Newspaper Page Text
Delivered neiore tho Xottonsl Kdaoa*
tlouMl Association, at finrntogn, New
York, by the President, Hon. Giinta-
Tin J Orr.
The assembling of this body of edao*-
tors is one of too greatest events of the
difficult of till questions, tho race question,
be treated?
In order to a perfect solution of the
great educational problem, all these sub-
times. I see before mo a vast throng or
earnest men and women from every por
tion of this greatoountry. 'lhe programme
of this body alone shows a reprementation
from nineteen States. Fire of these rep-
• (>••« )l.w OukIimiiI. frti
from the Middle States, nine from the
South, and fourteen from the great North
west. From the beginning, our associa
tion has been otiled national. We now,
for the first time in oar history, justify oar
claim to the title. We are now, indeed,
national. And why should we not be /
The best element in onr political partios
•ran, and I trust the largest, seems now in
clined to look away from the past and to
forget, to a largo extant, toe narrow-
of sectionalism. Secular organiza
tions of every kind, philosophical,
scientific, agricultural, mechanical, com
mercial, seem to be able to ootne together
and stand upon common ground. The
great ohnrches of the oountry ere frater
nizing. Shall wo be behind the men of
other pnrsnlte? I but niter the honest
feeling i of my heart when I sey that 1 hail
great cuucauuuai pruuiuui, nu im w »uu-
ordinate questions that hare been pro-
poumled, aud probably a much larger
number that hare not occurred to me,
must be naked and a thoroughly tiatisfac
tory answer to eaoh most be given. We
shall never, however, reech such a solution.
All that wo oau hope to do la to seek to
make oontinual approaches toward perfec
tion. In these efforts to movj forward to
ward the unattainable oonafets, in my
jua K mo««. nrooer work of bodlot like
this; and l know that I am not u*i, a inj
too mnch for yon, my brethren, whea I
say that by your labors in the past yon
have contributed mnch toward tho rattle-
meat of some, at least, of the subordinate
questions which I have hinted at in these
opening remarks. From the names
that appear upon the
am me before me, I feel
o'.ocaion will
not differ in this r
from those that
every worthy man ami woman of tho great
brotherhood of American ednoators, what
ever may be the place of hie birth or resi
dence, a* an honored oo-laborer and a
fricnej. Igofuithcr. I know that 1 have
not been chosen to utter what I am about
toeepress. Ido not claim delegated au
thority in the matter. Yet, being a South
ern man, Southern by birth Southern by
education. Southern by life-long residence.
In sympathies and sentiments, I
opening address, to be able to give my
own t .onghta on one of the high themes to fond bill,
which I have referred. I have been so
much oocupied in calling out other laborers
and in making the general arrangement!
for this occmmuu, X have found it im-
possible to do what I would gladly have
done in this matter. The work of perfect
ing these arrangements has itself cost me
the writing of no less than one hundred
and seventy-two letters, covering, as my
letter book shows, two hundred and fifty
pages. This you most accept as my
humble contribotion to the entertainment
of this occasion. I now conclude by most
cordially inviting yon to the enjoyment of I ter for the same
Southern in Sympnuues ana pmhiukuv, *.
know that I truly represent not simply tho
eduoator*. but the great bulk of
tho people of that section,
when I sty that they earnestly desire that
__ i Mr. Butlerworth, of Ohio, and Co*, of
_j.-_.j__, —- — — ---- ■Ml®®? I New York, argued in favor of rejection,
the rich feast which, I am ears, is in store report, after discussion, was aloptel. I the Utter declaring hts belief that there
for you. The de-rate on the tax reduction bill was I WM a plot on foot to work up a yellow
by-g<>n»** shall forever hereafter be by
gone*. They would say with me, were they
here to-day, "Let what has been acoom-
pUshea stand, xnepasi ia ae«o.
dead bury their dead. We wiU busy our
selves with the living present and the preg
nant future." I know these lobe the sem
timente of the best men throogbout tUS
South, and I feel ears they are heartily re
sponded to by tho good men and women
of every portion of onr country.
This much I have thought proper to say
Disobeying Order*.
Galveston News.
The following story is told of General I dsrs which furnished that party _
Harney when be wee in oommand at Camp I litical capital. The charge might be well Ml , __ _ —
"erde, Texas. He was an intensely digni-1 founded so far as it ooncsrnod /fassacho-1 Orleans paper staiiog that the National
nified haste. One evening, just as ba was I tL* country. He commented npon the I afterwards turned ouvto uiiwm ••
about to hold dress parade, he perceived I changes mads by the caucus io the MeRin-1fo} and jtoadies, and said 'hat it was by
that he had forgotten his handkerchief, and (ley bill as it came from the Hones, end (such means that the beard sought to per-
the weather was very hot, bo said to his I quoted the language of a fiew York i jy salaries and its inutility. If the
nt this tiino in reference to the feeliogs of
tho people among whom I dwell. I come
to *ny a few things in relation to the
it lie* at tho basis of every other kind of
work. Educate* give form to the mate
rial out of which alTotber workers are fash,
ioned.. Tho material out of which the
agriculturalist*, the mechanics, the manu*
orderly: “Go to my quarters, quick, and £r»,po>»lut«pU>o^or,ofU» H > chorg- KwOwVSwS to upturn local
bring me my handkerchief.” The orderly I os, as showing 1 why a manurnc- I quarantinss the gorarnment would hare a
touched his cap aud slatted for the qoar-1 taring concern like the Washburn, I stupendous institution that would donoth-
ters, several hundred yards distant. After \ & Moen Company, of Woraester, Mas*. I io _ ^ i nt#r f e r# with commerce and bring
he had proceeded a short distance, remem-1 favored them. The constituent* of Sena-1 trouble upoo the country,
bering there was no time to lose, he broke I tor Hoar would get the benefit of an ila- I jj r> Manning denied that ----- ------
into n trot, “dee that teoondrel running I ersased duty on steel wire, etc., wtulo their | p j o4 i B ex j,,t*no# which affscled the Integrity
if the Indiana were after him. If there raw material was still procurable by them I of ^ National Board, and dwelt upon the
- 1 i. . that body at
K of idlioieney.
ired the Senate nmend-
eoldler, “go after that man and tell him 11 tax on articles in this class r
as if the Indiana were after him. If there I raw material wee suii procarapis oy uem i of n* National Board,
in anything I bate it is to see a ebkUer ran- I at a rate which was unprotected, their inter-1 importance of malni
nlng instead of marching properly. Here, I eats being guarded at both ends. Ibis Mo-1highest degree of «
my man,” oontinuod Harney to another I KioleybUl, which proposed to inereavo the I Mr# Nesgan favored
fncturers, tho merchant*. tlfi doctors, tho
lawyer*, tho statesmen, the prsachsrs and
even tho teachers themuelras are cdnttrnet-
od, Is, to n Urge extent, just what the edu
cator* make it. The old King of Prussia
aadmlood tbl* statement when he sought
,iody for the otter impoverishment,
ich proposer! to increase u»o ■ t1 r> u e sgan favored the Senate nmend-
in this dace op to 75 or 100 I mtQ t« and deplored the fact that the House
eay to walk ” The eeoond soldier started per cent, had been so changed as to In-1 a hoald engage In oontomptible higgling
** * -Uoo upon ths Koutherncot-I and vc rambling over $7*,0U), which was not
clianoe to deliver the message wae to bnrry I barbed fenoe wire (the product of I would be lost aliould another yellow
he, too, broke into a ran. To eay | Massachusetts ®*®*f*^7| fever epidsmio spread through thei South.
that Harney swore is to nee but a mild ex’-1 Mr. Seek said thlawaa a remarkable I poised the position taken by Mr.
tiPMoion. ‘ ilore, sergeant go after that I showing, andlhat while Mr. Hoar might 1 0 j Naw York, declaring that that gen-
desolation and ruin wrought in his king
dom by the hand of an invading army m
universal adnettioo How many or
HM tit Mti adaoeted of onr people take
into their minds this thought in its leogth
ntul breadth and d-plh undjPght of mean
ing? Aud if they foil fully to comprehend,
.i shall we be able to bring op the
iac* of the people,aud especially in that
tion of our country meet interested,
i thorough comprehension?
