims
making known at tho time that the i
by which the church wonld hereaftei
known i* •■Stiwart’* Chopel,
Tlie text selected by tho speaker t
k*-n from Geneeis 2Mh chnpter and l"i
bat the h
Ihb pn**ago
key-uoto or t
many finely
with tl
hole discounts, there v
illustrations mips 1
ale rial with which ^
r l lie term "dreadful,” said the sped
had tre-n translated by *otne theologi
writer* "glorious," which would gi<
more plon^ant meaniag, and, therefe ,
had been rendartd rorreclly. T
thought here wa*—the place where
meet* hi* people i* a glorious plaoo.
apt illustration* were given of this.
>1o were fond of erecting inonuir
hed dead - statesmen,
flge in general i
New Oxuam, Jnly 2f.—About ff o'clock I xhe
The younger men
versation, bnt tlie old lellows have to hare
entire iun of the lloor. Each in
turn take* the opportunity to tell lib fa
vorite joke, and a unnui.nou* guffaw marks
its happy cunclu-ion. amoKiug continues
till a glorious lethargy begins to crocp over
you, and the ond of your cignr scenul for
away ami tho -moke *e« in* doubly h;t/v
and indistinct; a quiet content stoafs over
yon, end unable to stand it a y louger,
you glide off into old Morpheus's arms.
An aimless, lbtlws, lifeless exbtones, hut
not without its charm. In fact tbero is n
fascination about it which few can resist,
fot ail teave with regrst. The other amuse
ments of th* Dlaco arc buggy ilJmg in tho
afternoon and dancing in the evening.
1 »iit m* nt programme fjr Ih-
present week is su attractive one. Oo
ltu -d'»y night tho imn .n, on Wt-diu-nd.iy
nnd Thursday the Albany amateurs. Of
this troupe wo have heard nothing but
praise, and expectation is on tiptoe.
Oar trip being confined to .Sunday,
party struck th* first an pleasant featm
thu trip. Conductor Campbell was tumble
to tell na what tirno he would return
Monday, which of itself was a li
strange. But the imprcMion having 4
ten oat that it wonld be about 5:30, wo
luclnntiy left onr beds at 4 a. ra. and start
ed breakfastless for home. After throe
hours of patient waiting, with no train to
h^henrd from, some ten or twelve went
back to the hotel to wait for something
more re-Wahl.. Having nimbi up ruy iniud
to strikotho train, if ittookn.e all day, a
young drug clerk and myself began look-
in ; ar " ml l »r *<>m« thing to -atisfy t) t.
craving of the inner man. We soon found
tho Butts County Brilliant. We at ouc<
inquired what wire the bill of fare.
Boiled epMkkd roaa.
ltoilcd rpotted I*a*.
Boiled vortoffated peas.
Hog 111- it boiVd.
Hog meat fried.
Co: n breed.
We et cnce called fot two complet
breakfasts to escape trouble ofseleetioc
I never enjoyed my meal until it was ovet.
when a»kuig the extent of my damages!
learned that 1 had tub u five cenU’ vorth.
If you went to go to tbe springs cheep, try
the Batts County Urillisut. It is a g
eonventoaee to Macon people to run uj
Ihe spring Sunday. I know that many
avail themselves of the privilege. But
there must be sorao fixed tched-ile.
banker who** duties call him at 9, mm
know whether or not he can be her* at
that time. No businses man can afford to
leave cm snott an nnrertalnty as the i*
trip. Of tbe 403 guest*of tho spring, ili_
con contribute* her foil quota. ' And we
believe thnt every Sunday it will or can be
mad* n mlnatur* Uaoon, Como.
i, scholars. These evidences of |
admiration oould t>e *ecu everyw
from the great lakes of the North t
Gulf on thu South. Iu the "Mouamen
City” of li-tltiniore run Id be seen i
I direct for Alexandria.
