The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, April 28, 1911, Image 2

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801 l Weevil vs Birds. Experts tell us thut in a very short time the boll weevil will be with U 9 and while we have only be come acquainted with this pe3t in the last few years, yet we are told by scientists that the weevil has been in existence f»r a consider able time. The ravages of this insect in the cotton fields of the South is be coming greater each year and un less something is done to stop it's depredations it will seriously cur tail the production of cotton in this country. It is asserted by a good authority that the cause of the increase of this insect is that the destruction of the birds has left no enemy to prev upon it therefore it can multiply without hindrance. The birds are becomming more scarce each year and with their disappearance insects are bound to increase. All birds are natural enemies to insects and if they are killed out entirely the farming in terest will be at their mercy. Certain kinds of birds are kill- ed ruthlessly as being enemies to farmers as they destroy some of the grains that are planted, but even this kind does more good than harm, white njany birds are killed from wantonness. Doubtless it would be of vast benefit to the farmers of the count ry at large if no birds were killed of any kind for the next tell years, not only would it be a pleasure to be able to see them but tho num ber of insectß destroyed by them would more than pay for the dam age done by them. Societies are being organized to protect certain species and these are doing a great deal of good. If every community would have such an organization incredible work could be done.—Ex. Uyops, R. P- D Ms. ?• Say, Cleo, what has become of M. F. and H, Q, M Aurhv: sOll an d wife went over iC uyons Saturday. Wonder which is going to win the race at F. O Stone’s? Eli or Carl. R. L. Wrenn and wife visit d relatives near Collins last Satur day night. Cold weather is with us again. It makes us wish for the ‘good old summer time Little Miss Lucille Moore, of Lyons, spent Sunday at the home of her grandparents. Misses Alwilda Anderson and Nancv Franklin were in Lyons a few hours last Thursday Mrs J. C. Anderson is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Wrenn.near Collins,.who is very sick. Some of our little girlt lire look ing lonely these days, somebody must have bad a quarrel lately. J. I. Anderson and wife, went over to visit relatives nearStill more last Saturday and Sunday Dan Anderson and wife from Ohoopee, visited at the home of his brother, J. C. Anderson, Sun day. D. D Moore and wife and lit tle Lucille visited friends and relatives in this section last Sun day. S. C. Moseley and Miss Lee Mc- Dildea were out driving a few days a£o. Wonder if that means cake? H P. Moore was ‘‘making eyes’’ at four girls at the time last Sun day evening. H. P. says he is a lucky fellow. * Guess Who. Lnglish Eddy School. The following pupils of the above named school deservesspee- ial mention for the excellent show ing made. Below will be found their general average: Eighth grade—Maggie Mann, US; Gertude Mann, 98; Will Ches ter. 97; Sixth grade—Curtis Mann, 98: Herman Mann, 98; Alma Par ton, 96; Fifth grade—Wheeler Mann.9B; Nannie Mann. 98; Marv McMann, 98; Estel Brmt.son, 97; Willie Part on. 98; Third grad'—Lottie Briutson, 97 :O! ie Ch* stoi. 97 ; Seountl gr'iiie —Ulabelse Pari on. 99; i .eon Olavton. 99; Martin Chester. 99; .1 T Dix. 9S Elsie Liiizendine. Teacher. Peace may be hovering over Mexico, but it shows no strong in clination to light. Just as “Seeing is BelLving ” Just a> out a week ago some thing happened in the far interior of the c > that we waned to know about, ana wanted to know about quick at that. And just then is when we appreciated sub stuntia'ly of how much value id the farmers’ line telephone . Not only were we able to get just the right party wanted, but we were abte to get several parties, and we obtained all the information desir ed. So we have reached the con clusion that if the farmers’ line telephone is of benefit to us, bow much more it must benefit the furmers, who want to get, not us, but the business establishments in the city, or a physician, perhaps, five or ten miles away. In return this benefits that business house and thut doctor. That is the cold business proposition, and not the social side of it, and yet there must be lots of comfort in Know ing i hat you can call up a neigh bor at any time, and there must be lotßi>f pleasure for wives to be so neighborly as to call up each other. We were not skeptical before of the merits of the farmers, line tel ephone, and we knew' that its ben efits were not theoretical, but practical, and we were not doubt ful of hear say evidence, but “as seeing is believing,” why so is actually being benefited better than hearing your friend talk abc ut what, has helped them. The sectinh around Lyons has made steady and rapid ad vances within the past 7 or 8 months in connecting-up farmer's lines, ai d the work haß only just begun, so to speak. Folks in the country are beginning to arouse themselves to the advantages of haying