The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, January 06, 1911, Image 12

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LOCAL ITEMS. sor 6 doses of “666” will jure any case of Chills ami Fever. Price 25c. Col. J. J. Williams went to Reids nrille Tuesday to look after some legal t matters. >\V . 1). Oliver went tosavamiaii Tues day 'on a business trip, returning Wed nesday morning Mr. Bowen, of Macon, a brother of Mr. F. L. Bowen, came down Tuesday morning and spent a day or so. W. G. Tuten and family, of Nofden, came up Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mor ris. Mrs. Kennard and the children wen to Glennville and other points to spend a portion of the holidays, returning home Monday morning. The cold wave began to strike us Tuesday about two o’clock and with it came a cold rain. It was certainly dis agreeable weather for a day or so. Misses Venice Hussey and Geral dine Aaron, and Guyce Hussey, who have been in South Carolina for a week or more visiting relatives, are ex pected home to-day. Wanted —To rent a good two horse farm, two miles from Lyons, with out buildings AVi 11 let it go either on shares or for sure rent. Apply to T. J. Coursey for particulars. The restaurant next to the Oliver Hardware store, has been closed and we understand that it is to be used as a fancy grocery store. Mr. R. S. Wil son has the building rented. The public sales last Monday amounted to comparatively nothing, all the claims being settle before the time for the sales. Sheriff Thompson sold one blind mule that brought $4.50. R. T. Williams, who has been at home during the holidays, has gone back to his work with the A B. &. A. railroad. Bob has a fine position with the road and lie is being promoted very rapidly. Superior court comes the third week ir February and we understand that the docket will he heavy. We don’t know of very much criminal business hut. we hear that it will take the two weeks to clear the docket. We are to have the magician here at the Opera House this (Friday) evening and we are told that lie gives a tine show. He is reported to be one of the best in the country. Seats are now on sale at the Aar >n Drug Store. Grimes Brothers, the automobile ex perts, are here and they will begin the erection of their shop in a few days. They are going to do all kind of ma chine work as well as repairing automobiles, and they are expert niaehat.’ics. The merchants of Lyons are opening the new year with better prospects tnan ever. They are all in good shape, having had a fine business all the Fall, and they are ordering goods that will sell. The trading point for this entire section is Lyons and the people of the county know it. One or two of the capitalists who are o supply the funds for the completion of the W. A. A L. railroad are already arranging to boy property along the road. The capitalists want several tiiousard acres and they don’t want it for nothing This little matter means something for the road. Prof. Monts tells ns that so many new scholais are coming to the school that he is having trouble to place them. The rooms are quite full but he is try ing to make room for all who want to come. He lias over 200 on the roll at present and he expects at least fifty more. Our sehooMiascertainly grown in the last year W e hear that the Grimes Brothers, of Claxton, are tearing down their automobile repair shop and garage preparatory to moving it to Lyons. We understand they have rented the lot next to the Morris market front Dr. Aaron and they are going to put up a neat shop. The boys are both experts and we believe they will do well. Ex-School Commissioner Corbitt, who skipped the ranch some months ! | ago. must have gone to Mexico to join ; the insurgents. He did a little uncrat ing under a fake name at El Paso a week or so ago, a lawyer in that city having cashed a draft for SSO for him that was bogus. Some of the people in this section would like to see him. We sympathize deeply with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jackson in the loss of their infant. I'iie little one died Sunday and was buried in Oh on pep Monday. It was only a few weeks old, but it was dear to the mother and father. The consolation we can offer is the words of our Saviour, “suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven ” Alexander A Alsup received another car load of tine tnules Tuesday morn ing. I f this car load of mules is sold it will mean that about 300 mules have been sold on the Lyons market since October Ist, 1910, and aside from this <]tiite a number of fine horses have been sold here also. Figure this out at an average of over sjso per mule and v will set’ iltat a good crop must be xuade during the coining season. New Pensions tor Toombs County People The following widows of Confeder ate Veterans, who made application for pensions under the act of 1910, have had their claims approved and they will receive the money in Febru ary : Mrs. J A. Anderson, Mrs Mary I). Gray. Mrs. Mary McLain, Mrs. Mar tha Vaughn and Mrs. Mary J. Smith. The following indigent soldiers had their claims approved for 1911 also and they will receive their pensions about the same time: John Stripling, VV. 11. Burke, Geo. C. Fouche, C. J. Roberts, . O. O. Latimer and T. A, Young. Approved claims under the new pen sion law for 1911 are as follows: A. H. Hardy, Cicero Ferry, VV. T. Lake. Da vid Williams, E. S. Warrock, M. Her rington, J. B. Jewell, L. S. Feel and M. M. Mosely. Several claims were made that were disapproved and those who made the claims that do not see their names a bove will know their claims were not allowed. This is a new list added to the regu lar pensioners of the county and Judge Mason thinks that all the money to pay the pensions will be received early in February. Card of Thanks. I desire in this