Newspaper Page Text
Am *pfxl UIIm Party UTbrowOff
Apathy m4 Awnto© Aalto* DhIIn(»f
ttor Uaar Wif (hem •( I to* t am
palpw b»Anf4.
To Ik* I v»«*<r» til$ qf Georgia: The pros-
out peculiar condition of the political
tout now bring waged in Uia hut* wool!
•**m to justify a dear and Eaecinct enum
eration of tit* living tasuce which require
U>* continuance of Democratic control.
TtiU condition ia peculiar in this, that It
present* for the lira* lime in the history of
0*orgia a complete coalition, or Radical
and InJsieudeat ticket, oa opposed to lito
regular iioinlnec© of the DemocratM party.
Heretofore Imh |«-nt r-n hd-.t. • h»»
•prong op in two Congressional die*
knot*, and in n few of the©* in oonteaU for the LrgU-
latore. Hot narar before baa ft thorough
and daiernmlaad t flirt !>©©n mado to
cam the Htit* by ft combination brtven
Radical* and disaffected Democrat*. Thla
onprvee-:«nt*d move in* uVamt unholy alii*
aocc wilt be readily defaa ed, if the people
e*n bnt bo aiou-cd from r| parent apathy
to the true condition of affair*. Dm im-
mmw mniont> i> which tho party la power
luv* always carried the election* since the
BUtewa* r©dseu;.d from the eorraptiooa
of reomatnutfen ami the It idioftl regime,
hen iel the ind.tidoal voter to as-urne tint
hi* personal pretence at the potla waa cot
a nsc©**ltr, and itwoqldnow aeetn that
not plaead' in ~
data of hta ...
posed to inartivity.
«f the eandi*
which growa oat of thoprt-val no© of this
erroncou* Mae, ia further n.v.ih d In ft
disposition.' u th ■ I .rt ■•( < tr. .toUfrecir i
the moral binding f | ‘
;y nomination*.
on,» n t>i ■ i .rt..f i. rr. ,todi*rr
^■1 binding foree which ettach^H
I party nomination*. Joat eo long a* men
I fail, a* Democrat*, to accoi J tu tc r.omi-
nee* of their party ft heart* aad eontianodi
Rapport, the Sopee of the Itai ablicfu.i will
be flrsd to greater energy and more nnUr*
ing effort*. TheesMamaoommiu**, feel-
lug that n clear and coed** statement of
the tree i«*ot* involved in the present cam
paign would go far towai J* lh* correction
of the evtb of apathy and diaaffeetton at
present existing, earaertiy entreat yoor
careful oonalderstion of the following
It i* immttorUl to the organised Democ
racy whether the Itepr.iillcun* tight under
their own ttax, or whether they a*ame the
•peciou* garb of Intopeadeuta. Wnonc©
cornea “coalition ImiepemlentUnir" In-
depaadegee of action and of thought ia to
be ndndrwd,nnlem baaed upon a consider*,
tion i-resent or fntar*. It to h\*«d, it be-
oorars tha moat servile depandanoa, ee-
pod ally If su=h consideration i* to be paid
L>* the enemiea of the party to which the
new boro "ImlepemtouT beinogtol. Of-
Area are few and aej-tr-nU many. The
Democratic party ia tumble to piece in the
poaU of honor all of-ita adhonnt*, however
capable they mar be. Bat wbewih* claim* of
one of »ur!i candidate* hate been n->< ted,
there may bt a prospect of aanma* with.the
the eeciatauce of tha large colored vole
amoegrt a*, if he rone coder aome other
nameth**: "DcmocraC* Tolbi* vote be
appeal*, and t* christened in water any
thing b«t holy a* the “Independent Demo
crat." With Mwtalngiy pUnaibfe argn-
meota a* to the uofairoeae of party con
ventions, be etrrit© with him a few dtaef-
fenud brother* and appeals to the Radio*!
party, compomd in tin* State almost ex-
rtosfvrty«''ti*£roe*,to elevate Mm into
odlop. rbo “independent'into* Irinkling
of mi e re b««KM« U»e "detefithat" on
lUJinOi. The c-m-hfe ration he ta to be
paid ia ofBee and spoilas the consideration
they nr* to revive ia increased Radical
strength aud dccirvud Democratic bar-
tnooy ami unity. If th© coalition I* mw-
ceaefnl, there can t<e bat one rcealt-Radi
cal rale In Georgia.
Bo many year* of prosperity have Inter*
toned alee* the dark day* of raeoustra©-
lion and Repubtioan MpramMy. that it
may be weU to serioosly contemplate what
1* the (lateral ami neersenry rrealt of
Radical tale in thi* State. It mean* negro
supremo©; wherever that race bee the ma
jority of vote*. It mean* regro suprema
cy,*t*r, If it be (innlbl* to contemplate ft
deeprr di gradauon in ft e-mdiUoa to fall
en, something more, where the negro*«,;rd With tlie d tax ffrcted white©,
have control. The simplicity of
the average colored voter, together
with hi* innate gsotimees and oral na-
tore, rooder* him comparatively barmlcs*
whan left to himeelfi test when aroosed by
tho manli uLutioo of derigulng pir*ona and
nrgodonby Uwgrord ot^ower ai d gain.
Mrat he *imply booomca tho
tnhte attack* on tho tn*U-
State. Caivia* wft* a far
of the colored rnoMPd the people of Uex<
gift will ate to it that neither by de-ertloo
fro* tho Democratic party »or by Inac
tivity tiicrete *hall *oJ» i rmou ba per
mitted. And y*t to tide independentum
directly ft yd logically point* I
There ore but twopirtie* in OrorgU-
Uu DamorraUe and Kadlofti. IJ* who
do** not iflocg to tU one ncocrasrlty at-
Uc»H- Mmaaif to tha oilier, and if he
wram the dbgnl*# of tho independent
coalition l*cm - ■
mots Inri linos
tatiooa of our
more dangerooa enemy to Rome than
llannital. A o.n«pirator In tha eamp it
alway* mure to tw f. iml than the enemy
npou tha open field. The Radical party to
Georgia loots alone to the negro vote for
eoppert, and to tho administration at
W ashington, it* mart corrupt branch, for
eapplir*. Fed from *aeh a aeortr. that
ha* turned U* W hiU Uoo*e Into n Now
York (.olitiral tnuliog booth, what most
be the growth t The Inactive or
apalhctto Democrat, h.w*, rr apOJtol hi*
course may appear to him, mteb hUotoftily
adds to the power of iUdicalDm in tha ex
act proportion that he daaraeeea the
•treogth of hia own party.
For twelve long year* Repobliaanbm has
proffer.Ml to ou people the leone between
the white race and the black race, and that
U*ue D *tiil prominently before n*. W*
have ondeavored in every honorable woe
to defeat it, an 1 -<• far ww hot* wieeeedad.
Ut a* not now. when we avo reaping thi
foil fruition of | r.*cnt prp«t*rity, fail to
meet thl« r*o« with brcumlt-g fortitudo
and firinnf*«. If wa filter for ft
me men*, If tho aotlradwm. of
the Demo rata. that ootbn*la*m
which ie born of tho loftia*t i«rt>o**
that orrr aMranbd hum i -I. • l« !
the advancing cnrinj’, year* of toil and nr-
doou* Etrug.-i. will not rru».t« the uni i{ \ >
resuita. Tho nicv.ition of the D*gro to
power. Eoctal and |oliticaL which la tho
true aim of U^publlrinlMto m th«8e Jth. U
a nstwrure which the fJ* of tha country
should hoj* to avert. And .1 can only bo
averted by the IU party, iod.i«oU
ub!y united, n.air.g togathi-r in ataet,bar-
uooiuuK wiol>. I» tt.e Dun-
Georgia la eotruated the roll's
biflty of preaerting the j
berate of
ra of UOT
will they not, n«
tried, boldly meet the
boldly mat It, a* eec.v
DQUlah Ut
from your «lut>j hut with n cl. nr c.,n
tion of the maguitud.) of the .|*i<-Mio«.i
for* gon, atipport with yuor aivoato
seal thadtoUDgutabed «*>aUnnan wJ.«h«
Damoerstic party ha» relaclad to Ulnai
itaprineipltaand to fnrthe* It* nigh am
bio aim*, llic Decnocratauf Georgia
aiw*)« *tleaded to th* coh^rrii vie j
U •omn»**auri*.i vith the right* o!