The work before the edneatora of this
country is M|«eUUy great ~
this •tatumeut, it will be n
derstaud so&Mtkltiff of
years ago the Inhabited part
of thin country consisted Of n llUle strip of
ong the Atlantic ooast. Now the
whole of onr vast territory is more or less
densely inhabited from the Atlantis ocean
> the semi-tropical regimes bor
dering on the Gu f of Mexieo. .Then the
.-oulation was three million*. Now it is
fifty mllli-me. Tho present population
would famish about fifteen millions of
children of school age. Ho we, my fellow-
reallzs that what tliis vast throng
of Children shall Ur—that what shall ha the
yield, material and moral, of their lb
„..»t shall be the outoame of nil this
_ vo tho destiny of the ooantry, will de-
ltend largely n;'<*o the manner iu which we
do our wnrfc ? Oan aay man estimate the
astuess of - the. problem **
4,hi-d by the educational
In view—not simply
St ws are, bat of the great futnro that
? The only limit to its
city of that territory when
hi* reached its niniimum toeostain pop
lation. How may this great problem *
ost worked out ? Io undent and folly
onditious and aO tie principles involved
i its succe* »ful solution te a task which
mr well ch llenge the best powers of the
reatvsl luti 1’ect* among ns.
dsrrtaml perfectly DOW to
most uadintaod fully the
woichwe are to operate
i.n-t have a perfect phycologj. U
i have what might be called a perfect
phtio"<>i i»y «f man. We ansi know all that
do th
We mn»t fully nrderytaud
Uect, Ids sensibilities, his will,
ral nature. We most know all h_
Interdspsndeuce and correlations
te and all the laws that govern t'icir
on. We must further ond-rs^.rd
science*—«*sr> thing comprehended uo-
d«r the head* of tlie known and even of the
| The clause airing discretion to the Secre-
I tary of the Navy to oloseoertainnavy yards
I was insisted noon by the House conferees,
passed the llooae. Mr. Robeson replied
tfumMTo,, Ao^uit 4.-U th. B.d.10 ««* *“ «* *V“r
th. Uou« rMolutiun for . ^
tion of the journals of the two j ^ M agreed upon by the conference
Housei to pnbllo and law Kbrariee | commiUee andthe amuont at Horigtorij^
was passed. Mr. Dawes presented a oon * “ ~ **“ w
foreuco report on the bill for the sale ol
part of the Omaha reservation in Nebraska, _ .
and it was oononrred in. 1. .... -
Ur. Wlmlom, from th.eommitU.oo for-
elan relations, reported the House bill for | Insisted upon ths cUnse relative to navy
the establishment of diplomatio hUUm. I yards, but no in ted out the fact that it gave
they were started. The service should havo
begun on tits 1st of July. He did not know
whj Brady had not declared him a falling
itor til of tf»t tha bill aa U P*m«] the boose had been
1 for the sale of I rodaoed and that aa it now stood
on In Nebraska, it appropriated #176JXX) lees than the bill
contractor. He knew that he waa liable to
be declared to be a failing contractor at
any momsnt He hud bid so tow on the
roots* that he believed that if the contract
or* had beet) declared fai'ing contractors.
with Perrin and auiWUtng the appoint- U»e secretary of the t avy u di<««Mtioa which
wun i er«a, ana a«kmmamg mo i^pomt- exercimd iu a political or pertl-
ment of a oonsul general to that country, u 6 did not believe that ua-
be woald have auooeeeed them. At the
oorclosion of Vaile’s testimony the ooart
adjourned till Monday.
The Preeident seat the following nomi
nations to the Senate to day: Gustavos
uowitrd, soerctary and oqnsnl-gonernl of
the United Htatee at Madrid; Charles 8ey-
‘ at CV-utou; Frederick G.
with an annual salary of $5,000. Passed, j dor (ho picsont secretary of the navy it
At 1 o'clock the tax rednetion bill was I would bo so exuolsed. Uo {Hewitt) wiibed
aside to enable Mr. Bister, who desired to I oountry. The report was agreed to and a
leave the city to-dsy, to oall up the confer
ence renort noon the Indian Creek orphan I n* Hcnee ptrocceaea to uie consiaera-
euce repurs upon un suuiau «»•* i.. . - Souale axeadmeute to the sun-
fund bill. On tht latter I motion Messrs. | ,|, v ,| v || .nnrniiritllnn hill, and matter*
dry eivll appropriation bill, and matters
ud VuWfek,with Mr.D»ri.,toU>d «t. cusmtitd taor non-
with th. Democrat.. Th. PrMpS
in controversy in the Indian bill was an I tions. The first slnmbling-blosk encoun-
itsmof $106,000 for tbs support of loyal I tered was the slants relative to th* National
refugees of the tribes, which the Senate I ]jo ar 4 c ( uexlili, th* Senate nmendrnsnts
had voted to have charged against i DOreOBing to th* amount of g'S.OJO the
the Creek fund, rnd as to which I appropriation made for that body. Messrs,
the oonferees roportel that the money I ]> aua ©f Arkansas, Reagan, of Texas, and
shall be paid by ths United States directly, I Manning,of Mississippi, ad roosted concur-
and that nothing in ths act shall prevent 1 reaco in tltc amendments,
the latter from beinr r«Uaburse*l be real- | Mr. Butlerworth. of Ot
by tha Creek
muur. con.iui as wanton; zreuencx u.
Huiv.phreye. poetinseter U PcnmcoU, Fla.
lhe Bouate, in executive session, eon-
firoftj the following: W. W. Aster, envoy
and minister to Maly; K. G.
\ an Viper, oouho! at uoaoow; Charles Sey
mour, oonsul at Can*on; GnstavuaGoward,
eeemtary of a legation and Oouaul gen-
eral at Madrid; Henry K. McOay, United
Htatee judge for the northern district of
Oeorgin; J. M. Hines. U« ilei Stales mar
shal for the northern district of Alabama.
Postmasters: Wn. MoKenna, Shreveport,
La.: JulmfLauemoser, Monroe, Le.; Itob’e
M. ltndall, Ukolona, Min.; J«mee O. Uat-
chell, Will's Point, Texas; Thomas Breen,
MinaeolA, Texas; David A. Windsor, Alex-
andria, Va.; Charles E. Leaner, Lexing
ton, Va.
eaii he had I f CTCr »car*, j n order that th* ■alarlee of
'from Muu* I 4k. _ 4Urn I tnl*hi Ann.
I then resumed, Mr. —
I been charged by the Heaator from Myia- the members of the board might con-
I ebusett*. Mr. Hoar, the day before, I tinnt.
I with aiding the Republican party by biua- I Mr. Hlicoek, of New York—“Thereis no
P»rtf with pq-1 doubt about It.”
