The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, January 26, 1912, Image 1

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THE LYONS PROGRESS. Vol. 9. No. 2. q LOCAL ITEMS 5 or 6 doses of “606” will cure any case of chills and fever. Price 25 cents. Lester O’Neal, of Uvalda, was in the city the first of the week on a short business trip. Leap Year parties are now in order and we understand that sev eral have been planned for Lyons. P. H. Patrick is again quite sick and on Wednesday evening he went to SavannaH* for treatment. We hope he will soon be well again. Lost —Somewhere on the road between J. W. O’Neal’s home and Lyons, a man’s saddle. Finder will please notify G. W. Wombles, Lyons, Ga. W. C. Oliver is on the sick list and was not able to go out Wed nesday. We hope that, his illness is not serious and he will soon be all right again. Services at the Methodist church Sunday and the public generally is invited to attend. Rev. Cook preaches regularly on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and he is real in tereting. Mrs Alden Odom gave a recep tion on Friday night of last week in honor of her visitors. It was a pleasant occasion, and those for tunate enough to be present seem ed to enjoy it. Miss Minnie Williams, we hear, is under the care of physicians in Savannah and Mrs. Williams went down to be with her the first of the week. We certainly hope that she will soon recover. Dr. Aaron attended a meeting of ’.he W. A . &L. Board of Di rectors at Dublin Wednesday and that things in connection Wh the road look all right since a new Board has been elected. Visitors are now coming to Lv jons in numbers but the people visited dont think pnough of their visits to give them to the Progress for publication We want the news and will be glad to have anything sent in. Strayed—From my home on Friday morning last a black gilt, marked with swallow fork in right ear. Would weigh 60 or 70 lbs., was in good condition. Reward for information as to her where abouts. Notify Martin Nobles, Lyons, Ga. The fertilizer agent is now turn ed loose and he is hunting around the farmers for orders. The thing to do is to use home made guano, buy the acid and mix it to Buit yourself. It is the best in the long run and you know what you are getting. “Mr. W. P. Bowen, a good old Toombs county citizen living a mile or so north of Lyons, has sold out his holdings and he mov ed his family this week to near Alma. We were sorry to give up this good family but we wish them well in their new home. Hunter Pearce & Battey, the substantial, reliable, aud wide awake Factors, of Savannah, offer you the same excellent service that has covinced many of the benefits of marketing cotton hrough them. Until you have tried them, perhaps you are neg lecting an opportunity to realize more for your cotton than hereto fore. They respectfully solicit your consignment. Shad fishing will soon be in or der and we are longing for owe of L»fise fine Altamaha river shad. jQfiplnint is already being made that the Ohoopee is being hedged away down near the mouth and as a consequence the shad cant get up that river. The deputy game wardens for both Tattnall and Toombs should look out for these hedgers. It is a violation of the law and should be stopped. R. E. Lee’s Birthday. Last. Friday, the birthday of Robert E. Lee, was fittingly cele brated in Lyons bv an entertain ment at the Opera House where Crosses of Honor were delivered to many of the old veterans, and a splendid program was rendered The entertuinment was under the auspices of the local Chapter, U. D C., and the ladieß spared no pains 'or expense to make their guests enjoy the occasion. Prof. R. M. Monts was the orator of the occasion and he made a splendid address. Mrs. Everlyn presented the Crosses in her usual good way/ Miss deLuth Williams read a splendid selection, and the quar ’ette, Messrs. Des Gray, Austus Mosely, Steve Purvis and Lester Findley, sang two very fine selec tions. After the entertainment at the Opera House the old veterans and a few friends were invited to the handsome dining room of the New Lyons Hotel, where a sump tuous dinner had been prepared by Mine Host Goddard. It was a splendid menu that was set before the old fellows and every one of them expressed pleasure at such excellent treatment. The day generally was not so very pleasant and as a consequence several of t he old veterans could not get out. Those who did brave the weather. • however, were well taken care of and this day will be one long to he remembered by them. Every de tail of the entertainment was per fect and the ladies of the U .D.C ’s are to be congratulated. A Pleasant Reception. Last Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Fuiton Smith entertained hand somely quite a uumber of the la dies of Lyons, the occasion being in honor of her sister, Mrs. Nell Griffin, of Atlanta, who is here with her two livin' boys on a visit, also Mrs. Ray Loving, of Dublin, who was here to spend a da’’ or so The entire first floor of this handsome colonial home was decor ated in Christmas colors, red and green. Many potted plants were scattered all over the place, the effect was truly beautiful. The guests, over half tne good ladies of the city, were entertained with both vocal and instrumental mus ic, and during the evening a deli cious and refreshing salad course was served in the most artistic style. Beautiful