Newspaper Page Text
(lire dxctfrgut lUcthlu mt& 3(outmU st 3lTc;^cug^?r t
lit 11 HP SI.
former resident*, Hilliard Crutchfield His }
that 1* fading white
.ed. and I
W night
n this.
1 IdtKd her Hw, they
t they mad* no a
ire half apart,
werlng ilien;
if falling hear
on the bine-reined lid.
i bjr her deatb-dauu ball;
he riolet depths it hid.
1 name was Henry Cru‘chfit!d. He was a | j cx - 2!.—Ruzt hcs made Ms appesrence
wxsoi the , man of a dwaipsteu character and bad j iu cotton here and U doing considerable
traveled over a great many States. He had j uugge among early and highly manured
killed a negro in his career and bad at last ‘ " * 1 ' —- *-
come to the conclusion that there was not
room enough here in this moral vineyard
for him, consequently took hie own life.
He was living on the plantation of Mr. J.
It. Worsham, near Hickory Grove, where
the horrible deed was committed. An in
quest was held over the body. The jarv
foaml that the de:ea**d came to his death
by a gnnshot wound by hia own bands.
Strolling over thi crops generally, we
find that Mr. C. K. Worsham, who has con
trol of the plantation of Me srs. iAtnar
and Ed Holomon, has a flonrisbing crop
o* both corn atd cot'on. His corn will
average from thirty-five to foity boahri*
per acre, and a bale of cotton for every two
Ightl longed (or there.
nt day and the fainter life awoke,
n l U.-niaht was overpast | m|
• • d: Though
ipeak with a look at last!
i the Century.
cotton, though there is from one-half
two-thirds of an average orop already made t ”T«* Albany at __
on nil the earnest cotton. Lata cotton u Macon last night, after all. They have
doing well, and should no diseaaa befall it | probably decided to take in no small
a largt crop will be made. In speaking I towns."—Sera and Advertiser. Well, well,
with one of our beat farmers on yesterday I well! We deuutize Chan Jones to lead the
be eeld he had noticed for the past three I author of that paragraph straightway to
years that on a certain pleoo of land where I ixecut on- It would be
the email red ant was no me rocs the cater-1 time to pray.
piil.r h.d (ailed to do any WOT. wbU* « , r to lean maUroasM out on
otbot port, of to* aamo field to* crop wa* blck 1<)rcllts in AtUnto, Into in th. day.
entirely destroyed. Hart. , n inc h ease* they an apt to b. atoton.
.a-.-^.-TT . This goes to show that there is "rest for
. " , ?,?*!' . tba wicked” in that dty. and on itoton bad
Jclt 23.—This delightful Southern resort | gear# a p
hi™ Si S M *- 0. Bmm, of Roma, died .nd-
SfiSl Atlanta on Friday night. It to
wUh nny'othe rw.te r ing^tdaMln the Stato! "“W 0 "* 1 h « “™<*1 <>8 by apoplexy.
lt m"«llbacallcd lL“li.raS,«of tba Baud. Tho*** .hot Henry Sliding in
South, for with n mild ,nd genial climate Atlanta, on Friday. They were t»Ui black
rnd II. varied and exhilarating water,, a and wicked. Hennr wein’t killed. Had
balm to offered to thvae worn by dtoeaM |m been n good ci txen the ballet “
and many pleasures lo others more for-1 hsvs silled him.
tnnate, who only seek a little recreation I To make confusion worse confounded,
*•!«» «*"»“’/• “»from the caret and perplexities of. bosiaeas, the “fence” and “no fence” question is
August next. Several orators are expected and though with much less presumption I epidemic in Fulton county. It ia an utter
“® Ha* I4b. an ^neoghty aieter o#the North, she I impossibility for even the best regulated
dully invited to attend, as the pecastonJ* all to come and test the efficacy of families of Jeffersonians to harmonizs on
expected to be a grand one. W6 are Bring beMliters and enjoy the hospitality for thia question,
to have lemonade, ice and nicknacks of all vblcb .be has been famous for many years 1
kinds in abandonee. 1 • — • * ••
mometer go above ninetr-fivs, with more ATTU PTCITT TJ'ATTJ I fiftj varieties grapes, viz: Arm a i a, Con-
*r less of a breeze prevailing. No*, a dc-it b l/Ult / litll X Alii. I cord, Racine, Ula k Defiance, Clinton, El*
i - 1 sinburgb, Hermann, Telegraph, Brighton,
Tirp wrnnrre'f’t rmjr* Early Amber, Conqueror, Norton’s, lao-
TIIE NT ATE BORTMC l LTl UAL beila, Triumph, Delaware, Catawba, War-
SOLMETl. I rentoo, Black Eagle. Linally, Perkins,
acres. Mr. R. H. Raines’s crop, Joinf
that of Mr. Worsham, will average equally
as well. The writer can safely say, without
fear of contradiction, that these two young
,, men are equally up with tin two boas
never In life yon spoke, I farmers of Crawford county, viz., Howell
Adams and John Miller.
There will be a picnic at Gray’s ferry, in
, . _ . . . - ,, 1 There will be a picnic at Grab's ferry, in
of a heart beat fluttered her | x*yU>r ©oon^ the second^ baturdsy^in
_ bird’s wtiizs spread to flee
.jrned her weary *nns to •■**
id the light of hc-r »yc* to
-II. C. fimmuer
1st the Brown-Norrman cat e before Judge
Tlielr Sfvctlns Yesterday—FI net*l Dli
plsi of fruit Ever Been In Georgia {
—The Display Open (o the Public.
Certainly Macon was never favored with
a finer display of the products of tree and
vine than the exhibition of the State Hor
ticultural Fociety yesterday in Colonel
Brown’s new bp tiding. The members
from abroad were surprised to find that
Mr. Henry Peter had anticipated every
wish, and that the meeting hall and exht-
tion hall wera in complete qrder, and noth
ing remained for them to do but to hand
in their fruit.
There wae ample room, plenty of tables,
and plenty of plates and saucers. The fruit
that had tx*n sent consigned to Mr. Peter,
was carefully labeled, and the exhibitors
themselves would not have objected to the
displays made.
The general arrangement of the table*
was superb, giving the visitors every ad
vantage of seeing all thai was to be seen.
Each table held the display of one exhibitor,
all fruit being plainly labeled, and the
IVi _ ,
Hartford, Prolific, Kalam, Iona, Cham
pion, Maxatawney, Cottage, Ire*, Diana,
ete. Eight kinds of wine mad from
grapes grown In hit vineyard. Six varie
ties per—
yiadlaon. I ^ j niure comforttotheir passenger*. I m SS^Sta!ei*f*That 2 aettits tha
Jolt 31.—On the 23th lost, committees The proprietors of the Springs, Messrs.1 M th
ities of Morgan, Jasper, I Thompson A Allen, are the very princes of | qae.tion, »o fa. as we are concerned.
I from the counties
that “it is hot."
Quitman. I Butts and Spalding met at Indian Spring I hotel moo, and their names alone are a
Ji lt 23.—The people of middle and op-1 to confer with Colonel Julius Brown in re- I tnffleient guarantee that the wants of their
i*r Georgia have but a meager idea of] ward to building the Griffin, Madison and guests will reotive every attention end are
nil t ronrrift Dnrinu the war Col I Montioello railroad. Colonel Brown waa made to feci at home as sooo aa U*ey ar- count for thia aingul
soutbwfst Georgia. During the war, ix>i. UMble m0 cttbe committees but wrote rive. In close proximity to tbe hotel are lea Moscogee Dei
J. J. Howard, of Cartersviile, refcgeeii to I tbeic a letter in which he stated the terms I three largo bold springs, chalybeate, aol- Gapt. W. A. Little I
We are at a lota to so
lar fact.
moernte havo Indorsed
for Congress and CoL.
. a a letter in which he stated the terms three largo bold springs, chalybeate, sal- capt. w. a. Dtuie /or Gongrese an
Tiro- >ks county. He aald when he left his I upon which the road wonld be built from pbor and magnesia, each having a wide I B. A. Thornton for the State Senate.
r„ in nrtemvitle lie thonght he was I Griffin to Montioello. The terms proposed reputation, and but a few steps distant are Mn. William Hoox, of Sumter oounty.
. . . ^ j, j_ - I did not Include the building of the road to I the bath houses, where m floe baths Mn be I recently sold in Americas two hundred
off among a set of Ignorant people, u> a i j l j a< ji IW( , t nn( j tbe committee from this had as at any other watering place in tbe bushels of old corn.
