The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, February 24, 1911, Image 6

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The Lyons Progress. L. W. MOORE. Manager. Published Every Friday at SI.OO Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Local Notices. Sets per line each issue. Rates for display furnished on application. Entered at the l’ostoffiee at Lyons, Ga.. as Second Class mail matter. LYONS CHURCHES. Primitive Baptist— Preaching at the church 1 1-4 miles south east of Lyons, on the third Sabbath and the Satur day before Methodist—Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. Except third Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Prayer meet ing Wednesday nights. Rev. N. T. Paf ford. Pastor. Baptist —Preaching at the Baptist Church every first and third Sunday in each month, morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Thursday even ing at 7 o’clock. Y. W. A.’s meet ev ery Monday evening at 7 o’clock. W. M. Society, lirst Monday after third Sunday in each month, 3 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday afternoon. J. W. Kytle, Pastor. Rock Spring Items. Preaching here Sunday was largely attended. Mies Eula. Sharpe made a dying trip to Alston Friday. W. A. S. Dowde and G. W. Love were in Alston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W* F. Haskins went to Alston Saturday last. Lewis Claxton called at the home cf H. F. Carroll Sunday. Ezra Claxton called on Miss Bertha Carroll Sunday afternoon. Sunday school here every Sun day. Everybody invited to come. Bruce Morris, from near Cedar Crossing, was in this section Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson made a business trip to Lyons Sat urday. Mrs. M. E. Morris was the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. F. Morris Sunday. Marcus Jackson went up to Rackettown Saturday to spend a day or two. M iss Ola Carroll spent Wednes day night with Miss Minnie Belle McCullough. There will be preaching here the third Sunday in March. Every body invited, Marcus Claxton and Miss Daisy McSwain attended preaching here Saturday night. Mies Minnie Belle McCullough made a flying trip to Alston Sat urday afternoon. Cleveland Wing, of South Thompson, attended preaching here Sunday night. J. H. McCullough and little son Denver, made a business trip to Vidalia Wednesday. Mrs. G. F. Morris and Mrs. W. E. Morris called on Miss Lollie Sharpe Sunday afternoon. Lawrence Sharpe and Bruce Morris took dinner with Misses Annsule and Eula Sharpe Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Reese at tented preaching here Sunday and dined at tlie home of H. F. Cas well. H. F. Carroll and J. H. McCul lough attended preaching at South Thompson Sunday after noon. Misses Annie Jackson, Inez Ruby Carpenter called on Misses Annsule and Eula Sharpe Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Jackson spent Sun day night with Misses Annsule and Eula Sharpe and reports a fine time as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson and Misses Macy, Inez and Ruby Carpenter were the guests of W. H. Jackson Sunday last. Two Rkd Roses. No, gentle rentier, ‘*Atlee Pom ereno” is not a new variety of lady apple, but, a new United States senator elct. Never mind whether the other fellow Bticks to hie New Year res olutions. Watch out for your own. As a man’s income increases he begins to make a noise in the world. Ohoopee News. G B. Johnson went down to Collin-. Tuesday night Carl Thompson,of Collins, spoilt Inst Sunday in Ohoop-e. Mrs. W. (). Tally is down at Groveland visiting her parents. Prof. Carter and Nicholas Cow art went up to Vidalia Saturday. Jus Sumner, a son of Rev Sum tier, lias moved to our little town Gus Fortner and family were guests of James Tapley last Sun day. YV. O. Tally, wife and children - went over to Col. Giles' last Sun day. j Beld-m Johnson came up from , Wad lev and spent Sunday with - relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. YV. Meadows visited Jas. Tapley and family , last Sunday. Luther Stephens and wife visit ■ e»! at the home of G. B. Johnson last Sunday. Mrs. Ola and Hattie Tapley and two brothers attended preaching here Sunday. Mrs. T J. Willis is down in Bul lock county visiting her daughter, Mrs. Annie Fordham. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Coleman, of Lyons, were guests of G. B. ; Johnson last Sunday. Jesse Meadows, wife and child , ren were guests at the home of Col. Giles last Sunday. Mrs. Reiner Duflield went over in Tattnal and spent last Saturday and Sunday with relatives. Mias Allie Cowart, who spent several months in Collins, has re turned home to the delight of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tate Newton spent last Saturday and Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. John Howell. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Pearce from North Carolina, who is here visiting relatives, is quite sick. We hope for her an early recovery. J. P. Johnson came down from Alamo Sunday evening and spent a short while with his parents, re turning back to Alamo on the night train. Messrs. John Anderson and Thud \Vi 1 kB, of Lyons, were in Ohoopee Sunday. There seems to be some attraction for those two young men down here. Miss Charlotte Johnson return ed home last Saturday evening from Alamo, where she had been visiting her brother. She was ac companied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. P. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Sentelle James went down to Hagan last Sunday to v’sit their daughter, Mrs. Jos. Webb,who is quite sick. Mr. James came back Sunday night but Mrs. James is still with her daughter. Hawthorne. New Ground News. Mrs. M. D. Odom visited friends across Rocky Saturday last. S. D. Procter is working at Mr. Edwards. He says Sam is a hustler. W. H. Toole and wife made a flying trip to J H. Pittman’s last Saturday. Duvie McCarty and two sisters went to preaching Sunday last and called at the home of W. H. Tcole. Willie Toole called on his best girl one night last week, but he was too late. Come sooner next time. H. L. Odom and sister, Miss Pollv Odom, were pleasant guests of F. C. Clark. Come again, you are always welcome. Willie Toole and his friends, Dan \Y’illiams and Ciisby Ganey. were recent pleasant visitors at the home of J. B. Edwards. C C. Clark and sister, Annie, visited the home of J. B. Odom Saturday last. Come again friends, we are always glad to have you with us.. Tulip. Science has decided that a kiss i? infectious osculation, but plain people are satisfied with the 'good old name. Dragging a gun by the' 1 muzzle when you’re out, hunting is one of the 57 varieties of suicide. Many trust magnates are sued and persued, but few are caught. THE LYONS PKOGllErrv FEBRUARY 24 !W1 SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORGIA—Toombs County: Will be sold, on the F rst Tuesday in March next, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours ot -.aie, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described l,i oi>eri>. to-wit : .Seveutj-five acres o: land mo r e or less, situ ate. lying and being in tne 1192nd District G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded north by lands of W. M. Moseley, east by lands of Mrs. M. H. Mayo, south by lands of the estate of Upton Wilks and west by lands of VV. M. Moseley; levied upon as the property of A. S. Moseley to satisfy a ft. fa. issued Iroin the Superior court ol Toombs county in lavorof Avery & Co. and against A. S. Mosely. Also at the same time and place a tract of land containing lay acres more or less, situate, lying aDd being in the 1192nd District G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded north by lands of Jack Lucas, east by Ohoopee river, south by lands of J. I. Anderson and west by lands or J. T. Anderson: levied upon as the property of Messiah Anderson to satisfy a tax ft. fa. issued by the 1 ax Collector of Toombs county for taxes year 1910. Also at the same time and place one acre of land more or less situate, lying and being in the City of Vidalia, 51st Dist. U. M. of Toombs county, and bounded east by West street, north by Mrs. Heath and south by Billiy Brown; levied upon us the property of P. H. Marlin to satisfy a .iusliee court li. fa. issued from the Justice Court of the 51st District in Tavorof Mrs. M. C. Fordhaw and against P. H. Martin. Also at the same time and place one mouse colored horse mule weighing-about lOub pounds, about 8 years old, about 15V4 hands high: levied upon as the property of Wyley Sharpe to sat isfy a mortgage ft. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of E. T. Mc- Bride &. Co. and against Wyley Sharpe. Also at the same time and place one black horse mule about 8 years old, about 15 hands high, weighing about 90U pounds, named Jack, and one black mare mule weighing about 9(0 pounds, about 14 hands high and about 10 years old named Belle; levied upon as the property of Nannie Jewell to satisfy a mortgage ft. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of B H. Grace and against Nannie Jewell. This February 10th, 1911. J. E. Thompson. Sheriff, Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: To the Honorable U T. Rawlings. Judge Middle Circuit: The petition of Geo. M. Williamson, Guardian of Arcadia. Valory and Annie May William son, respectfully shows the following facts, to-wit: I. That the property he holds as such Guar dian is real Estate, and that the title to same appears to be insufficient in law, and that they hold under the late C. C Moseley, deceased. That A. S. Moseley. J. L. Moseley, C. C. Mose ley and Saphonia Meadows are heirs of the said C. C. Moseley, and also have deeds that appear to be insufficient in law: that for the purpose of perfecting the title of your peti tioner's wards they desire to exchange Quit claim deeds with the above-named parties. 11. That they desire to make said exchange by mutual consent, and that it will be to the benefit of your petitioner's wards to muke said exchange. Wherefore petitioner prays that the proper order be granted allowing said exchange of deeds; and petitioner will ever pray. etc. L. J. Cowart, Petitioner’s Attorney. The above case will be heard at Wrights ville. on the 22d day of March. 