The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, January 06, 1911, Image 4

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Saves Two Lives. “Neither my eisaer nor mveelf might be living to-day if it had not been for Dr. King’s New Dis covery, 5 ' writes AD. McDonald of i Fayetreville, N. C . R. F. I). No 8, “for both had frightful coughs that no other remedy could help. We were told my sister had con- j sumption. She was very weak and had night sweats, but your wonder ful medicine completely cured us both. It’s the best 1 ever used or heard of.” For sore lungs, cougns. colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asth ma, hay fever, croup, or whocping cough—all bronchial troubles—it is supreme. Trial bottle free. SOC and sl. Guaranteed by Brown- Odom Drug Co. The fight to dissolve the Sugar Trust has begun. It ought to get Oerce about the time the next Presidental election is held, but at the present time the Govern ment has undertaken to dissolve it in a glass of water. Old Soldier Tortnred. “For years I suffered unspeak able torture from indigestion, con stipation and Uver troubles,” wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., “but Kr. King’s Nrw Life Pills fixed me all right. They are simply great.” Try them for any stomach, liver or for kidney trouble. Only 25c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. The Louisville Courier Journal demand fora “more populous Kentucky” might be met, in a measure, by retiring a few guns from active service, and a little Sunday school work in Breathitt county. The busiest and mightiest little thfng that ever was made is Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They do the work whenever you requsre their aid. These tab lets change weakness to strength, listlessnes inin energy, gloominess into joyousness. Their action is so gentle one don’t realize they have taken a purgative. Sold by all dealers. THe EMPIRE STORE < IS READY WITH MANY ATTRACTIONS! Why Not Send Us Your Mail Orders? ** 4,0 receives same prompt and careful attention J -t -1 lions ITo. 20 in OTsscl of ninary. ;- ' j :: New Goods Arriving Every Day. We Bought in Large Lots at the Lowest Prices, and we are j; i: Selling the same way. A glorions chance for economy is presented here. •: : ■ "" ♦ * Lovely Fall Dr ss Goods, in Wash Materials. Ladies! f ° i ; ;; If you wish a useful, serviceable dress for early Those who wish a Hat for early Fall wear, can - Fall wear, don’t forget to see our New Ginghams, find a splendid line of the Latest Models here. Our ” <• Percales, buitings, Galateas, Oxfords and other ma- designer can certainly please you, and we invite you >« terials. Just the thing for children's School dresses to call and inspect the latest and best in Millinery ‘‘ | :: Gents’ Clothing. Big Clean up Sale of Wash Goods—Linens. il j Big shipment of full and winter Tailored Suits, We still have an assortment of Wash Goods and - ;; ;; iu attractive models, just received. The new 1910-11 Linens that we must dispose of to make room for- \[ ;; Coat and Shirt effects, fashion decrees, will be rep- the New Fall and Winter Goods. We have priced - ’; resented in great variety. every piece to insure quick sale. !! Watch our new windows* They will contain the swellest articles in wear ;; ing apparel for Men and Women. Remember that our Prices are always right, our ; ;; reductions are genuine, and that original prices are as low as the special ones at ;; J ;; some other places. ;; Phone 20 for Dry Goods. Fine Shoes, Hats, Gents’ Furnishings Our Specialties- : : | 1 j? THE EMPIRE STORE, . j OLI> BROWN CORNER. LYOI £ GA. / Skin Affections, Whether on Infant or Grown Per son, Cured by Zemo and Soap. An Unusual Offer. The Brown-Odom Drug Srore 1 says to every person, be it man, woman or child, who has an irri tated, tender or itching skin, to come to our store and procure a bottle of Zemo and a cake of Zemo soap, and if you are not entirely satisfied with results, come back and get vour money. So confident are we of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this unusual offer. Zemo is a clear liquid for external use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption. Zemo and Zemo soap are the most economical as well as the clcanost and most ef fective treatment for affections of the skin, whether on infant or on grown person. The anti-Diaz newspapers in Mexico are being suppressed as fast as they turn up. Theres noth ing so important to the old man now a6 having unanimous support of the press. Deoth In Roaring Fire May not result from the work of fire-bugs, bat often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, for wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues inflammation, it kills the pain, it soothes and deals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. It cost the New York Democra tic State Committee $328,870 to elect the State ticket. Gee, when was so much ever got before for so small an outlay. Have you a weak throat? If so, you can not be too car-ful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each ccld makes you more liable to another, and the last is always the harder to cure. It you will take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at the outset yen will be saved much trouble. Sold by all dealers. THE LYONS PROGRESS, JANUARY G. 1; 11. ♦% f I Groceries J A T f f t ❖ f ♦♦♦ «$► HEADQUARTERS!! t I -1 | Everything GOOD f ♦♦♦ Y ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦> —at the— V I: | t PARLOR GROCERY, % i ± Y T JL see for yourself. Y f t f Y T R. S. WILLSON, Mgr. I ? . 1 Lyons Propss==Besl Advertising Medium, ■— la