At 10 o'clock the society convened in the
spadou* hall•< over the general passenger
depot and was oalled to order by the presi
dent, P. J. Berckmans, of Augusta. T. L
Kinsey, tha secretary, was In hia place.
Then proceedings wero opened with
prayer by Rev. B. S. Sweet.
President Berckmans announced Mayor
Felix Corput, who*, on behalf of the citi
zens and city of Macon, delivered the fol
lowing addresa of welcome.
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the
State Horticultural Society; As mayor of
the city of Maoon it becomes my dnty, and
it is indeed a pleaum: one, to welcome yon
to oar midst. Not only, gentlemen, do
we welcome yoa to onr city, but tender
yoa the hospitalities of our homes and
firesides. The people of Mecon have not
been slow to appredate
work which you are carrying
at once admitting yocr usefulncs.', an<
believing that with the proper recognition
and endorsement this nsefnlneae can be
murii enlarged, and that the borticnltnral
interest of oor spite, which ao long lay
different fraiU separated and placed to
Onr reporter has endeavored to give the
like discrimination. The entire display
waa so excellent that to psalseone display
mo*e than another would be wrong.
The show is opened to the pnbTio and
many ladies were in attendance yesterday.
The following are the displays and exhib
ByDr.J.P. H. Brown, Augusta—Exhib
itor country and a graveyard. But after I county withdrew from the meeting. When eonntrr. You will meet hare a gentle and » t*,-*- » Laxtaiiu beirins to talk ah if
n ; on r'li pojoorn h.«,. ho *» nompritod to th. nid r~ol« WonlicolIo.todU.nd g«W toy of ftopt. fromnffgrto of
Prononno. it on. of th. hoxlthl^tand bo.t «SS2d £$&“? &'u'S bltoi « om
ntriee he ever knew, and that he was I through this city to Athena. There oan lie family, haying left behind them all the Jm gteat paUie la mBd *
Mt-ti-hcdatthe intelligence of oor peo*! no doubt but that the road will be extended carsa of this sublunary sphere, and only , , . ... . . ..
r V Th# t-Hu ral imoreesion is that this 1 40 Columbus and then lo Savannah, and ■ trite for each other’s enjoyment and I Tim .Vejcs pajs a fdeilng tribute to the
p.e. The general Urpresaion U that this i frQm AtheQI to po int f D TenMaaee, pleasure. worth end enterprise of the Unffin - i
> P'.or,flat, piney-woods. This is a # great j RTK j t hat under tbe naweof the Georgia I There is in connection with the hotel ejqoito.
mihi-'i c. I u«n show you many hills in | Midland^it will pass through the finest sec-1 livery stable, where goxl teams can be had | Atukjs Chronicle: >it The blasting on.the
alive I at reasonable rates, and there are many I Georgia extension still goes on.
7.7”’”““ . ..», * I to her own interests and she is de-1 excellent drives in tlie immediate neigh- day a rock weighing 12 or lfi pout as (ell
t tor twenty or thirty miles. Ana there I termineil that tbe road eball be I borhood, whore the gallant bean, with hit in Mr. 8. Harm’s front yard on Ooonee
® section of thia State that has such I built to thLi point. Onr citizens are mov-1 lady fair, oan be seen every fine day dash- street, completely burying itself in the
where Iheltnd is moro fertile or prodne-
There are largo bodies of land k*-own
its ten varieties of grapes, viz : Concord,
Clinton, Catawba, Agawin, Barekmaos,
Hartford Prolific, Ives, Isabella, Hulander,
By* L. L. Varnadoe, ThotrasviUe—Ez-
bit« six plates of LeConte
Large Yellow May, English Crab.
By Mrs. J. >7. Bryan, Lookout Moan
tain—Exhibits, corn, sunlluwer, silver-skin
onions, Compton Irish potato, broad leaf
•age, hackleberrlea, gooseberries, black
berries, pole beans, martynios, red Neth-
ersfield onions. Peare—Bartlett’s. Clapp’s,
Favorite, Duchesj. Apples—Red As-
trachan. Bed June, Jewett’s Best, Early
~ — * * lien, Eqcenetelle, Caro-
rgan aie called upon ,
th«*ir aid they will respond promptly. I Warm Springe, kept in good style by Mr. I Somewhat dangerous.
The handsome residence of Mr. O._B. j Charles u Davis, a grandson of the late | Tnz Madisonian announcwi ita eupport
the following somewhat
‘‘The Madisonian
enthusiastic eup-
Southern Confederacy,
” Bat not
vines will measure eight or ten inches in | w * —r 7177 |. fonrteen milw will take jr<m I (j ran t’» Southern policy daring hfa toim of
It. i.r Hr*le»tAm near Onltman and I with stealing lumber from the Georgia to tlie Wh.UHulphur Springs, which ie do* offio .n
rShsasssaava feaSSSwSffl
posse. He is now in jilt an ailing the ae-1 A fine bard of mnaic ia located at each | GoP«-p-Thw Repnblioam in Athene are
tion of tbe Connty Court. A I of these springs, and aeekera after pleasure | *rtively nt work foritho to^«ecti9n of Mr.
i)i<4 v»a* hmniFht tn nnr rr.nntv A4A I A odsm m<eting of tho Democratic patty I oan find every opportunity to “trip tho | A white man m this city lost his
1 ssd*. zxlg 1 my tMuiu ° ^ 10 w ksr^iSiisas
ttsnsszIftr? h ~?KS. •» 1- *?.I %-** »»Ir«i!si^Sa£jS5Jsaaa
t add to this the
About r<00 acres itf melons and vegetables I
lng. but eloquent, as they speak great proa- “HBHP
2 ^i.ri&ni“uS: «* urffift., is. piVr,
and Mira remember- lifted to aeleot hh» own delegates. I they will receive every attention, and bring * or Congrtwa for Gie State at large. Tho
L. r «am I Jodgo Calvin George and Col. J. G. Mo- i nway with ehem many pleasant remem-1 Mmi P*P* r k ^ 8 ° flMte L. J. Gartrell for
tto 1 HrerjiF.oindld.tI. lor to. pcltlon. |b™«. * Igorernor. ^nf.U^T'conwrdMTfcnto.U«.
riiri^tino nud lumber ’and last but I CoL J. A. Billope and family, of Maoon, I On August 4, the Chatham ArtTlery from I Tub editor of the Coffee County Gaxetts - * “
r i.irj Hiune ana lumber, ana last on\ i >re thaVommer bare. I I # A » hinuit in th- f/V.i .wW
lurixmuon nuii luuiucr, nuu ia-
least, tbe famous LcConte
. I Savannah will visit the Chalybeate Springs goes for himself in the foil wing g-
- _ _ metis: I for a week’s stay, and a right royal time is | humored style: “We have done all
i<)M nVsonlhwMt Georgia ThivsccHon U I Misses Maggie and Fannie Muslin and I looked forward to, for In the days long
iden ax •omnwest ueorgia. tniaacvipn ia | Mmi n^tSnLmmmAm. nf Ksvsnnah, are Ugo a miliUry encampment at this place
adapted to truck farming tta® I
a. for we oan and do prepare vega- »®on« G*® uu>4t arrival*in tlie city.
Jr. Staph IHHHH
sampment ntthU place nominated; we waged war against Mr
t to be remembered. The Cook and he got the county delegates. If
,e with them two of their I anybody else wants to carry ’the day,’
cannon, but whether they are to be used in | please lat os know, and we’ll knock them
B nm it i— uemer lunitn. ■ . mocking• the sound of battle, or be mod*
*, ,.,|M bntter m.loo. >nj x. S .UU« »n<i tb. minit Into.. F. w«» lb. Mlo (Mptato of IU hra» ntUl-
have lunch cheaper labor. I opened Thursday evening at So’olock. H I lery punch, I do not know, but it is safe to
Floridaj*for we oan and do prepare vege-
“ sand melons as soon aa there ia any. tiiomasiou.
N< i''i' iai(I NVtti UisnMreMnarksJtrtt 31.—Tbe argument in the case of | mocking* the sound of GatUe, or be mad* I fight into the offloe they want by turning
r-i!!«, bntter melon* and vegetobleo and I the State against James F. White waa | the safe reoeptacla of iU famoua artij-1 ou guns against em.