■Mkhtmu -itieena of the Htai*. To do
more than U,;. wonl.l Imp™* h«ro«t»* *«»»•
which Itlroald h« wrong to load liicia. To
do lea* than thta would blot tn* dviliaalim,
to wMek we bdnrg. The D»morr*Uo party
can wvil afford tos b*. a* it m trath ta, ja»t
to the colored roes. U eea afford to be
yarrewa; and it la —■allied to Ihelr ed
ucation and improvameat a* rapidly a*
the resource* of u»e State permit Rot It
recognise Dial the great iuU-rnaU of the
•omuinim wealth, political, sort U and com
mercial. are in the bind, of lh* wldtopoo-
pic, and they ebook! control thoaa intonate
Ibyarary twmoratde maana. There la no
way a«j certain, by vkWl then vital inter-
thu may b* *ucc*>«foIIy protected and fos
tered, as by the administration of the gov-
| lament at the hand* of IhHewtamtU
Democrat to party r'eeoe In power. And
■Ml «n ai affafaktratteake beak
rrU RepobRean party Mf ie tbi per-
fiction «,fdiscipUnik bowevar corroi-* 11
maybe In Us metlio-D. To inert It roc
oco* fully upon the polities! tMtt'.eficId, an*
ininodltglom* ma*t not be eeot Abie
and booe*t party Uwdera ore aaeomair to
organisetioo, bat wbarewr they fat! in
Uwtr doty or set otherwise than the inter
eata of thetr State repair*, they ahoold be
ribuncaa be reedily eceoapllahed
the party. (^rUioly tha embraolag t4
MWfjrowiih its Louie*a, pcrtonatUm.
j cure the sviL ia-
atciuA»f ilveerthm in tha time of d*ng-r,
patriotism would point to a rloeev actua
tion with the party. Organisation and
di j-ui for gains moat be ooo*
hSSSm5SS!S3mmU of Mrty
Imeahlnwr rolitkal alliance* within tha
e S5j»nagnlwo>a fat view the wal farm of
Hgapetal pohlle, areeoRraly permiealble
and neceeearyt hot when the obiertlethe
dcaira for office or other personal bcnrflt,
irn *f ectivo of tho InUweUof tbs HUMJ
wufbedratroyS^A Democrat “wt be a
no patriot can be a oonapira-
Let aU past
led In the i
be bar-
the danger
, _ not a a pear
__ rai—lng from the ootid
phalanx when tho day of battle eomae, and
»* *nr*i w* the eon will rifto on that evenlfal
morning, eo auraly will victory perch
the standard of Democracy. 'Gw
i upon her eon* le do their dotjr.i
call has never been made ia vain!
Waantnoton Damav,
Jiff. KttW
Turning the JKej* na Wall n* the Tn-
Ipwclal Telegraph and Me*aengvr.
OtijraatooK, September 7.—John Wil
liam*, convicted la*t Aognat of the mnrder
of Mr*, firoaket and wnienoed to the pent-
tantiary for life, broke jail thla afternoon
at ais o'clock. Tho eaa* waa appealed and
cialoo. ill* brother was kero ail day, ttad
'll* thought arranged for hie eeeepe. The
whole blame reata on Sheriff Dnrkett, who
waa appeehroeive of hie escape, lie took
no preeaation to prevent It Williams and
another prisoner named Roberta overpowr r-
•d the JaDev, ordered Mm in Um cell, look-
ed Mm ap nod walked off. Saateo.
Acianlly Wllhent Any rientlwg Debt
Ter «to* Tiret Time In Over Tertj
So much having been Raid and written in
regard to Uw city • extravagance and ee-
onahaa been stopped and the other
funded, a abort history in connection may
toot be am!**, and perhaps leech Macon to
avoid these evtte in the future. Macao
now has a bonded debt of about ff 700JDM,
boaring• per cent, inter**! and twenty-
eight years to ran. Threo-fifths of all
her Uses have bean irrevocably approprt-
lo pay this debt, and with-
an increase In her pres
ent valuation it will be piid tnsboa! twen
ty-throw years. The other two-fifths of
the taxes are loft for enrveot axpaoeaa, bat
rot strict economy there will not be
Ji loft for Improvements. Beware,
then, when yon start to build aewerj, a
market-hooro. or a park, that yoo have the
money In hand to pay for the asms, teat
a have another Inca boa called floatieg
uponyoo. The oily treasurer's book*
•how that In the short apace of di years
(ha dty ienrad *mall note* for two year*
beartng 3 per east, interest to the amount
of ttt&ff&Mfollows:
i*o.>i>-4nitoUedleg... I,
l«n— Huff .... m4D-Uutomadltog... I,
lo»*. with a Usable property of over fiUV]
000^00 to meet it.
Mason has never compromised any of
her debt, andoalara the ekaraotar of her
riUsena change vary much, never will.
HbewooM kero bean forrod to ffeaobat
for the lUaratMp of many of her kfatoeea
own ia carrying thla immense floating
debt. And who etc eellmato what these
two-year note* of Uw dty have cod her dt-
teen* during the seventeen years they have
keen loafing around. The Interest and
disco* nt paid on them would make Ike
original aoDount to k amall.. Nearly all of
Maouola hoods have barn given to railroad*
and col lego*. Bat these bond* wore
paid oat at par for service*
I rendered or material famished, thereby I
rt fitting a full and f rta eqcivataiit for
them, and the eity DowM|iHM
.r. manr ollnr ImpraT.m-nu
mliEMklirtk. Mmllmr-
nwott M Ik. mt of uoUvr Oo.lmg .Mrt f
rhc-n i.m.m'-r ttat - In-a Muoa pron-
tu collrclnr wtlt oulul,
lc.ll ua m nw «• !.u r, tat faat *tiv.
< f it. lb. nr, that n.. ts.n ,1m, jea
eboou to nt<rwcnt) oa Is KmMmmIi
satton -Itb jour pronlM. to
roar promlM^t.
t» w»i wn wIBa.
•peoial to Tfetcgnph and MaMsoger.
Nows in. September fi—The convention
to nominal* a Senator fof the thirty-at stk
district convened kero to-day, J. B. 8U1-
chairman. A committee wee ftp-
pointed on pUlfor-v. Them are too eete
there ie a proepcct of a deadlock and row.
W. T. Rent! nod G. J. Mania, both of
MtrietVwr, wore pot la nomination. After
turnly ballot*. U. J. Martin rood rod Uw
nomination. The two-thirde rale wia
adopt*J. W. I*, li.
Itetilnln'i Mspn••Mletlvr.
fperifti Telegraph sod Mwnpt.
M u t.ri» iivttxx, Uju, SapUmhor a~Dr.
Mark Johuaton, Jr., wu tiom>ntted to
day for RepraaantitlTO in the primary by
seventy-five majority, tn a vote of S3.
sTOiaatr >, (»*.. Haptembar*.i.>- Hi* Door
CfBt« numinatad t*. H. lVndlatoo today
or tho Irf'gi'la'.uro. Mi ia a M»(id Dttuo-
rat, aod ulil mako
K it A !41 ;* *i and rparkllng Riilry'i ,Sj|.
imr Aperient is (1m cheapen and luoat
ileiiginful purgrtir* tu use-. For dys
pepsia and habitual oousUpaDou i l da-
li^bta • very body.
A tontapawitut utve* n UIHnpee of
Idle nt ttoe < npiiai.
ultra will remsmber that Mark
Twain once congratulated Mmaaif upon
having vialtad and wriUau np M Uw Ewroal
Otty" wKkoat ones making oaa of Byron's
beckoned afpr vision, "Butekaredtomaka
iday," This was no doabt
wall, hot if Uwbnmorooa Mark was really
hunting for ImmortaUty on that lino, ha
should have undertaken to writ* np Wnah-
icolon without tonrtilBg upon roiltlm
Tb* peopis her* are ■ataratedwith poUUc*,
and the very atmosphere aoeme potllival.
*jf owning
, —... -_-j aioak of.owning a
■Mor hooae and ioC And It it thtjr
oapitnl aloek la trad*. Another large okuw
imitate and raver* Uw disUootioe*, nadl
coart Uw favor of the poUUeal arirtoer—y.
II ttowmWoimro
Their c
* ambition tat.
wU their visiting
lion to a pun, trnthfa
If not neon.) mwi
|y political. Warn Congress D not
in Marion eampaigu* are U»
ho worked op, and nmewmvnl*
—otherwise known m voluntary coolribu.
tion* are to be raiaed. Mr. Jay lUbbatl
and hia 11 Ul* ciroalar have been repeatedly
and oft dlacoeaed hr aU tha newspatwn,
large fry and small fry, throughout the
country, and atiU rtw good work (or bui
work, as yon pieoaa) goes bravely ou. Bo
far as I know, tho eanaoa office ia t . only
buraau of any Urpiutmrnt that i *• not
bean vwitedi bat wan the stony hearted
liabbcll, who Iwe sent hi*
j In Uw narro to call
Uw employe* in that pr ntlgy of »ar-
running oa regular pay about two
nuolh* out Of the preceding twriv*.
;t la anid that It woonunonly known amoeg
Uwtreaaary dark* a* tho government pour
boose. Thera ie a grim humor about Una
joke that noons bat a census dark can np-
prostate fully .
The star rogj* trial ie drauiag Its weary
length along, and rooms to be awakening
vastly more Interest elsewhere then here.
Not one man ia fif'y Ural I meet seem* to
know or cam how Uw ease u going, though
the paper*—notably the tVihV-gtro full
reports of the proceeding' The universal
impcoeaioo room* to be that the part lea
prosecuted era guilty, but haw too mock
money and iafinenre to be convicted. Ilob
IngereoU, oUwrwtw known as “Uoym
ftob," ha* just completed hi* a-gunwnt.
Whatever el«* he may do, h* l.a«, dar
ing this trial, established for himMlf
an cnqucatlouable reputation *• a brag
gart and bully. But whnt heaaklws*. a*
aeoul, pot up io go-xl *hai>e, an liiwna-
nounoeawnt Uw he would apeak fiUid the
oourt room aa tt laid not been filled tinw
the doaUqi day* of Uuiteau'a trial. Ilia
peroration was very flee, and ooo account
aay* brought many uf the ladle* preront t j
tear*. • It seom* rather aingular that h<,
& great albetat, in hi* final appeal to the
should drawn bis crowning illustra-
lion from Mary dinging In the crow <>f
the crurific'd ChrUt. i'tw rase i« aa-uming
•pedal intorert from Uw fart that the .U*
tonwy-Gcoend ta taking part tn |«raon.
Among the regular eontrtbabucia to tl*t*
CauihU of |*te haalxen a aerie* of artirli*
entitled “Uoaulp by . oberta.’* Now, Ib-b*
art* is a woman, koJ whether from dire
want of someth ng ehw to write, or in*m
succeeding cuntribuUuo, Roberta ha* go;
into her female head that thi* government
ought to tie according to law, and
that, a* far aa her disin
terested end unsolicited efftrri* would avail,
it shall be run according to law. Bne ha*,
therefore, resurrected tho alatntc. *o much
dishonored now that it virtually amount*
to a dead tetter, which aay* that uo two o!
a family ahull be amptorod in the depart
ment*. Iter first attack I* upon hu-banda
and wtrae. and contain* a eomnlete of
their names, together with the depar I mwi-
U» which they are employe J. Now. ,«op!d
as a rule like to ace their nauhe in print,
but cot tu MWh coonertt^n a* this, and 1
have ua tdoa that *! Roberta «<uaM lav*
been brought face to face with the fair
one* p'loed in her lut. she would have de
cided I aaUatly that it wu* a ooid day for
S r when she undertook, ringle-handcd. to
v# this government run according to law.
Hhn propose* later to *i*o the nainr* of
those connected by other raiationsMp until
the job ia finished, and than demand that
(ran** ha ahowu why they ahoold not be
discharged. Ill*not known yet whether
or not any cifiaUl notice will beUkenof
tho matter, bat those enumerated cannot
bat fen) uneasy, na there ta no «|oe*tteMi
about Uw extetoLca of the statute.
Washington lover* of our national game
—bnaabaU-ara now having fine opuortuni-
Uae of witaeoaing route Aral claia ama
aMrta ud Uw ,otcroM.Bt ,nnt«l allat.
Horn, t.u uf UwM .Uw. (4a, .Inurtinr,
Ud U.J l.t .() * (ium Uwt
b. di tab!, la ^otwHia-
ud I’artwea. Um. whM ramilnl in t—
TOT at Uwluu. br.nxmof Uuuiolm.
(Jtorsi. hw . pi—11/ («ir <H>riuklin> tu
the drt—rtm,.!*.. (•* f*c Mon. ihnu
M. at twu cil/. AucmI thk niulirr i.
lujSf Milan, foruirli at VIm.IUo.-Ici
I. now .niutf i-tiUd In Uw twwtoa cOiw,
i.u.l J U ].•« «in. A.::. • C, n !•• /mu. dm
oMottu. praptMtonoi tlw rujeiuni.
ss,isr ta *aA;ii*hK«ra
II. U. Mtntnw Comnui/. Ittnopu/ii
/ct In It. intuit-/, Iwt took, for Emm
(Mam In Uw tolar-. Whotmt
niino vitbaM cii—tinii to ■ J
on! o( lit 1 Lit. whnl m
WAsanoTon, Beplemlwr tk—Tlw jury tn
Uw star root* caameanw into wart ahortly
nonaoed Uwt they had not agreed i
Three wore given by Jadge Wylie at con
siderable nnd tiwir general tandieg
was strongly against the defandauU. At
their own request Uw jary wore allowed to
take tiwir noise to the jary room, and
again retired. They will report again nt
taro o'clock in the afternoon, to vhlyh time
the coart race*rod.
At two o'clock tho star roato Jary agatu
came into coart and reported that they
had failed to agree. They were directed
to retire and report again at ais o'clock.
When the; came Info eoart at the latter
bear, they e monnoed that they had ranch
ed aa agreement in regard to some of the
dofenlants. hot not as to other*. Judge
Wylie stated that Iw naa not praparad aa
yet to araapt a partial verdict, and the jury
ware toid to retire for the night and coma
Into court again at ten o'clock to-morrow
morning. The rroiw of the court baa
Um oonllboid from day to day by meets,
no adjournment haring barn fakvn.
Oueof the proaceu(tc.g coanwl wa* in.
tenirwrd to-night, and Iw asnraeaad the
otiinlou that tlw jury havo reached a ror
dirt of gnilty a* to Brady, He* rdrll, Miner
and Vrtie, i>.»*l-ly an ar*|aittal m to
Tamer, tnd that they are *Uli hob idering
the case of the two Dora***.
It wa* ascertained at tlw Treasury D*
partmentto-d*y that tho pay ment* alreaay
made oa account of expenses in the prose
cotton of tin* star route case* arc aa fob
tows: For rorvic-a and cfl'cnara. II. IL
Urewster (hefora hi* aptejintmeut aa At-
tomvy General) f.VU»: \v. A. Cook, ror-
vices and sspanM*, »*«'•,N*?; George till**,
rorviom and espeoaea, fl^l.ikj; W. n.
Ker, rorvioan and esiwnaro, fffi.rc'7: U. T.
Merrick, servicra and expehroe, fifi, 1 00} A.
W. Gilattm, rorvics* and «stwnavs, $fi,(r.s>;
tatai gli.MJ.'U It will be seen that tho
atMire esprti-ca inetul« only lawyer»' fees
and estwoar*, and only so tnach of dim
da** of aooount* a* ha* been pawed to tlw
accounting officer of the trtamry. No.i.
•»f tlw other account* »d exjwuae* incurred
in Ihi* trial, such aa aritoca* fees, comiwu-
aatlon of special agent*, court expense*,
etc., hive yet bevu predated at the treaa
ury. It I* estimated that the** rspeuroa,
togetlwr with Um* additional amount to be
l«UI paoounsfi fnw, will *aell tho total
ea|*n*c« <>f the trial of tha star rosto ctae*
to about fi.UvSW.
uVi vas'a tousor.
FKtLxpanmtx. Hepterntwr !*.—The Times
to-day pobbsltea a letter from O jI. A. K
McCluf, editor in chief of Dial p iptr. ud-
drearod to F. I*. <»'Mailer, srorrtary of llw
(Central Cranch IwnJ t^eagua, nt Kcranton,
lVn nay It aula, in refareuo* to (In charge
made by the TjW* that ccrtniu saa m m
leaders of tlw Iridt I.m l Iw.igue were
hargainidg with Uw leaders of Uw lteia.l>
liaan t arty for toe aaie or transfer of fiU,
(Ul Irish votes. The letter i» f great
length, and reiterate* in detail the uhtrvr
originally mad*, which i* that the contMct
waatobemnda witht'amerou on the t>a
-is of n removal oi Iwwcll from RoglMi i
to eu~.btu Kdwnrd 11'ide -glwr Gondon t
mislead Uw Irish, and tha payment nt
liberal amount of inonty to (Hinton,
iruuv » KTiB
OlMOliU, Septemh.Tt1.--A .\Vm* M"4i
mora*» a«ya; The yellow f*i v
or iJcmii U rapidly di«ip|.*-anug from (!.
city. During V o iwHUf-'our hours n. i
iwiofri boy atwat aerotffean yuaraold,
was arraated bora Uvday for Uw murder of
Robert Beutt, on the flth Instant, a far-
H raridlag near Morris'* charak. Camp-
oouat/. Flood via aa employe of
Brott, an/ the two qaartried about tlw
fklturo of the boy to perform acme aer-
vise, when Flood picked up a sharp axe,
•rod iu barking timber, and barfed it In
boon's brain, rousing instant death.
> urru rimcmii.
Rocnasraa, N. V., ffeptember 7.—In the
eve of John D. Fills attorney, who was
required to show cans* why Iv* •Uuld not
Iw punished tor cootempt, tor f irm-Mug
to tlw prase informstiou th it h* was afemt
io move tor a reopaotng of jadgment in a
new oner, on tha ground that he had die-
wivertd that oe * of the princip al docn-
miuU ban boon formd. Uw decision of doe*
Uo* Macimber, of theBuprvmaCo irt. vix*
dinafe* thv right b» furnish aleteuicnia to
Uw pros* before trial. If th* report (a fair.
MowronwuT, September 7.—Um. W. C.
Dat#a,prr-v*nt member ■># (^Nigri from
th* third di >tric! of Alabama. w.i* to lay
renominated liy acclamslioo by t’w Den-
luuritqoa ua.
Fauaata. Bvpteuiber 7.—At SlrTI o'clock
ib* Dthmis. Many tc.Udlngs w« re darn
aged, but too Urea were lost
venom* «>*MoinacxKas.
Linoout Ns*., September 7.—Tba
Graenb-wk htete con.etotton fioisheJIt*
!ut»orsthia morning The nomltaltou of
Utc Bute ticket waa deferred end placed m
Dwhaodsofa coma-Utee of thirty fire,
•ho aro to meet aad confer with the State
ar.ti monopoly ouaroolion at Ma*tiug« m
tho '.'7th mst., with a viow to roinbiuing
*11 opposition to Uw Itepoblirnn and Item
centra | art tea.
enmo'a aaaui.
Fgiteuxi.nii k. Hrptomber 7.— fl.e re-i-ort
of Dortura J. w. Arnold, of New York.
H.*».Hlwke*iw4r. of FhitadripM.1, and J.
W: McConnell, or the Army Medical Mn-
Mum, t\aahiii;*t<-n, tlw imcroscot-h' dpi rt*
elected to iu*k.- a miacroaoitlral cuioi- HoIktD
tstdi-n of (iuit««u'a hr*in, will Iw published
iu tlw I’hilaiYlphU -t/r./ .Wn j on Sit-
rday. Il ridrrrwu to their rr|>ort the
mountiin*. Tlw i
A piece of ora weigh-
• oooUlo* fil.V) of th* pree-
j — ^ shaft has bran sunk seven
feet to the rain, which i* three feet wide.
A loo of such ore would be worth filOOJXD.
Every one te wi'd with escitenwnt.
a now voaa awwanou.
Naw You*, September 7.—A cigar box
was fuand tloaUng in North river yaater-
day wkiehrwnteiirad a mala hi tuft In Uw
_ jvidron at that address an/tw adifiitted
that hi* wife, ebom he had married sis
•rah* ago, hod given birth to e chili in
Uw room, aad Uwt on Uw advice of Dr.
Theodora Y. Kinny, of Ca'feraou, win at-
tend'd, h* said ho dtepo ,-d of tlw fo tu* ta
th** manner named, tJ.o i-tj^r bearing tha
ailiraaa bring inadvartenUy oral m a
wrapicr. Ihe physician and Davidson
Haro been arreted. The lady Ulna criM-
oal condition.
Nr.w Yoax, heptemlwr 7.--A. J. Homs-
burg, i t Brownsville, Trsa*. hi- bei-n en-
giigrdfor Uw past two day* in soliciting
rohscripUons to «fund for the relief of the }!1V
IsV^rM* (him mi'I/iV fat*/ in Ilnm.tilU i * . .
LoobON, dsgfemher 7.—A dtepxfeh fton
Ismail la to the Exchange Telegraph Com-
pony states Uwt the troop* at Tel el
Maketa are going lo Has* aro ia on Satur
day, when those at Nefieh will posh for
ward to Tat el Mebuta, and go on loth*
front Monday. All regiment* will carry
two days' rations. General Wolrotey will
proceed to th* front oo Batn' lay.
The corra«| oodent of the .Vnrs at Alex
andria has obtained from * mortrelUbte
aoorc# Uw exact eteengtk ot IraM Pasha's
army. The grand total Is as follows: In
fantry, 4l,flBj cavalry, HSW»i guns, lit;
rocket tobra, It; Itedoubw, 0.
A dispatch from Paris to the Times sajra
tha rumor that England, with the w-rant
of Russia, has signed a secret agree
ment with Turkey relative to Uw ultimate
organisation of Evjpt gain* ground.
A dispatch to Uruter’a TeUgram Com
pany from Alexandria says It U rumor, d
that the Saltan offered Kgyi I to Ragland
. .l- *- aonditteNw on
auffvrers from jdkif fever tn llrounuvtil*. j S5JK21
Mr. Htoomberg raised ff!W »n raeh. which » S5f!!g!r l0# * n ** mi deeltnad
h<' *cnt Inmu-dUWly-
nutdUUly to hi* house to I w> * om y‘-n« L ii l tm.L
by telegraph. It l< stated Ihit! t^JS^^SS** /The^Parta ror
IJ .a Caraou,cf llrownavilte, has ' rJmSndroU or^m^ Ti^Je feu rrartvtTe
Ulo'-mbcrg A Raphael to ra- JSS ISSOLZ
celvv subacripttou
h'jtemt'cr 7.—Fjr th*
.ate*, partly
s - . »d« rn-wtiy
loner barometer, stethitury
huonn U.USIM.
Eaerou. l’v, September Jh—A freight
aT*t».» collided nt Ifeln-
-Unity afu-rtiuon.
Both eugtne* nud errsrsl car* were wu ek
ed. Cell Monte, one of the oldest watch-
dmu ou the toad, who was rdir g on the engine, wa* jammed Head for* moat
into the fire lux and hurt>«d ?•> a crisp.
stating tha
t'o.ttllo and Jago Macao, three t'obanl
lexders, lately succeeded in escaping from
ed to Gibraltar, with the vtew of g( ing to
America. The British polirv, hoa.ver,
nctwitb*Undiugtlw:r i-rotestaUune, Itaod-
ed them over to tho tip-mteh autl orttie-.
Two of th« m wrra relumed to tiwir pri*
nlt'sdi/.. bo) Mac * wa- HOt to Uwgatie;-
at Out... i!i« frteod* aiu groUly n’.vro;< J
cor.- rmtng Ida fate.
rira.-n*’M in aixsa.-psu.
Al*xai>j>bis S*-J«teUlb«r ; • •• mir-
derir o' tin Englishmen Dot.- -1 Itirh*
ard-on wn« hunged si 7 o'clock •»•:* Ci »rti-
r>4 tq- (Le nvUve poUc**. lie •» ■* ajoda(te.l
fr*»r.* the prison Minmgh tic luwty > •
corted by a detachment of Kegli-h trgo|«.,
ud the gvl•»»•*-.
.Wiv/irol .*«« •< » wi.l *«»' Mliturially : '*l'h*r*»
i* *a »h# ml ronropic rn vital loos co tc«aon
for ebaugiug the ouit ion* which were ortg.
inally evpr«.-H 1 thvt ( uu ahbor-
mnl rharaster. justly suff. ani the i-»nn!i>
of the law f-»r tJ«<* high eilme jie com
mitted.'* ,
Til a TiUinc-.MtUMinx. wtlt !•• great uetd of ycrunivry
Cnirx'Mi, tteptenihrr 7.-The Tariff Cora- .±T? f
mteaion today Uwrd rotreecntaim i of J??' 1 *!?]. 4 CJ! , i*v- '*?' ,,
tlw Michigan, niacondn »u.l Uiunceota STJ^jSWSeM^l!!
lumber trad*. Thai eiproravd themselves , ?*”f;** ?.V prt ! Memphis andGreq
It* 1
of Grjnm, i „ ho ,, s*ju»r«- luouu ! wQ I
drni.|*.l J» .1 At hi. (iluUUoil i» I-lk. ifc. ,,, 1 ia,. ul o,J m ji Ir.llrU iui. J-tiH
’.t> to-day. Jatigo Algoo.1, of Itouw, mt Mj 4 . r . ttcvtral hundred Kurop*» • i;-
(he execution, but few Datives *•-».-
rvsrlit. H'laju (he tfoop* h.ul wr.hdriM i.
died to-dny.
mg leusm »svrn- j prtertit. tVtwu the 1
l'KWtrou, Htg.umb,i H_ fh» boartl of ; lw«>^.l. til. Ar»U
health bulletin nnnouiu-*« nine case* of number*,
yellow fever tvdvy, tlw ol*v»nth dny of u 1U
Moiru-. IMh.tMome.-iilJraiia , Ufnu»,T -.-'t.l«l^
« l iooni/ n.|»rt I. tlitrat-blu. Tli.r«! '•* orJ—J iK. 1-1-^“ of Iho Mlo.l..,-
—U! n.J of ;enniiry aid. » **
Urge poeportiqu of nur rralJi - “ *“ “ “ “*
fH*wral>i* lo rttsining the pnrout duty I
lumber, which they * .id tu ouiy from 111 ,
H evut. The
htaW« sl owed (hit the capital cr.g ige J
only Iw state tin nun figures, IL- r-ilne of
•he i n.duct meigt.t dgurrs ntiirtlir .lUsn-
llty l roduced In ten figure^. Over Jil/Mf)
m-tti *r- employed, and th«*ir iearly wag» *
umo'mtPiiH'v.'n'wn million dollar*.
AMUttc • ii at nawrouT.
l(.>*roj, Si-pteaife-r 7.—A »|k«u.I fro.n
Ni-wiairt, It. I, -ay •: A raw? of tsintrachJ-
t-rn. it is rvpurlcd, l.n« **cTurr«-i here, a
scv-n-year-old child uf Ueliry U. Vchm- „„
lowp of New K*rk, luvi* g dhd uf that w |||,
Gnonnr. It. Lixu,
Ci -iirtvau of tie Hoili f t'ornmiiu-e under
the au>picv« uf the Y. M. C. A
II. C. Ur. ii was
ll. V. Umtr.M
Hour. II. H. li *
Hoard of Ilral'h.
llaovra-viM.i:, T«X*r,
TS re a. re f jrl> -• _!.! r
Y. M. *
Dm Pres!
' .ud rauulu, (b. bloul b/
mm Uiuwn'J Inn BIUot.
Vummu. H,Wib.i t-J wtsrl»(
th. Cub mnMM bM bnarmlnd«i
the Interior Department. The sow mission
reports as le the appo'clmeot of regtetra-
tion offfeera, and say that tt was not doomed
adtUaht* to oomu-Atm a naw registration,
but wra decfdrd to order a nvrewn ol the
existing ragtatratioo Uata, as required by
F% t *&wSC
wt. Tha « ’ •
U. i-UHJid. tlli.ll. -Ihw b la m n.
.i—-t in .unlii<-t wuh It*. i-npOM ot lh«
BdmnW. to-. Md ti.frtji.
SrSBefe 4
vr«tigattou, thvt thi* a'atata hod Uvn in
force fur tar Ira year*, without Uing adju-
(iievtcd in th# c»urt- of on lerritoryor
distorted by Coagro**."
For elnldres, ooundcecenU and inti
Id* ol weak .'.•iiviRni'M*. i‘- tm ctv- -
den'i Liquid Kxtran ot Ikef and Toole
tariff >r aloft la pint botth ♦, will be found
lavaTuabk. .M- for Col t- u'Sf tak
of/.' r. < ifdru .• sti illy
{ Pink c"
ling teeth
With young or old, vav
Fhooeer wiarijr, walir they may,
8UZGDONT by uight ood »Uy.
any niaraiiug i xt ut
A rr|«rt from Brawn .ole rays that th«-
fevoc Kcma to Im> tuarenaiug slowly, the
oltteial rc|i**rt for tlw last treaty ( >ur
hoars di^vr* only forty-eight new <um«
ai»j tWJdustha for that period. Tlw re
lief c->ramiifee furntehed aid yeaterdav to
low. Several biw caira her* broken out
nmong the soldiers stationed here. Major
Withrr.-lfs son i* down. KnleM funds are
placid io tlw mall contractor's hinds wo
General Uamiitott, of the marine ho pita!
service, lias received tlw following:
'“'nurnsrilte, Te r., SemitemUr ft—Flfti-
. a new oomm of fever. Three deathi.
fro11 yellow fever.
(Burned] "Mtaaar. Huigeon.
•'Conor, Health I Mirer.
•'(i-M nau-u. OeUe tor.”
**Ct.rp*» Christ!, JV.r., S-'pt. >nUr -.—We
have pa*-off Uw Itrowusvitle mall, but the
pmt-iunster at 1'ena refuse* to rreelve it.
Will go out to Pena to-night and p*u it
through, il postibla. N rtrotur,
"AasUtnut Horgv J<i."
I‘eu*nratio, September s —Twelve be i
The National
Twelve n
ot UralUi has i
ak an
.... to-day a
cohtred. The weather for the
to noon to dry waa very warm, but it is
now cool, with a rainstorm threatening.
"Wwinroi, IkcreUry."
Pux«amu, Hfti!*mber 9.-The board ot
_jolth deeUrta Uw yellow fever epidemic.
We luv* hod la twenty-four hours sixteen
new cases and three deaths. A terrific
storm prevails, having continued for a
3 ht and d*y, which threaten* fatal re
ts. Oce uftlw greatest burden. it.fllri-
by the epidemic te the inability of the
merchants to eoileot looney doe, all ouun-
try pl*er* having quarantined, n?.«nwi-
— a grneral snspeawiem or bust-
A Urge number of those
beet able lo pay are absent and cannot tw
reached, white those ebo remain are hold,
tag oo lo tbriv dollar*, not knowing what
the neat two tn vntSa miy bring forth, nor
what th»y will have to codura before frost.
■NMt entirely
man are greatly emborrasacd. TbeMBi
|4iuo of the tovrf in the past forty atahl
hours, with tin ronalonDy increased -tek
rates and death rates, has raodered
necessary the appeal which turn
bean rcado to th* ge*wro*ity of tn* eoau-
try. Dnlaea aid shall apudily come the
greatest woe mnst prevail. The ennlribu-
Does should he Iran .mltt-J by teirgrapk,
when yeeeibfe, aa there is uw imperative
tocei of funds. The large proportion her*
of Northern aad osavcUinaled men ren
ders ua atnguiarix urceratblo to tSa ravage*
of the dtesate, wMfe the number of tbeawk
i mm
are bravii
Brown, th* eon
Dr. Mellon was out thfe morning. Dr.
Mriglmoferntin very rink. One
l»P bribe phtelrtona.
i*t*o fiver is very much on
li .ra- wrap tw... death* ia
tweoty-fwir hours. Foarteen
■■doUarsUibe tote! amount root
ia by eabscrtptlon. I he river continue*
at a very high s'sgc. The weather Isriexr,
with a light norther.
V»*ua, Naw Mrxiixi, BcpfemharH.—
♦ Burr<.i pi, rt-.r.V t .iIh-a.I
x,-t, U «- rvM Vnl " . llU»*«~l")
»>• tMMitolMIMtiMf. . « WnW ..rtwroan Mm "or
dlii .r, iomIILl- l" r.Uttmm. , Blinl j ,t nm Bro.u.
ai -i lh* city pi.j-icnn !»•* I*''usurouxntwL ' lr>* nnintc r of !• rai c*m-« in Matamurn*
II. i annuo! Iw-lull .-«■ .»./ m -.. I kn ttm«
li.n-.ut II,, us ! Ami It- Ihu.-inc V .lu ' ■'
from Now k«»rk to Newport. Ilicrlu.dsl W AMiiiaorog.
. It D said that foi ...
. me tiiuc bar!. »*u-ri- hit* bran n -atiit iry ' f r ,„<
!• fit m IL? major'a c-Jitegc.but theata'o- , f,„. r n
:v «t is not V. rifle I.
Taut, or i arr. xaaa
l uunma, Beptinnbcr 7.—A special to
*. gnrgeon
!l.c iiunou hu-pltat
fiiilovrmg telegraph
1 feruae oo Urnba/uo afreet a large
of arm* wa* ma(le , Kavivnnugh, rlto wa-
su*trati'd of >n attempted murder tn run-
neettua with the same affair ; Mecl*. who
i*rri-:rd fur porticipati >n in tic mar-
of Hatly. an info mrr. and Doit",
Dan* ami Keogh, who wero implicated in
the Her-lie p'. ce murder.
Arg'-AVpau, September ft—'lira Im-ly of
th.. murderer of tlw Ktigtishuian,
aud DoImoo, flto wa* rneutr.1 yester
day, was left hanging iu charge of twenty
native iMjlicemea Late last evening au Arab
mob over*»uvrered the guard no l carried off
live body, together with the rot* **ith which
was hinged. They carried lh©
murderer*s c! vthc and rop«w to a mosqiie
relic*, and the liodv is to bo embalmed
that of n saint. Tiwra wen* no Hriti-h
sotdiera present.
Iftaijv. Bepramber ft—Earl Hpenecr.
lord lieutenant, announce- that eraen-
l-ibet. No
i dcti'.ut'on i*
, Hurgrtia.”
Ilbapleauf uut guilty was entered. I tw
jury was drawn. cv>tn;Ki*««l of wfiiles, after
|challenge* by the titau* nnd sigit ty
tlw defeat- «ix for
8 TUT d State’* witm
vartattous from tho evrideocc giv
inquest, grtsiDy weakevtng
Inquest, grrat'y weakouiug tlw jm cu-
ti»Hi. The killing by llaile with n 8|>emwr
rill# wa* fully .-i.dilt-tH-d. Tlw re wire
Ihrtv shots, one thtougU the heart,
one through on.- lung nnd «*or in t:« aide. at tin third abut, without ajenk
iitf. The Mute's wittie* r* . nut lliair
culled Unite a **d—d liar.” Ilaile walked i lnu.
to the tax office, followed by lliair. win | tion
hid hi* hand in hi* left breast. Iliilo moil. Dirmigh
earne to the door, with th* rifle, i.nJ out on
the SideWr.Ik—Hlair adranctug towai d*
him. Haile fired and lUair moved round
l>?tween Ifoilu and the court liouxe.
Hail© muied luck toward* the out
side of the sidewalk and fired again.
lUair mo od out towards tno sidewalk
aud nt tlw third fire fell ou hi* side, tarn-
td on hts back nnd dinl. The Htate fatlcJ
to establish th© language of lfaik after
th* killing, shown;.: premeditation of ttw
’Hie day wm e-m-nmed in taking testi
mony for the prosecution, all witness©*
present being examined. Counael an
nounced fh it nut ou-* or two inure would
tw ex .mined to-morrow. There wa* no
direct testimony as to malice. Ttw evi
dence for the defense will toko alt of to
morrow. 'lira cos© will not r!o«* before
IM40OI4 nrvdx OATS.
tirec in ttw matter of ihe sale of
Canonc'ict to F. D. \f :!:nn, lb* iwtition
wav di«misaed. thu* leaviug Willimu
Ht-ra :u«- in |>raeti(*j.| po«-©«sion of Canon-
chet itidrliiilU l>, UfJei*ousted l-y proceed-
Si*amonKLi>. tfeptc-nli'r 7.—Tha Demo,
mile (Mat#context nnt in th* state-
house at noon t-» .-ay. IN ' > .er&or John
M. Palmer w <* made peraia. eot chair
man. lUasp rah arraigned the Republi
can i arty, Prrstdant Arttmr attd Jay Unb-
(MX AT ql'KUni
(Jtneanc, Bej-tentbcr 7.—Early this morn-
Ing a firo broks out in »n© of th*
rirtwet and xwd valuable blocks in
the sober! *. There waa no wMe? where
the fire wse UiMiovsrtd, and non© wm
avapabfe for fully half aa hoar. Asa con-
seqaemw, tha block f ran deg on three
streets was burned. On the fourth side of
the Hock flr« proof boikHngs stoppsd the
flames. Heveral dry gooos, grocery, Jew.
•Try and other Store* wet* dratroyed. Che
loss waa over f IffO/jOD.
vim KMUtm dvncoxxttrix.
Wumthoirai, September 7.—The MU
passed by Goograro app duting a special
committee to invasUfato and report npoa
the Mfestestpol river levee and jetty ajra-
tem appr.q r • • : ^ to defray the ex
pense* of the committee, bat by aa over-
sight on part of the framer* of the
measure, aede vSo amount available after
the presentation of roar hem covering the
expenses of ihe committee, rho committee
is to meet at Uairo Illinois, on November
lotto, ond tn order tn obviate any tnoenven-
CAii r;»ni- nliun a resotation In l 'rsina Mo<l< i • nd. 9i;fortk>acfueaWMiMri
acted upon. Edward F. Kkinnr r, of Pan-
rcf-n--. nted. arid which noanimuJily in*
doraed aMDMHHti
IV. ('*-.iay was comlnate
And.-” I M.tttotee fur ju-
murderer* 'Jwo i 1*0*0 *|-©cl \l s
-The Ciieyenne
ing* it law.
1IIK ivpiau
llicvvix, Keptcmta- I I ,
is ie port'd to ha««> feft their rcrarva
ithout leave, ire working their way
Dirmigh I'oiorcdu and Kxn-a-.
Tin *o is no duu'.-t they are returning to
Uw line (Udge^gcncy In Dakota, Dr. Me-
flilticuddy, the agent tlwre. having, it i«
eai f, offered tfn-m i-.-rmi-.iun to com*
Um re and adviud ihe Indian o minisstoner
to pennit it. the Indians, uut being
equipped fur the journey, are likely to
cum .nit drj ud di-.;t,« oo tha country
through which they (•««*. Three (virnpaiiles
of infantry at Fort I yon leave in th* morn-
tag by railway to intercept them if thoy
atte mpt to ct-.wa tho %rksn*aa. One rwi-
R uy uf Um> Nttilli t'avalry is ordered from
•rt Pa;©*, and it i* reported two com-
ra of oav dry ur© fallowing them from
prutiable blood may be abed.
noniriba at tiauuujb
1>aitii.i.k, Va., Hcptamta-r ft—’I his even
ing John 11. John dun, tnayur of this city,
•hot John E. Haichsr, late chief of police,
tatheting what Is bolt*red to be a mortal
wound. Ttw t-artle* mrt casually Ihi*
•vooing, and Hatcher demanded an spot-
tor a statement of Johnson's that
tclrar had not accounted for fine* Iw
I collected. Ttw apology was refused,
a scuffle ensued and Johnston shot Hatcher.
Ji lms*on swrtendered himself and was ad
mitted lo ball tor fl-sUUft
amain m shhl Tnumtouan mm
Caaatmooa. Beptemferr ft-CooehWrol
ej - it. iuuit was created ihis morntag by an
attempt to spoil the score of tbs English.
Brvu after tha team hod reached the rang©
they, side by aide with the Americans,
» mencei practice at 900 yards, they
fert finish'd whM Captain Mellfh, on
an etamtaotloa of hi* gun. discovered that
rome person had Umpsrsd with tt, scrateh-
tag tiro mnafeon the line of a sight, with
the * vJdent purpose of destroying sura a‘m.
«f course Captain MeUUh and hfe comrades
were both rarpri<ed and Indignant, and
i nmediately made complaint to the Amer
icans.. Toths latter the afhMHH^^m
mortify tag.
TO UM latter the affair WM very
ytag, and they axpraroad thrir
bM. n ub. Ml Ite dm.,...
ESStt&f" "■* 0,1
Wxw Toax, !Wptetn*wr*
Fra»^ U. Hulomon, who waa airautat» IJ
Florida on • ekarg* of def raadiag hie ell-1
#at», wo* arraigned U !)*'•. liruoxiju |*i-
bee Stout t-'-day. Mr. W ngkt, one of Um
victims of the | rmmer.wbo is ttw priiwi-
pal cimplftiumt. •%. present. Th# mk
m»-«T wiiwd enailn«ti<m and wee h- l.l to
as-.:t tLu ... ;,wit t-f in, gr ind jury.
.» ij tli ■ polira ol JarkMinvIllo itnU j h
flllc chtef of pulios would
■toBri-.Mi r W : k„.„
Sb»«b..LmM.a.bM lb. »-i,
Mu>« th. (rent, -Web, it
■lUIMiMof Hum mBm. All si tin
IT- <M Iran lb. BnUah suan.
lb- lwl"l fMlnltlM M* D>.l
kSSSU. III. L' Is*. I. |
otrJsl l.nlillol ami «i
.MtUMII»lbs - Brt*.li « JPB_
TSBErTSKLur x—aii oi Ar«bi
Pufc.1 IIOM Im OMf. BUI
braW toT.I rl KM4r, h4Mm Ii...
(©Irgrai-n* tl.n war ul&r© from a w.i
and a half miles from Eessa-om lawk t__
foUowtug report ot tide morning'* oi* ra-
ttunei “Mrptemhe,, noom.—Tba onsniy
raeounoitered uar i.dvtnc© j .-«i:ha/Do-
sidcrabta force c t ell arms at dKi -t.rrnk
this monitag. General WiUk* a<(vnnc»d
nnd attacked them, drivteg them hock
with low. W* have taken four gun*. Our
tos^ea^an^Mta^n* enemy have
retired into thrir worn, fron
ars now firing at five "
PPM dumfesvid fur
Cliff ird I. Loyd, resident mogi-tratc.
Id resting tho people at L-taghm, County
(felway, at Petty Sessions, ©xpr. -u. d his
■A iti-factl.ui at the improvement which had
taktui place, and remarked that Eirl
Siwnccr. lord Iu otejant, would nuiit
|tlw penalties conferred by Uw arms act if
th • district continued peaceable.
Tn© Dublin poLc© appear to be grateful
fur the consideration Earl Bpenrar has
extended toward them. They are full of
I/cal and rrsalution to do their duty.
Mixu.t, Bejitembrr ft—On* hundred
and ►©reoty-flvo lutivau died here <>u
TnorMtay and '.*77 death* occurred in the
ncigbortug villages.
I’auis, ttiqrfemeer ft— Dispatches receiv
ed h«-re state that the cholera Is raging in
Cochin rhino.
mxrnlin asbkstui tu oxomaut.
Bxau.i. Scptemtwr ft—The Togblatl re-
port* that white the grand cavklrv mv
neaver**r©re Uing ruoducted by Crown
Prior© Fraderick William yesterday, two
Iu uch ritficrr* of high rank in ctriiton
dr • »©r© arrested. They have bem mak*
iug "ketches of the ground.
©oava axi» rarau.
Hnxuoiiai, Heptcndwr 8.—Th© ditficnlty
I*; I ween Japan and Corea hostwstiHr
■luged. Coir* lino agreed to |«y UTsM,-
spondent of the Time* telegraphs . ,
r»-nretail ion h© had with M. jhicler % pra*-
i tent of Dr» Frun*: i rouarti an I minuter
of foreign affairs. 'Hie Utter ihclnml:
"We a>e not, r.r at least we do dot think
w* ire, a vaevt'on cabinet, and the prod
of this 1* that we are preparing Mite which
■ prupi'v to Mihiuit to the tffiiunbars.
1 »htU r .
with all my force. 1 have remora-1 il.
camn there, as the railway, canal an t tele
graph or# now working fairly W# b*v©
found and buried the body of lieutenant
.4i«itenant dribble, of th* Dragocn?,
i H'ooed In General Wotsetny'* dfeputeb,
hvi been tn Using since itw great cavalry
charge at Kae*a«sta. Ills Body having
been found unboiled, it is thought predate
\ U3(XA, Hepi< ui! rr ft— A HfegUB fMk
St. PctrrslMirgpubtishrd here, stats© that
ite convig^* u» tlw t>rtson ut Khoklum ra-
oitiu r ©riAfy sui the guard wm ealtaff
out to suppress them. A struggle ensued
.ud forty ut Die convict? were aukd.
a wotiox cktsM.
