The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, February 03, 1911, Image 7

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I 00000000000000000 .00000 000 °0000000000000000000000000000c0000000000000000000000^00000000cx30000c<000000000009000000000000000000000000® i Annual Clearance Sale! j I ; Seasonable Merchandise to go at Greatly Reduced Prices I | I Must make Room for New G-oods i ‘ t t And only a Short time to do it in. Sale will continue till Feb. 15. NOTE THE EXTRAORDINARY PRICES OFFERED I nfcotto" Fiannei ojc 1 lot Ladies and Misses Opera Caps, i lot Lace, pod value at I l-2c, to i joc cotton Fiannei.I::;;”::::::: sc must go at any price. go for 3c. ; 15c Cotton Flannel _ lHc j t o 50c Men’s Undershirts and Drawers, 48c ————————— !oc°°udi"i- sh^rtaandPantB s *. D : 2 i lot of Boys’ Suits, good values, to Wool DressGoods-Percales Pooling I 85c Ladies’ Shuts and Pants 22c ffft chpon W«Z>*iUUU& rdtdJW, l Upil I&, SBOO Men’s Hats $2.50 u,Cd P- GingliaiTis, white and fancy stripe $1 75 Men’s Hats $135 in Dnr font niornimt nn olMfon’c gOO(lS, dll COIOFS in DfCSS LinCHS, $4.00 and 4.50 Men's Shoes.__l $8 75 20 Per lent. DlSCOllflt On all Men S chp o t'i $3 50 and 8 75 Men’s Shoes $8 15 o IU g,U IHCdjl. | $3 00 and 3 25 Men’s Shoes $2 65 jlllL. ________ $3 00 and 8 50 Ladies’ shoes ■ $2 75 25 ud^’4 b h^"V.”"«l2 Trimmed Hats at half price. They Come and se if you want ]• $i IS Ladies’ Iho**::::;:::::::::: li li must go at once. Come early. to Save Money. || 8 ♦ «-»-»•»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ ♦ ♦«►♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» « B. F. BROWN, - LYONS, QA. I 5 Be sure You Get to the Right place. cxxxxxxjooooooocxxxxxxxxxxxj ckxxxxxxxx>ooooooocxx>ocxx?oo DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO % I | Come Right Now! 1 f x i $ ♦? y Before you spend another dollar, and see £ V'" & g what we have to offer at remarkably low £ & |j|: prices. Everything in | j Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes \ J | | AND MILLINERY! j | X 8 8 ? S MI(nillllMlltm(««(»>t»MM»ntn»M(<UUU»«HI +,,»»»» + 4 + + ++ + +++++ 444++*44++4* %| I ¥ | As a side line, we have a fine line of ready-made Skirts, and other goods for Ladies. | ♦ a I ♦- Y 8 I ♦> I CDMEI | ? ? WE SAY, AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. t j t 8 Z 8 S x X s Y X x p Pughsley Brothers, J *t* ROUNDTREE BUILDING. LYONS, GEORGIA *f Y r Y r THE LYONS PROOK SS FEBRUARY 3, 1911