« mnch ohaaper
SavannHli. LToriaa ana nerieniraii-1 *>■» iwi u>y invwHir* « m>< ■ . . - . .
„ blrond tdonbt toabmt nuund .p««h.),but I*m inform^ tont tfi«r wtr. I kuUU,u of th. Formt , ... .
TU Booth, col. 1LB. H»in»>, anurall mn«»er*fforU. Th. emiu gtnn to toe | nt>ou to l-rform, Ilk. tro. Midi..., they I ufath.i” m,n. U.t.ti how b. rtjoloM
5 .*, and CapL R. O. Fleming, gan- jury about 4 o’clock Sstnrdvy evening and | will never flinch. I “The man who has been in tho habit of
.t*rint*ndrnt, are far-aeeing, wise I at 8 o'clock they brought In a verdict of ao- I A pleasant time ia predicted for this an-1 meeting n* forty-five times each dty with
They have watched tha interest* of I quittaL , I dent and honorable corps, for no better I “hot enough for you, ehV’ has met his just
road, and have enoouraged and done | ^The 8ribbath-school convenlionfhe | place could have been sclected^than among | dues at last. He hea tho toothache and his
in 1 J. m'I rig tin bnsineM for their road "they I proafamme pfeviouaiy 'prepared' was fuUy I aa a treat from the aoxletlae of life. I hia faoa and keep* hfs mouth shut Thank
nre building up the people on the road. I earned out and the discussion of the ta- I Tb* crop* in this section of Georg a are | gracioui, thank gracious !'*
i£. ^"to^.mu... «nd | I ijjggrertSSiSMliJgSS'SS I toUsisf *** crop of Co * M
/ i - _ . .4,1 It. ......ii. i i iff ... I ** ,Br / uiw.
Yaldoe’i, la*t Thursday. They have gone I Hey. A. L. Moncrief, of :
North on their bridal trip.^fedMg
very fin*.
pulpit'waa occopfed bx I on this line for two or three years our good I in'ijerrien county ^ C * nl * 1<m °
lot MarshallviUe, and I old State will take her place by theaideof
, and at night by the BtaU Bahhath-soHool tbe wealthiest in the Onion, 1
the magnificent country home of 1 evangelist, Rev. T. C. Boykin. A J. K. I ■ ■ , —
^ - "to I "“«"•«« ***“»
old-f—Brnd bnxbwM. Oob o—trr. of j ULT S1 .-Oo Bntord., U.t w. had th.
th«i I itiinim. waa in attendance. Ad-1 r]«—«are of acootnpanyingourworthy aher- ■ _
dr* rsvttre delivered by Mr. D. W. Ban-1 fm » u Moslnto the Hedoak level barbe-1 All genuine Democ ratio capers feel
trte rind Mr. W. BL Ilona phreya. Then the I ta * 0 aQ J On our route wm yontempt for the platform adopted by t
called lustily for Gentry, when ho I the ei^ht of one of the finest crops I late Jeffersonian convection in Atianl
oanted tho rostrum and made us a flue I thutVo have ever seen or heard otf. It did Tb* Madisonian demolisltcs it In this wise: l p„ )M . m . rry f or money, for snlte.
h ’ Hill of pathos and patriotism^ and | mr to eeethenoble imle, is-arh. J*The InJ 1 o»Krs throoghoal tbu I fua< fof oontenience, for romance, and
r trees and the like heavily loaded down | 1^% M MBS*”? fli | love. To marryfor lor* la beat—Etcniny
Mas. Wiluam hr tax, of Berriec connty.
Is dead. She was a consistent member of
tbe church.
It ia claimed that then ar* lizard* with
two trila in Irwin oounty. They are likely
of tb* Jehereonian variety,
Th* mother of CoL Wiliioghatn, of the
By David Milne, Macon—Exhibit* six
varieties of peare, viz: LeConte,
Beurre Clairgrean. Six varietice of ap-
I lee, viz; Bradford’s Best Bhockly, Tann
in, Eqointelle, Yopp’a Favorite, Yates.
Twenty-one varieties of grapes, viz: Diana,
Hartford, FrcUflo, Black Eagle, Bine Fa
vorite, Norton’* Virginia, Catawba, Con
cord, Maxatnwney, Sirs. McLare, Croton,
Noab, Delaware, Champion, Alvei*, Per-
Mns, Ives, Wilder, Brighton, Pauline,
Black July.
By P. J. Berckmans, Augusta—Exhibits
forty-three varieties of peare, yix:
St Vincint de Paul, Setdlfng Nan
Moos, St Michael Archangel, Bsele
Epine Domes, Bartlett, Heck oil, Keiffers,
Beurre Clairgrean,Igihernd, Bonnere, Paaee
Colm-.r do Eu*erto, Beurre Superfine,
D’Ojenna Jarnain, Cleapp’s Sarah, Dr.
Kock, Onondaga, Lawrence, Lieutenant
Poiteon«Comte de Paris. Swain’s orange,
Admiral Farrsgut Beckel, Beurre d’Anjou,
China Sand, Uvedalva St German, Louise
de Printempe, British Queen. Edmond*,
Mount Vernon, Henkel, l>uch*»** de Au-
— 1 —e, Brunet Bonner’* Ororgie, Pasre
r in cluster, Vicar of Wakefield, Two
Sisters, President Dickerman, Howell.
Wa«hin.*ton atrawberry. Apple* -Siberiau
crab apples, Japan* se persimmon* New
man’s Plums. Eighteen varictio* of
the I Carteraville Free Press, died iu Atlanta on
~ last Thureday,
wi-«-ly wound op ^rtlhtb* Macon I j^ r trees sou uw «»» n*»,«i.««««««» ■ nr»7i'7|.\E7r.!Tr :.t. 'AA I *° T ** lu mini i»r iuve u u«»i.—jur-i-y
5 ’ n,r ’ u '° ““"m? D - uo - ( jobm(; u ,. 1 ...n.kuo.nHux. n of
■IlMr. o^JS^tototottSlIto^rMllSJuitoMmb!” *BaiuU, ditd ooItotontojmoroin*.
Ki.-Oor lo*nU fairly .Ui. vith I . <[0 ,, r , urpu ,Mj. Th. nobU, Tn, Jfi.luonbm InJIun.nlly doubt, to. 1 T«e L—r, »rtt«Un wall to not 1-roBTMi
in —ndju>o.offoa a .ubordinat. which wtn mil and naatlr takreoaraot, indiraot .barn of th. AUaota toroM, that I *o* to tba utUIactton ol tot BaUria.
brnncli of the Flint Itinr H.bli.t A,-ocm-1 .. rr .iiUd too Ham. ot too plaM. One I it a.imr.Ud Mr. Klrphcu, for l'mldcot In I **0”. flifbt acaioat Ur. la o—r.
■lor,, and lb. dear, distinct i*k1« of ih. and nxmorabla am waa to. 11878. I .loo. th. dmoI. ban d-tdil wa wtn
btll .ro now wamloit tha popolaoa that Um | .pMk.ia' .land, lt waa tiotlt of redoakl TnluaUUkawIti '-In r.^irn. I w . r ^? 1 ?-' , .^iA- , boa.iF i f« , orrtf..^Th.^P«o^
rw wamloit th. t>ot>tilaca that tho I .pcakoia' .land. It waa tiollt of rodoak Taa Roma /J.llrfia tan It i 'To rawi.n I ' mn r -
aftornooo torn— ha. arrirwb I r MJ i e(t oor.ttd oacr with pin. plank-. I j owll j triJ ,«»t«rdai. Dr. Mitrbalf I pta” no wd. thfnn. —
. 1_ — r-ii "* iTi. ,und wu n>dly .Jornwl will, fmrn „ m aod'nn aattw followtn* I °* J«>rgU, aaawbol. did not want Mr,
... . «Ulk. of ooni, nroand-pwu. wat.runlon., lUm! i >„ hi, planlnticn, Bt. mil™ front Stephana; tla> wh, ao many d.le*itra no
'"Mntrly of Hi*-1 corn, ri... He. It waa apldttrowio. naht. I f,n» a familr br tha nam. id I Inalmrlrd for Mr. Bacon. He had joat
mho. It^d.y wa. | indued, and wo ahall .rir reumnber it. v ln "|, tr . M,,. Finrlir bi. a calf irrrn I !u0Tot ”* ti Mr. MepUna ISC. DonTocu-
kiti.Mll., but now of Oiiffin. Ttada,waa | IndadLandwa rtall o»r raminUr to n3»"i i„."b'rhUa caH.Vtrn 1™ ™toa toltr.BtophwalkS. t
SKS: 1 About ten o’clock a crowd o« to™, ban-1 JLa, old that uTwdloff a quart of SSI *•» l«««
r —-• f -- > r ,- - , .. C m. 4*. .ttno-o... w . . w „ r6 incrcuoiouB, nm iiw Doctor asaurea | •omyh E. Brown'desired hi* nouiina-
i* to i!,4 P jy:JF*y l lJyinftfjs t^SSJg^^SL ui n n M th *‘ “ wa* a fact. He said that he bad tioo.-Adrrrfi^r and Appeal.
