The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, January 20, 1911, Image 12

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LOCAL ITEMS. sor 6 floftt** of “660” will cure any i»«e of Chill* and Fever. Price 25c. Mr. Z. P. Williams has gone down in l twyan county to look after hi* turpen \sS«* x ' r*l*ce. Mrs/F.A. Middleton, of Pearson, Ga., iis here t*his week visiting her daughter 'Mrs. II L Dasher. V. M. Bmith went to Dublin Wednes on a short business trip, returning 4Mi the afternoon train. Mr. Dasher and his little girl went :io Claxton Sunday to spend the day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mozingo, of Mcßae, is in the «eity spending several days with her pa roots. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Gray. Judge Mason and J. P. Collins went &o Savannah Tuesday morning on a short business trip, returning on the •evening train. Our pleasing old friend, W. R. Lil •liott, the timber buyer from down on ihe Altamaha river, was in the city *ne day this week. Mr. J. V. Upchurch and his sister, Miss Carrie, of Henry county, are in sthe city for a few days visiting their lister, Mrs. A. S. Odom. Cashier China, of the Toombs Coun ty Bank went to Savannah Thursday morning to spend the day. It was a legal holiday and both the Lyons banks were closed. John I). Howell and Austus Mosely Stxve purchased the New Lyons Phar macy from Z. P. Williams. Dr. Mose ley will be manager and we wish the young men success. Attend the meetings at the Metho *dist church They are instructive and they are doing good. The preaching as the kind that is needed in this sec tion and Rev. Cowan should be given ■earnest attention. J. Perry Brown went to Atlanta last -week and brought back a car load of iSne farm mules lie bought them for ftifl own farms hut the people would «ot let him keep them, so he will have eo go back soon and get more. The Governor has notified the pen sion commissioner that the money to pay the pensions can now be drawn out of the treasury. The lists are not complete, however, and it will be sev eral days yet before the money will come. The County Union meeting at the •court house last Saturday had the larg attendance of any meeting in the iwKtory of the organization. The farm ers. are now taking great interest in nion matters and it is going to be a good thing for them. Airs. W. L Jones has taken the fcottse tiext to tne Progress office and will be ready to take a few board •rrs, in a very few days. Mrs. Jones has fesul experience in conducting a hoard ing honse and we see no reason why ■slit* should not do well. While Odom & Coursey have sold out ®heir mercantile business they have wit yet dissolved co-partnership. They s*r«* agents for the celebrated Paige wire fencing and they will keep a ■stock on hand to supply the trade. See either of them if you want wire that is a wire. V.x-Sheriff W. B. Lyens and his son, Archie, who have been tried several times for killing M. Flemming Smith, a young druggist at Jesup in 1908, were at last declared “not guilty” by a Crisp county jury Tuesday. The ver dict was a surprise to the entire «ounty. Rev. Cowan’s sermon to men last Sunday afternoon was a gem of thought and the church war comfortably filled on the occasion. He is proving to be a aoble worker in the vineyard of the f.ord and we are glad to say that our people are giving him their earnest attention. Mr. George Me Bride and Mrs. W.A. McNutt went to Ailey Tuesday to visit Mr. James McNatt, who is in a serious condition. Mrs. McNatt returned rsoine Wednesday. We are sorry to hicar that Mr. McNatt is not improving and we hope that a change for the better will take place soon. Agents Wanted—We want represent atives on every rural routeand in •aver little village of Georgia to take •Kobscriptions for the Georgia-Caro- Una Agriculturist and Weekly Chroni cle. NVe pay liberal commissions. Write for particulars to Circulating Mana- TheGeorgla-Carloina Agriculturist at I Weekly Chronicle, Augasta, Geor -2 % _____ 1 First National Bank The stockholders of the above nam ed instuiion met Monday, elected a board of director* and went over the business for the past year It was a splendid meeting and a great majority of the stock was represented. The Board of Directors elected were as fol lows: i. Q. 