Mr. Cox referred loan artlol* in a New
man and tell him ifho'dont stop running I not have advised it in the ItepobUean I tuJiJ would IrTwiliing to seethe people
I’ll hang him up by the thumb*.” The I canons, seme of the member* of that eeleo. I di* constitutionally or to seethe country
sergeant started out io a brisk walk, but I assembly were woU edviwd as tothe par- dsvasteted oonstitaUoaally. That was bis
as Cie predessor had iTgood start his too. I pose. T'hls purpose, as Mr. Beck «»* I lutennsuship. , 4 .
began to ran aa bard aa be oould. “If all 1 stroed it, was to oompel evwry man in tea I j^r. Ultcoek opposed eonenrtene* In the
three of the sconndrells ain't running like I South who plsoe* an iron hoop around a I amendments, and in the course of
jick rabbits.'” ejaculated Harney. 'Til I bale to p*y 75p*r cent, date on eaoh tou I wt n«fk* «*id that sixty days ago tho
show ’em.” And lurking his sword under I of barbed wire made by a Massachusetts I tobbying had commenced. Agents of tho
his arm, be started in pursuit aa fast aa I firm, which he wav informed now reerivsd I board bed been sent everywhere and th*
he could ran; but sodden! y remembering I a royalty of $11.50 pec ton under a patent. I f oroa ^ power of patronage nad been
his dignity he came to a halt, and walked I Mr. Dawes reptled that Mr. Beck erred I b^ght into requisition in order to carry
■tiffiy and slowly back to the place the dree* I in assuming that manufacturers of wire I thi* matter through th* House. He would
p‘ r - J « ™ to co". o»- I zt % unnrniMffl^qfWSt
DMtb «r nn.nmtr n.Amfr. j. «I cnlertrlM o* ^ I £I.Uo uvUM^rar lohii? i<m lli
— - I air.™ For » redaoUiM la lh.wJrtaMW.1 ,„ Mut . , oM for u, metuitn, cna
though hU TOU WM Invoked ia th. and
rum. of hom-.ft,.
Ur.. Mary W. Andrew,.InCrawford. Mon-1
mud adjoining ooontlM, willragratto| Mr.Uo.r, whphui ra^f. *..ffk. Mat.'
motion Mr. Ifolm.n,of Indium (OhioContrat to Buoktoohem. ..
V 'JJS'* 01 ‘»‘ , „h n “ r *v, . .A*'- Uum 10 •» M ra Im. th. trimk >o
Mr. WIIms, oMVal VlrotnU, from tUFfmct eutlrrly dt.lrojwl fformilt. it ov.-
ooialDlUra oil forolen lllair., roportod not hi obMrre.1 tb.t . r-llnm.1 w», lo-
bnok .dr.ta.iy Ih. Hut If lortd. ct.Im, o,wd ther,. Moot .11 of th. U».tookU
bm.M.ompmiiKd hy . rawloUon ulltog two v.U.y, w ...pi iowd
oo ll» President for Information a* to 1 the loss ofirViilroail tina will mn
whether the ninth artlol* of the treaty of lSuteh*li(! *^Sdolterl
lHItf, between the United States and Spain
had been fully complied with. The hilt, _
waa laid on the table aud the resolution I Cnuiino, A'
placed on th* calendar. I moraiog, In the Ci
Mr. WUeon, of West Virginia, from the •» a divorce ag«l_.
Committee on foreign affairs, submitted a crtslty oa t*o occasions and psa*l>
report upon the power of the House to on his part aa or
compel Hhipheyd to answer certain quoA- I tkllqw
tions which be defined to answer, and to Baovrnvn i a. Tw
produce certain evidenoo. Referred to the ar' nbo u fi t* cr
House calendar. At 4:10 the House took a! ZljJEZVJjPi *
• ■ ,V: waaTs a nnuaca.
li-Mta Bcoville th :
$-a < . irt, i.j.wi i | j1
i lit r l.i.rl. .ji-!, .k'l u i:»
j- -i- .1
After the reoeas nothing was done natil
dr.n, G:H0 p. m., says: “At 5o'clock this af
ternoon tho British troops, with a number
of field guns served by sailors, attacked the
a Hsnood guards of Arabi Vashanear Ram-
leh, between tho Mahmoudioh oanal and
the Cairo railway, firing upon the enemy's
position from tliroo sides. The engage
ment, whioh Is of n serioua nature, still
continue*. Arabi raaha sent fourteen men
with a white ilpg to tho British camp this
morning. Tho party was received by Ma-
j ,r Pringle, bet tho interview was without
Mr; Hisoooa, ouo of the coulter*** on the SinStetiniir*
snuiry civil Appropriation bll', moved 1 u. ihrwwl,
thst tU Haul, tako a *« unlit io’clock.
stating that at that time an agreement I
would protubly have i>een arrived at, # f0 *
pending which the Bpeaker laid before th* 1
Hons* a message from he Freriuent trai s-, ___ M _
aitting a report of the tteoretary of Btate JT
especting the cases of American citizens Ji* raw ,
inder arrest in Ireland. Referred. The I
Becretary stairs that the only n«,,wisTiL
persons alleged to be American
oUitene still in prison ia Ireland ars O’Ms. I j'l i-T * ral
bensv. McHweesy, HUt'ery aud Gannon; 1 7 *
that MeSweiny aud Btsttery produce reg
ular certificate* of osturalizatioc and Oan-
t titular (Ft c
, August fl.-The
t HL Petersburg ears: Ihre
inydonbt thst a divergence
ot unhke-
mll lead to a break
nt an curly date,
y tangible
mu, August 5, li.S) p, w.—The
theopor&tious to-day was* recon-
" in force. Comuitnueiog at four
ft* r soon
Wascxxotox, August 5.—In the Benate,
Mr. Hale, from the oonfereuoe comm
on tha naval bill, reported an agreement.
Tha report waa adopted and the bill pass
ed. Discussion upon the House bill to ex
clude pnbllo lands in Alabama from the
operation of the laws'in relation to min
eral lands ooenpied the remainder of the
time for morning buxine**, without action.
Mr. llall, from the conference on th*
deficiency appropriation bill, reported a
disagreement for tbo third time upon tho
‘on of last summer. Uo moved
the Benate reesde, In view of the fact that
there **•■»•* »» be no proh .btiitjr of th*
t loose abandoning its position, the major
ity ia that uodr to sustain the lions» oon*
feree* having Increased with inch vote.
After some discussion the motion was
agreed to (yeas 47, nays 11), sad the clerk
was dircoted to inform the House that th*
Berate had reoeded from its amendment.
Mr, Bayard then eabmitted a joint reso
lution appropriating $34,000 forth* pay of
th* mileage of Senators who attended the
section convened on October 8,1KH1. Con
sidered and paseed by a unanimous vote.
Ooaferenoe oommiUecs were ordered upon
the resolution to print the ngriouitural re
port and th* bill granting the right of way
to theFrsmont, Elk Horn and Mkaonri
Valley railroad across Nebraska.
Fending a motion by Mr. MUler. of Nsw
and Gen-1 Usa Beseem, Augui
non establishing his eiaiui to Amsrioan (th* executive committee of ilo Mm.uu>otb
birth. O'Mahoney was irrt’gularly nstu-1 l*stk Ai<ociation cau«*d to b« itelivd to
ralized on the gronnd of terriues in th* I tho graod sUnd track the dsclti->n la the
navy. The report farther state* that it ap-1 Kelly- Walton turf seandsl. It is asfol-
poars bra note from Minster* Lowell that I lows: “In ths matter of charge bvwrti
her Majesty’s gore.nment doe* not enter-1 by James E. Kelly against f. T. Waiter.,
tain at present the Intention of bringing (that he bad bribed the joek«)s of
these persons to trial, bnt that It h a of-1 Marathon uid and InoousUnt t» poll
fared them diesharg* oa ooudi:ion that those horses in race* specilrd, tee
they shall leave If.*: .rd for America,which, | ezooullTp committee at the Monui .ciih
however, wn* refused. Mr. Lowell has I Park Association find thst th* ch uzm are
again t>een instructed to urge a speedy I not supported by proof or p'o'wibUiiy ;
trial of th* prisoner*. The House, then, I bnt, in tSochares of svid iuvc«iij.ui » i:
at 6:45, took a rooms until 8 p.m. | wu admitted by Walton jtqb 1 framer* soil
mwi. iT of
tbo Rtfios upon the west bank of the
Mahmoudlch canal nnd the Hculh Stsflovfi-
•l.vre regiment and mounted infantry open
the sa«t bank. Ths »***raj were drive* in
from til their advaueed posts end wet#
compelled to hring into action all of their
if >ope availat-te In front of their pnnelpa!
lino of intrenrhmenta at Kafr ol Dewar,
namely about to^r ballnlions of infantry,
a for .o of cavalry and aeveral guns. Tho
inter wero completely silenced by the ac
curate flro of our forty launders.