Hi a Jaker atrou • I h I heanl of G»U remarkabla ease aeveral days I Bona people think Judge Daniel l*itt-
I wUl ,ald , llo ’a 1 mu waa loth to believe it until y ester- man will run forCongreM, in the fifth die-
m thl roSnea^d^ffM ^Hidependcni^tbeVteriwnBUte# ^ Mr# j, w . Flnehtr informed him that trict, against N. J. HammomL Judge
{j?.! rr Af i 8r % VVmSS 11 vu UtevmUy true. W* looked up Mr Pittman, w* bxlievt, belong* to an ancient
VttontiveaadSciea! I K* S’ \? a i # ,or ' i ®t I 1 * fLnSdSS* I ^loeher and he eorr >boraUd the Doctor’s I aeot of politicians, once known aa Green-
ir J wmS?? I .?’,???■ * staiMieaL saying that the calf waa regu- backers. He is a part of the remains, ao to
wm dfmbtlws ftUtffs 1 Vf* ^ jj* f f UL *T?.' UaHv aiiked night and morning, and that speak. He doesnVknow ‘ “
b tin of Barnc-vill^ ^ l UouMIers fill the thing, and did U jg: JJg tbe yield waa a pint of good, rTch milk at lUmmood.
» m .^bbath morntog. \ ^BaghgtogPM OT* ^I ea«h mllktog. Attention wa. attracted to I T«« Cherokee Advance supports all of
_ oatoere waa a uffi? something left I SjkS* ^raBotw°aklf < of t 'ahoS > riiL oomlnsMof the late Jeffersonian eon-
i ii-’.«.l wit. cmi- op <x> I in tho ihoM of MUbiM In oldl!orf|r,,t.|j“ k *^*!??| b JfJ!|!*® , f j£?!i2rf?Sl|™>tlonekMptMr. Btophon.. Itndroontoo
Jr.’.r.l.; with!i<-rt!irt,ehildr«n,tb. tldct I (> or mo “i, (ji,!-n.urtd kt too »i*M of I I H.rir.11 for pjr.n 10 '.
«imud~in»,brinhPfkc«dlittUboi.kiidtw,. t |„ tma . | i!« of borboonod nmUon. kid. So'lSkSpSto fm^ ’* * OAMrMkrnno. tro on foot in tkrion.
iml-xirl.-pcrlu.iw twin.. Th,writ.rk.d b«f. .hole, rcnloon. ole. To .Imply My ... Ctrl, of thoBtoto. Tho wicked Urn will
!■' ” r l.'for, ucn M.y mroibcr of too fu&Ur we .lid it joittoo would not come notr tlw ®j{ i? 1 *™ 1 ft bo them. Ho like tho fan and too excite-
it *-[it the head. Mrs. Ullltngham, though I When everybody bad satisfied I f°arth year. May it see many more, ailh I m«nL
<•1,0..! lo -;.nd.m«., Unot drlicate. fca,— thopmng folk, (toot, uimt Tnn nun on too aoornU pr« aoo,kWon to onr rocuty. My lm-1 ™Jotk» to toU one tnothei
i re—ion i*. she U a cousin to lien. X. <>. 1 jojed tha barbecue. If no4
B»ir»>ti, and waa married at bis residence in I our ordinary, so wa taink, ***** »»s** | Auanta. H so, they control well, ana I ao run the Sun. Editor I-a mar to!
n-* n*»UMn«»rtneV thariu I .™ y , . L.L’ _i. i M , , I control the party's dfl4*gate« almost by ao-1 state of robust Democratic health.
H&J75JS pop^r.p*mllrowdi..- LihJ.ff.mmi«rin».
T. Irvin performing upon tl»* former and I on |t« with others in thanking Capt- B. L. I Oxareaeon why th* old commoner should I Tgzaa I* a differeoee of opinion inQuit-
Anna Lewi* upon the latter. It would I Wolf for hi* untiring efforts to make tbe I be elected next governor of Georgia, to be-1 mA ? t M beomne of tbe Demo-
“ lo hod in Oaorjlatwo young crow j 9a y ) j r Umbdunvcs. I eeute he was Vice-President of the Con- g*Gc t party. The Free Press snys that, in
t~ed of a more decided maeieal There to to bee grand beriwt dinner and federate HUte* ondsr Jtfferaoo Davto. Cra ®^s opinloo, “the onrenimd Demoe-
tolent. Miwd Irvin sing* w*U, and to rather agwaa 0 f baMballat Blufftoo oa Friday, Another reaxon Is that be to and always baa rt f y S?£ w f 10 Creech may have
odating’In obliging her friend* I August 11th. Ten or fill #0 hundred peo-1 been a better Democrat than Joe Brown. f ai »«?d the (dace a elation or two, bathe
rendition of thw lateet and p j„ are expected ta be rreeeat. If you or — Hainbridi/eOemoeraL Tbefiretof thes* I J*®L*^5 ^ mawo< tb *
puUr songs. While gifted I U]r ©f your staff should hspf*n dowu this I reason* ouclode* a go»I many peop e I Js^wHiian Independent*,
fine soprano voice, full I trey about that time, I guarantee that yea I against voting for Mr. htephtn*. A* to I hunsicv* Recorder. Th* noatoffieeda.
._Jody and vohtma,and byappU- Nul get to *e* more praty Udiee, and eat the latter, it w safficieot to *ay that th^e panSntmjSw w ordlr ‘rtaSiiS ^
I Gj* beat dinner that wa* ever p>oked. U"^rl^r. ; !. tgan aitUr of them EgS <££Si fire ZSt to?
_ U.S.A.Jr. fatmyemmtylnthnBUte. ffS^hSftiEftSaB
rru. I «... I Sumter Republican: Mr. E. M. Rogers, I ‘J now ought to have a fifteen cent luring*
tteblln. I eon of Mr. Seth Roger*, of this county, has I •Ja®P ■■deioette *®P*cial u«e of Gcor-
. Jctlx 3L—A negro man was drowned at I —eceeifaUy bored aa artes an well at I f 4 * 0 *^?"!*** Greenback party to reported
Orr to I Mr. Green’* uC in thia county, on tb* I Toombsboro. This well ha* a depth nf | JT®—baeks, bmt U cannot be
uly of T. H. P. Blood worth, for-1 commenced 00 the 2tot last. Up to last foe* Jnj voo!*u
£^k C i?«.
Blount’s Prolific com, six ear* to stalk.
By W. P. Robinson, Dowling Hill Nor
aery, Atlanta—Exhibit, twenty varieties of
peare, viz. t Clapp's Favorite, iAwreoee,
Beurie Clairgrean, Bartlett’* BL Mich**!,
GUIs Seedling, ScckeL Howell, Louise,
Boone de Jersey. Mount Vernon, ikurre
Harley, Sheldon, Docfaes* de Bordeaux,
Baffou, Parsonage, Duchess de Acon
itine, Beurre de Anjou, President, Win
ter Nells.
Seventeen varieties apple*, viz.: Tann
ton, Simmons’s Red, Seedling Crab, Jeff
Davis, Ben Davis, Hugh's Virginia Crab,
an iwri. ha<l .1" f P**** 1 ”* factory, iIddtwrffaw. Th. Tn* EtSrn^n»ttcnr^ouIn°BM«t. C
| ^j°,”*^71^/7 y ft* 1 ^ I Y.a.w h««, j.