'Ccleman, ri. F. Howell, W. P. C. Smith, T. J. Coursey, L. O. Benton, ,T J. Parrish and B B. New ton. The officers elected to serve the Bank for the next twelve months wereasfol lows: L. 0. Benton. President, T. J. Coursey. Vice-President, R. P. Sweat, Cashier, H. M. McQueen, Assistant Cashier. Every man elected will he a worker for the bank and they are men that are identified with Lyons, have interests in common with our people and they belong to the progressive class. The First National is an instutiton that we can feel proud of, and it is growing in popular favor every day. The report published in another col umn to-day will show its standing and its strength. As Cashier of the instutition Mr. Sweat has been a success. He is strict ly business and he is well up on bank ing. He is at all times courteous to the Bank’s patrons and as a consequence he is popular. Henry McQueen, the newly elected Assistant Cashier, has been with the instutition for several years as book keeper. He is a splendid young man and we are proud that he was given the promqtion. Lyons feels proud of both her bank ing instutitions and the people throughout the country tributary to our little city have shown that they are with us. They come here and do their banking business because we have institutions that will bear the closest investigation. Let them continue to come so that our banking institutions will continue to grow. Announcements for Altamaha Charge. Services on the Altamaha charge for 1911 will be held at the following places on the dates and at the time herein mentioned: Mt Moriah —Ist Sunday and Satur day before at 11 o’clock a. m., each day, sun time. Pearson —2nd Sunday and Saturday before at 11 o’clock a. m., each day, sun time. Cedar Grove —3rd Sunday and Satur dey before at 11 o’clock a. m., each day. sun time. Marvin —4th Sunday and Saturday before at 11 o’clock each day, sun time. Oak Grove —Every Ist Sunday at 3 o’clock p m , sun time, and every sth Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. If you wain to hear me be on hand the day and hour appointed. Every body invited to these services. In His name, C. C. Lowe, P- C.. Altamaha Charge. Elza, Jan 14, 1911. Henry Stanley is again in the mesh es of law, having been arrested this week by Sheriff Thompson under a charge if house breaking. Henry had just finished serving a term on the gang and some people thought he was going to do better. He couldn’t resist the temptation, however, and if we guess right he won’t get out so easy this time. Messrs. F. M. and \V. P. C. Smith j went to Uvalda last Sunday on a short | pleasure trip They went down in a ; machine and made the run in very quick time. No. 79*9. Report of the Condition of The First National Bank of Lyons At Lyons, in the State of Georgia, i At the close of business Jan. 7. 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 464.007.06 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 1.165.64 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Premiums on t T . S. bonds 500.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 5,210.52 j Due from National banks (not re serve agents) 4f>00.00 Due from State and private | banks and bankers, trust companies & savings bks 13.923.84 I Due from approved reserve agents 2.114.52 Checks & other cash items 6,980. 18 Notes of other National banks.... 1,600.00 Fractional paper currency. nickels and cents 6.05 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz.: / i Specie 4.271.00 Legal-tender notes 1,000.00 Redemption fund with U.S. Treas. (5 per ct. of circu lation) 1,250.00 31.645.59 Total $127,528.83 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus fund 5,000,00 Undivided profits, less current ex penses and taxes paid 2,010.66 National bank notes outstanding 25.000.00 Dividends unpaid 296.00 Individual deposits subject to Check $53,316.80 Time certificate of deposit 16.218.89 Cashier’s ch'ks outstanding 686.48 70,222.17 Total $127,526.83 State of Georgia. County of Toombs, ss: I, It. P. Sweat, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. P. sweat. Cashier. Correct—Attest T. J. Coursey, W. P. C. Smith, T. J. l’arrisb. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of January. 1911. C A. Rcx.ehs, I Notary Public and Ex-Officio J. P. i I THE LYON a JANUARY 2V Nil SHERIFF’S SALES GEORGIA—Toombs County. Will be sold, on the First Tuesday in Febru ary next, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described property. to-wit : A tract of land situate, lying and being in the 39th dist. G. M of said Toombs county, con taining 65 acres more or less naff bounded north by Harley lands, east by lands of Adam son, south and west by lands of Florida Huff. | Levied upon as the property of P. H. Mullin | under a justice court rt. fa. issued from the justice court of the 39th dist. G. M. of Toombs county in favor of The Blackshear Manufac turing Co., and against P. H. Mullin. Also at the same time and place 250 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the 1192 d dist. G. M. of said Toombs county, and bounded as follows: Fast by lands of Jas. Wilks, south by lands of Hartridge Harper, west by Pendleton crek and north by lands Os defendant, A S. Moseley. Said lands levied upon as the property of A. S. Moseley and pointed out by him, to satisfy nine justice court fl. fas. issued from the justice court of the 1536th dist. G. M. of said county, ali in fa vor of Armour & Co., for use of W. C. Oliver i & Son against A. S. Moseley. Also at the same time and place one hun dred acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the 51st dis. G. M. of said Toombs county, and bounded north by lands of James Odom, east by lands of A. F. Odom and B. C. Thompson, south by lands of