The Egyptian Infantry held thel£ground
with i-oualderablo steadipun. »r.e. 'nib
rlnes on tho railway, jvhA *056 4 *“—
credited. If not la-
tendency Is onr-
_ MMMtemy
The BUI as agreed to extends its provisTons I is to obtain la formation which ex
i. pwiiiik n uuuun u/ mi. muior. ui iviw
York, to taka np the knit good* Dill, Mr.
Morrill said he woold not oppose tho no
lien, as the gontle.oan from New York,
who was suffering from ill health, desired
to submit some remarks on the subject be-
fore leaving th* city, but he would itrnne-
iun> ioitihs wio uij, out imp winuu iuaiiw
diately after this aobjeot was disposed of
insist on the tax reJucing bill being ‘
np and atesdily pror.-oded with until
bMrolhwduth. Bb.dWlnCobbc»onl, mwL.mWi^lorairartlo lb. Mw.p». xt. d,b.t. ... «mU.m4 In «.pp»rl ol
was married to FrankUn Green January y r . u al « presented a ooof««ice report “,^.7* ample, and hoped that tbsBecate
8th, 1846, who died December 6th, 1849.1 upon the naval appropriation bill. |be I AmtQ dmsuU would be
npon. The kolt goods bill war taken up,
and Mr. Milter disco wed Its merits and ad
vocated its nassaee.
to oontiu io la force until a general refor
mation of the tariff could be made, increas
ing th* duty on woolen manufacture* from
thirty to fifty per eeot., ad valorem. After
debate, the am«:odm*ot was voted down by
vase, .nays 29—a party vote, except that
Mr. Voorhees voted no with th* Republi
can*. Mr. Davis,of Illinois,aln voted no.
Mr. Harris moved to substitute for th*
bill a provision, fixing the doty oo import
ed wool at twenty-five per centred va'orein-
Rejected without a divbton; yeas, 12, nay*,
86. Aii the affirmative votes earn* from
the Democratic side.
— ... i smwuHMUM — rejected. I he Mr. Anthony, from the conference on
She was again married to AnthwieG. An-1 report was accepted and new coo*®/-1 am#B dm*ato were finally noa-cooourred the bill for the publication of egrioultursi
1 1 sawsum'aarwrjt
good neighbor. The writer of this notice and projectile*. porteut dieouxslous upon ao«* of gw Arnmant waa resomed on the knit
became aeousinted with her ioet before the I M r. Kellogg,.from Ute commerce com-1 [ Um#> n VM nearly A o'cloc* when th* I goods bill, and a number of amendments
com m m.n to( hoibim h b.twM. the "jtJM. „„ ro dnKnu wn. Ml di^oMd of Mill, m ol ( , " d , b » Ml ofwhioh
North end ho ram.mb.ra biUwuMoHoth.Mu.lM «mj«J.<Ud. At C o'clock lh.Mll «.
with gratitmte her devotion to onr cauxt, |\ ermillioa Bay,^- 1 Mr. UUeoek, of New York, moved that 1 ?****4. ^l* 1 ®** amendment, as it came
and* UwxMi a »h > e I nuiTtif«tied X i n^the sralfore I reoommeoded by the Beeretery of I the^Bp«akVr?vUU I Horn tho House—yeas 36, nays 16.
otlUssoldUrF sriveearnddiiMron, during the Trwwary beeaaee of the Increee^doom- the adgornjbjlweDPJw,a»J At *33 the Senate took a recces netU
“"5=** *’ hu*bsnds Sfathers mere* consequent npon the development I ia*if the llou** ramamea in sv ioa a iew | im ^
nuvoaaua nua imuimtm i . lb#ri4 p-rf.1. Tbo I lulnut
the absence of the
to technics! deserters who served more I elasivcly to owniri. In the of
tiiM«i« MMUMlnjhfiimi*, I revtiagth* enl growing out of similar
Mr. ftsooek, of New York, preevuteU *» I i without having reeuaree to more
conference report npon the sundry civil | niringnut raessares, th* follow og claaraIs
epprepristion bill. Mr. Hisnock etated I inserted in asd in*t!s the fourth rnrayraph
nun ply thst th* Senate amendment* had I tf the ninth rule of r noins, a violation of
been redooed by ths conferrnro eodimittee I which Ia punishable by ruling oJ the
tothe amount ot $26fiJJ00. In reply to a I eouiast
qoaetirm a* to the National Board of I " 'Any person who gives or offer* to
Health, Mr. Uiscock explained that the | any trainer, jockey or employe to any
Benate had reoeded from ail its amend* I trainer, or if auy wtlMV, yaakep or an-
meution that subject except the une in-1 ploye aooepts any giatultir, whether iuthe
creasing from $&*•,<*») to $‘»,iXx) the sum I form of money, a share la a bet
whioh may be applied in aid of Btate and I other benefit \ri“v r it. l o-.l^us
local board*. I of the own*r wUo^c horse givre occasion
Mr. Blackburn, of Kentucky, said that as I for tho gratuity, and to whom
a member of the anb-oominiUec on the I tho trainer, jockey or cmpleve
bill now under consideration, he wool J be I is engaged ; or if aay peruana be guilty of
dealing unfairly by the other side of th* I any other corrupt or fraodulout praeucas
House if be were not so say that la tha I oa the turf in tide or .any otitor oountry.
main this was a dcaeoL clean aud ho Hast I every person *o offending shall be rJod
sundry civil bill. He aid not believe that I out of toe course.' •’
therewasa jobtn it. He did not believe I Mr. Kelly, in an interview wilh an As*o-
that U carried a single solitary paragraph | ola-ed Prcee reporter, said in refevanoe to
that opened tho vaults of the treasury to I tho decidon that the aottsn of the c.xuiniv
lobbybU or Jobbers. I tee woold be felt In racing before acoiher
Tbo conference report wae agreed to, I year wea paseed, as It placed a premium
ud thus the last gcucral appropriation | npon disitouest prsotioae. He claimed to
blllwas di«poeed ut by Uw House. I have dooe hie ahare to protest the iuu>re ,t *
Mr. Vnlautiue, of Ncbraeka, presented a I ofthetnrf. aadeeid ha conldafforJUf abide
coofereose report cm the j >lut resolution I the result if others could. Mr. Kelly •ns-
approprlating $219,(D) for printingtbeag- j pended business todsj. JVfor* the bvst
'^'resolution was'aduptiTrVaf'aittlQg tU* I among the bookmakers, with whom
►mmittes on appropriation j to sit during 1was aaxioov to ws«ir large
te reoese. I sums that Frank Short wonl4 win
The Ilona* at 1030 took a reoeae for I tbs steeplechase. Jit bad nothleg to say
thirty minntee. I other then that the decision wm a com-
a aertnuoan cancel I plete vindlostlon of bis character as a
The Republican members of lhe Benate I sporllng mso. He aaid that he would so*
held a fully attended caucus to-day and I Mr. Kelly for defamation of character,
discussed the subject of aootinntng the
consideration of ths tax bill. >Tlth few
dissenting expressions the opinion prevail-
ed that Coagrees should not adjourn with-. „ , . ,
owl adopting In some form a bit! to relieve | The LogilsU attack arabre fntrcneii
the people from tha* present hardens of “ “
taxation. Several Senators urged th* Im
portance of pasting the knit goods bill.
and It was stated that va«t Interest* would
be sacrificed It th* bill should be al-
lowed to go
inente—Aevcrc righting — Ko ]tew«
from the Conference,
(By Telegraph. I
Loxnox, August 4.—Tb* news has the
i » >wn,g t; in ri », Aii;».« • -Aral-.