costumes were seen on all sides, the guest of honor being most charming in a suit of black chprmuese satin veiled with gren adine and trimmed with silk fringe. The reception was a grand suc cess from the beginning to the end, and the ladies who were pres ent are loud in their praise of Mrs. Smith’s hospitality. A splendid piece of business property in the growing city of Vidalia is to be sold by Sheriff Thompson at the court house on the next sales day. This lot is just north of the First National Bank building and the buyer will have the use of the bank wall. It has a good frontage on Mclntosh street, one of the business streets of the city and has a good depth as well. The lot is levied upon as the property of M. A. aud A. A Gordon and it is a splendid loca tion for any kind of a business. It should certainly bring a fancy price at the sale. I)r. Aaron has lost two fine lap robes lately and he is anxious to get them back. One was lost just before Christmas on the road south of Lyons and another was lost last Sunday between Swift and Pendleton creeks on the long bridge road. They were black on one side and colored on the other. Finders will please notify Dr. I.E. Aaron, Lyons, Ga. Strayed-—From my home on Tuesday night, on® red horse mule about four years old weighing about 850 or 900 lbs. Reward for information leading to its recov ery. Address C. A. Tharpe, Ly ons, Georgia. Official Organ of Toombs County and the Town of Lyons. LYONS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1912. Additional Locals. Mrs. A. S. Odom and her two sisters were in Vidalia the first of visiting friends. John D. Howell and his charm ing wife, from up above Lyons, were in the city a few hours Wed nesday morning. Dr. S. F. Howell, of Americus, came down on a hurried trip the first of the week and spent a day or so out with liis mother He re turned to Americus Wednesday morning. Anderson Huggins went to Ala mo the first of the week. He has taken a contract to erect two brick buildings at Alamo and he was up there making arrangements to start the work. The city election is only a few days off and the registration books will close Saturday. Every citizen who has not registered should at tend to that important duty be fore the books close. Dr. Boniar has had his Case au tomobile entirely rebuilt by an expert from the Case works and it now runs like a new one. The Doctor will have another car also and he is going to do some livery business. V- Shuptrine’s clearance sale is still going on and the prices mark ed are certainly attractive. Shup trine’s line is fine and the fact, that he has cut prices hae brought him many customers from all over the country. F. L. Bowen is about the hap piest man we have in the city this week and it is all becausp he has a fine boy at his home. The little fellow came last Monday night and we are glad to say that moth er and baby are doing fine. Thompson A Co - , t*Xperienc ed automobile repairers of Swains boro, have purchased the Akridge garage and they say they are going to put in a first class repair shoo. The young men seem to know' the business, too and we are satisfied that they will do a good business in Lyons. The local Chapter U. D. C.. will be entertained at the home of Mrs. E M. Wimberly on Friday, Tan 26th, at. 3 o’clock p. m. An interesting program has been ar ranged for the occasion. The Chapter will study the life and character of Robert E. Lee. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance. Have you any news, tell the ed itor and he will serve it in a la mode. In case you do not happen to meet him. use the telephone or the mail. You will be helping to make your town paper of greater interest and there by serve the general community. Whatever news interests you must surely in terest many others. D. R. McArthur, one of Vidal ia’s good citizens, is out for tax receiv er and his announcement will be found in another column of the Progress today. Mr. McArthur is a solid citizen, well educated and a successful business man. He says in his announcement that he will serve all the peoplo alike if he is elected and he looks like a man that will do exactly what he says. He is a good man and we take pleasure in recommending him to the people of the county. The truest, best and sweetest j type of the girl of today does not come from the home ol wealth. She steps out from the house where is comfort rather than luxury. She belongs to the great middle class —that class which has given us the best wifehood, which has given help-mates to the foremost men of our time; which teaches its daughters the true meaning of love; which teachers the mauners of the drawing room and the practical life of the kitchen as well as teaches its girls the responsi bilities of wifehood and the great ness of motherhood. Sharpe’s Chapel News. The Misses Page called on Miss Josephine Odom Sunday. Misses lien and Lord attended Sunday school at this place Sun day. Miss Ruby Odom visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Watts, Monday. Mackie Odom called on Victor Higgs Sunday night and reported a pleasant time. Messrs. Mackie Odom and Dave Fuller attended preaching at the Primitive church Sunday last. Prayer meeting Sunday night will be at the home of Mr. Ham mond. Every body invited to at tend. Misses Mamie, Sallie and Cora Page attended Sunday school here Sunday and report, a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs B. B. Watts visit ed at the home of Mrs. A. J. Mc- Intyre Sunday and report a very pleasant time. Among those attended prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Booth Sunday night were Misses Mamie, Sallie and Coro Page, Ruby and Josephine Odom and Ruby Booth. Messrs. Makie Odc0&, Victor Higgs, Manning Booth and many others we cant now name. All report a pleasant time. Sunbeam. Oak Ridge. Lonnie Drake called on his best girl Sunday. Judson Anderson spent Sunday with Jack Lane. Jack Lane called on his best girl Saturday night. Grady Cannon took dinner with j his best girl Sunday. Frank McCullough spent Sun day with J. M. Yancey. Quite a large crowd attended preaching at Ohoopee Sunday. Judson Anderson made a busi ness trip to Lyons Saturday. Miss Charlotte Johnson took dinner with Miss Vera Mayo Sun day. Arthur Willis spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folks in Ohoopee. Sorry to sav that Ed Orr has moved to Tattnall. We wish him success in his new home. The leap year party given by Miss Annie Bell Scott last Friday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Sporting Kid. Ohoopee News. Miss Alice .Johnson is visiting her brother at Alamo. Grady Cannon took dinner with Miss Vera Mayo Sunday. - Steve Jarriel, of Ccllins, visited his brother, N. B. Jarriel Sunday. Arthur Willis has returned home after spending several days at Brooklet. Misses Ninnie Cowart and An nie Belle Scott were in Lyons Saturday. Lounie Drake, of near Lyons, visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Meadie Edenfiield, of Marrietta, was here Sunday afternoon and took Miss Lola Meadows back to her school. Arlie Stephens who is attend- I ing school at Mt. Vernon, spent 1 last Saturday and Sunday with < i home folks. Mrs . Susan Johnson has return- 1 ed home after spending sometime with her grand-daughter, Mrs. M. P. Matthews. “Haw Thorn. ” Rev. J. W. Kytle, who has been Pastor of the Baptist church here for the past two years, packed up his household goods and shipped them yesterday and to-day he is leaving with his family for Abbe ville, his new location .Rev. Kytle has made us a good citizen and 1 we are sorry to see him leave. Subscription SI.OO. LOCAL NOTES F. B. Cook is moving this week to Gray’s Landing where he will open his old place of business again. Col. H. H. Elders and his lit tle son, of Reidsville, were in the city Wednesday mingling with old friends. Attend Shuptrine’s sale if you want goods that are goods real cheap. He is making some great cuts in prices. Simon Levine says that he is closing out sure enough and they don't want to move any goods. Go there and see for yourself. Strayed—One brown Jersey cow with heifer calf. Left my home ohout ten days ago. Reward for information leading to her re covery. Geo. B. McLeod, Lyons, Georgia. I have a few good farms yet that have not been let out and the land is fine. Houses are also good. Will let them for sure rent or for share of crop. Address J. L. Sut ton, Elza, Ga. Powers & Moziugo are agents for some of the very best fire insur ance companies in the country and they want the business of our peo ple. This firm should be patron ized and t‘ ose who give them pat ronage will be treated nicely. Rev. Barton, the old colored shoe-maker, has rented the up stairs over the R. S. O’Neal store and he is doing regular shoe re pairing. Barton is a pretty good cobbler, too, and he is getting quite a little work from the citi zens. Dr. J. Q. Clifton has sold his farm and he says that he is now going to devote his entire time to his profession, dentistry. Dr. Clifton is a splendid dentist, too, and the people will he glad to learn that he is to take more in terest in the work. County Game Warden McQueen of Vidalia, was in the city Thurs day and in a talk with the Prog ress man he snid it was his duty to have all persons who kill robins or larks arrested. It is un lawful to kill any kind of a bird now except hawks and read heads, it seems. We take pleasure in calling at tention to the professional card of Dr. J. Q. Clifton. He has had years of experience as a dentist,is considered an expert and he will hereafter give his entire time to this work. We can recommend Dr. Clifton and we are sure that the people will give him practice. Tom Walker, the barber, is do ing his best to serve the shaving public in first class style. He has a new set of barbers now and he says they are the kind that want to work. Tom is all right and if the people will encourage him we will have as good barber shop aB can Ije found in any town in the state the size of Lyons. The only publicly announced candidate for Mayor so far is Dr. Curtis Coleman and he seems anx ious to serve the people of his adopted home for a term as chief executive. We have heard that Judge Rogers would enter the race, but if he has any such intentions he has not mentioned it to the editor. If he should enter the race, however, it would then be come very interesting. Our friend, John Durst carried his wife to Savannah Wednesday night and as soon as she is able to travel she will be carried to the mountains of North Carolina. It is said that Mrs. Durst is suffer ing from tuberculosis and she was so weak that she could hardly walk. We hope the change will be ot benefit to her and that she will soon be in good health again. Mr. Durst has broken up house keeping but he will continue to make Lyons his home.