The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, January 13, 1911, Image 10

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Perhaps you have never given much con -•iteration to their purchase, but think for a minute of the long days the little ones must spend in using them, and how muh pleasure and -satisfaction it means if everything is just like they want it. Something that does not suit is a keen dis oppointment, and now is the time that your children are forming 'fcaljits and ideaß that will have a great influence on their futures. Failure to equip them with the proper supplies is an actual Ihamdicap. We have taken all of these features into consideration in buying our school supplies, and the children will receive the same prices, if they come alone, as you do. Brown = Odom Drug: Co. LTOITS, G-.A.. T ?lepfiGnes f j Enhance Che Land E • A telephone on the Farm not only jjj }■ means convenience and comfort for the | user, but it adds value to the land and will I dj enable you to sell your land to a better ad | vantage. Telephone service on the Farm J can be had at very low cost. Write for our free booklet. Address « 1 Farmers Line Department i C r—n DELL TELEPHONE fflik{% ‘ -D TELEGRAPH COMPANY S 9 South Fryor St., Atlanta, Ga. Seaboard Air Line SCHEDULE. Vave Lyons—6 28 a. m. ) 5.40 p. m. \ For Savannah, Ga., and Points Beyond. 10 00 a. m. ( For Helena, Cordele, Americus, Mont -7.50 p. m. \ gomery, and points beyond. For information and reservations, call on nearest Ticket Agent, •Seaboard Air Line, or write R. H. Stansell, A. G. P. A., x B. Ryan. G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. Savannah, Ga. *———» mmm ———— TAYLOR SAW MILLS LEAD] ! Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, None Getter V r Huy Macon Made Machinery and avoid \ U cmccaairc Vreifthta and loud wail, lor Repairs and G* soune Engines Portable & Stationary Boilers Complete Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits himp*. T»nAi, Towers. Boofiog, Acetylene liebtino Pleats EVERYTHING IN MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES Ip MfiLUmif MACHINERY CO., ~~ !HF l.y.t.SS PROGRESS, JANUARY ill li 11. What Is Lost By Burning The Cotton Stalks Hr. B. \V. Kilgore, Stale Chem ist of North Carolina, states that: Ihe roots stems, bolls and leaves corresponding to (or which pro duce) five hundred pounds of lint cotton, are around 8,145 pound--, or more than one and one half tons, containing 17.7 pounds of nitro gen, 26.5 pounds of phosphoric acid, 50.3 pounds of potash, and 59.8 pounds of lime; or the equiv alent of five tons of good manure. ” These figures are the result of actual weighing and analyzing, and not guess-work. North Carolina, or the part of it where these tests were made, is pretty well toward the northern limit of the Cotton Belt and the proportion of roots, stems, and leaves, to lint produced, is smaller than in more southern portions of the Cotton Belt. Hence it would seem quite probable that the fig ures obtained in North Carolina are under, rather than over, in the average Cotton Belt. If this be true, and we have no reason to doubt it, the acre of land which produces a 500-pound bale of cot ton also produces, on an average, approximately one and on&-half tons of humus-forming material which is destroyed when the stalks are burned. This is the greatest need of our southern soils, even the supposedly rich Mississippi Delta soils showing large increase in crops from the addition of hum us-forming materials In addition of this, keeping in mind that the uext greatest need of Southern soils is nitrogen, it must not be forgotten that when the stalks which produce 500 pounds of lint are burned, there is a complete loss of 67.7 pounds of nitrogen, which at 18 cents a pound is worth $12.18. Fire, has ever been the bane of Southern agriculture, and every scientific fact and all intelligent experience dictates that it must cease, We must use the impli ments and team force necessary to plow under all the vegetable mat ter that can not be used for feed ing live stock ; for without humus, Southern 3'uls are poor,while with it, they will produce most abund antly.— Progressive Farmer. Mrs. Kieker—Now will you re member everything, John? Kick er—Yep, I’m to turn the flowers out at night and sprinkle the cat. —Harper’s. The sunflower is grown in Rus sia to a considerable extent, the amount of seed crushed amount ing to usually over half a million tons. The world’s output of copper last year was nearl *- one hundred thousand tons greater than the year before. ' REGISTERED. x The Origin of Royster Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers- I F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY. I I FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO, N. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. SPARTANBURG, S. C. MACON, GA. COLUMBUS, GA. MONTGOMERY, ALA. BALTIMORE, MO. [ ** ' ‘ < . .-4 S. « •* f'"" : i We Lead, Others Follow, j T A motto with a meaning, and if the ♦ buyer will call we will explain the !! > Ill' cilj Uig. 4 , 1 FRESH ORUCSand PATEMT MEDICINES j: o 0 A line full and complete, and the <► prices are in line with the times. No !► great profits are asked. Bring your prescriptions and try us. I TOILET AIITICI.ES, RUBBER GOODS, PERFUMES f !! The very best offered anywhere. If ” you haven’t looked over the line, you ■ > <► should do so. i: 0 :: Stationery, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. - o As well as everything else for the writer ;; ; ’ or the smoker. Ours is a complete <► drug store, and we ask a share of the [1 trade. ii THE 1. E. AIRON MIC COMPANV. i: 4 ► *., * * LYONS, GA. L^ ftftM|J|r M) Jt||f|||||||||| , M1 11. WOOD, Manager , , ' I THE SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE !! Near Beer and All Prohibition Drinks ♦ Will be glad to serve all my old !! ;; - friends and will fill all orders . - sent by mail promptly. 1! Call and See Me When in the City. I H. WOOD, j o 814 and 810 West Broad Street, ”, «> (Between Both Depots) SAVANNAH, GA. L i*. <> DAVID WEITZ. r Successor to B. Weitz, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS, TOBACCOS CIGARS, ETC. 407 West Broad Street, SAVANNAH, GA. P. O. Bex -42. One block from Union Station, Make our place your headquarters while in the citv.