.ax I Peeha^l proclatcstiun states: M F*yptian
beTTald 'aside foTthe IniTgooda bill, the I soldiers, with excusable seal, fired only
Democrats would insist upon aalimued I buildings belonging to to«tite ffuropesns,
duaoMlan, ud ,u^d «.i,U don 111. MU >n d kllM mlf Uw». d.luted I. mmm.-
«lih .11 tn. . .
od-r-d b> th. tai bill, ud Uurt to ln.1.1 oa I . . w, “ “* "?»• ™ V' 11 ®' Kh *-
orUoa o, o'Mtfr Mil woold roooli In pro-1 dl*. h»fIo, ountd tho f.*ra of Iho rti; Io
trutodpwtf einToo»-iu ind<9n)K pr, (hoKulUhtreopo, (or IM..ell.d.p-o
1UII „ U , V1 iast understand what class
of will best develop thia or that
«la*< of faculties, the order of U»» deve'op-
_ f*culti<»H themselves, and the
fitu«t mrutal- pabulum at the different
' meat.
ngt>4 of deveiopm*:>t- v ■
\\c mu t not only know the human fae-
anchee of kncwlolge l>eet
development, bit we must
n I* known of cetbcdv.
f prf-octing a subject bst-
«th«rc, inde- d, ary m-tho 1
k-i»tn subject which is ia
ar.d natural method?
led that 1 cau do bet-
tnd yuu wilh that?
ouo method better
L and another t
In tho ensp. I ^T'tho Mil miwo K lbori- poriih.' Tbo | uV'nrtrtloo wu| portin'iWrrajfr'ilrtl MU m^SThTpra-
AUho’S. 7 ; widow h« nra«. o«- but«»««® jfe“.gg; ^u3ro«. di,.”SS?toThI
lulled b» tho rwolloof Iho wm, eh. roired I Ut.rawoioOjOjloadln**rom«o ontu I of th. Penolo to tW hilt pro-
two hh to b. OMtal mow Midproddti. »^^doM.w«oijwpw^ wdMojor. ti , „rleolioraI report I AP>M.ooUy»_y. lb, i?w*lo til,
end . danghtor to bo like her mother, I AUMoq, Bdowf JSSiJSSSi*** - "" I fo5l*l.»idi MiHraiS to onM^d. I gtboriito. gOnraWC. H.BmIow, ot Sow
nlo. Mho died In tbo (olt..« triumph ol I 1® per wot. of Ur J.noMj lot, “* 1 I iflShrfiihl5oii’lBlMhh-.rnor Iv.htuoij | TOopUd, ud dw one o!T<»«t br Ur, l'- 1 -
ftri.ll.ot,, Mtjf.U«.rio, I1W. With 1 "tSSTd.Sa:' 'VSdV; |dl«rt,M Urn, the otorgX open.
MlI FondMoa mend u .ucoUr. mmIoo. joonrad.
I Mr Morrill raordod lhe motioo m In. I ml nn norm cum.
tended todoUi uo bdbnnl Mr. Fondle-1 j n tf- ,u r root, trial. to-6»,, ILM.I Y«m—AldrUh, AlUwo, Anlhoo,, B.j.fd,
Un dlMlUmod .0, .och Intention end I yulo, one of tbo, to pluod I BUIr, Brown, C-mtroo o( l-t ns-ilvosu
anted that oitooUto boilnua dom.nd.d I oa J; Mud. It. ..Id M- prinoinl bui-1 Comoros of ^iMoiuin, Cbllutt, Dane of
attonUpn.. . .... . I nnawMfMmln,, both, bad *!no bonnes-1 fllloot*. DmU of tv..t Vtr.-ir.i-. I>awn,
in molt oootraotlnf. lie drat mol | Ferr,, Oorirum. Halo, (farriMO. lUwlo,,
HSraXSrt!Jittimlli'dlaSftro? wtU aowdIroopoua.
tho ooaoao,tt I-pratt, ^n.rMI, onder-1 rtl, n. to dftr. on, 001».
Irt I tiiretiBg UWl mw UK, mmr™ tJBJfl tbe
^7 I line for meeeagee for individuals shall not
1 exceed 26 sente for each word passed.
The following is tho vote on Un knit
A Grand plant. Y«t.rde, b, ,h. Ms-1 «^d ) tbM mmiih biUnii *un»nd»d
tn .nil. «> „_i„- I 9Jr.lloliin. dmnandad lb. jTOj and a«r- | tn mail oontraotm,. If. dm mat I Fwr,, Ooraum. Hale, {fan-lira. H*a
In apil. of tho rain TMUrda, motnlna, lo d u» motto, waa -otad down b, * pMt, Don., for boalaoa. tr—.action, in Uo-r, ln«aU-, Jocaa of Mdut, J-
s crowd gathered at Po-.w • f.rrr, I rote—XI tof. 1 lerc-nbar, l»W, ud d.A.Dor.., Io the am- of N> t-uU, hogan, MoDUl, bl.llilbin,
it fourteen mile, from Mamo. on tbo I . At «:I0. Mr. Morgan, roro. with the .rt-1 moeth . had now p — 1 — 1
new road. Tho ooerolon waa s grand pio-1 j^'coohraU^ulwd t Mho lUpmdiana In* I .gMMt’h'ui.' 'Kiaflrat^inl _ __ _
nlo and barbMM gtron b, tbs Moom|tosdodta forooaroto.b, .a nlj|bi motra.l^ tM enntrarta bed Wn ac-iniral I Na,.-8nli.r,Oall,Cockrali,Cokj, ®arl«,
...w a—- -TO,.,.- .a, ——- i wdun lu.imtiau wmwto mnra i ineM cor.imc.-* nno urrn scqciro » j .-ia)*—Hauer, i>aii,v ocarcu, j mrtvj,
Taylor, of Monroe county, fur the benefit I Messrs. Sherman end MorrtU replied by I in the Iset »2ays of Angnst, 1878; I George, Hampton, Harris. Msxey, Mor-
of the Monroe Female College. I oromrm for en egreemenl to terminate I toe agreement had been pot in gan. Pugh, Bauisbury, Vert, Walker and
£IJr . „ tha debate to-morrow, next week or even I Wfi y Dg . but It was aatecJated some eight | rti-Iisma-lA
Quite a number of people went np from ( A month benoe, .uo.H»*t | or ten dsys ago. HU iateml continued Fairs were announced between Frye aud
Mscon, among them Geo. W. li. Holt, I could be had npon thi bill before adjourn-1 ap to* 3dareh"oT A pri u’lfffi. Thera was I Miliar of NmrYork, Plumb "and KeBogg.
Measrs. D. U. Jones, C. L. O’Gorm: -- ... .....
