The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, February 03, 1911, Image 10

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Supplies Perhaps you have never given much con= -aideration to their purchase, but think for a minute of the long days the little ones must &pend in using them, and how muh pleasure and satisfaction it meaqs if everything is just like they want it. Something that does not suit is a keen dis ©ppoiutmenfc, and now is the time that your children are forming habits and idea 3 that will have a great influence on their futures. Failure to equip them with the proper supplies is an actual handicap. We have taken all of these features into consideration in buying <mr school supplies, and the childreu will receive the same prices, if they come alone, as you do. Brown - Odom Drug: Co. LTOUS, 0--A-- +♦+♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ¥ ++» + »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< »+» ♦ ♦ . ► i> < , I; “See Your “Unde Ike," O t ► ” If you want Furniture, Farm “ Implements, a good Buggy or “ Household Supplies. He is “ ■V, agent for “ it < ► o White Hickory Wagons a o * t , <> And many other things that are y y useful. Dou’t make a great noise ▼ but we can “show you.” I i! " :: A Few More Bargains In Shoes, Dry Goods and Cloth- ” “ ing. Come and muke an offer <’ •" for what we have that suits you. ” :: s S. 1. Hussey, \i LYONS, GA. :: ♦ ” ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦■»♦ ♦♦ ♦ »»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦ ♦■»♦■»♦»♦»♦♦♦»»» ♦ » ♦ Mexicark MUSTANG LINIMENT For MAN and BEAST, The Unfailing Remedy for HUMAN HXS. Burns,, Sore Throat, ’.j Guts, Strains, Inflammation. 1| o HORSES’ AFFLICTIONS. .Spawns, Sho.* Soils, Grease heels, J Scratches, Sweeny, Harness Sores. BMihPr.? AILMENTS OF CATTLE. ‘Sort: Teats, W*ve Scratches, Foot Disease, Caked Udder, Running Sores, Skiu Diseases. Sold a: 1 and General stores. iwvirV'' V i I '-■sc . 50c. and $i per bottle. The largest sixe contains eijflit tiuitj, the quantity in a 25c. bottle and is therefore cheapest. LYON M> KLU'ACTURING CO., Prop'.. South Fifth St.. BROOKLYN, N. Y. - Jose Printing at the Progress Office r HH LYONS PROGRESS, FEBRUARY 3 1911. Jury list February Term. The following is a list of the Grand and Traverse .Jurors drawn to serve during the February Term of Toombs Superior Court and they are hereby summoned to be and appear at the Court House in Lyops, at 9 o’clock a. in., on the 3rd Monday tu February 1911: Grand Jurors J. B. Anderson. Ihos. Harden, E. R. DeWitt, M. M. Coleman, J. L. Wolfe, R. L. Page, S. A. Mc- Colsky, W. C. Oliver, D. L. Math ews. J. A. Kitchens, C. E. Adams, R. L. Curry. L. N. Brown . T. J. Couraey, A P Thomas, B F South well, E L Williamson, M Laeder, E L Carpenter, W H Sharpe, M W Meadows, F E Long, I Q Coleman, J W O’Neal, H T Stanley, W A McNatt, J A MeDildea, F W Mc- Call, D S Faircloth, L L Mc- Gregor. Traverse Jurors —Ist week H C Willis, J W Currie. Thos. Thompson, W R Jones, R C Giles, W D DeLoach, S T Stanley, Mel vin Collins, R A Peavy, R L King, A H C Mann, V H Coursey, Dun can Odom, MW Mathews, D W Thompson, D H Holland. D W Galbreath, C M Carter, B F Mor ris, E L Davis, P M Mann, W O Shuptrine, G S Spell, G W Harden G H Mcßride, J E Shumpert, W F Peacock, J H Cowart, F M Dur den, H H Mann, A C McCorkle, D F Clarke, A J Thompson, Den nis Moseley, Joe Perry Collins, J P Dees, Traverse Jurors —2nd week. M W Williamsan, J P Coll ins Jr J A Bland, C A Clifton, L Clifton, Robt A Smith, W W Odom, F J Jones, W R Griner D P Averett, T A Rockett, Thos. Clifton, A S Mosely, II C Gibbs, N M William son, J H Smith, F P Shuman, R S Sharpe, S G Jesup, C H Ham i mons, D G McLenney, W J Wil liamson, J L Wilks, C C Ander son, H V Mosely, B L Thompson, J L Mclntyre, J A Dent, E H New, H P James, R E L Mann, R J Par tin, B F Brown, E M Wimberly, W F Caulev, S I Hussey. .J. E. Thompson, Sheriff Toomb9 County. The Blind Whistle. In Japan the blind carry a pe culiar kind of whistle, which they blow as they pass through the streets, and people who hear it 1 move and leave the pathway for them. There are a great many blind people in Japan ; and if they were to employ the makeshift of a child cr dog to lead them, there would be numerous compli cations in the narrow streets. When heard in the dead of the night, the “blind whistle”has an especially pathetic and mourn ful sound.—Selected. “Twelve Alabama counties want liquor.” From which statement the natural influence is that the rest have no trouble in getting it. “ REGISTERED. i* The Origin of Royster Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster's idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers* F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY. FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. / NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. N. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. SPARTANBURG. 8. C. MACON, GA. COLUMBUS, GA, MONTGOMERY. ALA. BALTIMORE, MD. T o ♦ o o We Lead, Others Follow, <► i> i> i > ; ‘ A motto with a meaning, and if the <► <► buyer will call we will explain the ~ II meaning. II \ FRESH DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES | <► A line full and complete, and the II prices are in line with the times. No II great profits are asked. Bring your prescriptions and try us. "* j; TOILET ARTICLES, RUBBER GOODS, PERFUMES i| 'I The very best offered anywhere. If " you haven’t looked over the line, you •* <► should do so. <► <► • ► *» <* II Stationery, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. II ; ’ As well as everything else for the writer *> or the smoker. Ours is a complete <► II drugstore, and we ask a share of the !| ; ’ trade. ; ‘ ii THE I. E. AARON DRIIC COMPANY. :j i: lyons, ga. ♦ ♦ +♦»»♦ »♦♦»»»» »» » » » ♦»»»»»»»»»»» + ♦ + » + ♦■»»♦♦♦»+■♦+ f »»»»■« 11. WOOD, Manager *► < » I! THE SOUTHERN HOTEL CAFE II <► < ► <► 314 and 316 West Broad St. (Between Both Depots) <► o o Near Beer and All Prohibition Drinks <1 o O 4 ► 1! Will be glad to serve all my old II II friends and will fill all orders II <► < ► II sent by mail promptly. II < "| ■ ■■■■■ ■' ' ■' "■ —■■■■■■— Call and See Me When in the City. ;• H. WOOD, ,| 314 and 316 West Broad Street, I ’ II (Between Both Depots) SAVANNAH, GA. ♦ ♦ DAVID WfilTZ, j Successor to B. Weitz, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS, TOBACCOS CIGARS, ETC. 407 West Broad Street, SAVANNAH, GA. P. O. Bex 242. One block from Union Station, Make our place your headquarters while in the city.