Newspaper Page Text
bTABUSntD 1S26.
rr.i.Tu v it i:fkxoko.
) Nf.II.|lkr«'. .p—.ti In H»—I ...I
* ftl« XllttStim In Dr. Irllnn.
£>!<ltn Trlfjrajik k*d
iiUnrriamoifcrr jor;na)e la Georgia, Um
Tuoum in Mamaaoaa bat a ttpato*
Uoa for fainiM ud eoertany—to Ilia wri-
lar lo yon for wlrim nan to
ocrreet aoma statement* which appear la
Mr.IHapb—%lajaapaaalila Maaons and
II la proper to Mala ioat bare, that thla edi
torial folraem aad eoartaay on year part te
making yoor paper the most-popular jowr-
aal In Ccoraia.
Ia beginning this correct loo, lei me ask
*"yoo a question fa a eptrtt of candid lu-
qrtry, and I think jraarretdy will meet with
a hearty weleosns all om the State, If 70a
eta solve the problem which Is now die-
Curbing the pobtla mind. I wottkl respect
ful y ask If II la Uta gottoy and rosolva vt
the Da*ec*aay of Oaorgia to lodores Mr.
Stephens at oae lima as aa orgtniied
Drawent aad at another Urns aa aa lode,
pendent 7 fan he nnUgralss too organ!,
aalloa la IK\ and be “pet la aotalnaiion
by both political parties, reaeivtar every
Repnblteaa vole that went to the potto/’
aad yet baaome the ataadard-benrer of a
party four years afterward, upon n plat
form that denounces Independent!* n as
Kad-calDm 7 1s the Democratic party to
be lUustrated by I's principles or by its aau
d *lfyoa will examine the Omarrttlonat
Ih-ronl of Jaae 10th,l«7»» (a.little »—
|*!a "referring t> th* Speer telrgrags
read ve the aaq*vV
from Mr. Stephana bias
thrse years ago), y omwitl fled a sperch c.f
Mr. tftaphaas,frJBom property aa ex-
planathm, ia wbirKV *ay» he was "oat iu
noniiaatlim by both” the Democrat!# a“ J
RrpabUaaa |«rtk* of tbcetzhUi diatr*
and "received every lietrabUraa vote” l .
weat 10 tho noils—“U»e fifty eight who
voted against him acre scattering Demo
If each a nomination was agreeable to
the Detaooraoy la 1*7*. tine «w yon object
to tb# n<KuiuRtloa of den. UartteU by the
the oae that is prineipa ly dlstorbiog the
pobUo mind, aad to which poor attention
is oalled trust particularly, is this: "If
Got. Uolloek or auy other KerraoUcar.
about! secure a nomination by either his
money or by the elurU of Ids film J.. lu a
packet einvention or eaaens, and aaotu,
bay bo was a Democrslie nomlaae, would
trmt make him aa aeerptebto candidate to
tf*e Democratic party 1 Does a mire pro
fession constitute Demoetaey 1 Bare you
no measure for a man's principles bat tb-
bum profession 7 Does a tnux's public
record coont f r nothing be id# sorb |*o
IHIenl changes as these, and Is it only
Steen sary to call yooreelf a Democrat lo a
particular 1 lection to fird tiisopcti do/r to
Dooms: atie promotion^
A fell explanation of ihto oaeriion will
meet tbs general approval of aft fair mind-
ad people in Ueorgtx. f or is It not a fact
that Governor Uruvn exceeded any man
la the State at any time since the war in
If Dr. Felton did wrong, and was dis-
Iroytag the Democrslie party last Dscew-
| lar, aad Mr. HlspheaMhaja^ eat; to of
why did wot the latter make aeah a
nvmt when ha waa "altering Um tele
gram hi two parttoakra,” which la*
formed tbs eommlttss of lade*
pendents they could recommend him f
Mr. Speer conld not pcaeibl* know Dr.
Triton wa* expoeUag a decisive telegram
at f arteraville 00 Hnndxy night, the 14th
of May, from Mr. Stephen#. oolese Um lot.
ter from Dr. Felton to Mr. Btephsae waa
exanriaed by other portico (with or with
owl bis aoasmt). tw Mr. Steer had oo ia*
■i motion from Dr. Felloe that soeh a tale-
ream was needed or espreted. The dsetg*
fated places were kaovaoolytoBperr end
and wbea they came promptly
> sent through the Associated Press
rose, and were published in Wash-
|r early morning of the 15th of
•ir. btet>hanc ; s connivance, if not by hto
With soeii facts prove! beyond aqne*.
tloa and defying a onatradtotiow, it la ia-
iprehenslple that Mr. (Uephsas should
proclaim hla hostility to Dr. Felton's
|oti<tcal management, which ha pro-
acuaced so admirable^IookiagMa ha aoa-
Mind, to tha best iatrrectsof tae HUM.”
Governor Dallork ia reported to be on
reanrd a as anting "Mr. Stephen* ia a
good enovtfh BeoaliUaaa fir him." If.
themfore, Fallon could Indorse Mr.Kte-
hold Mm ap to 00atempt before
Assembinge, who expected to heir faithful,
aabiaeed soaassl from this aged staiee
man f
If Ilartow eooatr bad given a majority
for Gerflei'l as dia Tsbafcrm. there might
huts bsaa acme force ia the fraatio appeal
of Mr. SteidMna for organisation, but such
waa not the eaaa. Mr. M apheas la known
to be if l# "boss” nf Ms eoanty, and he
makes great politic <1 capital out of hts ad
vice to thorn iron ad him. Yet Taliaferro
deserta the organisation and flops orer to
the KrtiabliMB party trsa than two yearn
ago under the personal supervision of Mr.
Htvphena hiiiself.
A solution of the question tstuur.d In tbe
fact that e« "IlM u^minoe 01 uoih |>oliUeal
parlies.” he "loicdhiaown skillet,”and
Mlowcd Grat-rsl Hsacjrk t> do the same.
Furthermo c, r.* the Kepn'dic.tns were
••unnimout for him. according to his own
declaration, an«l tht D»m».*tn:4 "scat
tered, 1 * 'treatise of hi* attitude to their par*
y, it is decidedly rtraoge hat you should
n«k your poliUral fortune^ under sueii
leadership In l*M. There tray beagth
open dtitunriation of thaorgaaUatioa.atid k -a caso> in the rtatament of Mr. Ktepbea*,
is t«o not tiijo/mg tlu> hightat hom»rs of lh« ‘ - •*- “ “ — 1 —* L —‘
race t»eue l* so terrible—ami tlm
executive c untiitt.e calls on the white pco-
plato pruts.t thcm«*i»cv against thane-
gr » hu« did it cotidoue the election of
Governor iXd-pnt teo ya«r« a ngoT^^The
same geutrtusit
tow Pledger for <
tilts 1 tin*. ut*J it .-an »k- pr.ivcn uiai *o*
Fidend «fllcisli "f IhSJ l«<m1 itery ngrno
in their cBaw* to oiocj Governor tk.lqn It,
going a> far aa to owns orders f;
much of a Drfnucrat.
tik-vwtiA.Mn llryant w*j cuct tin-
nee f-r hpeafcer, run by tits 1 Vtuoc.
the Georgia l^guiatarc; and that at a lima
wh*n 'hen groes of (l^orgiiwers ted by
UtriiiwiV no't Hlodgett'* ••gang.”
Please a tpltin the policy «d the party so
that we c«a ui -'erstand its prnf.wsloos.
Faith, with work* all to the c-mtt.^y. does
not attract many Imntwt c-inrerts, aad the
people are seeking information and
um-t hire !• lo force tUqt idea, wilh Mr.
Htndiens :>s the Candidat*.
■For t te first time sine? fn war we find him
anlAgunr. g die itepubliraus m his *iiv-
trie*. Hay hate always snpporMJ him,
and bis -pei* *h ' ** * “ —
Kbh, >H7tV
1 dsllverrd Jane
dares be was* put in
r the cerrrftloa lamanxions
1 :t. He there tL'
__ ja nation by bo'h
politic-f |srties, ’ and While fifty-eig’it
•*e«i/r. ri.i7 firmwoth" voted gaiast him,
he "did not lv»-e n ring's Itnpeblirar. vo s
that went to the p- ne." This is h story,
dear and ilnn denial. Yet Mr. Htvphens
told yoe, ia the most solemn manner, a f . w
nighU ago, that he had eiw ys »o«-ained
the Dem wra*.ic organ‘*atloo, rseept in the
Uresdey efmpalsn. Oeu Uartre'l. sccort-
ing to ihM p.iTiey, is now sndaioing i!*e
Democratic orgaiu.Uio-i with i-*iaal *evl.
Hut I|4 U not tho point t Wtslito
attention ti,
to make
Mr. ttlephsu* unka- I'toli euvlaiiiej D*.
Feili’: 1 but one-*, nod then ho eimr.-eVd
obtdui cs l" tiis majority-btcan^e Dr.
Felton had been electud lit 1V*M msjurit/
In the sevvath «imtrtc:. If that wn< ti
motive, ha is earl!/ pie 'seJ in every o n*!
da's who get* ft in -pints. If Dr. Fe|p
had bevn defeated. *lf. Htephens cimhl s
no merit in him. i t«» 1 that Principle. I
suppose, he supported lbn. Ur.tnt. Iu*i
see where »oab an argument will cnes up,
aad where your ©aomdatf wi'l stand, llut
he Is rot correct ia the statec.ent he m-ifc s
wlwn the facta coma to the front.
lo November. Dr. Pe ton w is inter
viewed by a New York Timr% rcpu'ter,
which inurviewocetsloncd muchcou.u ent
in Gcirgia circles. ^
In tliat Interview these woe-s are fouoJs
"You a»k me to what extent th* In lc-
prudent movement is apre-.dieg iu this
(Mater I answer: It promi«s to me-p
the State, from the nmentmin* to th» m* 1
board, next year. I believe our ’ext gut
ernor aod a rasjority of ourm-ilCong.<r*
men, aad our .State Ugistr.tun-, w II »» •
elected ae ladependeota. the htmest and
tataUigvnt ett’xens of this State are del?r*
mined to throttle aid overthrow that «rg*n-
Ixation—HocrbonUm-which h-s well- nt. b
destroyed the very bulwarks of gem -
Democracy; that never lesrn* amt nr
fhtgete; that stands as a barrier 10 *
material progress—narrow, selfish and il
liberal; IU only bond of nnhn a struggle
fer spoils; Ha only hops nf iikc;m the tricks
of tSeeancns arJ Ibel*eh of Um party. Its
fioil has tamed to rshes In the bande of
auronuatrymen, and Georgia Democrats
are resolved to rescue live* Df mwr.t c |;arty
from lu ifcstruetlws grrsp. Independent-
temdoaa not rely op* r*^7, nwhiaery;
bat wufldes ia prinHpio. vrthrooM coaM mVMmMMWMMMVV
try. and treslx thepeojiU, rtthor than jsirty inriss aad the verdiet would be in Dr.
* h t'*’* favor. There is a palpable erroi
tins thing tint it Wi’l not b'.-cime Mr.
Mr. SlepUu road the interview in * «*h-
ington, and was repoited by the oo»fes|»on.
dent of the Havancsb .Vnrt as taming
^oromoimtsimtressloo, Mr.fUepheus
On the
OoaMMre this etsi . ...
M y oar city, and FH learn Um enbjeot with
snlu will, in my npiaion, flow from this
Bat tu colored man and the
of Gojrgia W« need not be
d to see oar irsteml progress
tsdIs findsspiUi •drsnay invested
taking Itself of to more con-
MHK Dor*ll~thieqaasiHepabtiean
eaadhUla of Ike ItepahUcaa party of Um
eighth diet riel, thU wetbkaowa oonaerva*
Uve representative in Cungram whvnbelc
made lo taka anon himself a cresade
egainet the eotorvd race—the disappoint
ment wilt afset our cutise* votive friends nt
| the Worth la a most fatal way fur oar ig|
i fe*roui lS*i. Georgia may sec Um
game onhlarger scale in l^t, special y it
Grant is n<Hnmatcd,whs. ae; t > Mr.
8 ephens, "is Um greatest man iu Aiuuiumi
—one who uever oomin.ttcd ac error in civil
ur military life.”
Just iMre run may And n fulutiou to the
Imiuvtl of Federal patronage oa Mr. Hte-
1‘Urn*.and those ta nowart o: difll mlty in un-
drr>uuiiiugthatbe is the insnagiog fnend
pare the latter's record with that of Mena-
Dr. Felton «
a Itsdioal Huiiretne
justice of this Mate. He never ran for the
VnitedHtatea Henatc by ihe (tower of negro
v.»*es. He never to»< a Are tiocsrud-
dollar fee from Gen. to wive him nn
•tpi-urtunity to tusolt «ha helpless wom« u
of CotumL-os, wh 1 had to appear on the
witor-s stand to defend their dear on««
from the rlre'^at prosecutlua of this puui
I-er sera lor. Be never sec -tided the rrso'.u
tiun of George W. Paschal, of Teav, in a
»t« publican national 00a rent ion. to force
negro suffrage on the Month, which resolu
tion waa tabird,bemnae it waa too rabid for
the (tarty of Thad. rttaw. «□<! Unt&tic*.
lie never traded off Ida seat in .'.mgres*
for faba Ions riches, nor •'id he force him
self on the people of Georgia as United
Slates Henator by hla control of a weak
Senator aod n s(UI weaker governor. No:
he hna done none of these things. Yet Mr.
8<rpfceu* can leave hia sent in Gongreas,
rliapo'otird by sirh a man, *0 manage a
Georgia Demoorntie convention tn the la-
torest of Uita all powrrfel "boss,” who ra-
•ays to bold the Stata road laaro n d thu
convict lease to Um end of Um ehsptnr.
Dr. Felton never "pointed a torch” to
the dwellings of ihe white people of Geor
gia, *ai aUrred ap incendiary fires nn lor
Ignorance and fanaticism ; aad 1 submit,
if such thing* eoold be condoned l-y th- or
g-nuation of Georgia, and be cculd rr
reive the plant of United States Senator
because, as jGew. Gordon explained in his
•(tulogeUe speech, "the Democratic party
hrd enjoyed tb# use of hia money” iu top
olsr election*, it acMna cmincmiy nniust
Mid impolitie to osiracias a man like r«l-
loo, who served Um people of Georgia for six
years iu Congress tnoet xcaloeejy and
raithfolly, as friend nod foa niU attest,
and ivlired to his home at the close with-
out a taint oa hia political character or a
dishonest doUrr in hta |iocket.
rhs question eome* np here in what has
_ r. Triton*# position become to obnoxious
to Mr. Stephen# sloe# thelMtltof May, of
the present year 7 Ur. Felton "manage J
I’dmirabty” at that time, "looking to the
bed interest of the State.”
No, Messrs. Editors, there tx something
wrong, and thewroxg v U no* real with
thiamuefc alrosed mao. He ha# known
what it te to have the purest raw tree amt
the most Inceasant labors ratoappte-
h-tided aad utoreprecentod. lie knows
what the moral end polities!
whipping i«i«t means, and yet this repre
- rotation has itood an Humoring fire for
long year#, aod never frilid Georgia ia
.. -st of eonrags or principle'. In spite or
it all, in tb* fees of it all, he oame oat n*i-
ssathxd and without tha smell of fire on hie
K meote, aotaally dee'.lumg to ran for
place which he so generonriv nod an*
s«lA«Ii'y nffarei to the distinguished noml*
is of the D maerst n party. The party
linally confirmed his roiceUon by an
us nwiw w * rnwi iam< wij iw ww * v ij.
rial 4atne*ts. the negro to a citieeo—» Jr »a»ays
The Urlllwh Advance Ouerri orrMpIrs
< alru, »«•! Is »• clr•uteri -The lUtol
l*s*kM Vila! vllk Lull oMr*r Its
Nnbmitltag lu the Uhsdive-AII
Treeps l«» srirrru er,
(0y Telegrapb.i
September 14.—A dispatch to
ilea tar'a Telegram Cwnpany from Alexan-
as na—ness that OhhhM ban
naked the Arwhhtohop^of York jodbott
tbaahsgivtag aervtom ”lo I* held l* «»-
1'iiniw to-morrow for the eaerwi • in
Auxaapaia, September l&—Karsh-,!
Pasha, commanding at Abookir, has at at
la a an soage annonnclng hte readiness to
"Arab! Pasha's
he has a right to voir, aod when he I**
non tnrefieaUy docile to vote fora
Georgia Democrat, a rapid stephaekwen
taken to i>te*a oar rare problr m in the way
of a eatiefastory aolmloo. It to moat an-
fortanale to eh w to them now the power
of sections' ism la tha Sonth-end the eon
aervativestretgth of Atoiauder Stephep*
in the national mind has been bartered off
fit make him the Niriwa governor of
Georgia under Ihe oootrol of tho "boaers.”
Tate is a year of peace and Plenty. The ne
gro is doiog well. He has done Birthing lo
excite either anitnori'y or rare trouble*.
For the r**s*,ae above s'ated, Mr. Sir-
nf ana was selected by the ludrprn lente lo
harmonize all parties, but he hss Dot ocly
kicked over Ids own backet of mtlk-bc
haaatoo lost hia grip on the majority of
IlM people of Georgia forever more. He
to too old to regain the lost ground. The
beautiful etatua of his coii«rrvati«ui and
a wily to all the people of Georgia to ataiu-
I and marred.
When Joseph K. Ilrowc an udMorth to
dsoonnee ttepuulicsuit-1, aud .V? »d*r
H Htepbccs can vitnpervte l-uic* .< .den'
Demorrata. the evil oae ruay suioe and
•ay, "w»U doua.”
A Faivwu to FeL.'ow.
An ••Imaaeriuf* Madman.
Gsrteaefi CWmoc'cmI ItaUim »rr Hf.r\
Wm. 8. Jett, the inau win Ihe «ol-
dlera to the hid:i..: place f Wilkes II .Hh,
affrtbi* aarasrinsf
cots, and who fur '
capture of Booth a
lam, a raving iu.jjI »?. Ihf. Iiui» ha-l be^u
hoard of hi* sloes tho shooting •>{ lloatli
until rceeoily. alth-jo *h U- has always ii*rd
in air.ryland or Washington. A frw year-
ago he married the daughter of
moat (ireminem
maediiig at Knfr cl Dwar baa written to
Charif Pasha offering lo eorreader.” The
eorrespondent of the Exchange Teiegrapb
Company at Alexandria coafims the state*
meat that Um rebel* bev* offered to sar-
« !er. 11m British are preparing ti oe-
) their worka.
A later dispatch from the same corns-
ponds nt says a robe* ofllcer has arrived at
Hamlehwith a letter offertrg to sarreodsr
the troop*. The enemy have opened the
canal and Ihe water to coming down rapid
ly. «Inters have bren issued that Um dyke
it Mck* iuto lake Mareotle be eloaad.
Get. Wood telegraphs to the war office
from Alexaudiit i > Jay a* follows: "An
officer from Kafr »l Dwar has brought a
Utter saying all the lui'itary chi, U wish to
s4bmit to tn*' Khrd»re. TiMy have g.ven
order* to open ihe cannl dam, and ask tae
to rcotwn ito< telrgraph. Tb vt -late that
the army Iw* stopped nil bcstili L* "
t he tVnbW Aries tin-* Om f J ielog:
“Mrxaiuh •*, *rp»<mUr il. - Tooiha
i'ssita his fent a it «g of truce offering to
sormidrr. lien. Wood has telegraphed to
Gen. Wolacley for instract'oos. Adeputa*
n ju from Cairots at Knlr *■! Dwar, waiUog
I9wai« in.”
The rorrv«(K>ndcnt of Ihe ExeiiangeTele.
grspti t 'otupnny sends the following: *Mf-
i-itiwfriu, Srpti'mhtr G.—The cvodiUoos
of ihs sorreauor are but y*t Known. The
general opiahm here is U.. tthe natives will
themselvi s iu resdiuese 11 taka posiliou at
z+ir Si"
Is’»p. N.heptsmhvr It.—Geo. Wolenley
r. ...r. legrai’hs that ab wt sixty guns were cap-
i. 1 luted at Tel el Kebir. He says Arabi l,e
UI l " .... ... '.1.I.
ffVrl HrMr irmm that the cavalry will occupy
:t L!;isl's X!T: a* i.r»tqr .m t.
She wax n br-int-fn!
“ 'Md and a bel'c in eocictr. J»’tt e»»
rather fi»oJ lo king, La* wilh few .1 «-
soctetes. and apt*.util lo l>c generally
•hunned in soei.i'
prubrisd agoiu«t
1 the two. but it a
id the
twe; lore, aa usual, wn* blii.d, un-l ou
tright theyonng girl li fllicr crmtorlabe
1 * * .rriedAo Jell.
gret hw bull
nodding, for her hQsliand did litUe for bi -
soeport, and finally llwy separated. H» -
family did everything they cmld to hush
up Um story of tiu I'O »r gtrl's misfortune s
and her fatlier hassiwc- iuoke.1 after J> It
nod etuleavorrd lo keep hint from ram.
Jett's name had alino-t l>.« n forgo'.lc-n
thepubhc, aud doubt!*** few recognix -d t.
even when th«y ruad of his crsxy etp.oit#
in one of Um mw«|sipers last wtrs.
D»« oUi-r nigh* Its rnieicd a crowd* ,1 m the oorUiwe*tern (an
of tb* dty. amt told the conduct .
to let hiui ol nt Um llxltimcn aud rot»
mac railroad statioo. Uo took a seal it l.V
corner of tl»u oar and went 1»► cep. *,VlMn
tho oar rearheri the MMt UM Other
passenger* who were going tolhoiriii:
got off, t nt the conductor forgot to nrnu'i.-
Jrt*. Other putocug, r* c>i ou, and lie
car | rit-ceU. 1 to tN> lermtun*, whi-n lli *
ronuuotor notic'd the alccping iHi**rngvr.
He woks trim up. nndae e xdi a*Jtlt fuwmi
out flat l*e liui miaed the train lie •>«•<* *m*
very angry, remsioHl .In Um ear, and said
h- wa* going bark dowh town. The car
started again, and wiiea seme iU*l*nr«- 11:
Um city the conductor a*kvd hnn for In
fant. He r*fu«ed to pay it, nxstJiriag
ho had paid one fare going out. aud n<* i!m-
•* ndnetor hod taken Inm out of lit* way !**•
would have to give htiu n free ride l»rck.
Hie conductor then ord«-ed hiio oil lin
ear. U<> refa«*dtogn,andwhrntS*cnrwn«
s*op(s'il and lb© driver and conductor n*-
tsiupted to pul him off. lie drew \ p-*tol
got behind hitn and wre«lml th«
pistol from him. It too*t several strung
mtu to carry him «ro«a the csr. lie was
taken to the polic" si uioti, nn 1 wl-.rti is-
was searched li« lud in his (».*s-.«-s*i«m, Ik--
si to# the piiiul, a n-u rr/tr, scteral dirty
nankins, a iiot of i;uiniue i>ili», a lady’-
gold watch, a •►t of jet oar-ring*, c b 0 of
h'ir-pin*, a h.-md locking-gh* # . a Hoi iV
ruld-cr tiail and » variety of other triuket*.
lie seemed qulst and (.caoeabie enough
thro, and the iieuteuant in rbnrz^. u -
a'oau of having hla pal in oae of tho urdi
niry cell#, confined him in a
•Votoelwy b*pe*
. Bytbrii to-day,
tlw infantry will arrive there to
n.urntw. lie expects to take pnvcs-100 a 1
ivnhr to-dsy. nrd If all is well to advance
10 (Iftlionb, if not to Cairo, wilh the
1t» /Aii'/y Trle-J^iph, in Its record 1 Jl-
tlou. lias the following: "Trl tt A*W„.-,
tr.uUrH.-i »ur lo»# waa -me hnndiei and
afi),including thirty allied. Eiaht offl
rcr* are among the d* »J. Cen. I-o ee is at
ilcitx-ir with the calvary. A brigade of
Uigblatutor* matched towardh Fsnxig,
• ud are now iu possearioo of the mtlrosd
toCuiro. All of An Ms papers
here. Hundred* ot fuglttrro, including
m ipy •-Hirer*, am sarren-'erieg.”
i.oMtNig September It.— Pbe Times, in
to-uliua article ou (be attack oa 1V1 et
• •»>•: "it !• imposrible lo cnnMdv*
(•e» alien incro too wsefal aad exe
(.uu J iu more nr.*terly manut/," ,Th*>
w*a;>|,b;n of tne rampalgn, ilkara, we»
Mtt'i‘1 by "onoral tVol«cUy wiUi ins oon-
i|*rlo.-« and the hearty
it •• cnee of i,i • *Mcf advi-sin>. lo-fure
l« h'lghin J. 1 Iwre never
phene to treat with rn leoaes aad c u-iempt,
and aatoaa it to properly oomet-d It will
proiluro a frightful offspring. It U obliged
It j re* oil on aooMbody'a head.
Mr. AlaphMS to ns devoted to the Demo*
rrntie orgaa'xaUoti at preeeot aa he to to
Um Utile* boUle of - rffsrsoaiaa D» nocracy,
but hta record briat'ee with Ind-pendrot
vutowahd dsoiaiatioks. aa that he moat
Icither ext op bto record or eintalrm 1
Inm* no, nr.4 t*t,H th. mo.r»jj=«
uOwmmiwR* *» Uifw. htoi b*
Im ikuo, om nfr*nM*i«iM
SnL -i.It.r. -
turned rot to be thelcdoriruMr.t of tb
1 the tedorsetneak of Um
» of Um PrmoantUo or.
toropjaof Georgia or la
•ign frem th» present
S ixal ion-there
JfftVOM— to U>
lu* adtirroeeloi
When bta*k*«l
•: ' ■ 1 g ‘ ’ ‘
I.C. and »: -»■ il-l i n rj t, lam S: .•.< *. ividercc
F. too, cm; it I • the mmelfeiwo'ar-l in tits into
iDile*d Ulirr .’I I 00 net attempt ,0 tail yon win
eomfons About midnight the ulUoers
aroosrd by a grating sound it* one of the
apiwr r«nm«, aod the turnkey, ou g ring to
Jett’s apartment, discovered tint he hoi
broken off an iron piece of his Im*I«IcrU
aud had dog out one of tbe bricks m
the doorway, thus louroiiiug onu of tho
bar*. He glared savogrly at the officer*
when they entered th* room, and ti * J lo
lo apprar againri him and hs was *elea*cd.
The cants evening bt waa arreried lor
•leahng a window-frama from a osipro
or-tbop aad a lot of .nluahie plants u;*d
with the windo*.frame over his chouldct
the flowers Unnehed together under h;» arm
and a crowd of boya at hia back. The
d night in the KtaUoudiome lw 1m-.
very violent, end lo keep him from
attempting to kill himself he was iron* *1
and hancvotfed. Ilia father-in-taw ami
several other pbyrieiaca examined aad pro-
noatiToi h;tn insane, wherwais* bawas
s-ut to tho Spring Grove Aaylnm. When
head. He also elated he waa born in Vir*
glut# in I ft's and joined tha Confederate
a*my nndi c General J. ff. H. htuart, and
A Fuuii.iaxaLa^VTaiaiKSiaa'a IUtii-
Kraut.-The bath-room ts round, and the
wails aad ceiling are qaiited everywhere
with tdfilk satin, relisvod by ysU««bit'.
toes, Djcm to no window either ia Um
walla or 0.'I ling. The light comes frutu
(dak tn»tars borne by nymidie in while
marble. Tbe sofa, low aod broad, is tn
quilted ratio. Ihe pier-gltaa to frame 1
with flying Cnptda. Dm bath, In biatk
mnrb>, shaped like a Roman oar, to half
buried in flewera. the gilt lioea U*k#t
Uik rnl.l.r. U mnS.) Ih.
mtu* °* • Iwm> *MW) of .litooj
J.lM, bMWIo. OooMuuou,.!. MM
nMnlMltufMakim. luboalJ
M m to, u iMMlIib, .um Mk M.lmi.
1 any,tars
lion about the ranal hmnj the bests of op
eration". Ik-fore h» left F-agland he ,<-8
hi# finger upim IV! el Krbir.aaying'Thsrs
Arnbi wii! *t-ud, and we •boat I attack
him i-u ih** I-Vfh •! Peptcuiber." We me
t.«*si lit*’ ci'-curndtttiece to show tliat .
grevl di *• srltscli to the outride oheenrer
rcctns c!» u<* is icillt plaoncfl or allowed
i >r. G, n -ud '-'ulrylj ,ja« nehteved
c-» wli., li re",ler» nil npo ogy f»
me ho to •.»• *•: ll'ioU".
\ dtopnt.-h iu th"
Cotupn-.y from Alctu
t* "ri k i» * n*rived a! Knfr el Dear,
:» Ah 1 it lr.n, a* .1 tlriegde of Ihe mhabi
1 r, * of CdM.chvrgv l to declvrc thrir l«»)
..»> to ll i Khitittr.
• it cfiici *1 d.Apatrh from Kasra««in ra><
trice are fifteen wounded officers and -T'
wo'iiittoJ private* thfic fiom Tel cl Kebir.
If ■ ixpicitiifnl. I he patients nre all treat
*-J nuti.,q-tM illy and arc doicg a« well as
eoulJ tie caprcted.
Ai »\*M>a**. Sc; <cinb«-r It.—Thenego
tiatiuli* for 1 o.i'rciiii.T ••:*• (-rort-olingsat-
••artoriij. I!te llritirh will priibnhiyo-
up) Ku?f cl Dw.vr to.morrow. It i« tat-
*1 tlmt the rn.'iendcr wit* bo nnrondi-
l’**ur Sxtu, Krptember 14,—'The Kagltoh
-. 'var-'-*’ guard have jtiived at C!airo l»/
.rih I In t were recrivrtl «-nth ;sia>.ica'iy.
v'l pets ranges it rmkwhonre corcrtiwl
s» .I-.*- rebeilMin liava irnls rnriiu;
Isom,*. Heptiiiibrr It.—A dtopat-h to
11,0 Iiuiro from t'-ns «v> * that M.
r.-i;eh minircr of foreign affait. has
nt a telegram tail Tierot, Freticn am
*s«ndor to I/Kidon, insirnctiug him to
•nvry to I. >r*l Grstivtile the coaurslula-
** of the French tlovrrmrent, oi-d toa«
1 re i.ordUr.i vide of the cordial salisfac
>>i ht> fro s a! :lie l ews of the splctidid
•«!i»h tr.nmph in Ugypt.
(sQiarxvfis'iti.e, September ll.-Uml
UraMVtllc, llriiteh fureign srcreUiry,
tc.i r * - *
. to slg
Catao, Kcptemb.-r HI--A'ith the t-acaptiun
.if a few h amt one or two |«r*>t>*
liconscil ot criuU'S, no rHrela were mad*
prirumrs by Orocrsl I owe, who merely re-
qiiirrd them to rnrrebder their arms,
amt mm) wh»h *1 Idea prominent in the
nUKI' n vtn to!d, ui-th to their
prise, lli t thry sere fr*c.
Atrx tapaix, September I A—Urn. \V*kkI
oc a; kfl Kafr rl Dwar and Maloha thi<
So be Uxtttitul, tmofant aod heaHlif,
Um whole tomato courttuttion muat main-
tain frgwiar action daring a certain pe*
rtod 01 lift, otherwise, no tomato can
poaalbijr remain haaKhv, and ate who
itut koov this fket, lx quite uhfottii-1
• naval hrigvls, v ith tlwir
. ..-tharbed.
St-ptc-mbcr :r..—A dbpatoli to
tutcr s teiegr in Company from Ak tau
dnaiepoits that NtcH.tbe Swiss, Ar«bi'*
hur -pMu nd v ro.-.haa not been arresled.The
Khfiivc lui# barned that the commander
at IhimietU refuw 4 in "umndae. He has
five tliua-iand M-'Ck troops. Ilaiuuui Pvsha
tiecrl, Arabl's minister of plena fonmla.
lion*, and Ktanril Fariia have been arre*tcd
•n Alexandria. Malimoni l*aaha Ua-
roudi. has been arresttd Bear Csiro. Uo
-v.-to driving on tl.o road to Shaba at the
lima, hH
leading at
ArstS l*a*hx and hie immediate followers
are spared, the*- men tens! be pat uOcc
for all out of Ihe way of doing further
harm. They cannot Im permitted to rcUrc
tot'onriaatinople to become tbe reatre
nfimpnlpalde ifittlgwro. To restore the
authority of the Khedive tbe srmyrDiaat
tie riishamUd 1 and replaced by gendar-
iserto eoificient tn moiatate ax il order. If
troops are needed to dsfecd dtotant fron-
tter*. U to RUifipiaat t» mnlntata them oa
‘bo (Matter and not keep them at Cairo.”
I uxtaia, Pcr*i ember 1«.—A diacatch from
Cairo to the IMifw .Wire sayat "However
much I rah! Pasha may have impressed the
peasaalsfor servtea lo kto army, he hna
not trrJdlrd with the property of the peo-
pic. who in the country som prosperooc”
licnter'xTtlegram Company has Um lot-
lowing fr ra Gtianlria: "Fort A«lon
waa surreafersd at !I oVtnah this
morning to Gea. Wood in person.
Thaa mmaadant and twetoe oMcara oame
toraard to sorr* udir. Gea. to no*! tame*
dialat? inquired for tho Italtoa naval otB-
lacwl^who waa mpposti tn have
xrrxtaa ts ooaax.
he did not o,*«lS.te the t-a'irc « at Mr V
in Corea, hass) far profited by it ss tool*,
tala control of the sltnatloa. A* the pr* *
ent bead of the governor* t, be ha* coot
ctpreeaiooa of regret lo Japan, averrir-g
that no ajory to tbe Japanc*.- wiser* r
ooatempiated, and that the larorrectm- try
« acted with r ut warnut! ia that (>ar-
at least. Hts repreeeata«ior.v hxvc
ot been received a* sritofaetory l>y the
apaaese government, whim has sent back
heir envoy and bto suite teilM A vpikdof
Cores, with Instructions to investigate
and learn Um precise anilor* of the ant-
rage. If It be dt#c>vr»d tint the late
geterofrent Haa been *ioler<tlf oisrUtruwn
by tke ant -foreign party ii (Iwrea. the xe
stotance of Japan will I * oil r«d iu tc*pir-
log the former order of nffri'a. If ire
enemiesJapan hod (surer. IV amide l
reparation will be rxarteJ. aud in any ct»<>
CHnptote ear <sfact too will be d*tn»r. !*d,
but nothiog like mar will be deo ar* d. n-
cert aa a last Barerr! y. Abundant ; ro-
vislrwj, however, has been made for this
nroeerily. Troops are raaa*ed at Uie ; rl*
nsarcri Corea, rtenui* r* nre in tcadi.e**
tu transport them, and soipl’ca ,-f #U
kinds arz on the way to Ike «rtl©
meats ettll cc'.jpicd l*y t •
Japanese. In c.** war •...!!
cason tb* re can be '»nl> um* r** n'l. * v*-r* »f
Chita abontd altetup' to tut, rfer,- eg^ioi
Japan on any pre ett. which is very un
likely, altboagh Ibe r« port iltvt n small
b-siy of Chin*** soldier* had l»en sent to
eae of act vo appear* fairly a-it'MU-
The Core*oa have r» » shadow of
chance agalnri Japan, but if all |>roo*«-J«
«# to now hoped the recent affront will be
pNMaably ntuord fur aod nothing tr.or* be
<«ialred by Ja(>*ti, except IhecUttoamgor
Japanese garrtooa* iu all places wnere Jap
aaase reside. At Um lart moment nows is
received of tho arrivtl of th* Japanese en
voy at Seoul • Um Currtn ca|>ital t and hi*
im-ption with every appearanec of rt»|-«'.
and honor.
arsstxn ortxioa.
Mr. Frreasarao. September IA—liw
Hu ir Ur ilc St. i’rtrniumj any*: To allow
Kaalnad te settle the fcgy pnan qaesSoa
without coaeuluug th* (*,w< r* is nut to br
thunght of. IheAforiM* tVcmyr rottsiderc
that General Wutoelcy lu* shown true gro-
new kind *»f petrls, the s * c«1m4
lcstre*'pesrl*. Iligl* prices srsre otfs'e.i.
bat th* diiir illy was how to max* their.. A
few samples sent to sere al important
home* were passed from m.vnofactoiy to
manaf.-irturv; nuierruas trial* were madi
with arid*. et-M y*t nous | rovetl sue •***(*.!
unt’l a wurkinan, aondantelly having pui
ooeof igiuil saitipls* in Id* mouth,
felt a tiny, htrd rbjec- on h>s trngna. aa*<
ou eiamtnntg it foan-1 it to M a groin of
•and. firs fed >ot ri*«<i*e ,VL-ryof the secret
laltMstlivn 1 .-.cvk bum'rc«i*ofw*rkur-
making pc *rt* “fully 11., »„ »ampto'
by ru>4rio. fbcm wuhoume.011 ^vad. S *
!y pcnrl- but t>ntton-
IB, TMmtw*-I
raaoKin in rxaaKssxa.
C'atiru<*'U, Septembur It.—TIm»lar-
Iff and Ins depu y of this oaonty wrr* »hot
and killed to-day while r*» ns*fs to Knox,
villa with n priannar, Juim Taylor. Two
ago Taylor killed CapL Fletcher ou
tl.e Tennessee river. He escaped, but waa
filially explore! ».ud brought brie, lb had
tevenl trials, an! at thj la** term of the
WJUrt was sentence! to ton years' Isird la*
bur ia the («oitcntiary. lie tppruled to
tbvSaprsme Court. «bi:hto it>,«*e*onat
Kmrxvillr, and tbe ca»» wax to corns ap
to «iay. At noon Shr Iff Cate and Deputy
Cxuway took t‘e Hut Tetuw r train
with Taylor, who was hondeoSed. Sr,oral
traiu a*, tweet water for
'oiladefpbia), ab-iot -crent* -five rai'es
her*, and while tho 'rain was between
and Loudon, dslibrrafely sho*. Cate
n:»d Conway dea! and wunmicl another
They then rrlra*edti>c prisoner an!
>srge of Hie train,running l! througb
ls>ndo:i. At LeordN Station. John Taylor
-id l.ii l>rothrrs, Ikth aui Andy, got
ff and. forcibly taking
“ fur tha mountairs. Johi
nd«! In th*. nrm. Th# c _
s fioitetnenh *. posse of thirty men,
‘'tillSpringfield rifiis, ha It ft on n apectal
truln on tit* Cincinnati Honrhern for
King'toti : anoi(Mr to>e*4 will lew* here
.•veti-.n! :%;.*•*(• hi« r.lrevJ, left King-
. and another from Isadun Cat*-
wnaalu-nff only two week*. He wa* one cl
•e most p«pq!nr men in the city, wa-
uuut fifty years old jind h-tve* a larg«-
l taniy. C »nway w*« about thirty and w,«-
•nincot ia local yolitjc*. Such etc.te
(un»t has not been «en in Chattanoog-i
U»f war. A •peeial train will bri* •
thebodie* of the viiMnit her* ton ,Ft
lb* alioottng took plaee abint l o'clock.
VxsmaoTos. Sepiarabar t.—A d.i* at cl*
•om Knoivi le. Terne^e-nree to** f«»t-
vmgnccoaut of :» • muni. • «.f hbenfl
«P.'uDdhi« depaty: If,- .tier- hx4 lu
i»toJy three prife,n*r«. I • f tl.j ( ri*-
iner«, John’iayiur jji! Sam C-xter, wire
i* hr f-,r murder and *<»••
i lined U»get!.er. Ito- otter prt*o««r.
'• ii!. a n*gro, s»n« rliaiccd lo n . .»t v\ hen
• iratn *P»pr-J a* Mweetwoterthree mon
1 ered U’,* • »r. '».wwm« f n«trier of
l fl ir an! er terei the .-*r from Ihe tear.
» lie If.* o’her tw» cntei-i from
front. rafl-»-» bMtSe* approached
D puty r •; way from pla*ed
wage*" f,a
rf id'll
u*re Hi-n do.tbiod •
way. 1
Al'Mxtraion Kxia xau x Hi 1
a* l»w i|iie*.;
Mr«. Gr.t t St ex
that | lace, rias gre *t cxnfiiicac* li
to prayer. \ little over a week r
oonvei-itiim with Mr. 11-0x00 ll«i
nolni Moms hoarding hnosn ke--(e r
ram by .... .
would oring a good ram within t
i ficn foltoard the light ter of tlcd-n-
d*y nisiif. Ihercuj .a Mrs. Htcirus call
’ 1 Henbm. nvcrimgthat shehad prayed
.xin, that hi r 11 xy*r had lieen answer
r J. ami claiming ihe ♦!»; lie demurred mi
•lie grouni thx! tin -h iwrr was loo ll*!i-
lo Im of any tiro—not up to th* contrrd re
laireairut, in short. She hts made three
tion by Hi# proprirt »-*of the concern, tha'
tbe removal her* wild eanro a greet ex
rcti«e iu rb.ingmg th«-size of th** corset#
They Uvc lawn inakiog twenty-right an.
ihirty-iDchocraetcsimost entirely, and t
remove her* tn Milwaukee, wbeic right*-*-:
to twenty-inch corsets are onUr woip.
would neoossitalc an expro*txe change It
tU* upichtoery. If any one had told u»
ihst tbe small watota of our Indies wm!
ever bo tbe meae* of keeping away (mm
the city an important indu-rtry, w!> >
would employ huudn.S of taxnu - r-
•rts, we wouldn't have believed t, Tht
MiiallMt aflair sometimi s haa its
ou i.osincsa — IVrA’e Sin.
■ ... .
A l'axvaa mar livoxrn Arrut it-li
Um Illinois Democratiu oonventtor, 1.
Springfield, Um Kev. Dr. Groes, aa ol^
lime flaLiiat preacher, made th# openir.
prayer. It was one that will long he return,
tiered in thu State. Following km "Am*..
ihtre was a perfect dorm of nppl
(Itcetoaav* u« from the devil, o i.jr.
God, w* tjcseeeh Tiuo to aavo n» (rout «t 1,
route and other thieves upon tho pub! <
Christ's sake. Amen."—.V. I* Sou
Tna Dor*B8aca~The t.eatrc* an
opeulng a n l before long th# watering
place br lie*, who hare tern ru -ning arouu>
ba e-legge-i tn th* presence of thooxALd*.
will be stt'tng in the parquet and bluahiuz
beeanse Ha'.lat girl* make a similar dt*
play in ihe (ireaencs of hundr*J.i. -fbi/n.
Om. WaailHHB
Fort Asian that l,« would Urien
a«i kto brother effioara if I
■ mew would owlet » mail
xliwxy. Tho i-ffrr vn* e
tfiwff tlxr a
“J* aSSWSttKlnJf}*! itwTS!
Wa Snia Kmna.-A llosloo Ircturvr
artoni*hc,| hla aadteuc* by halngine do at*
hi* f»t *>n the table ami shotting: * Wl»sr**
to ihr reitzioeitr of the aathrepotd orad-
romans i” If tie think* w* have got it Im
caa search u*. We ntxer saw It tu
world.- UoUlmonr Dap.
Tin: ioirnumM rm r «mi*g
1C t Ol.I.KUK.
Male and remnl* Hlwdewta Meet txrd.
The want of a mart text school of Ut*«-
raphy, upon which tetrgraph ami railroad
companies caa depend for competent aad
reliable operator*, has prompted tha aa.
d* rslgaro to open a school la whtoh shall
be taught all the reqntremeata acoananjto
it a ywrsoa for prrctical service. The
tour** ••nhraoea: late. A thoroagh know I-
ttaa el deem and aiUto
Circular* c aitod (rte. ■
hark of Hi* h*
t «u I blew
Hi then
ut Con-
l .C prtsou-
• cored tri«-
ant Hherit!
it tii»m and
!>'« pjckct Mild uiito-
' T*»)lor and tic 1
I put)'* 1 roto*. At Uu*
’'lie rnsl.-vd at ti.e n c.t. 1
trie (.rtoor.-r#. As In* fir.
lay lor. shot hnn through lb* bowel* and
other two men eh:’t li%n ttiroagh the
t>r»wt. Hi* sheriff fell <I«muL Thepr-sou
. Taylor, wa* s iglttly -zoande,! .n tu
rtn. aad Carter wa* H’ghtty wnntttri in
M not
t ground.
the !«^
The thre
I with r rlv.-thcy jtuuprdon th#
ngtt c. au i •:'» <* j.**- 4 nt ti ' «nrinser's
(•eileJ bin. 19 pgi: 1 niiint ll-
rtf. lli«r*|-ort*-l
tor of the '<»/»/,,
edit- r of the luil.
>n-*r« i«*t night tw
iighta dor'.' ii-it:. tne-t. with their -econd*
n: from tl»» city.
Ilxuiiib'ti -V'* e«-- h.ji snit-d bj Wiliinci
l Job IMrk'i -a K-roads. and
ly took
•-lillgan . 1: 1 Job
Ir. M« *xjr-g#:» *(
• rih him
I dai .-As*
ird McGovern **ud
-ecojto, and Dr,
:. Dm dasi to ti
wttacm atead and testified to Um reading
Of q steteggnt te foxssua Dtok-oa after
thr rettrnmant ot Ike jary. He said (bat
the jury veted in the nflrmatire opoathe
qusrtloo aa to whether the paper ibonld be
Th* court—"tolMl I wanted to know was
whether tha jary had vteiated the dire*,
lions of the swart. The verdict of the
guilt) .th* a, a# to ReerdeU aad Mtaar to eel
aside—not only oa aacoaal af the mtseoa*
d"rt of tae jary, bat I may say oa arsenal
of general aaraaannsbleaaw, Sot that xbo
court would have nude this deetetoaoa Um
Utter groaad atoqe, heeaaae um aafaaaaa.
abirnew of a verdict to for the jury rather
than the eonrt. unless the nareteteiahle
ue«s shocks the swi IVse two awe
•*• ut to be at the two ends of the tine. It
did notoaem «o my ariad Uiat they ronld
have gone intoaeoasptr—y wtthoathaving
had any of Um other* along with them;
bat Mho jary ihony"
?!"-> * *ri!J. ru I I W
list* dit'urbed tha vrrdkt oa «
Hot wheo I see that Um xardtel
up by a jary that ware dMcseeing other
maittra trial were not to avideocr, of
eaurse my doty to ptola-ta Ml Um mdtot
xsi'te. A# to the arqnittnl of Peek, who is
•t«aJ. I hope he Is aoialttrd everywhere.
Wa were not trying him. to to Tamer,
of c.Hirro ihe verdict staadv. Tha eonrt
great* a new trial, therefore, to all except
Turner #«d Plrrk.”
Miner rmd iteerdetl word then released
ou rail tn tb# amount of flbdvn each,
•si'# aod Wtlliamson beeoatagaarety for
th* fjrm* f aud A. C. Rieharda f v th* tas
ter. Mr. Me-rick asked that Um court
•'Min’d fit tbe fltrt M-aday ia December a*
the data for a new trtil and the roan did
• t. notwithstanding the protest of Mr.
livable. The court then adjourned.
Oxi.i £.«!••*. 8«pt*-;aher ill—A .Vsw* Mat
amora* >|M«ird rays all mall oommuul-
cxdoa 'mIsieen II.-** fiavil e and Matatnor..*
b\» erased on aoewont • f thj quaruaUn*.
Mis«r«. Morthwcil and Wai Xt grit Mai/ ,
ftp vr.UL merHiant* ja t f. ,m tt»w ••«**uliJrr.
arodownwiUi thetoxcr irira.i'chetWi-ot;
fuurh >ur* tuU a. at y*st.r !ey, two deal--s
oor jn.J- otxa '»t .fexc-r. The rr(>orl of
:aiu«t ll-own*vUU: to nn-
t l« no yellow lever at
Kaatetober lfi.— ko ofllcixl
Mt* '. M-ixi-v,, gl*r« fmljr UsW
_ an I flv- denrit# Iter# Thar .toy tost.
NvwMstsvr*. :i*yfe'.t l.v— v Feasa*
cola •psetai rejort* niaeieeii new anaca aad
two death* wi bin the past vwcatv-four
l ours. J. S. Hsy-ss, formerly of Is»n»a.
ions, is airopg th*dead, and Jfr. Ilicbards,
agent of the Sontbeni F.tproee Company.
1 incog the new ra*r«. Thu evenisg a fir*
broke oat in a - aoty and the ltame«
i«|ifc'id rapidly to th« C'atholie imr*' nag*
a«l throe* tost. Mi(*,i%ei'sC#thelij Chares,
wlitrh were totady destroyed. Tw* eautll
cottage* 1* th* rear of the church were
a.»o * u-n.-d. Iter. Father Boaawsil, who
ea« in th* rnr*Mi(p, ill with tb* fever, was
r. tmnrtt, and ia now reported na doing
Ilf 1711 *nnnu .xorncHR v*ra viri)
f.t the range this fronting, shooting at tbe
-Jtri. '■>«» ..nd IdriO yard* raagm far tha gold
rarriato i-ffrrod by two of the leading mrr-
evotile firm# of New York city. Dmis
r«« d» rompetittua between the team*, the
t.a'keaaa making the highest roeve in
or h team being the rreipleat of tho medals.
11, reserve* on Noth aides ore also la
in bd. )took man <d th# Brittoh mad* ten
h .tv and tbe Americnae -even ••hob* at
>■> yards. The bert *mr* of th* UriUeh
tr« mad 1 * by Gnodear, wh 1 * seared M,
md nf ibe \m- irae* »-y Atfeiaaon, who
•cur*d:n. Atoxi yard* Caldwell, of tb*
llrittoh. ltd hi# tva-r with 17, and Mc-
jr-in tb- Americans with :tf»
11m itilton trophy match hod entries of
tlvs team*. The MU tae represented wrr*
New York, tetrbignn, Pennsylvania, Mala*,
d Uie Department of the Attoatte (reju
orniy). In the first stag* the New
York team made a total of Ml, Ifichlgsn
d''. iVnusylvaala :cw and tbe Department
>f tl.e Atlantic 3.H. lltcy ahot al 900, £00
and tot)yards.
Ib«* iuter Slate military match, twelve
ro to each team, had ouly three entries—
•w Y«*rk, Michigan and PenneyIvania.
11i.> New York team led at AO and70)
y.v-d* with Mlebignn 47# and Pswasyl
al railway, a ula^rMphlo air
up giving oomtn-jnieaUoa I
allowing points: Hoeloa,
f). h
I.insoTo, Nse Metl
Chibaahna, Met;
AYAannrrroa. Septsmber 1« -Hear
Ocj'go his writtee a tett*r te Presider
Arthur, forranliycrIIiuz kto attrottoe 1
the recent eipsnenra of Mr. Georg* tn |
Ireland. The terter filed a' the White
llonso to-d#y by J. lisle Cypher, xlong ]
with n comunnisatioa frun. Hypher bim-
Mmd bich_ he, as a rspresentetivi
George’s wrongs.
wxtxoa'a jirrmna.
Totaowro. September K—Tbe Olnhr pah-
llthea Hxnian's acre; tanre of ltoro'a ehel-
r Vr-tt. M . rm *t.
to-e: t. rt#slembsr I’T-Hie foilowt
ha«l,e*u r*sej»s-i d.rrrt from Cblbaah
nl the Mexican Central ralldny office In 1
spike « vaeerttDg Chihnahoa wuh El l
has jnal been drivsn amid salvos t
tillevy and great er.t haetaer-."
ng fur K. O. Rldoont A Co.,
10 Harder strut, Sfgw York, Send for
Ikclr cautogtM and foil pqrtlenlxrs. ly ,
A rant frews Jo4g« narrwll
Auaaact**, Gx., September Ite-JDKlors
frtnjrupk <tod Mtatngtr; I as* in yoer '
lurclay'a torn* Um following: "The
H'urt Hrpjtlimn forntahrx m te
ir ; with raferenoe to J* ,, J- .
rue. U to aigaiScnnt: P. H. '.
mo . *»o a aecrnl poUtical r 'Oety t r
ed pereoas ia this city, at whi .
Head ie president. Ho we a*vlaf-r
I "imply desire to slate Hurt tax •
state meat is MaerT'i/</Udfy /Wise, t
•mt the least sbailow «f hommt fou
It to la keeping with oUtsr falsa 0
alameate going the ruu
ck'.ttenje. Ihe We
i:»u*t |>*r«-*rt 1 h»#
r«Vr t.VroiM’ftsibil-
tadmocti *»p|sxrtani-
W.-li Maser*. Her and
.notion* on file for a
f if... ranvtctadde-
id i«y staii-uivnfs of a
il by • >tn*' rdf.davits
• * *>:<-. mutely,th't
.bat •■•*•.! to (ti
of t(ie Unite,!
t file n
tell", I *1
•eat to ti e grsntmg of tin* motion, hut os
oansci f.j* the li.l-ed tov.-xte* I f.«l it
u be my July not to uiixsr it,
ihe g,terii"... I of On- ( mud (Vatexit
wifi* n etdirrly »tti«:.eJ by any mean*
eith Uu* vonbe:. It i* m verdict wbteb
^object* rt*e ; -. *-»rv to retrial -tn I coavtali
lh* set ion's md lu.t.iun*. I lie jnrjrpr,-
santably font. I t vnt* of r»ns| irney t<.
.lefrsuu tit* tinted S!3‘ * ‘
:*ct, so a* !o cro
Under th? «utntt
That ttc .- . . ,
lo tbvir d«-tsrutin*ti->n of the oomietton of
guilty xgr.ins' Urerdell amt Yliucr, there
oae left f jj thv.r some inquiry as to w'
piracy. It was nppaiin:
deeply guilt/ l„ p,un» of
... law as lUtrdill
Miner are, the •rlrcc Kiev 1 ••ri>Hrat*-:!
.* and of j
r.|irted criine
b in lh» e
Miner are, the •rlrcc thev
was the scheme and device <»f oiberi. N ,w.
*tr, 'lie gavrrnmint of th# United States
cannot, oonsU'entiy with it* dignity, object
by practical resistance to tho motion made
tore! aside rnrh verdict and bring to trial
again both ma*tere and servants in order
tliat fall j«Mir.< may bn done. Ibu gov
eminent of the L'tito I Htxtie seeks no vio
Ulus. It rexk* simply iu«ltro, acd when a
verdict apparently trine* with justice it
cannot tarot with tb* approval of the gov
ernment of tit# United Stele*. Willi these
brief remark*, lb* govsvmnrnt's enacset
toetath* •object of th'« motion lo the »•!-
reef too of mo court, nut coaMnting bat
not nvifttng, ho:>ing for Ihe parity of ita
teoorJs, rvroired on Um pro4#cirib<« of the* to tht fullest extent, and treating
that whatever your Honor tray deride, or
whatever may hereafter came,* full
will in the end U dime/’
In the course of furthu ,
Mvrrteh elated (hsthc had looked over the
affidavits, and had seen none which alleged
Um alleged a'tempt to bribe bint, notwtita
ateadtag bis IJocor's •• 'octwn# to tbe con
Mr. Hankie preoceded to arena that Um
vovdicl *bo*kl be set aside 00 U
that the jury had beentampered
tn coedoMon sod: "The eonrt room was
dotted aU over with spotters, whoso boil,
•eas it waa to tkafiow tha torero, on
and wttne*sra, ard some of tho vttoet
tn thto co’amuaity were right
... . 7.^ fimvatj
this trial, doing that vary thing te
»suasrSa.» M .
and UW) yardxT .. __
/ of m The prim ton field
gi*.-* 1 ained at ftf. Tb* winner of the
lngl»e»t *sxregat# la the New York State,
NRiicnal Guard an! .trwiw an*t .Ywrg
Juuni 1! matches is II- T. Izickwaed, of tha
H» lisgimml. New York, with an ag*
regate c-f 12'.
N».* Yoax, September Ifi.-At freed-
to-i today Nan woo the tnedal tor
aits, tnekitig the blaheslsonee— M
le IliiUmtropbywaawonbytlMrv&pRyl-
wria team by twr “ they scoring a to-
• ,f'.ro;,Rgainst* Michigan team,
. - nett high*#*: 4iter-8Mte raxteh
Hsatou captn *. the l'rnneylvaaia
■nn, sconng !>•!». . jal New Y’orklsW'l
.d Miehtgan'a SUS.
naou-av.iu-a iitu
WitmaoToa. September Ifi.—Ariiag Sa-
(•sriuicadmt -law toon, of tho railway mall
t-r nrowaeville. Tax as. wh
Rccamaiabog at sorroaadiag
pln.-ed on a special mail nixwi. «*•»*«••
wi>| sui from Gatreetoa on i(Mtethin*t.
nanbago. whence it witl be fur-
»:osi>rn in . xurnmix.
u, Reptentlier Th# *o|.
the nrtleotors of the mar«ter ot
J. II. imo pbell, f.s fi*p3ti!ean nowriue*
fur Rhettff, a» h* •!. pi* • ilerlay *
•xcited trail
whiah will be met as they
Dattd te Us
n t.
service In caws of debility, Um cf .
tit*, and In conva'eaosncc from ax.
Ir* Illness, and parthnlxrly of aanf.u
trratir«-nt • f wonten and ruitdnn
Milan |r«bmuyt <tn>f
liras* aanouare that I will add res* Um
peopto al YatdoeUan Wednesday next, tho
•JOtb teat, and at Waynaoboro 00 Bator,
day, Um 9M Inst. •
(f poaaib'a, I sriil Im te Albany on ncM
Matardar. Um IgUi test, wtU* Mr.Stef !»“!.—
I expert to anaak week after not! at -
Athena, GafaaavtUo, Atlanta and perhaps
.almanac aud Cook
Me wW
mailed frew an applies!Ion tn tbe Him*
ford Chemical \v«Kk/. Provldrocrylt. I.
Tho reguter uae *d*«^il4eti , a""Liebig's
Liquid Extract of Href and Tonic I&vigo-
rator. In pint bottle*, to tb* moat direct
tuesiM of obviating pbytlrel debility, as
it stimulates Um aboorbenta, aod Impart#
xigor tn tba whole system. Ask for Cot-
deu'a, xak* no other. Of draggiaCa (an*
orally. *
Mr rr kukri from dyapepeta nnabto to
digest solid food will find te Scoft <fc
Uowne’a Soluble Beef a moat nourishing
food that will not distress them. For sale
by druggists and groom. Ilf
A < orreetlew.
IlxnnmuMic, Gx., Soptmhrr Ih-Wb
Uo fVhyrwpA wad Va*x«-»':;ro: The tele-
gram seat from ib:s plase, allegtaf that 1
waa pul on aoSee "vba» John William*
weald attempt to aaeape, and took no
meaenrea to prevent IV' I bread aa a
fotoibooi. ywrpmriy parpetretvd by iu
author to injure om. Htomcspe nou ow-
lag to the caret seen raa of the grtard at the
jail, aad art to nay eondoex or caretesem *•
of mine. Rmpectfalir, f* F U'**r.»iT.
Sheriff Decatur oouaty.
ratal SbeeMag a* Vlllirdgevillc.
Special tn ike Taiegnph and Mewenger.
UiujMimiA Beptember lA-Thto nf.
toreoon, abort 3 o'clock, Sol Barrett shot
Jcaao Daria, shooting him te three place*.
The difficulty grow oot of aa old gradon.
Davis will probably die.
Mr. *tepr»#i»emi Albway.
apvctal Telsgreph aad Nsawngcr.
Atnxtt, Hi., September lfo-Mr. Hte-
phene has jaal arrived aad received te
royal alyl* by tha good people of Albany.
A large crowd to expected to-morrow.
A Phyrtetnw*# Testimony,
Iu the ireattaant of lung and bronehlt!
-liieiBM t)M liter I* often Itrpllrxted lo
such an oatent that a heratle remedy bo>
. la nr
ad of flam**
- -eaMcn witl *
v t'amp<
• walk
He r.rpertniiy failed aed lora*
away, ol.*n Mlabh# ran rp behind r..m ana
fired without warning, the boll teking *f
ft ci it. fampis''I's etomacS. Daring tbo
excitement caeuiag foobba eacafwd. If
a*p’ured it 1# almost certain that Im will be
lynched. He to iwraty.thr*e year* • t age.
and Ito* Urstororo enjoyed the respeel of
the commanity.
WasitmoToo, September jfl.-Gaa. ili
l» >wsll, now ia command of Ih* military
divto'oa of the radfle, Will tw. retired by
. raanuattoa in t Hrlober, nc.tar th# com-
aa htosoewasaor. EaeeoUy Ai.ate.n *.#."••
rat Drum telsgraphedGaa. M-lxmili, a#k-
lag when 1' w raid ha coo van toot tor him
to Im rolls cednf Ma eonmned. Gee. Me-
Dowt II rspiud that be preferred to mate
hi* ofMorn md oottl retired.
PWiRtro marshal of
[of Virginia, whiah (-o-
■■fur the eMt ten years,
> dtoaaae at OaotrelU, chm-
r, thro morning, te hto fifty*
,a»l?.. I *»f th* Utgr* a. 1
Naw Tone, September U-Th# t«.ui
Vlrhto afpariy of rott-rator tbs world is
IftCfflS Ktiaa, of * .loh f to Ameri.
00a, agaiast 1.701 >). #n.l l,l«,7fia re-
epeotjvote tort Mgr, Yhg foeeii t* o>
tna «4 aU Um latrricr lowu# were ffl^iu.-
urntfi.- from p abtaUons M.U*.
aoos rxetoax ntmxo.
fading null
Naw Yeas, k!<|teaiber 1C.—This being
1. L. STtrnn.vsos, M
Tint Soluble Barf prepared by !*•
Row no lathe fo)d‘ , pxrcKer;roi.c
dyspeprir, aa Hto tba real axib«‘ %
meat in a d grotoff form, and will,
witlwmi cauxiagtho lea*! dlitr<
tale by dinggtotk and gru;.'rs.
K01U A Bowbe'a Sotebto Daaf,.
late-!, contain* act only Um- fffcv r bt
real infcslaneoni the m.-at,which u *
4*»irehto lururtohgMMl f*»r ahlMreu
invalids. For aato by drnygirtx * .
cen. ,
(topi. Dili SUrrto*,ofthft Alt tula r--'
wax knoehed «*t«f • «* •: -n by
rttglne and badly Mqred m
toq*,bwi by tl»atira*iy uva of
L nln • ' !•- w»« v-« n x'.'s t • •
dii'.kx. Aik MB Whrt be kn
No dxrter will (all
prtisr.t “that the month xnd I
• . r, »-cx .te 11 r s.'s It
aijd ^rcfrsro# l^for Ita^ dto«jj
emu and rr.joylip* comforiabl
J?i uddlfl >n i<» '!»*• nulritlou
cfS^.<rt A Downs's Soluble Dec
d dvspcptlca, it:
llAlt.CX '« SAI.INK ArKU'EST lx a
Ing, rrfrcxhlng xutnoter drink for -
■la and No mcdldm
Every one, l.-ome or abroad, t
Wa request all pariiei io
arlvm by actual trial nt the .
"Conrad** Jtodwetor" aod *.
am with (Cher bear.