H. Redding, Mrs. and Miss Redding. I O0 ^’ t0 a v3 t* when they had ha^ fair and | ^tee^r*re*mor* than one hundred iu I absent
Accompanying the puty was Mr. Henry | reasonable dlscoseton and not sooner, fia 1 norobef . Their value wae first fixed upon I Mr. Beck moved a substitute for the bill
Burghard, tho picnic clerk of J. W. Rice k I could assure the other side th*re would be I th4 basis of compensation rvra and the I antljortxing the Fo*tmxattr-Oan"ral to
Oa, and CoL Jake Thomas, of tha earn* | 1 !•»$*!» of time ooutraete were to ran. If a | ftiara apoc public highways retablishod by
stood that a practical!/esaa meusdeeialoe | (Signed J ”Aa*w,
ss.T^iirbs.'T^'v ^'.‘“wftiSr. tiiu
smecJmeots upon the knit good* bill. I tire of the Sultan.
This derivsiou, if adhered to, will poet-1 Th# Beriia oorrestmnfieBl of the Tim
pone perhaps Indefinitely any ectioo ou I says tho news that Oermsey h*s declared
Uo *e reeolatton for adjoaromeat. I her wllitegnes* to partioiuat* »f the po*
I agree tea collective protecno* or «h* 9'
__ _ _ ... _ IcanaloenseesomeasWdCtshmeniamoagthe
The oouferaaee eoaunlttoe on the nsval I Da »du.
•pproprtalk* WII ttlla morntog agreed to I * k .||,p,toh to tho Han fram O-o.l-att.
tMraljelaoaaalaoontroTcrar,whioh wora »,atwo traarportaaUrnd lot aim-
m rajard lo Ih. eloaic, o m MJd. ilrf, Hat aftormooo wilh arRII.r, and
Tha Manat. oonferM. rcceJol from thalr I Mon.
di.agrc.m-nl. nod aa ajrred open tha I xrataarau, Aojoat A-»dJ«, on- oflho
WUronwa thoolmlnjoflh. nn», ,nrd.TOl cM! . IC |„ ul0 ,i ) , bB co of ia- dlir-xr
R-niml ®f pot-dc aaaraala. h-w arr. *
Th.Pra.ldanta.nt ih.followtag oomi- het , (t8n C ,| I(> tnn .hl:h -Hr
nadooa to tho Monato to-Ja,: dam« IV. tUruJ on ,h» Irt laaL II. m- Cl -ha
Jolmrtoo,ofyirgtiiU.ooU»ot«ofeMtom. , tri „|, a0 irtr.o. Bond., of KU^Ip-
J Nawinrt New., I ^ DMJUIra. an En.ll.h eoftl.., ..n«.t
Virginia! Jama. B. Mltchatl, of Mreinla, I H* wa« c-n-.r-J In o
TOtfOfOf of onatorao for tbo port o, Fork. . lou Hnl _ wM .b waa accompanied b,
tows, in toeutetrietof Newport News, Ylr-1 thouennds of nsHves shoottAt. “The Bui.
K ft la elated that tho PrMtdent ha. dorid-1 ” B dar ** the'' "’I'mr'mton !'• I
cd Orion the otrlet onforeomo.U of tht p tluiner Admiral ,nnr
eighth « law, aa that -w watoorotnod ajj, ,ta!et that carer.I Uatna ol>h Iro-p-
darm« the odnimirtrattra o, Otm;‘‘rA,!. hid lafl Carlo fnr Tc.’al KaUr Mlf wa, '
Tha la^talatiro, aaoaoUra and JodirrUI ap- twMn Cairo tod famalll. where h-
^roi-rlattott MI1 WM rroirirod it tho While 1
At lOdO o'doekabont aaraetj-dr. pMpU I
ran, Mr. Morgan began ht. ramarha, hot I rua % WM nn ag^ngau loaa. It wea ao I th. HtaUe and Terriloru. aneh mail aer
Util, program wh«Mr. PJodk- I e harg«l. Them war. then dlrtd^, a- d Ttra .a U bla jmfgmrat ah. pnbt
cloak) caljod atloatlra Io tbo I y,. part,oorartsg tha Mlgaot than Mud I ragotno, and In ratort aqob n
o qoomn and moaad -o nd. I lh , othera. Wlmaao draw fort, par mol I ma, aatabliab or draoonUsst.
.« n-ih. —._i I ton tat 7 o'etoob) ooljod ottoatton ao tbo|urapart>aarariog tha Ulgrot aharo paid I ra-ioiraa, act an raoort a och room Mbo
onjorlng tLcmaclrea! or an tboagb tho rain 1 aboaoeo of . qoonm nnd moaad •" nd- tho othera. Wiuuia drew tort, per ccoh I ma, eatabliah or diaeontlnoo. Aftcrdia-
fall Seatil, ^ moogn uio r»m Aft« ..rerat motiooo to ndjooro I g{ W ihlrt, po, eonl nod J. W. Dora., | coral oo lh. anbatltolo war withdrawn and
- • J - * wera n.gaurof, th* laat rciclung 7 to do, I b. W Done, for ”■— ■
When dinner waa annoonMd th. table. I
- r. a; read, and of *U dm .oontr, dinner. I “dthelaa* bjangebrtoaii that »qi
In tha arooda. thM. tahlM I rapid nntb. aaonrad. Mr. Morrill rairaa-
umed m II wto m ^ graod I «»•*» eonaooaad Io an adroarnjwnt. Tbo
- nd glo.iooa feaat of hrotlol ehtdrarTand |“- 11 - »‘ 7:l5 > *d|oarnol nalU to-
gennm. barbeen-, and th. hmt old fach- ~
ioned bome maJa lightbrrad,oomr MW. . _ _ . _
I-.e crowd did amp’a joatlMloth, feaat, I Mr. Uolchk-t, of Naw Tock. oSarad a
and wart load In Mr praiaa at tht wa, I roaolottao propoalng n conaii'.nilooal
in wkleh th., war. eared for. I amaodroant providing that it ahatl tgka
-ent’11», the enter; riling firm of f. IV. I (erred.
bmn reached on all potaU of dWpM.
• ■I - .arr'a ,-itatfcm, waa tho oMaoartmlgcd I aacwpt that rtlatir. to Moliog oar, aarda.
U' In of th. aocarttoo, and ah* toU, eatfnra-1 Th. coolaranew raport onl*U*»lali>e,
■ J th. rolfc I .Me.tire and jodinai appropriation bill
, and Mtted waa praa«atad aad
I Mr. itobeara eipUin-t th. prorWon.
ofth^billM far m ngraed npon. Tb.
I bMW rodnMd to th. fMlowing paint t Beer
Pack draw I referred to tM pa-t oXea ooi-imlttce, th
intimating that It
TbU tranafer I atiairwM., Mr. fa r,,
waa arranged tn the department b, n e,a-|woald probahl, b. faeombiy reported at
tom of anb-ooatraeta mad. brlween the I U.e run imalna, Tb. biU then paumb
partiM. WltoM. tdectidol . pepw pre-1 Mr. Alltoooprraantod
tooted biao aa tbo ortictM of pa incrahip I oo the aoadr, airtl toll, whtole wm rood
cntcrod Into b, Sllocr, Pack, J. >V. Dona, I ■
M,dbuMMf.forlbo On motion of Mr. Karaomol Inwa. tbo
maUfc la Jo dated Aatoetl-s IMS, and I ftonato a mood moot to tha joint raaotntioo
narraa \utoMlraaMnrHdMiurMM«. for tho ratabli,hm<.nt of diploaatto raU-
raCar,. The pfOMOda from the reatoa in | tinea wl-h I’.rria waa counrrad In.