S. Reese, and west by lands of Mrs. Nathan Durden. Levied upon as the property of M. N. Fountain, and found in his possession, to satisfy an execu tion issued from the Superior Court of Toombs county in favor of Jas. McNatt and against VV. D. Todd. M. N. Fountain. A P. & C. M. Thomp son, T. Thompson and B. C. Thompson. Also at the same time and place one bay mare mule about six years old named May. and one black horse mule about 5 years old named Jack; also one iron-gray horse mule about 5 years old named Joe. all levied upon as the property of A. S. Moseley to satisfy a mortgage ti fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of Dunn Bros. & Co. and against A. S Moseley. Also at the same time and place one black mare mule weighing about 100 U pounds, named Minnie, about 6 years old, and one sorrel mare mule about nine years old und weighing about 1000 pounds, named Emma. and one dark bay mare mule about ten years old and weighing about 900 pounds, named Pet; all levied upon as the property of J. F. McSwain to satisfy a mortgage tl. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of James McNatt and against J. F McSwain. Also at the same time and place one dark bay mare mule about 11 years old and weighing about 1000 pounds named Pet. Levied upon as the property of G. T. Grimsley and found in his possession, to satisfy a mortgage ti. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of James McNatt and against G. T. Grimsley. Also at the same time and place one black mare mule about six years old named Mat. and another black mare mule about six years old named Emma, eaeh mule weighing about 1000 pounds; one black horse mule named Mike, about seven years old. and one red mare mule named Queen, about ten yeyrs old; also an other black mare mule. Levied upon as the property of J. A. Beasley, and found in his pos session. to satisfy a mortgage H. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of James McNatt and against J. A. Beasley. Also at the same time and place lot No. 3 in block No. 18. according to survey made in the city of Vidaiia. 51st district G. M. of said county, by J. K. Carr, and recorded in deed record book No. I. page 588, on file in the clerk's office in Lyons; said lot having a front of 70 feet on Center street and running back 150 feet to an alley. Levied upon as the prop erty of E. M. Beasley to satisfy a county court fi. fa. issued from the county court ot Bryan county in favor of McElwaine, Knight & Co., and against J. B Moyd. maker. Beasley & La nier and C. C. Moyd, endorsers. Also at the same time and place the follow ing persona’, property, to-wit: One roll-topdesk. one sale, one stapleing machine, one table. 1 typewriter desk, one show-ease, one paper cutter, three job presses, one cylinder press, four type stones, five case stands, fifty-six cases of type, one proof-press, one job stone, one galley table, one distribution roller, one gasolene engine and belting complete, one set of press rollers, seven in number, one oil stove, thirteen brass galleys, two hand lamps, one lead case, three stool chairs, one Morris chair, one subscription list with about nine hundred subscribers, three stools, 38 boxes of box paper, one galley rack, one plain cabinet, one water-cooler, ten chases and a lot of leads, slugs, brass rules cuts, and such things as are used by printers too numerous to mention, in fact all property now in the office of the Vida iia Advance complete, except one Junior Lynotype Machine No. 237. the property of the Mergantt aler Lyonotype Company All described property now located in the brick building known as the M. F. Davis building in the city of Vidaiia. s!st dist. G. M. of Toombs county, fronting on Church street of said city. Levied upon under a mortgage ti. fa. on per sonalty issued from the city court of States boro in favor of the Citizens & Southern Bank of Savannah, Ga.. and against E. C. J. Dickens. Also at the same time and place one light blue colored horse mule about 6 years old, 16 hands high, and weighing about 1150 pounds; also one dark-blue horse mule about six years ■ old. 16 hands high and weighing about 1100 pounds; levied upon as the property of Mary J. Ganev under a mortgage foreclosure issued ! from the Superior court of Toombs county in ! favor of Alexander & Alsup Co. and against Mary J. Ganey. Also at the same time and place one hundred acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the 51st dist. G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded on the north by lands of Jose phene Taylor and Mary J. Thompson, east by lands of Mary .J. Thompson and Jos. H. Odom, south by lands of Jos. H. Odom and on the west by lands of S B. and E. L. Meadows, et als., and Rocky Creek. Levied upon as the I property of T. Thompson to satisfy a Superior court fi. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of the Home Ferti lizer & Chemical Co. and against T. Thompson. Also at the same time and place 6854 acres of land more or less situate, lying and being in the 1192nd dist. G. M. of Toombs county, and j bounded north by lands of W. M. Moseley. | east by lands of M. B. Mayo, south by lands of ! Mattie Brown and west by lands of W. M. Moseley. Levied upon as the property of J. L. Moseley under a justice court fl. fa. issued from the justice court of the 50th dist. G. M. of Emanuel county in favor of Lyons Trading Co. and against J. L. Moseley. This January nth. 1911. J. E. Thompson, sheriff. Mortgage Sale. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in the mortgage executed by R. J. Par tin to First National Hank of Lyons. Ga . on the 26th day i : November. 1909. and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Toombs county, in book No. 3 on page 389, the undersigned will sell on first Tuesday in February. 1911, at public sale at the court house in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property, to-wit; One gray horse named Charlie, about 1554 hands high and weighing about 1100 pounds; one gray mare named Bell, about 1554 hands high and weighing about 1000 pounds; also one iron-gray mule named Bill, about 14 hands high and weighing about 1,000 pounds, for the purpose of paying a certain prommissory note bearing date the 26th day of November. 1909. and payable on the 15th day of November. 1910. and made and executed by the said R. J. Partin, said note being for $538.75 principal, stipulating for inter est from maturity at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum, and ten pier cent, attorney’s fees, the total amount due on said note being $538.75 principal, und $6.58 interest, together with the costs of this proceeding as provided in such mortgage A conveyance will be exe- 1 cuted to the purchaser by the undersigned as authorized in the said mortgage. This 10th day of January. 1911. First National Bank of Lyons , Thus. J. Parrish, Attorney. CHARLES NEVILLE, Accountant and Auditor. TELEPHONE 2055. 212-213 National Bank Building, - SAVANNAH, GA. SYSTEMS INSTALLED. ACCOUNTS VERIFIED. WE ARE NOW SELLING THE Jackson G. Smith Barnesville Buggies We have these Buggies in all the leading Styles and Gears. We also handle the best grade of Wagons, Harness and Wire Fencing. i It will pay you to see us before you buy. A. S. ODOM & CO. AT DIX OLD STAND. :: Money! Money! Money! - I ” lAT E HAVE In our possession several thousand dollars ;; M to lend on improved farm lands. This money was !I pt &c °d with us by a party who only wants the inter- |* .. est. We guarantee that the money will not cost you " over eight, per cent., including inspection fee of the farm • • and examining the title. We inspect the farm and examine 1 the title, hence there is no delay in closing the loan. Make 1. your application to-day if you want money, and we will in- ” spect it to-morrow, examine the title the next day. and give ” you the money on the third day. We can lend you any .. amount from SBOO up to as large amount as you like. Give !! ;; you five years to pay same it you so dnsire, or you can pay ” " off loan sooner, in whole or in part, if you like, before it becomes due, and interest will stop on amount paid. Why !! " ask your neighbor to endorse for you and pay more than 8 \\ " per cent, for money at banks when we can give you a better .. rate of interest and a longer time? We lend money cheaper % !! than any loan company in Toombs or adjoining counties, ;; and we ask that you compare their rates with ours. f • • We make loans every day. Why not make you one? <. " We perfect your title, which is worth money to you. We ” ” obtained this mnnpy so we could close the loan quickly and .. would not have to wait to have same passed on by a loan \\ inspector. If you want money, write or come to see us. || LYONS LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO., •• Aaron Building. Lyons, Ga. ” 11. L. Lankford, Mgr. G. W. Lankford, Atl’y. J* •H- i I I I 'I l-I-I-I-I- I H-H-H-H-M -H-I-M-H-H ■ ;**♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦•» THE DRUG STORE | WHRE IT PAYS TO BUY! :: :: Come and Look Over Our Line. 2 o M; Always Something New! o I *> . * * I y Special line of Soaps, Powders, Perfumes and Toilet !! |;; Articles, which we are offering at a price that would pay !’ ! y you to come and look over before buying. " y We carry a line of Drugs that can only be had from * first-class Drug Stores. i y We solicit your patronage, and guarantee our goods. j y We are always offering goods that help you as well as our- II <i selves. <, < ► i! New Lyons Pharmacy, jj I;; The Old Express Office Stand. ;; i LYONS HIGH SCHOOL I ♦% t t l x O <*► Has been placed on the list of accredited , High Schools of the State. t ♦> x ♦♦♦ A competent and experienced Faculty for % I ♦♦♦ each Department, including Music and Elocution. V x ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦> $ Spring Term Begins Jan. 2nd, 1911. $ «£♦ —————————— «,% For Catalogue or further information, apply to V R. NX. MONTS, Principal. Or, W. C. OLIVER, Sec. and Trea9. of Trustees. Job Printing at the Progress Office