The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, May 12, 1911, Image 2

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Where is Your Boy Tonight? After the alludes of evening have fallen and the stilly night has covered the world with her mantle of darkness, how many parents could a:.B\ver this question, “Where is your boy tonight." Some parents could answer, some think that they could, but the vast majority could only haz ard a guess. The graveyards contain the dust and hell the souls of many boys who would have made useful citi zens if their parents had exercised more care and kept them in reach at night. The jails and penitentiury con tain broken and ruined men who, if they had been properly trained and properly supervised in the formative period of their exist ence, would now fco honored men instead of disgraced slaves. It is nothing short of criminal for parents to allow their children to roftip the Streets at night and to be always gadding about the busi ness section in the day time. They cannot expect to raise up true and honorable men when ttare is no espionage of the boys. There are many criminals who can testify to the truth of the statement that the neglect of their parents caused their ruin. Hereditary taint may be traced in many of those who wear the shackles, but environment has more to do with shaping the lives of those who become criminal in their tendencies than bad blood . The boy who is not kept under restraint, who is always allowed the freedom of the street, who chooses his own company, who oftentimes hears the vilest of lan guage and associates with the vil est of companions will come to grief surely. If he does not it will be nothing short of miraculous. Some wise man has said that all people are born with a depraved nature and that training and care ful training at that is needed to run out the evil and allow the good to predominate. If this statement is true, how much more important it is that there should be a more rigid supervision of the boys of the land. The hope of the country is in posterity. The world must grow better instead of worse. Parents who do not try to make better men and women of their children than they are fail to measure up to the responsibility imposed upon them when they were allowed to have children. The parents who leave the rear ing of their boys to chance, who see them only at mealtime, who prefer that they roam the streets rather than to remain at home and disturb them with noise; who ask noquestiens concerning the length of the stay or the place visited ; who delude themselves with the idea that their boy can do no harm peed not be lie surprised at any time to find that instead of an up right citizen being given to the world, a depraved und degenerate wretch is the result.—Dublin Courier Dispatch. A Warning To protect the people of this county. Beware of those men who for the sake of gaining your confi dence, come to your towns claim ing to be eve-sight, specialists per manently located in business in Savannah; such statements are positively untrue. lam the only one established in Savannah who makes these towns, which you all know by reading the papers of Sa vannah and also your county For any eye troubles or glasses consult me as you all know my work to be reliable. If you wish to know of my next visit to your town, drop me a postal, yon will get immediate reply. Yours for good eve-sight, Dr. J. E Masrow. Do Ghosts haunt Swamps? No, never, it is foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bavous, and lowlands These are malaria germs that cause ague, chi Is and fever, weakness, aches in the lames and muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit ters destroys and casts out these viei. us germs from the blood. “Three bottles drove all the ma laria from my system,’’wrote Win. Fretwe 1. of Lucama, N C., “and I’ve had line health ever since.” Use this safe, sure remedy only 50 cents at Brown-Odom Drug Co. Saved Child From Death. “After iur child had suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year.” wrote Mrs G. T. Rich ardson’ of Richardson’s Mill, Ala , “we feared it had had a bad cough all the time. We tried many remedies without avail, and doctor’s medicine seemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. King’s New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle ef fected a complete cure, and our child is again strongand healthy.” For coughs, cold, hoarseness, la grippe," asthma, croup and sore lungs, its the most infallible rem edy thats made Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by BrowQ-Od'im Drug Co. Futhers and husbands have oc casion to remember Easter a long time. Especially if it isn’t conven ient to pay up for a long time. Warning to Railroad Men. E. S. Bacon, 11 Bast. St.