._u PMhl iKa , I Porto pxrtkipetedwas held yssUrday. I the morning star (when it waa seen after
AreW Pasha wrote the foUowiug Utter to 1’abu, July 25,-Tbe minUter of mark* | —»** they named it. Uespera*. or the
lyx before the bom-1 n rai, M i».«/ -MUn tm n<«ki
to in. cu> • I Ira. Tta wstrol ,tTl cmm, Ih. prap4ft7
of Earopran* will b. conSv^iUJ, —
vonEMux xeii s.
Lonxw, Joly 73.—lb. Otomr to J.y
for » egodlt tort nlyta rmiaf .tor, pot kaoxria, IUt tiny w,ro
..wnlotra?mla tf Uw otoonto, tboHBM ptoMt Corp.intro»,
itoUafthvooUl b. .hi. I who Brrt .Ubontod too bo*, of an pno-
■ TH il tbit Njuo I rat .y.t.ui of Mlroaoaiy, bwu oaaTtoo-
_ Ktfrpt for * Iradto, I od from hU obramtiora tbit tho .an •»*
fore, and Uuu t.tud mra xroald bo dto | > oralitU body oraand irbiob kUUMpluuU
IxIrMitoralo bo dutiiltotol r.Tolxed. rad to uoooaocln* hi. diraortfl
Port BUd .ad Kutortb. orawtod tool.Mniybor radllrararrawMO
butnomraofil«iMir«ralratol body, lb.
nU wifi b* dutrayod rad * -Vrabod’ bo I it oodorotond. tbot Kaylrad and Vruro, I utr^til‘hi u^*no!kd i 'tb.t “If
prtactwd ia Kyrii. ArobU rad IodU. Tbo I Moo Jra. ioiaUy iaritod Italy to tartlet. I thia van aoVana voabl exhibit all tha
toradtoof Aato aa.l Afrira, tterawoutl | and that U ia prababto that vtthto tba raxl I xratraoa aj?«ral.«^' 'Ib^ulJarapabaf
„„ Mtx-. .... - braadthof aad Atrioa. tha mporai- ago that ttta praoabta thatvtutlo to.rau Oimmimtuum:" Tb. t.liarap. bad
, v „ 7 I btuty for which will be on the head ot I twenty-four hours Italy will be Invited to I not tlten been invented, and the r*rt«cuted
last an nltimatam woe rent to the Saltan J England. Egypt U still ready to be fast | ^ n^, nritsin in rrstnrinw I eetrotwmer could not demor.^rate the
asking hia to state within twelve how* friends withEniand and keep her road to “ * to g trethSThto tlSSy 5 bet heJJedicted that
.■^^“^■t^TtoI iaTbra*T^l^K5-tb^I ordratoEffypt. I K‘^Sl2^^.bMSt!ISbL ra*
™ IS | It. "f bra hri«Ba«<irVtaaU]r. Ea B lrad | Umov, Joly Jl-Tt. Tim*, to a toad. KtoJdtoMSSSaof v '
| la, arttoto, nya i
r nlhtr till! will Ibata I tJ-i-nttora vara
I Uoiof TraktobtotarTratkw laVraauiaily I ** lllt, T!.S*. 1 ** It !* n ** *» I hlTtabJrapaalftdtraJudit*lotbabaaatt-
vbether 1m
Egypt, aod that it vaaoponthoraatlptof loray rato aararadUiat^ va ara
aa araain reply to tbo nltimatam that tb. I to dia for oar oooatry.'
gorarnmaot daaidtd that Itow for furtbar I Tbo Timm Ihia morning aa,a tba qaaa-
datay had paraad. r
Axax.wsai., Joly 73.—Tba Kbadin
■tyrad adaarra dlaail«aln« Aral* Praha aad
AM.rt.ff him a rabal. Ho vUl abo laraa
agacond ordar fortdddtoatba>Kppttoa
ramytooUyocd^. IromUraW Pai^rad. .... , ,
jblhlto, tho pvtotoT,
Tba mail ttoamar hom Coorta ' —
abtob aiilrad braatbta marvlaff.
embargoed *"4 her ffiHeiw an.
.raplrioo toat t? I d^J^f W iJ^t^nmatiftto | toolt, o» raratoff tba tobra rad eddamto. I^AdT^to'^m^ltodra^.
