The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, March 10, 1911, Image 12

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LOCAL ITEMS. sor 0 doses of “666'’ will cure any «*ae of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. iMrs. \V. E. Meeks has gone to the r dipper end of Emanuel county to visit l friends and relatives for a week or so. >. \lr. J. VV. tiay. a Kryan county cm* j*erj,<Tvas in the city the other day and was a guest at the palatial home of -Judge Williams. The Empire Store has a few words ' lor it’s customers in this issue, and it ifa going to have some surprises in the store before long. Br. Bomar and Henry Grimes went 4o Atlanta Tursday night and it is very firobable that the Doctor will buy a •ear while up there. "B. A. Joseph, the fruit-stand man at Vidalia, is a bankrupt. The notice of the first meeting of creditors is in an other column of this issue. kFor Sale—My house and eight lots in .Lyons. Convenient to business section, ichurch and school. See me at once for ■a bargain. —K. S. Willson. Mr. T. L. Ricks, of Ohoopee, writes *i« that a little white and black female dog, very small, with bob tail, has fol lowed him home and he wants the owner tb come and get her. The School Board met Tuesday and transacted regular business. Nothing of great importance came up at the aneeting and all the schools in the 4County were reported to be flourishing. Col. Jones is now riding around in iiis new Buick car and it is a good one •too. Colonel Jones bought a model F and it is not brand new but it is one of the best cars the Buick company ever built. John and Wilson Coleman, who are attending a business school at Macon, came home last week to spend a few days with their father. We are glad to hear that they are doing well at the college. The city tax hooks are to be open to receive tax returns on the 15th and Clerk of the Council Collins will be in the utlice of Williams & Williams over the Toombs County Bank. See notice in another column of this issue. We are requested to say that the Daughters of Confederacy will meet at the home of Mrs. L. L McGregor at 8:30 o’clock p. m , on Friday, March 10th. All members are specially re quested to be present on this occasion. (Sheriff Thompson had only one piece of property to sell last Tuesday, all the tither claims having been settled before sale day. lie will have quite a lot to sell at the next sale, however, unless they all come up as we have a large list advertised. Mrs. James Pughley says that she is already selling Spring millinery and she will show a portion of her line to any customer that calls. She says that she is going to have the best and latest styles this season and she is going to put the prices down. T B. MeDildea. who lives in the IIP nd district, lost all his household ♦•fleets by tire a few days ago. He tells us that he don’t know how the fire sen led, hut it burned so rapidly that In* had only time to save himself and lit family. We sympathise with Mr MeDildea, as the loss falls very heavy <o him. 11. if. Walker, of South Carolina, owner of several hundred acres of fine land around Lyous, says that he is anxious to have some of it put into •cultivation He wants to furnish plen ty of guano, wire for fencing and other toings to any man that will take a farm and devide the crop lie left his plans with his agent, Butler Wilks, who will give information to those vwlio want land. We are ashamed to mention the matter again but it is absolutely nec essary that Lyons have a Beard of Trade or Chamber of Oommere* if we ever expect to see the city grow at all. We must have a body with a head that prospectors can get inform. .lion from about the country. We must see that prospectors who come among us are given the glad hand. If they are not shown they don’t know. We have written enough about this and we don’t intend to mention it again if the people don’t take it up. A last attempt will be made to re-or ganize the Knights of Pythias next Monday night and every man who has ever been a member of the Toombs Lodge is asked and begged to be pres ent. We want to wipe out and start over again, elect a new set of officers altogether and establish new rules. It matters not whether you are up in the secret work or not and it makes no difference how far you are behind with your dues, be at the meeting and let’s ■ ut Toombs Lodge on a firm founda •feiou. Several stood men want to join ,s new and we have lots of new tim ber. Brothers, let’s get busy and do something. Bold Burglars in Ike City Last Morday morning shortly after ; twelve o’clock a bold burglar took in the section of the city on the street that passes in front of Dr. Gray. It seems that the burglar started in at the home of Mr. Meeks, manager of the Snply Company. Here he got nothing and it is not certain that the house was entered, but the tracks are in the yard. Next the home of T. L. H. Collins was entered and here the sum of $35 was taken and the family was not even dis turbed. Next the tracks are found in Mr. Shuptrine’s yard, but his dog was loose and the burglar was no doubt scared away before he entered the house. The tracks are also seen in the yards of F. M Smith and W. T. China, but there is no sign that he entered either house. He entered the home of Dr. Gray, going in the Doctor’s bed room through a back door. Dr. Gray was