Mi*. Mafffft. Orr, uf Atlanta, arrirwl
' ki rt’ ToiaUn’u Ha^T IjUa Orrtol Mr. Umn’a mill. In tola connty, on to. | Toombrboro. Thl. well ha* n deptk of , , , c .
looua l»Ji aa tooexh bar I 2tlh inat He waa In bntoins with n crowd la™ hundred lot, with n flowing of Alton I «Wpt*iwdli : now that too Ucmoerntic
appenrance in Kx.ij bar* h*» bwmgrttt- of kU friaada, who did not raalla* tba cit- nkllona of water par mlaut*. In borton J*tMa* for mor* deffrnonian IH-
ol wuii much aatbaaiaam nl oti-cUiion. aattoa cntil it wu too lata to tan him I to. w^l rack aad aand had to be oootrad-1 mocraoy.
ttbil. i, ro too will ban to play tha part I from drowntoff. I did not learn toa canw, | ad with. Wa aek a pwtiamt ouatlon in Contsaaino tb* fact that Bibbcoanty
x lady. IneoataryV learalny, batanppoubacoold notawtm. ooonutioB with tot* mattar: Whan wiu | baa two ahto and worthy iooa on tba Btat*
J plenateff manoara will make I That* to now aoma oa at Lnnrene Hill a I America* bar* an arteetan well I Vclot, and that ahe cipecte to prewnt an-
.x t.rai of oldf, > wa, l.-liea. | mf umiifal protracted maatlnff, wMch Aa^inr-Fea; Oolombnt ku ten oat- *“>*' uaaandidaU for Coafftau from th*
f i!, ; ;,-r.bnt rap rt* inutiAbruhod iolood too eta rein factory In Oootgia. the br(M Itoo wild I w Jut 8*U
11 lo r. |i«T0. and friend*. I Twenty were Laptixadon ywbtday by lot. leootoof Richmond, thru nwnkaat mUla. I rt to* 1 */ n
*! ‘J jg?»£g*g a fe*gg?dn—Mi— *^jr**x_f««07,
Iwlcn. John 16. Partner *| Tb* colored BqwblieanmWmHapg|gMPgBIIVgMHe|g|R||Re^^W^^HmHBmmagpmV* to day. Other rather eplrited maa. bmUos to the Weraa ban loom, ud employ 1147 toat Ih* mutinff did not rep recent tba
.t,0„nx. lliera ia a 0O*ral I cnnrt hooM on toojsto. AU ot tb* lent- operatlru to textU* mUb atone. Coo. of BUB) eoaaty. A majority uf
tot fall trade, and jut | nau wetw dnapfolnltd, u no nomination i^mpUoa of eoUoa bat you r6>M babe. Bibb Ibtaoerab do not todora* to* Dem-
rday (Batn*-
i.,of typhoid
year* of age,
ty mourn Ida
»• - ' *-r**li
while ea
rn the arm Ly Mr. llom-r Brown
gag«l i*: * fgbt. on yc-terJi> nf:*-.-
Jcli 2-.-Still UQ a ,
).”J What new- he i.
LCtghlffOrhfMffd »<M CJla-
Tur-lsy, the 2.'*t!
ftormy thru boon’ heat.
■> : .:■» I.( t in ! it- IL- Ik at.
of Mr. hi.11 and w. din-.tL .
•Itrr a S7ZST1 SSdtot.’Mr'' '*
Httkp aertaitStfSi issasrs?.
i« all that it hu praodaalffir Bibb i£e£
entirely to rote for fuephene, bnt aom* ot them I oorata know their own right*, pnrtle jra
otnl and 1 ain’t rary happy aboot IL I and datbe. and they will diKharx* tha
ltaaian «o«tt.. Tb* Melntoeh Repnb. m their own wey, without tb* dietatLal
who seemed to realize tbe sttuauen of their IS -4* r 1 ?- .tH a ;^ r f \ v^5Jr r
party in the county and advised I H^waa»ueelulaadreepeetrUcitimo.
Meads - ...Mr, to the effect thit they ^ Th«QeRmsa Frm Pres*say*:
were in the minority. It wi ”
make a rare that they knew!
They adjourned nf tec a loud and
h- .•
o*t of to*'caterpillar ly‘andI Ut'ffbd'lTdrtolS to!*plSKftd.«JS.*
H^tobtod to., buck
’or Coexrau tollwpenooI. *aaowk.nanwd WUbm Jamurn.Uin
c'/orM man. Onr I itil to Cotaatona foe fernery. '*KJdiea.
atauT boo" didn’t main a (ooJdtUen ootbf
lb* annul maettoff ot tba Ebene,
day tut. Tb* imiiw ku beau
and haunmion*, with
tto while. Their■
!>:- drnti l.iaie for c
i:.t Ufa »•.: known c
[ell 11* not twakeark ataUT^g
Baraaxan Recorder: Ikunday wu to* 1
olorel r
1 h*aj i
IaS»7tnn«hw*h*ve haJ but fewjbr •./n l^gt^o'MaLd’iy"*affVreoo" V ' Horn. 1}
a days, onncLeof which did the thar-) eo joying that qoUe gaoua. * * C B?Dt.
thanks to those gentlemen for their kind j
babaeqnently, Prof. E. A. St*el, of Mer
cer University, caught a beetle ou a hickory
tree, whose twigs were girdled and con
tained many eggs. He brought me the
beetle and samples of the twig*.
Many twigs of n persimmon tree, ot the
impua ot Mercer University, were foutd
lyiuzon tbe ground, having fallen from
being girdled, and containing many eggs.
M r. Yctre found them on English walnuts
and pecans, Mr. Kinsey on pears, Prof.
Steed on the hickory, and I gathered the
girdled twigs of perrimmoo. These are
tbe only trees which they are known to
The beetle from the English walnut I
forwarded to Prof. 0. V. Riley, eutomolo-
A Household Article for Universal
Family US’
gist of the Department of Agriculture at
Washington. He pronounced it the gtrdler
f oncidercs cinzulatu'.
It waa first described by Say, tbe vet iran
American entomologist, in lHii. but it*
curious habits were first observed and pub-
l’shed by Prof. Haldemau, of Pennsyl
vania, in 1837. It has been studied since
by Maaars. Walsh vnd Riley.
The girdler, or hickory twig girdler, as
Prof. Packard calls it in his late bulletin
No. 7, la a thick-bodied, long-horned, dark
gray beetle, aiz-tenths of an inch long,
with its wing rovers sprinkled with tawny
yellow dot*. It belongs to the family Cer-
ambicldre of beetles, which family in
clude# moat of the tree wood-borers. It is
nearly allied to the apple treo borer,
■aperda bivittata.
Prof. Haldeman says the boetlos are
For Pcarlrt nnd
Typhoid Feven,
Diphtheria, Sali
vation, Ulcerated
Sore Throat, Small
l*ux, Mca;!r* nnd
all Contagious Disease*. Perron* »
the Sick w.’iDuld use it freely. Sou let Fever
been know* to spread where the Fluid was
u«d. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after
black Tomlt had taken place. Tbe wor«
of Diphtheria yield to it.
FeveredandSlekPer-1 SMALI*-J’0,T
lied Sores prevent- , FITTING of Small
ed br Jtatfiili* Wili Pox PBCVEITKO
l££T,l"Atr ^
ud purlfo-i.
’ nffl"*: is?™
ror Fro.t«l
, weeks, u« pa others •
dormant, to which. In faot, no attention f oan d in PeHnatl?an!a dnrioff th, two laet
wae paid prior to to, ornnlxatloo of yonr ww)k , in A ngu«t and tha Ural week to S«p-
Moirty, and which can alillbaaald to ba in u, m ber. Mr. Yatea forwarded me four
ita infancy, enn throngh yoa b« fully bacUee October 17, 1881, and Mr. Klnaey
dereloped and hecoma one among If not two Norember 7,and four November 14,
the greatest source of profit and pfetanre I j8g|. Ttoir Umes of appearance aro
to onr people, materially ndtaneing the donbUesa governed by the ttmo of
prMMrity and wealth of a Btoto already th* tint frost, at rations places. Mr.
noted for ita thrift and industry. Yatee found nt least one pelr together, and
”1 therefore desire to assure yootoet fully | Kinsey esys: ”1 have always found
recogn'xtog and indorsing yonr endeavors them working in psiis, never singly.”
to devs op this mtereet oor people lender Their jointed enteonie are <joito ns long as
yon tot irhaarty rapport and oo-operatlon, , bebad]r a(lb e beetle, and are usually
feeling proud of yonr presence, feeling carved over above forward. Tho faee ie
prouiTat having among us so fine a repre-1 Terjr long and nearly vertical. They aro
■entative organization doing a great work 1 ,i ow mo tioned, and their grave colors,
inagvodcan/e, it will perhapa not be hong sober face* and inquiring antenn®
Chilblains. Piles,
hsd'h’-i. w. Poa*.
Sift White Com plan- PhlUOtlpbla.
ion* tecurvdby ususc. f
Ship Fever preveaud. L
T SlSffi mixSa: 8 Wphtiurla
it esa’t be surpestctl. |
Catarrh relieved sad |
Krytlpelas cured.
I ' Tbe phyticieiie here
use Derby* Fluid very
»UCCe**f.ilI y |ft the tf«Sl-
llurns relieved intUntly.
Scars prevented.
Dysentery euied.
Wound* healed rapidly.
Scurvy cured.
An Antidote lor Animal
or Vegetable Poisons,
I used the Fluid during
our present affliction with
Scarlet Fever with de
cided advantage. It is
indispensable to the sick.
Greensboro, Ala.
Tetter dried up.
Cholera prevented.
Ulcers purified and
In cases of Death it
prevent any unpleas-
Red Margaret, Julien, Eqcenetelle, Caro-
Una Red June, Large Horae, Early Pippin,
Kentucky Red, Shockley.
By Fred Little, Augusta—Exhibits two
mammoth melons. M
!>■ U. H. Sanford, Dixie Nursery, Thom-
tile—Exhibit* ten varieties pears, viz.:
Vic? r of Winkfleld, Buffum, Homer, four
plnU* Le Conte, Duchess, Louise B. Jer-
y, two varieties apples. *
By Wm. K. Nelson, August*—Exhibit*
seventeen varieties of gr.tpej, viz.: Del**
ware, Iona, Salem, Goetne.Ive*’a Seedling,
Black Hawk, Antochon, Conoord, Keuka,
Catawba, HartforJ, Diana.
By Thompson «k Sanford, Thomaaville—
Exhibit* six p'.r.tes Le Conlo pears.
BySeT. Joukins, Cathbert—One plate
o Conte rears.
By W. W. Woodruff, Griffin—Exhibit*
nine varieties of peare, viz: Darheei,
Bartlett, Seckel, Louise, Bon d’ Jersey,
Mount Vernon, Nameless^ Beurre Clair-
tif^iIWsSiito-E,. aiVtobTmrojs;; |sss^^^8SS,“».astSK
n'a^^f.nn’M vii-tt^M p«rod hot.’, acoommodatloni, Jsp»- the female mike, perforation, to the bark
SlntS 1 ^3’ ttof' IWd '‘o' 1 * »* u , »3*P,tod, to ^torti- I D f y,, small twig., generally joat below the
Buncombe, two Beenty if of n ita# Morld and pomologleal di.plan, and boJ , or tid , i.lx.. The editor, of th.
beiog prepared to form,b roornll aoitable Untrim Ratomologtet “hxve cotmted in
for the meetiog of yonr committee, end I B per-immoo branch not moro than two
for the holding of your discussions and ua-1 f M t long a* many as eight eggs, whi!e they
liberations, and further txprwaing a deter- have found seven eggs all crowded together
mioation to do all things within our power 11„ a am- ;i hickory branch only thiee inches ~- r -—
to make your stay amon i u» both pleasant 1 i on g.** Htsr depositing *n egg in each q«»*nted.
yourself and profitable to our pc r 7 0ta u 0 n, the female proceed* to gnaw
i commonwealth, we r-*-"'*
hearty invitation
great commonwealth, we extend I a groove around the twig,t>elow theloweit
you a ^*®®rty invitation to I © 8 g through tho bark and wood, some-
make our beautifal Central City the future u mea almost to the pith. This kills the
permanent home of your society. And I |{ m b above tbe groove; and, if sufficiently
now, gentlemen, trusting that in your wis-1 n?verc-*l, th# limb may fall to the ground
dom you will see fit to acoep- our tender of I with the flr*t high wind. Some limb# hang
hospitality, we again bid you welcome, not I longer on the tree*. Prof. Ilaidemau meo-
only aa bird* of passage, but, if you thomd I tions one that did not fall until nearly a
■o elect, for all time to come. I year «ft er the girdling.
s hatch, aud the
■o elect, for all time to come.” I year after the girdling.
The president, in a few pertinent re- In a short time the ei
marks, introduced Dr. W. u. Jone*, of jutt e grubs begin to mine into tho bark
Burke oounty, who rraponded in an elo- I a nd wood. I found them thus engaged in
quent and approptlate speech to tbe net* l the twige a:nt me.
—‘ended *— " —“
come extent
by Maj or Corput. He I q- hey eat away the sap wood in the early
that intelligent soli culture was I winter, and barrow up and down under
t^e bog* of thia country, as it waa proving j the bark, sometime* in small twigs, con-
Vandrrbllt University, Nashville , Ti nn.
I testiftr to th* taott[excellent qualities of Praf.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. At a diiiafcctaat and
detergent it b both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparatioe with which I aa ac
quainted.— N. f. Lci-tom, Prof. Chcahuy.
Prof. Chembuy.
Darby* Fluid la R«commrndrd by •
Hon. Alkxanobr H. SrarHiuts.of Georaia:
Rev. Ciias. F. Deems, D.D., Church of tbe
Stnngen, N. Y.:
fc ^. LcCokte, Columbia. Prof., University. S.C.
v- A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University;
the new France of to-day. Agricultural I " J Tbefarv» are white, footless,with strong
education was the best bereusa f it_deTcl- j black mandibles or jaws. By means of
oped all other improvements. He waa ap* I tLej r well-developed ringa or segments,
pleaded for the m.uly utterances and 1 they are enabled to’move quito rapidly in
common sense views upon the practical j their holes. Tho larm in my twigs of
views of life. I walnut, pear, persimmon and hickory have
The preaidsnt announced the society | ft u disappeared, and rrobably have died
ready for business. fro® tho twigs becoming very dry in the
The President announced that Messrs. I house. Two or thro# doxen found in tbe
- j D. Cunningham and J. M. St’ibbe were I week in persimmon and hickory twigs
appointed to secure a now charter for tho I taken from the ground under the trees are
society, the old one being defective in some I rcarly three-fourths of sn inch leng, flat-
points. The new one had been secured j tened and enlarged back of the head,
from the Superior Court of Fulton county. | Following the habits of the femily, the
He said that’ reorganization under this new I lame finulfy construct a sort of cocoon Cf
charter waa the first thing in order. _ | c hJp* at the end of their barrows and be-
Before a reorganization could be effect* I come pupse, with their heads next a placa
_ J a new oonsti’otion and by-AWS b»d to I where they have gnawed away tbe wood
be adopted. # _ _ __ _ . I out to the bark. From these pupie i«sae
On motion of Dr. J. P. H. Brown, of I the mature beetle*.
An itiata, a committee of three waanppoint- The object of the’glrdling, seems to be
ed to present a constitution and by-laws two*fold. First, to kill the wood, that tho
for the adoption of the society. I lame may have dead wood as food; they
Hie president appointed the following: ] may no t be fitted to live on living wood.
Dr. J. P. H. Brown of Augusta, Dr. H. H. I Secondly, to oause the limbe to fall
Casey of LaOrange, Dr. W. B. Jonoa of I b, ^e earth, where the wood may be kept
Burke oounty, anu tbe president was also I jump a nd commence to decay,
added to the committee. I Such are the habits of this very singular
A resets for a half hour was given in I inaecL By chipping every
ordoi that tho committee might do Us I the young twigs, destroying
work. .. I terminal buds and shorten log in the limbi,
At the expiration of the half hour ‘he arB calculated to eeriously injure the
president, called the house Jo order, lreaa< Aside from this, we cannot fall to
and the committee ou constitution I ndmire their wonderiolluitinct*. In mao,
end by-laws made their report through ( w » ahonld call thia provision for the yonog
the secretary. A few slight changes j a f„j r degree of reason, of forethought, of
were made, and on motion of K-1 design. The insect baa not reason, but when
niilf, xiuiauuvr, iaj rwwc, i uuiuj'ii,
Wunlen, Km, Will tor, (Jhland, Norton!.,
Hombotdt, Itrixhtou Diana.
Uy E. C. Orier, Uriiwoldrilla—ExhiblU
nluTariat’aaotpMnnna: Ito.ell, Urban-
into, DncLewa d’Anffouleme,_ Ifenrro
Kaator, ttokel, Bturr* Clnlrxt t no,Dawrt ter, D’knjou, Uartlrit. raachu and
"l.; 8 .in II. I; iitn.’i. Will ,w 1-K-. N'.- . -
ry, MarshaU.illeMi n—Ki! > f lorlj-l.vo
T^SlS^! 1 ttoid“iSJ, c.‘n m noJ:
Greening, Carolina Watson. kqulntiUcy
Sweet Bough, Jewett’s Beet, American
Sommer hsnnsin, Kitteneskee, Roman
ite, Junaianskee, bimmon T s Red, Laoren’a
Greening, Nick a jack, Bonoombe, Lake
CbaUaboocbee, Hoover, Holley.
Sixty-five varieties of peaches, viz;
Georzta Cling, Heath’s Late White, Seed*
■HPMdlHeatn’a ute nuts, Heed*
ling Cling, Indian Blood, Yellow Jnly, In
Grange, l i
, III• 11 III U.OOU, 1 V .1
Tangs^rraitland Seedling, Grant East*
:n, Old Mixon, Demming’e September,
Lite on Cling, Indian Blood Cling, Stump
the World. Crawford’* Late, General Lee.
Yellow Jaiy, White July, Orange, Doll Yell
tow, Chinese Cling, Siberia, Heath’s KsM
Crawford’* Early. Tintey’* October, Late
Rareripe, Goodew October, Nix Late
White, Colombia, Flaws!Uo, Groo*e Uig-
nonne, I^ady Parham, O«oeola, Austin’*
LnlnBndt Praeident Church, PesraVnd
By Abner T. UolL Monroe county—Ex
hibite, thirty mrisues ot seedlings from
the Chinese Cling, and several other varie
tur, grape*, apples and tom*toe*.
Uy Hapevilla Nurseries, liapeville-Ex
hibits, nine varieties of pear*, tho largest
lUrtlette in the room, Flemish Beauty,
Beaurre Bose Due hea*, Howell, Becke,
grape* and apples.
Bern IL Humph, Willow Like Nursery,
MarshaUviUe—Exhibits evaporated fruits
and vegetable*, Irish potatoes, tomatoee,
fig*, pears, apple*, and peaches. Al o Chi-
nrre quinces, pomegranate*, two varieties.
By W. B. Jones ± boss, Herndon—Grapes
and mammoth melons.
ByW. R. Phillips, Mac-jn—Exhibit of
msmmotL melon.
Mrs. Thoms* Hardemtn, ViueviiW—Ex
hibits mammoth beets, carrots, corn, boras
Uoe*. cabbages and pear*.
ermbe. Hoover, Yellow Horae, Julian.
Two varieties of quince#, viz.: Haas
Seedling, Orange. Twenty-three varieties
of grapes, viz: Ives, Diana, Maxatewney,
Wilder. Concord, Brighton, Cornucopia,
Kenavqtu, Perkin*, Martha, Moore’s Early,
Wyoming Red, CaUwba, Champion, Irv
ing, Delaware, Agawan, Ionia, Lady
Casyahgn, Elvira, Salura, Bcrkhart, Fil*
New Seedling, Ysllow English, Nixon 1
( - I’ 1.1. Util. Vr.< ,L, U..
tier’s La’e. Nineteen varietUv of crape-,
viz: Diana, Hartford, Irvin, Norton,
Goethe, Martha Champion. E-*cx. Brin,
Ives, DoUnare, CimwtL CtteqU, Clin
ton, Limiter, Wilder. Ten varietiM of I
pnars, v«: BeU Lucrative, Benin D’An-
giasaa, Uertletfs, Htekete, Dnehee*, M
ty-one rarietteeof apples, viz: Ctei
Sweet, Carter’* Blue, Verdin vat, Kittegers-
W, SCsngM. Elfin, riiHMHSK
i Orttorans,
4. R. Anthony, Maroo-Exh‘MU
... , — wcrwi uniKiw,
Rev. Gao. F. Pireca, Buhop M. E. Chinch.
Perfectly harmleM. U»ed intenu!ly or
^ fer Man or Beast.
The Fluid has been thorouchly tested, and we
ha^e abundant evidence that itkas done everything
here claimed. For fuller inlbrmation *-t of you*
Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
Manufacturing Chemists. PHJLA DELPHI A.
O F#ERS superior inducements to par
ents desiring to educate their «ons and
daughters. It ha* all the modem appliances
aad s reccrd for ancccfsfol teaching un
paralleled. 2(7 pupils. Fall term begins
August 21st. For catalogue and particulars
addres* CU\S- E. LAMBDIN, l’res., or
\H. WOODALL, Seo’y, Bamesville, Ga.
For Young Ladies,
Will open fall term September 4, IW2, with
ullcorp* of tear;hcnln Pclence. Music and
Art, equal in scholarship and experh nee to the
best In the South. Board tlOO a year, tnltlon
aid music $40 In climate, water and
jinny the Seminary ha* no equal: In schol*
arrhlp no superior, ior catalncic writo to
July 13 d&w7m W. C. WII.KKB. Pro*.
Southern Female College
complete outA for Literary, Art nnd
Music DepartmentsTopens September 20th.
Advantage* nnanrpaMed. Last cntaloguo
number* 145 pupil* aid 110 in n.n«io. An
nual expense* for board an J tuition, $20 7
with tnoaie, t2C7. For catalogue
L F. cor
A. Niabet, of Bibb, the report was adopted I t h e parent lays her eggs in green wood
as a whole. .... . , I which her young cannot eat, and then pro-
Tbesecretary opened his book* for the I rte j, to kill the limb by girdling it; and
reception of member* under tbe new char- j trirdles it so that it shall fall, that the wood
ter and constitution, and twenty-eight I may keep damp end begin to moulder; and
name* were enrolled. Many other* will I *hcn the larva get* ready to pupate, it
join, but were not prep »red at that tim®. I gnaws a hols through the wood, that the
On motion, the society adjourned until J oatcoming beetle may escape easily; and
“ o’clock y. m. 1 all thia without memory or reason coining
imtuooi xxsaiox. I to the aid-we are compelled to refer all
"Sa'SS?tiffiia/wt thffywffwajm*
Prasident-P. J. Bsrckmay.of Augusta. Another prerantton l. ®oggcatjd by n re-
Vieo Prtsldsnte—First C oogresslonal I L**5r KtoMy#__that trees on tho
ThomasviU#- thted district. H. ri. work on other kinds of trees In tho
■■S MareWutlle; fonrth district wood adjoining.” As the persimmon and
ioi viarsuaiivui*; *oun« uu«w»cv, i. . . - . . , . ..
Dr. ITh. Carey, of. La Grange; fifth dls’ Wekory anbforititrM of gjtlrdler, it
trict. Dr. Ramnel Uape, of AtlanU; aUth I ®®F.bOW®U to down all trees of this
I kind near the orchard.
I toc? ,r 'f« h "nJb"o';
Aijitoi to5to“dwri«^bV»a«i Wm.M. I l °g;i”^L»?y«‘!rTr , ,i b ri? S? J t . tt ?S
bul * “ Urso - SBTfaSS
For secretary and treasurer -T. L. K I ®xp®risn«e.
«y, Jto*t ; , of .Baiannah.
_ oi tu.onuiu I Atwrfotu Insects.—It the member* of the
xir* iierckmau* responded in a f tw ®octety deeire to have any particular iosoct
Seawards on his c-election to the C® 4 ** Instigated, I will thank them to
I call mi alUntion lo th«n, that I may uy
™!roSuntton aoaiitotad, to. prort- rom.thji.ff of tUm to, my u.,t rr^rt. ,
M , f,S!^'SJbfii^ Wlna to^^^y^to^L.’hJto totoli
on p«2hl^Dr li ° H. Carev W. W his plant* and trees, just aahe atodies the
T£*mX7H.*A. N^-blU T
Apple*, Pear* and Mi*reUan#ous-Dr. J. [^mmende-I in even rei«rt one book m
tiSxzsS: u,n - • M- l!t0 ''“' lotm ** itoJtoLSltojSSSS v^.;»ftoJ." To
kiid Wine*—Prof. J. E. Willett, I Uiora who liave thlr, I recommend “Pack-
D if Filtott. ’ ] tird'« Guide to the Study of Insects.” To
Ue^Irta on tee* condition of taftt and
.igetable* in the first, second, third, fifth, I gjjgjlj,*J*2525m b /f A ‘A
and eighth Congressional!districts were r {*‘5
' I ear. it from tho depannlentof to.'tot,
ThtI '» »et r rt was P read and re* I rf or throngh any repreeentative in Coo-
eaS*d. FJSTii fiSre/Sl soetet/is not Haris’® lareote eo*U UM and
tel|0®ids |Wa t
fruit growers of Georgia.
constitots a nice little entomologirel
pejof Allan's, reed a very enter* I Hhrary. J. IfcfS iu.rr,
tain<ng ssrey upon the “Effects of the
Evening Bon upon Fruit Trees.” It wa*
foil of practical ecsunoa senes, is well a* | aeriuu* Accident.
— — demonstrations or I Yesterday afternoon, as tbs Macon and
85WB&S, U^Unr'.'^V’^rd Brnniwick tndn wa. toartffff to. .....near
and especially on thsTberry in?, tbs ras? depot, Robert Thomas, an old colored em
berry and currant vine*. They need pro-1 ploys, boarded tbs train fir the purpose ot
¥Su'Sibidonah? rUio *oo**• toruIh*ritojfc Onandur
Um body “ toa tn. with »traw or «h« orinff to Jwnp (ran tb* train ha in
material. Tb* berrica by planting ao toat f mud. way atofnbteJ. and (e!! i*n aib
ba in toa ahad* daring in* .(tor- j to* whaato. Tha train pawad over both
and tog, cro.htaffth.mro aa to neces-
* a. Thomas wa* an old
they wilili
This i
awakens quite an inquiry I aitate amputation. Th
in tbs mini* of many member?. In ref-1 hand oo tbs-train, and waa limply doing
erases to this matter, President Berck-1 what he had often done before. Itis not
mans enJoreed the theory and tbe rem-1 known exactly how the accident wsa
ediea^tbough differing somewhat to the | brought about. Ho is spoken of as an obe-
lotbods. I dient, respectful mav, and much sympathy
Dr. If. IL Carey presented tbe following I has been expressed for blm. »
Rssolred, That the dtizeni of Maeon I tenatorlsl Conventtoa
and Vicinity, nad partlcalarly to* Udtoa, tha Bibb dalcgito* b> th. Senatorial
b. torttad In abend to. macUaga ol thial ... . . .
this convention. And farther, that the I conT ® nUoa held their meeUcg at the t
public be invited to examine the eoUs-tion change Bank building at 10 o’clock yeeter
of fruits in Brown’s new store hear*. And I day morning. Under the rotation system
iteuujeaer. u-.-ua in ms morning pa 1 delemilra met to deride what name
lhe following.wM read by Prof. J. E. I wool*! be pot before the convention
t. o( M.rc«r_U«lTcr.ity, aad waa uptomber. From Mr. B. L. Willing.
- open on the h *i
wuie», . . ,
tSL b i V n^Th”iin j ha^bUrmTn o(57 corn mil toewe 1. vrn
ttiuaoS the,.-.-, li- «!«.>t.vl th.: fcl tha rranit c( U.C m'.clin.-. Attl.oor.n-
L.;. lio ioAol itg«,(it-, •'•■’."n it wa. dcciiad thatttM
ELi-ratoi -.It.' wnint:: ' -■> lit .MoLotir. I dcirgatc, would to no way ba bound bj toa
To tt. ttoaryta Mat. HortiruJinai JSo. J r>—fmiwdallaw ad.toa Maa matting ow
ffifrv *1 --- ! I ' 1- lay iv. .itro tn»> .ini r...i thin. tb.
* - • m, - pgn. nt our Uat meeting o; mlnr ot the ir.roti-g .a. (airly aipr.
( I..-- • • i • ■ I’ •’. ••• • y bed I -i.||uud..
neny o( Um |-Mn tree, in,‘.meted itLjV... they would act ir
tnjnry w»« canted by a worm. I to Mr. Quetta, they should state tbs rir- ditions have
1 was cot prepared at that time to give I eumsteaces of hie reeommcaoatteic ear aratu* or thH
tbe tree eehri^" of tbe matter. In reply I Guvnn te tox w«H known to Ibe people of l r nee. Tho Uv
to my re iueat of members to observe and I tbe district to reqnire any tntrodoetion at three pro e*>
eadaavarV) «e sperimeas cf tto toaeri oar hands. | Hon. Clifford
I am happy Vs say that Mr. A. J. Yates, of I f r 1 Bxsrd in m B
l*iks connty, and Mr. T- L K c/, ofriv] J. P. A W. R. HOLMES,i
\*nn*n. wer, .cry. > •r(al to i roenrin.' I DEXTI8TB.
t!;« beetles, an 1 ia sen Hug them m me I Office—Of i<*\us Lanier House,
with stwcimvnt of xLa twig* in which they I 1C*2 Mulberry etreet, Macon,
1 hxl just dcyori’.ed tbaU cjg«. I rtmrn my | maylCdawly
'.GUX, 1’ivaidt.nt.
University of Georgia,
i*. SI. Jtrtt, V. D., S.lnD., Chancellor
THKeiffhljr-seCondsentonof the<!rpartincnts
atAthona, ux. via: Franklin tvilrRi*. 8tats
rulU-ceof Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and
Law School wtU open WcdncMtey, 4th Octobs?
nexL Full cottnu of lostiractkm in Literature,
*. Knzlnccrinza Africa lion and Law.
on Iv Free In Franklin and Htatc Col
lages. For catalogue* and Information, ad*
'rent the chancellor, at Athena, Georgia.
'jibcc (or t.demur ami .very f.inner
thnlhaa JKircr ot any kind, from nun
hcraa up, and with ono of Nea. U', Uni.
renal Mill., to grind nia com and all main
at home, and l.U ne’gl.bor,.
aud than vrir J hia oott. n road
into maal (or (rrtiliiini;, inatca 1 o{ aailing
lot other porpoaw, tho ticket i< dent
ed lot the next generation, and) onr farm-
•ra will inerraw lo grow (rom ICO fK.uoda
o( cotton to th. aero to the bal*. Thia la
what th, people la tho lower part ot South
Carolina are dom.-, aud let nro ...» that
what they can do In HoalhCaioi.uacau b.
dona In Grorgia. We guarantee tbeaa
milla to prlnd anything, aud II toa do not
believe it nctone acd aee, ar l if it will
not do what wa aay, no oale. y.,.i will
tlnd them on .ala with Mr. O. IV. Kngluh,
Barannab: B. V. Cor, l!ar„r. W. J. l-o|.
lard. Angnata; Mark W. Johi .or. Oo.,
Atlanta: Atkin,on A Iter.], Writ X’oir t-II.
A. Knni*, Colnmbm; and they will l>aou
,ala at all tha principal plaoaa to tha State,
and i( yon can’t get .ailed her. Own drop
01 a Una and we will rtra yoo all tha noinU
and hell yon any kind ol macl.iuary from a
ihoo tab to corn-lielk-.. Brick ry
andengtneaot all kinds. Your.,
W. IVIcKAY, Principal.
A?ir«t Cla*i Inititut, for Practical
Butneu In.traction, Book-
keeping. Etc,
Eritned by ti* Ludii* Bei;:tG Mto.
Students Can Enter at any Time.
SWt.'lrru'.a.r* M:Lit !rt«.
Vi. E.atvm » Nnn isn r.a*!s
lm. a-:- : - ilk.t.rU I ” .
Sen .. iire.Lt m-.
.. !.■*• ■ : '■•V L- ’-1-rn.ato* • . t. lx.ii->.
. Ary l it..j , . .‘,.,1
Age. (UMtl t.y ITM |lirUt
Ta- ■ 1 .
,-k.l death.
will I
by m*!i prci^M o
rcc.‘,( y
or i-r r**c#ired 1 jr u« l.,r itxu.x —
?»• : ..t~* tot-w.ii i
our written gmaraouv to mum i
the lr<*vtr... t.i dore not .-(I., t a ■
31u<*ou, Clforgln.
ternexL Studet
Lxz collegiate cour-e; of «tu
•cientific ecwr*c. Lane ki.
ally been i
aratu* ot the depart®• (: -
«»r .V nci« ct
*13able r>4.
a to tb* ai»-
chool hA.
•1 I.vrulty ot
StadaUa’ Hair cm ba had i
• filJ psv month, and in Dftllls fxu
j from $!A t° *.v. For« V
I infornution, aaldrtsw
Kx>. i. j. ti*nxK. d. l>
d’>lt> J. lilt tMl.i.h. ; t ..ait.
r catalog.-, and othar