_taam Unncbaaffom Urn BHUab Brat. 1 aommlttoa of tba Itoaata on tba oaxal I a xotaa toUwTWtormtaattoa of I -I.,r.vli
Tba BrtUah bare tbartand tvo nwk to I credit, dratared that if tbo povom tadt-1 If Eactood to toft to aat alow tha tormal I V,i ra«u^ rraSradaround
^TyufJ-art*^? I ■ I ° Jg: I 11* taotodJS a*a hatred lb. aaUafaotioo,
Raabab Bay, tba itarad d»ty of "
lay r «'BTT, ErfOI'H ravEalEU, V. IIJ Ot avVW 1UTE, I ra . J1 *» ; 'j l’ottl
Itamtr from Constentinopl*,I Lake Heron, Palmira. UvUvta, Harthia, I %k>o*wtlls C nui r a
it ba va. eranytoE totlara to | Praia, fft -Jf. da Freyrioto, pra.t-1 hare ana at tba at ■ iraoioaomp. ma. iraxt
st pn 5;^ *EisSdrs25iS sasa s
atooa vill araain anduaart bar nfMai I damarab
> fataratbo,to. I — TgfT; ,
******* I Uoo, aad tbooah bo va. eomp.Uad ao re-
, r:\xal Ion. aad vail «■
tnrata ».r« t and n;oa Imn •l.— tn.- tut
I :: • I., act. l'... a* nt of AnU
SrmmbtoraSitofflam and
bssr A2ra , «MS^£
be^rpn-miJS Uai.ary it bi filly mZ mSlmj oat ot ?po,Uoa of tb. reSrvaraJ Ulra dj not bratxtaUratoriniwv tba
fraiokaara.ramptotolHtof pafaovnvtthliho ffowommaat baa rafaaod to hhUm|ratoa|to|itoy|rajgQgranXMj^^
LM^reb^ra^*««jj«ctoiru | :ncb rauor. il. da Preyvt** ratunovlj
t.'.tr r.n; --d t'.r
; Mra.
M. da Pi
that tha povan'
aim uniMU Arrat'aMafadarauato I idra ot d-i ututoc ot!. t p .. .re to act io
Eaypf. Aatpbartottorto Arabi vaa foaad | Eyypt.
apoohaaa. I that lb.
■ )m,,.thy of
Mr. t ie,'* ftdltction
.......... .rticn. oo aeroort of tb.
laJy wrillr.- from Hacina, WI,., roliUral.irtt.mtt.tto.birb ba ba, u.n
tuakr. t!..« srat'Jjir,d report : “Wi Si- ,nb^«rd. Ho U a rxodidi'j for tbe
- bMiDnlr of Cmn- alo from lb. t.rnty ffr.t dwtr cr, aod bl«
/Itoirerkfti eoonty, by auantoio-i TOU in IU l\r
-v- i —BMBMtbf«m ha'd to tb. occotyMj
JhJrara uf?- ur.' mi ^itb''tta oiV,«Z\ <.> r “
■oplo wer
1 the disti
*u who hint sou diotinotiun in life,
u speaker gave briefly tlie incidk «
ii gave rise to the language of the te
aliout a ladder—i
from earth to h
ceuding aud de
1 long
ven, and »aw angels
Muling. He awoke a
the words of the U
ted the *lee|»er and gave h
nnd he
rememlterod ,
i "dreadful," A
iu Ili-J mornin
n. ha Ml In
ocr plaaa.
itu tho groans of his people in Eg;
loud nnd deep by reason of tha ev«
d the authorities. God showed him* * ,
o*t*, In the burning b:».*h, com mat
lim to remove his shoes, for the s]
eon he stood wn* holy. Mosee v
bidden to go down an 1 tell Fhxraoh to
ii* ixrople go "I am creator than king and rule all the nrinies of
arth." '1 ho burning bush wn* a gloria
place because Jehovah waa there.