telephone lines, and the city people are finding it to then . advantage to co-operate in every S'3V possible. A High tirade Blood Purifier. Go to New' Lyons Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). It will purify and enrich your blood and imild up your weakened, brokendown sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure blood diseases and skin ru mors, such as Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating > < Syphilitic Blood Poison, * Catarrih, Eczema, Itching Humors, Bone Pains, Pimples, Old oores, Scrofula or Kernals, Superating Sores, Boils, Car buncles, B. B. B. cures all these blood troubles by killing pois on humor and expelling it from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this — therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails. $i per bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. A Warning, To protect the people of this county. Beware of those men who for the sake of gaining your confi dence, come to your towns claim ing to be eye-sight, specialists per manently located in business in Savannah; such statements are positively untrue. lam the only one established in Savannah who makes these towns, which you all know by reading the papers of Sa vannah and also your county For any eve troubles or glasses consult me «9 you all know my work to be Veliable. If you wish to know of my next visit to your town, drop tne a postal, you will get immediate reply. Yours for good eye-sight, I Dr. J. E Masrow. Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, t rengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. THE LYONS PROGRESS, APRIL 28, iyil. : 1 Big Sacrifice Sale Continues! j ®. ; I Owing to the bad weather all last week we X | have decided to continue THE SALE SIX DAYS J longer to let the people come in. Bargains in All Departments l > | ♦ We almost allow you to walk in, pickout th ♦ ♦ goods you want, name the price you want to pay, f t and they are yours. How can we do more? + i ♦ t j Come Early and Make Selection l 4 | | and get the benefit of the great bargains offered. T : The stock must be sold. 4 i t j | Lyons Bargain Store £- i i Can You Furnish Team and Wagon? Wanted—Responsible young men. who are able to furnish team and wagon, to sell on commis sion to farmers, the best line of household necessities, for the oldest, largest and most re sponsible company of the kind in the world. About two thousand salesmen now working, earning on the average over SIOO per month net. clear of all expenses. Net earning of best men. over S3OO per month. Two million farmers now using these thoroughly advertis ed goods. Established 1868. Capital $2,000,000. Address.—The J R. Watkins Co. 7o West lowa Ave.. Memphis. Tenn. Electric! Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. obtained in ■ ■ all countries, or no fee. We obtain PATENTS M H xhAT PAY, advertise them thorn uglily, at our H I Ssmd model photo or sketch for FREE report I 3 PASSING REFERENCES. free Guide g I 503-505 Seventh Street, | I WASHINGTON, O- C. I fchAAiif i 60 YEARS' jAjggKfj^^^^EXPERiENCE Trade Marks Copyrights &c. Anvone sending n sketch and description may nutckly ascertain our opinion free whetner an , invention is probnbly patentable. Communica. tions strlctly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency forisecuring patents. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive special notice , without clmraro, iu tao Scientific American. A handsomely illnstrated weekly. Largest cir culation of un» scientific journal, f orms, 13 a year: four months, 11. Bold by alll nowsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36IBroad " a> - New York Branch Office. 625 F PU Washington. D. C. “Once a Year” is as often as you need buy a pair of Work Shoes if you call for “Once Sr a Year” Red Seal Shoes. Made by the J. K. Orr Shoe Co., Atlanta. They sell for three fifty and wear like seven. J. K. ORR SHOE CO., ATLANTA I Failed in “My mother died six years ago,” writes Miss Ruth i| V f ?rd, of Jerseyville, 111., and left me to care for six fl children. I had never been strong; and this, with the shock fl U of her death, was too much for me. “I failed in health. I was tired all the time and did H not want to go anywhere, nor care for company. 1 had If the headache all the time and such bearing-down pains. “A very dear friend advised me to take Cardui, as it H had done her so much good, so 1 commenced to use it ! H and now 1 am in good health.” Us CARDUI 1 The Woman’s Tonic j| Women’s pains are relieved or prevented and women’s N m strength is quickly restored, by Cardui, the woman’s tonic. || You yourself know best if you need it, or not. If you do need it, do not delay, but commence to use m H it at once. Every day of delay, only lets you slide further || gs down the hill. Don’t wait, then, but begin to take Cardui today, for its m || use, no matter how prolonged, cannot harm you and will p fl surely do you good. Write to: Ladies’ Advisory Dept..'Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn., PJ for Special Instructions, and book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent free. Advertise in The Progress | v and Give us Your Printing, N