manner to thank my good neighbors and the good friend? I have in Lyons as well, for the assis tance and attention they gave me dur ing the sickness and after the demise of my late wife. The people were all good to both of us, gave us every at tention that we could expect and I will ever feel greatful to them. The illness of my good wife covered many months and during the time she never lacked attention. It gives me pleasure to say this of my good friends and neighbors and when their time comes ihey will meet one on higu that will also show the same appreciation that I am expressing here in this article. With best wishes, I am, Very truly, A. M. Bedenbaugh. Lyons, Jan. 3rd, 1911. Dr. John Meadows, in the Advance last week, came out favoring County Commissioners for Toombs county and a bond issue. We are not going to take issue witli Dr. John on this question because we want bonds for good roads. We can’t favor county commissioners, however, because we were once strung in the same place that Dr. John said he had been strung. If the people want them though, we are going to lay quiet this time. Let us have good roads un der any circumstance. Don’t forget the mass meeting at the Court House next Saturday. Judge Mason is anxious that a large attend ance be the result as he wants to have some one talk fur and against the bond issue An expression from the people is necessary at this time and we be lieve it will be iii favor of the bond if tiie people understand the question as it is. It is now Clerk of the Court Hagan, Collector Thompson, and will soon be County School Commissioner Brantly The latter has not made his bond yet but he is expecting it every day. He is taking some interest in the work, how ever, and he is going to lie a good man. The other officers are the same as they have been for the last few years. $25.00 Reward. I will pay the above reward for the arrest with evidence to convict the party or parties who broke open and burglarized my old home place at some time since Nov. Ist, 1910. Among other things that were taken was an old cap and ball rifle that was a relict. Any information will be gladly appreciated. K. B McLeod. Lyons. Ga. Notice. 1 wish to announce to my friends and the public generally that I am pre pared to administer sum no form gas for the painless extraction of teeth and all other painful operations about the mouth that have caused the people to live in dread of the Dental chair. Yours Truly, J. Q. Clifton. The jury list for the February term of Superior Cohrt will be found in an- j other column this week, and judging! j front the list the jurors are ail right. Miss Wilhelmei.iu Distel came home for the holidays but she has returned to Milltdgeville to resume her studies. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: To all whom it may concern: .I,l’ McLeod having mode application to me in due form of law to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Geo. VV. McLeod, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordinary for the said county to be held on the Ist Monday in Febru ary, l«ll Witness my hand and otticial signa ture this 2nd day of January. 1911. G. T. Mason. Ordinary Toombs County. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Whereas Hiram and L. E. Clifton, adminis trators upon the estate of the late Peter Clif ton, represent to the court in their petition duly tiled and entered on record that they have fully administered the estate of the late Peter Clifton, this is to cite all persons con cerned. kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why Said administrators should not he discharged from their adminis tration and receive letters of dismission on the Ist Monday in February. 1911 This January 2nd. 1911. J G. T. Mason. Ordinary. THE LVONs rKOOfUss, JANUARY « lull. WE ARE IN THE Real Estate BUSINESS. Ist. For the Benefit of Lyons. 2nd. For the benefit of Toombs County. 3rd. For the benefit of ourselves If you wish to buy a nice Lot in Lyons, either to improve or for investment, call on us. If you wish to sell your house or your Lyons property, then come to see us anyhow', because Mr. wants to buy it If you wish to buy a farm in Toombs County, let us show you what we have. We have newcomers in our office every day, wishing to purchase land in Toombs Count}’. So if you wish to sell your farm or lands, then list it with us. Williams Realty Co. Toombs County Bank Bldg., Lyons, Ga. Land Sale I Toombs County, Georgia. AUCTION! About 6,000 Acres Subdivided into Small Farms. Best class of South Georgia farm land, red pebble surface, clay foundation, in healthy dis trict, with 10.000.000 feet(estimated)virgin long leaf pine, near the towns of Lyons and Vidalia, and near S. A. L. Ry„ G. & F. Ky.. W, A. & L. Ry.. with survey for another rairoad running through it. Good roads with R. F. D., and good drinking waler abundant. Schools and church es easily accessible. This land subdivided into farms of 25 acres and upwards will be sold at auction at Vidalia. Ga.. beginning at 11 o'clock a. tn. Jan.. 24th. 1911. Rare Opportunity To acquire homes and good land. Payments part cash, balance on easy terms. A careful investigation will pay you. For fur ther information, write WILLIAM L. CLAY, SAVANNAH. GA. Notice of Bond Election. GEORGIA —Toombs County: To the qualified voters of said county: No tice is hereby given that an election will be held in said county at the different polling pre cincts on Wednesday, the Nth day of February, 1911. to determine whether or not said county shall issue its bonds in the aggregate amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), principal, for the purpose of building and re pairing the roads and bridges in said county. Said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum from the date of issue, and to be of the denomination of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each. Said bonds to be issued and sold in lots of fifty or $50,000 each. The first one hundred bonds, or SIOO,OOO. to be come due and payable twenty (20) years from the date of issue. second 100 bonds, or SIOO,OOO. to become due and payable thirty (30) years from the date of issue. A sinking fund for the purpose of paying all bonds to be created by a tax levy sufficient to yield $5,000.00 per annum; said sinkiug fund to be placed at interest, and the interest accrue ing thereon to be used to extmgdish part of the bonds maturing in 30 years. The voters in this election give the Ordinary or whoever has the issuing of the bonds in charge, the right to issue them as the money is needed for the work carried on. aad if the full amount should not be needed the re mainder to be cancelled. The interest on the bonds issued to become due and payable on the first day of February of each year. Those desiring to vote in favor of issuing said bonds will do so by casting ballots having written or printed thereon the words “For Bonds." and those desiring to vote against the issuing of said bonds will do so by casting bal lots having written or printed thereon the words "Against Bonds." Ordered in open court this the sth day of December, 1910. G. T. Mason, Ordinary Toombs County. Ga. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Nellie Corbin v> A. Corbin—Libel for di vorce in Toombs Superior Court—February Term. 1911.—T0 the Sheriff of said county, greeting: The defendant. A. C orbin, is hereby cited and required, personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the third Mon day in February. 1911, then and there to make answer or defensive allegation, in writing, to the plaintiff's libel, as in default thereof the Court will proceed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Witness the Hon. B. T Rawlings. Judge of said Court, this 28th day of November. 1910. D. T Gib&s. Clerk Superior Court Toombs County. L. J. Cowart. Palintiff's Attorney. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Della Melntire vs. Will Mclntire.— Libel for Divorce in Toombs Superior Court, Feb ruary Term. 1911. To the Sheriff of said County. Greeting: The defendant, Will Melntire. is hereby , cited and required, personally or by attorney. . to be and appear at the Superior Court, to be . held in and for said county on the third Mon- , day in February. 1911. then and there to make , answer or defensive allegation, in writing, to . the plaintiff's libel, as in default thereof the . Court will proceed according to the statute , in such cases made and provided. Witness the Hon B. T. Rawlings, Judge of said Court, this the 30th dav of Nov.. 1910. D. T. Gibbs. Clerk Toombs Superior Court. Williams & Williams, ( Pla’ntifT’s Attorneys. 1 CHARLES NEVILLE, Accountant and Auditor. TELEPHONE 2055. 212-213 National Bank Building, - SAVANNAH, GA. SYSTEMS INSTALLED. ACCOUNTS VERIFIED. WE ARE NOW SELLING THE Jackson C. Smith Barnesville Buggies We have these Buggies in all the leading Styles and Gears. We also handle the best grade of Wagons, Harness and Wire Fencing. It will pay you to see us before you buy. A. S. ODOM & CO. AT DIX OLD STAND. :: Money! Money! Money! ;; I! \\T DAVE 111 our possession several thousand dollars '■ Ww to lend on improved farm lands. This money was :: mm placed with us by a party who only wants the inter- T !! est. We guarantee that the money will not cost you “ over eight per cent., including inspection fee of the farm !! and examining the title. We inspect the farm and examine ” !! the title, hence there is no delay in closing the loan. Make .. your application to-day if you want money, and we will in- !! ” spect it to-morrow, examine the title the next day, and give j* ;• you the money on the third day. We can lend you any .. amount from S3OO up to as large amount as you like. Give !! ” you five years to pay same if you so desire, or you can pay j* •• off loan sooner, in whole or m part, if you like, before it .. becomes due, and interest will stop on amount paid. Why !! tvsk your neighbor to endorse for you and pay more than 8 ” per cent, for money at banks when we can give you a better rate of interest and a longer time? We lend money cheaper !! than any loan company in Toombs or adjoining counties, ” ;; and we ask that you compare their rates with ours. •• We make loans every day. Why not make you one? !! !! We perfect your title, which is worth money to you. We j* " obtained this money so we could close the loan quickly and .. would not have to wait to have same passed on by a loan !! ” inspector. If you want money, write or come to see us. ” LYONS LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO., - ** • • * Aaron Building, Lyons. Ga. \\ H. L. Lankford, Mgr. G. W. Lankford, Att’y. •• 1 I t I ; I' l I-H-t-I-I -I-I-L-H-i-i-L-I-I-I- I -I-l-d-I-L-H ' THE DRUG STORiF] WHRE IT PAYS TO BUY! <» ° O Come and Look Over Our Line. j r; Always Something New! !! o i o Special line of Soap 3, Powders, Perfumes and Toilet J! !;; Articles, which we are offering at a price that would pay !! ! ■ 1 vou to come and look over before buv*insr. ! < > - O < * j <; We carry a line of Drugs that can only be had from j first-class Drug Stores. j; i;; We solicit your patronage, and guarantee our goods. !! ;; We are always offering goods that help you as well as our- !! <i selves. <> o < ► New Lyons Pharmacy, jj ;; The Old Express Office Stand, !! M *»* t ...... .. t f ( t 1 ! Horses Real Cheap! j ♦ 20 Head of Fine New :• * Mexico horses to be :: ■; offered in Lyons on :: i Friday and Saturday JANUARY 6 AND 7, 191 1. -► «► !! Wait, and buy a good Horse Cheap. !► J! Prices range from SBS to $l5O. ;; T. W. HOLLAND, i! < ► < ► ++++++++•••••++**+••• »♦ Job Printing at the Progress Office