The journey to the Red Hen was haa.
re, but glo lou*. They had a pillar
ond If) do) and of fire by night. El
II that i-enlo i* j mrney wn* glorious
■ of OH
it*, ruling cower. And the f
lownnl Canaan, after ert
*•.. w.i* in keeping with
God wa 3 prerent,
li which tlie talrtTUAcl* re*
The light of Sh(.-binah m
also wa* thu law eipluic
ivertd his arm iu Iflessinw
i -|*»t troui whence Mt
•romi««- laud wa* madei
n pri *«o;ce of tho Almijp
••u amid the awful thuad
tmug* with wiiichitwM
a glorious Jebo
J aoay,.
and *h.v!ows of
that ti
good 1
Mildest by
• 1!,.
t place In
:d i Ji i
Aa iMtereslINg Wee*tug. nt siose
Irwek—Vrope, roltttca, Xte.
Tbe KU-nczer Baptivt Association con
vened with btooe Creek Church Saturday
end Senday, tb# 22d end 23d lost This is
posed of delegatee from the
different churches for tbe purpose of die-
_ questions pertaining to tb* general
Interest of tbe denomination. Your cor-
respondent went op ou Sends*. &od from
balurday be
learned that e goodly number of delegate*
were in attendance oo that day, end that
they hed a very Interesting end profitable
Tb* morning Beesioo waa ocAipied by
sieging, prayers, etc., with n sermon reed
by Mr. J. 0. Solomon. Tbe afternoon waa
devoted to tbe discussion of several sab-
■ ■
i- t‘e gate
Calvary ws* a glorl -re place,
becacre Christ wo* fighting th-btttl* oi
d«-lu(tion "iligle-hnuded, uud thjQgh
dud, ho iodt-ud con-|Uered, beoapae
brought - dvnU-*u to tinmr,. "Who
they -ay I mu ?’’ tie a*kfd of hi* di»cif
W. A. Dsvi*. Georg*'ll arp,
MMHate others pertMoeted to
toaritoraUraodtovhotoammbly. Bon-
J.y vaaa xwy r.lny day, and tkare baton
«cber pirrent, the oceestenwae con-
Into a t-rajer nMaUoa, aad tba lima
va- tbo. profitably onotiad.
ltobitoi<>vlv«nMi Mrab.E*T.l
P. nr. Eito*. vaa moat Hrioarty tojared, a.
.1 to yoor colnmaa rareral
IM 11. vaa toran from bi,
!■’.-flr by a ran-aw,y bona and p,Mini-1
brad vMharab tarao aptrat tha hold alay
aa to di.tonat. hta Up, breaking .nry lt.-a-
maotot th, j .int aad [ rotrodia, tba Moa
thraora tba flaah Into tha ,|>in,. lli.
nffartoff haa baw axnrmtatina to
^■o moat eommeodab!. fortitnda.
Tb. mrattoz b. Id at Ida cbnrrh paiwd re.
lolaliuo. o! aimtutbyand nondot.oc. iuc
him aad hia famity, and whta tbaraV
■radiohim, bi- zreat U«f. va. filial lu
oraritovlnz, aad bo vopt lika a 1 bi-
^^■aOktioa laaiariova blow to bit
natty. Ha vaa a rental
t:.xt i.« t« nnabla to
ehwra aad
Uplyiav to a ntattoo. ba atatod
rreaok opmUnaa foe tha pcotoo-
a Bora renal wonld not fa dad a
mwatmOotaka on hoard taacarrtiaa a-1 trtmelp Im, «ad praafraii to Are b*J with I J^trtal,
Ahookto, *' - ” * ** ‘ *’* " '
tharelnra ho tho i
kir, vhtoh had doctoral loyalty to tha la, arlaty of comptaiata. I Aad uAoyv
ira, oral* load a party to rath. Ih. I of Aar nraoenr. Bkt h aov oM< fo y.
<!■ Wo vorltollha ha*ao* yrt r. I dal (A, Aaaw ond do moay pfatra of
Tho oarriaoo numborad 7000 I _a ... ,
ru with the high,
eat. Mr. Edge bad mh
< thercount.*** *: tf •
»e*rnedof t!<e]uaes: