Newspaper Page Text
ttf?* (Bcasrgfa Xtlccldy anfr 3mtm*i & 3Bcs*s*n|jcr
.on m*.
Urul {allied .*» pound*, iiiiill'cr 1 pound!
J. C. I.K IIAltDV, M. |i.,K*riniikb,
l'r.'siiieiil Med. .Soruty i | Gtoigls, etc.
IlAnoxKT, M. D., 1). C. L., LL. K., II. H.,
Fbjaldan to Iter Mv* : ) the Queen.
lYraiJeut Ifoyal As*>rialkMi, I'rutoMor at
tbo University of etc., •*>• :
“Tbs properties of this wonderful
plant (lbs cor*) art Um moat rcuuikabie
ot guy ki.onmlo thsi(u*d<cal world. Freni
repealed personal 11aIi 1 am convinced
that Its um It highly beuefldal and
ton la.**
y. D„ Lb, D., V It. S., Freaid. ol Ifoyal
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Member General Council University of
Edinburgh, «-(*., etc., M/i l
“Liebig Co *a Coca Ilsef Toole baa
IW n picking lutaconmwuaial in
i. ai*d a iroud yield la aupMBl th
IVPAAJflCOI lit or #.# «»*UM
DmIrIm* BTRtlrrnl MflfHlMr MU,
Irptrfcd tor tX> fSayl ««/ Ntunger »g
II. C. PmainTatih* .UU%n **r.
Atkins A Clark v«. K»ni*r ot ai. Complaint,
from Trenp.
Jack*-?., 0. J.—I. Wh*n by th* terms
of fl UOI*‘. dttoift i* f, the MfMlirrwf
prowkttd to par Pffovn traoumi dollars In
oold or iu equivalent, the recrrery th©re-
mmmmmmgrid arm aqo'’*^®*
th© tins of jwdgmewt, with Interfrom
the maturit* of tU note Id cotd or its
r-ialraWot. Oold foing at «\ premium Ui«j not# fail dots it waa arror to wU.
mat© tka aobonnt to be recovered IS UU
6 th© valo* in currency of $i/&X>in gold
HI IffT, with iuiffrrl Oil s«v«i iuii*«v|
* slant i..a on to the lime of Judgment.
RreC«Oa.fl*fT Wallace SZ>i l‘i Wallace
Z While the roaeklerjUioo of a rontract
In writing may *!•">« be opeu for parol
rv,dcu<*.the contract cannot in lit term*
ka tatted by sock tesUmony. Judgment
wiisi » un>5: yorder, from
Dora tar.
houm, 0.1.-1. A eoutor «bo«Ui*
mo, b* mad* lo * ihowto, loc eoaUauonM,
•tetter pcbrtmwto, I. la «ntm, or Or
1 ‘.V Vblto lb* Hklt. I. * counter Arn^
lo ■ motion lor Dontlncnnca, mono. Inlco.
dm orldmo lo pran that «i.i d» tend. wit*. • wjl HMf.
oatiw, xailima,te abo.a a.U-
mkwm aATnxnnn hy mrmciAt.
t Al. CAllNO.
In ChW X. V.
' t Harm X. T.
inoriMos mi
CIIAX. a.D.,Bnna
moat (Uatikrul that II (wm* In toy band*.
1 ba*l Iri.-I ,l!n>rrnl i>n*par*n.m* of Co.a
Inl.n., til'! bail no til rt. from Mono.
II.». J’JIKNJX, M. I).
ntuFEsaoit o. n. wii.kix.kix, or
OalyatUM, addor XtJkol tuJ Swiltol
ll'fertl. tajry:
Uorf Took."
nun i' 'i«r. w. uuxTi u. 0,
11.!>., lloQorarjr UtuMr lmp»nal M.JI-
kalModrt; .1 81. IVUnburf, llaula,
nofeuurorilMlU. of Madktor, tic,
“LulsCo.'tCon DmI Took la Ibr
•ujwrlor lo Ika faablonabla and Hindi.,
prrparallro. of baaf.wlnr, and iron.*
-lba New York JMmI ;«mliiju
“Tba ladcmmtal of nauatoua toad leal
mrn of fcmlocnea aUo ladkMt. tbal It
"raoriWOB !L GOULL'JX, H. 0H
LIo Di lltjnetao lo Ilk (Iran i Ouka of
Saaoof, Kn l(l,t of tba Iroa Cnu, Ac,
* “it *(*«» mom toot than ujtkuf 1
hart am UMOtkad.”
Tba X.. York JMfcdl Him aafii
..If. L... ..IIU.J I. -Hi. Ik. —i
wit: K in Moore aba# Ills Mesat, Nab
UaadMi, Keootca Vowsll, Jae Kug,
luvtfnrtUog tba ayaUtn, and wlicn (Ml
mnedica can ba obtained combined from
aort'lable a house of Llchlg's, it baboorco
tba pmfsaatoo to palrooUe tba same to
Um folleat extents'
From «n orilrU as ike Coes, by IK. 8. JfnJL lb, ef ftreofrijm, fcf-
Iom ef itfiUco-Cklrvrjrictd Society if
Item York, etc.:
Dr. yotnsfaxta resided and practiced
In South America for jeers, nod wm coo*
setsnth district with grant enroeetarm,
►ach la He own appointed way. Thelmee
Jt nua Joacrn f. he Is repor'ad to be
i-atttag in ns ap: raranca at the camp*
meetings in his district. May be be can
be redslmid yet.
Tni irrak/y enye that “the ravage* of
ik. I..H — oaataU Hh
aortal * irelc.
Hcrrmraa h-Teatetday tba Senatorial
eenvenlMn for the twenty seventh Bena-
oriel dietnrt mat here to oominate a can.
didate lap!me of t*op* Harrow, who da
diced. The sassea of Carfoton, Mritanirl
end Pace were pr»wct»ted. Arter several
insSeetaal bnlljte the name of McDaniel
wm withdrawn, and Mr. U K. Uvingstoo.
e, (£'S2ii“«*„dir.
(errat district* of this < Walton i iMonty
met: t Monroe to nominate teuvendtdaua
to ranraaant this county lo the lower boo*#.
Cob John W. Arnold and J. V. H.>be:i** n
warn nominated.
Wa now have four emndidaus in the Ibid
in this county to rrpnsent ns in the loerr
branch of the nest Legislature—two lnd«.
naodents and two nominated. Two of uie
four must, ot course, stay at h ;me. M.
nam and Live- Aflhctlosa. PH1NCE
A snows named lh n Uall, in tba twenty-
•lath dutr.rt, has deaatorial aeptratkma
lie can rsahe mere r^ody money by |*foh-
log cotton and eutt'ny wood.
LaOnanoa Arpurfm l!on.liagh Bnchan-
an wm to our city on 8 it onlay, llo re,we
sent* that all la serene (or the organised
Democracy below the mountain*.
Tnr young mau tha started the r»|*»rt
that thrre waa a cam of yellow feter In Ha.
vannth did ao “iu the way of a Joke." Tl*
basimw men of tfaveanah are not able to
see where the fan come* in.
Ltfmnt J/mmyrr.' “Judge Joe'.
Hranham u presiding over Superior Court
now in rce*ion. This is hi* dret court in
this county. Ilia mode ot eondnrting the
basinet* and arimialMertng the law It giv
ing great satisfaction to litigant* and the
l«opi« generally."
Wje bare never before nod so many ac
counts of the killing of targe rattlesnake*
a* our 8t<ite i tehangr* now famislu The
Duller llmiltl reports the rationing: “Mr.
•'.esse Mackey, one of our b«et citizen* and
must thrifty farmers, killed in hi* front
itnla few days ago oa* of the lsrge*l rut-
tte*nskrs that has ever b^ o killed in T.v
lur. The snake measured seven feet in
length and contained eitteeo rattles and a
hauun. Mr. Mackey state* that the
«mdie had apparently eaten noth
ing iu some time, in consequence of which
it wa* comparatively *m«U around th-
: netcrtbelcM it measarvd Un Incites
it» circumference. All indications paint* d
to the fact that it bad Herd for several
months in an old »w**t totalo hou*e
tl.* >ard. ae tre bens hnd frequently be«n
grr.itly disturbed, bat this umc, having
•mittly era tried into the front yard, wa*
killed by Mr. Marie* with hie shotgun."
Tux people of huvaunah are rrcflng tlicir
sans in {'separation for the coming of the
»|tdnoctia! ly.lone.
foe rotation system and m?st of the
other sjatcuis srork ba lly this year. Mr.
*U.-phca*'* advent into Georgia Dvmocratie
pulitioi wm almost as stormy a* Jo*.
The AWt’in9-.VMa give* another illas-
tration of Uio a*e of a pistol, as a play*
thing in the hand* oi children: k'any
*o»Urdsy icoraing George, a little thm-
j ear old vn ofMr. IU Philips, ulus l|te«
in Liueood, wm aeddenta I* slut in fh«
ntek by a pistol tn tna band* ot a l.ulr
tcn*)car*oiil rn-gn boy. Ina n.gmbov
b^d ti.-rc»cd n pistol Iroaj atolfur nrgio
t>o> who lives on the premises of Mr. J. K
Appier, and was *atu: t-ring with it in the
>»nl at Mr. Piulip's. H htlc hi* little son
wm playing ar mod ti«e negro boy, the nis-
t 4 was accidentally discharged, the ball
entering the left sido of the neck, nryba
bly cutting the outer jugular vein and
ranging forward toward the face."
Ir 11 reported that a rrgro, named J. * .
Ho SI, has beer, appointed |iost*m«*tcr .it
IjtUrange. It »* lordly probable that
Emory Space is aecounUbic for that ap*
pemtment. It is a good idea to "giro the
devil hU doe*."
Havsxbjui received JJUZ) kalis of cotton
one day thle week.
Col. L. M. Lakab, uwtniraoQsly notni.
noted for the the fourteenth dis
trict, will make an able and pstriotio Hena*
Mt. Jon* M. Ban or* ha* retired from the
editorship of the H'nffon t'lwsfj/ .Vrin mul
l uUtir. lie still bat a pecuniary intereit
in the paper*
Tux Talbot, sn AVw £«f indorse* the
Slat*--bouse ticket, but Iim bo candidate
for governor. In this it occupies the * one
poottoa a* the TauRiasi-w *xo Mnwawoca.
There Is ao organized Democratic candi
date fw governor, as w* anJt-r«und it.
Tu Hardsrevilie tfrrulj knows a trick
when it mo* It. friend I’ark 1* not caught
napping by humbug*. Day* the IbntUl:
"He«en dreniara from matrimonial mso*
chiton* were received g| this office by
Tuesday morning's mail. Th* ofler* are
still t>e:ter. Ihey now propose to giro
member* all of membership fee, and *ome
propose fUJQin gold for the large*! list of
uew member*. W* don't Udak they have
a rt to their Met yet. Th* clrenlars make
good wrap* for oar Mngle packs."
Tbs Savannah Sort a ays: ‘TUdo Brown,
a well known and very worthy colored mao,
died u his bom* last evening about V
o'clock, after a long illness ofcoaenmp-
Uoo. II* wm for many year* a porter in
the More of Mr. Osceola Butler, and lied
the kindly regard* of all the patrons of the
Tun tihmoetttr Mjr*: “Htrong sentiment
pervadt* Uil* evetion In favor of making
Horn I. G. 0. Black Mr. UlU's ncttnor.
11* is worthy of th* honor."
Mb. Mrentes* baa made an appjlatment
to addreee tna naopto at Macon on Data/.
Itheir iwi'.r.
i of tba conn below on tbean
h questions being largely
manager*: they well knuw w^r^h^l
noted and voted and worked with the Umb-
ocrats of the oonaty or not, and that la tka
only pjint to know. 11* may entertain
what ideas or opinions Its please* on na
tional qucrtl m*, but if ha baa worked with
the Democratic party in the past, heisefi
tided to vote. N.-uo txeept men of this
stamp should vote at alb Thi* principle
la superior to alt known agents. 1 have
advised Its use to a hrj* number and va
riety of pamma timing the past three
year*, for various conditions, and th»
great majority have found benefit from
its employment. To a sufferer from ncr*
■lion. D. 0. Harr.db
le for locgn*• from Ihi*
district, epoke ber* to^lay to a small aa
dienew. lie distributed a printed addrr*«
to the voters of lb* district, and premised
to i-teak again before the election. He u
a thoroughbred Independent, and seems
unite confident of bts elective. Judge
Crists however, will asm the county.
Kzrrrwsxa K.—About fonr irar* ago the
city council of Forsyth contracted a debt
of about two thousand dollar*, without
h.ving KUbn uud the qotstlon to a t»n>i «r
vote ef tba tiU/.eo* <u rv.jaitrd by the
c-mstt uti ju of th* Stole—a two-tnlr.l*
rote being Bcei*»*ry to it* favor. Aft ft
nea-ly half th* «!• t>t had hovv paid, the
} r**tut c‘ty ufficvr* had tbrir legal *dvi»-
«r* to investigate th* matter, and this ya*r
the cccclan'ju waa reached that the tree*.
New Vmk Commercial AdoriUtr. It is
Invaluable In all forms ol debility, narv-
•>ux affection#, nervous and sick bead-
acLes, piles, neuralgia and catarrh.
“As a countersrtant to dabllllnllng In-
duencaa, such as malaria, biliousness,
lancutr, Impaired digestion, Ac, tbc Lie.
big Co.*s Coca lieef Tonic Is unrqnalrd,"
... . 0 tar or it
was related in brooks, and two Democrats
ar* running now for tba same office, as th*
1 rrx TbotaacvUI* artesian wetl has
reached th. depth of 410 feet.
Mirror atol AAterllacri On last Monday
Digi t, Unci* Dtliie Gray gut out of bed for
th* purpose of unlocking th* door to admit
Util* t’harUe Gray, who was accaetomed lo
•lerntof tn I’m room with him. In doing
•o, be ffwtl and wm bally hurt, but Is now
doing weU and it is hoped ba will be able
to Iu oat ii nftw day*.
baotuan Utmotub complain* of a scare,
ity of water iu Fort Vail, y, end trie* to *tir
up the town council ob th* artesian weU
question. |ioe would think Fort Vallry
had suffered rnouah from fires not to be
willing to tolerate delays in sup*
feels called to go up higher, as it were, and
id* bosom is fiflvd with doubts and misgiv
ing*. *
Job* Jacseox, a colored, who
was arrtwWd about I i» o'clock |**tcrday
morniiig for attempting to break iu Hi*
door of the bom* o' Wm, Hmall, wiUi in.
tent to steel, was in the |>oUe* court fined
two doltju * or vrn dat *.- .VmiuiMtA AV.cs,
We publish the ai-ivt simply to call atton-
liou to the ridienlcu^ly ioateqaata punish
incut that is vtsitid on thieve* and boose-
breaker* in Havaunoh. Tim anthorttiea in
some other ctUr* d-j t ot little, if any, bet-
Ur. It ought toU» made worth the while
of id hr and thieving {x ople (o maintain at
least the appearance of noncst/.
lv the Michmoml county prtmarits.
•-Vita ium-s were polhoi. Messrs, ltobb..,
Galvin and Gary were nominated. *i he d*.
fcated candtdatea nrc Mays, Herrin nnd
Maxtirr* Journal: A white man, sno.
1 ccted of robniag a house in Chi rokw
c;mutr, vs« Manuring around M .rietu
Monday afternoon. »iar »henfl aid mar-
•luUs were edging in uu Mm to arrest him,
when he smelt a ojoum* and started oil in n
lively run, folIo*»ed by a number of per.
son*, but ha wa* too swift on foot for the and made hi* escape.
Tiix Star report* th* cr-paof Douglas
county to lie fine. Tim ooanty is ».lso tin-
»ularly fre* frucA rtme r.e jai* iking
empty rtiu tit .:1c* being <iH| th-* ought *u- ly to be, ra d iiib'br*
ttrfry are, oonteru-d and happy—vo'shl i uf
the worry of iKditiro.
Tna \ngu»ViChnmfelr hr* I ho following
account of a limited war of race*: "I**-
terdsy incruing broad • treet. above th»»
upper market, wm enlivened by an lot.
I romptu mill between a ttrgroiu.d af'hl-
itvuivii over Hie |o*K**i u of a fv-u*r.
The fight was livrty tor awhile bit the C*.
h-.ttal nsd th* colon <| man wrresooa part
ed; so that Mr. HprtrV estimate of toe tao
race* could not be verified In tkix care. It
I* (relieved, however, that the chancre were
in favor of the dark continent."
Tits heavy swell I* common enough at
H»c reasf A^patn Cknmiclr. Yes. and
a plsgncd sight tao common la sw*t Geor
gia chics. “The heavy swell" can roll be
spnrtrd from the walks of life. St would Ire
chartaieg to miss him.
A nraw vote yesterday, considering the
fact that every on* Were while*.—-InyiuLi
Chnmirlf. Urd in |>oiut of crammer and
woiki in poitd of fact. Tlie voter* in the
Uichmond pnmariM were not nil whit*.
Tna Rome Conner seems disposed to
seek a difficulty with any one who will d*.
cy that KHid ts the banner county in th*
matter of lunacy. We don't intend to
cram the CWrirr. It ssyst “Wa ventarn
the remark that a greater number of per-
eon* have been adjudged lunatic in Floyd
enauty during th* pMt three months, than
in any other ooanty in the State. Ttit*
may seem to be a broad assertion, but the
lunatics are ber* for themoeiv**."
Tna Koto* Courier make* th* following
observation i “*hm lb* new editor of the
Atlanta I W^lmwof square* himself for a
two column dtscor -on—which is nearly
every day—ha commence* away hack yon-
d*r, with Mo«ra or Noah, or *om# of th we
old fellow*. *orv*f* th* flood, dips Iota
Homan or th* Am*r-
iota Herolotlom a naaefng notio*. dwells a
little longer on Wiw*3ob, takes a look
into the Interior of Africa toaosr.owtb*
negro** there are c-tniog on, and wind* np
withGartrellor Stephens, ealogisingone
or the other a* may be«t fit the dfoeonrsive
reft ret o» - of kla editorial tome."
Tun writer of the 45 note* bear* in grate
ful reusembrane* tb* kind words nod good
oidnidh of hi* talented and patriotia fnswd
ol the Warrant on CUyftrr.
Oca Intrresting cuhaage, the Warren,
toneUpper, lurnl*h** oa the following
item*! A. D. D.1wigg»,ot Angorta. lode-
pendent cmulidate against Rcve, will
speak In Waneaton. Monday October Uth.
—Tbtre wore thirty aasawloo* to tba
Sweet Water ekarali aa tka result of Rev.
K. ft CaraweUV masting. Ute interesting
meeting at Long Greek, recoiled Iu twelve
ace estate.—Th* nominaikm of Cot A.
a Morgan, at Crawford villa last w*#fc, for
Democrat!* flenatet, from the nineteentlf
Henxtorial dlstrtet, was n higheompUmcnt,
who for three years had nut bad a move-
meat of the bowels without wnamas, I
prenrribed it. Within three day is in waa
able to return to ordinary fuud, and,
though t*Jo years have paued, aha has not
dawned epos n* vuii very naprumiauig
rr*«iu, bat tb* orgaafoed men deU rtmn, •
to rtana their ground, »n*txiM*i, a# they
tell they were, by tb* rigftt. Everything
moved so ■sarmoniou*i|’, though as
the besincM of Uu. oor.veutimj
l>rogrcs**d. with now and then a slight
says l’mfeestr P. W. Hunt, M. D.
For indoreaennota and opinions of lYo-
fresor C. I*. Hart, Surgeon In Chief Hau
ers! Hospital, LnuisvIUs, Ky.; J. J. You-
Un, M. D., Freakteot Board of Health and
Vital Stattetka, Jersey City, N. J.; Prof.
M. W. Nuxan, M. Dm New York City;
relied to have e rv guiar and normal avac
Wallen dally. A lady who hat fir years
suffered from nervous asthma, and who
hnd bang oompalbd to go up •tain slowly
and with frequent resu, found great re
lief from tie very first dree. A broker
who bad been subjected to excessive ner
vous strain, and was iu consequence nnn*
no 1 of counsel for the prosccuiioB is Bets
good ground fora new trial. It Insy be
doubted whether it is oemmary for tb* so.
lldlor-geweral to sign an indistaaet al
aU. Coda4«SH»*f ~j.
•J. A Principal in the second degree may
be utea b*fgra the principal in the first do.
grew is tried. The prisoner wm found
guilty m principal la tba second degree,
and it 1* not therefore of consequence, aa
to thi* point, that ha also was inotetai ae
State need not *!*et on which
count aa indict to* nt to try.
II. The jndgmeotof the oaort below as
n trior will not tie revtewad by this court.
Iff. The middle name of a jsror or the
initial ot it ta immaterial.
II. Evidence tendteg to show aa a mo.
live for tb* killing that ifswmssd knew of
ImU connecting 1 ruoti r with the larceny
of certain money wm ndmlssibte.
14. Relrvint ctmuaetxaeee though elight
are edmiasible, and evidence ae to rontaeC
and conversation* of prisoner shoo. Urn
time of th* homicide, tending to throw
light opoo it, are admiselbte
IX It 1* by no mean* certain that tba
mere so balance ot what a want** swore on
a committing trial, taken down in writing,
la better evidence than the recollection of a
competent wltaeee m to nhal be eaure.
bestdea the parol evtdenea admitted U aa
to tba statement mad* by dacexMri on n
charge of row stealing against defendant,
whim statement was made in deft ndant'e
nweenre and hearing. U would have bean
legal evidence if not under oath at alt, and
ooold have been proven by parol
14. The wife of an ocoompfio* way tea-
tify, the laene being the guilt or Innocence
of another man, and bar testimony bring
M to no ranfidertial rcmma&ieatlon.
17. Where dsceastd l *d charged defend,
aat with having onrtain money, the time
when sach mot *y w**hwt and the r inner
of Ha less, ta order to show that U hnd been
stolen, wm relevant, bnt to go Into n fall
trial of defendant for the larceny would
hare been to try another crime ana multi,
ply teanaa.
ft Where the court fully and eabetaat
llally cover* n chare* reiiret*', it Is not
necessary for the charge to ba given again
or In the exact language of th* request.
III. To a request to charge that “tba fast
that a person has been unlawfully killed
wtH not of itself corroborate the testimony
of the party who did the killing,
that another stood by aiding
atd abetting him;" U wm proper to add an
a qxiUflaaiton “but you are foathorind to
had suffered enough from fire* not to be
willing to tolerate delays in supplying Um
plana with an sbundaao* of water.
Tub Henatorial convention of Um tenth
district met in Albany, adopted th* two.
third* rule after mom contention, labored
throogh fifteen inWVcfoal ballots, and then
adjourned si or dir. Th* Lee nnd Worth
ih legation* “reomjmeadrd"* aptain J. M.
boost., and there the matter elands. It
w«* a hod day for Georgia Democracy
when Jo llrewn, ttolquitt, and Cat W«|*h
inaugurated the “recomumndoe" ImrineM
in ItW.
A norm, rtamlnation showa Umt
Grorgia ha* fewer liquor salmxia to the
t* q nlatiiiii thau ntiy other Mate in the
Utdon,Bu > ilh CnmUnacoming nest, liar,
relf for Oeorghl 1-CVfWtn h’nfrntnu.
While this t« crrttonly bitiertorthe so-
toon kewpera, it doeMit follow that Uirre is
lots drinking on the pvt of the people.
We do r ot know the fact* in Umea*e,W
it l* {«»«ibi* that two saloon k**p«r* in
Georgia may #*:1 at modi liquor aa three
turn, engaged in ttw same txislues*, tn
some other State. If Uo?rgia U more
t’ tuferaUt than the other State*, the way
to cvtnblbdi th* fnct is by‘thawing Hull
there is ires liquor oo&sunud by h*r |xj-
p'r, in pfoporttou to tbeir nnmbers,
Tuxax D a Chicago detective in Atlanta.
II* has probably come down to learn some
thing a boat the new crime of “soepldott,"
with a view to transplanting it to Chicago.
Ham is getting down to figure*, lie toys
"a square mile contain* si* hundred and
forty mite*." It U on Um principle jN-r-
hot**. Hist an old snake may oontoin many
little make*.
Tub Gainesville Koglr moo ms over
Judge Twiggs in the following style.
Hr nth-r Ham nuy n*i *inow it, bnt tbe tact
t« the saocers of Um Jodge in routiug the
Toccoa robbers has made him recktem.
Hays tb* Kngl*: “We are sorry the Jedge
h«# got bant tbe wrong way. Wo like the
Judge, and thit Im *houkl deliberately go
and place fata*41 where he will get stepped
on grieve* a*. Gfr only eooeoUlion is that
it la notour fault W* warned him again*
thi* folly weeks ago. and now that ba will
not take our f itheriy advice, w* coi.not
noeaced in m Jer, and tbe delegates wco
represr- ted Um Brinson faction, eleven in
aBT withdrew from th* ecavention and
nnfiriad hie name to toe brtez* to
he sepn otew. Tweoty flv* dete-
■alee remained tn the convention, and
t»r n unanimous vote of noclameitan
Dominated lor tnr next repraesaSotJrc*
H • | James Mtapteton and F. A.8ioq*.
by Brinson's frmnja, that* J^h^^Tvfsr
wwnM make the vacs with Judge brm-ja
M tatefendinti. but the *ma*l *how«l
Umt they reekoced widmat either chart or
annuis— Belt mid to his honor, that be
refused to be a participator in Um foal
wiring. And tt is 10 be hoped that Judge
ffirinsen. too, will *ee Um error ot hit way
Liebig Co.*s Cocoa Bref Tonic Is also
valuable Iu M*l*ri*« Fever sad Ague,
Chronic Cough*, Kidney Affections,
Asthma, lied Ureatb, Furnd Tongue,
Ki'tosln IrTPgulariif, I'alpkitlun and*
Wcakncm cf the Heart, ballow Bkin,
Scfofrtlous Erurtkms, lnfl*-» it tee of Old
Age, etc. Dr. McDean < l lUah Medical
JoHrmel) found Hot gre*i value iu the
cusumptlvc tendency, llaron Vou Hum
boldt (“Cosmos") says bo baa netar
known a esse of consumption or asthma
among those accustomed to Its use, ar.u
that they live to n «reat age, retaining
Hn-TBunx* A.—The ffenntotisl lonveu-
tiou tut ymterdsy nt Horiol • irrie ijr.d
r.ocs noted Ilou. L. V. laving ton. of New-
txacounty. 31 thi »iA9«lard besrvr of th*
Democratic party. Uoa. Dope betruv, of
Clark*-, w*s uotnicst.d brfor*anddcdm<id
to ron 1 think Livingston* will give gtu.
©rat saUsfaction. Dr. Htcwsrt. vt Itock-
dale. Is th* Inirpt-a '«ot «-andidat«.
The first Iml* of cotton was bruuxM in
by J. 8. lifter yretrrday. It w*iaii*d «.*0
pound* and wm bought by C. J. Nowell <k
Son for twelve «xuU.
a Hum In tbo victim* of that frarfbl habit.
or can this be eocwldered simply an ex
change of masters, since tbe unUohn testi
mony of even thorn who have used Cues
for a loog lime, and conUanously, is that
abstention from Its employment is per
fectly easy, and is net accompanied by any
feellup of distress or uneasiness whatever.
Tbe relations of Coca to acute diseases
are extremely Important. As a physician,
I wou'd not be without It under any con
sideration. Coca cairns and renders
placid. • • • That nervousm-re, in
many forms, and to n degree Im*
fora unknown in any coun
try, In bring develops:' In this land and
age In a melWKholy. fact to which tbe
eyes of American physicians are bring
MdJIjomK*. Our climate U ilium
1 aline, our katilta an ■Umulail.ifc tin
amnia tar caiatmc. la atlantal!nf, and
bnman nattua la n»« diino on „«rj
aMa. Ha, Mt Oats ba daaUMd In ba
lb. (ran* palliatira at thaw condition.,
and Um uiWul MMUInar ol notion
lm l bu.InrM
ttoratan, h.—T8« ooutcaUoo autlo
LoOroog. ivl Ta*-4ay lo aomtaate
oo.air otEcrn. T. C. C/vada*, K*>1
I .1 ...AW tt Uk.l 1 .. la.,,,^1
oonaty officers. T. C. CruaHuw, £*q., »f
LaGraage. • nd W. 11. Vt haUry.of Antu>ct.
were nomtimted for tbe Legislator*. Ttx?>
ear* both carat!# and influential man.
Joseph F. Pun, Independent candidate
Journals of all mmols."
The LlabtgCompany respectfully com
tloHM Hie public against spurious ami art-
lully named imitation. Ite sure to ask
f-w Liebig (Vi Coca Hewl T«mle, and
rememtwr that the L’eblg Compsny offer
no cA*v»|* f/oiMfo. Trey ofibr iiMliiiigbw.
low Um pure at which a» boo* **, reliable
article can be manufactured. Their prep
arations sure Indorsed and prescribed by
medical men and medical Journal* of all
schools both In Europe and America.
Tbc American Uomtoyalkic 06*cmr
“Tim Liebig Co.'* preparations should
not bo confounded with any patent non*
tram The, a» Inciilmt. ptunnarea-
(Icsl arodiicu, and worth, of Um mom-
mtodolioa, twrtawed upon Item b, boUi
hnMroMUik and allopatbtc jounmb.’’
!>., IVildaot Slat* Medical Hartal, of
llcorpo, Hambar Alhcnaa ilojal da
Oranllaa. Ac., ho, t.y.:
“Tte taaolu obutoed b, ma from lla
«a la mt wartlm an Indeed flaib-rin,.”
Tba J.mrut nf th. U.,ol dartrt, of
-11 ta nmarlnbl, that Um Doatb Amor-
wan Indiana (wear tuH-r 0am canaum^
Una, and Umt tbo canon at It It lb. no.
at Unco. Tb., alao narar aaflw wlUi
tcrofulo.1., >kln dlinam.or carta of Um
Mb. Tte, rrocb a v.r, old Of., and
ftMu-nU, moo ttelr lull nr tar,. Tba
ma of Coca la habitual lo about in mil-
■Iodi of buman balms,*
out,n* our wolbattnual
man f Onotiib Kino an raamlonol, In
onduranco bath of mind and hod,, I Innk
lo Coca aa Um pool pnoamr of life and
health In fumro pnorallouu
13, Uaxar Stoskt, Osuoklyx,
To-me Uuuu CuMi-aur.
Yn«t pn-paratlon of Uoa la tba hart 1
ha«ro crer aeau-
Vt. 8. SCAttLE, M. 0.
K0WIX M. UALB, M. U., t'rofrmar id
Materia Madia In Ite Cblcoco Medical
Colic*., author of Loci turn oa UlOMMaa
uftbu Heart, Ac^m^: •
Ibanaaad Coa with coodmultola
caw* of flueUoaat ban dtoordcr and Iu
onartla teart dlwaah and to nUaca diffi
cult, of bmallilu. h la alio todlcatad lu
that oouurttou which wa m often Dad la
woman and children, a bleb to brat da-
•crlbadb, the ward *ld(at(aaaa* or nan-
far tn. ltt»ortd.r«Domwiwortb,oraap-
port, aa a Democrat, who to not one ID
do*l and ta troth. Mr. HUiduu.'i
Mono trad, to uuuro the ot all
tte Imt-iwodaut oandidalart and woeeu-
not Isdono him in tt *
Tua fall,-win* Item- am rUlwrod from
the Catrto; It la found tl»i ite cotton era.
will t» .hort In thto .cctluo.—roddwfa
rotorted radio* is Um Dahto. Tuomnoh
art neuter to the nm Mr. IV. A.
Hmlth, who ItoM uu Uu rimr. Ml fn>M
canola he was firing writ, sad uvtnwt may
soon rsouitt.
Tbo fiextb* of the folloeln j narntxl per
sons are reported by tba Covington Inter.
r i: Mr. Tbomaa Oofi, Mr*, r*. M. Tfi
lm* Carrie Terrell, Mr*. 11. U. IIare
M, and Mrs. Aerie Henry.
TBn Newton county Dcmocratie nasi*
meeting wm not afraid to adopt a Vet of
Demaernein fs—lntlaai. Tke ecound aaJ
third reeoiaUona rend aa follow*: “Ra*
erivud 3<1, That nM fsatts or tetore of the
from the thirty-sixth •
Co*rur. tea,
“down to help
looks i ke old!
Ihn first reply Is ihsOfTs *or cocpa.
States esp'.onng exmdltlon ol tb* Ami-
son), snys: ‘T ho Coca bts properties so
marvelous that R enables tbs Indians,
without snjotbvr nourishment the while,
to preform toned marches nf fits or sis
days. It Is so bracing, stimulant and tonic
that by tbe net of It atone they will per
form Journey* of threw hundred mites
without appearing In tba least fatigued."
DR. WILN. bKAIILB. of Brooklyn,
New York, ssyji
“The cflsri of ths Com upon the
IccPoL Km*» htoaoUw anp-
'. AcM 1-ho.phM. I.r Ho
me* n*d thlldrc.
Hall, X,w, Jrt , u,n
MoooU, tmnd to of naltont
caa-a of itobllit,, km of appo-
a cooralMcoiic* from nhasat-
, an4 panimiwlj of onto In
of wwa.ti and children."
tinman ajrttam bordrta umt Um id ami-
one, and ir not clear), aotteirtlcatnl h,
wrttata of nsdnuhtod trarartt, would ba
abartKb* baraad belief "
Ptom K-'"ll UBAZPXLA, of tba
llojal UnlccrrHjrf tertH.,1.,.: “Coca
uemi lo prolan, life; lo«|itTii,, amon,
Um cief|tlus. Tte, an Otoa freer from
WWfMOS J. if VAX TgUllUf,
(“ lo Part,*), in,,: -rtottlns
wide all >xtrn,0(an’ and .toloaar, m>-
llcrv, 1 am clearly of tbe opinion u,.t the
uio nf Coen to 1 ver, con-
duclra to hralUi arid lac - rltr. lu nap-
i-.rt of tide roocJarton, I I.,y im
Klthcr II in. J
l»a| lo „l llvtu
be. r.iioa w
U.I loti ■. n ■ I It I
dal. Hr will
.cidrcr- rultlcl
m. Why makaltnq;-.«w
4 ronteet fWky not »ab-
vote nf the peopl*. and
ratio party undivided bp
rr-'itteatbyrir^Girtrillor J. larng.
it, I do not snow, but I do know that
iwritfeQlUri forth* ffesl iiirpotv ic-
U J. Hhouli he be na fsiUtfal in th©
f.vrtf© uf Us i.nicial dstim a* ka has
ptien* dirt 'ooumrr.AJit .• • r.
on* orcMifKi. The I><K-tt«
aging issrier* adrairvMy."
Ori. U. H. Jome i. Hi© Ii
dld*te t > p»p; MM-nt ih© fix
lariat diet riot tn iIk- wat
bij. agaibxt Dr. Thoms* I
fated ucr»iu**. Th© r«:ce v
fl of Atiiena Wil
*r.> —U,th\
illirit (l.xllltioi
•nil —W
, Dr. W ilii.igii
trok- of pxrHl,
a rrttlcnl <vxm:1
be t*M staodsrd
“Tb'’ Llr-Mg Co.'s Cora Ike-Tonic
s»rvjiarat!oii* bsvn Iren fully tcr.ed -qxl
lniiort©4 In jitfJj B may as lo guar-
autre Hu-lr purity ami reliability. Many
of lit# most rellscle piaotitlom'rs of medi-
ruin aud surgery, ami men lung -txperi-
enced, have gimi tbeir Indorse menu aud
results in tbrir precticc."
ihan i,7«k»p i;i..',*«.fibfjtraf. am! retained
rite tufist perfect health and *1 tor "
1 IrtaJ I-lsl'lg tJoT.'* tf*ca li*-©! Tonic,
In a number nl case* of chronic dyspepsia
irbere rite aaaimilstinn of fomi wm vary j
tlefewlv© and there wa* steady ioM ml
Wttiebt, Tlie reeuhs ubSained in ffll
weeks ware, Indsod, fl a! taring. Ou#fk
and rj*ll hi mu
9 *;q.ifi3d.‘i] lib
iv»or*© uf Die t rj
iu'it* bold nfttn
Berg* ia prvteet*
Mr*. Willw W. exon
('hr lit tea wuouui.
I m* Ailxiar A'rwa amt Adrrrliw
view of tba oMAn
the llon. IL G. Tmtrr, but it i« im(NM*ibie
mjBkOXfe of Iheo' tu «u>> eho riixl rruadi-
(fcJMTnS! protmbty (>«. 1 ’.•* ctldei.lly do
'hot xjiuv vl>m io do uo; who to m‘ruinate,
and tbrir notion on u«a« 1 tic**!*? will only
bS a strike in the dark.
iaate Morgan,