awakened but kept very still for a minute. He caught a glimpse of the negro as he passed a window. The Doc tor then jumped out of bed and the negro made his way out the same way he came in. Dr. Gray had no gun or pistol in the room at the time or their might have been one burglar less. He went out, however, called up a few of his neighbors, got a machine and ’sent to the camp for the dogs and brought them in, but they could seemingly do nothing with the trail although it was only a little over an hour old. There were seemingly two ofthe burglars, as the tracks of two are plainly seen all around the houses mentioned. One of the tracks was that of a man and seem ingly had on socks. His pants were long, too, and the print of them showed around his heel in the soft sand. The other trreks were short and were possi bly those of a boy. They were both unmistakeably darkies and they cross ed andre-crosßed their trail so often or used somthing on their feet that kept the blood hounds from trailing them any distance at all. The burglars came it seems, from Vi dalia, where they had worked the pre vious night, entering several houses in that city. Which way they went from Lyons is not known, but the neighbor ing towns were all notified to be on the lookout and we hope they will be caught ‘ Uncle Ike’’ Hussey, we understand, has decided to get into a larger place and increase his business. He has closed a deal for the corner store in the Trading Company building on the west side and he is going to have it fit ted up in style for a house furnishing and hardware store. Mr. Hussey has done well since he went into the busi ness and he is spreading out to meet thtfdemands of trade. The place now occupied by Mr Hussey will be taken by another merchant who will conduct a general merchandise business. H I* Murpny and little son went up to Americus the other day to visit friends for a few days They returned home Monday. Special Notice. The Tax Books of the City of Lyons will be opened to receive tax returns on March !sth, 11)11. and all property owners must give in on or before April 15th. 1911. or they will be double-taxed. Books will be open in the office of Williams & Williams, over the Toombs County Bank- By order of the Mayor. This March 6th. 1911. J. P. Collins. Clerk. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said oonnty for leave to Sell lands belonging to Emma Wing, minor heir of Eda Wing, deceased; this is to notify all persons concerned that said applica tion wil! be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county on the lirst Monday in April, 1911. This March 6th, 1911. G K. M. WlNii. Guardian for Emma Wing. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: To whom it may concern; J. F. Byrd having made application in due form of law to be ap pointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of Nellie Howell, late of said county, de ceased. notice is here '' given that said appli cation will be heard n lie regular term of the Court of Ordinary so. said county to be held on the first Monday in April. 1911. Witness my hand and official signature, this Bth day of March, 1911. G. T. Mason, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA —Toombs County: Mi's Arner O'Neal having made application to j me for t welve months’ support out of the es- j tate of the late Fred O'Neal, deceased, and j appraisers duly appointed to set apart the . same having tiled their return, all persons con- ] eerned are hereby required to show cause be- ; fore the Court of Ordinary of said county on I the first Monday in April. 1911. why said appii- : cation should not be granted. This March j 9th. 1911. G. T. Mason, Ordinary j Citation. GEORGIA—Toombs County: in Re the heirs at law: Petition to probate will in solemn form: J. B. Cave. A. G. Powell i and I>. K. McKenzie, executors, having applied j lor probate iu solemn form of the last will and | testament of VV. W. Jones, deceased, of said i county, you. Mrs. L A Chitty. Mrs. M. R. Sapp. Mrs C. W Wheaton, Mrs. Lillie P Web ber and Mrs Annie Belle Cave, heirs at law of said W. W. Jones, are hereby required to be j and appear at the Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monuay id April. 1911, w hen i said application for probate will be heard G. T. Mason, Ordinary Notice of First Meeting In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia—Eastern Division.—ln the matter of B. A. Joseph. Bankrupt: In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of B. A. Joseph, of Vidalia, Ga . in the county of Toombs and district aforesaid, Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the Ist day of March. A. D. 1911. the above named party was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the U. S. Circuit Court Room. Savannah, Ga ,on the 17th day of March. A. D 1911, at 12 o’clock in the noon, city tune, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt aud transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. A. H. MacDonkll. Referee in Bankruptcy. Savannah. Ga . March 6. 1911. W Judson DeLoach, Atty for Bankrupt. IHE lIUNc UiiUuß&Sc, MARCH 10 1911. SHERIFF’S SALES. * GEORGIA —Toombs County: Will be sold, on the First Tuesday in April next, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit : Fifty acres of land more or less, lying and being in the 1192nd district G. M. of Toombs county, and hounded as follows: East by lands of Francis Jarriei. west by lands of C. Bullard, south by lands or P. C. Collins and north by un known lands. Levied upon as the property of I H Corbitt to satisfy a H. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year 1910. Also at the same time and place lots Nos. 9 and 10 in block No 35. lying and being in the city of Lyons. 1538th district of Toombs county and described as shown by the map of said city. Levied upon as the property of Mrs. El!la Coleman to satisfy a tax ft. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county for taxes year 1910. Also at the same time and place lot No. 11 in block No. 35. lying and being in the city of Lyons. 1536th district of Toombs county, and described as shown by the map of said city; levied upon as the property of R. T. Tuten to satisfy a taxfl. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year 1910. Also at the same time and place 250 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in ii92nd dist. G. M. of said Toombs county, and bounded as follows: East by lands of Jas. Wilks, south by lands of Hartridge Harper, west by Pendleton creek and north by lands of de fendant. A. S. Mosely: said lands levied upon as the property of A. S. Moseley und pointed out •by him. to satisfy nine justice court fl. fas. issued from the justice court of the 1536 district G. M. of said county, all in fa vor of Armour & Co., for the use of W. C. Oli ver & Son against A S. Moseley. Als o at the same time and place one house and lot in the town of Ohoopee, ud2nd district G. M. of Toombs county, bound south by Sea board railroad, north by 30 foot alley and be tween two lots known as lots Nos. 7 and 9 as shown by said town survey; levied upon as the property of Henry Ryals to satisfy a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I9io. Also at the same time and place one hundred acres of land more or less situate, lying and being in the ii92d dist. G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded north by lands of E. A. M. Baze more. east by lands of John Lucas, south by lands of J. C. Anderson and west by lands of L. A. Findley: levied upon as the property of J. C. Slater to satisfy a tax fl, fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I9io. Also at the same time and place two hun dred acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the n92d district G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded north by lands of Bob Murry et als.. east by Ohoopee river and west by Jack Jackson; levied upon as the property of Interstate Land Co. to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I3to. Also at the same lime and place 130 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the U92d district G. M. of Toombs county and bounded north by lands of J. I. Anderson, east by Ohoopee river, south by lands of J. B. Coe and west by lands of L. A. Findley; levied upon as the property of Amos L. Anderson to satisfy a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year i9to. Also at the same time and place 40 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the ii92d district G. M. of Toombs county and bounded as follows: North by lands of J. M. Meadows, east by lands of M. J. Stevens and Joe Smith, west by lands of G. W. Meadows; levied upon as the property of Nona B. Till man to satisfy a tax H. fa. issued bv the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I9io. Also at the same time and place 50 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the u92d dist. G. M. of Toombs county, and i bounded as follows: North by lands of J. L. | Jarriei. east by Ohoopee river, south by lands of C. B. O’Quinn and west by lands of L. A. I Findley: levied upon as the property of G. W. I Meadows to satisfy a tax H. fa. issued by the I tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I9io. Also at the s.ime time and place lots Nos. i. 2, 39 and 40. ’a Block No. 58. situate and being in the city of Lyons. 1536th district G. M. of Toombs county, and described as shown on the map of said city; levied upon as the property of R. D McLeod to satisfy a tax H. fa. issued by the tax collector of Toombs county for taxes year I9io. Also at the same time and place lots Nos. 13 and li in block No. 15. situate, lying and being in the city of Lyons, is36th dist. of said county and described as shown on the map of said city: levied upon as the property of H. A. Kennard to satisfy a tax ti. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county for taxes year 1910. Also at the same time and place a stock of merchandise, consisting of dry goods, notions, canned goods, groceries and things usually car ried in a general merchandise store, said goods now located in the old J. W. Matthews store at Gray’s landing on the Altamaha river, in the 43d district G. M. of Toombs county; levied upon as the property of T. C. Jewell and Mrs. T. C. Jewell to satisfy a H. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of S. B. Meadows & Co. and against T. C. Jewell and Mrs. T. C. Jewell. Also at the same time and place one dark bay mare mule about eleven years old and weighing about 1000 pounds, named pet; levied upon as the property of G. T. Grimsly to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior court of Toombs county in favor of James MeNatt and against G. T. Grimsly and Eula W ing. Also at the same time and place 250 acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being in the 1192nd district G. M. of Toombs county, and bounded north by Big Reedy Creek, east by lands of estate of Jas. Wilks, south by lands of C. Bullard and west by Pendleton creek; levied upon as the property of A. S. Moseley, and pointed out by him, to satisfy four justice court fi. fas issued from the justice court of the 1536th district G. M. of Toombs county, all in favor of the Mutual Fertilizer Company and against A. S. Moseley. ] This March 9th. 1911. J. E. Thompson. Sheriff. Notice to Road Taxpayers. Under the Toombs County Road Law. and in ' compliance with same, all commutation tax payers are requested to meet their respective J overseers at the time and place mentioned be -1 low for the purpose of paying their commuta j tion tax. which will be $1.50 for the first half of the year 51st District. Vidalia. G. VV. McLeod. 1192nd District, Blue Ridge. A D. Mayo 15215 t District, Voting Place. J. L. Anderson. I t:<d Distrie - Cedar Crossing. B. F. Wolf. 1403 d Dist rot High Point. R. A. Peavy. 1536th District. Lyons. J. J. Odom. :19th District. Voting Place. M t. Chittv. The above-named overseers will be at the | places named on the second Saturday, the 11th i day of March. Ull, all day for the purpose of receiving the tax from those who want to pay. Feb. 10 4t G. T. Mason. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA—Toombs County: | To the Honorable B T. Rawlings. Judge Middle | Circuit: The petition of Geo. M. Williamson, Guardian of Arcadia, Valory and Annie May William son. respectfully shows the following facts, to-wit: I. That the property he holds as such Guar dian is real estate, and that the title to same appears to be insufficient in law. and that they hold under the late C. C Moseley, deceased. That A. S. Moseley. J. L. Moseley. C. C. Mose ley and Saphonia Meadows are heirs of the said C. C. Moseley, and also have deeds that appear to be insufficient in law that for tte purpose of perfecting the title of your peti tioner’s wards they desire to exchange quit claim deeds with the above-named parties. 11. That they desire to make said exchange by mutual consent, and that it will bC to the benefit of your petitioner’s wards to make said exchange. Wherefore petitioner prays that the proper order be granted allowing said exchange of deeds; and petitioner will ever pray. etc. L J. Cowart, Petitioner's Attorney. The above case will be heard at Wrights i ville. on the 22dday of March, toll. CHARLES NEVILLE. Accountant and Auditor, TELEPHONE 2055. 212-213 National Bank Building, - SAVANNAH, GA. SYSTEMS INSTALLED. ACCOUNTS VERIFIED. 1 -- - - - - ■ - WE ARE NOW SELLING THE Jackson G. Smith Barnesville Buggies We have these Buggies in all the leading Styles and Gears. We also handle the best grade of Wagons, Harness and Wire Fenciug. It will pay you to see us before you buy. A. S. ODOM & CO. AT DIX OLD STAND. • • Money! Money! Money! i : r • m jl! \AT HAVE In our possession several thousand dollars *; tV to lend on improved farm lands. This money was '! plaeed with us by a party who only wants the inter- ” est. Ws guarantee that the money will not cost you ;; over eight per cent., including inspection fee of the farm !! • • and examining the title. We inspect the farm and examine ;; V. the title, hence there is no delay in closing the loan. Make • • your application to-day if you want money, and we will in- I! spect it to-morrow, examine the title the next day, and give ;; ;; you the money on the third day. .We can lend you any amount from SBOO up to as large amount as you like. Give !! !I you five years to pay same it vou so desire, or you can pay ” ” off loan sooner, in whole or in part, if you like, before it becomes due, and interest will stop on amount paid. Why !! ” ask your neighbor to endorse for you and pay more than 8 ;; ” per cent, for money at banks when we can give you a better • • rate of interest and a longer time? We lend money cheaper than any loan company in Toombs or adjoining counties, " and we ask that you compare their rates with ours. •• We make loans every day. Why not make you one? !! !! We perfect your title, which is worth money to you. We || ;; obtained this money so we could close the loan quickly and • • would not have to wait to have same passed on by a loan inspector. If you want money, write or come to see tie. |* LYONS LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO., •• Aaron Building, Lyons, Ga. ” H. L. Lankford, Mgr. G. W. Lankford, Att’y. f THE DRUG STORE"} WHRE IT PAYS TO BUY! i; Come and Look Over Our Line. t ' Always Something New! Special line of Soaps, Powders, Perfumes and Toilet d <» Articles, which we are offering at a price that would pay !! <> you to come and look over before buying. We carry a line of Drugs that can only be had from !! J first-class Drug Stores. We solicit your patronage, and guarantee our goods. d We are always offering goods that help you as well as our- d j 4 selves. ° New Lyons Pharmacy, ii ;; The Old Express Office Stand. !> hi FOLLOW THE PROCESSION | :: If You Want :: j» :: i j Repair Work of any Kind, or Horse-Shoeing ;; Done as it Should he Done. <> | I I John Durst & Co., | | Wheellwrights, Blacksmiths, i: | and Horseshoers, LYONS, GA.