< Bath, Me., sends out this warning to railroad, my work caused a chronic niflamation of the kidneys, and I was miserable and all played out. A friend advised Foley’s Kidney Pills and from the day I commenc ed taking them, I began to regain my strength The inflamation cleared and I am far better than I have been for twenty years. The weakness and dizzy spells are a thing of the past and I highly re commend Foley's Kidney Pills. 1 I. E. Aaron Drug Co. That Chicago lawgiver who wants to legislate against the har em skirt must never have tripped over a fair woman’s train. Foley’s Kidney Remedy Acted Quickly M. N. George, Iroudale, Ala , was bothered with kidney trouble for many years. “I was persuad ed to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel it’s beneficial effects The pain .’eft my back, mv kidney action cleared up and 1 am so much better I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kidney Remedy. I. E. Aaron Drug Co. “It has been found that radium will kill a cat.’’ But drown ing is cheaper. It Startled The World when the astonishing claims werc tirst made for Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonder ful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds,Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Eczema,Chap ped hands, Fever sores and Piles. Only 25c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. “Man wants but little here be low.” The poet didn’t mention women. Foley’s Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help you to rid yourself of your dragging backache dull headache, nervousness, im paired eyesight, and all of the ills, resulting from the impaired action of your kidneys and bladder. Re member it is Floey’s Kidney Pills that do this. I. E. Aaron Drug Co, WE ARE IN THE Real Estate BUSINESS. Ist. For the Benefit of Lyons. 2nd. For the benefit of Toombs jCounty. 3rd. For the benefit of ourselves If you wish to buy a nice Lot in Lyons, either to improve or for investment, call on us. If you wish to sell your house or your Lyons property, then come to see us anyhow, because Mr. wants to buy it. If you wish to buy a farm in Toombs County, let us show you what we have. We have newcomers in our office very day, wishing to purchase \nd in Toombs County. So if vou wish to sell your farm or lands, then list it with us. Williams Really to. Toombs County Bank Bldg., Lyons, Ga. HE LYONS PllOvjßh>S, MAY 12, lt)li. | « * X T ! Groceeies f Y Y Y Y Y Y % I | HEADQUARTERS!! I T ± Y Y Y Y v I Everything GOOD I Y Y Y T Y X Y —at the — v $■ ' $ X 7 I PARLOR GROCERY, f | I see for yourself. $ ± i x I R. S. WILLSON, Mgr. \ | I HSreTTT- Series. ’ i;: j Our Bank Statement Explained. I£To- 3. i: :: <* v , LIABILITIES. - | ° This term is always used in connection with financial statements- 3* ; ■ of condition, whether the same relate to individuals, firms or corpo- ] Z “ rations. A man is liable for what he owes. His debts are Liabili* “ ties 3* “ In most financial statements the Resourses (explained in card No. 3 3 “ 2 of this series) just equal the Liabilities, the items composing each 3 3. “ totalling alike. This, iiowever, is for convenience, and does not tell 33' “ the whole story. The explanation lies in relation of Stockholders to ’1 “ Depositors, the latter being protected Creditors. When a bank’s- VI “ affairs are liquidated (wound up or Closed out.) no Stockholder, as X “ such, can receive a dollar until the Depositors have been paid off in 33 “ full; from which it is apparent that, from the Depositors’ Stand” 33. “ point every sound and well managed bank has a “Surplus to Depos- 33' “ itors” (an excess of Resources over Liabilities,) so to say, equal to V. 33 it’s Capital Stock, Surplus and Undivided Profits. 33 “ Our next card “An Invisible Liability,” will be of special inter- 33 33 est to Depositors. Be sure to read it. 33 % Money to Loan Loans negotiated on first mortgage on improved farms, payable m annual installments. No commis siouncharged on loans. Seven per cent. only. Thos J. Parrish, Attorney, McNutt Building, Lyons. Ga, Ek rPTDIP THE BUST FOR I KIO BILIOUSNESS BITTERS and kidneys. SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE. \rave Lyons —6.2 Ba. m. ) 5.40 i*. m ( For Savannah, Ga., and Points Beyond. 10(K)a. m. / For Helena, Cordele, Americus, MoiH; 7.50 P. m gornery, and points beyond. JL For information and reservations, call on nearest Ticket Agent, Seaboard Air Line, or write R. H. Stansell, A. G. P. A.,^S C B. Ryan, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. Savannah, Ga