1911. Macon, Dublin f* Savannah SCHEDULE. Leave Arrive No. 18 So. 2d Stations No. 19 No. 17 a. m. p m. a. m. p. m. 7 00 3 30 Macon 11 05 4 40 7 50 4 IS Jeffersonville 10 17 3 47 8 31 5 04 Dudley 9 32 2 57 900 530 Ar Dublin Lv 905 225 905 535 Lv Dublin Ar 900 230 9 42 6 09 Rockledge 8 26 1 51 10 02 6 27 Soperton 8 09 1 34 10 40 700 Ar Vidalia Lv 735 >OO Connections—At Vidalia with S. A. L. Ry. and Georgia & Florida; at Rockledge with Wadley &. Mt. Vernon; at Dublin with Wrights ville and Tennille, C. of Ga.. Dublin & South western; at Macon with Southern Ry., C. of Ga.. Ga. Southern Fla.. Macon & Birming ham and Ga. Railroad. J. A. Stkeyer, Gen. Pass. Agent. Special Notice. f will not be responsible for any notes, ac counts or debts of any kind unless authorized or made over mv own signature. Harry Li. Grimes. Manager Lyons Auto Repair Co. Lyons. Ga.. Feb. 17. 1911—4 t Remove the Strain. 1 advertise what I do. I do what I advertise. Do you realize the serious consequence of continuous eye strain in both young and old? From constant tugging and straining of vari ous nerves and muscles, which causes more headache than any other one thing. If your eyes trouble you in any way. come to see me. (My system is not experiment.) My knowledge of the eye enables me to determine exactly the kind of glasses you should wear. (Beware of those whom you do not know to be compe tent. Beware of the man who is here to-dav and,some where else to-morrow.) larualways in my place of business, and take care of all cases where others fail. (Special engage ments can be made.) VV. E. WALKER, Jr., Optometrist, Phone No. 215. Vidaiia, Ga. OR.KIIMG'S IMEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Cough. ♦♦♦ M ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦» 4,% *>l * ♦♦♦ V - »f » *- ft f 4 f »+■♦♦♦+»♦ + f( | FOLLOW THE PROCESSION 11 If You Want j Repair Work of any Kind, or Horse-Shoeing i 4 i Done as it Should be Done. j John Durst & Co., | Wheellwrights, Blacksmiths, I and Horseshoers, LYONS, QA. I Pale-Faced Women 1 p You ladies, who have pale faces, sallow complexions, M H dark circles under eyes, drawn features and tired, worn- B | out expressions, you need a tonic. The tonic you need is Cardui, the woman’s tonic. || It is the best tonic for women, because its ingredients S ■ are specifically adapted for women’s needs. They act on & H the womanly organs and help to give needed strength and B H vitality to the worn-out womanly frame. If Cardui is a vegetable medicine. It contains no min- H erals, no iron, no potassium, no lime, no glycerin, no dan- B 19 gerous, or habit-forming drugs of any kind. It is perfectly harmless and safe, for young and old to use. »• CARDUI E The Womans Tonic || “After my doctor had done all he said he. could for me,” gw O writes iWrs. Wm. Hilliard, of Mountainburg, Ark., “I took Car j&jj dui, on the advice of a friend, and it helped me so much. “Before taking Cardui, I had suffered from female M troubles for five years, but since taking it, lam in good health. K “I think there is some of the best advice in your book y || that I ever saw.” Your druggist sells Cardui. Try it ; p Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. “Home Treatment for Women,’’ sent free. Vidalia Chemical Company, VIDALIA, GA. Manufacturers of High-Grade Fertilizers. Our brands have been on the market over five years, and have given universal satisfaction. We have many testimonials. We make either cotton seed meal mixtures or animal matter mixtures, and furnish all classes of fer tiliror material. Our leading brands are : Vidalia Corn and Cotton Grower, 9-2-3 Vidalia Standard Guano, 8-2-2 Vidalia Hustler, - - 8-2-2 v idali i Gold Medal Fertilizer, 10-2-2 OFFICERS. Dr. J. H Me Arthur, Vice-Pres. Geo. N. Mathews, Sr., Gen Mgr. Mark W. Mathews, Sec. and Salesman. Directors —Dr. Jno. H. McArthur, Geo. N. Mathews, Sr , Jno - Jay McArthur, A. D Strobhar, W. G. Barnwell. Vidalia Chemical Co., Vidalia, Ga. FROST PROOFTaBBAGITpLANTS If GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS 'll FROM THE ORICL’«AL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS, ’i . TRAD£ MARK COPYR.CH' EH " ' ** ' Established 1868. Paid in Capital Stock $30,000.00 j Wo jrrewtho first F7OST Pa->-»F PLANTS in 181*. N.,w haro over twenty thousand satl«fl!T customers. o h.tvo e;ow \ and told more plants than all other persona in the Southorn 6t»tai combined. WHY? Because our plants must please or wo send vour monev batik. Order now *ne 1 1 set those plants In your section to get extra early cabbage, and they are tho ones’ that sell for tha most money. We tons of Csbbsss Seed per seeson Strawberry riants*", I rruitt.ivsuHiloi Gnentals. Write for free catalog of frost-proof plants or the best varieties containing valuable in formation al>out fruit and vegetable gro wing. Prices on Cabbage Plants—’ In lots of f>oo at $1.00; 1000 to 6000 $1 60 per thousand; 6,000 to 9,000 $1.26 per thousand; 10,000 and over 91-00 per thousand. Lab. Yonijoe Island. Oar special express rate on ptantu Is vory low. Wm. C. Geraty Co-, Box 16 Yonges Island, S. C. 1 -■