Mr. Oox, of Mew York, morel to oooonr
in toe Beast* amendments to lhe bill
a — r. — -... . , were being erected- II* wm informa l. _
to da,, oed waialmoat Immoditfo-, trama woold ho aeoitn toloi ItrMr,
•f dgned br ibe Prooldoot. I The traa-nr, of the Aontoa mLUIr, oon
The Prraidoot aont the fol'oriog noml-1 rained ciiojOr wblcb war iatoM ohoo
nations to tbo Honnto lo da, s UlftoM I lggg toft Cairo.
Orut and WllUom llnr, TroMot, to bo I ipauaoau, Aogsat 4 -Tba 1
i-nl—ioo-ra to nagotlaton eoojmarclll |of ora «d th.Ttf.-di.a'a g -rarnm-t
t, with Mailoo I John II. DiUoo, of I r„ drewo opraf-r It.rirnica-fifi. .ip*
irart, Moratar, of logotioa of lb. I jm eD ti Tgjpl
Uoitod Htato* tn Mndco. I Conramnorho, topirt t-V. dal#*-
I sere bss »c:«grst bed to to* P«*r*i ymteste
OESRilAL DOttKATIL'MEtTH. I tng *gsin*l A-Imlral Birewr'i
— — — I coLccrnlngUi#flies «»n«i. Ite ,:»-!•
Tb* Yellow Fever la r#«s*-4 n*rrf • it is In no dsnger from ArsM Ps>
Indian Territory were to be divided as fol
lows : Veil* ono third, Minor on#-sixth.
Pock onoelxtb end J. W.
In to* otoor
theod J. w.Dorasyoee-UttWo j amending the eUtutee relating to eteAa
Slate* sad Territorial ^ site {eomefa. lie ciDUinod thst the do mow off
77 *u re r? iT6 Ib> provide for ll»* inspection
d J^W. Dorsey one-third bo-1 Q f foreign vcoeele ralUng from A me risen
rts. Agreed
Iosco them. This psrtnerskto contioned I porta.
r • •-'.«? ones*** I Tral* »uMln»o.
■!■**• 1 at t —. on'* it ti*- »•■».! *»• -J f«-;«irfr,
Mttgt-t. the d.i • -,>..f Irolmwf <
mr^T^rSa nlgr-—* too Ml**-1 JoMoMwhaa oob rtdir
UgSMamtora-mn) Ho* ih,.llhotm ,#t . ..
-• sxmIse tiM 4 n!r3lJK??uj.s^a i ***'■
r would return Uet* rMtttis Use*, which he I U'te, foflfw; emusMts, right/-
letted le do. Crntee UtdeUlm •ol'urteff's wife. I fit* j Ueo«#o*n*-co®BiA--d*«, eewnty-
usteg too Mgumect toes fcr fwratehed toe| { l euteoxaf. 280: atoetera, wvei.4.
money to hoy toe 1’reoM, sod toes toe ted I fixe; envignr, eeveoti-fiv*. Tbe nexteob-
MasUaI dSf re*.## WAS In relAtiao lo tbo
aa I “>• •» «*» toatortil -t able-,
tens*fhrtsr's wile, who senes to be heppy
1 riZir ’—ihtkl Mil bo report* d lo Coo-
Tbecocsprooiteo i-roriJe* Ihu n.d
wwo -r-ra-—i . ----- I AW DUHOTPCn
chtrf ngent wig X* P. tttUUhaoto Alter proprlottoo bill
April l,l*;j, nonoof ft., doftodontN n. I fe^raroo, and ««r*cd to.
rapt Miner, wan In ae, we, whatonr In Mr. McCook ogorad a ooeoanrat rraotn-
torartod In hi. (Ih* wilnra*’*) ain am-1 tio« granting Iho ora of the rotoadn ud
tnoto. nor ana be Intonated Inna, of thotr I odioeealK-ocn intbampttot to tha Car-
root*.. Ho bad non. bran cnnraraod tn I iSd ninnnt eommiiueof tbaMootoi,
tbo presentation ot aoj fraodolootctoira of tbo Arm, of tho Combe riand fram Urn
again* Ih* LnUadMtotoo gorarnment. Ho||gttio(Mo«otobortoth*ad of Doaoraber,
did not know wbra ha Irgwni into tb* I to bold a trarar nod rasapttan, tbs objeoi
boatnra* that the raotra war* losing aos-1 being to rjd la tb* on-alra la WaaUngloa
I-acta. Ho dhl know it when (of a auto* to tbo momor, ofthoTat*
ha oignad th* eontraet, bat ho|PraaadcntOarttold. Agraodto.
I ikon .strand, ant ootl OamottoaofMr.lbomaa,of DUno,-
moo to pot diConn, rootoo into *P-1 jotot raaolotaao woo parawl I ratio am
-honhad braanoort of aarbol MarraUr, of Iho K> a, to era rone a
_ eofora tba aUoInr of too ran- Of ia-ioir, to twra^gaU tha ctrcoirol
mol. On A-gort 40, laTR, wttaora bad r— I ouradtog tho torn o* too Aoarmafto.
oataodntotopnra from Brodr aakingbial Mn Dmglc,, of MMaa, oakoa
what rooloa bo Intended Pi pot luo oprra-1 pot 0|<.nTu poaa-ga ths joint
lion. Oonam-odlkUkowoMdatort nU prertdtog for n jotot 0.U0* oan
bat Watt’s rooba Saptombcr Irt. 11a bad then* nraatora aad rta gaacn
a araaaraalton olth Oacoral Brv), la An-1 togafra toto too
that before M, oM ahigio aada Mil
■Oaoitii I and appraued b, tba aaaa.
board ln-1 lb* facto reported to CoagrtM
• TOMWUIWI I fill tort/, J»■ VA Allison,
•aunctii^itf ,.fl , tn y back npon their second
entrenchment toward Karr < l Dewar. The
mxrini 4 wore snpporlcd by Iho fionth fitef-
forttehlr* ictflruentthe Riflov. Thoy sof-
fero 1 somc vbat, but bchsvqti with the
greatort coolor** and steadiness nndsr h
heavy firo. Tho object of the British
operation*, whioh was to compel
the enemy to din-lay whs! force
nnd wbnt gnni ,thcy had In
front of onr main povltioo, wm completely
Attained. This was a*certaln»'d by night
fall, when tho British were plowly and
uteadilr withdrawn. No noon rale return
of till* killed nnd wounded Is jot attainable.
Tho enemy’• lo«s i* unknown. A Urge num
ber of wounded fell into the hande of tho
British. Msny dosd were seen. A consider
able numbwr of the enemy weru tnA.V prls-
ooett* Tho British lately mado surcAs*ful
experiments with the forty-poonder* n»*n-
tlonod while mounted on their ironclad
railway track. /
Wanted ViwmortlMcly.
If there *ro any irsduxto* of “*j yet
No Chance In tlm stylo.
.Vnc Jhtert RsyitUr.
The Aiotiipt* !c Utol Is coins out of fiuhfon,
lUbfil-l. fiat the lr-ii-1, rutty-vivlmrinc he til
ora by vigor--’u men of a’ ttflfiy, wlUi mat •
Ion, youog men.
rs, will n
never. Keep ou
of te-
of It* resell.
Inlne’s WhlCM
/' A : ! ■
Mr. RUlae’s brand ocw si
saatirslog s Trilowlih tin;--
uke s very atickteyc
Iu nnritv in aacn
iltl not
■■purity la such contact,
committee could notcon*-:-
thlof but * cheep quality ofli
»i»-u»here_themud end guarw
Whet lo Do Wilh Dorsey.
;vu*r Tnbums.
