The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, February 03, 1911, Image 4

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Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applicat ions as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the tar. There ie only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- j tional remedies. Deafness is caused b y an inflamed condition of the■ mucous lining of the Eustachian j Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im- i perfect hearing, and when it is en-j tirelv closed deafness is the result. . and unless the inflammation can taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. The prospective reduction in the Senate of the Republican majority from 27 in the present Congress, to 8 in the next Congress indicates the probability of complete con trol of the United States Senate and government by the Democrat ic party after the election of 1912. Falls Victim to Thieves. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala. has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King’s New Life Pills throttled them. He’s well now. Unrivaled for constipation, malaria, headache, dyspepsia. 25c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. An improvement of the quality rather than an increase in the number of Congressmen is the great point. Foley's Kidney Pills are a reli able remedy lor backache, rheu matism and urinary irregularities. They are tonic in action, quick in results and afford a prompt relief from all kidney disorders. I. E Aaron Drug Co. TKe EMPIRE STORE IS READY WITH MANY ATTRACTIONS! <> < > * ‘ «> «i r| & t i i w T m j m /> • * 1 We have the most modern methods to take -> Why Not Send Us Your Mail Orders? i* * * Plione 2To. 20 TXTXien In. of Hvdlillinersr ° < ► .. | i ;; F :: New Goods Arriving Every Day. We Bought in Large Lots at the Lowest Prices, and we are •: i: Selling the same way. A glorious chance for economy is presented here. :: ;; i: { Lovely Fall Dr-ss Goods, in Wash Materials. Ladies! * i: <>* * 4 i ’| || If you wish a useful, serviceable dress for early Those who wish a Hat for early Fall wear, can II ;• || || Fall wear, don’t forget to see our New Ginghamß. find a Bplendid line of the Latest Models here. Our II ! i | | Percales, Suitings, Galateas, Oxfords and other ma- designer can certainly please you, and we invite you II (( II || terials. Just the thing for children’s School dresses to call and inspect the latest and best in Millinery. II | ***> * ' ► I Gents' Clothing. Big Clean-up Sale of Wash Goods—Linens. ;; ; <> <> II II -- Big shipment of fall and winter Tailored Suits, We still have an assortment of Wash Goods and II II II •" in attractive models, just received. The new 1910-11 Linens that we must dispose of to make room for !► || II *■ Coat and Shirt effects, fashion decrees, will be rep- the New Fall and Winter Goods. We have priced «> || <• y resented in great variety. every piece to insure quick 6ale. << || — Watch our new windows* They will contain the swellest articles in wear- «« i: I! - ing apparel for Men and Women. Remember that our Prices are always right, our II " II II reductions are genuine, and that original prices are as low as the special ones at II ;; II ;; some other places. II |’ i: i: Phene 20 for Dry Goods. Fine Shoes, Hats, Gents’ Furnishings Our Specialties. ■■ ;; II II II ;► •• i I ;; II II I THE EMPIRE STORE, j OLD BROWN CORNER. LYONS, GA. L fe Saved at Death's Door. "I newr felt so near my gravp,” writes W R. Patterson, of Wel lington. T>*x . “as when a fright ! fnl cough and lung trouble pulled ; me down to 100 pounds, in spite j of doctor’s treatment for two years. ; My f ather, mother and two sisters ! died of consumption, and that I am alive to-day is due solely to Dr j King’s New Discovery, which com ; pletely cured me. Now I weigh 187 ; ' pounds, and have been well and strong for years ” safe and sure, it’s the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds,lagrippe.aßthma, croup and all throat and lung troubles. 50 0 and $1 ; trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Brown-Odom Drug Co. Gov. Comer, of Alabama, has out-done Pontius Pilate. The later j released one murderer, but the! former has celebrated Christmas by releasing 100 convicts, 40 of whom had been sentenced for homicide. Tortured for IS Years by a cure-defying stomach trouble 1 that baffled doctors and resisted all remedies he tried, John W. Mod ■ ders, of Moddersville, Mich., seem-, . ed doomed. He had to sell his i farm and give up work. His neigh- j hors said, he can’t live very much longer.” ‘‘Whatever I ate disa greed with me,” he wrote, ‘‘till I tried Electric Bitters, which work rd such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It is suiely a grand remedy for stomach trouble. ’’Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. Watch the millionaire 20 years from now who tells you he got his first start by depositing his savings in the U. S. postal sav ings bank as a little boy. Remember the Name. Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bron chitis, hoarseness and for racking lagrippe coughs No opiates. Re fuse substitutes. I. E. Aaron Drug Com pany. THE LYONS FEBRUARY 8 11 Y f‘ X jt' 1 Groceries | t t v V | l I HEADQUARTERS!! I * ♦ Y X Y X :! Everything GOOD f ♦♦♦ Y ♦♦♦ ❖ ♦♦♦ —at the — Y I I I PARLOR GROCERY, f Y 7 Y Y Y X x J see for yourself. 1 Y Y ? I I R. S. WILLSON, Mgr. I $ Y ♦♦♦ ▼OV T^T Lyons Progress==Best Advertising Medium