The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, July 14, 1911, Image 2

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The Lyons Progress L. W. MOORE. Manager. Published Every Friday at SI.OO Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Local Notices, scts per line each issue. | Kates for display furnished on application. Entered at the Postoffice at Lyons, Ga.. as Second Class mail matter. LYONS CHURCHES. Primitive Baptist —Preaching at the church 1 1-4 miles south east of Lyons, on the third Sabbath and the Satur day before Methodist —Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. in. and K p. m. Except third Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Prayer meet ing Wednesday nights. Rev. N. T. Paf ford. Pastor. Baptist —Preaching at the Baptist Church every first and third Sunday in each month, morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Thursday even ing at 7 o’clock. Y. W. A.’s meet ev ery Monday evening at 7 o’clock. W. M. Society, first Monday after third Sunday in each month, 3 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday morning. J. W. Kytle, Pastor. THE FREAKISH WIND. Pranks It Has Played With Smoke, Dust and Grain. During a volcanic eruption in the Hawaiian Islands the smoke rose to a height of between five and six miles and then drifted away to the northeast. At a distance of GOO miles it settled on the surface of the sea and was then carried back by the northeast wind to its place of origin, where it arrived a fort night after its original departure and covered the entire group of is lands with its heavy pall. Not long ago a steamer was on her way, along the north African coast from Asia to England and had entered the Galita channel between the island of that name and the coast of Tunis when a fine dust be gan to darken the air and soon afterward to fall on deck. Some of this dust was collected and subject ed to chemical analysis in Europe. Its constituents proved that it had been carried high in the air from the Sahara desert and had finally dropped into the Mediterranean. More extraordinary still was a dust shower that fell in Hungary some years ago. Analysis showed that this dust was identical with the sediment of the Nile. The dust was believed to have been brought by the wind all the way from Egypt, a pretty long journey for a shower of that description to accomplish. It must have been a high wind indeed that brought a shower of wheat on one occasion to the vil lagers in a place on the southern coast of Spain. The wheat fell like rain. There were so many witnesses of the occurrence that it was impos sible to doubt that it had appeared. But for some months it could not be accounted for. Then came the other side of the story. It was learned that shortly before this fall of wheat some farm ers near the northern coast of Mo rocco had been thrashing wheat with flails when suddenly a tornado swept over the ground and carried all the wheat and chaff on the thrashing cloth into the air. The cloth was swept away by the storm; and the farmers fell to the ground, | but were not injured. When the storm had passed they were horri fied at discovering that the result of their labors had totally disap peared. There seemed little doubt that the wheat that fell in Spain was that which belonged to the Mo roccan fanners. It had been blown clear across the Mediterranean. — Pittsburg Post. His Defense. llow sweet is the innocence of childhood! Tommy Jones, aged seven, and his mother were invited to tea by Mrs. Brinks. While the meal was being prepared Mrs. Jones wander ed about the two yard square gar den and admired the weeds. Presently the absence of her cherished Tommy alarmed her, but shortly the truant reappeared con tentedly munching a huge slab of cake. In her relief, as is usual, Mis. Jones began to upbraid the lad. “Thomas/’ she said, “I’m afraid ; you’ve been greedy gnd asked kind , Mrs. Brinks for that cake.” But*the boy faced her fearlessly. i “Oh, no, mother,” he replied, “I i wouldn’t be so rude! I waited till i she turned her back; then I snatch ed a piece!”—London Mail. Local Firm Will Continue Valuable Agency Brown Odom Drug Co., of this citv have just closad a deal where by thev will continue to be agents j for ZEMO —the well known reme-J dy for Eczema, Dandruff, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. The extraordinary leap that this clean liquid external treatment for skin affections into pub lic favor in the last fewyears proves its wonderful curative properties and makes it indeed a valuable ad dition cc the fine stock of remedial agents carried by the Brown Odom Drug Co. They have a limited supply of samples One of which will be given free to any skin suff erer who wishes to test the merit of the medicine A booklet 44 How To Preserve The Skin,” will also be given to those interested The people of Chicago huve just been given a million Bibles. We expect that is better than sending Bibles to China and having those almond-eyed devils make them in to firecrackers and sell them back to us. —Journal. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. \ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that 6aid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. ISB6. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notray Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold dy all Druggists. 75c Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation- It is strange that some men think there is no importance at tached to the word of a person un less he or she is a member of their religious denomination or secret order. Parson’s Poem A Gem. From Rev. H. Stubenvoll. Alliston,la., in praise of Dr. King's New Life Pills “They’re such a health necessity, In every home these pills should be if other kinds you’ve tried in vain’ USE DR. KING’S And be well again, only 2,5 c at Brown-Odom Drug Co. cares These are the shells that have won every interstate handicap for the last two years. Better pattern, better penetra tion, greater velocity for the same load! The shell is stronger, surer, safer I , For all shotguns. RemingtOnrUMC -the perfect shooting combination. Remingtcm Armt-Union Metallic - Money to Loan ■ ■ ■■ " ■ i. ■ Loans negotiated on first mortgage on improved farms, payable in annual installments. No commis sion charged on loans. Seven per cent. only. Thos J. Parrish, Attorney, McNatt Building, Lyons, Ga. HE LYONS PKOGKKmt'. JULY 14, lull- j Shoes of Quality Made to Wear \ + We are Exclusive Agents for ♦ ♦ the Celebrated J ♦ Peters Shoe Co. . „ „ , ♦ 1/ is Peters sh ° es 1 | HgiPfr MEN AND WOMEN, | f , .it -Peters Shoe Co. *■ 4- They are not so high in price but they “11 / WejMk sr iov,s - 4 X are MADE OF SOLID LEATHER -IvMyL— l give good service and they are stylish* ♦ ♦ on the local market. X Ask the lady or gentleman who have worn a PETERS SHOE 4 and they will tell you* 4 Dry Goods, Notions, Farm Supplies, Clothing and Groceries. Everything new and fresh and + our prices are made so that’we get only a living proft. We ask a share of trade. | R. W. Lilliott & Bro., * + Successors to ODOM & COURSEY. I Gave Up Hope I “1 suffered five years, with awful pains, due to woman- B j ly troubles,” writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad- B I bourn, N. C. “They grew worse, till 1 would often faint B I I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting in my I I side; also a headache and a backache. I gave up and thought 1 would die, but my husband < { urged "me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle B j helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, 1 could H 1 do all my work. All the people around here said I would H I die, but Cardui relieved me." ICardu i WcmanSTonic I jR For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving Q woman’s sufferings, and making weak women strong and WB T*l well. During this time, thousands of women have written, Ng like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results gl I they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic H I remedy for women. Cardui strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre- Kg I vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles, ill / If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. /I Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., Sgi I for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, “Home Treatment for Women, ” aent free. J 49 *8 Dollar a Pair Saved in the Wear j • That’s what folks say of j > RED SEAL SHOES |; MADE IN GEORGIA j , Kind Res Oueen Bess I ts: Aanes Scott 5» Made only bv J. K. ORR rHCL CO., ATLANTA - ■ ■ 11 — j For Results Advertise in The Lyons Progress Foleys Orinolaxal) For Stomach Trouble and .Constipat^* Bucklen’s Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. ■ and TRADE-MARKS promptly obtaimTinß ■ ail countries, or no fee. We obtain PATE NTS ■ ■ THAT PAY, advertise them thoroughly, at our ■ ■ expense, and help you to success, .«•», p 9 Send model, photo or sketch for FREE report ■ Bon patentability. 20 years’ practice. SUR*I ■ PASSING REFERENCES. For free Guide ■ ■ Book on Profitable Patents write to H 503-505 Seventh Street. I Foley’s Kidney Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright’s Disease or Dia betes. 50. and SI.OO bottlefe