It mlghl bee
good Idee Id oeqolt Stephen
W. Dome/ from dm chancel mb i*m -v; f
vert him late e sse wtewmoDUBr. n • mid
to be wiler iwiTvMilliwm Unn ran i--
Mid of the ro*t .if onr nsry. Hill
u.-* ms:tor Ute
* riro.
Old rtldoa doing I
Arkintai TravUr.
There U % section of ftlfuof* tallawl F-fy'rt
!t* othftrdsy an Arksnmw man wh«o» »>n
live* In wr-ut m f-.J’.ow* u> llto
wuacmsD:^Osmeomefto*t»u<- ir u--y
l«*lre U» hsr# s thee*. Ut 'v:n flfht. &I.1
•ymour, because he was t-esien for th.* proit-
•[!•.*, it - n the peo-
L ! -’ **f >iMirdt«T.ri. Nt »t i.’iinf )<-i know, old
I rem^lnero before you fet
your t.iu
Inilncd «• Ptilloeoebj
Jkutm JturnM.
Ti rasko % prssdeal sppllestten of th* rel!^
luslruthito tho ooniu.on o< cnrreofe* of life
• * tendency on th* pert ot children thst he*
ft. n t fra notir.Rl by tholr Instm-v rs. Thter
irthol of seaart utiDf Idrai. howevvr, la remo-
.Im** •Unilng, e*. for Inatane*. tn the follow-
x J *r l • , to-i»-.n,.d.rv at an t.fcn
wtii l- w betide hi* mother, when s V.j remo
erswtteg slnug Um tto^nss- Hr
Mkcl the y..un*vt«r. -Thsttis oM i rir." «eld
n pUNjts cmpODse.
loss I'll v ti<l hi in to ls-d." end
dawn hi* flat on the lisj.l-«, li...-. i the tly was
•» Mealy gathered to lu snceslors.
ThvRIlral 9fnn*e Ptitlooopbg.
Thelev. Dr. Timothy K-T.-nr-H., «,f ivntor
will deltver s • -arcsof six lector® * u;-.n Orsr
tlsn j-t..' .1 hy, Um dste* t-» be heresfler *f
nounr*.!. The (abject will bo divided Into *1
beads, as follows:
l. Orsare doctris*of myeh-.'.-gy sad hgi-
klsdtstertic mrthad sa-l lyefa-m
X. Orsr.V* d-ieirlne cf MllSi
u'.'i doctrine cf political cnail-f*—
— . and create*!-nepotUm.
■i. <iranl‘edlflanctioo of nisa fiom nature-,
two Mind* of morality—U»« p«g«..nal frlen l and
the potttieel eopporter-mjettoUm.
. L OtDDrsdMUlMef IT • • *--••• tn i-.imrm
••v. te M.x 1 a® f-;r:.l«'.ln* a eon-
ms i »n between peuti.^Um nnd «••!- um.
&. Umnt fleeiheti^tbnijUtoa-ry of flio »ru and
lltersturw m developing n»n'i mini. «t>n-
*- wi.a•{»•••* nnd self IraueMtieg.
A 0 rent's vtew a
hi* Iturtlrr and WatoMo la rtlaalo-1 ha a*M has tl-oad, Rireo nnmaroao if—fa
aippt- rin.a-r naiiaa -Tiodi- Ufhamaoli,.Tbo Mrlt'shorr-patl-n of' too
ear mown Ditoii— 1 "toil will only lliwijrwlti ll by »ff :rtiog
f* l#d .”? *L.ra.t! AnM Ftohxnnexvsj l* (pr vitiation# off
Bench nod Honmenih rsrk. I iu ^trality.
[By Telegraph. I I U- -ue, August 4.—Tht FanfcUa says the
AX txracTXD veastu I Itelisn portion of tb* tat*ra*U"«ti eqcnfi*
OaLTonra, A.rad S-Tb. Mhoorarl "1 't”. ** t r. , ,-V /
ienrtetin, from geUmorst, with srapte-1 ”^1*. ”.! w I rood Cos as 1 tore*
Tho Netr ( bsrx« Atalnii
Inlwfir Pmwfti end Ch
Th* fnettont Beeehnr hn
«'/ r i ti.f lv-r. «h i :..r.!.
nva, tol lh* following t
and estisfnetory: Heecht
r :wd by the belnolhkl
ef embnssUng toe d*nd HP
h aa croMMcal bnehelor,
* n hoa * r '
d seemed Inboeei
hseine ' I psl'k htii
piled with maJioiiul o’.'-ara aad at,,,.., I
n«r..l port^h.rmg fe^^.^'tLtt loi S
• '10»r*nt-n. nrapttai. I ^ngalor aail-i, of ika powtra, whioh A
<iaar ant-no 1
Darii-rua. Me a to. anu acictoi. . I Mtoia to lift a flagor fbribo rail!e—Ml of
Stisrau, AogooAC,—A (ImirtU, Mlaafa-1 tb* toain dtdtTOll,, toondralake
slpp-, aparial aara: -Mir mltoo north of | m tbspratoatlra of (S* caaal. -
Granada, oo F.w K-rkman p* '
a pU-.Utira.Capt.
Klrtonaa, innnda, alghvmll p*»a,Anvirt't^7l.a*Mw*5;!al
t-aarloia of a ootoiad woman with tMaaoMtitotodM folio*.: M. 1
to tbe quartet*
wrhom he has llrafi for hwmI mri ud I Btenlor, prstideni mi t
HtiUjiriami her faar ofuklwn. Cugfil uterof joefiev; M. <te Oral*, micteter off
r t ,ln:«-
«; M. 'Ilore rd, minister M
l BUlot, minister of wa
•-•bc'ry, minister \
krnnl, dopsfy
“via shy, ■
; M. I
Batman, K. C.. J.-A M n doll, tornfpnhtt.tortrawton. (V.,
pnpnr nUI bn pah ! nd nl tthartoua, N.ft, I ">"»«?»
Crmningra A*iml,>th,wtthCol. Ufrwi|
T* at -i IhOd
r ■ •
a. -a*. .a.,.:
S . •• "l u.< ... ..-
teU, formerly number ol Oms- I ' 1 w^ . ' 1 V ’
edit.>r-lB-€hl«L It wiU be Demo. I ****** *ac nfmrwarle M. Fwrry. to wvdor.
emtio iupotiUeeT M | tntoto form ton mnteiry, b**—“ -*—•»
Courxiri, 0^ AugoU 5.—!cformation I IK, Aagist 4.—A strike *mos/
i« Ih-sl lr.ii :««..u tb« iftto Cec.trsJ | f rish c-/r.*toboUry u ihrsAUMd. J:
rnUruni nrn nos n-row* forther south! th:.‘. serious meeonleftt sm
wncts of tbAU WnxvhnU, end the ronl will require I ton men U wl*k •i-re%J, sad from fiv
owner n. srrcrsl weeks ol repnir before they non I te* “ “* “
*juslIhslpotn'.. The lorn by toolT»-
| wnter «|out of TuarHlny wn* mnch grrater I quicker
npor- . then at first *oi i-fcti. From n pcdot! _
t-.*.: li.’d lt-.*w j tt.Ma. IA... 0 t. .,{ t .r.. r..j i|- J1D t„
by OpOO lt^ ijyuUi Lteu 1, nud u> Uie WOtbrnuch ut tb* lUutei'v fclegrsai Campsuy, dmliui Aivsnn-
t•: *«.-A
‘■■tor* •-*: -r-'m Ilk- - fi-.lU; 2si -
l.e VU'ASI -aft- jafA/u.tmx. xwuy suec
hi* cbcek%
, irav;ug nu bnMUUoa so-l t