Is >xT>jM©8©ptem v -er ft—A corrasp undent
wriu-* to th^ Ma’aeheetar f/w<tnftan that
•-Mr i thing Ilka a crpi . iu tha ©ottoo trade
at 'Hdiiaot is .beginning to be felt. The
w • ©k ••( stoppage f'»: tlw recent holidays
should have bran the rule, not th* excep
tion. tiho?: titn© wilt M*m be atmosaeuate
t u'sorj. nnie«« there Is an unexpected
©hang© ter Die hotter.
mi cnuuMi in ooaoa.
IsntMix, H-pteirber V. -A dispatch from
i'lkui, d it» J th© AUi test., wli eh lute been
c imieiL t-atfd to the Timet, stales thvt the
< 'hliie*« authorities intervened boldly* ta
(a rea. and -t-IXed th© fattier of the King
mi l brought him to Chinn. Thu Kiughoa
Intu mutated by Chinese stit.e and
tamsna, Haiduu-.ber ft—The HriUda bark
(tauums, Bundor'.nu I l.-r Java, foundered*
lie. ere*, point < ring twenty, warn
tetod the yxc-* itiou ol l r inns Hayes. Mar-
wo-xl i* riarded by ibe f^itce, aud a num
ber ol Irish detectives will ©soortbimto
Bxumhu Kkmalb UiTTKim ialutand-
cd fur young girls aa well M married la
dies, who have ty someaxpaauro,be
come Irncular. pale and feeble, with
headache, feucorrlxca. pain In aid* and
bark, falling of womb, or female weak
nesses or exceoaao. Its naa strengthens
and tones tlw stomach, Inrigoratae the
nervee, gives Iron lo blood, corrects Irreg
ular uterine action and remove* unnat
ural obstruct juus.
Titrlow condttiMi resulting from ty
phoid fever rt quire* actual tmuriilu v ut
not found in bc-f tea or extiacta. Sorts
* IViwiw’a Bolutfe lieef cnntal— aU tkn
nutritious©iemeotaoftba meat. Fbr*>«
by druegtbta and vrocers. 3if
(»ur fimign rtfiatJui
no iltiancn t -« . i c
rvnifenng nlliviww
.rr. Franou
l ro do I.” Ifel'.ir,*
say*: “Du Irraaimsat
penra aliil© G .mtwtta or hi* fronds r.i-
wishes f« . JMH
m a l.‘«.l.r/»rtsclo. -aps **l>u Icre
‘ •* ilirttaor hUfri-ndiLlopt
. That ta enough i«*rax«
Eart»|« desin- that Dudirr rrtntn uffirv,
nnd vrhnt Knrop* desire* Germany will ©r.-
dtavor to secure."
ivrn« iwvua
UvnoiRit, Hst'tombw ft—This week'*
circular of the l*iv©rpo©l Cotton llmlcer*'
Assodattan says eotton tin* beet in uiod r
ate drmaad and unchanged, r-aeept Ameri
can, which is In limttod demand. G-* xl
ordinary uplands were rtduced Ud. In
sea bland there was small requeet, aud
Pula rta early tn
price* ere unehanged.
lh* week were fiJh Mining I-Idd to Vl.
They have sines been firmer and Iho <•©.
i Une wm lueovered, except for Heptemb* r.
which U1-16 down.
onaix cineotiaa.
LtvtxraoL. Beptetnbar ft—A feeding
weekly grata elreular says: The ©oolinucd
deeUn* In Amerfeau q*fiiUlton«ha* farther
intensified the eslsdug dutines- of tit*
grata trad*, ta mo** market* prior* ora
rd. tower. GaMosaoff theemtetaraabo«»
tod. tower. Tha demand ha* ksen stow
& taw*r!^rkmr ta
steady at nertwiged rates. Corn ta to
United inquiry at antasugsrt prieea.
•red fruit, t otto,
complaint or* the result of indulgence i
fruit which ta not whotawwn*. Thtee ir.
bad, yet U ta well known thatPckki Oivn*
l'aix Krrux is a sovereign remedy for
r. Dan©, of
Car ring#
, has Ire-
the*# and many other evd*.
tlw famous At»t»*it l» •••«»-;
Coai|4uy,tn Coooort. N. It, ...
qoeotly uwd "Pain Kuxgn" for. > n<m die-
vase© m colic, and ta delighted with the
easy and speedy rc.tef tt afford*. There
ar© over :w bxtols employed m the Atykot-
Downing factory, ami the Paw Kill** U
extensively a*ed ta ihotr (amities. *
■tosnnee tog ronawmgtt—.
Wo Uv© known penooa lo doctor for
years fur consumption, all to no effect.
Though they had a cough, felt paint iu
tho iunga, were iteprrsi. ! f weak, »u»*
many mber symptoms tending ao U at
disease, yet there wm no structural tm-
•oundiwas of lbs lungs. Thcao aytap-
toms were all Ibe painful oftprii^x of a
torphl aud die x .1 liver. Wo guild till
x volume wUh Uxtlmonlaie of thonaands
eo ath*«'trd, who were permanently cut d
bjr taking Stmiuous* Liver lUftilaSar.
Fun delicate ladine wb-»ve ap|w: l!* v aro
capil ouv and digestion* r.vbic, tb©v will
li**Ht.i8oaU »v Uivriw'a BoiabloDvfa
must nourishing ai d tticugtYcnlng diet.
Fur solo by dxtaggiwtn and groemt. 3tf
inactive, with pneM generativ about th*
mIm- QyjpMilM fina (mb jpjRf
ofiervd et.d price* receded •Ifehtir. 1>*©r©
have been fuiiker keovy arrivals of rfeot
cargoes barely matatala lata rate©.
Losi-'V, BctitemUr ft-tUuUr's Tele,
gram Company Ium theiollouiug: K-tm*-
: from T*>t ©I \luhoU
i» he* tee following later dta-
l.m.sTiu iuuiau wants tot.,
ti.e himdr'.-d botortv-Uggnl flood
whirl! ho rill pay five rant*
Urru**. If drlivcrod wiUun ttm u.
day*. (' .uiiuuu varieties two MW*
l«*und. nrjf Cimmtg H'rrtrtp. As >• oro.;
due- uot Irny iu mrttmuf from Un I© t mi,
w© tiu*t Im* will b© able to make hie .
ctiisea wtlkuot any troutdn. Wortd o
gl*d tv have Mm tend an agent du*» .o
this city. ___
IfoTSKWlviM need a CORtmte; t and
nutritious stork for soups,,*.- " i-.g ©xceia
in natural mrat flavor tho Bold- It (
prepared by BroU * Ihrane tkd an it con-
talus Un suhatauf© of th- meat dixsoltrvd
it Iv mora nutntiona b©ef ©xtiacte.
For sale by drnggiste *■■'! grorart. Jtl
I Tna Havannak AVk . in. the fnl'owiug
sonuuUoa puraonalt "Mr a. N. Bmith.
m Itarga cawuty,ffWageu to tt.- .u.uven.
tufa, ta a vary grcl i. <• udbyhta
on k wh-n it«
fe.u to It*© • & -i it,a. » u. gro poUttifian hid
'• ;; n.i.-i, - ,im, ,t ijutreng©/
UsaBvyfesdsc »>• hn*s ouiy time
ii.gtosri- te ict up the abova
•!- ffgr.1 I* t’ortirt K«olt. a
i a ltirrts count* jKflltictan. tT*
» lut i!'.!h ol lilin. Mil. a* w hate to
.p '•nil him.aiilthlnktii* Itcaxwecau.
I tt .r, thn© 1* uo help for it, and w*
reoimmend our people to make tho bcalol
iho sttoation. IttetiiH te'toy cl theeUh
... ...... .... _ . negmnl-
1 -- Baranntii .'fe—dr, Wn. thta s
rions piragruph- "the hooves ot (I
pubtimu btilrt diagor* lu their brt
hsvt- l«e©o Anxiously wulohlng
of u if firs ip th© DvmocratfeC
©M-.vectlof. They seem to tu
for tha r* *— ~