The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, August 18, 1911, Image 2

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A Wise Parent Resolves About Her School. 1. I reßolve to bop only the good points in my child's teacher and to speak about them to her and others. 2 I resolve to think always that the teacher is trying to do her best, 8. I resolve not to criticise the teacher 1n the presence of my children or others. 4. I resolve to make my home conditions as favorable as possible for the physical, mental, moral well-being of my children. 5. I resolve to visit the school as often as possible, that the teach er may be assured of my interest in her and in the well-being of the pupils. C. I resolve that if I feel posi tive that the teacher is using un wise methods with my children, 1 will have a friendly talk with her about the matter before refer ring it to higher authority. 7. I resolve to find out what my boy’s associations are: whether or not they are helpful, whether he is being led into bad habits, whe ther he is smoking cigarettes or using tobacco in any form. 8. I resolve to make gentle en forcement of obedience to wise rules a vital principle in order that the home and school may work in harmony.—Progressive Farmer. From all parts of our territory c >me in reports of educational progress. The community that is not advancing is the exception. We must not make the great mis take, however, of concluding that the work is done, or that we can afford to rest from our laborers was never greater or more insistent than at present. Engaged man—Love, me? Why she actually counts the kisses I give her. Cynical friend —That is bad. She may keep it up after the marriage.—Boston Transcript. Kate —Maude is married and she doesn’t know the first thing about housekeeping. Alice—Yes, she does: the first thing is to get a husband to keep house for. The per capita annual produc of lumber in this country is now approximately 500 board feet, was probably a little greater in 1907. | LYONS HIGH SCHOOL f f f V V Has been placed on the list of accredited High Schools of the State. ♦♦♦ ❖ A competent and experienced Faculty for each Department, including Music and JL+ X. Elocution. i - i | Fall Term Begins Sept. 4th, 1911. <£♦ —— 4» For Catalogue or further information, apply to 4* R. M. > IONTS, Principal, f *l* Or, \V. C. OLIVER, Sec. and Treas. of Trustees. 1 V I Dressed Lumber. J <> " " 1 "' <• lam opening up a Lumber Yard in Vidalia, and 11 t will be prepared to fill promptly all ;; I orders for any amount of the ;; ♦ following dressed lumber 11 I in All Grades : ;; : Weatherboarding, Flooring, Ceiling, :: | Boxing, Shingles, Lath. Brick, Lime. ■■ I Special prices on car lots. 11 | Inquiries answered promptly. ;; I Call on Mr. Graham, at Bank of Vidalia. 11 ♦ ________ ♦ | J. Frank Darby, | : VIDALIA GA. i Pet tion For Incorporation. Georgia— AupliDg County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of C W Brazzell, E J Giles. F M Smith. A M Moses, S B Meadows. W C Oliver. G W Lankford. W P C Smith, of Toombs Coun ty. and C W Melton, J A Bell, J W Tippins. W H Rogers, Ed Jarman. D D Gilmore. J P Highsmith. J H GoodmaD.G F Melton, and C H Parker, of Appling County respectfully shows. First:—That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be come incorporated under the name and style of The Altamaha Highway Bridge Company." Second —The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years with privi lege of renewal at the end of that time. Third The capital stock of the corporation i 6 to be #30,000.00 divided into shares of #25 each. Petitioners, however, desire the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time to time, upom a majority vote of the directors, to not exceeding in aggregate #50.000.00. Fourth:—The purpose and intention of said proposed corporation is to construct a bridge across the Altamaha River between the coun ties of Appling and Toombs, and to thereafter own and operate the same as a toll bridge, to said end, petitioners desire the privilege of leasing, buying or otherwise acquiring and holding all such real estate, right-of-way and approaches as may be necessary to the proper construction and operation of said toll bridge, to buy. sell, own or lease all such material and machinery as may be necessary in the con st; uction, maintenance and operation of said bridge, to let and enter into such contracts and obligations and employ such engineers and other employees as may be necessary in the construction and operation of said bridge, to issue bonds and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual and necessary acts which may pertain or be in any way connected with the Lusiness of constructing, operating and maintaining of said bridge, and the operation of a toll bridge. The object of the proposed corporation is primarily the developement of good roads, the more rapid developement and increased pros perity of all of South, South-east and South west Georgia, the bringing together in close association the great section of country lying north and south of the Altamaha River, the re moving of the one great barrier to the devel opement to follow from the "Round the State Good Roads Tour,” and affording of a more convenient means of travel to all of said sec said State and Nation,andincidentally such pecuniary profit and gain as may flow to its stockholders. Fifth:—The principle office of the proposed corporation will be in the City of Baxley, or the city of Lyons, as may be determined by the directors, Whereas, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid entitled to all the rights, privileges and immun ities and subject to all liabilities tixed by law. E J. Giles J. P. Highhmith. Attys. for Petitioners. Georgia—Appling County. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a petition for incorpora tion this day filled in my office. This July 18th, 1911. I ba Leggett. Clerk S. C.. A. C. Ga, Lible for Divorce. In Toombs Superior Court, August Term 1911. Maud Brown vs Joe Brown—Libel for divorce. To Joe Brown, defendent: The defendant, Joe Brown, in the above stated case, is here by notified and required to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for the county of Toombs, State of Georgia, on the third Monday in Aug. 1911, to answer the libel for divorce in the said case, in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. B. T. Rawlings. Judge of said Superior Court, this Ist day of June, 1911 P. S. Hagan, Clerk of S. C. Toombs County, Ga. Special Notice. GEORGIA—Toombs County: Know all persons by those present, that my wife, Laura Elliott, has voluntarily abandon ed and separated herself from me. without any cause on my part, hence I will not be held responsible for any debts that she may con tract. nor any necessaries furnished her. This, the Ist day of August. 1911. Phimus Elliott. HE LYONS iTvOGRKtfc, AUGUST 18, 1011 EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Buyer is now in the markets and he is finding things that will inter est every customer* He is studying the styles and shipping to us NEW LINES EVERY DAY, To make room for these new goods we must close out our stock on hand. We have BARGAINS offer and we invite you to come and see for yourself. You can almost name YOUR OWN PRICE in r store now and take the goods. It will pay YOU to call at the LYONS BARGAIN STORE, SIMON LEVIN, Manager. ——M— au^——■ - ... ■ ... . . l Shoes of Quality Made to Wear I X T X We are Exclusive Agents for t ♦ the Celebrated t ♦■■ - t ftADE FOR. US BY Y ♦ Peters Shoe Co. f i kiHLji Peters’ Shoes j l MEN AND WOMEN, t ♦ ’j" 111 X ffADt. fOR L X They are not so high in price but they tare MADE OF SOLID LEATHER ,\\. _ X give good service and they are stylish* t t In fact they are the best value in Shoes t + on the local market* \ t Ask the lady or gentleman who have worn a PETERS SHOE X t and they will tell you* X t f + Dry Goods, Notions. Farm Supplies, Clothing and Groceries. Everything new and fresh and + our prices are made so that we get only a living proft. We ask a share of trade. I R. W. Lilliott & Bro., t J Successors to ODOM & COURSEY.